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Roman Alvino

"You have no idea whay you're capable of."

0 · 334 views · located in The Guardian Institute

a character in “The Guardian Institute”, as played by LuckyNumber24



Full Name:
Roman Achilles Alvino

Some people call me Rome, but I like Roman just fine. I guess students could call me Mr. Alvino, but I don't really care.



May 24

San Diego, California

Eh, I'm not too picky. I guess I consider myself pansexual.

I'm generally human, but A.N.G.E.L. classified me as a mutant after a couple tests.

Life-Force Absorption~ My ability is pretty basic. When I make skin to skin contact with another living being, I'm able to drain my target of their life-force, while increasing my own. My strength, stamina, and speed increase a great deal, while my victim becomes extremely tired and weak, usually to the point where they pass out. The longer we make contact, the more energy I absorb and the closer they come to death. Also, if I drain someone with certain abilities, I can temporarily copy their powers as well.

-My biggest weakness is that I have to drain others in order to survive. If I go three or four days without absorbing something, I get symptoms very similar to that of withdraw from drugs. I become very irritable, shaky, weak, and tired. I've come extremely close to dying several times.

-My power takes a lot of control and if I'm not focused on containing it, I could drain someone from just brushing up against them.

-I can accidently absorb emotions and memories from others. It's not always a pleasant experience.

-Clothes. Seriously. In order from my power to work, I have to be making actual skin to skin contact and the thinnest piece of fabric can prevent me from draining my victim.

-As an agent of A.N.G.E.L. and the Combat Instructor, I'm an expert when it comes to fighting of all sorts. Hand-to-hand and wrestling are my specialties, but I'm also trained in using multiple weapons, including swords, daggers, staffs, and spears.

-I'd like to think I'm a good cook.

-I'm a pretty good dancer. Learned some ballroom dance moves during a mission. Don't ask any questions.

-Physically, I'm in peak condition. It's nothing superhuman, but I take care of myself and exercise regularly.

-Steak. Who doesn't like steak?
-The feeling I get after draining someone.
-Helping others.
-Pop Music. Don't you dare tell anyone.
-Dirty jokes.
-Watching T.V.
-Wrestling But only with people I trust and who I know will survive after so much physical contact with me.

-Rude people. But doesn't everyone dislike those?
-Clothes. As most people will tell you, I prefer to wear as little of them as possible.
-Being formal.
-Students who don't take the class seriously.
-People calling me Mr. Alvino.
-When normal humans don't understand me.
-Kids crying.
-Kids who use their powers selfishly.
-People who try to act cool. You're not. Stop trying.
-Tightly-wound people.
-A.N.G.E.L. Well, I don't actually dislike them. I just don't always trust them.

When people first meet me, I'm pretty sure they don't expect me to be a Headmaster. They certainly don't expect me to be a secret agent. I'm extremely laid back and I usually have to rely on someone else to keep me on task or (in most cases) on time. I've also been told that I'm immature, which is true. I guess I never grew out of my highschool years of smoking pot and cracking dirty jokes. That reminds me, a hooker and a pirate walk into a bar and the hooker says- What? Can't I finish the joke? Psh, whatever. Anyways, I like to think I'm a pretty fun guy. I'm not one for long days of class or strict rules like other headmasters. I try to encourage my students to act like teens and have fun. In fact, I even help them out with organizing dances, parties, and other events. I like being a fun teacher, but of course, there are times when I have to rake some unfortunate soul across the coals. It's not something I enjoy, but it has to be done from time to time. That being said, I'm not someone you want to disrespect. If a student steps out of line with me, I won't hesitate to kick their asses back into it. My favorite form of punishment is 3 rounds in the training center with me. It may not seem like I could do much against aliens, witches, and mutants, but trust me, I've seen all their tricks. They usually think twice before they try to start shit with me again.

Even though I try to not stress, I'm extremely protective of people I care for, namely my students. If anyone threatens what I love, I'll tear them a new one before they can blink. My protective nature often affects my few romantic relationships, but I try not to worry about those. Romance requires being close, which usually isn't a good idea with me. When I am involved with someone, I go for someone strong and independent. Someone who can hold their own against me in a fight is a trait I find pretty attractive too. However, I only have sex with superpowered individuals, because a normal human wouldn't survive that much physical contact with me.

I think I'm pretty charming, something that both men and women fall for. I always know when to say the right thing for some reason.
I was born the first son of Michael and Theresa Alvino, wealthy Italian restaurant owners who made their living in sunny California. We were the standard happy family and I grew up thinking we were completely normal. Despite the fact we had more money than others, my parents instilled me with a sense of humility and I never thought I was better than anyone. I went to public schools, had a job in our restaurant from an early age, and I had to work from the things I wanted, just like anybody else. That was before my powers began to manifest when I was 12. When they did, I nearly killed a kid that was picking on one of my best friends. I was terrified of myself and what I could do. I locked myself away in my room and I refused to talk to anyone for days. That's when they decided to tell me. My mother and her entire family needed to survive off the energy of others in order to survive. It was surprising, but she made sure that I understood the extent of my powers. She taught me how to control my ability and by my freshman year, I had learned how to control it.

My highschool years were blurs of parties, pot, and countless fistfights. It was around that time that I got hooked on fighting. I joined the wrestling team and took up martial arts classes and everyone knew not to fuck with me. It was awesome. After highschool, I wasn't really sure what to do. College was an option, but my carefree attitude prevented me from fully committing. Luckily, A.N.G.E.L. found me soon after and I quickly became one of their best trainees. I climbed the ranks over the years and it was only natural that my abilities didn't stay a secret. Actually, I think they knew all along about them and they just wanted a superpowered freak among their ranks. Eventually, A.N.G.E.L. told me about Project Guardian; a secret plan to create a school for powered individuals. I volunteered to lead the project and I was assigned to be the school's headmaster. I traveled the world, searching for those who could teach our students valuable skills. And now we're here.

Other: Anything you want to add?

So begins...

Roman Alvino's Story

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Character Portrait: Roman Alvino
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A small groan escaped Roman's mouth as sunlight pushed past his window's simple white curtains and danced across his eyelids. He sighed dramatically, rubbing his hand across his face. As they fluttered open, his tired eyes drifted over to his alarm clock to check the time. "6:30?" He grumbled, the springs in his bed creaking as he got up into a sitting position. "Are you fucking kidding me? I could have slept in longer." Roman wasn't exactly a morning person. But then again, who really is? He sighed again, heavier this time, and ran his fingers through his dark hair. "Come on, Roman." he said to himself. "Let's get ready for the day."

Getting up and going to the bathroom, the Headmaster began to think. Today was the first day of a new year for the students attending the Guardian Institute. He shook his head in disbelief as the memories floated back to him. It seemed like he had only just become aware of the Institute's existence and become the Headmaster. Now, he'd been teaching for at least four years, but it was hard to tell. Whenever Roman did something his loved, it was almost impossible for him to keep track of time. Teaching, as it turned out, was something he loved. And it was something he was good at.

After brushing his teeth and taking shower, the Combat Instructor threw on a clean white tank top and black gym shorts. He looked at his clock again, seeing there was still a while before any of the students would even dream about waking up. "Teenagers." he snorted, grabbing a black Nike gym bag (full of fun toys for his combat class) and deciding that he really needed a cup of coffee. He left his room and walked down the hall, where he came upon the teachers' lounge. It wasn't a very impressive room, but he supposed that when you built a school for dangerous and superpowered teens, there were few other places you could cut the budget. He walked up to the gray counter and pressed a couple buttons on the coffee machine. While he waited for the coffee to brew, Roman leaned against the counter. "This better be a good year..."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sean Alexander Scott Character Portrait: Adrian Tentrus Character Portrait: Roman Alvino Character Portrait: Alaena Nae'Serrania
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0.00 INK


Sean Scott walked down the hallways of the Institute towards the teacher's lounge. He checked his watch. 6:40 AM. Brilliant. He didn't mind not sleeping in and was quite content with waking up early. He'd become so attuned to his inner clock in the military that it was hard to snap out of it.

The Counselor was dressed nicely in a tight-fitting black Polo shirt with near-black jeans. He had a belt on, one that also ran with the theme of black, and his black combat boots were laced up and partially hidden under his jeans. He whistled a light tune and tossed a worn lacrosse ball around in his hands. Not once did he miss a catch on the way down.

His boots were muffled by the carpet and he made a right face into the entrance of the Teacher's Lounge. Seeing Roman leaning against the counter put an amused grin on the man's face and he chuckled.

"Early bird catches the worm, huh?" Sean began in a friendly tone, lightly tossing the lacrosse ball at Roman. "How do you reckon this year's kids will be?"


Alaena had been up far, far longer than many of her peers for that year. She was still questioning as to why she even had to stay here besides helping with the history of Extraterrestrials class. She was an adept fighter and already knew far more than any of these teenagers. It all seemed so... pointless to her.

But she was there nonetheless. Back for an entirely new year to enjoy BS antics and killing stuff. Well, at least for her. Now here she was, at nearly 7 in the morning, going down to the school cafeteria that was so familiar.

The young woman, at least in appearance, was dressed to her usual standard. On her torso she wore a pure black bra and a dark blue sheer top that was, for the most part, see-through. She completed the outfit with a pair of black, lightly ripped (on purpose, naturally, with the thin rips going up and down either thigh to the knees) fitted jeans and some rather strappy black heels. Her dark hair was done in light waves and she wore a pair of simple golden earrings with an engraved ring the colour of sapphire on her right hand. The entire look practically shouted that she didn't give a damn about what people thought about her, she was going to show off her body to it's best potential. And damn did it work on guys. She was quite the sexy girl, after all. Naturally the outfit wasn't as practical for some of her classes but she tended to have a change of close for those specific ones.

She walked into the cafeteria and looked around, spotting only one other student. One quick use of her Synesthesia and she quickly assessed that he was human. He was familiar, sure, and quite handsome but Alaena couldn't remember his name. She walked over to a seat beside a window in the cafeteria several tables away and plopped herself down in it. She liked being able to see the outside world. It was her home.