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The Living Puppet.

0 · 222 views · located in Dollmaker's Mansion

a character in “The Dollmaker's Will”, as played by AngelicToaster



            Who are you
            The Living Puppet

            What is your age/gender?
            She is a female. It's unknown when she was made although it's suspected it was only a few years before the master died. She appears about eighteen.

            What are you like
            Bernadette is a very innocent and naive person, often assuming the best of people before she even knows them. Not having spent much time alive she is still very curious about the world around her and tends to pursue whatever piques her interest without too much thought, easily having conversations with strangers. Because of this this though she's often a fairly easy target and often ends up getting into trouble.

Although she likes to amuse herself Bernadette likes to adopt a very polite manner about things preferring to ply at peoples thoughts than roughly instigate, she does sometimes find herself saying things she doesn't even register as being rude and can come across as having little understanding of situations. Her lack of experience gives her no shortage of offering help though, and is eager to offer a listening ear. Overall she is just a person trying to understand the world a little better.

            Who might you like
            Not known as of yet.

            Whats it like being you
            Bernadette doesn't remember much of her creation but she knows that it only happened a short while ago. It wasn't a very extraordinary thing to her, for quite a while she thought that's how all people were made, little pieces of carved wood and porcelain that just popped to life. The Dollmaker taught her that there were different types of people created in the world called Humans though, and he continued to educate her on what was on the outside of the mansions walls.

Bernadette was fascinated by these details, longing to go outside and see these things he talked about. It was forbidden to venture outside of the grounds though, so she continued to to be complacent with the stories of the outside, keeping the old man company and listening to his tales. Then one day he didn't wake up. The other dolls explained that this was called death. She didn't quite get what it meant but she somehow felt saddened by this. Who would tell her stories now? She had really enjoyed her creators company and now he was gone. She's heard though that she's going to meet someone new soon though, the others have said that it was written on a pice of paper. She hopes that she'll be able to hear stories from this new person too.

            What Else
            Bernadette stands about 5'2 and has a slim waist and a lithe figure, her actual weight being barely that of twenty pounds since she's made of no little more than wood and porcelain. She can only be described as having a pixie like appearance with large, inquisitive eyes and bow shaped lips, her heart shaped face is framed by curly dark hair. Her wardrobe mainly consists of pretty dresses and skirts which she finds quite free flowing and comfortable, the marionette strings which sprout from her hands and legs being carefully tied in a pretty bow at her back. Bernadette always makes careful notice to have a purse or a large enough pocket to fit the journal which she carries with her. She uses this to write about the things that she encounters in the world.

            New Soul by Yael Naim

So begins...

Bernadette's Story

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Bernadette paced back and forth on the mahogany floorboards, almost willing time itself to go faster. She had been told not to go outside of the room while the humans settled in, but she found it harder and harder to comply. There were people downstairs that was supposed to meet her! Well, there might be… So far she'd heard a car pull up to the in front of the Mansion, its loud engine being a dead giveaway. Peeking through the curtains she wondered what it would be like to ride in one of those strange contraptions. It seemed like it would it would be and exciting thing.

Taking a seat on the windows seating ledge and adjusting the red coloured dress she wore, Bernadette wondered what this new person was going to be like. She hadn't heard much about them, just that now that the Creator was gone they were going to be there to keep her company. There were going to be others too though! Just the thought of all the new people to meet made her want to go downstairs right now. Hearing to the grandfather clock gently ticking reminded her though that eventually her time would come. For someone with in indefinite lifespan she really was rushing to get through things.

Would the humans be okay with who all of them were, though? She had heard that humans didn't think of living dolls as normal things. Dolls like them were meant to be no more than inanimate objects like a table or chair. This was why they weren't allowed past the grounds. She hoped that one day she would get to see the outside world the Doll Maker had told her so many stories about, but she decided that for now she would focus on the matter at hand. Smoothing out any wrinkles in her dress and running her hands through her dark curly hair she tried to make sue she looked presentable for her introduction, maybe it would help whoever she was meeting feel more at ease? Sitting down and glancing back up at the clock she hoped so. She wanted to get along with everyone.

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Character Portrait: Benjamin Von Hawke Character Portrait: Bernadette
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0.00 INK

Bernadette could hear it, footsteps of some sort coming up the stairwell. She hadn't been waiting long but already someone was there! She could feel butterflies inside her, almost as if anticipating who it could be. She hoped that whoever it was that they were going to the room she was in. Gently sliding off of the window space she had been sitting on, she stepped over to the doorway, carefully pressing her ear against the oak door, waiting for some sort of noise that would indicate where the person was going. She waited for a moment until she heard the person find their door. They stopped in front of the room! She could feel her excitement as she stepped away from the door and waited for it's handle to turn. There was hesitation though, almost as if the person on the other side was just as nervous as she was, as what was about to happen.

Slowly though the door creaked open and she saw the figure reveal itself. Blinking slowly for a second her eyes lit up as she thought she recognized him.

"Creator!" She yelled as she leapt forward to hug the man.

He was already back?! That was great! Wait a second… Humans didn't usually come back after they died, did they? That was what she had been told… Slowly looking up at the person she had taken hold of she realized this was definitely not who she thought it was. He definitely looked like the Doll Maker though.

Quickly letting go she laughed sheepishly. "I'm sorry," she she said as she got a better look at the man, "I thought you were someone else." Studying him up and down she realized that she must be speaking with the Doll Makers son. He looked so much like his Father she thought. This was definitely going to be interesting! "You must be the creators son," She said beaming up at him, "I'm the doll you've probably already have been told about, well I'm actually a puppet. My name is Bernadette. It's nice to meet you!"
