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Naveah Sierro

"Allow the gentle wind to become a storm and see how destructive it can be."

0 · 525 views · located in Calor

a character in “The Four”, as played by Wei_Wuxian


Name: Naveah Sierro

Age: 17

Description: Naveah is an average five foot five inches tall, and weighs around one hundred and twenty pounds. He is lean, yet has a muscular build, enough to captivate the attention of wanderers by. His hair is often times died different colors, but it mainly stays its beautiful golden blonde color, and comes to the middle of his back. His eyes are a beautiful golden hue, but there are specks of another color, though no one believes him as it happens whenever he experiences high emotion. His skin tone is that of a beautiful amber honey, and his hands are always well manicured with slightly lengthy nails. He wears trinkets in his ears that have been blessed and enchanted. His clothing represents him, carefree and melodic.

Personality: Naveah is a free spirit. He doesn't believe in unnecessary violence, but he does believe in fighting for what's right. He craved the stimulation of new people and places. He is fun-loving, somewhat naive, and adventurous with a sense of humor. He possessed a deep respect for life and freedom. He prefers to solve problems non-violently. Even when forced into combat, Naveah typically holds back, fighting defensively and trying to subdue opponents without seriously hurting them, even if they are not human.

Weapon: Aside from his magic and the magic of his ancestors, Naveah carries a Tai Chi Sword, but he hasn't nicknamed it yet. It is enchanted, and has sentient properties. When using this weapon, he rarely unsheathes it unless it becomes absolutely necessary, or if his opponent is to large to subdue.

Bio: Born in a healthy village in Terola to a Psychic Mage and a Air Mage, Naveah has always been called a prodigy in his village. He has always been trained by the best of his village, but he always excelled in Air Magicks. Psychic Magicks always came hard to him, but he has always had a slight affinity with it. Air magic is his forte, but psychic magic is a dangerous territory that his father taught him cautiously. He has always been a great help in his village. As he grew up and learned, he decided to travel abroad and learn from others, but his parents didn't want him to fall victim to the Frost King. Naveah assured them that he would stay safe and continue to train and maintain his way of life. As he traveled, he trained in different martial arts and honed his air and psychic magic. One day while he was away from his village, the Frost King's magi attacked his village, killing his family and wounding many. When Naveah found out, he decided that it was time to cease his traveling and rise against the Frost King to put an end to his tyranny.

Other: There is much about Naveah that is not known. He is a mystery to those who do not know him. He can be silent around those who he doesn't know. His magic is odd and bewilders those who have never experienced it. Naveah experiences visions of things to come, of the past, and of things present due to his psychic magic, which may indicate his affiliation with the prophetess. If he touches someone, something strange happens. He gets bits and pieces of their future, though it is subjective to the route they are taking when he first touches them. If Naveah is touched without warning, he experiences a rush of visions associated with the one who touched him. It takes him into their past present and part of their future, though again it is subjective to the route that particular person is taking. The people in his village/town believe it to be a gift, but he considers it a curse as there is pain associated with visions.

So begins...

Naveah Sierro's Story


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The wind howled violently as a teenage man moved swiftly around the field With every motion, the man performed a different maneuver causing the wind to do strange things. His eyes shimmered and his movements were a blur as he moved quickly striking the posts that jutted out of the ground. He was quick, that much was certain, and with every strike against the wooden posts, it splintered, bits of wood flying in every direction. Flipping away from the wooden post, Naveah called upon the torrential winds and caused the wooden post to snap in two, just by the force of the wind. Smirking, he quickly called his Tai Chi Sword into his grasp and began to train, honing his skills to deadly levels. Being seventeen did not limit him at all. He was eager to learn and eager to master the magic he was gifted.

Looking out into the distance, he simply smiled. He was so carefree and fun loving. He inhaled and exhaled at a rapid rate, but the training he had just finished had lasted for a day and a half. He was going to prove that the element of air was a force to be reckoned with. It could extinguish fires, move the ocean, and levitate the most heaviest of boulders. He sat down, closing his eyes to meditate a little. His master had always taught him that meditation calms the spirit and allows one to reach enlightenment. Just as he was ready to depart into deep meditation, he heard a noise, a cracking noise, a noise that sounded like someone stepping on a twig. Instantly his eyes opened and he looked in the direction the sound had come. It had gotten colder, which could only mean one thing.

"Frost Magi," Naveah said softly as he stood up and tightened his grip around his sword, "as I forsaw in my visions."


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Character Portrait: Naveah Sierro
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The frost magi landed face first against the hard ground after being blasted by a strong wind. Naveah glared at the frost magi coming his way and could only wonder why they were targeting him when he had done nothing wrong. He heard one mention something about golden eyes, and that was when Naveah figured there were others like him, why else would the frost magi be looking for teenagers with golden eyes? Arming himself, he prepared for battle even though he often disliked fighting, he would do so when he needed to.

The frost magi began their assault, attacking simultaneous, but Naveah had underwent serious training before leaving his home and he was prepared. He dodged, twirled and ducked their attacks, attempting to keep from harming them, but their magical attacks were getting dangerously close to striking him. At one point he had to skid against the ground to keep from being blasted with frost magic. Looking at his opponents, Naveah continued his defensive maneuvering, keeping out of their range and hoping for the best until he was hit by an ice dagger in his left shoulder. The pain that filled his body made him drop to his knees, but he wasn’t going to allow them to take him down so easily. Switching to their weapons, the frost magi began to surround Naveah, slowly moving in for the kill or knock out, Naveah wasn’t sure which, but he knew if he didn’t step up his game he’d be done for either way.

Waiting until they were close enough, Naveah unleashed a hellish torrent of razor wind that ripped up the clothing of the frost magi and sent them into the air. The attack left Naveah a bit drained, but he was still able to fight. Unfortunately for the frost magi, they weren’t so lucky. Two of them died upon impact with the solid earth, while the other three scurried off to inform their kind of what they had run into. Naveah pulled himself to his feet and closed his eyes; taking deep breaths in order to clear his mind and concentrate. He hated being violent, but when times called for it, he could be quite the deadly warrior.

“May their souls rest in peace,” Naveah whispered as he said a quick prayer and turned to leave the area. If there were others like him, he wanted to find them.


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Character Portrait: Naveah Sierro Character Portrait: Arion Girsh
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Arion had reached Terola. His hopes of protecting the last of the Four from a frost mage attack had been destroyed as he came across the body of the first two magi, knocked back a few yards from the third. He inspected the bodies, seeing the tears in their clothing. Walking to the next body, he looked up to see Naveah turning and leaving.

This boy was his favourite by far- he was more reserved than the others and like Arion himself. If he had a purpose, he seemed to stick to it as the elf had observed in the past few days as he traversed Calor in search of the Four. He knew he had an interesting hero in his hands, but variety was good wasn't it?

"Naveah," the elf called gently while walking towards him. "You look as if you've lost something." The elf stopped and looked the boy directly in the eyes. "Of course, not all lost things are found. But which do we remember more- what is lost or what is found?"


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Character Portrait: Naveah Sierro Character Portrait: Arion Girsh
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Naveah turned slowly to meet the gaze of Arion and simply smiled.

"We remember those things which we find for they have the potential to become lost again," Naveah replied to the question Arion had asked. "I'm assuming you've been searching for me, how else would you know my name?"

Naveah grip tightened around his sword, but he did not feel any malice from this elf, merely a want to complete a mission. He couldn't help but feel as if this elf would lead him to something he may be looking for. His golden eyes shimmered as he examined the elf in front of him. He was at least four or five years his senior which only made Naveah eager to know who this elf was and how he knew who he was.

"So what brings you to Terola wandering warrior?" Naveah asked.


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Character Portrait: Naveah Sierro Character Portrait: Arion Girsh
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Arion merely smiled as the boy answered. He had an interesting perception on life. The elf then found himself nodding to Naveah's first question. He could tell that Naveah didn't feel nearly as threatened by him as Connor had. At least, he hadn't taken a swing at him yet. That was good news in two ways- he trusted him already to some extent albeit small and Arion would not have to be forced to fight with only his hands. He'd left his crossbow back in the cave and well out of reach of the captured three. He made a mental note to carve more arrows when he got the chance.

"You are correct in saying that I have been searching for you. Why though I cannot tell you until you meet a few friends of mine." Arion chuckled again at the mention of his so called 'friends'. "They are waiting for us at my home- in the center of Calor. If you do not come willingly, I will be forced to take extreme offensive measures to ensure that you come with me."


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Character Portrait: Naveah Sierro Character Portrait: Arion Girsh
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Naveah listened attentively to the elf. It was possible that this particular being could lead him to the others like him, but it was also possible that this man worked for the King and could very well lead him to an ambush, or worse. Though everything in him was telling him to create a diversion and flee, Naveah simply smiled and walked up to Arion. He exhaled when he was only a foot from the male and simply smiled.

"There is no need for hostility nor blind threats. I will go with you solely by choice, but I warn you if this is some sort of trick....." Naveah began as the wind suddenly picked up. Dust and debris lifted into the air around them, Naveah's eyes shimmering as he glared at the elf. In a blur of movement Naveah had unsheathed the sword and slashed the air, sending a current straight passed Arion, striking a boulder before dissipating.

At first it seemed as if nothing had happened, as if Naveah was simply playing with the wind, but when Naveah smirked, the boulder fell into two pieces and that was when Naveah sheathed his sword and nodded, "I trust I've made myself clear? Let us go as I'm sure the King will be searching for the one responsible for the untimely death of his magi."


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Character Portrait: Naveah Sierro Character Portrait: Arion Girsh
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Arion's gaze never moved from Naveah's eyes. He was intrigued by the maturity this character had, by what his potential was above the others. He was no doubt the elf's favourite, especially considering the other three seemed a bit less than happy to find themselves in a mysterious cave after passing out. Once the last of the Four was done with his little presentation, the elf nodded and turned without a word.

The sun was beginning to set and they needed to get back to the others soon. He simply did not trust those three alone in his home. For all he knew, it was completely destroyed (though it was beyond him how they would get past the energy wall) and he would return to find all of his work lost. All he wanted to was to help these Four and the rest of Calor.

After a few minutes of walking, he spoke without turning to face his companion. "Many of these frost magi have died, but an equal balance requires one to live and one to die... or vice versa. Choose the right one."


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Character Portrait: Naveah Sierro Character Portrait: Arion Girsh
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Naveah followed behind the elf, giving the elf a slight lead but for reasons that were his own. As they walked, he could only wonder about the "friends" the elf wanted him to meet. He hoped it was the others like him. He was eager to sit down and talk to a water mage, a fire mage and a earth mage. It was intriguing to know about their magic and how they utilized it. Being the spawn of a Air and Psychic Mage made things quite interesting, but Naveah had always managed to learn and excel in the arts his parents and the elders of Terola taught him. As he walked, he heard the elf speak and listened quietly.

After the elf finished, Naveah looked at him and simply sighed.

"I know not what it is you are asking of me elf. Explain!"


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Character Portrait: Naveah Sierro Character Portrait: Arion Girsh
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Arion looked at Naveah and couldn't help but smile. "One of our friends has more than just one elemental magic. Don't let him die, or the King may have an even greater advantage over us." He turned his eyes back to the narrow trail they were walking on and said no more. Right now he really just wanted to get hime before the other three did something stupid like light themselves on fire.


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Character Portrait: Naveah Sierro Character Portrait: Arion Girsh
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Naveah nodded as Arion explained what he meant by his words earlier. There was another like him who possessed more than one type of magic, but this particular individual possessed more than one elemental magic. Judging by the way the elf worded his statement earlier, Naveah came to the conclusion that this particular magi contained one elemental magic plus frost magic. There was silence much of the way, and Naveah did not speak much aside from pointing out things along the journey, but when he was tired of walking, he glanced over at Arion and simply smirked.

"There are more ways to travel then by foot, and I am sure you know of what I speak," Naveah stated as the wind began to whip up around them. There was a loud howling sound before the two were picked up and carried along in the caress of the mighty wind. They were going excess of a hundred miles an hour, zooming over the land beneath them and cutting their traveling time down significantly. Before long the two had arrived in Calor and the wind gently set them down upon the ground in front of the place which held the other three.

Naveah looked at Arion before taking a step forward.

"Well, this is rather interesting, a home within a cave in the center of Calor," Naveah said softly, "shall we go in? It is your home after all, and I dare not barge in without your approval first."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Naveah Sierro Character Portrait: Connor Jankro Character Portrait: Cassandra Claren Character Portrait: Arion Girsh Character Portrait: Meredith Whitebough
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Arion was very grateful to Naveah for shortening their journey. He would not be able to accomplish such a feat without extremely weakening himself. "Wonderful," he said happily, then thanked him. He looked at his home in relief, seeing that the entrance was still there and presumably the rest of it. "I made it myself, but recently had to expand it to accommodate the rest of you." He chuckled and motioned for Naveah to enter first. The elf followed after him before loosely sealing the small mouth of the cave.

Within a few moments they entered the main part of the cave, where Arion lived. Off to the side was the 'prison cell' containing Cassandra, Connor, and Meredith. It seemed that they had just woken up and none of them were happy.

He heard Cassandra's last comment and cleared his throat to let them know that their 'stupid kidnapper' was here. "Well, I wouldn't have to kidnap you all if you would have come willingly like Naveah here" He motioned to the teenager beside him as he looked at the three from the other side of his glowing wall. "I will give you food and release you from that room, but first I want you to know that I am not going to harm you." His lights eyes flickered to Connor.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Naveah Sierro Character Portrait: Connor Jankro Character Portrait: Cassandra Claren Character Portrait: Arion Girsh Character Portrait: Meredith Whitebough
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#, as written by ceh12
Connor was suddenly abrupt with a column of fire next to his face. Cassandra started to ramble on about their safety and when she calmed down Connor shook his head. "Hey it's okay I wasn't hurt don't worry about it I'm fine." he smiled and looked at her calmly.

Connor shot up at the sound of the elf. He didn't want to truley give into him but he also wanted to eat and get out. He walked up to the wall and talked in his most genuine gentleman voice. "Now my dear elf friend why would I ever hurt you? All I and my compions want is some food and room to breathe that is all, oh and I would very much like my axe back would that be an issue? " he said then smiled sweetly like a man trying to court a woman but his face hid the intention to get it back and walk out the door unless there was a real problem in the world. He then saw the look of the boy. Connor was disgusted. The boy was so trim and proper it made Connor sick to his stomach. Then it hit him, if Meredith was fiesty and water and Cassandra was friendly and fire that must mean this guy is a proper boy and air. He wanted to spit on him but didn't show any signs of anger other than his toes curling in his boots.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Naveah Sierro Character Portrait: Connor Jankro Character Portrait: Cassandra Claren Character Portrait: Arion Girsh Character Portrait: Meredith Whitebough
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#, as written by xBunnyx
Meredith gasped as Connor almost got burned. "Yikes" she said Quickly. She noticed the elf and ... Other Mage at the door. he had come willingly?! The elf said he wouldn't hurt them... Meredith didn't tknow if she believed that. The mage seemed very... Poised. Hmm. She matched up to te door and bluntly asked. "Why did you kidnap us?" When he hesitated, she asked again. She wanted answers.
(sorry for short post >.<)


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Naveah Sierro Character Portrait: Connor Jankro Character Portrait: Cassandra Claren Character Portrait: Arion Girsh Character Portrait: Meredith Whitebough
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Arion was soon staring directly at two angry people. It was a good thing that this wall absorbed any elemental magic thrown at it. "Connor, you and I both know how sincere you really are. Sudden changes in behaviour are automatic warning signs. The last time I talked to you you challenged me for a fight. This time you're almost begging me for your precious axe. If our roles were reversed- thank the gods they aren't- wouldn't you be suspicious?" He smiled slightly. "I will give you your axe back when I believe you can handle it properly."

He then looked at Meredith. "Would you have come with a strange elf freely when Calor is being attacked by these frost magi? If I wouldn't have forcibly taken you three, you may not have come here and I need you here." His voice had lost the mocking tone he'd used with Connor and switched to a very serious one.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Naveah Sierro Character Portrait: Connor Jankro Character Portrait: Cassandra Claren Character Portrait: Arion Girsh Character Portrait: Meredith Whitebough
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#, as written by xBunnyx
Meredith studied the elf. "How do you need us?" she inquired." we're A strange bunch to have a get together with" She couldn't stand him obviously keeping information from them. "Now one more time, "why did you bring us here?" she had narrowed her eyes and summoned a bit of water in her hand.


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Character Portrait: Naveah Sierro Character Portrait: Connor Jankro Character Portrait: Cassandra Claren Character Portrait: Arion Girsh Character Portrait: Meredith Whitebough
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Arion remained silent, wondering what exactly she would try to do to him. "As tempted as I am to keep bugging you, I will stop. How are you supposed to save Calor and everyone in it if you don't know about it?" Smirking a bit, he took a step away from the wall to avoid any trouble with these three. He would wait and see how they reacted before giving them more details to their life and death determining fate.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Naveah Sierro Character Portrait: Connor Jankro Character Portrait: Cassandra Claren Character Portrait: Arion Girsh Character Portrait: Meredith Whitebough
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Naveah, upon seeing his captive "friends" simply smiled and walked up to the wall, placing a soft hand against it.

"This is sturdy magic," he said softly as he took in each of them behind the wall. Two girls and a boy. He could tell simply by looking at them and the way they acted what their elements were. The boy, Connor, sturdy and proud. He was surely earth. The girl, Meredith, forceful yet calm. She surely was water. Finally, the last girl, Cassandra, really nothing like her element, but he could tell by the smoke slowly seeping from her mouth after firing a fire shot moments ago. She was fire. All four major elements in one place.

Naveah moved to the side, and sat silently in mid air as he listened to the elf and the three captives exchange words. He had his eyes closed, but he was indeed listening to them. With Arion stopped talking after informing them that they'd be saving Calor from the frost magi, Naveah simply chuckled.

"I figured as such, do continue kind elf. We mustn't keep them waiting, after all, I'm sure you won't be able to persuade them all, especially the one with earth magic. His head is too sturdy and prideful."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Naveah Sierro Character Portrait: Connor Jankro Character Portrait: Cassandra Claren Character Portrait: Arion Girsh Character Portrait: Meredith Whitebough
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Arion seemed like a lion observing its prey, watching tentatively as Meredith panicked and seemed to lose it beforr regaining control of herself. He made a point to ignore Connor, though he knew it was not an empty threat. He would have to keep an eye on him at all times. He felt like he was playing the role of a father instead of a big brother.

Sighing, he looked to Naveah as he spoke and smiled. The elf had not realized how humorous this young lad was. Turning back to face the others, he continued his explanation. "Many years before we were born, a prophecy was written about four young people who would save Calor from this evil king. 'Four will turn ice to fire, filling up Calor's desire. To battle they'll go to claim the prize, only identified by they're golden eyes. Their shoulders will bear a thousand pounds, as they strike the frost king down,'" he recited perfectly, years of preparation finally at work. "I'm assuming that you have realized that you each possess one of the elements and share those lovely golden eyes." He smiled a bit, weakening the wall that seperated Meredith, Connor, and Cassandra from Naveah and himself. The wall was still there, but would now take attacks.

"I've been the one who has been tasked with helping you succeed. Each of you is strong on your own, but together you will be an unstoppable force. I truly believe that you will destroy the frost magi and the king for the sake of your home, your families, and yourselves." Arion took a step back from the wall in case Connor decided to lash out at him. "Any questions?"


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Character Portrait: Naveah Sierro Character Portrait: Connor Jankro Character Portrait: Cassandra Claren Character Portrait: Arion Girsh Character Portrait: Meredith Whitebough
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Cassie just blinked through the wall and listened to the others talk. Connor of course was very violent towards the kidnapper elf and his new companion. Meredith seemed to be panicked though quickly calmed down.
'Four will turn ice to fire, filling up Calor's desire. To battle they'll go to claim the prize, only identified by they're golden eyes. Their shoulders will bear a thousand pounds, as they strike the frost king down,'

Cassie nodded to herself, confirming this. It made sense to her, and she would probably be more accepting then the others, considering she already dreamed of fantastic adventures like this daily. She blinked as the wall became slightly easier to see, through, immediately noting that the Elf had probably weakened it. Well, then he trusted them not to attack. Cassie wouldn't of course, but that was no guaranteeing Connor wouldn't.

"Any questions?"

"What shall we call you?" Cassandra asked absently, mulling over this prophecy. It seemed strange that this was a reality, especially considering her dreams for the past couple night had been of fighting the Frost King. However, the only thing she could think to ask was the elf's name. Then she realized the Air Element next to him didn't know any of them.
"Oh, and who are you? Air I'm guessing, but whats your name? I'm Cassie,"

Then she tilted her head and pondered. Bearing a thousand pounds on their shoulders didn't sound that good. Though She supposed it would be a stressful mission. Battling was also not one of Cassie's favorite pastime, maybe strange since her element was fire, but she preferred to think her Fire represented her kindness if anything, definitely not a 'destructive passion'.
Ice to Fire. That however, she could do. Perhaps she could help restore the lands that were frozen over so cruelly, and be appreciated for once. But they're was also the issue of the Ice Kings army.

" 'scuse me, but the Ice King has armies." she mused out loud, hunting for other opinions. "I'm sure no one likes him to much, but I also don't think many will want to help up out, considering if we lose they'll be killed."
She looked back to the elf with wide eyes.
"Does this mean it's really just us four and maybe you?"


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Character Portrait: Naveah Sierro Character Portrait: Connor Jankro Character Portrait: Cassandra Claren Character Portrait: Arion Girsh Character Portrait: Meredith Whitebough
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#, as written by xBunnyx
Meredith processed this for a minute before nodding. "I agree with Cassie. We can't just march into his palace and murder him" they couldn't after all. This Mage was deadly. After all, No one wants to be impaled by an icicle. She noticed Naveah had his eyes closed. She wOndered if that would help calm herself. She sighed and sat in the dirt. "I think we should make a sneak attack."