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Thomas Smith Rosario

The Living Stuffed Toy

0 · 298 views · located in Dollmaker's Mansion

a character in “The Dollmaker's Will”, as played by _NotTheNormalOne_


Thomas Smith Rosario- "Tom"

Who are you?
"Uhh, The living stuffed toy I guess.

What is your age/gender?

What are you like?
Thomas is often unsure of himself. He never knows if he's doing the wrong or right thing and he is constantly letting others make decisions for him in fear of screwing up. Though all of this aside, Thomas is your typical shy guy. He's not quiet but he does enjoy being alone every now and then. Thomas is very friendly and caring and he likes to be with others. He's typically laid back but not totally carefree and he is always willing to help out. Thomas is sometimes clumsy, especially when talking to someone he likes and when he's embarrassed his face can turn four shades of red.

Who might you like

Whats it like being you
There's not much to say actually. Thomas was crafted as a toy doll. There goes childhood story. Thomas spent most of his life with the Dollmaker and honestly it wasn't such a bad life. Thomas lived what he considered a "normal" life, or as normal as being a life size doll could get. Thomas was made a stuffed toy, and so he was given the physical characteristics of a popular doll, with little ears and a tail with semi-realistic fur. Since the Dollmaker's unexpected death, Thomas has become more distant from the others.

What Else

Thomas has a love for cats and he often goes by his nickname "Tom."
Thomas made up his own middle and last name.
Since Thomas is a stuffed toy, the whole inside of his body is made up of stuffing.

Viva La Vida

So begins...

Thomas Smith Rosario's Story

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Thomas sat on the edge of a large bed, chin resting in the palm of his hand. He stared at out a large glass window, eyes dull. He was alone, and for a while he had enjoyed the solitude but now Thomas was growing bored. He sighed, rubbing his eyes. Thomas slowly stood up and stretched, happening to glance out the window while he did so.

Something caught his attention, and Thomas made his way over toward the large glass window, leaning so close his face was almost touching it. Thomas could make out a car, and he narrowed his eyes. After watching, he saw someone get out the car and walk into the mansion. Curious, he watched to see if anything else would happen but nothing did. Sighing, he took a few steps away from the window, falling backwards onto the bed.

He tried to forget about it, but curiosity got the best of him, and Thomas stood up once again heading toward the window. This time he saw another person, walking straight towards the mansion. Thomas widened his eyes in surprise. "More people?" he thought curiously, and sat once more on the edge of the bed.

After a minute or so, Thomas felt edgy. He would stand up and pace back and forth in the room, and sometimes stand in front of the door, hand grasping the door knob tightly. ".....I’m being stupid" he thought and laughed silently at himself. Thomas laid on the bed and put his hands behind his head, staring at the ceiling. "Well this is new..." he muttered to himself.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mona L. Night Character Portrait: Thomas Smith Rosario
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Thomas was resting on the bed. A few times he had drifted off, and then finally sleep came at him. Thomas woke to the sound of footsteps. He brought a hand to his eyes and rubbed at them roughly. ”Do one of them want something?” he thought referring to the dolls. He yawned lazily and slowly leaned upwards, back facing the door sense he had been sleeping sideways. He slowly began to shuffle off the bed until he heard the door knob twisting. Thomas stood up stretching and turned around. His eyes widened and he jumped, crashing into the wall. A look of shock crossed his face. ”Ohgodohgodohgodohgod who is this?!” he thought.
Instead he gave a weak smile. “H-hey. I’m Thomas” he said stumbling over his words. It was all he could do to keep from having a panic attack. "The stuffed toy.....literally" he said and managed a nevous laugh
[Another failed post. Once again, sorry >.<]

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Character Portrait: Mona L. Night Character Portrait: Thomas Smith Rosario
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She blinked. What else could she do? At this point she didn’t really have the energy to be surprised. She looked behind her at the door and checked the name again. Yes, it still said Mona. Then why was it that someone else, a boy no less, was in what she supposed was her room? She looked back at the boy and blinked again. He looked shocked to see her. Did he not know they were coming? Was he not warned? Who was he to the Dollmaker? She tilted her head slightly to the side and took all of him in. It was probably rude of her to just stare at him but Mona had yet to really think about the situation. And then he spoke.

“H-hey. I’m Thomas. The stuffed toy.....literally." Her eyes widened. For a second time that day she dropped her luggage and yelped when they made contact with her feet. Her eyes stung as she dropped down to the floor. She wouldn’t be surprised if her big toe was swollen. “Owwww…” she whined softly to herself. For a moment she forgot he was there and she pouted down at her feet. How much more damage would be done to them by the end of the day? She suppressed the urge to cry. Mr. Dollmaker, one of her best friends was gone, she was living with people who she didn’t know and who might not even like her and she was going to damage her feet if she kept dropping her luggage on them. One small tear managed to fall down her pale cheek but she quickly swiped it away.

Looking up she spotted Thomas again and took in a deep breath. All she could manage at this point was a wobbly smile. “I-I’m Mona…” she trailed off as she remembered what he’d said. The stuffed toy. She gave him a curious look. Why would he call himself a stuffed toy? Speaking of toys, Mona was reminded that she had to take care of a doll. She looked around the room but didn’t see anything resembling a doll. Where is it supposed to be? Am I supposed to find it? She sighed. She’d look for it when she calmed down. Right at that moment her nerves were too frazzled.

Mona turned to Thomas and tilted her head. Again, she asked herself why he would call himself a stuffed toy… “Why… Is that like a nickname? The stuffed toy? Aren’t nicknames supposed to be short?” she asked curiously, eyeing him from her spot on the floor, not in an unkind way, just a friendly curiosity.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mona L. Night Character Portrait: Thomas Smith Rosario
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Thomas for a moment forgot all about being worried and what not. He looked at her curiously.

"Nickname...?" he muttered confused. "No, I’m really a stuffed doll" he said, still a little confused.

He reached up to his head and touched his ears. "See?" he said then reached down and grabbed his tail. God his tail. It was annoying but he kept it anyway. Just the thought of cutting it off or getting rid of it made him shiver. No matter how many times he tripped and fell over the darn thing, he would still keep it. He turned back to Mona.

"She must be the one who's taking care of us..." he thought quickly.

He almost chuckled inwardly at how quickly he forgot about it. "Yeah well I’m the doll your suppose to be taking care of." he said to clarify things. "Honestly though, I don't really need much taking care of. But I'm not complaining or anything...." he said shrugging. "Oh- and you can call me Tom" he added. "Sorry for the um...earlier introduction" he muttered nervously, giving another weak smile yet this one was friendlier and less nervous.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mona L. Night Character Portrait: Thomas Smith Rosario
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Tom looked at Mona curiously. She seemed a bit saddened maybe? "Did I make her sad..?" he thought, and felt himself panic for a split second. But he quickly reassured himself. "I haven't done anything have I?" he thought curiously to himself. As Mona asked him if she could touch him, his eyes widened. "Wha...?" he mumbled confused even more. "What is she up to...?" he thought. After thinking it over for a split second Tom nodded. "Uh...okay sure" he muttered, stepping a bit closer awkwardly. "Maybe she doesn't believe I’m really a stuffed toy" he thought. It made sense then so he relaxed a bit, angling his ears toward her slightly, a friendly smile on his face.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mona L. Night Character Portrait: Thomas Smith Rosario
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Thomas closed his eyes and resisted the urge to move away but he let her touch his eyes. As he began to open his eyes once more, he looked up to see Mona with a pleasant grin on her face. He didn't know what had made her so happy but it made him grin also.
“You’re real.” She said giggling. “Sorry. I’m probably freaking you out, huh?”

"Oh, no not at all..." he said chuckling, somewhat confused. "Did she think I was lying...? he thought then shrugged it off, grinning.

“Is it okay if I redecorate a bit? I promise I won’t make it too girly. Actually, I’m not really all that girly to begin with.” She began as Tom looked at her. “If you want, we can decorate it… together…?”

It was probably the first time Tom had ever been asked to redecorate a room with someone. "Oh, uh sure!" he said fumbling. "What do you want to decorate it with like? I've never really paid attention to the room but now that you mention it, it is sort of bland" he mumbled, glancing around observing the scene. "Oh! I think there's some stuff in this room to decorate with? Unless you already have something?" he added, and then his face turned red as he realized he was rambling on. "Um, sorry" he added quickly.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mona L. Night Character Portrait: Thomas Smith Rosario
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Thomas thought for a moment. "Those are some cool ideas."Oh well those bookshelves are nice. And we could use more" he added. "Oh, I like to read too" he said chuckling. He sat down on the bed and looked around. "Just out of curiosity..." he began sheepishly.”What kind of books are you interested in?" he asked glancing at her. Tom was now beginning to open up more and he actually seemed happy. It was fun to do something other than sit around and the thought of decorating hadn't even crossed his mind. "Have you always been interested in books?" he asked, resting his chin on the palm of his hand. "Oh, and if you’re going to add Japanese lanterns, you should spread them out as much as you can. They would probably look better that way than pushed together.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mona L. Night Character Portrait: Thomas Smith Rosario
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Thomas grinned. "It's alright. I do stuff like that too" he said, running his fingers through his hair. At the mention of the store he looked at her curiously. "Bookends huh?" he thought closing his eyes. Of course he had never heard of it, not going outside the mansion but it did strike him as interesting. He opened his eyes. "It's good to be a bookworm" he said grinning.

"Sounds like a plan" he said giving her a thumbs up. "Have you looked around yet? This place is really big. But I don't think that you could get lost in it" he added waving his hand as if dismissing the subject. "If you want I could possibly show you around. Oh and there are more dolls here in case you didn't know. but you've probably figured that out already......" he said his voice trailing off.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mona L. Night Character Portrait: Thomas Smith Rosario
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Thomas shrugged. "Well yeah I’ve lived here for as long as I can remember. It's a nice place." He said getting up. "It's a shame he passed away..." he muttered sighing. Tom moved towards her and took her hand. We shall" he said and led the way out. As he walked through the halls, he gestured with his hands to the other rooms that belonged to the dolls and their respective owners. It was then that Thomas realized how big the place really was. Thomas stopped in front of the stairs glancing at Mona. "I know you told me you met the others but you haven't met the dolls right?" he questioned. As soon as the words left his mouth he heard voices. "The others are out there rooms." he said looking around. Thomas turned back to Mona. "I’m sure we'll meet them soon. For now though are you hungry?" he asked guiding her down the steps.