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The Infinite Plane

The Infinite Plane


a part of The Infinite Plane, by HLP210.

The infinite, empty plane.

HLP210 holds sovereignty over The Infinite Plane, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

1,263 readers have been here.


The Infinite Plane is a large, infinite plane, stretching to the very boundaries of the universe. Here is the medium which the gods will shape into something wildly different.
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The Infinite Plane

The infinite, empty plane.


The Infinite Plane is a part of The Infinite Plane.

1 Places in The Infinite Plane:

16 Characters Here

Gira [30] "Only the sturdy will survive the next great reckoning"
Selka [17] "I tend the life of today to bear fruit to the life tomorrow."
Kernaz [15] .
Minx [15] God of Lights and Stars
Montayzuomah [14] The god of Suffering.
Appartos [13] The god of the forge. Can be difficult to work with.
Sylva/ Sylvanir [12] The two sided god of creatures and the wilds. "I am the one who will bring beauty to this void."
Abaddon the Vengeful [10] The god of death and of deceit, evil, and betrayal. These are the basis for all of Abaddon's morals, if you can call them morals.
Selshek [10] God of Fire, Change, Progress, and Purification
Ulm [8] The pretender god of stone, flesh and entropy.

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Character Portrait: Selka Character Portrait: Sylva/ Sylvanir Character Portrait: Ulm
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Sylva's head felt like it was pounding as her other half tried to gain control. She stood up and walked downstairs, exiting the tree. As she walked out into the forest her mental resistance wavered. Finally, she sat and leaned against a tree. "Okay brother, I give up, it's your turn." After saying this her body went limp as the two switched places. When Sylvanir took over, he atomatically decided that their current form was to weak for him. Standing, strong wood formed around the body, It covered it and then moved outward, first forming the chest, A couple of big branches formed out of the back as the front area developed a rib-like structure to add protection to the front. Then formed out large, thick, segmented arms ending in hands, which though it was humanlike, seemed to have longer fingers and relatively short thumbs. Then formed the thick legs which ended in what looked like roots at the end. All over this body formed veins, which partly hanged from the large torso, Last formed a head, which was semi circular and had horizontal slits near the front of it, intricate flowing designs etched into it, and many horns. When it finally formed, it stood on all 4 limbs. To test the body, Sylvanir charged at one of the smaller nearby trees, causing it to crack and fall. Sylvanir mentally smiled at his strength. Sylvanir lifted his head and, without a mouth, a loud roaring sound rang out as he declared his presence to the universe. He then mentally asked his sister to use her power to see through the trees and tell if any of the other beings were on the planet, Sensing two, she told him of their locations. Sylvanir then marked the directions she told him of in his mind, planning to see them soon. He then set off on a run through the forested planet.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Selka Character Portrait: Sylva/ Sylvanir Character Portrait: Ulm
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Selka's children laughed, grew, prospered, and otherwise lived in this new world, their population boomed as children had children, which had children, and so-on and so-forth. The goddess remained in their first community, a large city which was built from the lumber of the forest, the stones of the great planet, and crystals of Gira. Their mother was happy, knowing that her children had done so much for themselves, turning select plants docile and domesticated, providing food for the vegetarian satyrs. They built shrines to their mother, and the other gods as well, somehow their tiny and short-lived minds had at times comprehended the existence of greater beings, the greatest of these temples were to herself, the god of forges, and a god of the forest. She was perplexed about her little ones and their devotion to gods that she had never even seen before, perhaps their mere existence influenced her babies. She shuddered at the thought, if they could influence her children for the better, than could the other gods, including the dreadful Abaddon, hurt them as well?

This thought was buried, she felt the pangs of another god and something lesser... It frightened her, greatly. Her children were fragile things, she would not dare let anyone harm them. She descended from a non-existent throne the lied high-above the first city of her children, and she touched down on the firm earth below. Her satyrs dropped their lives and attend to her, celebrations of revelry in the streets as their glorious mother returned! But she could not enjoy the happiness of her children, she needed to go out and find the approaching sources of her distress.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gira Character Portrait: Selshek Character Portrait: Minx
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Selshek liked the way the Giant was speaking. The Giant sounded as if it was planning something new and different for the Void. The prospect of something wholly new to this universe excited the Fire, causing them to burn brighter and larger. Selshek's eyes dart back and forth between the Giant and the Spark.

They turned to the Giant. "I would like to hear what the Giant has to say." Selshek then glanced at the Spark, "Our affairs should wait, fellow Spark. The Giant's proposal sounds interesting."

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Appartos Character Portrait: Montayzuomah Character Portrait: Kernaz
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Appartos had, for the most part, given up on trying to meet new gods. They had tried to make an introduction, and failed, and did not feel like trying again. But that didn't mean they weren't up for contact anymore. Since they noticed the two other gods talking, one a large eagle and the other wearing golden armor, they decided to just become passive from now on.

And so they sat there in patience for a little while, waiting for one of them to notice. All the while, their shifting gear-world loomed almost menacingly over the newly formed planet.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gira Character Portrait: Selshek Character Portrait: Minx
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#, as written by Minxium
Minx noticed this interaction, and in reply said to the Flame "I agree, I'm very curious as to what he is talking of. Is he planning on helping us form the area?"

Minx turned to the Giant and asked "What do you propose? I'd like to hear."

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Character Portrait: Relequi
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Back at the edge of the plane, something stirred again.

This time it awoke with a start, the beady whites of its eyes staring into the nothingness. It did not exactly realize why it had awoken again until it took a sniff into the void.

Energy was pouring into the plane from somewhere within the center. Not just energy used to make life, but also to make ground, light, and... something it did not understand. A word to describe it briefly passed through its mind, but it forgot it in a second. But the leftover energy was pooling around the plane now, practically irresistible to the bony being.

And so it got on its hands and feet and set off to the source of the energy. It mindlessly wandered until it came across countless glittering crystals flying through the plane. It plucked one up and, for the first time since it woke up, had a thought come to mind, one that it had on its own, rather than instinct. It thought:

"I wonder if this tastes good."

And without hesitation, it tossed the tiny shard into its mouth and took a bite... Which it immediately regretted.

As the shard got lodged in the remains of its gums, it let out a shriek of pain that spread across the entirety of the plane. But to the other beings it did not know existed, they heard the howl of a monstrous being that chilled to the bone.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gira Character Portrait: Relequi Character Portrait: Selshek Character Portrait: Minx
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#, as written by HLP210
Gira, pleased, tilted their head upwards, and began explaining himself. "My friends... As you know, in our short time being... HERE, and I mean actually BEING here, we have already built wonders. To top them all off, I had built my island of glass, and I had spent my time shaping it, molding it, attending to it." Gira looked at Minx fondly. "You have bestowed upon us the gift of light, and made my world more beautiful, the whole universe rendered a fine majesty! But something felt wrong, for whenever I looked to the heavens, I felt insignificant. Not that the sheer size of the universe was overwhelming, but that I, us, everything that has ever lived and died to this point, has NOT been overwhelmed by it all. We all have no means of knowing that we are not alone, and that, is a recipe for disaster by itself." Gira spoke with great boldness, and looked down to the crystal he stood upon. "I spoke of this to another fellow ethereal, but before I finished, a mighty boulder, created by Kernaz, smashed my island into trillions of shards. As I floated away, I got my answer. For I was floating in a field of billions of shimmering lights, remnants of my world. It was then, I knew where I was, I knew where my island was, I knew where it once stood, and I will never forget. I remembered the crystals I had released in my first fury. They have served to this point as a guide, for all of us." Gira said. "Minx. My proposal is that we spread this manifest across the cosmos. Imagine looking in every direction, and seeing countless diamonds, irradiating light to guide even the most lost of souls." Gira concluded. Before he could elaborate and describe more, he twitched his head to the cosmos. A monstrous cry echoed throughout the cosmic expanse.

6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gira Character Portrait: Appartos Character Portrait: Montayzuomah Character Portrait: Selshek Character Portrait: Kernaz Character Portrait: Minx
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Kernaz shook his head at Montayzuomah. "I do not care, creature. The followers will come, eventually. They will be made." Kernaz looked up at the clockwork machine above his head, which orbited around the 'planet'."Creature, I suggest that you stay here. Do not let this other one destroy the planet." With a nod, Kernaz flew off. After he was a decent distance away, he created a layer of rock around the planet and Montayzuomah as well, to shield his creation from any attacks. The Eagle flew until he reached Minx, Gira, and Selshek. "You are here then. Very good." Kernaz created a small disk of rock under him, and landed upon it. He simply observed for a few moments, before turning his head to Gira with a frown. "It seems that we both request things of the light-makers then, hm? Very well."

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Appartos Character Portrait: Montayzuomah
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Montayzuomah stared at Kernaz with annoyance, his arms crossed as he continued sitting crosslegged on nothing. Before anything good could happen, this damn god went on about not caring and getting all philosophical... After that, there was a suggestion before the God of Earth ran off, doing whatever. "Creature...?" He questioned himself as he waved the Earth God goodbye, "What a cocky little shit 'e is." He sighed, looking around the barren landscape before realising something else, "Like fuck am I gonna do what he says. I'm gonna do some more fun things... Like..." He hummed a little, rubbing his chin, "... I have no idea."

After looking up to see the strange orbiting structure, Montayzuomah sighed again. His meddling was getting really boring and useless, these gods are surprisingly not idiotic... Oh well.
With that, he drifting upwards towards the clockwork structure, still cross legged as he made an appearance in the structure to see Apparatos. "Yo~!" He spoke out towards the strange god, this time, hoping to make a friend.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Appartos Character Portrait: Montayzuomah
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Appartos perked up at the sound of another being. They turned around and stared at the golden-armored being before them. Finally someone was talking to them.

"Why hello there, brother!" he spoke cheerily in a masculine voice, "Glad to see someone takes notice of me. And what brings you to my home?"

They strode over across the balcony and opened the door leading into the center of their home, which was filled with furnaces, anvils, and smelters of all shapes and sizes. At the center, a giant furnace was spewing flame as gears spun inward to it, supposedly what was making this planet move.

"Do you wish for me to make you something?" He began speaking after giving Montayzuomah enough time to take in the new sight, "Or perhaps you're just here to chat."

They stood there for a second before realizing they had forgotten something important.

"Oh! Where are my manners?" He said, one of their hands gently landing on their helmet, "I am Appartos, god of the forges..." A second hand slid out from underneath their cloak. Unlike the other hand still planted across their helm, this one was much more feminine, but still showed signs of muscle, implying a second set of arms. They held this hand out towards Montayzuomah in a friendly manner.

"...And who might you be, good sir?"

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Selka Character Portrait: Sylva/ Sylvanir Character Portrait: Ulm
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Ulm lumbered across the forested landscape, stomping patches of trees where he went. He wandered in the haze of his visions, seeing glimpses of a ever-changing being from which he tried to shut his eyes from, but in vain. His only motivation was a distant grove, one he seems to remember very vividly against all logic. He knew that this obscure being was resided there and that the only way to end his torrent of pain and confusion was to deal with it face to face.

Somehow he could concentrate enough to hear a faint roar coming from the east. He was too pained to take a look at it's source, though he was pondering whether it was another being like him, a though which he did not like. Jeopardizing his place as the First would not be acceptable, and he would not hesitate to defend his position of greatness in this realm. This only increased his determination to make sense of these visions, as the existence of more beings is a liability to his aspirations.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Appartos Character Portrait: Montayzuomah
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Montayzuomah giggled at being called 'brother', for all he knew, he's a single child. Unless it's some weird way of greeting someone... Seems strange, so it won't be used. "Ahh~ I'm just 'ere for a good ol' chat. Keep you some company. It's boring out there." He replied as he followed the god into the clockworked construction.
As he followed on, still floating and cross legged, he took in his surroundings. Remembering what he saw, just in case. It's quite amusing that one god actually does things interesting, all the rest are busy being idiots...

As Montayzuomah changed his floating position to a more of lying down on his side with his hand rested on his hand kind of position, the god remembered something; introductions. "Ahaaa~. Of course, those things are quite hard to remember~!" He replied, before answering with his own introductions as he shook the feminine hand, a bit confused at why it's feminine; "Nice to meet'cha Appartos, I'm Montayzuomah, God of Suffering and mischief~."

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Selka Character Portrait: Sylva/ Sylvanir Character Portrait: Ulm
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Sylvanir ran along the planet and began to feel something was missing. This planet is too empty. After a few hours of wandering he wandered across a more minor settlement of Selka's children. The children seemed both curious and frightened, which for some reason made Sylvanir feel right. As he walked through he noticed something which bothered him though, the people seemed content and they didn't seem to perceive any dangers. Something is needed, nothing should be able to spread unopposed.

After leaving the town he got to work, pulling many large clumps of earth out of the ground. With these, he began to form animals, making the first pair of each that he made stronger and far longer living than their kin. He first made two prey species. He made four legged, thinner, brown furred beings, the males being taller and having branching horns called antlers. This species he called deer and he told all but the first he made to go out, spread and breed and told them their place in the world as forest dwelling herbivores, implanting it in their minds. He then made what he would call cattle, thick, four legged beings that had females with milk producing utters and males with two long horns on both sides of it's head. These he told their places in the world as being in the great grassy plains, eating grass and migrating in herds, embedding it in their minds as well. He then made his first two predator animals. He started with a shorter, sharp toothed, four legged animal which he decided to call a wolf. He told them their place as hunters and carnivores, traveling in packs. He gave them a law he would give all carnivores and that was never to completely annihilate their prey but let them prosper as to not ruin the natural order and starve themselves. After the wolves he made the bears. Large, hulking, sharp-toothed things with much strength. He made them able to eat berries, knowing that for now, they were the strongest animal and would surely hunt down all the others if not given an alternative food source. He gave them a place as cave dwellers, hunters, and gave them the ability to hibernate should they encounter freezing cold.

After all the others left he turned to the four. "You four are to follow me, so all know that if they see others of your race that I created you, I've granted you powers beyond your brethren and the tree of my sister shall be your home when she returns. Now come, I am going to go meet one of the others." He declared to the four as they bowed their heads to him. He then began walking towards the location of the city of Selka's children, and the goddess herself, and then after that, Ulm.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gira Character Portrait: Kernaz Character Portrait: Minx
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#, as written by HLP210
Gira became angered by the presence of Kernaz. Gira turned to Kernaz, furrowing his brow to the point of almost obscuring his eyes.
"What do you think you are doing here? You have such audacity..." Gira said, getting in Kernaz' face. "We are attending to our personal affairs, leave now, you may return when we are finished!"
Gira turned back, and gave Minx a look, as if begging for her approval.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Abaddon the Vengeful Character Portrait: Selka
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Abaddon dropped the eye of Lamia, her screams empowering him. Abaddon stood watching his Imps scurry about and kill, lie, and lust. These sins of his Imps pleased him. He heard a distant call, a faint worried thought. . . . Dreadful Abaddon. . . A devilish grin cracked underneath his mask as he stepped off of his throne. He looked out and up to where Selka was nervously walking amongst her children, her Satyrs that had been created from his own lifeblood originally. He would pay this Selka, mother of his distant children, a visit.

Abaddon moved quickly with great purpose, fueled by the hatred of Lamia, her screams of resentment made him stronger still. Empowered by the sufferings of millions of Imps, Abaddon made his way to Selka's lands at record time indeed. Seeing the goddess walking and celebrating with her Satyrs made Abaddon's face contort into a demonic scowl underneath his bone mask.

He reached out his hand, large over the celebration and cast some of his power down upon them. A darkness fell upon the party as Abaddon descended in a smaller, more manageable size to walk amongst Selka, and her Satyrs.

With a mocking tone in his low raspy voice he declared "Selka, I have seen the triumphs of your children, and I have come to pay you, and your children, a visit. However I realize this is a celebration! Now, what is a celebration without gifts? So, my dear Selka I have brought gifts for you, and your prosperous children." Abaddon bowed his head slightly, his sheer presence sending waves of a sickening aura out around them. Not enough to kill anything, no, he would hate to kill another god's creation without good purpose too. This visit was just one of. . . Assessment.

Abaddon's dark aura set out a mood that made small beings skin crawl, their stomachs churn, and for Selka . . . It just reminded her of how evil and twisted he really and truly was. Abaddon saw a few Imps start to vomit from the pressures his aura gave them. They weren't used to such darkness this close to them. A few developed small sores along their exposed skin that would burn and itch.

Abaddon rose back up from his bow and spoke to Selka once more. "Shall I bestow upon you, my dearest neighbor, the gifts I have wrought just for you? And of course. . .Your lovely children?" Abaddon asked again with a soothing tone which was underlying with rage and burning hatred. Such a twisted soul such as his, Abaddon himself can't help but wonder what drives him?

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Gira Character Portrait: Minx
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#, as written by Minxium
In reply to Gira's glare of inquizition, Minx nodded in an agreeing way, still wondering what the task at hand was.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Abaddon the Vengeful Character Portrait: Gira Character Portrait: Selka Character Portrait: Kernaz
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Kernaz simply shrugged his feathered shoulders, before flying off once again to his boulder-home. He circled overhead several times, and with an eye that did not leave the ground, he saw everything that was going on on the boulder. But he stopped immediately as he saw the audacity of the new god who had entered his realm.

The Eagle dived down from hundreds of miles up from the planet, and soon a great boulder formed around his claws. As he neared, Kernaz let out a loud screech before he landed directly upon this creature named 'Abaddon'. The boulder immediately dropped onto this other god's back, which would probably make him fall down to the ground. Nevertheless, the ground grew around Abbadon's legs, until it imprisoned him up until his neck. "Who is this creature, who DARES infringe upon my realm and turn beauty into ugliness! Fool! Begone now, begone before the earth takes you and buries you underneath the crystals!" And for one of the first times ever, Kernaz was truly furious. It seems that he was obsessed with the beauty of things now, and it was outside of his control. The Great Eagle formed into the shape of a man, with large antlers easily a foot in height. His face was reddened and angry, with an axe of stone formed around one of his arms.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Appartos Character Portrait: Montayzuomah
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Appartos was liking this new god more and more. He seemed like a kind being, unlike what his godly position implied. With a little shrug and a reminder to themselves to not judge books by their covers, he guided Montayzuomah for a bit longer until they came up to the planet's observation point. Compared to the rest of the world, all that made this space different was the open view leading out of the planet. There were two chairs set up in the middle of the "room", with different gears along their stands indicating they can be rotated.

"Now that I think about it, I'm not so sure if we are brothers," he began, "but we supposedly were all born at the same time and, well, to put it loosely, as the same kind." They took a second to adjust his chair in position view between the other chair and outward into the plane, so that they can both continue talking with their house guest and be able to make commentary of the other gods if need be.

"So who are we not to assume at least once the theory that we are also born from the same set of beings?" He finished, motioning to the chair next to them for Montayzuomah to take a seat. "Now uh, tell me, I haven't been as active as you have so far. What has it been like?"

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gira Character Portrait: Relequi Character Portrait: Selshek Character Portrait: Minx
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It had been walking for a long while, now. It was starting to grow tired.

It was starting to feel alone.

The shard stuck in their mouth remain lodged there, barely sticking out but hurting it all the same as before.

It continued its shamble towards this source of energy, keeping one hand on its jaw in a futile attempt to withhold the pain.

It did not notice, however, that it was passing within eyesight of three other gods. Or perhaps it did, and decided to stray away from them, fearing that their disturbing and somewhat gruesome appearance might turn them against it.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gira Character Portrait: Minx
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#, as written by Minxium
Minx walked up to the Giant and agreed with him, to help him make these stars, and flew up into the sky to a chunk of crystal, illuminating it, and making the huge planet made of Gira rotating around it.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gira Character Portrait: Sylva/ Sylvanir Character Portrait: Kernaz Character Portrait: Minx
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#, as written by HLP210
With that, Gira rose up at an incredible speed, approaching the rock. Gritting his concealed teeth, he became evermore denser and denser, increasing in speed. Finally, his release. Gira smashed into the planet-sized rock with incredible force, shattering it into trillions of shards. The shockwave blasted the nearby gods away, possibly even injuring them with the shards of this new crystalline-material, a sort of star-ore. The few planets, even the one made by Kernaz and Sylva in place of his glass island, all bore witness to a massive supernovae as Gira tore through the rock, blowing the glittering shards all over the cosmos. Several ores even crashed into the surfaces of worlds and objects. The shards tore through the surface of the homeworld, carving out valleys, and canyons, and tunnels, and consequentially, mines. The entire universe bore witness to the creation of the night lights. Finally, those trillions of shards came to a rest. There were enough of them, they glowed vibrantly enough, to be seen from any position in the universe. Using these, the inhabitants of the universe could find their way around, and know that there was something out there, beyond their own personal sanction of darkness. The stars had been created.

Gira, however, was not as fortunate as the rest of the universe. Gravelly injured from the impact, he was rendered unconscious; the first sleep. Gira's once vibrant and dense crystals, which covered his body, were torn and shredded, jagged and dirty. His body, which once had the stature of strong and powerful, now whimpered as it took on the form of small, and weak. The god of crystal lay there in the void, their body to forever float there, vulnerable, weak, until when and if he ever would wake up. As far as the universe was concerned for the time being, Gira was gone.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Appartos Character Portrait: LiesseiL Character Portrait: Montayzuomah
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#, as written by Zalgo

The non-god made it's way towards it's destination but the journey was long indeed. Much was happening and there was still work to be done. Plenty of opportunities to further fray the paths and open more possibilities presented themselves but currently it had a quandary to resolve.

While it was true that it did reign over the dream world almost unquestionably there was still that veil of reality that kept it from truly going there. Worse, the tolls of reality could still influence it. The threat of having it's possibilities cut short was still, albeit unlikely, a possibility in and of itself.

It's concerns were validated as the god of crystals shattered it's island, sending shining shards of star metal out in a multitude that was practically incalculable. Of course, LiesseiL didn't need to calculate it since it already knew how many star shards there were. There were seven multiplied by ten to the power of twenty three, rounded down. It had seen this event coming so it was safely out of harms path as neither the shock wave nor the star metal shrapnel threatened it's current position. The crystalline god's purpose for this act was a bit perplexing however. It never saw the need for something to guide itself by, it already knew exactly where it was, as did it know where everything else was. It even illuminated the other gods and goddesses using crystalline mirrors which reflected the light onto the others like spotlights. The need for stars served little purpose other than sheer aesthetic, at least as far as it was concerned.

Still, the endless march of time would not cease and action was necessary. Despite solving a problem that didn't need to be solved the crystal god's actions had presented a resource which previously wasn't previously available. Weaving about the darkness between these star shards it traveled the path none would seek as it had foreseen. All the other gods could see were the results of it's actions as star after star blinked out of view. It was taking stars, tucking them away within it's robe were the light they emitted couldn't be seen.

After scooping up about a quarter of a galaxy's worth of stars it had about enough material for it's project. It's next stop: The grand forge. Hovering by the world of mechanical parts set upon a rather ample forge it looked beyond the walls to the minds within. Two gods sat, watching the world and discussing some matters.

It knew the design of the forge like the back of it's own golden claw but given the structures lack of a mind there was little control it possessed over the forge. It could see what it would do but given the adaptability of machines if it were to change or adapt in any way it was quite conceivable that it could be caught within. With knowledge there was caution and LiesseiL was nothing if not careful. It simply placed the star metal within a receptacle for materials, depositing them in a place which the owner of this forge could access with ease.

Keeping it's form placed exactly where none would look and shielding it's presence from the mind's eye it loftily drifted about while it extended it's mind to the forge deities split mind. It was quite a curious anomaly indeed. A being born split between genders, it's mind fractured yet held together enough to command the shared body. In a way it was sort of cute.

Nonetheless it needed a particular device and the female counterpart was deemed less likely to tamper with the final product. It incepted in her mind the knowledge of what it was it sought. A complex blueprint was transferred to her mind, complete with a list of instructions outlining the construction of said device. The instructions were quite strange, the process of construction being almost bizarre in application. Only a truly talented mind could understand just how the pieces would fit together like they would have to for it to work.

The final product she could see was a door. Just a plain metal rectangular door with a frame yet not set into any walls or anything. As a final step in the instructions the door was to be placed at the furthest extrusion from the forge planet. What was the purpose of the door? That was one of the two details that it did not include. It deemed it appropriate that it not share with her what the door does or how it works for both answers were irrelevant to the process of building it. Were she to open the door herself out of curiosity it would simply open, taking the deity nowhere but through the door.

But it knew how it worked and it definitely had a purpose in mind for it.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Selka Character Portrait: Ulm
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Days of wandering in this desolate rock had made Ulm question whether his visions were true at all, even though he knew for a fact he was so very close to his destination, whatever it was anyway. The absolute darkness of the night rendered his true vision useless for the moment, just like it had done last time, and the time before that. He had grown quite numb to the sting of trees on the bottom of his feet. Recently though he had seen something moving in the corner of his eyes, but in this dark void it wouldn't matter anyway. And right then the sky exploded.

A low boom accompanied by a vivid display of countless small celestial lights flying and dancing along the skies made Ulm stop right on his tracks from sheer awe. There was no place in his mind for an explanation to this peculiar event. For a moment he was confused from a new emotion of fear. As he looked down to shield his eyes from this stellar madness, to his surprise the lights in the sky gave just enough light to see where he was. Then what he saw by his feet made him feel strong again. He saw small people with tiny horns freeze in terror as the lights display in the sky cast his gigantic shadow over what looked like a settlement full of these small creatures. Ulm let out a malevolent grin and decided to announce his greatness with a deep guttural roar which shook the earth. The sight of creatures throwing themselves on the ground filled Ulm with pride and made him laugh heartily, yet another string of new emotions.

Now would be the time to confront the warping being who allegedly resided here.

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Xarqtos
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#, as written by Daprozy
Within the verge of this plane of existence was a nebula-like anomaly; the spherical centre radiated a crimson light which illuminated the darkness around it. Around the radiated light is a marquise, which was turquoise in hue with little hints of aqua. When put together, the anomaly resembled to an eye with a menacing, red pupil that seems to follow your every move, it truly is a beautiful sight if you ignore the "menacing" part.

But within the centre was a gateway, a portal to a mysterious realm that nobody has ever set foot within. Behind the portal lead to the abode of Xarqtos, the God of Mischief, Pranks and Amusement. Though this crafty God represented glee, his mask showed a bored expression; the eye holes resembling to half circles and the mouth was curved downwards, a frown it was.

The God huffed in boredom as he stared into a ball made out of pure crystal, observing the current affairs his peers were undergoing... this and that, it was a bore to sit aimlessly. "Oh, do I loath this feeling," said the God in a soft, nosey voice "my peers are having far much of a greater time than I." The God glanced over to a theatre, were crystalline actors are playing a multitude of roles. The Green Actor(s) was/were the leading character(s), the Blue Actors were secondary characters and the Red Actor(s) should be self explanatory. This feeling of utter boredom made the God ponder what he should do next, but something... something has perked up his attitude. "I KNOW!" shouted Xarqtos, his speech now mimicking the voice of a stereotypical comic book hero, only to return to its normal, nasally tone right after, "I shall actually introduce myself, and then they will all know of Xarqtos, the magnificent! But how shall I pull it off?" He began to contemplate his entrance thoroughly, pacing back and forth on the squeaky, marble flooring.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Abaddon the Vengeful Character Portrait: Gira Character Portrait: Kernaz
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Abaddon easily broke free of the earthy prison, he was too busy to be dealing with birdlike humanoids obsessed with beauty at this time. With purpose Abaddon strolled across the Void onto were the first lands of creation had been. It had appeared some tragic thing had befallen the Crystalline world. Abaddon looked on in wonder. The destruction. . . It, it pleased him very much. A devilish grin splayed across his face as he pulled out a crystal from the first creation, it had seemed to find its way to Abaddon somehow. If this piece of a once great plane was seeking Abaddon for sanctuary or help, well, it had gone to the wrong man.

The shard he held seemed weak, and weakness meant corruptible. Now there were blinking lights, starry in the Void of nothingness there was now more beauty. Beauty meant more corruption. More for Abaddon to manipulate and twist to his own bidding. Gazing upon the shards of a once great land, amidst it all Abaddon's red-orange eyes laid upon the Crystalline God himself, battered, barely alive. He seemed dead, but no Abaddon could hear his shallow breathing, even this away.

In fact Giras shallow breaths echoed within Abaddon's mind. So very close to death yet could that god? That god that had made stars just die? Abaddon was unsure however all gods were powerful, yes, indeed.

He clutched the shard in his fist with a thought the greenish crystal turned ebony and cracked slightly before twisting into a jagged metal sword with edges and thorn-like pikes off of it's grip that made it quite imposing. This easily changed crystal would serve him well. . . Now if he could just get a hold of one of those stars. . . Just one. . . He'd become invincible. . . Or was it just madness that drove Abaddon now?