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Tália Beaumont

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a character in “The Elements - The Beginning”, originally authored by SleepingInTheGardens, as played by RolePlayGateway



~FC: Amanda Siegfried~



Tália Jeanne Beaumont

"I love my name, why ruin it?"





Remi Beaumont



Eye Color:

Hair Color:
Light blonde

5 feet 5 inches



Overall Appearance:
Tália takes her appearance very seriously. You will never see her in sweat pants and a t-shirt, without flawless make up or with her hair undone. She takes pride in her outfits. She plans each one out with great detail and care. She's always dressed like she just stepped out of a photo shoot. She loves jewelry and shoes the most and has over 30 different shades of lipstick. She doesn't wear make up because she thinks she needs it. She wears it because she sees it as another accessory to her look/wardrobe. She loves dressing up in fancy dresses and heels the most and will often have her brother take her out to a fancy dinner just so she can show off her sense of fashion.




User can create, shape and manipulate molten rock (magma while underground, lava when on surface), a mixture of molten or semi-molten rock, volatiles and solids, it may also contain suspended crystals, dissolved gas and gas bubbles

◾May be unable to create molten stone, being limited to manipulating only from already existing sources.
◾Control is extremely important. Unconscious use of this power isn't something to laugh at.
◾Fireproof Skin and/or Thermal Resistance isn't always part of the package, so burning yourself is possible.
◾Molten stone can be slowed/stopped by water, ice or cold.

The heat/hot weather

The cold/cold weather



Video games
Sci-fi movies/shows

Being talked down to
Not knowing what to wear
People assuming she's stupid

Losing her brother/only family

She's a closet nerd

On the outside Tália seems like the glamorous, color coding fashionista, and she is. She loves clothing and fashion and dreams of one day owning her own boutique or clothing line. She claims that it's thanks to her that her brother has a good fashion sense. She loves anything girly, fashionable and trendy and adores going shopping. Deep down however, Tália is a quirky nerd. Only those who are super close to her know this about her. She's very smart and absolutely loves math, but hides it by maintaining her grades at a B-C average. She's afraid others will make fun of her if they really knew, but she loathes it when people assume she's stupid. She loves science and any TV series or movie that deals with that. She absolutely loves playing video games, and is very good at them. Again, only her closest friends and her brother know this secret side of her. She doesn't have very many friends, however, because of her stone cold glare and harsh exterior. She keeps it all well hidden behind the outfits, gorgeous shoes and beautiful hair. Only those that take the time to get to know her get to see this side of Tália, but not many people bother to do so. When she's school Tália, she can be very blunt and brutally honest. She can be a bit of a stone cold bitch when she wants to be and says she has fans not friends. When she's at home or with people she trusts, she's much more relaxed. She's very sarcastic, but in s funny way and she loves teasing people and pulling pranks. She's competitive when it comes to her video games and will often make her brother play with her just for the satisfaction of beating him. She's like two completely different sides to the same coin. Those who don't run away and actually attempt to get close to her are usually pleasantly surprised.


Tália and her brother grew up under very strict parents. Their father was n the military and their mother was extremely religious. They had to practically be the perfect kids. She was the princess of the family. Everyone adored her, including her brother. Their mother always made sure they fit their roles perfectly so when her brother came out as being gay, they started treating him like a dog and it broke her heart to watch. He was her best friend, her protector and she felt useless because she couldn't help him. The best she could do was keep him company. She would often get in trouble and be beaten for sneaking some food or drunks for him, though she'd always lie to him and say she never got caught. This went on for much too long, and she slowly began to develop a cold exterior towards her parents. Eventually her brother was fed up and reported them to the police then requested to be emancipated. He promised her he'd fight for her to the bitter end, and he did. After he gained custody of her she quickly packed everything and moved in with him without even thinking twice about it. They didn't have much, but she didn't care. She was happy that they were out of that house and that her brother could finally be himself. She's lived with him for almost 3 years and he has become like a father to her, as well as her best friend.

So begins...

Tália Beaumont's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alyssa Griffin Character Portrait: Delaney Margaret Scott Character Portrait: Ophelia Landers Character Portrait: Oliver Griffin Character Portrait: Finnigan Griffin Character Portrait: Remi Leon Beaumont
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“Tália! You’re beautiful now let’s go!” Remi called out to his sister from the living room. She was still in the bathroom getting ready and it felt like she had been in there for hours. It wasn’t very late yet, but he had told his best friend Grayson that he was leaving the house about 30 minutes ago, when it only takes about 10 minutes to get from one house to the other. After what seemed like forever, Tália finally stepped out of the bathroom and walked out into the living room where Remi was impatiently waiting, car keys in hand.
“I don’t understand why I can’t just stay home” she protested for about the fifth time within the last half hour.
“Because I don’t know what time I’ll be back and I said so” Remi replied matter-of-factly. He had a thing about leaving his little sister alone for long periods of time, even though he had done it many times before. He waited for her to walk out and shut and locked the door behind him.
“I’ve been home alone plenty of times” she continues to argue as they head to the small black car. “I think you just want to see Oliver” she teased with a smirk, already knowing how he would respond. As expected, he shit her a quick glare as he opened the car doors.
“That is not- you…shut your mouth. Get in” the look of annoyance on his face almost made Tália laugh. Her brother was one of the most stubborn people she had ever met, but she knew him all too well. Deep down he was actually very vulnerable, which sometimes worried her. Once situated in the car, he took off towards the Griffin estate. Tália didn’t even bother to text Ally. She already knew she was coming. She had slept over plenty of times, enough to not have to warn her about her coming. It didn’t take long for them to get to the house. Remi parked the car by the curve and walked around to the trunk to get his sister’s things. They both headed up the steps and knocked on the door.


Camila read over her notes one more time and turned back to read through her essay. She was never one to leave school work to the last minute, but for some reason she had been oddly distracted lately. Too many things were going through her head at once and she just couldn’t concentrate on school work like usual. Now it was the day before the first day back from break and she was stuck proof reading an AP English essay on The Great Gatsby. She finished reading through it for the third or fourth time and set it down on the desk. With a sigh, she leaned back in her chair and picked up her phone. There was an unread message from Delaney. Her head was so busy she couldn’t even remember what they were talking about. She quickly skimmed through their old messages and sent her a quick reply, then apologized for taking so long to respond and explained why. As she was about to shut off her phone, she saw the conversation thread between her and Ophelia. She mentally face palmed and opened up the conversation. They were supposed to hang out tonight, and she had been so busy with her essay she had completely forgotten.

[From Cam]
[To Lia]
[MSG: I’m so sorry Lia! I’m kind of stressing over an essay here and I completely spaced. Do you still want to hang out?]


Ezra had made it through his flights and luggage claim with ease. He had always loved flying, but hated the jet lag feeling it left afterwards. He hadn't been able to stop yawning since he stepped off the last plane. He glanced at the time on his phone, it was still fairly early. He had planned on heading straight to Camila’s house, but maybe he’d make a few surprise visits along the way. Finn’s house was the closest from where he was, so this would be his first destination. Once he had all his belongings and the keys to his rental car, he walked out into the parking lot to look for it. It didn’t take him long to find it, since it kind of stood out from most of the others. He opened it, threw everything in the back seat and sped out of the lot, onto the highway and towards one of his best friend’s house. He didn’t plan on calling ahead, so he hoped they were home. Otherwise, he’d just have to go and pay Eric a visit first instead. He had really missed them both the past year. They'd Skype and play video games all the time, but it wasn't the same as seeing them face to face. he was excited to finally be back.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alyssa Griffin Character Portrait: Oliver Griffin Character Portrait: Xavier Grifin Character Portrait: Remi Leon Beaumont Character Portrait: Tália Beaumont
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Oliver was laying on the couch, in the living room, watching TV with a packet of potato chips in his hand, original, to be exact. The noise in the house had settled down since his video-game session was over, he as sick of how Xavier kept on beating him, over and over again. The doorbell rung and he got up, "I'll get it!" He grabbed the doorknob and twisted it, opening it up. "Oh, hi there." He smiled and let Remi and Tália inside the house, closing the door behind them, "Ally's in her room, If you are wondering, Tál or Táli? I don't know what to call you, I mean as like a nickname, ask my brother about that one, he is a wizz at... everything. Well, maybe except Math, but that's only because he doesn't listen. Sorry, rambling. Runs in the family... Mostly. Well, all the boys in the family have it... Rambling, again. Sorry."

Oliver clumped back down on the couch, sprawled across it and picked out a handful of chips from the bag, "So, Remi, how's life at the moment? Any daily schedules that have being ruined because of the first day of school tomorrow?" He tossed a few chips into his mouth, picking up the TV remote from the table and handing it to Remi, just in case he wanted to change the TV to something that he might enjoy a bit more, considering he was just watching the 1987's version of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, it would probably be pretty easy.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alyssa Griffin Character Portrait: Delaney Margaret Scott Character Portrait: Ophelia Landers Character Portrait: Nathan James Parker Character Portrait: Oliver Griffin Character Portrait: Xavier Grifin
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Tália watched in amusement as Oiler rambled on about god knows what. It certainly did run in the family, but he seemed to do it most often out of all of them. “It’s just Tália. I hate nicknames” she stated, answering the boy’s question. She grabbed her things from her brother and gave him a quick peck on the cheek. “Behave you two” she said with a slight wink and headed in the direction where she was told Ally was. She could hear the other two Griffins rambling about somewhere in the house, but she couldn’t care less about them. Well… that’s not true, she might have had a small crush on the eldest one, but no one needed to know that except herself. She walked passed the kitchen and saw the two of them congregating by the fridge. “Bonjour” she muttered and continued on her way to Ally’s room. Once there she didn’t even bother to knock, she simply walked in and set her things down. “Surprise”


Remi scowled at Tália’s comment, but she was out of the room before he could respond with a snaky comeback. He turned back to the boy as he was handed the TV remote out of nowhere, while he continued to ramble. How he could contain so much energy in such a small body was beyond him. He couldn’t help but to listen as he continued talking though, and then he mentioned something about school. That’s right! He had completely forgotten Tália had school the next day, and knowing her, she’d call him early in the morning to drive her there because walking is something she just doesn’t do. Using the same remote he was handed, he tapped the top of the boy’s head. “Lay off the caffeine, will ya? That rambling gets annoying”. To be honest, he didn’t really find it annoying, but Oliver didn’t need to know that. “Anyway, I’m not staying. Got things to do” he said as he got to his feet and tossed the remote back to him, just barely missing his face by about an inch. “Tell those sexy brothers of yours I’ll be back in the morning to pick up Tália. If anyone needs a ride let me know before I change my mind”. Before Oliver could start rambling again, Remi walked out and shut the door. He stood still for a few seconds, then took a deep breath and rushed to the car. He was at Grayson’s house and knocking on his door in five minutes flat. It was late, and by now Kelsey was probably asleep. He had been looking forward to seeing his adorable goddaughter.


Just as she was about to turn back to her essay, Camila heard her phone buzz, then buzz again not long after. She picked it up and saw Ophelia’s and Delaney’s names pop up on the screen. She opened Ophelia’s first and quickly replied as she stood up to gather her things. It was the first day back at school tomorrow so she figured she’d just spend the night in one of Lia’s guest rooms. She made sure she had all her books as well as everything she’d need for the essay, which was basically done, but being the perfectionist with her schoolwork that she was, she wasn’t satisfied. She grabbed her belongings and her car keys and ran down the stairs to the front door. “I’m going to Lia’s” she called out to her parents who were in the kitchen. She wasn’t sure if they responded because she rushed out the door before they had a chance to. She tossed everything in the back and hopped into the driver’s seat. After turning on the car she opened Delaney’s text and looked over the attachment. Now this was interesting, and the first she had heard of it.

[To Laney]
[From Cami]
[MSG: that sounds kind of scary…I don’t want to believe it but, what if we’re not the only ones with these weird abilities?]

On the way to Ophelia’s, Cam kept turning the topic over in her head. Could there really be others like them? Aside from Ophelia, Tália, Delaney, Nathan, Remi, Ezra and herself, she didn’t know of anyone else that had the strange powers, but it was a possibility. After parking her car she rushed up to the front door and was greeted by Miles before she could even knock. He walked her to Ophelia’s room and she peaked her head in. “Sorry I’m so late”


After what seemed like hours, thanks to a strange traffic jam on the highway, Ezra finally made it to the Griffin’s place. As he parked his car, he saw a familiar black Honda leaving the property. If he remembered correctly, it was Remi’s car. He always did love hanging around Remi, it was never a dull moment with him around. Ezra didn’t think he’d be spending the night here, so he didn’t even bother to take out his things, well that is except the small gifts he brought back from Spain. Really, he knew he should stop spoiling them or he’d use up all his money on presents, but he couldn’t help it, he loved bringing random trinkets and such for everyone. He tossed the book bag over his right shoulder send walked up the steps. The place was unusually quiet, it was a little scary, but the lights were on and so was the TV so someone was home. He rang the doorbell then stood back to wait for a reply.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ophelia Landers Character Portrait: Nathan James Parker Character Portrait: Evangeline Newman Character Portrait: Finnigan Griffin Character Portrait: Remi Leon Beaumont Character Portrait: Ezra Vargas
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Marbles scurried away from the brunette as she continued to watch Scandal. The sudden movements and unnecesasry comments were annoying the kitten. Ophelia watched her kitten jump off the bed and practically run out of her bedroom. The pyromaniac just shrugged. Marbles would be back once the suspenseful show was over. Ophelia uncrossed her legs and then recrossed them. She was waiting for two text messages. One from Cami and the other from Nathan. Not that she would die if she never received the text message. She would just like to hear from them. Also Talia. Her thoughts were interrupted when Olivia Pope was hooking up with some other guy. "You go Olivia." Miss Landers chanted from the sidelines. That is something Ophelia would do. Not that she could anymore. She was perfectly happy with her Nathan. Speaking of Nathan. Her phone buzzed. Scanning over the message a soft giggle escaped her as she typed out a reply.
[To: Nathan♥]
[MSG: But its Marbles. She has to come first. Also Cami was going to come over tonight anyway. If you still want to come over be my guest. I never have a problem with you coming around.]

The message sent and finally Scandal was coming to a close. “Sorry I’m so late” The brunette turned to see her best friend standing in the doorway with Marbles at her heels. Marbles always comes back. Lyles must have let Cami in without a warning. Not that it mattered. "No problem. How was your essay writing?" Ophelia slid over in the Queen sized bed to make room for her best friend. She patted the bed gesturing for her to get comfortable. "Oh. Nathan might come over. Not sure. But if he comes I'm also inviting Talia. Might as well make it a party." Ophelia stated before her best friend went on about school.


Greyson had completely finished his coffee and set it down on the night stand next to him. He was running his fingers through his daughters hair with one hand and holding up Of Mice and Men with the other. She should be asleep in her Hello Kitty themed room. But she insisted on waiting for Uncle Remi. Greyson didn't argue. Eventually she would either fall asleep before he came over or she would immediately go to sleep after Remi walked into the door. Either way. Kelsey would be in bed before 10. He was determined to make that happen. Third chapter into the book and he could hear the soft snores of his daughter. He smiled and flipped the page. There was a knock on the door and that woke Kelsey up. Before she could register that she was asleep, she got really excited. "Uncle Remi?!" she asked Greyson. He just nodded and his daughter hopped up off the couch. Running over to the front door she opened it up. "Uncle Remi!" She exclaimed, wrapping her arms around her godfather.

The father closed his book and stood up. "Alright Princess. You saw Remi. Time for bed." He said. Kelsey frowned, but then a smile came to her face. "Remi can you tuck me in?" Greyson just shook his head, chuckling. He didn't mind if Remi tucked his daughter in or not.


Finally Evangeline walked into the house with a not so happy brother staring at her when she walked in. Her curfew in his eyes was when the sun went down. That was two hours ago. "Hey Eric. I'm alive." She said, placing her house keys on the hook. Eric rolled his eyes. "That is not the point. I could have picked you up Evie." Eric said looking over his sister, making sure nothing bed happened to her that she was trying to hide. "I'm a big girl now. I even memorized the number for the police." she added sarcastically. Evangeline walked by him with a smile heading up to her bedroom. "What good is the number if you were asked to test the smell of chloroform." he said, but Evangeline was already in her room. Eric was just trying to make sure he didn't lose another sibling. He loved Evie too much to allow anything bad to happen to her. So that is exactly why he is about to call for some back up. Ezra wasn't in America right now, but Finn was. He pulled out his phone to send a message.
[To: Finn]
[MSG: Okay. We have a sister situation. Evie doesn't understand the dangers of the dark and now feels the need to venture out on her own without calling for a ride back. I need some musketeer action on this. Some kind of intervention. Most likely she would listen to Ezra, but he isn't here. Finn you gotta help.]


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Oliver Griffin Character Portrait: Xavier Grifin Character Portrait: Finnigan Griffin Character Portrait: Ezra Vargas Character Portrait: Tália Beaumont
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Image Image



The two Griffin brothers were clamoring at the fridge, each fighting each-other to get to the leftover pizza, from the night before, first.
"No! It's mine! I called dibs!"
"You can't just "call dibs" over a pizza!"
"Yes, I can and none of your scientific studies can prove me wrong!"
"I am currently studying physics, Xavier, so, technically, you are very right, in that case."
"So I win?"
"I will Static Shock your ass, right here, right now. If I have too, I'll go full out Storm, or even Thor, just to prove how god-like I can be."
"What are you even talking about?"
"I am using comic book characters with electricity manipulation to make my point, does it work?"
"No... And doesn't Storm technically have weather manipulation?"
"Well, yeah... But that comes with electrokinesis."
"You know what. I'm done arguing about superheroes and half a box of pizza."

Finn was about to walk off until Talia walked pasted the kitchen door, greeting them on her way past, "Hello, Talia... Bye Talia." He walked out of the kitchen to the lounge room with a bowl of Coco Pops. "Oh, don't worry, Ollie, the slave will get your door for you, young sir." Ollie smiled. "Thanks buddy." Finn rolled his eyes and opened up the door to see Ezra standing there with a few small gifts, "Oh hey, Ezzie. Want a piece of pizza?"




Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alyssa Griffin Character Portrait: Ophelia Landers Character Portrait: Nathan James Parker Character Portrait: Oliver Griffin Character Portrait: Evangeline Newman Character Portrait: Finnigan Griffin
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Talia set her things down and settled down on the bed next to Ally. She seemed to be watching some news show. Talia was never the type to watch anything that had to do with the news. Since it was, more often than not, bad all it really did was depress her. She pulled out her phone and set it on her lap, then leaned back against the headboard. "Sorry I came so late. My brother was going over to his friend's and for some reason I couldn't stay home on my own" She said as she messed with a strand of her hair. "I know he just needed an excuse to see his boy toy" Talia joked, spinning her phone on her fingers. "I don't know why he's so intent of denying it'. Talia really wanted her brother to be happy but sometimes it seemed like he stood in his own way. The only one she could talk to this about was Ally, since she was the only person besides herself that knew how Remi truly felt. However she had yet to find out about Talia' s crush on her older brother. That'd just make everything awkward.


As soon as the door opened, Remi was attacked by an adorable little toddler. He smiled smiled and scooped up his goddaughter in his arms like he always did. "Well of course princess" he said before placing a soft kiss on her cheek. He stepped inside and closed the door with his foot. "I'm all yours" he said, then whispered the next part, which was still loud enough for his best friend to hear. "But don't tell your daddy or he'll get jealous" he joked, giving Grayson a playful wink as he walked passed him to Kelsey's room. He walked inside and set her down under the covers, pulling them up tightly around her. He started a short bedtime story, but before he even reached the middle, she was out like a light. He smiled softly and placed another kiss on her forehead, after which he whispered goodnight. He sneaked out of the room as quietly as possible and made his way back to his best friend.


Cami somewhat shyly walked into the room, setting her belongings aside as out of the way as possible, and walked over to the bed. With a light smile, she climbed up and settled in next to Ophelia. Her friend informed her that Nathan could be staying over as well and something in her stomach made her feel a bit nervous. "aleight. I can text Talia if you want". Cami had had a crush on Nathan ever since they were kids until just very recently. However, once her best friend started dating him, Camila made it a point to forget she ever liked him. She wouldn't betray her friend's trust over a boy, no matter who it was. Regardless of Cami and Nathan ' s friendship, Ophelia would always come first to her. She just had to gather up the courage to tell her, so there's no secrets. Aside from that, she had started to develop feelings for someone else. Someone who didn't even know of her existence. To Cami, and probably to him as well, it was as if they were on different olanets. She had to tell Ophelia about this as well, otherwise she might explode from having to keep it in. "And I finished the essay…more or less" she mumbled, knowing she'd probably make more changes to it later. As she spoke she felt her phone buzz. A reply from Laney.
[To Laney]
[MSG: A cult??? No thanks! O_o]

She quickly set her phone down. After hitting send and turned back to her friend.


Ezra waited at the door for a bit, until someone finally answered. It was Finn, who greater him ever so casually. "What that's it??" Ezra said with his hands halfway in the air. "I've been gone for a year and that's all I get? The disrespect here is too much" he said walking past Finn with a fake pout. "Hey Olie" he greeted with a wave then turned back to his best friend. "But since you offered, yeah I'll take a slice" he said with his usual crooked smile. Despite not having been in town in over a year, Ezra kept in constant communication with Finn and Eric through video games and video chat sessions. It was basically like they had seen each other the day before, but Ezra had always been a fan of the welcome back hugs he normally got from everyone else. Speaking of which, he'd have to call Eric soon. Or better yet, show up at his door. He was sure neither him nor Eva would mind.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Delaney Margaret Scott Character Portrait: Ophelia Landers Character Portrait: Nathan James Parker Character Portrait: Evangeline Newman Character Portrait: Finnigan Griffin Character Portrait: Remi Leon Beaumont
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"aleight. I can text Talia if you want" Ophelia didn't really care if Cami texted or if she did it. Someone would eventually get Talia over here. Or Lia two. At least that's how the brunette refers to her when it's just the three of them. Talia already has an issue with nicknames. To say that around other people would not be good. Especially if it caught on. "Yeah go ahead. Let me check if Nathan is coming." They might as well make this a sleepover. It would be easier on all of them. Then to go home late and then try to wake up for school the next day. Quickly, she typed out a message to her boyfriend.
[To: Nathan♥]
[MSG: If you are on your way. Lyles will let you in.]

The message sent and Lia tuned in one time to here her friend talk about the essay she had just finished. In the trio, Ophelia was glad, Cami was the one to care about school. Kept the others on track. "It's probably perfect. Much better than mine probably." It's not that Ophelia wasn't smart, she just didn't see the need to put the extra effort into stuff she didn't care about. Like English, History, Science, Gym. Stuff like that wasn't interesting to Ophelia. But she was a wiz at math. Something about numbers intrigued her. People say she is crazy, but Ophelia just calls it a passion. Like her passion for chocolate. Speaking of Chocolate, Lyles walked into the room. "Miss Landers. I believe Sir Nathan just pulled up. Will Madam Talia be coming as well?" Lyles knew Ophelia so well. "Probably. Let Nathan in please and hand him a box of snickers to bring up to the room, please?" Lyles nodded and left the room. "Is there a fifty percent chance you will skip school and come with me the animal shelter?" Ophelia wanted another cat, but she needed someone else to help her judge which one deserves to come home with Lia.


Greyson just smiled at his best friend and his daughter, soon reminded by why he had chosen Remi to be the godfather. It was like as soon as he held Kelsey, he was a whole different person. It was ridiculously adorable. As they left to her room, he got up and cleaned up the child things. He placed her coloring books back on the shelf. Her box of crayons were put in the top drawer. her princess costumes were put in the toy chest. And his coffee cup was washed and put away. By that time, Remi graced the father with his presence. "I invite you over and my daughter gets a better greeting. I'm hurt." He teased. Walking around Remi, he headed back to the living room. Greyson sat down on the couch and left room for Remi. "Alright what excuse do you have to explain your tardiness this time?" Greyson had a bright smile on his face. It was always good to see Remi.


Evangeline laid down on her bed and stared at her phone laying on the charger. Then she looked over at her window. Big enough to crawl out of and close enough to the ground to not break her dancer legs. Evie looked back at her phone and thought about her brother who was just down the steps. He would throw an absolute fit if he caught her sneaking out. And would possibly call the police if Evie was just missing. It was already late. Maybe she could have someone come and rescue her from her over protective brother. First she texted Willow.
[To: Firebird]
[MSG: Save. Me. Eric is driving me insane. x.x]

Next was Ezzie. Brother number three. She didn't even know if he was in the country. But maybe he could call Eric and calm his craziness.
[To: Ezzie]
[MSG: Bro #1 is being over protective again. Help.]

Eric stayed in the living room for a little while hoping Finn had responded, but he didn't. After turning off the tv and lights, he headed to his bedroom. He slowed down by Evie's room. He could hear her bed creaking, so he knew she was in there. He went up to his own room and shut the door. Laying on his bed he had a minor day dream about his crush, Delaney. Even though she was Evie's age, she was absolutely perfect. A soft smile formed on his face as she thought about her.