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Zeki Sanso

The straight forward young man that is more than he appears.

0 · 219 views · located in Magnia

a character in “The Dawning”, as played by I--LiveWire--I


Age: 18
Gender: Male
Power(s): Lie detection, including written lies
Rank: Denro
Side: Sun Defender
School: Magnia
School Title: Student
Master: None

Zeki's tall, thin form and almost nerd-like appearance is something he uses to his advantage all the time. As it masks his true physical strength with that of a pushover. Short white hair and steel colored eyes add to his image. Topped off with glasses he would fit perfectly into the role of boy genius.


Zeki is rather bold and not afraid to speak his mind. He often tells others not to lie to him. Every time someone lies he either says or thinks 'I hate liars.' Zeki uses eloquent speech and carries a sophisticated air about him. He is hardworking and likes to keep himself busy.
Though he has few friends, he has fewer enemies, within the Sun Defenders. The Sun Defenders is his new family and he will aid even the liars when he can.
One of his most prominent quirks is the way that he always seems to be pushing his glasses into place with his middle finger.


Zeki focuses mainly on martial arts, many different styles. Though he always carries at least twenty throwing knives on him at all times. He knows how to use them to, striking with near perfect accuracy even moving targets don't throw off his aim.


Abandoned as baby Zeki was taken in by a single martial arts master. This man became the only family Zeki knew. As Zeki grew older his father taught him martial arts. He learned quickly and trained hard. Though this was a direct result of his lack of friends. Ever since he could remember Zeki could tell when people were lying. It was an off gift to be given but the thing that made him stand out was his insistence that he not be lied to. He hated it when people lied, especially to him. So despite his rather bold personality he had few friends, because not many people could stand him constantly telling them not to lie.
He didn't let it hold him back. He used his frustration to fuel his training. By the time he was 13 he was a black belt. After reaching this far he wanted to gain more power. He took up an interest in throwing knives. Zeki trained hard with knives and before long he was unrivaled in the art of throwing knives, in his city.

The day he turned 17 Zeki's life changed forever. New Dawn fell upon the city, claiming their presence was in peace. They scoured the city and roughly questioned many residents. But when they reached Zeki's home they found a resolute teenager blocking their path. He wasn't going to let this lying scum touch his house no r his father. Being outnumbered at least 30 to 1 he attacked relentlessly. Eventually, after killing almost all of them, he lost out to his injuries. He was then captured and forced to watch as they burned his beloved home, his father still inside. The rage filled sorrow seemed to burn through his body. His was given new strength and he took the remaining members out before wandering out of the city in a daze.
Zeki slowly came back to his normal self with the vow that he would stop the New Dawn's plans at all costs.
After receiving a letter he was able to make it Magnia where he has trained for the last year.

So begins...

Zeki Sanso's Story


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Zeki had woken at the crack of dawn, as usual, to get in his morning jog before classes started. He always enjoyed the early morning air and the refreshing feel of a good workout. This morning was like most the others Zeki had experience since his arrival her at Magnia. Having been here a little over a year now he had gotten into the routine. In fact he was a well known by most student's and teachers. Most of whom avoided striking up any kind of conversation with him for several reasons. Infamous for being a lie detector he is also bold and elaborate in speech. He can talk circles around the best of them and always end up on top.
Zeki leaned back in his chair, looking up at his arts instructor with a smirk. He had enjoyed the chat he had shared with him earlier and was enjoying, even more, the frazzled results. Though he was actually keeping his cool rather well. Zeki let out a sigh before pushing his glasses up on his nose with middle finger, the sure sign he was about to speak. But the door burst open at that moment and he was cut off.


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Zeiki rolled his eyes at Sayke, but didn't return to the comment he was about to make before he was interrupted. Though the class hadn't been in session for more than thirty minutes, Zeki rose to his feet and gathered his papers. Art class was one of his least favorite. He was fairly talented when it came to drawing but Zeki didn't like to be told how or what to draw. He drew when, how, where, and what he wanted.
The teacher glanced at him as he made his way to the door but said nothing. She already knew that if she did Zeki would made a big scene, so to speak, in front of the whole class. Instead she went back to explaining as Zeki walked out.


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Zeki had found a perch on the window ledge of one of the many large windows that gave a good view of the meadow. Leaning against the windowsill with his legs pulled up on the ledge, he pulled out his sketch book and began to draw the scene he was now seeing on the other side of the glass. He was putting the final touches on his work when the bell range and students began pouring into the halls. Ignoring the sound that came, focusing on completing the led replica of the meadow view.