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The Elder Scrolls: Keys to the Past



a part of The Elder Scrolls: Keys to the Past, by Flexar.


Flexar holds sovereignty over Tamriel, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

702 readers have been here.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources:


The continent of the Elder Scrolls.
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Tamriel is a part of The Elder Scrolls: Keys to the Past.

2 Places in Tamriel:


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elevainia TaiMy Character Portrait: Kairos Black-Lion
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Skilled hands carefully sliced through the doe, when the sound of faint foot steps quietly enter the room. The fire danced playfully nearby as shadows emerged outlining the fabric that draped the young Bosmer. "Thank you Kairos, for taking care of my kill. My hands are, very small compared to everyone's here. I am grateful that you are doing it," the young elf's voice trembled from behind him. Kairos finished the cut he was making before turning to face her.

"I wasn't aware that it was you who had slain this doe. Your marksmanship is incredible." he stated before turning around and placing the skinned doe over the warmth of the fire to cook. He cleaned his hands and began to wash his bloodied dagger as he turned back towards Elevainia. "You're not interested in looking over the tomes?" the Nord inquired to her softly. She seemed quite nervous, though she had been rather quiet since she had arrived. "Jeelus-Tei has already given me the pleasure of looking over them, so I see no reason to intrude on the others readings."

Kairos examined the girl with softened eyes. She had changed out of her fur attire into a beautiful lavender gown, shrouded in a black cloak. Her long hair was now freely flowing over her shoulders and her snow-white skin was hinted with a faint blush. Kairos noticed the young woman trembling and instinctively set down the dagger and approached her. She was rather tall, but the man still seemed to loom over her with his height. Her pale lips were tinted with a hint of pink, his moistened from ale. With one hand, he reached out and clasped the tooth hanging from her neck. His fingers traced the small object as he briefly studied it. "I know this may seem odd," he started, "but have we met before?"


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Do'Khaj Character Portrait: Allëna Benoch Character Portrait: Nirrarien Falirae Character Portrait: Elevainia TaiMy Character Portrait: Kairos Black-Lion
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The possibility of leaving the warm house, in exchange for the cold swamp nights brought forth a sour taste to my senses. "You are far too hasteful to remove yourself from the warm arms of hospitality. Let us rest our heads here for the night Do'Khaj. Just as Jeelus-Tei said, the swamp is home to many distasteful creatures that I would not ordain to have our party meet." I answered the Khajiit, a faint smile playing across my lips.

We had only been sheltered by Jeelus-Tei but a few short hours, and I was not sure why Do'Khaj seemed so keen on leaving during the stormy cold night. Out of the corner of my eye, I glimpsed a tall man hovering next to Elevainia. A few moments later I realized that this man was Kairos. He stood intimately close, his hands wrapped around the odd tooth that hung suspended above Elevainia's chest.

I could see his mouth moving, but could not hear the words that he spoke above the crackle of the fire. I examined Elevainia, who's cheeks were slightly blushed, who stood in a shy pose, and who was completely obvious. A Nord and a Bosmer? It was completely absurd to me, for inter-racial marriages were very uncommon in Alinor. What bewildered me even more was the fact that most Nords completely despised all species of Mer. What was different about Kairos?


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Do'Khaj Character Portrait: Allëna Benoch Character Portrait: Nirrarien Falirae Character Portrait: Elevainia TaiMy Character Portrait: Kairos Black-Lion
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Elevainia couldn't help but blush at the comment Kairos made about her kill. She gave a small smile but it faded as he asked why she was not looking over the Tomes with the others. She stuttered for the right words, "U-ummm, I- I can't really-" Elevainia stopped her sentence as the tall Nord loomed over her frail body. She had noticed that his blue eyes were indeed the same shade as her blue eye was. "I know this may seem odd," the Nord said with a pause as his hand reached out to Elevainia's choker, his fingers trailing over the wolf's tooth that hung from it, "but have we met before?"

Elevainia's heart gave a sigh as this man had obviously had that same question as she. She didn't know the right words to say to him. It wasn't just a casual thing to say Nope sorry, I can't remember a thing. Elevainia searched through her mind for something to say, but the truth was all she could find, "Kairos, I really do wish I could give you an answer, but I am afraid that I have no memories beyond last season. Please if I do look familiar to you, I am trying to find out who I used to be." She searched his eyes for hope, but as she searched, she lost herself in his gaze.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Do'Khaj Character Portrait: Allëna Benoch Character Portrait: Nirrarien Falirae Character Portrait: Elevainia TaiMy Character Portrait: Kairos Black-Lion
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Allena weathered Do'Khaj's retort with a deep scowl impressed upon her face, and though she would have liked to tell the Khajiit a few choice words she decided to stay silent, and thus keeping intact the newlyfound peace her party had retrieved. In fact, things were so peaceful that a relationship between two unlikely people seemed to be flourishing.

The night was a short one in Allena's perspective. After a wonderful dinner of roasted deer meat, and an arduous chat with Elevainia about priorities, Allena silently trudged off to bed. If she thought that the night had gone by quickly, she was in complete awe of how fast the morning rushed to them. The morning was a good one. As she wet her throat with an odd bottle of wine she had found stashed in the drawer of her nightstand Allena was content to sit in the old oak dining chair, and ask Jeelus-Tei many questions about the journey ahead of them.

In the midst of their excited talk Do'Khaj stood and excused himself from the table, as well as the house. As he sidled past Allena, who sat next to Nirarrien, across from Elevainia and Kairos, she thought to herself, Going to a tavern most likely. Damn drunk... She afforded the Khajiit no more attention than a child leaving the room, and continued to breakfast with her companions, finding that Kairos was not as cold a man as she had initially thought. Word was that their party would leave at noon, in the direction of Stormhold.