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The Inner Demon

The Inner Demon


Due to the fear of endodemonites the government has begun executing and capturing endodemonites. The endodemonites have begun to take their own measures to end genocide and discrimination against them.

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Humans think they are alone on the planet but in reality there are people that have demons in them who awake between the age of 16 and 20. These people are called the endodemonites. Because of their demon personalities they can change into the demons forms. After finding out about endodemonites the human population started persecuting them because they are afraid of what they can do. The endodemonites are to commit suicide if they find out about the inner demon or turn themselves in. Those who turn themselves in are immediately executed. But some keep it a secret and fight for survival. Now it is time to take action

Rules: No godmodding.
It would be nice to have some romance in the rp and not just violence.
Please make a well described application with human and demon appearance, abilities, personality and a brief history..

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The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 4 authors


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#, as written by Aniihya
It was a warm morning. Asura was getting ready for school. She put on a black long sleeve turtleneck, a short sleeve black hoodie, her green camouflage pants and some sneakers. She then said goodbye to her parents and left the house. On her way to school she noticed a police car near her school. Two policemen confronted her. "Hello. Are you a student at this school? Because we need some information about a male suspect who is in class 3A." One of the policemen said. Asura then answered: "3A? That is my class." "Maybe she is the demon. Look at her. She has white hair and red eyes." The other policeman said. Then the other said: "Dont jump to conclusions! First off, do you think an endodemonite would just walk around in public with her demon form? And she is definitely an albino." A growl came from Asuras stomach. She put her hand on her stomach and said: "I am so hungry." One policeman then said: "Here I have a chocolate filled bun here." He held out a packaged bun. Asura smelled the scent of the policeman and thought: "No not now!" Her eyes began to glow and suddenly a her hand was dug into the chest of the policeman. He then fell over dead. Then other policeman was shocked when Asura looked at him with her red eyes and her sharp teeth. The policeman then panicked and screamed: "Demon!" Soon after Asura tore through him with her bare hands. She began to feed on them saying: "I didnt want to hurt anyone but the delight of their meat is so refreshing." Tears began running down her cheeks. "No. I cant be seen like this. I need to walk away like nothing happened and not get suspicious." She then grabbed the blood stained bun package and went to her school. She somehow managed to not stain her clothes.
In her class a female scream could be heard. "There are two brutally murdered policemen in front of the school!" A classmate of hers said. Asura stood up with the bun in her mouth and acted as if she was surprised. Then she looked out the window and said: "Oh my." with the bun still in her mouth. "Dear students. Please stay in the school building until police forces have secured the area." A voice said over the speakers in the school. "It is possible that an endodemonite is in the area. Please remain calm." "Not only one." Asura thought.


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#, as written by Haddrix
Dahlia crouched low beneath the thorny ferns that surrounded the abandoned warehouse she had come to call home. She scanned the area meticulously once, twice… then a third time for good measure before darting quickly to the hole in the wall that granted her entrance to her temporary safe haven. She wriggled her way in, then paused to listen for any sign that someone was there. Upon detecting no one, she finally allowed herself a breath.

She made her way through the dusky darkness, past lifeless machines whose shameful rust was hidden by thick layers of cloaking dust. Gears remained unturned, with no electricity to animate them into usefulness. This warehouse spoke of obsoleteness and death, but it was also her safety from a murderous world of guns that, unfortunately, had the life these machines had lost unknown years ago.

She flexed her fingers, trying to rid herself of the lingering stiffness. She hated the after effects of a killing, the physical symptoms and the stabbing guilt. This time was particularly abundant in the latter. This hadn’t been a policeman out to kill her. This had been someone who had wanted to help her…

She had been at a park, sitting on a bench and admiring the sunset. She had watched the people pass byβ€” some smiling, some not, but none of them targets of government assassinationβ€” and tried to suppress the bitter feeling of envy. They could go home, eat a meal… while she had to run and starve. One boy in particular had stood out to her. He was tall and attractive, maybe a senior in high school, with his arms around a gorgeous girl who seemed to adore him. He was dressed like one who spent large amounts of money trying to look like he had none. She stared at him, wondering what part of the rough, gritty lifestyle appealed to him. She was living it, and she hardly enjoyed it.

β€œHey, girl,” he called out, looking right at her. She felt her heart freeze in terror. β€œWhat do you think you’re looking at?” he called again, louder. His girl was glaring at her venomously, and Dahlia’s heart began to pound.

β€œI-I’m sorry,” she called softly, staring at the ground. β€œI didn’t mean to offend you.”

β€œKeep your eyes to yourself,” the beautiful girl snapped. The boy glared as Dahlia then led his girl away, unaware of the chain reaction he had started inside of Dahlia.

Her pupils dilated as her breathing sped up, and before she knew it her lips were numb. Trembling gently, her finger searched her pockets for the paper bag she kept with her in case of a panic attack. The people around her were filtering away with the light, fear in their hearts of the demons that the media warned them of. She held the bag up in front of her face, feeling her chest constrict with panic when she discovered a tear in it. She couldn’t breathe, couldn’t cry out for help… and even if she could, all of the people who could help her were disappearing…

β€œMa’am, are you alright?” a male voice asked her, and she turned sharply to see a middle-aged man with kind eyes watching her with concern. β€œYou’re hyperventilating. Here, I’ll call for ambulance!”

Hospitals will ask questions, the sneering voice inside of her head whispered. They’ll find out… they’ll kill you… You don’t want to die, do you? Kill him.

It began in her chest, the tightening feeling of her skin hardening into wood, and spread out from there. There were small bursts of pain as her joints disconnected and reset themselves into their demonic form. Eventually the last of her warmth faded from her body as she was encompassed in lifeless animation, her mind trapped inside of her head and forced to watch the horrors her body would commit through glass eyes.

Her body lifted off the ground, hanging from her wrists, and she could hear the noises of disbelief from the man whose warm, wet heartbeat called to her master like music. Her strings were pulled forward and she flew at the man, tearing him apart with nails by the will of her master. Mixed with the man’s screams was the sneering voice telling her what a good girl she was.

Dahlia was broken out of her memory but the unmistakable sound of her companion trying to wiggle his way into the haven they shared. β€œLaban?” she called out softly.


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Michael had just finished the third and final interview of the day. He was tired and hungry, and he knew that it meant someone was going to die. It no longer bothered him that people had to die to satiate his hunger it was part of who he was. Of course he knew if any on found out he would have to kill them as well, but he could not afford to be reviled to others. After all they would hunt him down as if he was some kind of monster. Looking around he notices a young confused looking woman. She will do, he thinks. Walking over to her he spends several minutes convincing her to take a walk with him. They as they walk he slowly drains the soul out of her. After a few hours he guides her into an alley in which she collapses. He quickly hides the body in a dumpster and moves out the other side of the alley. When he emerges he sees a police car full of blood. "So there are more like me in here, this could be interesting," he mutters under his breath. A few seconds later the police turn up and take the car and bodies away. After they leave he notices the school in behind where the incident occurred. I bet the other endodemonite is inside that school, he thinks. He moves over to a bench facing the school, straightens his tie, and sits down intently watching the school yard to see if he can identify someone else who is different.


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#, as written by Aniihya
Soon the bell rang and it was time for break. Asura was allowed to go into the school yard because the police was near for their protection. She walked out of the building but people stayed away from the gate because there still was some blood there. Asura noticed a guy sitting at a bench. She wondered who he was and walked over to the bench. She sat down next to him. "Some mess, eh? My name is Asura and who might you be?" She said to the guy at the bench.


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Micheal watched the odd girl as she approached him. "It was only messy because the endodemonite could not control its urge to feed. If I had been the it I would have disposed of the car. Of course I don't know how it thinks or what its situation is but if it keeps this up it will get itself killed." Offering her his hand he says, "I'm Michael."


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#, as written by Aniihya
Asura shook Michaels hand and gave him a look. "That statement. I made it sound like you were one. If the endodemonite couldnt control the urge to feed, it might be because she didnt get enough "real" food. I doubt the endodemonites are vegetarians." Asura stated, giving a hint that she was the endodemonite. "So what are you doing here at this school on a bloody day like this?"


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Letting go of her hand Michael responds, "Miss Asura if I were one I wouldn't admit it unless I was in the presence of another of my kind. And your right endodemonites aren't vegetarians are they." Stretching he continues, "As for why I'm here, I like to people watch while I digest. Of course if I were an endodemonite then I would be watching to see if I can find the other of my kind." Getting a knowing smile on his face he looks into her eyes and says, "However I'm curious how do you know its a she?"


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Laban was late getting back to his hide-out. Today, like every other day, he had far too much trouble getting on-lookers to look away. Honestly, did no one have the decency to mind their own business enough to keep their eyes to themselves? Laban had lost count of every suspecting infant that had "smiled" at him, or every clerk that had asked if he needed "help finding anything". He knew what they really thought of him, what they really wanted.

'They know...' he would think to himself, stepping back and back. 'They want me dead.'

Anyone on the street that happened to be walking in his general direction must have been following him, the man that asked for directions was only trying to get Laban's guard down, and the girl he ran into had to have been the worst of the lot.

"Oh, excuse me." She had said with a giggle, stepping to the side just as Laban had. Trapping him.

Laban felt his chest tighten, his breath catching in the back of his throat. Stepping to the other side, the girl followed him and giggled again at her "mistake". Laban set his jaw, being sure to control his breathing.

"Sorry," he mumbled, nails digging into the palms of his hands that he held in fists at his sides. To his horror, in the next attempt to get around again, the sneaky bitch mirrored him exactly.

Once an accident. Twice a coincidence. Thrice... a distinct intention.

The girl smiled at him, looking up into his eyes. "We're dancing," she joked.

Laban felt a finger twitch at his side, a familiar stretching sensation in his fingertips. Keeping his lips closed, he slid his tongue against the roof of his mouth to confirm that it was splitting like a snake's.

In a panic, Laban thrust his hands out, shoving the young attacker away roughly. His thoughts were blurred, only registering a faint shriek and a loud thump from the girl before he had darted off, sprinting as fast as he could back to safety.

Nearly halfway transformed now, Laban shoved his way toward the warehouse, carelessly tearing through half-dead plants and turning over a trash can. After frantically wriggling his way through the small entrance, he froze suddenly at hearing a voice call his name. His muscles relaxed slowly when familiarity of sound registered in his ears.

"Dahlia..." He murmured, relieved. As if a reminder of his current situation, the talons of Laban's demon form tore through his nail beds, a scaly design rushing up his hands toward his arms. "Dahlia!" he cried out now, terrified.


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#, as written by Aniihya
Asura smiled: "It was a hint because I already picked up the scent of another endodemonite. You seem to be able to talk about it as if you didnt have a care in the world." Asura winked at Michael. "Watch out because the officials will kill anyone they suspect. But they under estimate endodemonites. Only those who havent gotten their full power." She then whispered in Michaels ear: "Too bad that I cannot turn back and am permanently in this form."


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Returning her smile, Michael says, "As I said only with one of my own. I would never talk so casually to one of the meat sacks. But thank you for the warning. Your right again they do underestimate us." He gives her a puzzled look, "What do you mean to bad your stuck in that form, it doesn't look bad to me." He pause to think for a moment before continuing, "Of course, If it causes you trouble your welcome to sniff me out. After all people fear the shadows don't they. Your welcome to visit the villa anytime." His stomach makes a loud growling sound and he blushes with embarrassment. "Guess it is time for me to feed again," he says rising to his feet.


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#, as written by Aniihya
"Yeah. My permanent demon form attracts some suspicion. It sometimes is a problem. Well I just ate. I try not to hurt people..." Asura began to sob: "The taste is so good and I cant control myself when I dont feed on humans for a week." Her sobbing turned into a quiet laugh: "But the police have to die. They make our siblings and cousins suffer. We cant let them get through with that." She began to get scary.


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#, as written by Haddrix
β€œLaban!” Dahlia called back, startled by the panic in his tone. β€œOh my god, hang on!” She raced towards him quickly, avoiding the sharp edges of wooden crates and numerous pieces of scrap metal on the ground. She moved with surprising grace for one who lacked it completely from their personality. In fact, her agility was the only she could truly count on, her psyche being as unreliable as it was.

She skidded to a stop in front of him, noting with panic that he was more than halfway transformed already. She took his hand into hers, hoping to steady him, only to find out that her hands were shaking as well. Lips tingling softly with the beginnings of hyperventilation, Dahlia whispered, β€œIt’s alright. I’m here.” It sounded depressingly unreassuring, even to her ears.

Breathe, the voice whispered. Deep breaths this time.

She felt her lungs respond, even though her mind was still racing. When she found her voice she began to sing, ever so softly, the song that her mother had taught her all those years ago.

β€œOs iusti meditabitur sapientiam,
Et lingua eius loquetur indicium.

Beatus vir qui suffert tentationem,
Quoniqm cum probates fuerit accipient coronam vitae.

Kyrie, fons bonitatis.
Kyrie, ignis divine, eleison.

O quam sancta, quam serena,
Quam benigma, quam amoena esse Virgo creditur.
O quam sancta, quam serena,
Quam benigma, quam amoena,
O castitatis lilium

She had taught him the song when they first met, and throughout their time together it had become the anchor that kept them both from getting lost in their demons. When one of them fell, the other would bring them back up with this song. It was a reminder that the sins they committed had no right to this place they shared, and it kept the memories and guilt away while they remained together in their sanctuary.


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Michael listens silently to Asura's words. "Your right," he says, "they do deserve to die." He stands up and paces in front of the bench for a while thinking. "I have an idea, why don't we gather the others of our kind in the city. It is just a thought, but if we can find a few more of our kind we can make life a living hell for those who seek to eradicate us. What say you?"


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#, as written by Aniihya
Asura looked to him and said: "Alright. Lets go. I doubt there will be anything anymore in school today. But I wonder where we may find others like us." Suddenly policemen pulled a boy out of the school building. "We found one of them!" They said. The students began throwing rocks at the boy. "I have to help him! Even if he isnt an endodemonite." Asura said. She then positioned herself between the students and the boy. She caught one of the rocks and threw it back hard. The rock flew slightly over the heads of the students and hit the wall, tearing it down and then destroying a police car. "He isnt an endodemonite!" She yelled. The police then yelled: "Alarm! Endodemoni..." Before the policeman could finish a rock hit his head and tore it apart. "I will protect this innocent boy. Even if it means I have to kill you all!" Asura said.


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"Do what you must," Michael says as Asura springs into action. Well, I best find my own way to contribute to this conflict, he thinks. Looking around he quickly spots a roof which he can use to his advantage. Moving quickly he finds a fire escape that allows him to climb to the roof. Upon reaching the top he notices a policeman missing the top of his cranium, he looks around and spies the dead mans partner reaching for his radio. Reacting without thinking he reaches into the shadows on the roof and creates a javelin of darkness. Taking aim he throws the weapon as the man's radio reaches his mouth. He watches with satisfaction as the javelin sails through the air and pierces the man's neck with a spray of blood. The man falls to his knees bleeding profusely. Now we wait to see if he managed to call reinforcements, Michael thinks.


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#, as written by Aniihya
At the sight of the dead policemen, the students in the school yard started to panic. "I wont harm anyone as long as they dont want to harm endodemonites!" Asura yelled. Then a special forces van pulled up in front of the school and eight heavily armed policemen stormed out. Asura punched one of them before they were prepared. Before they knew it she had taken out two of them. One of the students then screamed and cried: "The police are no match for them! We are all going to die!"


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When Dahlia took Laban's hand, his reflexive reaction was to pierce her skin with his talons. His breathing came harshly, close to hyperventilation, and his body trembled. With every other breath, his forked tongue would flicker past his lips. The transformation was happening much slower than usual as his will worked hard against the demon inside of him. In an instance of severe danger, especially if cornered, the change was quick, shocking, and more than a little painful.

Dahlia's voice was like an angel's. It may not have been well-trained, in fact her panic gave it an airy sound that revealed a rarely exercized diaphragm. But because of her intention and trustworthiness, Laban couldn't imagine a more beautiful singing voice. His talons quickly retracted at the gentle sound, so as not to injure her further. The rest of the changes began to fade away slowly.

By the last verse, Laban was physically back to normal. His chest heaved with slow, deep breaths and he kept his panicked eyes locked on Dahlia's. He began to sing along with her, though his harsh breathing took over his voice to create more of a whisper.

"Quam benigma, quam amoena,
O castitatis lilium...”

Letting out a sudden, relieved sigh, Laban allowed his head to drop onto Dahlia's shoulder.

"Thank you," he murmured and squeezed her hand gently. It was warm with something wet... Laban glanced down to see what it was to find bright red on both of their hands.

Laban's pupils dilated in realization and his body tensed with a horrified scream.


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#, as written by Haddrix
The pain had been unimportant to Dahlia in the heat of the moment, and it wasn’t until he looked down that she followed suit. Seeing the blood staining her hands made her shriek in panic, her mind racing with thoughts of dying from blood loss. She sat down hard, unknowingly pulling Laban down with her. She tore off her shirt, wrapping it around her hands with much difficulty consider the appendages she was using. Finally, with much help from her teeth, she bound her hands tightly enough that the wounds would stop bleeding.

It wasn’t until a draft blew in from the small hole that Dahlia realized that she was now clad only in her bra. Through her humiliation she could only think, weakly, that at least the blood was now going to her face and not out her hands. β€œI-I’m sorry,” she stuttered, not entirely sure whether she was apologizing for pulling him down or for her indecent exposure.

At least she was in the warehouse, not back in the park where a million eyes could see her in her shame. The park…

She realized with horror that the man she had killed had stained her shirt with his blood, the same shirt that she had now wrapped around an open wound…

β€œInfection!” she shrieked, tearing at the makeshift bandage with her teeth. β€œHis blood… my shirt… infection,” she cried out between efforts. β€œLaban! I need, oh god, I need disinfectant. This guy got his blood on my shirt and then I wrapped my hands in my shirt and he could’ve had AIDS for all I know and Idon'twanttodie!” she spoke so quickly that her last few words blended together to form a mesh of desperation.


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Michael watches as the assault team arrives. Damn, he thinks, this could be trouble. He returns to the shadows of the rooftop. Concentrating he forms a sphere of darkness and then moves to the edge of the roof. From the edge of roof he hurls the sphere at the van. He ducks down out of sight knowing what the sphere would do. Hearing the crumpling of metal as it strikes the van he peers over the edge. The sphere had struck the top of the van and was rapidly expanding swallowing the van and three of the armored police officers before rapidly imploding and disappearing. Asura now is the moment of your test, he thinks.


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#, as written by Aniihya
Asura flung a policeman against the wall so hard that it killed him on impact. Another she took by the head and ran along the wall, pushing the policemans head against the wall until half of it was gone. The last remaining policeman stood there in shock. He had already pissed his pants. Asura picked him up by the neck and said: "Aww. You seem to be afraid. Well I have to kill scum who I cant trust." She snapped the policemans neck and threw him on the ground. "Michael. Lets go and find other endodemonites." She said to Michael.


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Although he can't hear Asura from the top of the roof he can understand the meaning of the message. Making a gesture to indicate meeting him behind the building he was atop he nods his understanding. Moving quickly he returns to the fire escape and begins heading down. Lets see if she really can smell me out, he thinks. Upon reaching the bottom he finds a dumpster and moves over to it. Then reaching into the darkness he forms a cloaking aura of shadow and waits to see if Asura can find him.


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#, as written by Aniihya
Asura saw Michael disappear from the roof. She walked through the horde of terrified teens towards the back of the building. She saw a dumpster and a dark corner. "Now where could he be." She said scratching her head. Asura walked a bit further and investigated his whereabouts. She noticed an abnormally dark shadow. "I think it would be better to sniff him out and bite him in the ass like a dog." Asura said and giggled. She followed Michaels scent and got to the shadow. She looked at it and said: "Found you." She smiled towards Michaels hiding place.


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Michael watches intently as Asura enters the area behind the building. He had to struggle not to laugh as she looked around in confusion. He watch as she begins to sniff around. He notes with interest as she quickly finds the path he had taken. When she looks straight at him and says that she found him he could no help but laugh aloud. "I can't hid from you," he says dismissing the cloak and bowing low. Straightening his back he says, "Thank you for allowing me to take...note of your skills and abilities. Well we best get out of here and find others, before another...inconvenience appears."


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#, as written by Aniihya
Asura nodded and made a tone that was supposed to mean ok. "Lets first search downtown. In the shopping area I should be able to sniff out other endodemonites." Asura said and grabbed Michael by the hand taking him to the shopping area downtown. The first thing that excited Asura downtown was a lolita style dress with a black choker that she saw in a window. "Aww. I want to have that dress!" Asura said being easily distracted.


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Michael lets Asura lead him from behind the building and into the downtown area. Once there he takes a look around. He spies a few shops that belong entirely to the Davion Corporation. Upon further inspection he notices that the Corporation has at least partial ownership of many of this areas industries. Hearing Asura desire for a dress he turns around a sees it. So shes into those kind of things, he thinks. "Well, if you want it lets see what it costs," He says pulling her into the shop. He thinks, if I appease her now maybe she won't need appeased later.

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View All » Add Character » 6 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Laban James Underidge
Character Portrait: Dahlia Lynn Maddock
Character Portrait: Asura Ruki
Character Portrait: Michael Davion
Character Portrait: aric rosetto


Character Portrait: aric rosetto
aric rosetto

vessel of the shadow wolf

Character Portrait: Michael Davion
Michael Davion

The son of the owner of the Davion Corporation and vessel of the Shadow Master

Character Portrait: Asura Ruki
Asura Ruki

Two forms, one personality, a demon trying to get by

Character Portrait: Dahlia Lynn Maddock
Dahlia Lynn Maddock

Anxious and Fluttering vessel of the puppet master

Character Portrait: Laban James Underidge
Laban James Underidge

The fearful and paranoid vessel of the white dragon.


Character Portrait: Asura Ruki
Asura Ruki

Two forms, one personality, a demon trying to get by

Character Portrait: Dahlia Lynn Maddock
Dahlia Lynn Maddock

Anxious and Fluttering vessel of the puppet master

Character Portrait: aric rosetto
aric rosetto

vessel of the shadow wolf

Character Portrait: Laban James Underidge
Laban James Underidge

The fearful and paranoid vessel of the white dragon.

Character Portrait: Michael Davion
Michael Davion

The son of the owner of the Davion Corporation and vessel of the Shadow Master

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Michael Davion
Michael Davion

The son of the owner of the Davion Corporation and vessel of the Shadow Master

Character Portrait: Asura Ruki
Asura Ruki

Two forms, one personality, a demon trying to get by

Character Portrait: Laban James Underidge
Laban James Underidge

The fearful and paranoid vessel of the white dragon.

Character Portrait: aric rosetto
aric rosetto

vessel of the shadow wolf

Character Portrait: Dahlia Lynn Maddock
Dahlia Lynn Maddock

Anxious and Fluttering vessel of the puppet master

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Re: [OOC] The Inner Demon

Sorry I was a little late posting. Don't kill me, Haddrix!

Just in case anyone catches some confusing mistakes from me, my keyboard is really annoying. You'll often find small things like multiple spaces. (It was a fine day that day.) You may not notice that, but I do and it it bugs me. It's just because my spacebar is, well... defective.

Also, my biggest problem is missing question marks (?) and slashes (/). That button on my computer is broken and it takes a lot of force to get it to work. Do not be alarmed if you find the occasional "question that appears as a statement and is therefore gramatically incorrect" problem.

A couple other things, like that the keys are fairly stiff in general, but those are the two main problems.

Re: [OOC] The Inner Demon

for those who are accepted - you can post already

Re: [OOC] The Inner Demon

Are these people supposed to be able to fully transform? (for example, my character would turn into a complete dragon) I just want to be able to complete Laban's profile, and what I'm thinking for his abilities would be different based on your answer.

Re: [OOC] The Inner Demon

Sounds interesting... save me a spot :3

[OOC] The Inner Demon

This is the auto-generated OOC topic for the roleplay "The Inner Demon"

You may edit this first post as you see fit.