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Moriah Goldman

"Let's just have a good time!"

0 · 1,370 views · located in Manhattan, New York City

a character in “The High Life”, as played by Fangurl




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Moriah Thalia Goldman

Reiah x Mya || Familial ~ Adored
Mori || Regularly ~ Liked
Rye Rye || Periodically ~ Despises

April 12th, 2000

Seventeen || 17



50% European
40% Russian
5% Italian
5% French


(Unless anyone wants to be in a relationship with her at the start of the rp let me know)

1st Relationship || Female || Lasted for 4 months
2nd Relationship || Female || Lasted for 1 year and 2 months
3rd Relationship || Male || 2 years and 8 months
4th Relationship || Female || 7 Months

Thought Hex #FFC08A
Dialogue Hex #FFB8C2

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"Seventeen years. Four full-blown relationships. Not including my current one and more scandalous escapades than I'd ever admitted to. Not that its anyone's business outside of my own and my OB-GYN's. Look. when am in a relationship I am one of the most faithful and loyalist persons you could ever come across; however, single me...could really give Mr. Playboy Dante Lawson a run for his money. Just saying. Of course, the times of meaningless sex and having a new plaything to roll around in my sheets with every night is behind me. I am genuinely happy with my current partner and as fun as raunchy sex maybeβ€”I have no issue owning the fact that I'm just the kinda girl that likes being in a relationship. You don't get romance having insignificant flings or the chance to really connect with anyone when the only thing on the brain is having a good time. Simple and long-lasting is all am trying to find in this world. Watching my mother single-moming it all these years has just highlighted all of the reasons why am only into all of the mind games and chasing for all of a hot second before wary of it all and looking for someone I can simply Netflix and chill with until the sun goes down and comes back up to with. All my mother has is me and her work and while that's all fine and dandy now I just can't see that fulfilling anyone long-term. Eventually, retirement comes for everyone and her nest is already empty with me living on my own in Chelsea. I justβ€”I really wish that she had something more than just her work and me in her life.

Knowing myself as well as I do I can say with absolute certainty that the life that my mother lives is one that could never satisfy me fully because I just enjoy the company far too much to ever be okay with never finding that special kind of love that no amount of friends or family or pets could ever measure up to."

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The Goldman Legacy
Once New York’s biggest landlords, Sol Goldman is the predecessor and founder of the foundation that is the Goldman Family legacy. The third wealthiest family in the world with an estimated worth of $180 billion dollars; the Goldman family stands behind only the infamous Rothschild Family whose estimated net worth is assumed to be somewhere between $350 billion and $2 trillion and the House of Saud that is appraised to be worth $1.4 trillion dollars. While they might not be the wealthiest family in the world; they are without a doubt the wealthiest family in America with the family's combined wealth doubling that of Bill Gates.

Sol Goldman built his family's real estate empire over the seven decades that was his life. At the time of his death, the Solil Management empire was worth $6 billion dollars which in the late eighties was no small feat given the fact that he was even able to get through the ’70s without losing everything – his ability to have survived such a hostile real estate environment – was remarkable. In 1976, Goldman was the city’s largest private landlord, controlling more than 400 buildings, which ballooned to 600 buildings by the more economically robust mid-1980s. The buildings included the Stanhope Hotel, chunks of Midtown and the Upper East Side.

Patriarch Sol was known for a gruff manner that sometimes alienated instead of charmed; in other words, he wasn't a popular landlord. At the time of his death, it was everyone versus Goldman – he was the target of 250 lawsuits claiming more than $300 million against him and his estate. Goldman had also garnered a reputation for paying late and leaving tenants in the lurch regarding services to which they legally were entitled. Sol bought real estate as if he was trading stock. If you offered him a property, in 30 seconds he could tell you what he’d pay for it and whether he wanted it or not. β€œHis heart wasn’t in any building,” Moriah's mother use to tell her. β€œIt was all about value, not a building’s prestige.”

Despite the stories out there that people may have read or heard regarding what kind of man Sol Goldman was; his children will tell you that he had a great sense of humor and β€œbelieved something was wrong with you if you worked on weekends.” In his last decade of life, Sol was on dialysis for five hours a day, three days a week, and he never missed work on those days. He’d go to work after dialysis, lie down, have lunch and work. He didn’t pity himself at all. It was all about preserving a legacy. Sol Goldman’s children Allan and Jane are the second generation involved in maintaining the family’s real estate empire and, along with other their two older siblings, his philanthropic legacy.

Sol Goldman has been dead for over two decades and the things he purchased than are worth so much more nowadays. The company that was worth all of $6 billion dollars at the time of his demise under the reins of his two youngest children is today market valued at about $250 billion. Sol Goldman’s legacy lives on. You can see it in the city’s skyline (particularly over on Madison Avenue between 37th and 84th streets, large parts of which his heirs still own). Or go downtown to the courtroom and dig through thousands of pages of legal documents detailing the bitter battle between his wife, Lillian, and their four children over Sol's estate after his 1987 death.

The long legal battle is the largest trust case in New York's history. The saga starts with Sol and Lillian's tenuous marriage. After being separated, Lillian filed for divorce in 1983. They attempted to reconcile and in 1984 they signed a formal agreement, which won Lillian 33% of his estate. That was later challenged by her children, though after a five-year-long legal battle, it ultimately stuck. When Lillian died in 2002, her estate (including cash and properties worth $374 million) was divided nearly equally among her children. Since that time, the family has resolved all outstanding disputes and all members are very close with one another. Jane Goldman and her brother, Allan Goldman, manage the remaining real estate assets both being co-chairman, although Allan has chosen to take more of a back seat which has left Jane to solely run the day-to-day operations of the company. Their sisters Amy and Diane Kemper are senior advisers.

Solil Management doesn't have a company website featuring trophy properties like most investors use, but a bit of digging - through the lawsuits detailing the family feud and hundreds of land records - shows that Sol's heirs own at least 800 New York City properties including high-end apartments on the Upper East Side, the block of land in Midtown Manhattan that includes the Olympic Tower and the Cartier Mansion, and the landmark Peninsula Hotel.

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"It would be rather ignorant of me to say that I was raised just like your average kid was raised growing up in the Big Apple, but most days that's honestly how I feel. Granted, yes, I fig-no, I know for a fact that my upbringing was far more lavished than your average city-dweller...or anyone on the face of the planet. The fact of the matter is that I was born into the 1% and my childhood along with my present life now reflects that. Even before I was born the pre-work of getting everything together to make sure nothing was short of perfect for my grand arrival was ridiculous even with first-time mom jitters taken into consideration. My aunt Diane once told me that the second my mom got confirmation that she was pregnant she "asked" which truthfully means she told and then forced all her siblings and my then still living but dying from pancreatic cancer to move into my grandmother's estate in East Hampton to be with her throughout her first pregnancy. According to my aunt watching my mother go through all the morning sickness and hormonal changes is one of the things that solidified her decision to never have children of her own. Anytime she would even consider the idea of having kids she would just think back to the "nine months of hell" as she recalls it and be like "hell to the no!" Throughout her pregnancy, my mother had not only her siblings waiting on her hand-and-foot but she also had three full-time 24-hour maternity nurses employed and living on the estate on standby before she was even showing.

"After I was born my mother and her three nurses lived with my grandmother in the Hamptons until her passing two years later. As a child, I had two governesses and a live-in private tutor that was responsible for my education. At the main office, my mother had a classroom created specifically for me and from birth, until I started my freshman year at Constance those three women were the only teachers I had. Because I've always been an outgoing soul as a child I had a different "enrichment activity" every day of the week. Cheerleading; swimming; equestrian; dance; creative arts and basically any water sport you could think of from surfing to paddleboarding and water polo. I also went to the Raquette Lake Camp on the shores of Raquette Lake in Raquette Lake, New York every year from the time I was six until I was fifteen.

Nowadays, things with my family are...complicated. Everything going on with my uncle just has everything feeling really fragile and just up in the air. However, everyone is just taking it one day at a time and trying to adjust and cope with things the best they can. My mother has just been crazy supportive with everything going on and my aunts have been flying in every couple of weeks to make sure things are still okay with their brother and my mother and of course myself as well. I'm honestly just happy to have school starting up again because having a distraction to just keep my mind off of all of the family stuff going on right now is much need and far more productive than the bottle."


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Jane Goldman
Mother || 45 || Real Estate Investor & Co-Chairman of the Real Estate Investment Company Solil Management || Worth: $38.6 B

"A snake behind an angel's faceβ€”is probably the nicest backhanded compliment I have ever heard uttered about my mother and I don't think I've seen the man who spoke it since. What can I say? My mother's just that bitch! The woman has been running Solil Management since she was twenty-one years old. Most people at that age are busy celebrating finally being old enough to drink occupied with drinking cheap beer out of kegs and partying their life away at college on their parents or the government's dime. There's nothing like a death hitting close to home and five-year legal battle to skyrocket someone into maturity. I knew got to meet my grandfather and because my grandmother died when I was two so I can't really say that I remember anything herβ€”truth be told if it wasn't for pictures I wouldn't know what either of my grandparents looked like. The only thing I know about my grandfather is that he and my mom were extremely close, which I figure for a then fifteen-year-old girl to side with her siblings instead of her mother in court all in the name of protecting her late father's legacy they had to be.

The relationship between my mother and her mother was strained to say the less. My mother was apparently a true daddy's girl and losing the court case to her mom left her feeling hell of salty. According to my uncle Allan, it was my mom getting pregnant with me and a lot of nagging on his part that got the two women on the road to reconciliation. Although my mom doesn't bring up my grandmother unless I bring her up firstβ€”the one thing that she has told me on multiple occasions is that she is forever grateful to my uncle Allan for helping her to get out of her own way and gain some form of rapprochement with their mother before she died as she doesn't think she would have ever forgiven herself if she had held her grudge against her until the woman was in her grave.

The mystery around who my father is has got to be the biggest secret to me that my mother has been holding over me and it's one that she hasn't given up in the last seventeen years and I don't see her coughing up that information anytime soon. Perhaps, she's saving it to be some dramatic on her deathbed kind of secrets that she wants to drop on me before she goes, but, regardless, it's annoying as fuck and I will never stop asking her about him. According to her she truly doesn't know who my father is. She says that after six years of running the company alongside my uncle and finding no one to share her bed at night after all that time she just up and chose to do in-vitro fertilization. She went to your friendliest-most-privatest-sperm-bank money could find and afford and after viewing dozens of hundreds of deemed viable candidates she decided that some guy who'd she never met and didn't even know the name genetics and sperm were sufficient enough to be used to engineer the next generation of the Goldman line. Bullshit! I've known my mother my entire life and there is no way in hell she would ever select some unknown guy's sperm to just fertile her eggs and call it day. Even if part of what she says is true I can't truly bring myself to believe that at the very less her natural curiosity didn't lead her to track this man down or even get so much as a name.

Whatever, thus far that's been my mother's story and she's sticking to it. Maybe one day she'll cough up the details but until she does I just do what I can not to let being fatherless keep me up at night and hope that if I ever do find out a name or get to meet him that he isn't terminally ill or just an asshole that I'd wish I had never gotten the pleasure of meeting. Disregarding that little-massive bump in our relationshipβ€”my mom is literally the best. Coming from the kind of wealth that my family does it would have been beyond easy for my mom to just hire an army of nannies to care for me and be the kind of parent who tries to buy their child's love instead of putting the time in to earn and be worthy of it. Although I never knew the man, I know that my grandfather Sol has everything to do with why my mother has always been such a hands-on parent. My mom loved my her father till death did them part and she holds onto the memory of that man with every fiber of her being since he's left this earth. The guy had a billion-dollar company, a volatile marriage and four kids to divided his time between and he still managed to leave an imprint of each of his kids that they kept with them till this day. When my mom made up her mind at twenty-six years old to have a child and more importantly be a single parent at thatβ€”she knew that she was going to be in for one hell of a ride and she's taken it in stride. I love my mom and am not ashamed to admit that the woman is one of the best-est friends that I will likely ever have."

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Amy Goldman
Aunt || 54|| Chairman, Chief Executive Officer and Chief Designer of amy goldman Worldwide || Author || Entrepreneur || Philanthropist || Senior Adviser at Solil Management || Worth: $38.9 B

"You'd think after everything my mom and her siblings went through battling it out in court against the woman responsible for birthing them all into the world over the Solil Management company that once everything was said and done that used have to pry any parts of the company out of the Goldman children hands with a crowbar, but when it came to my aunts that just wasn't the case. Once things had settled and it came time to actually run the company both of my aunts stepped aside letting their younger siblings take the reigns of their family's legacy. Yeah, they both came on as 'senior advisors', but both of my aunts will be quick to tell you that it's more of a title than anything else. A couple of times a year they may be brought into the office and give their opinion on one thing or another but outside of that, they have no definitive role in the company.

When I asked my aunt Amy why she didn't choose to co-run the company alongside my mom and uncle she simply told me that she wanted to make a name for herself outside of her father's shadow and in my own personally biased opinion I will say that she has. The founder and sole owner of her own global brand, amy goldman Worldwideβ€”my aunt has crafted her own empire outside of what her father built and her empire is thriving. Her company is a design and marketing company that offers home and business solutions. Her brand's collections include home, office, fashion, accessories, pet products and a bunch of other stuff that if I got into I'd start sounding like an infomercial. I don't see my aunt as much as I use to when I was being home-schooled because of her living in Cali and all, but when I do get to see her it's always a good time.

While my aunt Diane is definitely more of the quote on quote "fun aunt", things are always interesting when am around my aunt Amy. She has all these connections to these bigwigs like Bill Gates and Warren Buffetβ€”my aunt just like my mom is never not in boss lady mode. Usually, my visits with her always include us having to attend some grandiose gala or other deculent function because her schedule is never not booked to the max and it's kind of hard to flake on the wealthiest of the wealthy without disrespecting or rubbing someone the wrong way. Not that I ever mind. I mean it's not every day that I get to meet and socialize with people that I would be considered beneathβ€”it's all rather humbling and it's just a classic reminder that no matter how well off you maybe there is always someone out whose can be said to be doing slightly better than you. Plus, those high-end functions always has some of the best food and champagne that money can buy and when it's free who can say no to that!"

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Diane Goldman Kemper
Aunt || 52|| Designer|| Model|| Socialite|| Philanthropist || Senior Adviser at Solil Management || Worth: $32.5 B

"My aunt Diane is...well, she kind of a mess, but in the best kind of way. She was only twenty-two when my grandfather died and between the grief of losing her father and battling-it-out with her mother in court my aunt did what any young heiress would doβ€”she partied her life away. My aunt who was a than heiress through all of her socializing and partying turned into a socialite. By twenty-nine she booked her first modeling job with EstΓ©e Lauder and from there, her career took off. She's been one of their featured representative and models for their products since 95'. It was in the 90s that the media first caught on to the fact that my aunt was dating Hugh Grant, who she had been dating since before my grandfather died. My aunt Diane has always said that Mr. Grant was her 'one that got away' and I think she secretly holds out hope that one day the two will rekindle their 90s love one day.

Out of all of her siblings although my mother was the only one to have a baby my aunt was the only one to have a marriage. It wasn't to Hugh Grant and it didn't last but at least she can say that she had the kind of love at one point that made her want to take that step. Both of the other two women figures in my life are far too busy being lady bosses to be concerned with things like marriage and babies. Am happy that at least one of them put more focus on her love life than her career. Not to say that aunty Diane isn't a lady boss herself because she is. She has her own luxury eponymous beachwear line that she established in 05' and while it isn't as big as the company that my grandfather built or the empire that my aunt Amy was created for herselfβ€”it is by no means a failure on any level. Her line sells at Harrods in London and Saks Fifth Avenue stores in the United States and other European countries. She designed and modeled her works for other brands before and for the most part I would say that my aunt Diane's life is the most chilled of everyone's. She only really does stuff when she feels like doing things which is precisely the kind of life I hope to live once all schooling is behind me.

Whereas my aunt lives in Cali and my uncle, mother and I all live in New York; my aunt Diane lives all the way across the pond in London. Having on aunt on another coast is terrible enough as it is but in another country entirely is awful. My aunt Diane is the person who slipped me my first taste of champagne and wine and she's the one who took me to my first club although I was absolutely underaged. Whereas I can't say that anyone in my family is a party pooper or a stick in the mud; my aunt Diane is just on another level of her own and I love when she takes me with her to that level because those moments are some of funniest of my life."

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Allan H. Goldman
Uncle || 49|| Senior Adviser at Solil Management || Worth: $38.1 B

"Since it was announced that my uncle was stepping down from helping my mother run the company on a day-to-day basis the media has been turning their wheels and painting their own narrative as to the reason why that may be. Although my uncle might be ready to declare it to the world; he has Parkinson's disease. He was diagnosed about three years ago and initially, he attempted to keep up appearances and retain an active role in the company, but the more the stress of running a billion-dollar company along with trying to keep things in-house and receiving treatment all just became too much and after sitting my uncle down and having a long talk with him about how it was okay for him to let go and focus on his own well-being my uncle Allan stepped down as co-chairman and became a senior advisor of the company like his older sisters are.

My uncle is on Levodopa right now and I-I guess the drug is working but to be honest he has his good days and his bad. His good days are the bittersweet kind of days for me because while I am happier on those days that he's having a better day than some others it just reminds me of the days before his disease. Then on his bad days, I just want to remove myself from it all and down a bottle of whatever liquor I can get my hands on because I just don't like watching him struggle with the involuntary trembles all over his body and out of nowhere he just loses his balance and collapses. The worst days are the ones when he gets the muscle aches and pains and he can't even feed himself because his hands are too stiff and hurt so bad.

My grandfather died before I can ever get the chance to know him and it's likely that I will never get to know my father. My uncle Allan is the closest thing I have ever had to a father figure and watching him go through this just shakes me to my core some days and I feel like such a shitty-person on the days when I just can't do it and I have to remove myself from the situation. Part of me wants to be by his side through all of this and the other part of me wants to be nowhere near him because I can't stand seeing him like that. It's because of his illness that I no longer live with my mom. Before his disease got as bad as it is now my uncle use to live alone just living the life of a New York City billionaire bachelor. But, after getting him to agree to step down from his role as co-chairman my mother got him to also agree to move in with us. Of course, she hired live-in caretakers so he'd have someone around at all times to watch over him and make sure that he always had everything he needed as her workload and doubled and I'm obviously not occupied to deal.

Initially, it wasn't terrible having him around but as he got worst I just found myself wanting to be home less and less and drinking and partying more and my mother could see me beginning to spiral and before things got out of hand she got into problem-solving mode. Obviously, I would never ask and I can only hope that she'd never even considered placing my uncle anywhere else. It was my idea to get my own place and although she did hesitate when I first brought it up it didn't take her long to cave in. It was either I get my own place in New York where she could still check-in on me and see me whenever she like or ship me to either Cali or London to live with one of my aunts. My aunt Amy barely has the time to look after herself and my aunt Diane is too busy living the life of the fab and wealthy to concern herself with looking after a teenager.

So, one day we sat down and had a look through dozens of my mother's portfolios filled with residences that the company owns and once I found one that I loved we called some movers and within days I had my own place on the West Side of Manhattan. I hate that my uncle Allan is going through what he's going through but if there is a silver-lining to be found in all of this it would have to be that at seventeen years old I can say that I am living on my own in multi-million dollar townhouse in the beautiful Manhattan."

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Kashmir Goldman
Pomeranian || 5|| Companion/Best Friend to Moriah Goldman || Worth: Priceless

"Kashmir was a gift from my mom on my thirteenth birthday. I think she had gotten him for me as I way to distract me because at the time I was hounding her about wanting to go to an actual legit school as I was tired of my schooling just consisting of me and my governess and I think she figured if she got me a dog which I had been begging for a lot longer than I had wanting to go to school with peers my own age that I would drop it. Now given that am currently attending Constance her plans didn't exactly plan out which I know is something that my mother is accustomed to but at least I got Kash out of it. He is the sweetest most loyal companion that a girl could ever ask for and I couldn't imagine looking down at the end of my bed and not seeing him curled up at the end of it."

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Linh Nguyen
Housekeeper || 29 || Live-In Housekeeper || Worth: $3,000 a month/$36,000 a year

"I've known Miss Lin since for about a year and some change at this point. I hired her less than a week after moving into my townhouse in Chelsea. Because I can't pronounce her last name or at the very less when I try to I feel like am saying it wrong I've always just called her Miss Lin from the beginning. While Miss Lin isn't the first housekeeper that I've come across as growing up all of my family had one or at times multiple on the payroll she is the first housekeeper I've ever lived with. The main reason why I got a live-in housekeeper, is just because I get lonely living all alone with no one outside of my dog and against my mom's rule to move one of my friends in with me because she knows I would have done it in a heartbeat. But, Miss Lin is cool and more useful than any of my friends would make as roommates so I guess I can't complain."

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357 West 17th Street Chelsea, Manhattan, NY, 10011
Floor Plans || Video #1 || Video #2

An exceptional mansion in one of Manhattan's most exciting neighborhoods, 357 West 17th Street raises the bar for exquisite living in vibrant West Chelsea. Featuring 11,000 square feet of living space flowing unimpeded to 2,000 square feet of outdoor space, the atmosphere is airy, unfettered and incredibly inviting. Here, five en suite bedrooms, 12 bathrooms and powder rooms, an immense restaurant-quality kitchen and sumptuous interiors provide a superb backdrop for supremely elegant living.

The muted, luxurious design scheme is infused with Italian brands and aesthetics and punctuated by unexpected details like Swarovski crystals and leather-like accents, while meticulous attention to details and creature comforts abounds.

A stunning showplace made for luxe entertaining, the home boasts an impressive double-height mirror image kitchen with two massive islands, two ovens and two pairs of refrigerator-freezers. In the expansive 26-foot by 23-foot living room, a DaVinci gas fireplace acts as the warm focal point, and glassed-in terrace views surround the mezzanine formal dining area that seats more than a dozen guests in utter comfort. Wine lovers will rejoice in the 400-bottle capacity, temperature-controlled wine cellar and additional wine refrigerators in the home's primary kitchen and two wet bars.

Four remarkable bedroom suites attend to guests and family while the full-floor master suite with twin bathrooms, a powder room, kitchenette, two flex/sitting rooms, endless wardrobes and chic custom cabinetry provides a decadent and serene escape.

For relaxation and rejuvenation, head to the cellar-level outfitted with a swimming pool, combination steam/sauna cabinet and state-of-the-art fitness center. Or perhaps the latest action flick is what you crave. The soundproof home theater with stadium seating, 3D HD projection and THX Dolby surround sound provides a full cinema experience in your own home. And the home's top-notch electronics and technology are customizable to your needs including integrated sound, CCTV and intercom.

Ample outdoor spaces are found throughout the home, from the small garden to the two over-sized rear terraces to the massive roof deck surrounded by iconic New York City views.

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"My townhouse has got to be the greatest gift my mother has ever given me. I would even go as far as to say that it's even better than my 2017 Rolls-Royce Dawn that I just got for my birthday back in April and everyone knows how much I love my new convertible. Not only was it given to me for less than a penny, but because I'm living on my own and I obviously am now responsible for some form of adulting; my mother gives me a weekly allowance of twenty-five grand a week to live off of. I know it's not like a crazy amount or anything but when the only thing your really responsible for paying for is your food, toiletries, gas, occasional parking and whatever other little things you choose to do for yourself, twenty-five grand is a rather livable income. Especially considering that I still don't have to pay any of my debit or credit card bills. Although, my mom is making me pay my own phone bill now which kind of sucks but I guess that's apart of the price you pay for independence.

The most expensive thing that I've had to pay for out of pocket since getting my own place would be my live-in housekeeper who I pay three thousand dollars a month and is worth every penny. Being that I live alone with no one other than a small Pomeranian a lot of people have been quick to ask me why it is that I feel I need a live-in housekeeper and the answer to that question is that I don't. While I do need a housekeeper the fact that I have a live-in one is a want, not a need. The fact of the matter is that living alone in a five-bedroom house can be rather lonesome and while Kashmir does offer some much-needed companionship and every once in a while I can get my friends to stay over here and there; having Miss Lin in my home for whatever reason just adds a sense of security to the place I can't explain why. Although if my mother ever asked me why I'd just say because am extra and I can, but the honest answer is without a doubt security and loneliness.

Plus, Miss Lin is the greatest roommate you could ever buy for three grand a month. She cooks me breakfast every morning along with whatever guests I may have over at the time without question, plus she takes requests and I never have to clean up a thing behind her which she could never say about me. She keeps all the rooms clean and tidy, does the grocery shopping along with whatever you call the kind of shopping where you get like the toothpaste and tissue and all that kind of essential stuff. She does everything regarding my laundry including; washing, ironing, putting stuff away and just helping me manage my entire wardrobe. She feeds and takes Kashmir out on walks and basically just does whatever I need her to do and I love having her around."

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Wildly beautiful, Moriah's light olive skin is as smooth as silk to the touch; which Moriah largely in part accredits to the body treatments she treats herself to at Cornelia Spa at The Surrey on a weekly basis. The spa doesn't only play a large role in the buttermilk smooth texture of her skin, but, it is also to thank for her faultless face. There isn't a blemish or acne scar that can found on Moriah's gorgeous heart-shaped face that is embellished by her upturned greenish blue eyes and bow-shaped lips.

As someone who full-heartedly believes that wearing a lot of makeup and moreover a lot of makeup on a religious basis ages you at the same rate as smoking a pack a day does, Moriah's skincare regime is not something that gets half-assed. Weekly facials at Cornelia Spa and Sisley-Paris products are the only things that ever touch her face. Everything from her face scrubs and masks to everything in-between including the makeup that adores her face is Sisley-Parisβ€”she knows what works for her skin and because of that, she isn't the type of girl who has a dozen different brands scattered across her makeup table.

Her hourglass frame measures out at 34-24-25. Moriah wears a size four in dresses, a small in tops, a size 0 to 2 in bottoms and a shoe size of six. Standing on the taller side of the scale, Moriah is 5'11 when she is barefooted, which often means no matter what she wears on her feet when she walks out the door she usually walking around at a height of six feet tall if not taller if she's wearing heels. Her weight does fluctuate her in there but for as long as she can remember she has never weighed less than a hundred an ten pounds or more than one-twenty-five at her heaviest.

Hair and clothes go hand-in-hand when it comes to fashion-in-style. What someone does with their hair can make or break an overall look as much as their makeup or what they put on their feet. The world of fashion is also evolving and ever-changing and it's because of that reason that Moriah can't say she has a particular look. She will definitely say that her style is very feminine, but, outside of that, she can't classify herself as someone who has a "preppy" style or "urban" or anything of the such. All she can say is that her wardrobe is incredibly expensive and outside of her fragrance, which is Chanel Grand Extraitβ€”although on special occasions she'll wear her Clive Christian No. 1 Imperial Majesty Perfumeβ€” everything else about her fashion sense changes on a day-to-day basis.


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An extrovert from birth, Moriah has always been an affable person. As a child, she had no siblings or cousins to speak of, which meant that if she wanted to befriend peers her age she had to willing to put herself out there or settle for being that weird kid who only had "adult-friends," which wasn't a very appealing notion to a young Moriah. Like all good mothers, when Moriah expressed interest and getting involved in things that allowed her to be around children her age her mother fed her daughter's need for social interaction. So, although hesitant to the idea of "throwing her daughter into the deep end," Jane did indulge Moriah's wishes. When Moriah was a youngster, Jane made it a point to have her daughter converse with peers from all walks of life. So, while Moriah was the type of child who went to an exclusive camp like Raquette Lake Camp in the summer she was also involved in less highfalutin type of clubs and organizations like the Girl Scouts and the YMCA.

Jane quickly found that Moriah was the kind of person that if you threw to the wolves, she'd return leading the pack. It didn't matter what sort of club, sport or function she got involved in, between her approachable aura and gregarious natureβ€”she never had an issue winning over the masses. This is probably one of the main reasons why when Moriah first arrived at Constance Billard School for Girls, Clara Chase and those who thought like her saw Moriah as a threatβ€”even if they didn't want to admit it. At a school like Constance, your behavior and reasoning are always subject to be scrutinized by your peers, which is something that a very green Moriah was ignorant of at the time. Something as simple as just being likable at a school like Constance can easily be misconstrued as some form of manipulation or attempt at networking to social climb your way up the ladder.

Moriah hadn't spent months convincing her mother to allow her to go to Constance so that she could obtain some figurative crown, which Moriah was very swift and straightforward in letting the reigning Queen know. Unnecessary drama is by far the worst kind of drama to be had and as someone who relishes in the companionship of others, Moriah learned from a very young age to nip rumors and gossip in the butt or risk things snowballing out of her control because once that happens the damage left behind tends to be irreparable in her experience.

That is one of the things about Moriahβ€”as a child, she became so accustomed to putting herself in situations that opened her up to rejection that she has a boldness about her that in the face of utmost all social situations she'd rather be candid and sincere with someone about her feelings and thoughts and risk a fallout than sugarcoat things and let things progress to the point where she's cursing herself for not having just been honest, to begin with. As much as Moriah hates to be alone, she's a faithful person at her core, so much so that she can't find it in herself to be disingenuine with someone just for the state of having someone around. Which is why if she fucks up she'll own up to it as soon as the opportunity presents itself in the hope that her honesty will be enough to get things back on track so that she doesn't end up losing someone she cares about.

Obviously, Moriah like everyone else in the world has her flaws. One of her biggest flaws is that she is open to asking others for help. Whether it be because of her background or just her friendly disposition Moriah is that person who on the outside always looks put together like they couldn't have a care in the world and yet be secretly crumbling on the inside and she'd never open her mouth to make you think otherwise. The situation going on with her uncle currently is an excellent example of how great Moriah is at putting on this carefree facade while all the wise deliberately self-destructing on the inside. Her drinking has gradually increased to the point that when she is alone she is never without a drink and even when she does drink around her friends she is conscious enough to know her limit and never get to point where it would draw their attention. Before getting into her relationship with Nurys there wasn't a night when her bed was ever empty unless she was waking up in someone else's bed. She's been steadily pulling away from her family opting to spend more time either with her friends, Nurys, and her family or at home alone with Kashmirβ€”which as someone who would choose the company of anyone over lonely is a big indicator of how she is truly feeling on the inside. Whenever her family or more so her mother expresses concern or presses the issue Moriah just tends to lash out which only makes her more absent which is why her mother is subtle whenever she does want to bring up anything concerning Moriah's uncle or anything that she feels will upset her daughter. Which is far from beneficial for Moriah on an emotional level but is just how the relationship between she and her mother works.

Outside of her self-destructive behavior, Moriah will admit to her materialistic ways and lavish spending in a heartbeat. Not that she sees this a negative quality about herself so much so as just a product of her upbringing. Growing up never wanting for anything has left Moriah impulsive as she is used to getting what she wants on a whim. Her family's connections around the world and more specifically in New York City has gotten her spoiled to getting her own way. While, if she has time in advance she will make a reservation or go through the proper channels to do the things that she wants to doβ€”there are times when her spur-of-the-moment nature gets the better of her and she wants what she wants when she wants it and she'll use her family name, wealth or at times both to get what she wants. As long as she what she doing isn't negatively impacting anyone she doesn't see the harm in using her family's pull in the world to make her life better or easier.

Moriah prides herself on being a friend to anyone who is willing to befriend her back. At the end of the day, she just wants to have strong relationships with people who understand what loyalty is all about. No amount of wealth can buy true loyalty. In high school, labels can make or break you. The people you choose to befriend and the ones you choose to cross can make those four years of your life either so blissful and fun that they just seem to fly by or the worst days of your life to the point that by the end of it your four years felt like a decade spent in the depths of hell. Moriah is very much aware of how much the relationships she chooses to partake in can affect her high school career, but, she has happily risked committing social suicide every day since walking into Constance and she continues to do so because if shows like 13 Reasons Why has shown her anything, it's that everyone needs at least one true reliable friend in the world and that the way you treat others has a bigger impact than you could ever truly know. Which is why despite being the spawn of the wealthiest family in America, Moriah Goldman doesn't feel that anyone is too beneath her to befriend, because as the playwright, Euripides once wrote, "The man who would prefer great wealth or strength more than love, more than friends, is diseased of soul."

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You don't get coined a social butterfly by being anti-social. Moriah is her happiest when she is in the presence of others. Whether we're talking a quiet night in Brooklyn with Nurys and her family or attending another of Clara's lavish and over-the-top extravaganzas on the Upper East Side; Moriah is always most content when she is in the company of others no matter if it's just one other person or dozens. One of the main reasons she has her dog Kashmir is because even if everyone in her contacts is too busy living their own lives to be occupied with herβ€”Kashmirβ€”is never to preoccupied with his own life to snuggle up with her in bed while she binge-watches whatever Marvel-centric show or movie on Netflix's Nurys has convinced her is too good for her to have never seen.

Speaking of Nurys, Moriah loves and treasures her girlfriend. With one aunt living out-of-state and the other in another country, her uncle fighting a losing to his disease and her mother working to support her ailing big brother and running a multi-billionaire companyβ€”Moriah finds herself spending a lot of time with not only Nurys but, Nurys's family. Nurys and Moriah haven't been dating long enough for Moriah to become attached enough to Nurys loved ones to considered them as an extended family or anything that sentimental, but the more time she spends in Brooklyn and around Nurys and those she cares for the more she grows to care about, like and maybe in the future even love them.

One of the best things she has ever convinced her mother to do was let her attend Constance Billard School for Girls. While she wouldn't go so far as to say that she hated being home-schooled; Moriah definitely prefers going to exclusive private school. While most of her peers would rather be anywhere else but school, Moriah enjoys waking up in the morning and going through the whole routine of doing her makeup, sprinkling her own bit of fashion and style to her uniform, drinking a fresh cup of Kopi Luwak coffee (which is the only kind of coffee she drinks) and having one of Miss Lin's gorumet homemade breakfasts before rushing out the door with a smoothie and a bottle of Veen water.

As much as Moriah loves all of Miss Lin's homemade cuisine, she will never pass up the opportunity to dine out for any meal. New York City is home to some of Moriah's most favorites restaurants in the world which says a lot as the girl tends to travel a lot. Some of her favorite places to go to are the Serendipity 3, Restaurant of Norma in the Le Parker Meridian Hotel of New York, The Blue Bar at the Algonquin Hotel, East by Northeast, Blackstone Steakhouse and she will eat sushi from nowhere else but Masa. On the less high-end scale, Chipotle Mexican Grill has become one of her quicker go-to places when she doesn't have the time and or patience to wait for Miss Lin or a restaurant to make her a full-course meal; which is another thing that can be attributed to her relationship with Nurys as she had never stepped foot inside a Chipotle before they got together. She doesn't know if the actually Chiptole has anything to do with the fact that she now has a real taste for chipotle dressing, however, as of recently she never doesn't have a jug of the Hellmann's Ancho Chipotle dressing in her fridgeβ€”althoughβ€”honey mustard is still her number one dressing.

Although not a huge fast-food buff, Moriah does have an affinity for desserts and candy, specifically sour candies. Her favorite flavor of any kind of candy is green apple. Moriah will admit to being a bit of a stress eater and on a more sadly shameful note, a stress drinker as well as stress smoker. At the start of every year, Moriah spends $15,000 on a box of Gurkha His Majesty’s Reserve cigars. It box comes with twenty cigars and because she knows how bad cigars are health wise she limits herself to that one box for the entire year. She also partakes in smoking hookah her and there although she really only does that during social occasions when she goes out with her friends to a hookah bar.

While she wouldn't consider herself an alcoholic by any meansβ€”Moriah doesn't go a day without having at least one drink. She doesn't drink before noon as a way of making herself feel a little less guilty, but, at the very least at least she can say that for her size she has a really high-alcohol-tolerance. The cellar in her house is stocked to the brim with Armand de Brignac. She has all five varieties and eighty bottles of each chilled and ready-to-drink at a moments notice. In the bar in her bedroom, she has nothing but cognac as that is her favorite hard liquor to drink. Brand-wise she loves RΓ©my Martin, although that isn't the only brand of brandy on her bar. She's got a bottle of L’Art De Martell, Delamain De Voyage, Hardy Le Printemps, Hine 250, Hennessy Ellipse, RΓ©my Martin Louis XIII Grande Champagne Tres Vieille Age Inconnu and a bottle of RΓ©my Martin Black Pearl Louis XIII.

Moriah knows that she has developed some rather bad vices over the last couple of years and does what she can to find less harmful ways to cope with the ups and downs of life. Sex and retail therapy have become two of her less "self-harming" vices. Between her fondness of high-end designer brands and having two limitless credit cards that she never goes anywhere without; Moriah can rack up one hell of a bill when trying to fill the emotional issues in her life with material things. Clothes, accessories, and makeup aren't even the only things she will blow her money on when she isn't feeling spendthrifty. Bad breakups have been the reasons behind why she's purchased a membership to two high-end clubs; The CORE Club and the Yellowstone Club. Which she admittedly does enjoy being apart of when she actually makes an appearance although it is rare.

In all honesty, whatever her mood, Moriah relishes in being able to splurge on things on a whim. Things get a little out of hand when she's emotional or just simply being careless but she's never claimed that frugality was something that came easily to her. Since gaining her independence and being on her own she's far more cautious when it comes to her spending habits, but she is a lot better at talking herself into reasons for why she should spend money as opposed to why she should hold onto it. Holidays, needing to buy a new outfit for a party, having a girl's night out, in need of a really bad spa day at Cornelia Spa at The Surreyβ€”any excuse she can find she will use. The way that Moriah makes herself feel better whenever she overspends is by letting her philanthropist side out and donating her money over at times even her time to various causes and events going on.

As someone who enjoys being around people and having a good time, Moriah detests senseless drama and people who cause it. Which is why she cannot stand whoever this mystery person is behind this Gossip Girl persona. Moriah doesn't know who the hell he/she or it is, but, whatever the case, Moriah is just not a fan of this person. She didn't go through all the work of convincing her mother to send her to a real school for her to spend her final year being low-key stalked and high-key harassed by some anonymous person who clearly has too much time on their hands. With everything going on with her uncle's illness she doesn't have time to be worrying about Gossip Girl on top of an ailing family member, a new serious relationship, maintaining old relationships, her studies and just trying to live her life day-to-day.

She hates the feeling of being nagged or questioned by her loved ones about how it is that she lives her life and that's in regards to all things. Her finances, her love life, her studies, her vicesβ€”if she wanted to talk about any of those things she would bring it up if she doesn't then you shouldn't. Just let it and she be. She hates when she feels like she needs to justify her actions or herself to anyone. She's a grown seventeen-year-old woman living on her own and she doesn't feel the need to validate herself to anyone. Not her mom or aunts or even her girlfriend. If you trust her then trust that she knows what she doing with her life. If you don't . . . she doesn't really know what's she expected to do about that.

She loathes people who hate her because she has a liking for and buying lavish things. The only person who could ever question Moriah on what she spends her money on is her mother and even that isn't likely to go over well depending on whether or not Moriah feels like she personally went overboard in her spending. Although because of the slight tension in their relationship over the fact that Moriah genuinely feels her mother her harboring onto information about who her father is; Jane Goldman doesn't really tend to rock the boat when it comes to Moriah as she knows that that's always Moriah's trump card when it comes to finding a way to turn arguments between them to her favor and she just prefers not to deal with it. Fortunately enough for her, Moriah considering her wealth on top of her loose leash and amount of leeway she is given is a pretty tame and responsible teenager.

Moriah despises unfaithfulness in all capacities not just in regards to cheating and not just when it comes to intimate relationships.

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Strengths & Talents
The Goldman family has connections to a few dozen of the most influential people on the globe and through her family's connections Moriah has connections. Of all the places in the world that Moriah and her family has ties to nothing compares to the ones that they have in the Big Apple. Outside of just being a person who is well-connected in the world, Moriah is also socially adept. Social interactions come instinctively to her, she's never been the kind of person who had to pre-plan or come up with some elaborate scheme in her head to get people to like her. She's just a genuinely likable person. As a child, she spent some much of free time experimenting with different things that she has acquired a plethora of skills and talents from being surfing to horseback riding to skiing and much more.

Although she is more often than not transparent about what she thinks and how she feels, Moriah has a tendency to suppress the more emotionally painful occurrences in her life. She indulges in self-destructive behavior and being full-aware that what she's doing is bad for her she goes out of her to keep it hidden from those who could help her ways outside of her vices to cope with the issues in her life. Although she does mean to do be or necessarily consider herself to be; Moriah has hedonistic ways about herself.

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So begins...

Moriah Goldman's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Clara Chase Character Portrait: Moriah Goldman Character Portrait: Willow GarcΓ­a Character Portrait: Primrose Reynolds Character Portrait: Nishimura Akio Character Portrait: Moon Eo-jin
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0.00 INK

#, as written by burning


S E P T E M B E Rx2 5 T H,x2 0 1 7

7:05 am. It is the morning of the first day back to school for both the Constance Billard girls and the St. Jude's boys. By now, many of them should be up and planning how they're going to take on the day. The extra eager students will be on their way to the school to help set up for the welcome back assembly which will take place at 8:30 am. However for one student, they don't care about rushing into school to help nor precisely planning the perfect back to school outfit - instead, they are sat behind a computer screen typing furiously. Finally happy, they quickly press post and throw on some clothes in the hopes they won't be late to school, not that anyone would notice anyway...

'Good morning Upper East Side, I hope you've all had a good rest because this year is gonna filled with more drama and chaos than any other. I'll make sure of that.

The first day back to school means those first impressions are going to be crucial. No matter how long you may have been at the school, you better bring your a game or risk being shot right down the social ladder. Let's see if Queen Bee Clara Chase can keep her crown or if one of her minions will finally be able to claw their way to the top. Speaking of, what's a Queen without her King? Oh wait, she doesn't have one. Seems like no one can stand Queen Bee-atch long enough, not even to get in her pants. Well, unless playboy Dante Lawson can finally find his way into the heart of the one girl at school he hasn't, hm, gotten friendly with.

And what about the minions, seems like pretty Primrose Reynolds has found herself a man in new money - Tristan Dupond - I guess we'll have to wait to find out if he'll ever love her as much as she loves herself. Oh, and how could I forget the resident 'bad bitch' Nurys Johnson, even she's managed to snag herself a desperate cool girl wannabe in Moriah Goldman. Seems like Clara really is the only one sleeping on her own these days, can you believe it? The Queen being outdone by her servants and enemies. How the mighty have fallen.

All this gossip and more has gotten me so excited for the start of this term, and the prospect of spilling all your dirty little secrets is exactly what keeps me going. The bitch is back.

You know you love me,
xoxo gossip girl.'

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Moriah Goldman Character Portrait: Tristan Dupond Character Portrait: Nurys Johnson Character Portrait: Liam Summers Character Portrait: Ivan Johnson
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0.00 INK

_____ T H EXB A DXG I R L_____

Outfit: Link Here
Location: En route
Dialogue Color ✦ #C35817
Thought Color ✧ #730800

_____ T H EXT O R T U R E DXS O U L _____

Outfit: Link Here
Location: DuBois Residence to En route
Dialogue Color ✦ #E9AB17
Thought Color ✧ #995B00

"You're late," Nurys announced rather succinctly. She didn't even hesitate when snatching up one of the ceramic traveler mugs that her panting brother got from his summer job at Starbucks and took a sip through the sharp look he gave her. He always put her coffee - the Intenso Dark blend from Lavazza Roast Coffee, with only a splash of milk and a tablespoon of sugar - in the rose-striped Anna Sui mug Nurys had fallen in love with when she had come to antagonize him during one of his shifts.

"You." Pant. "Ain't." Pant. "Shit."

Nurys only rolled her eyes behind her oversized hippie sunglasses with a very blatant you're-an-idiot vibe coming from the shaking of her head. "Bet ya won't not let me set yo alarm in the morning now," she shot back and took another sip of her drink and began walking, the sound of the AlaΓ―a cut-out heels clicking along the asphalt. Honestly, Nurys felt as if she was owed a reward. She hadn't protested much when her alarm had gone off and even kicked on Ivan's door until he snapped for her to stop before going off to eat breakfast. She ate her food, made sure her bag was packed, and finished a mug of coffee before going about her day. She even put up with one of Michelle's speeches without so much as one vitriolic retort, even though it had been at the tip of her tongue. She deserved praise for that, actually, but of course she wasn't going to get it. The skirt wasn't too short, she didn't have anything on that said "fuck you," even though she considered it, and although the color would definitely make a nun or two side-eye her, Nurys was pretty sure her hair was a lot more tolerable than the one time she showed up with so many beads that each step was a cacophonous symphony.

Ivan, on the other hand, had promptly fallen back asleep once his sister's footsteps had retreated. His insomnia happened to be pretty bad last night and while Nurys probably could have offered something, he hated bothering her on the good nights. By the time it had occurred to him that Nurys' bedroom was too quiet, Ivan's real alarm had gone off as the final warning that they needed to be on the walking out the door. Which meant that he had to speed through a wash-up and teeth-brushing ritual and throw on the first set of uniform he could find. Luckily, his bag was packed, but he had only enough time to receive the disapproving look from Michelle, an amused giggle from Katiana who had watched him bounce around trying to get his feet into his shoes, and two traveler mugs of coffee. He couldn't even grab a muffin off of the counter.

"You still ain't shit." He told his sister when his breathing was more regulated and he had officially fallen in line with her, taking a few large drinks of his own coffee. His required more sugar and milk, but it was a welcome container of diabetes to him. He needed the extra pep in his step. Without warning, a bundle wrapped in layers of paper towel was dangled in his face by his sister's manicured hand. He glanced at her face to see a raised eyebrow above the left eye lens.

"You sure about that?" Nurys inquired, the corner of her mouth lifting in amusement as she playfully kept the warm bundle just out of her brother's reach. Finally, Ivan sighed, giving her a withering glare before conceding. "Fine, fine. You ain't ain't shit...which isn't even English, but whatever. Gimme," he said and Nurys grinned, releasing her gift. "I am the shit," she corrected. "Never forget that, baby boy." Ivan rolled his eyes as he unraveled his prize, revealing a bacon-and-cheesy-scrambled-egg-sandwich that she had put on toast with cream cheese and jelly. He only offered a "yeah, yeah, yeah" before digging in. Nurys tossed him a smug look and pulled out her phone to see who had messaged her and check who responded to the Gossip Girl blog. It never failed that one idiot would reply to it as if their being mad was going to change what was said, and then there would be an entire chain of that one person getting slammed. Nurys liked having a healthy laugh before she went and became the bane of half of her teachers' existence.

To: Tristan// Future Husband
Dont need 2 survive a bitch who aint a factor. tell dat out-of-the-box built body bitch 2 kiss ur ass. omw

"You a'ight?" So wrapped up in finishing what tasted like the most delicious breakfast sandwich ever to his taste buds since Ivan had been so hungry, Ivan had almost missed his sister's question. He had honestly believed her to be fully engrossed in her phone, perhaps texting Moriah now that they had gotten close to the school. But, regardless of her eyes being primarily on her phone and where they were headed - the two schools looming before them at least two blocks ahead - Ivan felt the probing of his sister's attention with a twitch of discomfort. "Yeah, I-I'm fine," he replied and it was then that Nurys actually looked at him. Ivan didn't like the skepticism and judgement he saw in her eyes, even behind her sunglasses. "Reese, I'm good, ok? I'm good. Bad night, we've both had 'em. Nothin' big." Her face was blank, but her skepticism was blatant and Ivan rolled his eyes, hands up in surrender. "Not doin' this right now, so I'm gonna go wait for Liam real quick. See you in a bit." It was only a beat later that Ivan followed up with, "And don't start nothin' before the bell rings," while texting Liam where he was going to be. It never failed that his friend wanted vanilla iced coffee and while the coffee at their place was always a touch too strong for Liam, the Starbucks across the street from their school always did just fine.

To: Liam
At the Starbucks waiting

"No promises," Nurys sing-songed, but let him walk across the street without argument. It was too early for her to do it anyway. It didn't mean she was going to let it go. Never let it be said that Nurys was completely selfish in regards to her brother and his well-being. She didn't always do it, sometimes she got distracted by personal things, but she never failed to monitor him to some degree. They both had their demons, a good number of which neither had mentioned to the other and for very good reasons. It didn't mean, though, that Nurys couldn't get concerned when she knew Ivan went half of last night without any sleep. She could let it go for now, but she knew it couldn't happen a second time, even if she had to sic Katiana somehow on the boy. For now, though, as she got closer to Constance and classmates she'd like to strangle more than she'd like to sit in a room with them, she finally text her girlfriend, having exchanged text messages during breakfast.

To: meu fofinho (my cutie)// Moriah
honestly, ima feel rlly attacked if i c these nosy ass bitches b4 i c u

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Clara Chase Character Portrait: Moriah Goldman Character Portrait: Nurys Johnson
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Fangurl
Outfit: Link Here
Location: En route
Dialogue Color #FFB8C2
Thought Color #FFC08A

"I think I ate too much," Moriah stated with a pout as she subconsciously placed her left freshly-manicured hand on her stomach as the right reached for what remained of her orange juice that sat on the small square shaped dining table in front of her. The three adult Goldman women that had treated the youngest Goldman to breakfast at Norma'sβ€”one of Moriah's favorite restaurants in the cityβ€”shared a collective assumed smile among themselves as they all just stared at the young heiress. "You do this every time," her mother started as her aunt Amy was quick to chimed in adding, "you get the Zillion Dollar Lobster Frittata every time we come here. And although you know it's more food than your little tummy can handle you stuff it all down anyway until your stomach aches." Moriah made a face as if she was about to protest but realizing she had no rebuttal she just shrugged chugging what was left in her glass, "What?! It's the best thing on the menu. Plus, it's not like the frittata was the only thing I had," she said placing the empty glass down on the table. "That's exactly your aunt's point. After two cups of coffee, a glass of OJ, the frittata, and the foie gras brioche french toast am surprised you're not comatose."

"If only," came Moriah's reply as she picked up her phone off the table and swiped right to close the Gossip Girl notification that had just appeared on her phone. Moriah's before the first day of school weekend had been one of relaxation and fun. She hadn't spoken to, texted or seen any of her friends or her girlfriend since Thursday. She had spent the morning and afternoon with Clara and her family as her aunts who had flown in that morning adored the Queen Bee almost as much as Jane, who often referred to Clara as her second daughter. That evening was spent moving some of her things and Kashmir to her mother's place as she would be spending the weekend there and that night she had gone to Brooklyn and spent the night with Nurys just to spend some quality time with her girlfriend before dropping off the grid for the next couple of days. Since Friday Moriah had been strictly on family time which was something she had admittedly missed. Between both of her aunts living in different time zones and her mother dividing a majority of her time between her business and taking care of her ailing older brotherβ€”Moriah didn't see much of her family nowadays although some of the blame was on her own her shoulders as she hadn't been putting in much effort to change that.

Witnessing her uncle health progressively worsening was something that Moriah found harder to stomach than the big breakfast she had just devoured. She had no issue meeting up with her mother in the city and hanging out but that was about all she was willing to do. However, her aunts flying in made things different. When the whole family was all together it made things for Moriah a bit easier. Yes, her uncle Allan was still in stage four of his Parkinson’s disease but having everyone together just seemed to make him happier and for little moments here and there it was like Moriah could forget that he was suffering and they could all just be content and in sync as a family which was harder to do when it was just her mother, her uncle and herself.

Over the last couple of days, Moriah had been blissfully happy just being pampered by her family. She and the most important women in her life had spent all of Friday shopping until they dropped early Saturday morning. After waking late that evening the Goldman women had spent the day coddling her uncle Allan. They had watched the man's favorite movies and had actually gone out of their way to cook his favorite meals, which in every attempt the meals never came out right and they just ended up ordering in, but, the point is they attempted. Sunday was an all-day spa day at Moriah's favorite spaβ€”the Cornelia Spa at The Surrey. Now, it was currently Monday morning and while she was at school and her mother work, her aunts would be flying back to their respective homes which meant Moriah wouldn't be seeing them for a couple of weeks which was fine. With school starting up again she would need time to readjust to being back on schedule and no longer being on her own time.

"I should get going. I'm supposed to be at Constance right now helping Clara with the assembly." Moriah said as she finished reading the text that Nurys had sent her. Amy nodded in response to her niece and immediately starting looking for their waiter so they could settle the bill. "Relax Amy, we've still got a bit of time left before we have to catch our flights. Unless Jane has somewhere to beβ€”I say we stay here for a bit longer. Reiah I love you," her aunt Diane said as she got up from her seat and walked over to her niece and wrapping her arms around the girl in a tight but loving hug. Kissing the top of the girl's head she continued saying, "I hope you have a fabulous first day and you be sure to tell Carebear that we love her and we'll be seeing you both soon." Moriah smiled getting up from her seat, "I can't guarantee the day but I will definitely pass along the message to Clarie. If I'm lucky your loving words will keep her from being too pissed about me being late," Moriah said with a giggle as she walked over to mother and embraced the woman placing a kiss on her cheek before doing the same with her aunt Amy. "I love you guys. I'll come over after school to pick up Kash from your place," she said directing the last sentence to her mother as she got her coat off the back of her chair and started bracing herself for the coolness of the outside as she zipped up. As her family said their I love yous to her Moriah blew them all a kiss as she took her leave putting some extra pep in her step.

Once she outside and in her car, she sent out a text to Nurys:

To: Reese Pieces
don't h8 me bt M runN late! Breakfast w d famLe ran a bit longer thN it wz spos 2 bt M on my way nw & I'll b CN U s%n. luv yous! Don't b mad!

She considered sending a text to Clara but her bestie hadn't yet texted or called her that morning which between the assembly and the Gossip Girl blast that while she hadn't bothered to read she was sure Clara would and did didn't really surprise her. Figuring she was better off she just to the school as soon as possible she skipped the text and threw the car into drive hoping that she wouldn't have missed out on helping with the assembly entirely by the time she got to Constance.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Clara Chase Character Portrait: Moriah Goldman Character Portrait: Willow GarcΓ­a Character Portrait: Primrose Reynolds Character Portrait: Dante Lawson Character Portrait: Penelope von Dietrichstein
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0.00 INK

xx β™• Clara Chase β™•
xxxxiixxx hex ~ #8e44ad
xxxiiixxxxxoutfit ~ X


Using the student council's little helpers around, Clara almost wanted to beam with pride at how well the assembly was going to turn out. The President in charge was wrapped around Clara's finger so whatever she wanted from him, he gladly gave her. Her request to have the main speaker be the President of Yale college was easy enough to convince. Light hors d'oeuvres were being provided by Summers family. They have a child here, not that Clara knows who the child is. Everything was turning out perfect. Now, all she needs was her group. Clara wasn't going to bother Moriah about not showing up yet. Today was Moriah's last day with her whole family before they all jet off to take care of their business. Clara knew how rare it could be to get a whole family together. Moriah would show up soon, hopefully in time for the assembly and without her girlfriend. It seemed odd to Clara how two of her friends seemed to enjoy dating people she despised.

Her phone buzzed, and Clara was quick to check it. Primrose and Willow would be on their way. Now, she needed Dante, Penelope, and Sam. Penelope's absence was quickly solved when Clara felt a gentle hand on her shoulder.

"Please tell me you've remembered to breathe since you read the blast."
"My breathing has been perfect. All of it put into managing this assembly. I'm glad to see you got here!"

Clara gave the girl a quick side hug before telling one of the freshman to move the lemon squares next to the cookies. Didn't she memorize the food table chart? Useless. Madison was sent to drinks for all the girls and finally returned. It was Madison's turn to go get coffee, but Clara knew the girl was displeased. Truthfully, it wasn't even her turn. Clara overheard a rumor being spread about her and some hookup she had with some older guy. The rumor was clearly false, not backed by any evidence. Clara didn't have any proof on who spread it, but Madison has always had a thing for gossip. Therefore, she was on coffee duty. It was one of the more menial tasks Clara gave to her followers.

"I got the coffee, Clara. One vanilla latte for Penelope and a vanilla bean Frappuccino with raspberry syrup for you."
"You took longer than normal. I hope some older guy wasn't distracting you." While Madison was skilled at a poker face, the faint blush on her neck told Clara everything she needed to know. Madison was not to be trusted. "Thank you. Now, go get my books. It's your turn to carry them today." The red haired girl didn't reply before leaving. Clara smiled mischievously at Penelope before taking a drink of her coffee. "By the way, have you heard from Dante or Sam? I haven't seen them yet."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Moriah Goldman Character Portrait: Primrose Reynolds Character Portrait: Nishimura Akio Character Portrait: Tristan Dupond Character Portrait: Nurys Johnson Character Portrait: Liam Summers
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0.00 INK

_____ T H EXB A DXG I R L _____

Outfit: Link Here
Location: Constance Billard School For Girls
Dialogue Color ✦ #C35817
Thought Color ✧ #730800

To: meu fofinho (my cutie)// Moriah
Ur lucky u cute <3

As luck would have it, Nurys had sent the text out at the right time because just as it was delivered, a call came through from a rather interesting individual. With a raised eyebrow, Nurys swiped the call button and brought the device to her ear, answering with a teasing, "And I was wondering when I was gonna get a call from my oh so secret lover."

"Nurys..." Henry Reynolds' voice reached in a deep, annoyed timbre and Nurys grinned.

"I know, I know." Nurys then proceeded to mock a majority of his prior sayings, trying but notably failing to keep the laughter out of her voice. "'That's ridiculously inappropriate, Miss Johnson.' 'I will have you know that I am a happily' - even though we both know that part is a whole ass lie - 'married man with three kids and this is not professional.' And there's also my personal favorite - "

"Are you done?"

Nurys pretended to ponder that for a moment longer as she drew closer to the steps of Constance, not even bothering to eye Clara and her group in lieu of focusing on this particular conversation. Henry had only called her three times with this being the third. All of their other meetings had been face-to-face, and mostly without Ivan. She didn't keep her brother out of things; they were a duo and that meant that she worked to get the both of them attention. She just hadn't needed him to be a witness to how she had received - or, well, taken - Henry Reynolds' attention. She heard the griping in her head enough to not want to deal with it in person. "Fine, fine. I'll stop," she conceded. She needed Henry on her side, not to antagonize him so much that he didn't want to deal with her at all. "To what do I owe this pleasant surprise, Henry?"

"You want studio time and good studio time, at that. I can give that to you, but I need more exposure on your part. You need to perform." Nurys listened without interjection then as she ascended the stairs. It occurred to her that perhaps exchanging a call with a man who had already been theorized to be having an affair behind is wife's back. Nurys knew their secrecy would be a thing of contention. At the same time, once Henry called on her to talk business instead of consistently telling her that she was too much, Nurys couldn't bother with those thoughts for too long. She had nothing to feel particularly guilty for when it came to this relationship. And if it just so happened that she could smirk more easily in Primrose's presence. "I have a friend who's performing at the Village Underground next weekend and they'll need an opening act to - "

"Are you serious?" Nurys hissed as she entered the front door, actually attempting to keep her voice down. "The village? Who the hell is looking for anyone at the - "

"It's not about who's looking at you there, it's about who looks once your performance is uploaded to the Internet," Henry interjected. "People come and go to the village, but they always record when they're there and share on social media. The good and the bad. You just need to make sure you're the best. Show that you can get a following. Once you do that, and you have to make the performance good, then we can talk about more."

Nurys didn't speak again for a moment, eyes near slits as she considered the possibility. "Consider it done. I gotta go." She didn't bother offering anything more; she hung up and after a beat, a slow grin formed on her face as she put the possibilities of next week on the back burner in favor of approaching a duo she was good on seeing. At least, she was happy to see one half of the duo. "And I was wonderin' when I'd get to see my baby daddy," Nurys exclaimed loud enough so that anyone nearby could hear her, which was probably the last thing Primrose would have wanted when she was interacting with her boyfriend. However, Tristan was Nurys' friend first and she couldn't be bothered with caring for the blonde's feelings. "Hey, you," she continued to greet and pressed a quick kiss to Tristan's cheek as she breezed past them. "Save you a seat, babe." Still grinning, Nurys continued down the hall, the students present parting immediately at each click of her heels against the linoleum.

_____ T H EXT O R T U R E DXS O U L _____

Outfit: Link Here
Location: En route
Dialogue Color ✦ #E9AB17
Thought Color ✧ #995B00

Much like what Liam thought would happen, Ivan did see through his smile and tilted his head curiously, trying to search the guy's expression. Ivan knew he wasn't exactly the greatest at reading people; he left that to Nurys and, well, anyone else. He had some intuition, don't get him wrong. But it wasn't some undeniably strong skill that he had developed over the years. He was still working on it, but he did notice that Liam wasn't saying something. Ivan just also wasn't the one to question Liam when they were still in a crowded store. "Oh, sweet! Really? How'd you meet 'em?" He pressed, eager to just let Liam have it for now and question him later in the day when they had a study hall or something. "And you already know you can't show me any new music til' Nurys sees it too. She'd kill me."

While they had been talking and heading for the door, it took Ivan a second longer to see that Liam's eyes weren't focused just on him, but something over his head. Since Ivan had been the first one out the door, he turned around to glimpse the stranger in St. Jude uniform and raised an eyebrow at Liam, tipping his head towards the store as a reference when they reached his friend's car. "What was that? You know him or somethin'?"