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Natsu Kaminari

"Everyone's a monster on the inside. What gives them the right to place labels?"

0 · 226 views · located in Deep Woods Circus

a character in “The Deep Woods Circus”, originally authored by HereMeNow, as played by RolePlayGateway


Name: Natsu Kuminari (Translation: Spring Thunder)

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Freak or Human: Human


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Brief Description: Natsu has short orange/brown hair that is usually tied up in a pony tail on the right side and deep, emerald green eyes. She wears a baggy, light pink sweater and a black skirt that comes about 5 inches above her knees. For her shoes she wears a pair of dark purple high-top converse that have little black stars dotted here and there and have black laces. She always carries a small, square-shaped shoulder bag that hangs a little past her hip that zips shut with a pull over top that Velcros. In this bag she carries all of her little 'lock-picking' tools. (If you put your feet together that is about how big the bag is.)

Personality: Natsu is an independent, strong-willed, and an all in all outgoing person. She is extraordinarily smart for her age and knows full well how to take care of herself. She has a very sweet appearance but can out-smart almost anyone. Though, don't expect her to be very helpful in a fast situation. She usually needs time to think over things before she is able to act. Unfortunately, when it comes to physical strength, her brain is far superior. Even though she can be pretty quick on her feet, she wouldn't be able to win an arm wrestle with a 12 year old boy if her life depended on it. This is why she is probably better in missions where she most likely won't be caught up in any fighting. But, when it comes to sweet-talking, Natsu is an expert. She can talk her way out of almost any situation. Though, she does have her girly moments and sometimes has no idea what to do with herself, her wits make up for it.

History: Even though Natsu was usually a very outgoing person, she tried her best to stay out of any school events and didn't like having a lot of friends. Natsu never got into sports at her school an, although she could go anywhere with her insanely good grades, she was never interested in any extracurricular clubs either. After her mother walked out on her and her little brother, Natsu dropped out of the 9th grade so her father could keep going to work and not have to worry about her brother. She quickly learned how to pick almost any kind of lock and she could sweet talk just about anyone into giving her money by the time she was 16. Not only did Natsu learn how to pick locks, but she became rather skilled at pick-pocketing as well and was rarely caught. Soon after she turned 17 her father got a promotion and a well-paying job and Natsu, being that her brother was now 14 an plenty old enough to take care of himself, decided to go on a road trip. About a week into her trip her car broke down. As she was walking down a very empty road she came across a flyer lying on the ground and decided to visit this 'circus' it mentioned. She never expected that she would be one of the few people who decided to try and help the ones they called 'freaks' escape.

Bet I Got You To Put Your Feet Together :3

So begins...

Natsu Kaminari's Story

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Character Portrait: Natsu Kaminari
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Natsu steadily balanced herself as she walked down on of the sides of an abandoned railroad track, her hands stretch out ward to keep her from wobbling. She closed her eyes and slightly lifted her chin, taking in the sweet smell of the field the track went through as a slight breeze ruffled through the trees. Feeling her foot slip as she took another blind step, she let out a little squeak as she fell off to the side and landed on her back in the grass with a 'hmph'. She laid there a moment, her emerald eyes lazily gazing at a moving cloud. What a beautiful day, she thought to herself and let out a sigh. Her car had just broken down on the road and after walking four miles trying to find a gas station, she found herself interested in the railroad tracks and became sidetracked. She sat up in the grass and pulled out a piece of paper that she had stuffed into her pocket. After she unwrinkled it, she read over it once again. "Deep Woods Circus, see it tonight....blah blahhh...." She mumbled to herself, her eyes moving down the paper. Hmm, should be somewhere around here..., she thought to herself, turning her head about but failed to see anything beyond the trees. "Deep Woods huh. Probably won't be able to see the lights till' it gets dark." She said as she stood up and stretched her arms over her head, letting out a large yawn. She looked up at the sky again, the sun wasn;t very long from setting, so it wouldn't be much longer until night time. She hoped she hadn't missed it already. The flyer she had found on the road did look pretty old but she guessed that was because of the sun and humidity. She crunched the paper back up and shoved it into her small shoulder bag and rolled up her long sleeves. After picking up her duffel bag and swinging the strap over her shoulder she began to walk down the train tracks again, this time down the middle so not to fall. "If it wasn;t so hot it might actually be a really nice day." She said aloud, hoping it might get cooler outside after the sun set.

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Character Portrait: Natsu Kaminari
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After walking quite a while down the empty train track Natsu let out a sigh and stepped off into the grass and began to make her way across the meadow. Once she reached the middle of it she stopped and let out a load groan and let her duffel bag drop onto the ground with a 'thmp'. "Grr, why does my damn car have to break down when I'm in the middle of nowhere!" she growled and sat herself down onto the duffel bag, nearly flattening it. She wiped some sweat from her forehead and let out a sigh, trying to calm herself. "If I didn't know any better I'd say that damn thing wanted me to die here." she groaned, then looked up to the sky. The sun had almost moved behind the trees but the humidity caused the air to become ridiculously thick.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Natsu Kaminari
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Natsu let out a yawn as she began to make her way into the woods, hoping she'd see lights or something. Yet, she knew there was also a chance that the flyer she found was probably old and the circus had already left. As the night got darker, her eyes, although were slowly adjusting, were having problems seeing. The night wasn't as hard to see in, just that small amount of time where the light was drifting into dark always made it dim and gloomy. "Hey, wait a minute what's that?" Natsu mumbled to herself as she stepped over a fallen tree branch. She could swear she saw faint lights in the distance. Perhaps it was a forest log house, or a bed-n-breakfast? At the thought of this Natsu's stomach rumbled. "mm..Shut up stomach..You just ate lunch!" She said as she made her way towards the dim lights ahead.

((OOC: If the twins are supposed to lead people to the circus, who is going to play them since there aren't any body right now?))

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Character Portrait: Natsu Kaminari
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Natsu, after trying to find her way through the dark forest, finally came to the circus entrance. Her eyes widened in surprise at its size. It was bigger than she had expected, and there were so many lights and colors. She made her way into the tent, surprised even more to see how many people were already making there way about. So interesting, she thought to herself as she slowly made her way further into the massive tent, gazing around at all the people.

((OOC: Sorry for the short post I need to go to bed!))

Characters Present

Character Portrait: White Character Portrait: Natsu Kaminari
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Natsu stopped with a hmph as she walked by one of the cages and looked over to see the girl, who looked a lot like a wolf, that was in the cage had taken hold of her shirt. Her eyes widened a little as the girl began to talk. As she spoke, Natsu's surprised eyes grew a little sad. She looked around for a moment, then turned to face the girl, who, despite her wolf-like features, was actually very pretty. "You can talk?" She said, then smiled faintly. "That's incredible!" She made sure she kept her voice low in case anyone that worked at the circus was nearby. With a kind smile still on her face, she leaned in a little. "Well, I haven't seen very much myself. The city is incredible at night, but loud and noisy during the day. Out here, it's absolutely beautiful." After saying this, a worried expression crossed her face. "Do you really mean to say they beat you?" Natsu quickly confirmed her question after getting a better look at the girls legs, it was obvious. But, this girl can talk, and she even looks human. What has she done to deserve this? Natsu could feel a spark of anger start to creep over her. "How can I help you? I can pick the lock. But..there are way too many people here. They'd see." She said, a serious expression on her face.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: White Character Portrait: Ben Weiss Character Portrait: Natsu Kaminari
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"Uh, wait a minute!" She said in a loud whisper. "Who is Ben? What does he look like? What do you mean by leader? What group? Do you mean to say there are already people trying to help you? How many? And for how long? What cycle are you talking about? What will repeat?" Though Natsu didn't want to ask so many questions at one time, it all kid of poured out. She was very confused now, and wanted answers. "And my name is Natsu. How long exactly have you been trapped here?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: White Character Portrait: Ben Weiss Character Portrait: Natsu Kaminari
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Natsu gave a firm nod and then quickly made her way around the cage a knelt down so as not to be seen as another group of viewers came to look at White. White is the Circus owners daughter? she thought to herself, clutching the strap of her tool bag tightly. And he has her locked up in this cage! And what does she mean they are turned into what they are? So then, they were humans before they became these so-called-freaks? Natsu leaned her back up against the tire of the cage and let her crouch turn into a sit with her knees pulled up to her chest. I hope I get to meet this damn chairmen and kick his ass some day. She thought to herself and turned her head a little to see if she could hear what the other viewers were going to say about White's appearance. Are any of them going to have the same idea as me? And there must be more like this 'Ben' person she keeps referring to. So, how many are helping her try to escape?

Characters Present

Character Portrait: White Character Portrait: Ben Weiss Character Portrait: Natsu Kaminari
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White smiled lightly and sat in the middle of the cage and stroked her tail until the next group had moved on. Then she turned around and faced Natsu. "Ben is the groundskeeper of the circus, he is very kind and has been trying to help as well. but thing haven't been all that easy, we've been trying for a long time, but every time we mange to get someone out, they asre always quickly replaced. You see, my farther takes joy in mutating humans, the fact he gets money from it is just a plus so he has no problem in make three or four people, "disappear" in one night. but things are getting worse, he has even stopped waiting for all the guest to leave before he deforms his victims. he find himself untouchable." White looked up an sniffed, she smelled blood, human blood, Ben's blood. She knew because he had cut himself before around her and she has never forgotten that smell. She let out a small howl as the scent got stronger and looked back at Natsu, "Ben is here but he seems to be injured." She said quietly, hoping he wasn't too injured.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: White Character Portrait: Ben Weiss Character Portrait: Natsu Kaminari
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Natsu stood up from where she was crouching and listened to what White had to say. And this person is supposed to be her father? She thought to herself as she listened, feeling a little sick at the though of someone enjoying the torture of humans. She looked down for a moment as she tried to understand what the situation was, then looked back up after White mentioned Ben coming. She was a little nervous at meeting him but she wanted to do what she could to help. "Injured?" She whispered and looked around to see if she could spot him.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: White Character Portrait: Ben Weiss Character Portrait: Natsu Kaminari
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Ben989
He walked back from the creek quickly, following an old game trail. The noise of the circus wasn't too far off and he found his way back fairly easily. The strip of shirt he'd used to wrap his hand had soaked through, but he could feel the blood coagulating. At least it just your hand and yer ass, dickhead. He smiled at the thought, trying to contain the expletives wanting to run free like a waterfall out of his mouth. Ben hurried to the filling station near White's cage, not noticing either of the girls, and switched on one of the pumps. The cool water ran for a moment, and then he stuck his hand under the water, shuddering in relief.

"Oh. That feels better." He sighed, letting the water wash away the blood.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: White Character Portrait: Ben Weiss Character Portrait: Natsu Kaminari
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"I found someone who said they would help, but she's hiding behind my cage." White said, looking behind her at Natsu. "And farther has sped up his process by even creating more of us before the audience even leaves." She said, her eye drifting over the the hunched figure the the new cage.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: White Character Portrait: Ben Weiss Character Portrait: Natsu Kaminari
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Ben989
He paused for moment as he wrapped his hand with gauze. A look of concern spread over his face and he glanced over at White. Their eyes met briefly, and he sighed as she looked behind her. Ben caught a flash of red hair as he followed her gaze to behind the cage.


He finished wrapping his hand and returned the E-Kit to the container. Fucker's gettin' greedy. The thought sent a wave of disgust through him. He slammed the container closed and walked behind White's cage, towering over the young woman crouched there.

"Hello." His cheery demeanor had all but disappeared. He gave her a once over, Special Forces training kicking in, and he scowled.

"You wanna help us? What's yer name?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tzar Kohla Character Portrait: White Character Portrait: Ben Weiss Character Portrait: Natsu Kaminari
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"huh, Oh. My name is Natsu." She said in a bit of a whisper and stood up quickly, blushing a little at the thought of how strange she must've looked crouching there. Her eyes gazed up at him. Tall! She thought to herself, smiling slightly. Now isn't the time to feel threatened, She reminded herself and put on her serious face. "And yes I want to help." She said, lowering her voice a little more as more people came through to see White. She listened as the wolf repeated the same words to a young boy as she had done to her. Natsu's eyes saddened a little as she watched. "She must do that a lot. I bet it really hurts when someone refuses her.." She whispered, then looked up at the tall man. She was already short being 5'2" but she felt like a little kid compared to him. "I want to help in any way I can!" She said, trying to sound as much as a seventeen year old as she could. Natsu's voice and height had always cause misunderstandings when trying to find a job. Nobody believed she was almost eighteen unless she explained it to them. Of course, she was happy to know that meant when she got into her late 30's she'd still look like a twenty year old. Of course, it didn't help her with the age she was at now. "If there is anything I can do, please just tell me. I want to be a part of this. I want to help get White out in any way that I can."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tzar Kohla Character Portrait: Ben Weiss Character Portrait: Natsu Kaminari
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Tzar stared at the man, he was shaking a bit from the small scare of him pulling him, as he finished speaking Tzar quickly started nodding as he said, "Yes! Y-Yes! I-I understand" He placed his hand on his left arm and started to rub it from being nervous, he was never one for social interactions and this wasn't really helping, due to this he slowly lowered his head till his eyes met the ground as he waited for him to continue.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tzar Kohla Character Portrait: Ben Weiss Character Portrait: Natsu Kaminari
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Natsu glanced over at the boy, who was looking rather nervous, for a moment before looking back at Ben. "Hell yea I've got it! I'll help in anyway I can just tell me what I gotta do!" She said with an anxious smile on her face. Finally something exciting! It figures leaving the city was the best choice! That reminds me I've gotta call my brother the next time I get the chance. Her smile faded a little thinking about her brother. She felt a little guilty leaving him all alone when there father would hardly ever be home to take care of him, but he was the one who encouraged her to leave so she couldn't refuse. "Just how long is it going to take for us to take down the boss?" She said, this situation instantly playing out like some video game in her head.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: liz demana Character Portrait: Tzar Kohla Character Portrait: White Character Portrait: Ben Weiss Character Portrait: Natsu Kaminari
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White nodded slowly, "farther is a very powerful man, not only has he made himself stronger but, to get to him, we'd have to get the the watchmen, and then even after that he still has....." White paused, her ears picking a distant yet close growl. White growled back in response, someone around here apparently didn't approve of something related to them. He tail swushed violently back and forth as she looked for the source of the growl.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tzar Kohla Character Portrait: White Character Portrait: Ben Weiss Character Portrait: Natsu Kaminari
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#, as written by Ben989
Ben looked up at White.

"What is it?" His right hand went to the hilt of his KA-BAR, waiting carefully for her response. Ben looked at the two teenagers sitting across from him. They were both looking at him carefully, especially the boy. The big man cocked his head, a slight smile finding its way onto his face.

"What's yer name, kid?" The young man had a deer-in-headlights look on his face and Ben grinned, his hard ass facade disappearing.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: liz demana Character Portrait: Tzar Kohla Character Portrait: White Character Portrait: Ben Weiss Character Portrait: Natsu Kaminari
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White yelped when she heard a whip crack against Liz's back, "I'm sorry Liz." she whispered before looking down at Ben, "Oh, it was just Liz, she didn't recognize anyone when she looked over so...." White cut herself off and sat back down. A watchman appeared out of no where and banged on her cage door, "Chairman wants to see ya White, come on, don't stall." A shiver ran up White's spine as she slowly turned around and stood up. The watchman grabbed her ruffly by her neck and forced her in the direction of her father's office. She looked out of the corner of her at at Ben and the others until they were out of view.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: liz demana Character Portrait: White Character Portrait: Ben Weiss Character Portrait: Natsu Kaminari
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Natsu watched in shock as White was escorted away by one of the circus men. Where the heck is that jerk taking her? She's in danger we've got to help her! She was a little confused at what was going on but she had a terrible feeling. She looked up at Ben and clutched her hands into fists. "We've got to do something!" She demanded in a loud whisper. "And who is Liz?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: liz demana Character Portrait: Tzar Kohla Character Portrait: White Character Portrait: Ben Weiss Character Portrait: Natsu Kaminari
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Tzar scratched the back of his head and did a few quick blinks still confused by what was going on, you could obviously see is confusion by his expression, he shrugged and took a seat on the ground staying in those people sights but not getting to close, he didn't know or trust them yet, for all he knew he could be getting tricked into something, and so he sat there just mumbling out a piece of his thoughts from time to time.