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Ellis Miren

Ellis is a young woman who is poised and proper, clearly fit for an age well beyond what she clearly has the appearance of, and her shell can never be broken.

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a character in “The Heart Given”, as played by Psicodelic


| Animal spirit 2. | Twenty. | Female. |

Ellis is shown with deep red hair, yet in other cases it is pure black, inky, similar to the colors of a midnight sky lacking the stars and moon. It has been in a solved matter that her hair becomes red after a change, which she encounters frequently and is rarely in her human body. Eventually, she believes that she will stop changing, but the inevitable of that time she is not ready to face, for on an occasion she will miss the comforting feel of being surrounded of others, them lacking the knowledge of what she hides beneath the exterior of her skin. Ellis has never been caught without her red scarf, a small little treasure which is an addition to her many human days, although they are shortening and lacking, but she still has the scarf kept somewhere safe, whether it be in a small hole dug by her feeble paws or wrung around her neck. Her skin is pale, soft and light, in contrast to her either red or black hair. Some have described her skin as being 'creamy', similar to that of ice-cream among a warm summer day, but she just finds that odd for her exterior to be similar to ice-cream. The compliments she gains are nothing she dwells upon, for her thoughts are usually elsewhere, not on the conversation of herself. Their are two, red berets wrung through her hair, and for some odd reason she lacks the knowledge of how they stay among her hair when the minimal change occurs. HerImage eyes are a bright red, where she is forced to plunge blue contacts into the true colors of eyes, extinguishing their vibrancy and being replaced with the dull colors of a mere human's eye. Ellis wants to consider herself a human, for she is merely one, but that is the exception of her change, along with certain abilities which have given her strength and speed. Her build is small, while she stands at a large height of five feet and nine inches, she seems to be like a frail bird, skinny and weak, but she becomes strong in mental situations which one could not encounter. Her physical appearance may be indistinguishable from the many others with a disorder, ranging in anorexia, but she does not encounter such an odd situation, and she claims the change weakens her body, thus leading to her needing to stay in her spirit for a longer, privileged time. Her clothing style consists of black shirts and pants, although occasionally she enjoys to add life into her dull outfits, but she shan't need a closet full of pieces she won't even use.

In her animal spirit, she appears as a fiery phoenix, her feathers ranging in warm colors. A red haze wraps around her animal, practically like intertwined wires, or external veins cording together to create the haze. Ellis assumes it has to deal with the presence of her magic.

Obviously, her love is pure for the master that will claim her, but they haven't an idea of her existence, yet the mere thought of being in the presence of this being chills her. To be caught in her animal form for many days to follow would leave her exhausted—if she were to ever change once apparent with the master. Ellis attempts to avoid this bonding sensation which has changed her feelings, created her into something that she wasn't was, a caring, loving person, where she had been a past being, lacking the sense to withdraw herself from a world of fantasy; a glaze always over her eyes as she was lost in her mind. Trapped in a cage, tortured by her own senses, and left distraught, mentally, due to her own self. Ellis blames it on the magic, for being so powerful in her human form that has changed her thoughts into something inhumane, and that is only when she finds a calm in her spirit form. Image

Ellis does not find much to the scientists, for they are a bore and she does not ponder over the matters of science. Her opinion is limited, but it is sharp, because she finds the scientists to be ignorant to their greed for changing the world. Not only are they blinded by masks which cover their features and create a distortion to who they truly are, but they wear plastic crowns upon their heads as if they are the true leaders of an imaginative kingdom, which sickens her. The thought of their smiles when seeing her change had created a sudden fear for their clammy hands, a cool sweat collecting against their neck, and their smiles broadening as they get to study her, as they get to see how she acts under the influence of her change. Ellis finds it to be natural, nothing large, but they find it as an exception to human, a nature which will soon change the world.


Ellis is generally a calm woman, unless enraged by a serious matter which is unlikely, for she tends to take matters with an adult-like personality, although she is only in the young years of her coming adulthood. Many discover her to be too serious, as she tends to not joke much, but rather than dwell on a humor she lacks, many discover a positivity into the lackluster charm of herself. Ellis happens to have a way with her words, many explain it to be the right phrases, while others say she is grand in the matter of persuasion and excels in the acts of charisma. How tedious to have such words thrown at her when she could be laying among her couch, fearing a future which will soon come. The many people who speak to her are either friends she has chosen to trust via reality, but they have such an odd way of a lifestyle, for they act in such a clumsy matter, while Ellis is poised, proper, and a natural royal atmosphere surrounds her cool personality. The silly ones that have surrounded her are usually lost in the topics which she brings among, whether it be upon religion or politics, she finds not many to be interesting in her understatement of a reality which she can never interpret.


• After she changes via human form to her animal spirit, or the other way around, she becomes weak, and has to rest for the following day. Ellis is still able to function properly, but a wearing fatigue settles over her.

• Ellis cannot run for a long period of time in her human form, due to her unnatural build.

• She is more susceptible to gaining attacks from the opposing being when fighting, as she has a tendency for distraction, whether it be when she is an animal spirit or a human.

• Ellis is clearly too serious, but she is blinded by her own self, not because of a high self-worth, but rather that she shan't see her flaws, for she knows she has too many.


Ellis was born by a fierce mother, with a glint of a fierce warrior yielding to the duties of a mother, with two other children who had already ruined a life she once believed to be fulfilled by weaponry of a sorts, but that was easily dissuaded with her father, who was persistent with his dream of her staying at home while he were to take up her ambition. It was an easy betrayal by a man with such disgust upon his features, where when he were to smile, it showed not a smile glowering with happiness, but rather toothy with an expression of greed portrayed by a mad-man. He had left she and her other siblings, along with a distraught mother for the children to tend to, as she could not take care of herself. Her mother was locking herself in her own room, a punishment which she discovered to be witnessed as self-discipline rather than self-harm, but all the children knew she were to be going mad by the father she once loved, married, and had three children with, now abandoning her to be with a whore. Eventually, the family had moved on, while Ellis had known among her young ages of life that her father would be some form of an evil villain, whether it range in the fantasy type of a cloak-wearing, spell-casting villain, or the one of realism. One who left his family by his own liking, where he discovered the ideal life to be with a blonde, idiotic woman who was more of a child than Ellis herself, and she had been seven at the time of these thoughts of such intellect.

By her age of twelve she had become disinterested in schoolwork, for she had a rather odd tendency of knowledge, her mother claiming she were to be a child of rather odd qualities. Ellis was smart, she was swift on her feet, and she spoke less than a child in her school who picked his own nose and named the snot he retrieved from the caverns of germs. On a cloudy day, she sat alone on the playground, for her class had retreated inside, rushing forth to have their safety delivered to them by an oncoming storm of twisting, cackling winds, and rain that battered down upon her scalp like the tapping of sharp fingernails. Ellis had stayed outside, only to discover the men wielding lab-coats, the men with the clipboards stained with rainwater, along with their clicking pens. They were scientists, as Ellis had noted mentally, but they had approached her, sedated her, and taken her into a laboratory for further testing which ranged in injections, and other shots which created her into the being she is today. The changer, the unknown, or the mythological creature that had no existence in a world lacking of many beliefs. Eventually, she became true to herself, a form which she eventually accepted at an early age, which had also been a shock for the eager scientists who had quickly become a second family; yet bitter and cold with the need for discipline, even if Ellis were to sit wrong. She lived and breathed among the laboratory, never really getting a break from the white doors, the white walls, the tiled floors cleaned by the gruff janitor every evening on a glum Tuesday. Ellis aged, having gone without a sight to never return, to enter reality where none ever knew of her, for she had changed from a young girl with rounded features to a tall, stick-like woman with the approach of a politician rather than a normal citizen walking among the crowds of others.

Ellis was trapped in a cage of her own mind, lost in the varieties of insanity, to only wake to find the cage of realism, of the laboratory which she rarely can run from.

So begins...

Ellis Miren's Story


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Their had been a time in humanity when balance was present, and was not overruled by greed or lust, or by the matters that one must always be stronger than the other. Ellis had dreams involving herself in the past, in conflicts which easily became resolved by her own mind, for her dreams were an escape, a get-away from what were to remain in the present-day. Reality were to be consistent of the greed and the lust, of the men and women who wanted to fill their pockets with money, but instead got nothing in return, for they committed murder or theft. It were to truly be sad times, but nothing shan't stop the present from changing, but it was waiting, holding its own breath for a point of peaking, where something would become the inevitable and one would have to help another. They would not turn their backs on each other, but rather offer a hand, now occupied with a friendliness not a being could obtain.

It was a fantasy.

Ellis woke with a start, clutching the midst of her chest, feeling the soft fabric underneath her harsh grip weaken, and slowly become less of a fabric and more of a weaker state of paper, wrinkled and crumpled. She released her iron grip, before standing upright, discovering her balance to be off, and clearly dizziness had obtained her senses, for she had stumbled among the room for the first few minutes of her waking. Ellis clutched her forehead, wondering of how many days had passed while she resided in a slumber, an eerie and lonesome time, although a gift, for she were to be away from the scientists. With ease, an informal doctor had entered the room, blue, latex gloves upon his hands. He looked afraid of her, and he should be; for the past incident. Ellis had gone mad, enraged, one would say if they wanted to speak in such a form of a detailed expression. Rage had overcome her entire being, and she could not process anything, she could not speak in proper sentences. It was the sounds of a primal creature rather than a human, for the past week had been her first change. The doctors and scientists claimed it had been normal, but she knew it wasn't normal. For the following three days, she had been caught in her bed, only to have been given sedatives to finally rest.

"How are you doing?" He questioned, sitting on a wooden stool in the corner of the room. He folded his legs, clicking a pen—the noise bothered her, but she merely ignored the sound and stared ahead. Ellis shan't bother with such a pitying question. He knew how she felt, for her expression was quite blatant; downcast eyes, pouting lips, and the marks of past tears stained her smooth cheeks. She was upset, at herself, and at the scientists, "No answer. Moving on then." The doctor marked something on the paper he carried upon a metallic clipboard. He seemed so afraid, for his shoulders were tense, his movements rigid, and his pace of breathing was not at all at ease. Her sadistic nature would have made her smile, had it not been for how tired she were to be. Smiling was such an effort in a case like hers.

Ellis exhaled heavily, a sigh which made the doctor look up, but he quickly returned back to scrawling down whatever notes he were to find interesting. Perhaps, her actions, of how she occasionally fiddled with a string from the loose blanket among the bed, or how she raked her fingers through her snarly hair, having not had access for a shower for a week. The feeling of grime upon her was too imminent to ignore. Her mood was crooked, along with her personality, and the emotions she withheld for the area. It were all to be too much, and with a sudden intention to sleep, she lay on her back, closing her eyes. The doctor had been shaking her shoulder at a consecutive pace, even going to the point of tapping his fingers on her forehead. Ellis did not mind, for he could poke and prod her all he wants; she just wanted to get away. Again.


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Ellis woke, again, to find the doctor lost in thought, his eyes blank, staring ahead, perhaps at the monochrome wall, or at the minimally-sized window that sat above her lowered head. The pillow and blankets they had supplied her were more meager than anything, the fabric scratchy, perhaps made of a wool bought from a cheap fabric store, and the pillows were more of the cases rather than any actual object being in the midst of it. He seemed to have gotten out of his transfix as soon as he discovered her stirring, sitting upright and pushing away the blankets, wrapped around her body, almost as if she were to be drowning in the mass of woolen fabric, it seems.

"Ah! You're awake. We were almost going to have to postpone the rather, quaint tests. We wouldn't want that, would we?" Ellis stared ahead, at the white, blank door with a small, rectangular window in the center. She couldn't answer that, for the truth would depict too many emotions that they discovered to be infiltrating the system, which would equal a rather sizable amount of sedatives and pills which were obviously apparent of destroying one's memory. The scientists were to mean business behind their smiling masks, and if one were to cooperate, the masks were thrown upon the floor, proving them to be the maniacs they haven't fulfilled yet, except they are—just in a way where it seems to them they are doing the correct things. They aren't. They never will be, not with the testings they consider to help humanity, or save it. Ellis couldn't remember what small saying they had upon the blue billboard, passing it on the highway when she had been on a tour-bus in Chicago. It was some quoted sentence, likely from one of the main scientists that were to be in the very laboratory; it was likely that they were probably attempting to find a better quote. Everyone knew it was horrible, yet they couldn't face the truth, along with the truth of their career, their own sanity, and their lives. It had a gallows humor to it.

"The many tests are going to be compiled from results we have discovered due to the manual simulations you had been put through during the first stages of being introduced to this lovely family. It will be based off of your strengths and weaknesses, along with your fears, and aspirations. All I have to say to you is; good luck." Ellis exhaled, another test, somewhat new, but yet another test. It had practically been the fourth one of the week, as she didn't have the judgement to count, for her mind were to be on other topics of a better matter. The topics included how many cracks were in a wall, or, how bad of painting the being had done. They were all truly fun things to do in the time of boredom and despair. Ellis stood up, fixing any unkempt clothing and patting at her scalp, fulfilled with a greasy hairstyle; disgusting. She stared out of the ajar, metal door, into the hallway, where glass windows lined the walls, allowing her to view into the graying courtyard as a winter season descended upon the small town.

Ellis inhaled heavily once more, the doctor reassuringly patting her shoulder. She shrugged off his calloused hand, for she just found that odd. Like a toddler, she slowly raised her foot among the tiles, before planting it in front of her, and she was out of the suffocating room. Ellis could run—she was faster than the elder beings who occupied the small area she were to be sent to every week, and it would at least take them a few minutes to rush down three flights of stairs, arriving to the basement, and finally dial in a code to manually lock any doors. Instead of running, she stepped right, heading according to a plan, not out of dismay or a belief that it was the wrong time to run, but because she was obedient, and had now idea how to survive outside if she even did manage an escape. For she knew of the tales, as it was hell out there.