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The Kotka Prophecy



a part of The Kotka Prophecy, by slcam.


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Mayumi Saya [4] Just because her eyes don't tear, doesn't mean her heart doesn't cry. Just because she comes off strong, doesn't mean there's nothing wrong.

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#, as written by slcam
Mayumi Saya woke up to a rooster crowing. The morning was just beginning, but already she could hear some of the bustle of the city. Nearby some neighbors were talking, rather loudly actually. The annoying rooster was still crowing like the world depended on it. Someday I am going to kill that bird, Mayumi thought to herself. But for now, we need the idiotic thing.

She slowly got out of bed, rubbing the sleep from her eyes and looking around the small bedroom. Her younger brother, Hikaru, was still peacefully sleeping on his bed, his dark hair falling messily over his brow. Mayumi walked over, brushing his hair back and kissing him on the forehead. He always could sleep through anything. She quickly pulled on her clothes, grabbed her bow, arrows, dagger, and papers. She was getting a new job today as a bodyguard to the governor's son. This should be so fun, she thought to herself sarcastically. But she couldn't complain. This job brought in more money than both of her parents jobs combined. Maybe now they could get decent food on the table and keep Hikaru in clothes. He was growing so fast now. Mayumi smiled as she softly closed the door. Her parents had already left for work. She grabbed some bread and a bit of cheese and left the house, closing the door behind her.

As she walked further into the city, the houses changed from small, one or two room wooden houses to larger two or three story brick residences. The closer she came to the mayor's house, the larger and grander the houses became. At the same time, the further in she got, the fewer people milled about until she was all alone standing in front of the governor's mansion. She walked around to the side entrance and handed her papers to the guard stationed by the door. He looked them over, scrutinized her appearance, gave a firm nod, and rung a bell by his head. Just a moment later, a young woman's head popped out and the guard handed her the papers.

Her eyes scanned the paper as she said, "Well then, the new bodyguard. This way." She turned abruptly and Mayumi entered through the door into the large kitchen. They quickly waked through several hallways, finally reaching their destination. "Wait here," the young woman said, quickly walking away.

Well then, I guess that is it then, Mayumi thought to herself. Now to wait. She leaned up against a wall and waited. After a few minutes, her eyes drifted closed as she thought about what she would do later.


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#, as written by Josias
Sleeping on a feathery bed, blankets covers up Eito's body. He's at peace in his sleep, but...That peace didn't last forever though. Eito's tutor came in and pulled open the curtains

"Rise and shine my young lord" Eito grumbles. "Now now, don't be that way. You have many things to intend to today, now get up at once or I'll call your dog on you." Slowly Eito gets up, that's the last thing he needed was a slobbering dog licking his face. Eito yawns and stretches "So...What do I have on my list of things to do today?" The tutor grins and says "Of course you have you're usually studies with me, oh and today you're going to have a body guard" "Is that really necessary?" "My lord" firmly replies the tutor "There's been several threats on your life already. Ever since that ball your father has thrown a few weeks past" Eito sighs. "That was ages ago! And besides, all I did was spoke my mind and opinions on that family house hold. It's neither a sin nor wrong of me to do so is it? To speak and be truthful what's on my mind." "You were in the duel with that family member which you insulted. And he sword vengeance on you when he lost." "You're being paranoid" "Just get dress and get ready to meet your body guard. It's your father's orders as well" Eito shakes his head "You could have told me that sooner, we could have avoided this argument. Now go and I'll get dress"

The tutor bows and leaves. Eito gets off his bed, goes to the basin that was on top of his dresser. The water was nice and hot. Washing his face and getting dressed, Eito decided he would wear his normal court clothes today, which consents of a white long sleeve shirt, a black vest with gold trimming on it as well as black pants, he also had a red silk cravat wrapped around his neck. He then put a gold pendent over the cravat; the figure had one wing on the left hand side as well as a normal size emerald jewel.

Finally he was done dressing himself up. He looked into the mirror to make sure all the finishing touches were done. When Eito thought he was good and ready he turned around, put his hands behind his back and walks on out of his room and down to the hallway. Servants could hear his foot steps echo down the hall, finally after a good walk Eito arrives at the courtroom.
He sees a young lady dressed up in long hooded cloak, her hood wasn't on, so Eiot was able to take a good look at this person. Her eyes were grey, she had dark brownish purple hair, and her hair was braided as well it also reaches down to her waist. Her age he guessed was somewhere between sixteen through eighteen.
His hands are still behind his back, he waited for her to say the first greeting.


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#, as written by slcam
Mayumi's eyes opened after a few minutes as she watched various servants hurry around. She wondered how long she would have to wait. But wait she would, all day if necessary. She was still getting paid, so she didn't especially care if she really did anything to earn it. Finally, she heard footsteps echoing through the nearby hallway.

Perhaps this is him, she thought. None of the servant's steps would echo like that since they wore cloth shoes. It really was interesting just how many precautions the upper class took to make sure that servants were seen and not heard. She turned to see a young man with red hair enter. He was dressed in a white shirt, and a black and gold vest, and a red neckerchief was around his neck. This must be the governor's son, Eito Hidenori.

She walked over, bowed just enough to not be disrespectful, and said, "You must be the young Hidenori-sama. I am called Mayumi Saya. You can just call me Saya-san. I am to be your bodyguard." She looked at his face. He was slightly taller than she was, but not so much that she had to crane her neck to look into his eyes. He had a look in his eyes that spoke of pride. Mayumi guessed that he was spoiled and used to getting what he wanted. She inwardly sighed, waiting for his reply. Hopefully he isn't just a full grown brat, she thought, almost smiling but managing to keep a straight face.


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#, as written by Josias
"You are correct my lady" Eito looks around and sees his tutor. "You didn't tell me my bodyguard would be a she. Do you think she's really strong enough?" *Shakes head* *Looks at Mayumi over again* "Are you good with the sword?"

People from the court start murmuring, allot of the ladies of the court took offence with what Eito says.

"Enough!" The tutor shouts. "She's going to be your bodyguard like it or not, your father himself has approved of her"
"Hmph. Then my dad is losing some of his wisdom then. I've never heard or seen this woman before, it's not like I want someone so badly to protect me. But they at least must prove themselves worthy"" With that said and done Eito turns around and walks away from his tutor and Mayumi. Eito approaches the captain of the guard and starts chatting with him

The tutor shakes his head in disapproval, he then turns to Mayumi and bows "Forgive my lord. You didn't deserve such slander. I hope you still will accept the position of being his body guard still."


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#, as written by slcam
Mayumi listened indifferently as Hidenori-sama talked. Even his voice sounded snobbish. When he turned to look at his tutor, talking about her as if she wasn't even there, Mayumi crossed her arms and rolled her eyes.

"Are you good with the sword?"

"I manage," she said firmly. His tutor shouted at him and she watched with a disinterested look on her face, scanning the room. She saw that several of the ladies of the court looked offended, many were chatting together in little groups, fans fluttering. Though her eyes were elsewhere, like a good bodyguard's should be, Mayumi was intently listening to every word. Despite her growing anger on the inside, she kept a calm exterior. She looked liked she dealt with this kind of thing every day when in fact, she hadn't been sure anyone could be so totally spoiled. She turned and watched as Hidenori stomped over to talk to someone. The tutor then walked over and began speaking to Mayumi.

"Forgive my lord. You didn't deserve such slander. I hope you still will accept the position of being his body guard still."

"I can't say I didn't expect it. And of course I am still accepting the position. I just hope he isn't always like this," Mayumi said with a chuckle, glancing in Hidenori's direction.

The tutor gave a little chuckle, "He is always a bit disagreeable in the morning. He usually starts to come around after breakfast though. In any case, though you probably already know all this, it will ease my mind if I can go over it one more time."

Seeing Mayumi's nod, the tutor proceeded. "To fulfill your duties as bodyguard, you will arrive here every morning before the breakfast bell and wait in this room. Once my lord has come in, you will merely follow him during the day, keeping watch over his activities. If any threat arises, you have full license to do as you see fit in order to nullify the threat. You are not responsible for Hidenori-sama's actions, but should do your utmost to prevent him from any harmful activities, though he is stubborn." he said, mumbling the last part under his breath. "Your duties end after the dinner bell sounds and my lord is back inside the castle. The castle guard will be his protection from that point. Do you have any questions?"

Mayumi simply shook her head, waiting to see if the tutor would say anything else. He just nodded and walked over to where Eito was, Mayumi following behind.


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#, as written by Josias
The ladies of the court stared at Eito when he approaches the captain of the guards. Some of the ladies turned there heads haughtily around and walked away, for the ones who were near the captain. Eito bows to the captain "Perfect isn't? I was worried this morning I wouldn't have a chance to talk to you in private. But thanks to my little speech" Eito chuckles
"Yes my lord, very clever indeed. Now is the plan still on for today?"
"Why of course it is. But..."Eito Sighs "There's still her" *Points the side of the head towards Mayumi*
The captain of the guard nods "She'll have to come along with us my lord"
"Oh goody...I'm leaping for joy...And I thought this hunt was going to be relaxing."
"It still will be"

Mayumi starts walking towards Eito. "My lord she is approaching" Eito lets out another sigh. "Oh God please no. She bores me to no end!" "You just met her my lord" "I know that" Stated Eito "She's just to straight to the point, she has no humor, nor fun personalities. And that's boring my good sir"
The captain shrugs. "Whatever you say my lord. Shall I tell her later? Or should you?"
"I'll tell her my good man. But not here, she may object to it and tell someone. I want to go on this hunt. I've been stuck here for far too long. I'll lead her to the gardens."
Eito does a farewell bow towards the captain. The captain in returns salutes. Eito walks out of the courtroom and is heading down to one of the halls.


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Character Portrait: Mayumi Saya Character Portrait: Eito Hidenori
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#, as written by slcam
...go on this hunt. I've been stuck here for far too long. I'll lead her to the gardens."

Mayumi managed to pick this out as they approached. She watched as Hidenori bowed to the captain and walked away. She nodded to both the tutor and the captain and hurried after him into one of the hallways. She carefully observed where they were going, marking each hallway in her head. She wondered what he wanted to tell her when they arrived at the gardens. What would he tell her about this hunt? Was it something he was wanting to do? She was pretty sure that hunting wouldn't fall in the realm of "harmful activities" as the tutor said, but she also doubted he would approve. She decided she would just ask Hidenori about it. Maybe it would catch him off guard. She smiled at the thought, looking at his back as he quickly and confidently walked ahead of her. After all, he probably thought she hadn't heard anything.

"Hidenori-sama, what is this you were saying about a hunt? I didn't take you for someone who would enjoy hunting," she said in mock surprise, beginning to loosen up slightly out of the grand court room. "Perhaps you slay the beasts of the forest with your fancy swordplay?"

She was already having fun teasing him, even without hearing his response yet.


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#, as written by Josias
Eito handed Mayumi a cookie