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Mithra Silvius

An infantry captain for the Black Army of the Empire.

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a character in “The Flames of Merion”, as played by Principio



Name: Mithra Silvius
Nicknames: Mithra, Iron Captain
Gender: Male

Faction: Empire
Culture: Alaphytine
Age: 30
Rank: Tribune

Description: Mithra's basic features are features all Alaphytines share. He has well-kempt dark brown wavy hair combed to the back and the rough olive skin of man born into poverty, with dark eyes that look like the night. Mithra stands at the average Alaphytine height of 5'6", and while this was not particularly impressive, he has a well-toned lean body to supplement it. His jaw is sharp like his aquiline nose, his lips small and thin. He always keeps his beard and moustache cleanly shaven off for a neat look. When speaking to his men or to people he adored, his eyes are described as soft and caring, but when faced with adversity or speaking to strangers, his eyes are uncaring and sharp, piercing through souls. He wears the traditional Alaphytine Flamer uniform with its pteruges running down the shoulder and thighs with lamellar armour on his chest. As per Imperial standards, however, he has since dyed the leather and metal in his uniform black.

Personality: Mithra is, in short, a just but vengeful man. When need be, he was also a cold-blooded killer. He developed an early sense of justice and vengeance. He was angry at everything, including his unfaithful mother and those like her. He was soon adopted by an old noble after he was found on the streets, lost, angry, and in grief. The noble taught him of the corruption in society and how to fight like a true warrior. During his years as a guardsman and justiciar in Alaphysius, he became more in tune with the nation and the law, and as a just man, he strived to help reform it. This brought him into conflict with the senate's vilest of men, but this also served to reinforce his hatred for them. He also proved himself a capable commander during his guard years, and proved himself even better as a centurion in the field armies. He is a charismatic man, but he does not lead by voice, and instead leads by action and rousing the spirits of his soldiers. Despite his love for Alaphysius, he is also an authoritarian who prefers a strong and just ruler over the senate, and so joined Cyros' army.

Weapon Specialty: Flamer
  • Alaphytine Flame Arbalest - A weapon containing an animus core. When overworked by the arbalest's mechanism, the animus core produces a directed heat wave that ionises the air, creating a superhot current of air which is subsequently shot out from the arbalest. It has a range of roughly 50-100 metres.
  • Alaphytine Battleaxe - A one-handed miniature halberd with a spike at the top for stabbing and a hammer on the opposite side of the axeblade.
  • Alaphytine Sword - A short sword meant for more close range engagements.
  • Fire-resistant Pavise - Coated with a fire-resistant resin, this pavise is meant to act as both a melee tower shield and an anti-missile shield for longer-range engagements.
  • Officer's Pistol - A standard weapon for the Empire's armies, given to officers for their service as their primary firearm.


Mithra Silvius was born into a poor family with a loving father but an indifferent mother. His father was his role model at a young age. He was a hunter who gave everything he could to feed his family and still had time to play with his son and teach him archery. When he was still young, however, his father was sent off to war, promising young Mithra that he would return. During the course of the war, every night his house would be visited by a stranger. Every night, young Mithra would hear their affair in action. He was scarred by this experience. Years later, during Mithra's early teen years, his father returned as a crippled and legless man, but he survived thanks to the skill of his doctor. When he found out about his wife's infidelity, Mithra's mother and lover plotted against both him and his father. The father was accused of a heinous crime against his mother, and because of her lover's connections and riches, he was able to bribe the justiciars to have him locked up. Mithra ran away, but he would soon learn of his father's fate: dead in a cell for a crime he did not commit, poisoned. The boy was filled with rage. He broke into his old home and murdered both his own mother and her lover, and swore by the name of the gods that he would kill every last one of their kind.

He did so, taking out his anger on Alaphysius' growing amount of brothels by burning them down. He would be discovered by a nobleman as he tried to set fire to his latest victim, but instead of reporting him, the old noble took him in. He revealed himself to be a former justiciar and taught young Mithras of the injustices brought about by corruption and the pure pursuit of pleasure. He taught him of the law and what it took to fight corruption, both in the court and in battle. In his spare time, he read books written centuries ago by Alaphysius' greatest generals. The old noble hired a guard to train Mithra, and the two saw his potential. After the noble's death, Mithra was eighteen. He joined the ranks of the justiciary and the civil guard, being further trained in the art of battle and the law. During his time as a justiciar, he fought with crime syndicates beyond and within the city walls, using his knowledge of tactics and strategy to lure them out, surround them, and choke them to death. This brought him into conflict with some members of the senate who were revealed to be the beneficiaries of the crime syndicates' human trafficking rings. To further the senate's and people's anger at him, he also declared that prostitutes would be arrested on sight for violating public decency and corrupting the morals of the citizenry. As justiciar, however, nobody could do much against him. In fact, the long-forgotten law as created by Garius Tominas supported his actions. He took this time to get married, and whilst he at first distrusted women, the one he married was just and kind, unlike his mother. They had a child together, but his family was constantly harassed by men clearly hired by the government to blackmail him. Not wanting to have his family endangered any longer, he quit his job as justiciar at the young age of twenty. He worked many jobs after that, but none of them felt fulfilling to him, but every day as he returned home, the love of his wife and child rejuvenated him. He worked for them as well, so that they might live in prosperity.

After he was kicked out, the garrison surrendered as an army marched beyond the walls. Mere hours later, a column of several thousand fully-armoured Alaphytine soldiers marched into the city. At their head was General Clovador with his golden laurel crown. The senate hailed him as dictator so that they might retain their positions. They did, but Clovador was no slave to them. He took away most of their power for himself and their wealth for the treasury. He shut down brothels and put up schools, hospitals, and manufactories in their place. He reinstated many people kicked out of their positions by the senate's political manoeuvring, but Mithra was overlooked, as he resigned by himself. After writing an appeal to the dictator, Clovador read of his achievements. However, instead of granting him his old post as a justiciar, the dictator had other things in mind. He granted him the prestigious position of Camp Prefect for one of General Cynas' legions and granting his family much of their stolen wealth despite his lack of real military training. Though reluctant to leave his family like his father did, Mithra eventually agreed that they needed a stable source of income.

In Cynas' camp, he was trained in a more professional manner. Years of service in the guard and as a justiciar gave him ample training, but not enough to keep up with the legion until he had more training. He was given his tasks as camp prefect and would eventually also be inducted into the ranks of the Alaphytine Flamers. His soldiers were wary of him at first, but he proved his skill in manning the legion and becoming popular with its soldiers by providing well-maintained equipment and good-quality food. In the absence of the legion's general, he would regularly take control against the Aeramagnese heavy cavalry. With arquebuses and flame arbalests, they drove back their knights and heavily armoured infantry, becoming one of Cynas' many favoured legions. During his time as a soldier, he frequently wrote back to his family. After the treaty between Aeramagno and Alaphysius, instead of being granted rest, they were instead sent to guard against nomadic attacks in the Khazamite Desert. After his diplomat was captured, Cynas declared war on the nomads so that they could force them to stop attacking their villages indefinitely. They defeated the Khazamite Khan's army, killing him and allowing his son in the fortified city of Khazar to replace him. Cynas sent another diplomat, asking for peace between them lest their ancient revered walls be torn down. The khan accepted. Under Cynas' leadership, the nomads were settled. Officially, it was a temporary occupation, a project to help the nomads rebuild and to gain their trust. To gain their trust even further, Cynas and his men, including Mithra, converted to their mysterious religion worshipping some unknown god. Unofficially, it was the beginning of their illegal annexation without the consent of the senate. The senate declared Cynas a criminal, but by Clovador's intervention, the senate dropped their accusations and investigations.

Sometime after, Clovador would be found dead, his wife and daughter escaping to Baravaden, and the senate slowly transitioning to a Republic by limiting the power of the Lord Protector. At first, there was no war, just economic strife brought on by the senate's sudden decision to divert funding for "the good of the nation," when in truth they spent the money to rebuild the lost brothels and illegal wineries. Many turned to rebellion as economic prosperity and productivity plummeted. Human trafficking to supply brothels with younger and younger prostitutes became the main source of income for many bandits. In the midst of this chaos, the Commonwealth was declared in Baravaden. The new "Commonwealth" with its Queen Regent and Heir was considered a joke by many, but as distrust in the senate grew, many joined Clovadia's cause. On the second year of chaos, Cynas, angered at this new development, ordered the reorganisation of the armies so that he could eventually bring order if need be. As preparations began, Mithra sent letters to his family, knowing that it might be the last time in a while that he would be able to communicate with them. Eventually, a rumour spread across Alaphysius that Cynas, the general favoured by Clovador, would be his heir. True enough, Cynas was almost killed when an assassin was sent by an unknown party. Cynas' brother subdued the assassin. They suspected it to be the work of the senate. When speaking with his most trusted men, many asked for Cynas to join up with the Queen Regent, which was the safer move. Mithra, knowing of Clovadia's unsavoury adventures in the city, instead broke the general consensus and asked Cynas to instead become their new leader. He said that the Queen Regent and her Heir were as degenerate as the senate, their efforts to curb corruption mere shows for the people. They were no better than the senate in the end. Only a man like Clovador, who was chaste and just, could bring back order and greatness to Merion. The others began agreeing with this course of action. At the start of their third year of preparation, sometime before the original plan to begin their conquest, the first of the desert monster hordes began appearing, attacking travellers and destroying unprepared tribes who did not wish to follow Cynas. The monsters were horrifying, even to Mithras. There wasn't a sense of humanity in those things, with their large twisted horns, long fingers, sharp teeth, and green eyes. Instead of marching on Alaphysius, Cynas first decided to slay the creatures. Small detachments of his armies were sent to deal with clusters of monsters before returning to the city walls. The reorganised army proved incredibly effective. By driving back many hordes of monsters, he gained the loyalty of many more nomadic tribes. With more men to bolster his ranks, Cynas delayed the invasion further to train the nomads in his art of war.

At this time, the Confederacy of Veralaea, the Kingdom of Seimuns, and the Republic of Sentian would secede as further strife gripped the nation, with Alaphysius no longer being able to import important resources from other regions and Baravaden no longer being able to mass-produce weapons. At the end of the fourth year, the two nations finally declared war against one another in a bid to control the last of Alaphysius' territory whilst Cynas' armies marched from the gates. For the first time in five years, Cynas showed his face to the world. He declared his name to now be Cyros. He claimed that Clovador chose him to be his heir, and that he would unite Merion and restore its people to glory and its cities to riches. During this time, Mithra was declared the Tribune of the Fifth Legion, and lead on behalf of his general and on behalf of his Emperor. This time, he fought not only for his nation or for justice, but to finally be able to see his son again.

So begins...

Mithra Silvius's Story