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Buurin Sidney

Buu Buu has a secret that she's never going to tell. She hopes that all the people have fallen beneath her spell. She likes them all, she holds them dear but beneath that smile it's very clear that something is amiss.

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a character in “The Department of Occult Warfare”, originally authored by Guest, as played by RolePlayGateway


Buubomb, her first drawing of him.
Name: "Just call me Buu." Buurin Sidney. (Pronounced "Boo-rin").
Age: "Young enough to be an asshole, old enough to stir up shit and get away with it." 18. Eighteen and a quarter of a year to be exact.
Sex/Sexual Orientation: "I have a vagina. And frankly, any other vagina other than mine is just scary." Female. Heterosexual. Oh, ho ho ho, so heterosexual.

Supernatural abilities: Let me tell you something first. Buu is a ghost. Not the regular, moaning, sucking, nasty kind. She's a cyber ghost. She has a link with technology, and in a way it has made her a ghost. She can enter the cyber world with her mind, and perhaps even manage to concentrate her body into computer code and load herself onto the computer itself. But it would be a grueling process. Her powers are still developing, but there are a few very well developed ones. Some of her still developing powers are...

I see you: The ability to rearrange her atoms into a billion pieces of computer code while still being able to move through the world on a different level of dimension. The entire world looks different for her, and it's a very good tool that she has yet to use. If I were to explain how she would look if someone could see her, she would look exactly the same, you would be able to see every detailed thing about her, all that would be different would be that her body was made of words, numbers, letters, and a lot of things that come from a computer all arranged into a vortex that creates her bodily image in the glowing green code. She has a mental connection, a natural connection with technology, without having to try.

The world around her is seen with different eyes when she's in her C-form. It consists of code as well, she's able to walk through walls, make herself look semi-transparent instead of all the way invisible, but she can't alter anything and she can't touch anyone that isn't in C-form. She does have the ability to turn someone else C-form if she absolutely had to, but the level of concentration it takes to make a person slowly dissolve into pieces of code is astronomical, and would take several days of recovery on her part if she were to attempt it. Binding her form to C-form is effortless, changing someone else's very atoms to become compatible with the C-form world is one of the hardest things in the world.

Intellect: She's smart. Super smart. This adds to her powers, and it makes her really really... Smart. But she doesn't usually let on that she's smart. All she can really do with her powers right now is C-form, the other things haven't come yet, if there are any other things. There's nothing more she has other than intelligence and Code. There are plenty of possibilities, she is a Cyber ghost after all. The Intellect of Buu is because of her roaming around in C-form, and from being able to transport herself into the alternate universe, the one that hovers around ad hides in the shadows. She's also able to jump into technology when she's in her C-form, because Code is easily encrypted into the computers, making it effortless for Buu to slide into the motherboard of most any electronic device.

Morph: It's not a hard ability to understand. Buu doesn't realize that she has been having auditory hallucinations, which would explain the whole "Buu's drawings can talk and move around and talk and stuff". What she doesn't realize is that it's really not a hallucination, even though somewhere in her past she was marked as insane for telling people all about them. The fact is that Buu's brain works on a different depth, and a different dimension other than ours. It's like her body is in our world, but her mind is in another, stuck in between reality and a place that she created herself. This ability she has, it's powerful enough to change life for her, but it can't hurt anyone.

She hasn't developed it at all. The speaking and seeing her own characters is solely dependent on the subconscious part of her brain that uses her power without her consent. If Buu realizes that she might be able to do more than it, she could bend reality, she could force the code to shift and twist, pretty much create a new creature and transport it to our reality. I call it the warp factor. What's really happening is that Buu would condense her power to astronomical levels, she'd have to concentrate every second while she shaped the code into the creature or body of the soul that will be pushed inside it. Buu can pretty much create new bodies. But she can't do that to anyone without their consent. She is also able to change her own form into something compact, like a watch, or a piece of technology. This will take effort, though, to maintain that shape.

The easiest way to explain this would be kind of like a disguise. Except instead of wearing a mask, the face that Buu creates for you IS your face temporarily, or eternally, depending on whether YOU want it or not. This also means that she could create a body for Buubomb, and all the other drawings she's turned into real people within her mind. Yet, Buu has not yet used this power.

Blast Attack, whooyah: Code. The source of Buu's cyber ghost powers. Blast attack is relatively simple when I explain it, when really it's quite complicated. This power will slowly chip away at Buu's usually very large energy source. What Blast attack is is simply reducing her hands to a Code encrypted level and gathering bits of floating code by using a small and quite weak gravitational force. By commanding the code to fly in a spherical, spiraling globe she can launch said Code matter at a target, and it will explode on impact with the person. It is not invisible, but the colors of the code will shift depending on what type of Code she uses, yes, there are different types of code.

She is also able to keep code in her hands rather than swirling it into the bubble formation and throwing it at said object or enemy. Instead she can use this code to jab and punch at the other person. If she manages to use the right code at the right time she may be able to rupture a vital organ. If she cannot get the code straight to the heart, lungs, or any other vital organ she can cause an extreme amount of pain and a lot of damage to this person. Side affects vary too much to add into profile, it depends on the code she is using, and for how long she is using it.

Sonic BUUm: The easiest way to explain this would be a shield. A shield made of code. It would be made of the signature neon green code that Buu uses, and perhaps darken slightly when it's being put under extreme pressure or a barrage of strong attacks. Buu can protect people other than herself when she uses this, but the more she uses it, the worse the after effects will be for Buu. The code doesn't use any other shape other than a dome-like shape that will crack and shatter if hit hard enough. The maximum amount of hits it will take would probably depend upon whether Buu is injured, and it would also depend on her mental state. The shield prevents any type of telekinesis from getting inside, but it does not prevent any from ON the inside. The biggest amount of people she can protect within the shield is about six, and even that is pushing it. Affects on Buu's state of mind, and physical state vary too much to state in the profile.

Code Listing:This is a list of the types of code here, as well as how much energy each one will take. Each code has a different affect on Buu, either way. Whether it is emotional effects, physical effects, or mental effects.

Neon Green: This is Buu's signature code. It's not as strong as the other ones, but it doesn't sap her energy like the other ones either. It's a very useful code, and it has a variety of different energy sources that all come together so it's really very interchangeable with its abilities. It's a very low energy code, though, so this is the one that Buu will use the most. There really is no side effect from this code.

Sunset Orange: Orange is the second lowest energy-using code besides green. This is not a signature code, so Buu has to work to use it if she ever wants to. The specific use of this code would be burning things, in a way. It wouldn't hurt he embodiment, but when Buu launches something like an orange code sphere, it will immediately brighten the atmosphere's atoms to a novanova power (something I will explain if asked to do so). This means that it could temporarily blind someone. The atoms would also spark, and could possibly catch cloth on fire, but when I say burn I really mean that it would burn through the air in such a way that you wouldn't even be able to see the flames. If Buu were to use this once, she would feel nothing. If she were to use it repeatedly within a minute, she would probably feel very mild side affects such as a bit of uncertainty and dizziness.

Sky Blue: Blue code is slightly stronger than green and orange, but it has a different affect. Instead of hurting the person it is directed at, it reduces pain and it reduces unhappiness. This means that it sifts through their thoughts and methodically erases the bad ones, and the bad memories. But the erasing is temporary, and the effect it has on people is temporary as well. The person hit with blue code, or exposed to it would feel ecstatic. They wold be happy, as free as a bird. What is going on, is the blue code is stimulating the mind's senses and creating this happy emotion that pulses through them until it wears off. It is extremely addicting, as it also stimulates and mimics pleasure as well. It depends on the person's personality, and what the person enjoys the most. Effects from blue code will vary from person to person. This will make Buu feel very depressed. She may be a bit slow to respond, and may break down depending on how many times she uses this. If she uses it too many, she will be hit with a giant dose of depression, and may take on the bad memories and angry/sad thoughts of other people.

Crimson: Red matter. This is a strong code, one of the top three. Red code destroys things. It doesn't blow it up, it just... Disintegrates. The red code is something that can dissolve other types of code, and other types of mass and matter. If coated over a table, the table would simply begin to smoke and finally you would watch it turn to a very fine ash. With people, it's much harder. Instead of disintegrating, and dying it will simply inflict a horrible amount of pain on them. If you want them to talk, then you definitely don't want her to shoot red code at them. Red code's limits vary on the size of the person, their physical strength and their mental strength. If an inanimate object is hit with it, the destroying of the object depends on the mass as well. It is a very interesting code. If she uses this more than twice in a day, she'll either faint, or she'll be like a walking zombie, barely able to interact. This is a mental drain, and a physical drain. But the drain will only be dramatic and extreme in one category. Whether it is her mental side, which means that she won't be able to speak or think clearly for about fourteen hours, or the physical drain, which would make it difficult for her to coordinate, and to move.

More to come.

Flexibility: Buu has always been flexible. It's in her bones. She can bend her legs behind her back and hook her feet behind her head, the world's human pretzel. Let's just say that she's pretty agile, and fast as well. This all counts as one strength, but it still doesn't make up for the fact that she can't fight worth a damn. She desires to learn how to fight, but has never had the chance to enroll in classes, or read self help books like, "How to fight, for dummies". Ignoring that, she's just extremely agile and flexible, whatever.

Resourcefulness/Intelligence: Buu is not borderline genius. Buu is a genius. When it comes to computer, and techy things, Buu loves it, and lives for it. But the way computers respond to her is very different from the way regular computers respond. This is also part of her powers. It makes it hard for her to use electronics around other people, because it might catch their attention that she's able to control technology with her cyber ghost habits. But pushing that aside, her resourcefulness and intelligence rest in the strength category because she truly is smart. Technology at her fingertips, and at the edges of her mind at all times has made her somewhat of an wikipedia in a way.

Snap, Click, Saved: Buu has photographic memory. It's almost like loading a picture onto a flash drive in her brain and letting it sit there until she plugs it into her brain monitor and uploads whatever she needs. She hasn't told anyone this, nor does she see a reason to for now.

Alcohol-ick: She can handle her liquor, that's for sure. But Buu's powers are heightened, strengthened, and get very unstable when she drinks too much. She loves feeling out of control, but when you suddenly go transparent in a room full of normal people, well, a little PARAnormal activity apparently isn't normal for most humans. She's made that mistake a few times. But when she is drunk, she's so drunk that she's practically slobbering. While it does heighten her powers, she tries to avoid drinking as much as possible, as she's known and felt the affects of the stuff first hand. It's depressing that she can't have any, but she understands that the consequences will be far greater if she does indulge into her desires.

What do I mean by this? Well, it'll faze out her powers for forty eight hours if she get's slobbering, and wicked hammered. Just because it heightens her senses while she's awake doesn't mean it will when she's got a damn good hang over. Her powers will disappear for a while, leaving her drained and delirious. When she's drained, and delirious she's more likely to talk, which isn't a good thing. Buu is a master at spying, being stealthy as she is. It's not a good thing when she suddenly answers any questions some stranger might ask. Not good.

Brittle Bones: She isn't good at fighting. Not in the least. She's good at stealth, she can spy, she's flexible. But she can't fight. Oh sure, she could pack a good punch now and then, she could hook her fingers around an eyeball and pop it out, but when the other person knows something about combat, she's dead. Dead meat, that is what Buu is if she ever has to fight. She doesn't like fighting, though violence has always struck at her and fascinated her in a rather bad way. Another bad thing is that she's light, very light. Which doesn't help when added to the fact she knows nothing about fighting. She'd have to depend on her strategizing on how to get out of sticky situations without getting battered and bruised.

She's slender, not delicate but prone to injury like the next person. She can't self heal, and all she could do was put herself into a type of coma while rearranging her atoms constantly to stop the bleeding. But she wouldn't be able to hold that for long.

Mischievous Antics: Though Buu is friendly, she'll do anything for a laugh any time of the day. Which means that she could, and would try her hardest to scare all of the other crew members if given the chance. She's not the nicest person in the world, or the meanest. She's just Buu. But being a pranker could get her into trouble, like it has before. She's always managed to stay out of it, but there is always a first for everything, and she isn't sure whether she wants to have a first for being caught, and smacked around because she did something mean.

Fears: Buu fears very little. In fact she's probably the most fearless person in the world. But like everyone else, there are a few things that set her over the edge. In fact, there are more than a few, I lied when I said she was fearless. But she likes to pretend she is, and Buu is very brave either way. Here we go, deeper into the mind of Buu Sidney.

Claustrophobia. What a disgusting word, huh? Buu fears tight spaces, like elevators and small narrow tunnels. Doesn't mean she won't force herself to go on an elevator or climb through small narrow tunnels, it just means that she'll be biting her lips harder than ever to stop herself from screaming and running the opposite direction. She's always hated being confined, caged. It wasn't just an annoyance, she felt it was a threat. Even with her odd abilities, she's hated it. In fact she'll usually use her ghost powers to avoid having to do that. Even if it is frivolous and very irresponsible of her.

What Buu fears most is losing her mind, telekinesis, anything that has to do with people going into her mind and finding out all her secrets sets her over the edge. Whether the edge she falls over is fear, or anger we do not know. Despite the barrier that she has against such things like mind-reading, the barrier isn't indestructible, and if the person is strong enough he or she can over come it as easily as wading through an inch of water. This is what Buu fears the most. She tries not to, but it's impossible not to have fears, like I said before. Buu is no different, no different at all. She fears more things, but I think we shall stick to two for now. (I will add to this as the Roleplay continues.)

Physical description: "I ain't no looker, and I don't look like no hooker." Buu is pretty. You can't deny that she is pretty; she just doesn't pay attention with it. With glow stick green hair to about the middle of her back that always seems to be pulled back extremely tight, or hanging in loose coils around her face that are either matted, or so tangled that it looks more like a rat's nest than anything, you can tell that Buu has more important things to think about than doing her hair. It's definitely the coolest thing about her, for sure. Even if she thinks it is a pain in the ass. But the roots of her hair are still a shocking ebony black, though barely noticeable behind the neon dyed strands of brilliant almost-white-yellowish green hair.

Every time Buu takes a shower, it comes out differently. Whether it ends up looking lank and unkempt, or in a complete disarray of intricate twists and curls that grab onto the comb and hang on for dear life when she tries to brush them, her hair is incredibly irritating. The worst thing she has to endure through the day is getting up in the morning and seeing her hair in the mirror. Talk about a need-help-now situation. Buu needs help. Hair help. Now.

Ignoring the fact that if you put your fingers too close to Buu's hair, it might eat you, let's talk about the rest of Buu. Her forehead is big. It’s not giant, like a dome-shaped alienated forehead, but it’s a little bigger than average. She usually hides it behind waves of her carnivorous hair. Her eyebrows are shapely, if only a tiny bit bushier than they need to be, and black unlike her neon green hair. Her eyes are almond shaped, not gorgeous, but pretty enough. A dark chocolaty brown is the best way to describe their pigment. In fact, it’s so dark that you cannot usually see the pupils of her eyes, but when the light hits them they usually turn to a softer, milkier shade of brown which makes the angularity of her face subside a bit.

The most unappealing thing about her eyes would have to be the dark, plum-purple circles that seem to be there all the time, ever present. They’re so dark, that you cannot tell whether they’re from sleep deprivation, a nasty black eye, or simply makeup. Considering Buu hasn’t talked to anyone in a while, and she doesn’t wear makeup, it’s probably sleep deprivation.

Her face is more of a heart shape than anything. Her face isn’t plump, but it’s not thin enough to call gaunt either. It’s a good balance between fat and anorexic with Buu. That is actually a surprising fact, considering what she’s been living on for the past few years. Her face, as heart shaped as it is, is very angular and sharp. Her nose is seems very proud, if a nose can be proud and she can actually see down the end of it. She does have a spider bite (a very, very tiny piercing) on her nose, a tiny diamond that she had pierced on the left side of her nose a few years ago. Her ears aren’t really noticeable behind her hair, but I suppose I could explain all the crevices and cracks, the nooks and crannies… But that could make you puke, so I won’t.

I was just (half) joking about that. Buu’s ears are clean, and there are two very neat piercings on each side, one next to the other on both of her earlobes. There is also one cartilage piercing on her right ear that is barely noticeable (a strange stone that has no value in it embedded into a silver stud earring holder). Other than that, there’s nothing at all interesting about her ears. They’re just ears. She hears out of them.

Her cheek bones are defined, because of the thin and angular shape of her face, and her skin tone clashes drastically with her dyed hair. Though it seems as though her skin should be white as milk and softer than silk, it’s really the color of bronze more than anything else. Her heritage claims most of her looks, and her eyes all but give away that she’s obviously not Caucasian. Not that she cares her hair looks horrible with her skin; it was already growing out anyway. With tanned skin and neon green hair, you could say that she wouldn’t blame you for staring at her if she walked down the street. But she hasn’t been walking down too many streets for a while now.

Her figure, what figure? She doesn’t have the fun bags, she doesn’t have the ass, but she does have the slightest, tiniest bit of the hips. She’s about 5’3” and a quarter of an inch in height, and her weight… She’s underweight, that’s pretty much it. You don’t need to know her shoe size, or anything like that I hope. But her feet are quite small, all the same. As are her hands, they’re slender and nice and pretty. The skin on her hands are a slightly lighter shade than her arms and the rest of her body, with long fingers instead of short stubby ones surprisingly.

Her lips are usually pulled back in a wry smile. She’s a mysterious one, she is. She’s completely open to strangers, and yet she’s a total mystery. With semi-perfect and nicely set white teeth, her smile is very fetching. But her lips are another story. They are always, and I mean always chapped. Sharp points of the skin on her lips, where the smooth surface of it has broken and cracked are barely noticeable, but still there. It looks painful when she talks, laughs, or smiles because it just stretches her lips further. She tries to avoid smiling sometimes, just because of the stinging in them. When the case of chapped lips is really bad, they’ll bleed, staining her lips a bright rosy red that doesn’t match the tone of lipstick. It’s her fault they’re this way, though.

On her chin there are two spikes that were pierced into her flesh yet again. They’re almost as unnoticeable as the spider bite, or they would be but the fact that she plays with them all the time them very noticeable. Short black spikes that are smaller than your pinky finger are studded into her chin, her snake bites, she calls them. They do in fact look like fangs, growing out of her gums through her skin and the effect is rather dashing instead of down right horrific.

Her nails are clean, and clipped down to the cuticle beds. There are no polishes, glosses, mascara, or makeup of any sort on this girl. The only thing you’ll see her wearing jewelry-wise are her meager and barely noticeable piercings, added to the collection of hair bands she has on her slender right wrist, usually hidden under her ragged and loved on clothing.

Buu’s fashion sense isn’t a sense; she doesn’t actually have a fashion sense. She wears what she has, and buys when she needs something else. She’s quite conservative when it comes to clothes, just like she doesn’t care about her thick head of hair. She doesn’t look too bad in anything, but most of the clothes hang off her because of her tiny frame. That, is Buu.

Personality traits : Buu is not a happy-go-lucky kind of gal. But she is a joker. Buu has had enough sadness in her life to understand that laughter is the key for her. She’s got an easy going personality, which means that she’s willing to get along with most anyone, despite what they are or how they act. She’s accepting, but she’s stubborn, all the same. She’s not the type to sit around awkwardly without a single word being sad in five minutes. If nothing is said, then she’ll make something up just so something can be said. She’s like… One of those toy dolls that gets a glitch and starts repeating the same thing over and over again, except that Buu never runs out of battery power. Buu also has a sense of humor, and she doesn’t mind smiling. But just because Buu is willing to be friends, doesn’t mean she’s not open to the idea of enemies. She knows when she doesn’t like someone, and she won’t go out of her way to hurt that person unless they are an immediate threat to her.

Like everyone else, Buu has her quirks. One of those quirks is to tear at her lips. It’s not nail biting, or fidgeting, or chewing her hair. Nope, it’s pretty much clawing her lips apart. The reason they’re so bloody and chapped all the time is because Buu picks at them until they seem to be hanging onto her face for a last desperate attempt at being normal, but she doesn’t let them. I’d rather not get into the gory details of her lip-picking, it’s a nasty habit, but it’s one of her own all the same. She’ll bite them with her teeth as well, just destroying them, and continuing to do so throughout the day. Doesn’t matter where she is, that’s what she does. She’s hoping she eventually stops, because it really gets on her nerves, but she’s learned to accept it for now.

Buu definitely has more quirks than that, though. Another one of her infamous Buu-quirks is to touch her tongue to a tiny chip in her left front tooth when she concentrates. It’s a habit that she’s had for as long as she can remember, and her eyebrows will furrow as well when she concentrates really hard. But the only time she has to concentrate really hard is when she’s drawing, or when she’s using an electronic device. Not because it’s difficult for her, but because she’s a perfectionist and she enjoys both of those things. She’s a nice person, most of the time. Everyone has their quirks, their demons, and their dark sides. She’s not all laughter and hope. Not. At. All.

Buu’s purple rings around her eyes aren’t there because she wants them to be there. Buu has been developing Insomnia, which is a disease that refuses to let you sleep for about a year. Those great purple rings around her eyes are the only indication that she’s as exhausted as she should be. She doesn’t let it on, though. And she’s gotten used to it. She does manage to get sleep here and there, a few hours in the day time, and sometimes when the moon is out and the crickets are chirping. But other than those rare occurrences, she’s Buu Buu the vampire. If you noticed the hint hidden in one of the other paragraphs, you would know that Buu likes to draw. Buu is an artist, if you will. She’s not too good, but she does her best and she likes her style anyway.

You’ll often find that Buu has drawn all over her jeans with either a black, or a blue ballpoint pen. Doodles and notes to herself sometimes cover her hands, arms and clothes. The only thing that remains free of ink would be the hair bands, and that’s just because they’re not thick enough for her to draw on. She does have a few favorite characters that she came up with on her own, they seem to reoccur everywhere, and anywhere. She also likes to talk in accents, once in a while. Whether it's a Western accent, or a British one. Really, her true language is English, and she has no accent. That is, if you're American she has no accent. She also once wore glasses, and sometimes she still does wear them for comfort. She has a habit of pushing them back up her nose, when she doesn't wear them her fingers usually go to push them up, and find they're not there anyway.

Buu is also a hat girl. Whether it’s a beanie hat, a baseball hat, any kind of hat is what she prefers. Just as long as it’s nice looking. Even if it’s tattered, if Buu takes a liking to it, she’ll definitely wear it. Her choice in clothing is pretty crazy in general, with bright colors and random logos she finds that she thinks are funny. But despite all the fun and games she seems to be, I told you, everyone has dark secrets and demons. I think it’s time you found out about Buu Sidney’s demons and secrets.

Buu has hallucinations. No, she’s not a schizophrenic (how unoriginal, folks!) she just has hallucinations. In fact, she knows that she has them. Sometimes she forces herself to have them, because she enjoys talking to one drawing in particular. The drawing that started it all for her. She named herself after him, actually. The character’s name is Buubomb. Buu’s first meeting with Buubomb was when she first picked up a piece of paper and a pencil. He came to her out of nowhere, and has been her favorite character ever since. Even throughout the years of her life, now that she’s eighteen she still loves to draw him. Her characters and her drawings come to life and build whole new worlds for Buu, and she doesn’t care what other people think of her.

Most of the time she doesn’t acknowledge the hallucinations. At least not in front of other people. Auditory and visual hallucinations combined create the life of Buubomb, her favorite character. This is not her supernatural ability of course, this is simply Buu in Buuland. If she really forced herself, she could probably talk to everything she’s ever drawn, but she’s kept the entire hallucination thing between Buubomb and herself. In fact it was Buubomb who suggested that Buu change her name. She completely agreed with him of course.

She’s a colorful character, I admit. With no favorites in anything except in drawings, which would be Bbomb. She likes a lot of music, and she likes anything. She’s willing to try anything, anything at all. Be it a tattoo, a belly shot, or simply tearing down a house looking for a pair of magical spectacles (long story). Buu isn’t afraid to be herself, that’s for sure.

There are more fears, more darkness and more secrets. But I can’t give them all to you, can I? For now, Buu is the happy cheerful smiley person with the weird borderline schizoid brain damage.

And for now, that’s all you’ll ever know.

History: Her history is a mystery. And she prefers to keep it that way, for now. In fact, someone decided to be as sly as a fox, and to take that information from her mind and lock it into a box within the C-form cyber world, while obtaining the information as to where it is. She remembers nothing of her past, and she prefers it that way. Though the person that took it away.... Hm.

Day of captivity: Unnecessary. That was what Buu thought of Tuesdays. Why would you need a new name for every single day? Why not just replace words with numbers instead? Buu's mood lifted as she thought about it to herself. Buubomb was still sleeping, snoring in the back of her mind, she could feel his slumber as clear as day. She closed her eyes and lifted her shoulders before leaning back against a red brick wall that clashed magnificently with her white-green hair that flew like a halo around her face today.

"Hello, ma'am... Your name is... Buurin Sidney, correct?" A man approached her. Someone she didn't recognize. She smirked and stared at him for a moment, not rudely, but simply examining and studying him. He seemed interesting enough to her. She felt the corners of her lips lift into a bright smile, and her brown eyes glitter with curiosity.

"Yes, I'm Buu. What can I do for you?"

Her willingness sealed the deal. There was no need for struggles, or negotiations. She already knew what this man was after, and she wanted in on it.

Side notes:
+ Buu is a late arrival in the Department of Occult Warfare. So she'll be a bit of an outcast if this is accepted. And the drawings that I have added to this profile are indeed my own. Don't laugh too much.

So begins...

Buurin Sidney's Story


Characters Present

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#, as written by Guest
Buu: At once, Buu shrank away from the shadows in the corners. She didn't like shadows. In fact, she detested them more than anything. It wasn't the substance, or the darkness. It was something else that pierced her heart every time she saw a dancing shadow. She gazed at Vincent, her eyes glazed as she waited.


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Character Portrait: Buurin Sidney
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#, as written by Guest
Buu: She wasn't actually that tired. In fact, her vision was clearest in the morning. Glancing at the others, she saw that a sheen of white had glazed along the wall that the boy was leaning against. She felt herself grab her ball point pen from behind her ear and begin to scribble furiously on the palm of her hand, without noticing.


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Character Portrait: Buurin Sidney
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#, as written by Guest
Buu: She listened to Vincent's speech and very nearly laughed out loud. Everyone would know her abilities, god. It made her feel vulnerable. She nodded in agreement with Vincent, though. Even if they did know her powers, she was still... It didn't matter.


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Character Portrait: Buurin Sidney
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#, as written by Guest
Buu: "I'm not exactly happy about that either." She said quietly, after Gazelle.


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Character Portrait: Buurin Sidney
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#, as written by Guest
Buu: She was curious, after all. She didn't really know anyone, though. She'd just arrived. At least everyone knew each other a bit better than she did. "Oh well..." She muttered beneath her breath. Sucker. They'll know about me, right? Because I'm so important? Shut up, Buubomb. She snarled in her mind.


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Character Portrait: Buurin Sidney
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#, as written by Guest
"Oh, swamp hair, very creative. As if I haven't heard that before." She retorted, rolling her eyes at the girl. "Swamp hair is better than having hair that you could grease french fries with. At least it looks that way." She walked away from Gazelle. She didn't like the way Gazelle felt.


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Character Portrait: Buurin Sidney
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#, as written by Guest
Buu: She hovered for a moment, warring with herself before finally picking up the file that was beneath everyone else's. It turned out to be her own. She blinked, glancing at it for a moment before holding onto it. "Meh." She'd keep it until someone tried to pry it from her fingers.


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Character Portrait: Buurin Sidney
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#, as written by Guest
Buu: Glancing over Henry's shoulder, he realized that it was her file. Rolling her eyes yet again, she slid away from them all, dropping the folder back on the table, and leaning against the edge of it. She gritted her teeth. She was one second away from just shoving a bunch of red matter straight up Henry's nose. She had no idea why she was so pissed off.


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Character Portrait: Buurin Sidney
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#, as written by Guest
Buu: She walked over to Jack and took the file from him, before flicking it open and peering at the contents, poring over Gazelle's powers. She wasn't afraid of this seductress, whatever the hell she was. She handed the file back to Jack, before walking towards a corner, the farthest one to be exact.


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Character Portrait: Buurin Sidney
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#, as written by Guest
Buu: Her eyes flicked to Henry lazily. "Hello Mr. Walker. The pleasure is all mine." She said, giving him a slow, lazy smile. Her teeth were white against her dark skin, but her eyes seemed genuine enough, when Vincent said the word training, she seemed to shrink farther, but she'd caught the look that had passed between Henry and Gazelle, and she was wary of them both...


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Character Portrait: Buurin Sidney
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#, as written by Guest
Buu: She felt trapped in the corner with Henry still there. Closing her eyes, she let herself go as she developed the code, it felt colder in here, and she could see the ripples of shadow pulse off of Gazelle while she slipped around Henry and re-materialized into existence beside Vincent.


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Character Portrait: Buurin Sidney
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#, as written by Guest
Buu: She glanced at Kyle, a passive glance. But she lingered for a single moment, curious. She hadn't seen his file, in fact she hadn't paid attention to any of the files. She didn't really want to. Breaking her gaze, she stared at the floor in front of her, waiting for instructions from Vincent.


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Character Portrait: Buurin Sidney
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#, as written by Guest
What is her problem... She's like the devil if he pulled a gender change. She thought to herself. Buubomb cackled with laughter, and she shifted her weight from one foot to the next, a bad habit she needed to stop. This was awkward.


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Character Portrait: Buurin Sidney
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#, as written by Guest
Buu: "Vincent, is that a good idea?" Buu whispered. She wasn't sure whether he would turn on her, she didn't know him well, but she took a step forward with him, and tilted her head in a bird like manner.


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Character Portrait: Buurin Sidney
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#, as written by Guest
Buu: She went silent, taking a step back, away from Vincent as she turned away, combing her fingers through her hair. Surprisingly, her hair complied and straightened slightly, while she gritted her teeth together, glancing at the new comer, who was smoking. Ugh.


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Character Portrait: Buurin Sidney
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#, as written by Guest
"Enough." Buu's voice oozed from her throat as she shook her head. "Vincent, stop it." She didn't like Gazelle, and she liked Vincent, but this wasn't helping anything, they were wasting time. "Can we just get on with it?"


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Character Portrait: Buurin Sidney
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#, as written by Guest
Buu: She reacted instantly, the minute she saw the shadow coming towards her, and wrap around Vincent's ankle she closed her eyes and pushed the code out of her, letting it engulf Vincent as well as herself. The minute the code touched Vincent's body it took over him and he disappeared along with herself, the shadow seemed to go through his ankle. "God dammit." She pulled Vincent away from the shadow, the shadow obeying that damn shadow shifter.


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Character Portrait: Buurin Sidney
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#, as written by Guest
Buu: She nearly fell with him, but she managed to move and catch her balance. She blinked, and held her hand down to help him up. "... Don't puke on me, please." She grinned at him. "Really, Vince, don't puke."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Buurin Sidney
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#, as written by Guest
Buu: She sucked the code away from him, and he appeared, but she stayed where she was, invisible, unreachable, in a different dimension overlapping with the other. "Alright, normalcy it is for you."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Buurin Sidney
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#, as written by Guest
"No problem." She said, icily, but the words never reached his ears. The noise wasn't deafening to her, but she could see the ripples, and the waves of shadow coming off of Gazelle. It irritated her. She glanced down at her hands and saw that a mass of code had gathered there. "Fuck." The door slammed shut. She melted into the shadows of the code world, and waited for her turn to come around.