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The Lost Record of Halcya

The Lost Record of Halcya


When the Dark Lord returns to rule the land once more, will you build up an army to fight him, or will you find a way off the continent your ancestors have called home for centuries? [No more spots]

4,403 readers have visited The Lost Record of Halcya since ElvenEllis created it.




In the Age of Silver on the continent of Halcya, the Human kingdom and the religious hierarchy has reached the peak of it's power. With the northeastern lands annexed from rebel Dwarven Forces in the Human-Dwarven War of Bronze, peace has been restored across the continent. At this point in time, the Human race has become the most populous and most dominant race in Halcya who rule through a government of seven rulers. These rulers hold the law for the King, who's identity is unknown to those outside of the Church High Sect. While the Humans control the central, north and eastern territories of Halcya, the Elven race controls the vast forests and mountains to the west and south. Though the Elves deeper within their territory live in secret, those closer to the border live alongside the Humans in peace and harmony. Together, the Humans share their knowledge of the sword and architecture while the Elves trade their high quality bows and spellbooks written in the Ancient language of magic. Though not all Humans can use the Ancient language for mechanical purposes, those who can become known as the Liberated, due to the sense of freedom that swells over a person the first time he or she casts a spell.
The Age of Silver marked the beginning of the end of the magical arts. Prophecies from the High Elves and the God of Fate have signaled the long feared return of the God of Chaos to reign destruction over the land once more. Dark temples have begun revealing themselves, spreading their influence in preparation for the Dark Lord's return to the world. Crime within the Human Kingdom has caused the outlawing of magic as a corrupted armed force aligned with the military moves to support and take advantage of this law beginning from the east side of the continent. Towns pillaged, houses burned, men and women slaughtered, this storm of chaos will quickly sweep the Human Kingdom and destroy it from within. The High Elves of the forests, sensing an impending invasion by the anti--magic extremists, have begun heading far west into the mountainous region deep within their territory after ordering a call to arms across the vast forests along the borderline of the Human kingdom. A large scale continental war is soon to break out, but not before the Human military raids the borderline town of Irha...


Kingdoms and Races



The Human race makes up about half of Halcya's population, and controls the north, east, and most of the central continent. The Human kingdom is ruled by seven kings who keep domain over specific lands, and meet once every season to discuss new laws which must be emplaced. These kings answer to the High Emperor, whose identity is unknown to everyone but the seven kings. There are rumors that this "High Emperor" is actually one of the Gods of Halcya, though the claim was usually denied, if not ignored, by the seven kings. With the amount of strength they carry, Humans are known for their skills with medium and heavy weapons and armor, as well as their endurance in a drawn out fight. The Human military power is split in separate divisions, containing soldiers of the same practice, the most powerful being the religious sect and their combination of Liberated and Halberd-wielding soldiers who guard important people such as the seven kings. Humans tend to take practice in a single kind of weapon, like the sword, battleaxe, or halberd; though there are a few who practice the use of multiple weapons through vigorous training and practice in order to achieve a so called "Dominance" over the other Humans. Most of the Human military commanders tend to be stubborn to a fault due to their rank, and are easily manipulated through bribes and blackmail. It's also common to see high ranking Humans and Aristocrats with slaves, though only in their homes or in the fields.
With the victory over the Dwarves in a recent war, peace and prosperity has returned to the Humans, if only for a short time. About three years after the war had ended, the seven kings came to an agreement to outlaw the use of magic. There was a public outrage over this law, though the law didn't seem to be enforced at first, and life soon returned to how it was before the law was created. However, starting to the far east and slowly sweeping the continent, the Human army works to enforce the anti-magic law, one way or another. Chaos is beginning to spread, crime has risen to heights never before seen, and the kingdom itself is in jeopardy. The kings are nowhere to be found...


A Human subspecies which has traded their domain over heavy weaponry for magic by learning the Ancient language. In the total Human population, only a scarce two percent can be accurately called Liberated. Humans who practice magic usually lock themselves in their rooms or in private studies as to drive away influence from the outside world. Identifying a Liberated is easy, due to the stereotypical cloaks they always seem to wear or the spellbook they may carry around when travelling. Groups of Liberated are known to be exceptionably dangerous and powerful, and it's common sense for most townspeople to hide indoors when they see a group of cloaked people walking the streets. Recently, a large increase in crime has been seen due to a group of Liberated uncovering an Ancient temple and looting it of many Illusion and Dark magic spellbooks. Many people who are highly religious think the Liberated to be demons or Dark Forces sent from hell, especially the religious sect of the Human military, due to the Liberated being feared by most of the population.


The Elves, living in the vast forests and mountains of Halcya, stand for the second largest race on the continent. It is thought that Elves were the ones to teach the Humans of the Ancient language and create the first of the Liberated, and thus have always been discriminated against by the Human religious sect. Elves have lived alongside humans on the border between both kingdoms for decades, trading various animal pelts and meats hunted in the forests as a boost to their economy. Some Elves also have practice in creating poisons and remedies, and sell these potions on the black market to earn some extra money off of the public. Close to the boundary line are the Great Forests where many of the normal Elves live and peacefully communicate with the Humans. However, the far side of the Elven country is a mystery to the Humans, as they were never permitted anywhere near the mountainous region making up at least half of the Elven kingdom. The Elven forests are the only ones in which a Elder Tree would normally be found, which are rumored to produce a rare sap for creating powerful potions and poisons. Elves normally use wood-crafted weapons such as the longbow, and wear very tight armor to fit their small frames. Elves are also known for their adept control and knowledge of the Ancient language, and can thus be feared magicians when faced in open combat. With a very agile and somewhat short body structure, Elves are quick to run away from fights they cannot win if they find their attacks and spells ineffective, and also cast mischievous spells to throw their pursuers off. As a military force, Elves act either as individuals or as mercenaries. Despite their individuality, they claim to "follow the will of the Earth God" and act together off of this claim. They have no organization or tactics, though they are quick to find ways to outsmart and surprise their enemies.
The Elves have led peaceful lives for decades with the Humans, however there are rumors that these times are coming to an end. The High Elves tell prophecies of the downfall of the Human kingdom and the rise of Chaos, the God of the Dark Forces, once more to overtake the land amidst the anarchy they create. Hunters and skilled mages have been sent out to begin defending the border they share with the Humans. While some Elves have begun practicing their spells and drawing their scrolls once more, others flee to the far mountains to call upon some unknown force to save them from their impending fate.

High Elves

Most High Elves live in the far western mountains and near the oceans, though those who live in the borderline forests are scattered far and thin. High Elves are masters of their art of magic and are said to speak to the Gods, though this ability is only believed to be true in the Elven community. They are looked upon as the most powerful subspecies of Elves, though they also tend to be very proud and arrogant at times because of their social class and magical dominance. High Forest Elves near the border of the Human kingdom tend to live either under the think roots of or within a hollowed out Elder Tree in the center of each Elven town. High Mountain Elves on the far west side of Halcya live more peacefully and are less arrogant than their forest counterparts. The High Mountain Elves have also been holding a great secret far within their homeland, one which is just as much of a threat as the Dark Forces.

Dark Elves

Dark Elves were first brought into the world by the God of Darkness and Chaos, and were the ones to have lost the Elven Civil War in legends told by Elven mythology. Though they have made peace with the rest of the Elven race, they live in constant exile from almost every Human and Elven town, and make up the largest portion of beings enslaved by Human aristocrats. Dark Elves specialize in survival and swordsmanship, and generally wear medium sized armor due to their increased muscle mass. They also naturally produce an oil coating over their bodies which protects them from hot conditions and fire magic, allowing them to live near volcanoes. Dark Elves, like the High Elves, can be hard to deal with because of their social background. A Dark Elf serving the God of Darkness can be even more dangerous and deadly due to their practice of Dark magic and more ragged battle styles, including enchanted or poison edged weapons to seal a foe's fate with a single strike.


Dwarves invented the art of steampunk engineering and have contributed to many of Halcya's technological advances throughout recent years. Underground elevators, handheld cannons and scatterguns, the Human train network, compactable weapons such as the flip-out sword and shield, the rotating bookshelf and much more have all been the creations of Dwarves. Before the recent Human-Dwarven war, the Dwarves lived in underground "Fortresses" or in borderline towns nearby their workplace. However, these Fortresses were prone to raids by Dark Forces during the Elven Civil War, the worst cases being when a vampire secretly infiltrates the Fortress and destroys it from within. Because of this, many defensive upgrades were emplaces to ward off such invaders. The pride of their defensive work and innovation rested in the Arcrest Valley, housing about 50 Fortresses facing each other on both sides of a mountain range leading directly to the ocean. The Human-Dwarven war had only managed to touch five of these Fortresses before a peace treaty was signed admitting the Dwarven defeat. Almost all of Halcya's Dwarves live in this valley now in fear of the Human empire which had commandeered building plans from hundreds of Dwarven Fortresses. A Halcyan Dwarf is about half the size of a grown Human man, and wears small yet heavy armor. The typical weapon you will find a Dwarf using or carrying would either be a small battleaxe of a sledgehammer. Despite their lack in hand to hand combat against other races, they make up for it by piloting mechs and war machines to combat their foes with daunting force. Dwarves are excellent foragers as well, and have exported only the sharpest and deadliest weapons to those willing to buy since the beginning of trade. It is also a known fact that, no matter how much drink you give a Dwarf, he or she will never get drunk.
As with the High Elves, the Dwarves have started keeping secrets of their own. Disgraced by their defeat, the Arcrest Valley has set itself hard at work at not only rebuilding, but plotting revenge. Large building projects are being ordered by many of the leading Dwarves, and the economy runs wild with the import of unimaginably large sheets of thin cloth and sail as well as Elven wood from both the western forests and the Human stockpiles. Building on the premise that they will create "something to match a Dragon's rule of the sky", tens of thousands of Dwarves work mercilessly to finish their projects. Hearing of the impending return of the Dark Forces from Elven informants, they rushed to work even harder; for they're now not only building to regain their rank as the true master builders of Halcya, but they now also build to escape the fate of the continent.


A sister species to the Dwarves, the Niethe match the Dwarves in size and work ability while retaining the smooth skin and childlike appearance that Dwarves have never had. Niethe work in Fortresses much deeper and more expansive than the Dwarves’ Fortresses because of their mining and treasure hunting tendencies, and have exported rare minerals and treasures across the continent for decades. Unlike the Dwarves, Niethe are magically oriented, and are highly proficient at etching intricate patterns and enchantments onto anything worth carving into. Naturally, this also means that they are able to turn a plate of metal into a very alluring piece of silver dishware. These are normally set as cheap traps for thieves looking to raid a Niethen Fortress, or as an extortion technique handy for when one is low on cash. The Niethe are known to all possess special magic specifically used for the hunting of treasures, and a select few have learned to briefly peek into other peoples' minds through physical contact to help find what they are looking for. This, along with their childlike appearance, makes them excellent spies who are recruited in times of war. This spell does not seem to work on Liberated, however, and it could actually be quite harmful if the Liberated in question has built a mental barrier to keep Illusion magic from affecting them. Niethe can only wear soft leather and mesh armor due to their size and low strength.


There are a total of 6 Gods known in Halcya who have created and maintained the world which the people live on, as well as countless deities to serve the Gods for almost every object or element in existence. Every living being in Halcya is connected to at least one God or Deity.

The God of Light favors those who commit to good deeds and helping others, as well as soldiers who fight for either a logical reason. The God of Light also favors the individuals who commit themselves to a deed the individual deems heroic or morally correct, meaning that the God of Light doesn't always favor the "good". The religious sect of the Human military and the High Elves normally pray to this God.

The God of Darkness and Chaos favors those who commit to evil deeds, hindering others, and working in extreme personal interest. The God of Darkness and Chaos can sometimes be interpreted as two separate beings, though popular opinion overlooks this fact. The God of Chaos commands the Forces of Darkness, attempting time and time again to destroy the continent of Halcya and take the land for itself for reasons unknown. Corrupt Humans, Dark Elves, Liberated (using Dark magic) and the Forces of Darkness pray and serve this God.

The God of Fate is said to have created the world, and to eventually be its destroyer. Everything in life and in the world ultimately works toward a larger plan which the God of Fate governs and controls. Fate has been known to come to those who play an important role in history, whether good or evil, and has helped such people in times of crisis. Sometimes, in their final moments of life, religious Humans and Elves will pray to the God of Fate in hope of a savior. High Elves pray to this god to receive the prophecies they tell.

The God of the Mind is the original creator of the Ancient language, and is looked upon as one of the most influential Gods in the development of Halcya before the Dwarves had made their walkers. All mages, in theory, draw power out of the God of the Mind to fuel their magical spells; and in return, they continue to practice the Ancient language in memory of what the God of the Mind had accomplished in his or her time. As it is suggested, this God favors those who use magic, though this God also favors those who are able to "work together as a single Mind", as one prophecy has said. Here, it is implied that there is a spell in existence which allows not only telepathic communication, but telepathic command through a sort of "hive mind" as well. This spell's existence is unknown.

The God of the Body is the reason for the Dwarves' innovation and creativity, providing them with the ideas necessary for their mechanical war mechs and handheld cannons. The God of the Body not only keeps track of a living thing's body and health, but also the embodiment of mechanical items to keep them working correctly. In the times of the Ancients, this God and the Dwarves he commanded were said to have created an impenetrable Fortress of 65 floors with over a quarter mile's worth of space on each floor. This Fortress, known as Echo Nest, has long been buried both in time and underground. It is not known whether the Fortress has caved in or not over the years.

The God of the Soul is said to have been the one who helped the mortals of the world to learn combat and the way to survive. The very first military men under this God's command were said to be the finest and most powerful warriors in all of Halcya. As time went on, however, the tactics and teachings of this God were lost in time, like every other bit of verb knowledge. This God takes the mightiest warriors who have died in life and revive them in death to join his angelic team of guards who protect him in times where he is forced to take action in a mortal body. Most if not all warriors pray to this god before battle in attempt to gain good fortune. All that was left of the God after returning to the realm of the dead was a sword, said to contain the roaring resonance of only the most powerful warriors at the time of the God's rule. Old legends tell of this sword, saying that only those with purity of soul may draw the sword from a slab of silver.

The Ancients existed very long ago, when Halcya had first been forged by the Gods from nothingness. Soon after the world was deemed complete, the Ancients vanished without a trace, leaving only their language behind to the High Elves and anyone alive at that period of time. They helped the Gods of Light and Darkness shape the world into a more perfect image using what's called the Ancient language, otherwise known as a Godly power passed down in the form of words or phrases. Simply thinking of the word or phrase is enough to cast minor and most proficient spells, however heavy spells requires the reciting of an Ancient phrase to cast it. The spirits of the Ancients watch over Halcya from the realm of the dead as deities for the Gods, lending their powers as necessary to keep the world in order. Having a powerful Ancient as an ancestor can have various effects on a person, from being able to cast a drawn spell without a spell circle to having a destiny as a Dragon Rider. Any person can speak to their Ancient ancestors or even other Gods through High Elves, if they somehow cooperate.

Dark Forces

The Dark Forces consist of the souls of the deceased that were evil in life or committed their souls to work for the God of Darkness. Their evil morphed their being into various types of monsters including undead warriors, Vampires, Werewolves, and other creatures of the night. Most of the Dark Forces consist of the Undead, those who have sacrificed everything but their bodies and souls to serving the God of Darkness and Chaos. Leaders of these forces have committed their mortal souls to service, and are but mere puppets of the God of Darkness and Chaos, unknowing of their fate after the Dark Lord has accomplished his evil schemes. Sometimes when powerful people die in service of the Dark Lord or with an evil soul, they are turned into larger and more powerful undead beings, some including the fabled Flesh Behemoths, Skeleton Kings and Undead Dragons. Dark Elves were once considered part of the Dark Forces, but had somehow diverged from the Dark Lord's influence, and have created their own separate race while they still existed in large numbers.




I plan on keeping the amount of warriors, mages, and mechanical engineers balanced as not to have a harem of mages and a single warrior or engineer to go with them >_> Don't argue, it's the law. New spots will open up as soon as one spot of each class is taken. If you want to get a spot open for your character who HAS to be a specific class, PM me about it and we'll work something out.

No surprise characters, please... Make a note in the OOC that you're making a character. Your character also must have pictures and use the format in the Skelly section. Good description is also necessary. Undescriptive characters, surprise characters out of nowhere and/or characters without pictures will NOT be accepted.

[W]arriors use assorted weaponry, whether it be the sword, battleaxe, shield, even a crossbow. Their weapons could be enchanted to increase their power, but try not to be OP about it. [M]ages are scholars of the fine art of the Ancient language. By speaking or remembering an Ancient phrase, they can cast a spell. This is probably the one class which tends to be OP most of the time, so if you are a mage, WE WILL JUDGE YOU! [E]ngineers are the steampunk badasses of Halcya, creating mechs, guns, grenades, and much of the machinery you'll find in the world. Engineers, remember that there are no fully automatic guns in this world. At all. Stick to semi-auto steampunk stuff. People [V]ersatile to more than one class have less powerful skills and practice to the classes mentioned in the character description.

Only the first characters created by each player are listed.

Only friends of people already in the RP will be accepted for now.
Spot 1: Arko Sharpe; Human-Elf Hybrid [W], Elite Knife; as played by RCJJ23
Spot 2: Krystal Opeya, Liberated Human [M], Illusion and Combat Mage; as played by ElvenEllis
Spot 3: [Player Dropped Out]
Spot 4: Melaushav Uthros, Human [V], Royal Warrior-Mage; as played by Diarmuid O'dyna
Spot 5: Rin Veling, High Elf [M], Elemental Staff-Wielding Mage; as played by Arhi
Spot 6: An'xilii Gaiaraen, Dark Elf [E], Necro-Engineer; as played by Igari
Spot 7: Ashe Kokkino Hoo, Human [W], Dual-Katana Warrior; as played by TnevdaNai




(This can be in any order that you desire, since we all have our styles and preferences. Add or take away what you want, but take note that I will read every last word of your character and correct every last spelling and grammar mistake.*grammarnazi*)

Full Name: (If you want a fantasy name like Krystal's. Get in contact with Ellis if you want a name like hers, since she has a program for it.)
Translated Full Name: (To go with above, do not include if your name doesn't need a translation.)
Race: (I'd beat you all in one. No, this is for Human, Elf, Dwarf, blablabla...)
Age: (Since we've been in those pods for some 500 years :L)
Gender: ("Are you a boy or a girl?")
Likes: (Hey, I like cookies too!)
Appearance: (Picture AND description. You won't need as much desc with a pic because you're just that fancy. Anime or real is fine.)
Personality: (Being a paranoid, schizophrenic, OCD cleaning maniac... You know what, just type.)
Equipment: (Forks and knifes! Forks and knifes!)
History: (So there was this one time when I ate a peanut butter and ketchup sandwich. Don't ask.)
Notes: (I also happen to be able to keep my eyes open while I sneeze.)
Themesong: (A link to your character's theme song. Completely optional, but who doesn't like a good song to mark the entrance of the coolest person around?)

Toggle Rules

1. Be respectful of others. Don't take control of other characters without permission! This includes any action, whether it be attacking an NPC to even glancing the other way.
2. Be active. The Roleplay must survive!
3. No godmodding or OP magic or attacks! Being realistic even with this kind of setting is a must. If you're unsure about something, post in the OOC or RPG.
4. Romance is allowed. It makes for a good Roleplay, but please don't overdo it! (If you do intend to go THAT far, please mention something ABOUT to happen, then take it to PMs immediately. Please respect RPG's rule on this subject.
5. For the sake of all our sanities, TAKE NOTE OF SPELL AND GRAMMAR CHECK. Also copy your work into Microsoft Word in case something unfortunate happens. (and trust me, IT DOES HAPPEN!) :)
6. Remember that spellcasting can be exhausting, as well as flailing your sword around like a crazy lunatic. Your character will get tired! Be realistic.
7. One liners are not acceptable. It's not that hard to make a 100 word post. So just do it! It's not that hard!
8. Be literate, remember to proofread, and add a bunch of juicy description!
9. If you get lost in the RP or need something explained, you have the OOC and RPG to ask for a breakdown of events. We're here to help eachother!
10. Have fun! :) If you have any problems, please PM me about it or post it in the OOC.

Browse All » 9 Settings to roleplay in


Tallenhill by RolePlayGateway

A small town to the southwest of Wednessilia, which sits by a river and a woodcutting mill upholding the town's economy.


Irha by RolePlayGateway

A small town borderlining the Elven Forests to the west, and also happens to be at the exact center of the continent. [DESTROYED, NOW RUINS]


Sanctum by RolePlayGateway

An old Elven village where Arko's mother was born and raised until she was kidnapped.

Borderline Elven Forests

Borderline Elven Forests by RolePlayGateway

Directly west of Irha and just a one to two hour march away, this area is home to many Elves and Elven Hybrids which serve as hunting grounds for both Elves and Humans around. Once per every ten hour walk, you'll find an Elven village.


Bondsview by RolePlayGateway

A kingdom to the west of Wednessilia with milder climate from the chilling winds of Wednessilia.


Wednessilia by RolePlayGateway

A kingdom with almost impenetrable walls looms to the northeast corner of Halcya just before the snowy tundra.


Resmeryd by RolePlayGateway

A rather busy and constantly active port town between the Elven Forests and the vast desert to the south.

East Coast

East Coast by RolePlayGateway

The East Coast of Halcya was shared by Humans, Niethe, and Dwarves before the Human-Dwarven War. The Dwarven race along with it's fortresses were left devastated.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 7 authors


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Melaushav Uthros Character Portrait: Ashe Kokkino Hoo Character Portrait: Naramonde Uthros Character Portrait: Seirahn Garamond
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Igari
Seirahn watched the boy prince and the young woman enter the hall hesitantly, the guards staring at the duo from behind metal helmets. The woman looked rattled, well rationally, the interruption had been rather abrupt and uncalled for. The boy pushed a few of his white strands away from his face as he gazed back at Naramonde, not speaking quite yet. He would wait for the explanation first. The golden prince, or, the Niethe boy paused, perhaps it would be more accurate to say golden king now... In any case, the man stood up from his throne, taking measured, casual steps towards the prince and the woman.

So this is the woman the guards spoke of earlier then? Indeed, she doesn't look to be of great birth, but she's quite beautiful none the less. She has the stance of a warrior, but the physical appeal of a woman." Naramonde reached the pair, staring very directly at the female. "Ah, and also the eyes of a killer. I probably would have purchased you and then fornicated with you as well." Perhaps some years ago, this statement would've made Seirahn blush. As it was, he had grown very used to the behavior of the man and this comment did little to faze him. It did, however, seem to have an effect on Melaushav, who looked clearly displeased. Always so easy to rile up, that boy prince--so long as one knew what buttons to press.

Naramonde continued on, unhindered by the silent protests made by his brother. "She had bruises and scrapes around her wrists, like something you'd receive after being pulled around by chains all day. Now brother, you have to understand something; some women like it rough, but not that rough." There was a brief turn of the man's head towards Seirahn as the two shared a look. Oh yes, that incident. That woman had liked it quite rough--the boy had never understood masochists. He cleared his throat, garnering the attentions of the small group of royals and the young woman.

"I doubt she is that type of woman," He said curtly, forcing his amusement down behind a straight face. "The boy prince is too gentle to know how to deal with the sort anyway--but that is rather besides the point. You still have yet to answer the larger question at hand, how did you come to reside on the throne?" Seirahn had never been one at beating around the bush and he didn't like the whole game-playing factor as much as Naramonde. The small boy glanced over at the woman, who was eying his charge with narrowed eyes of dislike. An expected reaction, the golden king could be rather crude at times.

Still, the silence that settled in after the question was asked made him a little anxious. He partially wondered if Naramonde was truly going to answer. The way the man paused in thought left much to ponder over. Seirahn was absolutely sure the father of the two royals had been healthy, which could only lead to the logical assumption of an assassination that had actually been carried out successfully. If this was the case, this was going to grate on his nerves. Admittedly, he did feel a pang when he thought that the king had been killed--despite the Niethe's outwards behavior, he was fond of all of the family. Well, almost all--Melaushav was still a welp in his eyes. However, this thought also made him heavily annoyed. How could someone have slipped into the kingdom and killed the king under his watch?

Seirahn took a calming breath, letting go of the tense thoughts. Best to listen to an explanation first before jumping to conclusions. Assumptions led to mistakes and the Niethe didn't make mistakes--he made it a point. His plum orbs focused on Naramonde as he spoke again in a quiet voice. "Also, it may do to inform you. The boy prince has taken the armor you had previously passed on to him through a process of rejection as well as the... weapon with its less-than-impressive history." He paused, flicking his eyes towards Melaushav. "He mentioned something of leaving the kingdom with the young woman for a period of time, though where is there for you to go, boy prince?" He directed his last question at the younger brother. "I have never seen you leave the castle without at least one or two guards, so perhaps it's not only Naramonde I should be asking after." He didn't bother wording it as a question, he knew both of them were keeping things in the dark. But Seirahn had a tendency of being able to find out any piece of information and he would have his answers before the night was through.

The setting changes from Wednessilia to Borderline Elven Forests

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rin Veling Character Portrait: Krystal Opeya Character Portrait: An'xilii Gaiaraen
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Ahri
"It'll be safe here for now, since there's really nothing left to attack here... I'm going to take a look around and repair my robes..." Krystal walked away leaving Rin standing with her least favorite person. There wasn't much to do at the moment it seemed everything was quiet which was weird since just seconds ago everything was shrouded in chaos but now the only sound she could hear was the trees blowing in the wind.

"Well, I dunno about you, but it seems everyone's left their belongings behind and you know the law of the land. Finders keepers, losers weepers~" And Rin thought An'xilii couldn't stoop any lower. "You would steal from people who were just run out of their homes." Rin said with a sigh as An'xilii walked away to do her own thing. It seems that everyone had split up to do their own thing and get ready for what ever kind of journey they had ahead of them next.

Rin took a stroll around the village for a little bit. She looked at all the houses as the fire's slowly died down leaving only a trail of smoke that flowed into the sky. Stuff littered the pathways anything ranging from food to jewelry. "It seems everyone left in a hurry leaving everything behind." Rin said quietly to herself. That got her wondering what was next for the group if you could even call them that. Their wasn't much left to do here and An'xilii was apparently going East. She also learned something from An'xilii which didnt make Rin to happy getting a lesson from her but it was good to know that towns weren't just all over the place outside the forest. Rin hadn't ever left the forest really so she didn't know much of the outside world. She had always wished to go and explore but she lacked the skills necessary to survive out there.

Rin stopped and thought to herself. "Is this where we part ways or is a whole new adventure waiting beyond that tree line." But if what An'xilii said was true, which you can never tell with An'xilii, then that meant if Rin wanted to go and explore the outside world then she would need to get ready. Rin ran around the village looking for anything that would fit in her bag. After it was filled to its max she layed down on a bench that seemed to almost break as she sat down and she closed her eyes. All that was left to do now was wait to see where the wind would take them next.

The setting changes from Borderline Elven Forests to Wednessilia


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Melaushav Uthros Character Portrait: Ashe Kokkino Hoo Character Portrait: Naramonde Uthros Character Portrait: Seirahn Garamond Character Portrait: Araliwin Clarak
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0.00 INK

"I doubt she is that type of woman," Seirahn had said in response to Naramonde's crude remark. The king would have to take his word on that; Naramonde could trust the niethe's opinions on women after all the time he had spent gathering them for his employer. "The boy prince is too gentle to know how to deal with the sort anyway," Naramonde could only enjoy the image of his innocent little brother reacting to such a thing. Ah, but then Seirahn had cut to the more pressing matter at hand, well for him and everyone else besides the new king and the exiled prince. "...But that is rather besides the point. You still have yet to answer the larger question at hand, how did you come to reside on the throne?"

Oh Seirahn, you've always been so impatient~. Naramonde thought merrily. You're still so much like a child. You've never liked me dragging things out, have you? But it's only after you slowly get used to an idea can you finally understand the bigger picture behind it. Maybe that's too much of a concept for you... Well, you and my foolish brother.

"Also, it may do to inform you. The boy prince has taken the armor you had previously passed on to him through a process of rejection as well as the... weapon with its less-than-impressive history." Seirahn added. Less-than-impressive, that was a nice way of putting it. Naramonde gave the sword to his younger brother to somewhat commemorate all the duels Melaushav had lost to his older brother. However, Melaushav didn't seem to take it that way, and more of thought of the sword as a... Beginning? A "starting point", I think he said. A starting point for what, though?

"He mentioned something of leaving the kingdom with the young woman for a period of time, though where is there for you to go, boy prince?" Now the question was directed at the king's brother. Finally, something more interesting. Naramonde had always found certain people to just bore him, for example, himself. So he always liked to hear the opinions, ideas or stories of other people. As long as they weren't nobles, they were somewhat interesting. But Melaushav was an exception to that; Naramonde had never really considered his younger brother as a noble, mostly because he never acted like he was. "I have never seen you leave the castle without at least one or two guards, so perhaps it's not only Naramonde I should be asking after."

"Hmmm," Naramonde hummed after hearing Seirahn's words. Maybe his younger brother was finally planning on leaving to become a man. No, that idea probably wasn't innocent enough to cross the prince's mind. Which seemed strange to Naramonde, because it was the very first thing that popped into his head.

"I-" Melaushav had begun much faster than Naramonde had predicted he would. The young prince usually spent much time planning on what to say, rather than saying what came straight to his mind. But the new king of Wednessilia didn't let his brother continue further than the one word he spoke.

"That's to be expected, isn't it?" Naramonde stated quite casually. "Of course he planned on leaving the kingdom; he was exiled, after all." He decided to end all the tricks and the avoiding of questions for the moment. Melaushav had turned to look at his older brother in shock. "What? Are you still not understanding that assassination is a good enough warrant for exile?" The king then turned toward the door to the assembly hall, speaking nonchalantly. "What are you three doing? You might as well attend this gathering, seeing as all three of you have the right. Sir Araliwin, dear Mother, and my sweet sister."

The door to the assembly hall opened once more as a tall man clad in blue and gold led two women with light blond hair into the hall. The knight looked at the king with what seemed like contempt as he made his way toward the exiled prince, the two women following behind him. It seemed rude to look at the king with such a face. He seemed rather ungrateful for being let into meeting between family. But the king let the look slide as he didn't like to enforce people to think in a certain way; that would only make the person less interesting.

Melaushav seemed to turn away from the three, looking toward the ground. Was it guilt? Or was he just too sad to look at their familiar faces? Naramonde found the action to be charming in its own way. It was the look of a child that was trying not to face his parents after doing something bad.

The setting changes from Wednessilia to Borderline Elven Forests

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rin Veling Character Portrait: Krystal Opeya Character Portrait: An'xilii Gaiaraen
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0.00 INK

A torn book here, a broken sword there, the remains of an Elven house over yonder. The chaos that had erupted just minutes earlier had left this side of the village utterly devastated. Windows were broken in, doors had been smashed, the occasional corpse was already being slowly eaten away by the residing parasites of the forest. After what seemed like no time at all, Krystal found herself at the river she and Rin had washed up for dinner at. Looking up from where she stood, she could barely see the sunset through the leaves as the winds grew colder for the night. Krystal sat at the water's edge and set a rune so she could be located by Rin or An'xilii (it was definitely a possibility at this point) if she were needed. With a sigh, she calmed herself as she slowly fell into a state of meditation.

"You've got to admit, I did a good job", the girl in the black cloak said. Krystal sighed from across the invisible boundary, clearly unimpressed despite her neutral glare. "It doesn't excuse the fact that you tortured them. You only needed to stun or drain them that time." she replied. The Dark Krystal chuckled. "I couldn't take any risks, though, since you've never been in a real battle before... Especially since it was five of them against one of you." she said in reply, poking her finger at the boundary as if she were poking Krystal on the forehead. She looked to the nothingness above her, seeing various runes and faded memories float by in the air above. "I'm more than capable in holding my own against triple their numbers, and you know that," she retorted arrogantly. "No, you can't which is why you have me.", Dark Krystal corrected her counterpart. "But why me? Why do I have to be stuck with you?", Krystal asked, turning her head back to face the trapped girl. The Dark Krystal brushed her hair out from in front of her eyes, looking to the ground where the invisible line had been drawn. "I guess it's just Fate. I'm not that annoying though, am I? Come on." Krystal had to admit that her Dark side hadn't given her any bother until now, but it put her off balance knowing that her Dark side was helping her for some unknown reason. "And I do have to agree, you DO need to fill out more in certain areas~", the Dark Krystal said with a sneer before throwing Krystal back out with blistering ears.

Smudging out the Rune and reabsorbing it's essence, Krystal stood from where she had meditated and thought of her "vision", if she could even call it that. Now that I think about it, I think she put emphasis on Fate... Or was that just my imagination?, she thought to herself as she began walking back to where she, Rin and An'xilii had met up at. It would make sense to meet back up there, though Krystal had some idea on where to find An'xilii if she wasn't hanging around in the general area of where Krystal was headed. Rin, however, wasn't as easy to track down. Rin. Krystal still knew little about who Rin was, other than the fact that Krystal was naturally drawn to her somehow. The thought (and memory of An'xilii's comment on Krystal and Rin being lovers) sent a shock through Krystal, delivering a pang of realization and a crazed laughter from within her mind. That Dark Elf think's you're gay!, she heard her Dark side yell out between laughs. "s-Shut up! That's a lie!" She yelled at herself, imagining a frenzy of needles to jab her Dark Side down with. That would silence her for awhile, at the least. Problem solved. No, problem not solved. She still didn't know where Rin was, and the thought of Krystal being lesbian had thrown off her train of thought. She shook her head and regained composure as she scanned the trees around her. What would they decide on doing? An'xilii was a wanderer so Gods knew where she was going, and Krystal doubted that Rin knew anything about what was outside the forest. Krystal was as of yet indecisive on what the trio should do, so if they did stick together, she guessed that An'xilii would be deciding where they were going. Gods forbid they run into any more Fanatics any time soon.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rin Veling Character Portrait: Krystal Opeya Character Portrait: An'xilii Gaiaraen
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Igari
An'xilii had found Krystal by the river. After seeing Rin waiting by the exit all by herself upon a bench, An'xilii had promptly ground her teeth together and turned on her heel to find the other girl. No way in hell was she going to be put in a situation where she had to be alone with the High Elf once more. That piece of sourtart could definitely wait--the mage was far more manageable. After having shifted her hands behind her head once more, she had kicked one of her creatures in a bored manner to locate the cloaked girl. Her inventions complied and she followed the supposedly levitating bag of food up until her skeletons had tottered, one of them pointing a thin arm towards the river.

Laying her eyes upon Krystal, An'xilii released something of a sigh as she walked down the hill, sliding her hands from their position to her back pockets. Her right eye was closed as usual and her left half-lidded, a clear indication of boredom. "Oi, being a retard and sitting around all aimlessly isn't going to do us anything." She said in a breezy voice, though the casualness of the tone combined with her words produced a rather offensive result. She was sure she caught the faint glimmer of a glare from Krystal, but then again, the girl's face never changed so it was hard to tell. Shrugging, the Dark Elf yawned and gestured over towards her pets. "I already got the provisions, you're the only reason there's hold up."

Without even waiting for a reply, she grabbed Krystal by her arm firmly and pulled the girl up. Her grip was tight as she led the other through the village. Normally, An'xilii would've been a degree less rough with someone but she was annoyed and rather bored at the moment. She didn't appreciate the fact that Rin turned to her for directions nor that Krystal seemed to be moping around like a useless sack of air. The woman disliked having to be involved in the affairs of others but given the events, she did not think there would've been a choice in the matter. The mage definitely had some sort of dark magicks within her and An'xilii was admittedly still curious as to the affiliation with the dark gods. Tch. Putting up with that haughty High Elf was going to be irritating.

A small sense of satisfaction from the fact that the fool did not know the world outside her forest. A rather devious smirk came upon An'xilii's face. Oh, how she was going to have such fun toying with this knowledge~

They came upon the exit, Rin still waiting on the bench. The Dark Elf made a show out of detaching her grip from Krystal's arm veeeeeery slowly. Lesbians always got riled up when someone else was touching their partner. Oh wait, that was all couples. Whatever, screw semantics. She whistled to her pets, who came tottering after her loyally and stopped, bag atop their shoulders, next to her legs. "I see someone was making it a point to nap. Kid time's over--I'll have a better estimate of where we are once we're out of the forest so I'd say our first priority would be to leave."

'And the sooner we're there, the sooner I'll be shot of you two and your bullshit.' She finished silently. Hey, she was curious but that didn't mean she had to like her company. Sweeping her long, wild locks of silvery hair over her shoulders, she began to head towards the exit, not even paying attention to if the other two were following her. If they wanted to survive, they would. She had, after all, taken all the food.

The setting changes from Borderline Elven Forests to Wednessilia


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Melaushav Uthros Character Portrait: Ashe Kokkino Hoo Character Portrait: Naramonde Uthros Character Portrait: Seirahn Garamond Character Portrait: Araliwin Clarak
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0.00 INK

"I doubt she is that type of woman," Ashe turned a bewildered face to the straight-faced child. Did he even KNOW what they were talking about? "The boy prince is too gentle to know how to deal with the sort anyway--but that is rather besides the point. You still have yet to answer the larger question at hand, how did you come to reside on the throne?"

After what seemed to be a long pause, the boy focused his plum orbs focused on Naramonde as he spoke again in a quiet voice. "Also, it may do to inform you. The boy prince has taken the armor you had previously passed on to him through a process of rejection as well as the... weapon with its less-than-impressive history." Ashe perked up a little at that, the memory of that sword. How she longed to wield it, even just once...though... what did Seirahn mean by 'less-than-impressive history'?

"He mentioned something of leaving the kingdom with the young woman for a period of time, though where is there for you to go, boy prince?" Seirahn was talking to Melaushav now... but BOY PRINCE? She looked at Seirahn with a weird glance. "I have never seen you leave the castle without at least one or two guards, so perhaps it's not only Naramonde I should be asking after." Melaushav was the the wimpy type of guy. He needed one or two guards? Even when he possessed a sword? Ashe was wondering if he even used the weapon before. Finally, after somewhat processing the possibly interesting subject at hand... the golden king broke the silence.

"Hmmm," Naramonde hummed.

"I-" Melaushav had began to speak, but was quickly cut off by Naramonde.

"That's to be expected, isn't it?" Naramonde stated rather casually. "Of course he planned on leaving the kingdom; he was exiled, after all." Just like how Melaushav had turned to look at his older brother in shock, Ashe did the exact same thing to Melaushav. EXILED? "What? Are you still not understanding that assassination is a good enough warrant for exile?" The king then turned toward the door to the assembly hall, speaking nonchalantly. "What are you three doing? You might as well attend this gathering, seeing as all three of you have the right. Sir Araliwin, dear Mother, and my sweet sister."

The door to the assembly hall opened once more as a tall man clad in blue and gold led two women with light blond hair into the hall. The knight looked at the king with what seemed like contempt as he made his way toward the exiled prince, the two women following behind him. It seemed rude to look at the king with such a face. But honestly, Ashe didn't care less, since that kind of look was born to be used on someone like the king.

Melaushav seemed to turn away from the three, looking toward the ground. Was it guilt? Or was he just too sad to look at their familiar faces?

Ashe took her time to look at the knight, Melaushav's mother and sister. The knight seemed to possess the aura of a warrior, which Ashe actually found interesting. The fingers on her left hand trailed the handle of her katana. Totally different from the warriors she clashed against during the ambush, this one seemed as if he could put up a very good fight. Hmm...

As for Melaushav's mother and sister, they shared the same golden hair with the two brothers, and Ashe had to admit that the Queen was beautiful, and seemed to be rather serene, like she was filled with knowledge that normal people would never attain. Heck, Ashe could feel it even, the energy that seemed to be drawn to this lady. The sister... Ashe liked the sister. Ashe could tell that although his sister seemed ladylike... she knew how to wield a sword, and Ashe respected that. If anything, Ashe felt a little twinge of jealousy at how all three of them looked alike. Ashe and her brother resembled each other sure, but not as much as these three did.

"...What's this assassination that you're talking about?" Ashe pulled out her manly voice to speak with the king...then she realized. " don't mean..."

She glanced at Melaushav, then rewound back the moments where he seemed to be in pain, shocked and guilty... HIM? BUT... NO WAY!

"...You?" her voice fell into a whisper as she looked at him with shocked eyes.

The setting changes from Wednessilia to Borderline Elven Forests

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rin Veling Character Portrait: Krystal Opeya Character Portrait: An'xilii Gaiaraen
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Ahri
Rin laid on the bench at the exit of the village waiting for An'xilii and Krystal. This would be her first time out of the forest, she didn't know what to expect, but she knew one thing for sure she wasn't going to like following An'xilii lead but if she wanted to make it anywhere she would have to learn too deal with it. For a moment Rin thought she had saw An'xilii but it must had just been a figment of her imagination.

Who knows how long they would be traveling for but Rin knew it would be for a while and she would need to sort out this whole dark magic business with Krystal. Rin also knew she would have to learn to tolerate An'xilii antics for the time being. But it was going to be a nice experience to travel and with a group of all things. For so long Rin had traveled around the forest by herself not really involving herself with anyone every once in a while she would spend a few days in different villages but that was it. Rin opened her eyes and sat up still no sight of An'xilii and Krystal though she was sure they wouldn't have left without her anyway's. Just to make sure she was ready Rin looked through her bag quickly. Everything she needed was their pretty much water extra clothes medical supplies the only thing missing was food and no doubt it was An'xilii work.

Rin looked around and still didn't see An'xilii or Krystal so Rin closed her eyes again ready to go back to napping. But right before she could get comfortable Rin heard footsteps in the distance. Heading her way was Krystal and An'xilii who looked ready to go. "I see someone was making it a point to nap. Kid time's over--I'll have a better estimate of where we are once we're out of the forest so I'd say our first priority would be to leave." An'xilii took no time at all to make her way to the exit not even looking back to see if Krystal and Rin were following.

An'xilii muttered something under her breath causing Rin to roll her eyes like usual. Rin took a quick glance and looked over at Krystal, still trying to figure out a way to bring up the subject of what happened in the village so that it could all be cleared up and the awkwardness along with it. She wasn't to keen on the idea of getting led around by An'xilii but she had a feeling An'xilii knew what she was doing and it wasn't going to do her much good just wandering around aimlessly. "Just make sure you don't get us lost." Rin said to An'xilii with a little sass.

The setting changes from Borderline Elven Forests to Halcya


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rin Veling Character Portrait: Krystal Opeya Character Portrait: An'xilii Gaiaraen
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0.00 INK

And so Krystal had been dragged. An'xilii had found Krystal while looking for Rin, apparently, and had literally pulled Krystal along as she looked around. As soon as they found Rin, An'xilii released Krystal, who rubbed now numbed arm with a glare toward An'xilii. "I see someone was making it a point to nap. Kid time's over--I'll have a better estimate of where we are once we're out of the forest so I'd say our first priority would be to leave.", An'xilii had said as she called up the horrifying mechanisms which she seemed to command. To think such small things could destroy a person wasn't unimaginable, but it definitely sent a cold shiver down Krystal's spine. The Dark Elf then started walking, and Krystal took this as a sign to follow. Looking to Rin for a second and nodding, she started following the Dark Elf. She was all the more suspicious of An'xilii after all that's happened, however the mage could feel that Rin felt the same toward her as well.

"Look, you need to suck it up. You're stuck with me, so you need to deal with it. The world doesn't revolve around you, as Mom said, but it will most definitely revolve with you.", Krystal heard faintly from the bowels of her mind. She hated to admit it, but the Darkness was right. She needed to keep moving, as the Dark Elf has probably done from years on end. This would be a long journey, so after she stepped out of this forest, she wouldn't be able to afford taking a step back. They would be surrounded by Fanatics and bandits the whole way, and her abilities as a Liberated would be put to the true test. She tucked her hood a bit and spread out her cape as she walked, ready for whatever was ahead. A Liberated, Dark Elf and High Elf in a group would definitely be a strange group to see together, after all.


"I don't understand, just what are you planning, my lord?", the shade in the black cloak asked to the greater being above. The "being" which she had questioned was at least five times larger than a normal human was, overshadowed by dark clouds and blue flames as he sat atop a grand chair inscribed with blood-ridden runes of the fallen followers of Darkness. The being bellowed to the shade below, "You are to protect those three at all costs from the followers of destruction and madness. That's all there is to it." The shade was frustrated at the larger being's ignorance at what she wanted. He kept dodging the question with a "simple" answer that didn't really answer anything except her original mission, if it could be called that. "Can you at least promise that we make it through this alive? It is my one and only prayer, from both me and my light... Master," the shade chose her words carefully, though they were true.

The greater being took a moment to think, which was surprising for someone of his power and knowledge. "I cannot guarantee your "master's" specific survival, and if it comes down to it, she will have to die in order to gain the strength enough to save those dear to her," he bellowed, then after another thought, continued, "Your souls are in my hands, and I intend to do everything in my power to sway Fate into your favor, despite common forecasts of my intentions." he finished. The shade was put at ease, if only a little bit, at his words. "I will return to the Overworld, then." The shade bowed and turned to the dark light signifying the exit of this realm, without an audible response from the greater being. She didn't find out anything that she didn't already know, but at least she now had insurance.

The greater being watched as the little shade left, a small black splotch upon his royal grounds. With a frown, he began to think about what he had just promised not just the shade, but her companions as well. He had at least made out a backup plan in case anything happened, but to incorporate this into the play of things now was... Dangerous. His wild card could be tripped any time now that he had just made this promise. All it would take is a moment of weakness to the shade's so-called "master", and the gears would be set into motion. With a hum, he tilted his head and called back his agent, who appeared rather quickly in his shade form, awaiting a command. "You shall watch over them more closely, bring back to me any information pertaining to their plans. I don't want them to fail because of a simple trap." The shade nodded, and was about to leave when he was stopped by the bellowing voice. "Further more, you will not engage in the backup plan unless it is absolutely necessary. I give you permission to kill any attackers in order to enact this plan, but only if it needs to be done." The shade turned and looked to the lord with a sneer of glee, the gleam of sharp fangs visible almost as much as the glowing red eyes he bore, then disappeared through the portal. With a sigh, the greater being got back to watching over the events of the world. War has erupted, and Chaos has set his plans into motion in league with Fate itself. This would not be easy, especially when the fate of the world rested on a loose band of three individuals alone. Oh, he had made a pun. How humorous. He would remember to zap someone later for that.

The setting changes from Halcya to Wednessilia


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Melaushav Uthros Character Portrait: Ashe Kokkino Hoo Character Portrait: Naramonde Uthros Character Portrait: Seirahn Garamond Character Portrait: Araliwin Clarak
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0.00 INK

Araliwin led the two blonde women behind him into the assembly hall. He tried to walk with as much confidence as he could, as he didn't want to look weak in front of the Uthros family, especially not in front of Naramonde Uthros. It was difficult to do so however, as the knight didn't have much of an idea as to what was going on. Araliwin's red eyes laid upon his lord, Naramonde, who seemed to be doing the same in return. He looked happier than he should have as he sat upon his deceased father's throne. No, it wasn't even his father's throne. The seat he sat upon was some gaudy golden throne, something fitting for Naramonde. Talk about adjusting quickly...

The knight turned his attention to Melaushav and the slave he had bought earlier in the day. "I always thought he kept secrets better than this." Araliwin had thought. "Actually, her presence here may have something to do with Garamond," The knight hypothesized, but he was almost sure of it. His attention was focused on Melaushav as the boy looked toward the ground, shamefully. The sight made Araliwin want to pound some knowledge into his friend's head with his fist, but he had to control himself. Besides the fact that the act of doing so would be outrageous, it would be completely out of character.

"Melaushav." Araliwin stated; a more rational approach to the situation. Melaushav in turn, picked his head up, looking toward Araliwin, his eyes mournful and as childish as ever. That wasn't the face of a killer, it was the face of a little boy Araliwin had met years ago. "Wipe that look off your face. It's starting to depress me."

"Huh?" Melaushav asked, sounding shocked. "You're-"

"You aren't guilty, are you?" Araliwin asked, cutting off the prince's speech. "Then why are you acting like you're in penitence?"

"Not guilty?" King Naramonde asked after hearing Araliwin's words. "You don't believe Melaushav to be the assassin? I found him standing next to father's body. Who else do you believe to have killed the man?"

Araliwin felt that Naramonde was the number one suspect, but it would be troublesome to accuse the new king of Wednessilia of murder. The knight's instincts told him that would be a mistake. But even if the knight's instincts told him that, someone else seemed bold enough to bring up the topic.

"What about you, brother?" Princess Cilalith Uthros stepped forward. "You were the one who "discovered" Melaushav with... father. Does that not make you suspect to suspicion?"

"Oh dear sister, I had nearly forgotten you were here with the little presence of your voice. Are you suspecting I murdered father from his backside in order to usurp the throne from him, waited for brother to arrive at the assembly hall, and blamed the act on him to remove attention from myself? That is quite the accusation. But do you not think it dangerous to say such slanderous things against the king?" Naramonde responded.

The king dangerously stated the plan of an assassination as if he no longer cared if anyone believed he was guilty. The act of doing so was almost a confession to the crime, but who had the authority to punish a king? Naramonde was now at the greatest seat of power within Wednessilia. No one could punish the king, as the king is absolute.

"It is not slander if the statement is true." Cilalith said fearlessly, not backing down from her older brother. But if Naramonde really had killed his father, would he have no qualms about killing his younger sister? Even with that in mind, she continued to openly speak out against the king. Melaushav seemed to consider this as he looked after his sister with worry.

"If this continues, Naramonde may really consider killing his sister. I have to do something before she takes things even further." Araliwin had thought, looking after Cilalith with similar worry on his face to Melaushav. And soon after, the prince spoke, but the words he spoke weren't exactly the ones Araliwin had expected.

"Then it is slander for that very reason, Cilalith." Melaushav spoke, more boldly than before. It seemed as though the prince had stopped his self pitying, to Araliwin's approval. However, the words the prince soon said were ones Araliwin wasn't so happy to hear. "As brother had said, I am the assassin of King Dageamonde Uthros. I murdered him in this very room from the back, as I don't have the skill to face such an opponent. It was my intention to kill him and put brother on the throne. I apologize for doing something so impetuous, brother." Melaushav had spoken resolutely, and the fact that he had done so made Araliwin want to hit him even more. Even if he was lying for his sister's sake, or possibly, Wednessilia's, the knight still wanted to beat his friend for doing such a thing.

Naramonde's smile seemed to widen more so than usual, as he must have found his brother's actions interesting. "So you admit to it then? I'm glad you have so much more tact than I had originally thought." The king seemed to lose the hostility in his voice, so Melaushav must have distracted his murderous intent. "Although, there still is the problem about your punishment. You were exiled. I told you, if you ever returned, I'd see to your death myself." At that moment, Naramonde drew the sword out of a sheath from a knight standing beside him. "Now I believe it is time for your execution."

"What?!" Araliwin exclaimed, taking a step toward Melaushav, however, a knight placed his hand on the man's shoulder, stopping him. "This is ridiculous!"

"Ridiculous? I sentenced the boy to exile. I believe that was letting him off well for the assassination of a king." Naramonde said carelessly, walking toward his younger brother. "However, he returned for the girl and his equipment. That wasn't exactly part of the arrangement."

"But-" Araliwin gritted his teeth, trying to shake off the guard who held onto him.

"He's right, Araliwin." Melaushav said, not turning to look at his childhood friend. "I have to be punished for what I've done. But you're the one who was talking about tact earlier, why don't you show that in a less crude public execution."

"Brother, what are you saying?!" Cilalith exclaimed, but Asteriviel stopped her, speaking no words.

"A public execution? Why should I let those mongrels see the death of my younger brother?" Naramonde stopped a few feet before Melaushav. "I doubt they care much about the death of their king; even with a different king, not much should change. So I'm sure they'll be fine with this makeshift execution."

"I understand." Melaushav nodded, ignoring his brother's comment. "Then, before I die, may I have a final request?"

"A final request?" Naramonde confirmed. "I'll allow it."

"Please do not allow any form of harm to fall on to Ashe nor Cil." Melaushav requested, bowing his head to Naramonde, who dismissed the action with displeasure.

"Of course. I assume this Ashe person is the slave woman. Do not have any fear, she will stray far from my bedside, as well." Naramonde said with a smile. "Now raise your head. You are still a member of the Uthros family, so act like it until your death, and even after your death."

The setting changes from Wednessilia to Borderline Elven Forests

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rin Veling Character Portrait: Krystal Opeya Character Portrait: An'xilii Gaiaraen
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Igari
An'xilii had led them for a few miles, taking the walk at a controlled pace. It had been obvious to her after the first hour or so of the journey that neither Krystal nor Rin were accustomed to covering great distances in a short amount of time. The Dark Elf made no attempt to hide the annoyance that she felt and wrinkled her nose; though she did slow down the pace so that the other two would not be so out of breath. Really, were they that out of shape? Truth be told, she had thought there would be another reason entirely for the fatigue the other two were showing. (Though, a tumble in the hay never tired her out THAT much) With a flourish of her lime green scarf, she proceeded through the trees, effectively clearing a path for the other two girls.

Krystal had a rather uncomfortable look on her face, as if thinking about something mildly unpleasant. Rin was walking a bit away from the newly formed group, eyes shifted to the side. Both of them looked like someone had crammed them in a room with some extremely, offensive object or person. Oh wait, it dawned on her, a smirk forming on her features. Nevermind, she totally understood their hesitation. An'xilii had long since learned she was a difficult person to get along with. Well, served the brats right. She hadn't wanted to lead them anywhere but they had been too damn helpless on their own. And she sure as hell wasn't going to have this come back and bite her in the rump. If she left them alone and forsaken in the village, ugh, the two would find ways to butt into her life and cause her problems. Best to just put on a "sweet" smile and drop them off somewhere. Preferably a large city.

And she had just the place in mind.

Yawning faintly to herself, she swung her silver hair over her shoulders and trotted a bit of the way, glancing upwards at the sky. Dawn would be breaking soon, the night which she so adore would be ending soon. It would be best to travel until the latter part of the morning, during the day would be risky--what with those stupid, armored men pursuing them. She had a feeling that despite their ability to take out a small regiment of fanatics, that wouldn't be the last of them that they would see. If she knew humans (which she did, unfortunately, but at least with not as much regret as she felt towards knowing dwarves existed, fucking wastes of space), they always grouped against things they feared. And usually attempted to eliminate those things as quickly as possible. The insecurity was simply suffocating.

"C'mon, move those legs--I'd like to get us to that clearing," She commented, vaguely pointing off into the distance. It surely wasn't specific enough for them to register where it was exactly that she was talking about. But it would give An'xilii a chance to slip off unnoticed as they began to approach the area. She definitely needed time alone. The energy coming off the Liberated human was enough to make her on edge and she was pretty sure Rin could feel the conflicting aura's of darkness between the two females. It made for precarious traveling, to say the least.

Krystal was lagging behind and An'xilii turned, taking one of the pepper stems out of her pouch and throwing it at her so that it hit the mage upside her nose. "I said move--we've got a lot of ground to cover if we want to make it out of the woods by nightfall tomorrow." She said shortly, turning back around and clicking her tongue at her creatures to speed up their walk. (The little things had been quite leisurely, walking around as if there were sights to see) The bag bounced a bit as the pets trotted along, trailing behind their master. It occurred to her, faintly, that they hadn't stopped to eat or drink in at least three to four hours. Oops. Perhaps she should be more consider.... Fuck that.

They progressed unrelentingly for the next hour and had just about reached the clearing when one of her pets surprised her, the metal bits giving a snapping noise and the legs of it actually collapsed inwards as it went tumbling to the ground. She would've ignored it if not for the fact that the skeletal grins that her creatures wore looked haunted and now that she thought on it, they had been having a harder time catching up. Showing her inventions far more compassion than she did the actual living "weight" that was following her, the girl turned, hands on her hips.

"We'll stop here, for now. We're close enough to the campsite anyway and it won't do to have my babies breaking on us. One of you will have to get firewood, and the other will have to scout the surrounding area to make sure we're in the clear." Before the others could interrupt her (presumably about how she "got off" ordering them around when the Dark Elf wouldn't be doing anything), she quipped, "And for the record, I'll need to repair my pets to make sure they make the journey okay. And I s'ppose food wouldn't be a bad idea either..." She trailed off with a roll of her eyes. Selfishly, she had been snacking on her peppers the whole time and didn't really have much of an appetite. It occurred to her that she hadn't shared so perhaps the other two were hungry. Whatever, their fault for not speaking up until now and shooting her dirty, tired looks.

An'xilii plopped down on the ground, taking the broken bits of her pet and making coo-ing noises to it. "Shh, my darling, I'll have you fixed in no time." A warm tone alit in the woman's voice, though privately, she probably wasn't as aware of it as her traveling companions would be. Yawning, she turned the skeleton parts over in her hands as she took out a screw to fix the metal. When those two ran off to do whatever, that would be when she'd be able to separate herself. For now, she busied herself with the task at hand, mind swimming with thoughts.

The setting changes from Borderline Elven Forests to Wednessilia


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Melaushav Uthros Character Portrait: Ashe Kokkino Hoo Character Portrait: Naramonde Uthros Character Portrait: Seirahn Garamond Character Portrait: Araliwin Clarak
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Igari
Seirahn had kept quiet carefully throughout the statements Naramonde was making towards his younger brother. The Niethe boy was not so willing to pitch in his judgement call on the situation, for he needed sufficient time to analyze. And he certainly was going to take all the time he needed before saying anything whatsoever. The way the now-king was radiated volatile and even the boy knew, there was no point in rationalizing with someone when they were in that state of mind. The conversation that passed between Naramonde and Melaushav was hazy for him, at best, for he was keeping most of his attentions focused on their body language. The golden-king moved in a self-assumed way, taking control easily, too smoothly for someone who had just lost their father. The boy-prince, on the other hand, was looking downwards, as if feeling remorseful or guilty for some past deed. Sort of reminded him of a beat puppy, in a way.

He was brought out of his observations with a wide gesture by Naramonde, the doors to the large hall opening to reveal the widowed queen, the young princess, and the personal knight to Melaushav, Araliwin. The knight in shining armor appearing to save his ward, apparently. The knight walked a bit closer to the prince, saying something reassuring to him no doubt, for the boy-prince looked up with a more hopeful expression on his face. This was cut off by Naramonde, who spoke in an exceedingly casual voice, addressing something Araliwin must've said.

"Not guilty? You don't believe Melaushav to be the assassin? I found him standing next to father's body. Who else do you believe to have killed the man?" Silence fell over the standings, yet it was the princess that spoke up. Today was just full of surprises.

"What about you, brother? You were the one who "discovered" Melaushav with... father. Does that not make you suspect to suspicion?" Her voice was shaky with a shaky type of firmness. Seirahn was not surprised--the man obsessed with gold was not exactly the easiest to approach, let alone reprimand. Naramonde's smile did not leave his face, disturbingly sweet and casual.

"Oh dear sister, I had nearly forgotten you were here with the little presence of your voice. Are you suspecting I murdered father from his backside in order to usurp the throne from him, waited for brother to arrive at the assembly hall, and blamed the act on him to remove attention from myself? That is quite the accusation. But do you not think it dangerous to say such slanderous things against the king?" The Niethe and the king shared a look at this very moment, one that made the former tighten his small hand into a fist. Seirahn had always been loyal to the king, for the most part, when he had been a prince. He had never questioned Naramonde's actions and had followed them perfectly down to the letter. Yet now he had to pause, for even he was hesitant. He, the one that had killed many a time all for the sake of the royal family. For it would seem the one whom he was under the employ of was turning a mite more malicious than even Seirahn had anticipated. The princess had said something while he had been mulling things over, Melaushav cutting in with a bold voice.

"Then it is slander for that very reason, Cilalith. As brother had said, I am the assassin of King Dageamonde Uthros. I murdered him in this very room from the back, as I don't have the skill to face such an opponent. It was my intention to kill him and put brother on the throne. I apologize for doing something so impetuous, brother." The instant the words left Melaushave's mouth, Seirahn knew that the prince had made a mistake. Naramonde had a... quirk about being shown to be in the right. While it did nullify him, even placate the man to an extent, that only made the next actions all the more to be wary of. Naramonde had never seen a reason to hold back, after all, when he was sure there would be no concern of repercussions. (And, for the most part, there never were)

The mussy, white hair fell over his plum eyes as Seirahn shifted his head, tilting his chin upwards. He had most certainly heard enough. The needless antics of this game had gone on long enough and the Niethe did not enjoy such displays. Indeed, he was greatly displeased with the way the events were proceeding. With Melaushav's "confession" erupted a burst of heated conversation, mostly protests from Araliwin's line. But Seirahn knew better. Naramonde was beyond pleas, beyond reasoning--he had turned to vicious, malignant intent. The only reason the king had agreed to the boy-prince's terms of protecting the woman--Ashe--was to only relish the betrayal later. Naramonde had never been good at keeping promises that did not benefit him. Seirahn heard the silver-tongued lie in the king's words.

"Of course. I assume this Ashe person is the slave woman. Do not have any fear, she will stray far from my bedside, as well. Now raise your head. You are still a member of the Uthros family, so act like it until your death, and even after your death." This was it for Seirahn and he spoke in his soft, lilting voice, pitching it loud enough before the sword descended.

"I do not think that a wise action," He said slowly, his objection enough to have Naramonde pause. "Do you not think it is more than the welpling deserves to die with his honor, his princely title still in tact? No, I think you are much too soft, golden-king." Seirahn was choosing all of his words carefully, the only language that would appeal to the elder at a time like this. "To let him die in front of his family would cause them grief, for sure, but would only end Melaushav's pain. And you would lose the alliance of the royal line, which would not look good in the eyes of the kingdom."

He hoped the boy-prince knew exactly what he was doing for him. "I think, perhaps, in light of the situation, it would only be fitting to reduce him to the status of that woman, Ashe. To strip him of everything and give him to the cruel treatments of slavery. Then, when he is on his last whims, you can have Araliwin bring him back to the palace--just to glance once more at those that he loves, to the woman you "promised" not to bed, and only then should he be allowed to die." The words were harsh ones but the Niethe had seen much in his years as an assassin. And he knew very well that the newfound power had gone to Naramonde's head. It would be best to get Melaushav out of the picture to calm the king down, to a degree, and talk some logic into his mind.

"In fact," He continued. "I think it should be Araliwin that carries him in chains to the trade city. It should be fitting, for the one that was once the servant to be the master." He kept the coldness in his eyes as he observed the king, not bothering to look at Ashe. She would not understand his intentions and he did not expect her to.

'You better be smart enough to survive this at least, boy prince.' He thought faintly, keeping his composure. The tentative plan he had set in to motion hung in the air as he waited for Naramonde to consider his words.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Melaushav Uthros Character Portrait: Ashe Kokkino Hoo Character Portrait: Naramonde Uthros Character Portrait: Seirahn Garamond Character Portrait: Araliwin Clarak
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0.00 INK

The knight spoke to Melaushav, with the intent of snapping Melaushav out from his stupid self-pity. Ashe did not believe that Melaushav was the culprit, despite the accusations and his guilty look...Now that she thought of it...he didn't look guilty because of the murder...was he guilty for not standing up to Naramonde instead? Ashe approved when the knight told him to wipe the depressed expression from his face.

"You aren't guilty, are you?" Ashe continued to look at Melaushav for his reaction. "Then why are you acting like you're in penitence?"

"Not guilty?" She turned her attention to the so called 'King' Naramonde. "You don't believe Melaushav to be the assassin? I found him standing next to father's body. Who else do you believe to have killed the man?"

'You...It's you, you arrogant fiend not worthy of being a warrior on the throne.' was all Ashe could think about. She was barely containing the urge to cut the fool down to size right before the eyes of everyone in the hall.

"What about you, brother?" the young princess stepped forward, much to Ashe's surprise. Now, Ashe was ADMIRING this girl. So young and so brave... "You were the one who "discovered" Melaushav with... father. Does that not make you suspect to suspicion?"

"Oh dear sister, I had nearly forgotten you were here with the little presence of your voice. Are you suspecting I murdered father from his backside in order to usurp the throne from him, waited for brother to arrive at the assembly hall, and blamed the act on him to remove attention from myself? That is quite the accusation. But do you not think it dangerous to say such slanderous things against the king?" Naramonde responded, almost smugly.

'Not if you're not the rightful king.' was what Ashe would've said, but she held her tongue.

"It is not slander if the statement is true." Cilalith said fearlessly, and Ashe sang in thrills in her heart. What would Naramonde the Fool, say now?


"Then it is slander for that very reason, Cilalith." Melaushav spoke up more boldly than before. Ashe turned her grey eyes to look at him, astonished that the wimp has spoken up. "As brother had said, I am the assassin of King Dageamonde Uthros. I murdered him in this very room from the back, as I don't have the skill to face such an opponent. It was my intention to kill him and put brother on the throne. I apologize for doing something so impetuous, brother."


To her disgust, Naramonde's smile seemed to widen. "So you admit to it then? I'm glad you have so much more tact than I had originally thought." The king no longer held the hostility in his voice, but triumph was evident in it. "Although, there still is the problem about your punishment. You were exiled. I told you, if you ever returned, I'd see to your death myself." At that moment, Naramonde drew the sword out of a sheath from a knight standing beside him. "Now I believe it is time for your execution."

"What?!" the knight with the rest of the royal family exclaimed, taking a step toward Melaushav, however, a knight placed his hand on the man's shoulder, stopping him. "This is ridiculous!"

"Ridiculous? I sentenced the boy to exile. I believe that was letting him off well for the assassination of a king." Naramonde said carelessly, walking toward his younger brother. "However, he returned for the girl and his equipment. That wasn't exactly part of the arrangement."

"But-" the knight gritted his teeth, trying to shake off the guard who held onto him.

"He's right, Araliwin." Melaushav said, much to Ashe's chagrin. "I have to be punished for what I've done. But you're the one who was talking about tact earlier, why don't you show that in a less crude public execution."

"Brother, what are you saying?!" the young princess exclaimed, only to be stopped by the silent queen.


"A public execution? Why should I let those mongrels see the death of my younger brother?" At least this fool has a small shred of decency not to make this family blood spill public. "I doubt they care much about the death of their king; even with a different king, not much should change. So I'm sure they'll be fine with this makeshift execution."

"I understand." Melaushav nodded. "Then, before I die, may I have a final request?"

"A final request?" Naramonde confirmed. "I'll allow it."

"Please do not allow any form of harm to fall on to Ashe nor Cil." Melaushav requested, bowing his head to Naramonde, who seemed dismissed the action with displeasure...and something Ashe found distasteful as well. Who was he to request THIS FOOL to make sure no harm befell her or the princess? And WHAT THE HECK was his thinking bowing down to this fiend?

"Of course. I assume this Ashe person is the slave woman. Do not have any fear, she will stray far from my bedside, as well." Naramonde said with a smile. "Now raise your head. You are still a member of the Uthros family, so act like it until your death, and even after your death."

Ashe tried to keep her calm, and almost succeeded...until Seirahn spoke as well.

"I do not think that a wise action," Ashe looked towards the white haired child. "Do you not think it is more than the welpling deserves to die with his honor, his princely title still in tact? No, I think you are much too soft, golden-king." What...WHAT?! "To let him die in front of his family would cause them grief, for sure, but would only end Melaushav's pain. And you would lose the alliance of the royal line, which would not look good in the eyes of the kingdom."

What was the child going with this?! "I think, perhaps, in light of the situation, it would only be fitting to reduce him to the status of that woman, Ashe. To strip him of everything and give him to the cruel treatments of slavery. Then, when he is on his last whims, you can have Araliwin bring him back to the palace--just to glance once more at those that he loves, to the woman you "promised" not to bed, and only then should he be allowed to die."

Ashe's anger couldn't be described. As she tried to force it down, her head for once seemed a little clearer despite her raging fury, but although she knew the plan that Seirahn had cooked up...Those words that the child had said were just too cruel for her liking.

"In fact," He continued. "I think it should be Araliwin that carries him in chains to the trade city. It should be fitting, for the one that was once the servant to be the master."

That was her breaking point. Ashe couldn't hold in her warrior's heart burning with fury any longer, especially not when a person was holding a sword in the same room as she was. She moved with speed comparable to a snake, her left hand drawing her white katana and she thrust her katana forward at Melaushav's face, slicing his cheek open on purpose, displaying her accuracy. Drawing blood, she kept her katana in that position as she stared at the prince with burning grey eyes of anger, pity and disappointment. A look that conveyed the message:

'You're a wimp Melaushav. Why can't you just fight back?'

She was so angry...angry that someone like Melaushav could only be bullied all the time by his fiend of a brother. Angry that even that little child could bully this wimp of a man standing before her. Angry that she had showed her weak side to someone weaker than she was... Perhaps she was just angry that she actually owed this wimp a favour in return.

Whatever it was, Ashe turned on her heel with grace, pointing her katana straight at Naramonde, not even bothering to look at Seirahn at all.

"I admire your courage for standing up against your older brother, princess." Ashe admitted, a small smirk seemed to appear on her lips, which turned into a frown as she stared at Naramonde with contempt.

"I'm not like your wimp of a younger brother. I'm not afraid to fight you, and I'm not afraid of the consequences either. I don't care if you're the king, or just a prince that's dreaming to be one." Ashe spoke with the tone of one that could compete against a ruler, something she had gotten used to being her brother's right-hand man, or woman. "I don't know how you settle things here, but with me, swords are the easiest. The winner is always right, and the loser is always wrong. Because a winner wins because he knows he is right and is resolute."

She flourished her katana while still pointing it at Naramonde, causing a melodic sound of metal cutting through air and vibrating.

With a more quiet tone:

"I can tell you Melaushav is not the culprit. He didn't have time to do something like this because he was busy taking care of me. And I bet my virginity that he isn't even man enough to stab his father, even through the back. That's just how wimpy he is."

With a stronger voice, "Now that that's out of the way... I challenge you, so called 'King'. Whether you wish to cross swords with me, or to send in one of your best knights, it doesn't matter. The rewards will be fair. Melaushav has been exiled, so I will not request for it to be revoked. If it is my victory, the exiled will be left unharmed and free to be on his merry way."

She dropped her hand to her side, still holding her beautiful white katana.

"State your victory conditions. But be fair... you only have ONE choice." she stressed out.

She felt hurt, angered, sympathetic, betrayed, all at the same time. She had never felt something like this, not even during the death of her brother... in fact, it was just adding to her hidden pile of pain. But this was what she needed.

She was a Dersun warrior, and she needed to fight. This was what she lived for, fighting.

The setting changes from Wednessilia to Borderline Elven Forests

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rin Veling Character Portrait: Krystal Opeya Character Portrait: An'xilii Gaiaraen
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0.00 INK

Krystal was definitely not cut out for physical activities, but that wasn't what bothered her the most at the moment. Since they departed from the ransacked village, she hadn't been able to talk to her Dark side at all, much less feel it's presence lurking somewhere inside her. Even with intense focus, she couldn't detect a bit of her counterpart anywhere within. It was relieving that she didn't have to deal with it, but it was also worried her greatly. Though she had asked herself this before, she did so yet again. Just what was she doing this time?

Hey, I'm back, she heard in the back of her mind. Krystal frowned and looked to the ground beside her as the Dark presence was more prominent now. Back from WHERE? And what were you doing? Krystal thought harshly to herself, trying to get questions answered as quickly as possible. I'm not spilling any beans, though I can definitely say that we're all safe for now, the voice in her head stated. Krystal sighed, knowing that that was all the Dark Krystal would say on the matter. Her Dark side knew exactly what questions she was going to ask anyway, and would only reveal what she wanted to reveal at the time. Looking back in front of her, she noticed that she had been lagging behind while An'xilii had gone ahead. Krystal turned around to look at how far they've gone, and unknowingly dodged the pepper sent flying at her. It's been a long walk, and she was starting to get hungry. About an hour later, she decided to use a spell to suppress her fatigue, but was interrupted by the sound of one of An'xilii's creepy pet-things exploding. The sound was surprising, and would've given them away if there were any Fanatics around to hear it. Thankfully, it didn't seem like there were.

"We'll stop here, for now. We're close enough to the campsite anyway and it won't do to have my babies breaking on us. One of you will have to get firewood, and the other will have to scout the surrounding area to make sure we're in the clear. And for the record, I'll need to repair my pets to make sure they make the journey okay. And I s'ppose food wouldn't be a bad idea either..." An'xilii stated. Krystal gave a sigh and cast her spell, this time succeeding uninterrupted, and instantly felt wide awake. What did they need? Firewood? That seemed pointless, since the sun was going to rise soon and give away their position with the smoke. Rin would be able to see anything within five miles with her Elven ability to communicate with the trees around the group. Krystal also had a bit of food saved from the dinner, though it was not enough to suffice a full journey. She would need more for later, but for now it would do. An'xilii sat on the ground and got to work fixing her "pets" while Krystal leaned against a tree and got her food ready. Looking to Rin, Krystal thought for a moment.

"Uh, Rin... I have some food from the village I brought along if you want some." Krystal offered, not knowing whether or not Rin had brought food of her own. An'xilii had definitely made a show of being the most physically powerful of the group, and didn't think about whether the other two would be able to handle looking for berries that would only last a few hours. Soon they would breach the treeline, and soon enter the outside world of Halcya. She could only hope that the Fanatics haven't caused too much chaos across the continent.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rin Veling Character Portrait: Krystal Opeya Character Portrait: An'xilii Gaiaraen
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Ahri
An'xilii kept the group walking at a relatively fast pace. Rin had traveled around the forest a lot so walking for long distances wasn't to bad but it still was tiresome. Rin drifted towards the back of the group and shifted her eyes from the group to her left trying to avoid anyone's gaze. Still trying to come up with a way to bring up what happened back in the village to lift this awkward atmosphere within the group. But still the walk was in a way relaxing An'xilii had yet to get on Rin's nerves which was a plus but the down side was Rin could slowly feel them getting closer to edge of the forest. She could feel all the nature around her subside slowly as they approached the edge of the forest.

"C'mon, move those legs--I'd like to get us to that clearing," An'xilii said as she pointed off into the distance. It didn't help that An'xilii gave no details about the area she was pointing out. But what ever pleased An'xilii she was leading them even if Rin didn't like it she would just have to follow An'xilii for now at least. One thing was for sure Rin was starving they had walked a good way and her headache was coming back, back at the village Rin had used a spell to lower the pain of the headaches that were caused by being in such close proximity to so much darkness. Rin wasn't sure why but she could feel the dark aura's of An'xilii and Krystal conflicting with each other which was odd you would think they would be better together but who knows.

Krystal started to lag behind a little and out of no where An'xilii throws a pepper stem at her and hit Krystal right on the upside of her nose. "I said move--we've got a lot of ground to cover if we want to make it out of the woods by nightfall tomorrow." For about another hour they kept walking they were getting close to the clearing when Rin could hear what sounded like a snapping sound. "We'll stop here, for now. We're close enough to the campsite anyway and it won't do to have my babies breaking on us. One of you will have to get firewood, and the other will have to scout the surrounding area to make sure we're in the clear." "And for the record, I'll need to repair my pets to make sure they make the journey okay. And I suppose food wouldn't be a bad idea either..." An'xilii said to them. "A fire might be to dangerous since others in the distance could see it, I have a spell that would provide a small light that's all we really need, unless the fire is for us to cook our food oh wait you took all the food so it couldn't be that." Rin said with some sass.

An'xilii started talking to the creepy little metal thing. Rin still didn't get how An'xilii magic or what ever it was worked but if it kept them safe it was a plus in her book. "Uh, Rin... I have some food from the village I brought along if you want some." Krytstal said to Rin. It was still a little weird between them but Rin didn't want things to stay the way they were right now. "Um... Sure I guess, thank you for offering."

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rin Veling Character Portrait: Krystal Opeya Character Portrait: An'xilii Gaiaraen
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Igari
An'xilii looked up shortly from the attention she had previously been diverting to her pets at the lilting sassiness of Rin. That stupid, conceited High Elf certainly had a lot of nerve speaking back to her, considering the situation. The dark-skinned woman held her tongue in this event, for once not equipped with a snarky response on the tip of her tongue. Admittedly, there were times even An'xilii got tired of going back and forth so repeatedly. Times when she just didn't want to lash out at all. She had established this coldness out of necessity, because her life had demanded her to be stronger--but not necessarily because she had wanted to. She didn't allow these thoughts to flash upon her face, however.

With a frown and not so much as a word to what she was doing, the woman simply stood up from her position. The pet that had been in her lap went tumbling to the ground, but she had already fixed it's legs so it balanced itself when it fell, albeit somewhat wobbly. It's arms wriggled about, however, not having been fully repaired and the creature stumbled about in a heavily clumsy fashion. An'xilii ignored it; already, out of the corner of her eye, she could see those two lovebirds starting to make up. Why did it piss her off that they were communicating again? It really didn't matter to her. Really.

She turned on her heel, walking away from the campsite, if it could be called one, her fist clenched tightly. She needed air--she need space from the others. Her pets went to totter after her but she stopped them with a single, deadly glare over her shoulder. The mechanical skeletons froze in their tracks and instantly retreated back to the log she had been sitting on. An'xilii tossed her silver hair over her shoulder as she walked a bit further, perhaps if she got to higher ground she'd be able to see their coordinates better. Reminded of her experience some time earlier, she looked up at one of the taller trees, shrugging.

Nah, it'd definitely be different this time--she wouldn't be as stupid as she was before and loose her balance.

She grabbed one of the branches with ease, hoisting herself up with a twitch in her brow. Why was she upset? Why was she so damn annoyed? She was going to be shot of these buggers soon, well, as soon as she figured out where they were. So why was there a small sense of apprehension? She couldn't be feeling a shred of guilt about her plans, now could she? No, no way in fucking hell. Her lip curled in dislike, mind already beginning to turn distasteful both in thoughts and internal language. As she raised herself from branch to branch, the cool movements turn rhythmic and she ceased paying attention to the what she was grabbing. She just brought herself upwards and it wasn't long before she reached a suitable height, able to make out a decent amount of the forest.

She looked down, spotting the clearing where they had decided to stay for the time-being. She tilted her head to the side, flicking her eyes to another part of the forest. She could already see the faint borders, which meant they were further along than she had thought. Probably another day or two of traveling at most, then they'd be beyond the limits of the area. Though from beyond there, it was a bit difficult to say. She knew what city she was aiming for via map only, she personally had never been there in her wanderings. It didn't matter--she wouldn't need to know what the place looked like. She only needed to know where it was.

A whisper of wind against her cheek brought with it that prickly feeling--the same feeling she always got when--

"Taking some time to yourself, I see. Whatever do you bother for? What are you waiting for? She shuddered. It was beginning again, once more, that feeling, that voice, the voice of her abandoned God. She tried to tune it out the best she could, furrowing her brows. But that insistent feeling was still gnawing at her and she gripped one of the branches a bit harder, displeased.

"I was under the impression we had agreed not to speak," She said shortly, not even bothering to look around. The voice was like darkness, everywhere and nowhere at the same time. There would be little point in trying to look for the source. She heard an amused chuckle and cringed.

"You claimed we would not, I never agreed to such a proposition. Be that as it may, I'll leave you to your own devices. You'll call on me soon enough, as you always do." She angrily when to snap back at it but it was already too late. The presence vanished. An'xilii bit her lip. Gods above how she hated that stupid arrogant son of a--argh! Now in an even more sour mood than when she had started, she lost interest in trying to figure out her coordinates outside of the forest. He really knew how to take the fun out of everything, didn't he? And always spoke at the worst moments, right when she didn't need it the most.

Preparing herself, the woman began to lower herself to return to the campsite. The others were probably beginning to wonder where she had scampered off to and she really hated answering questions. As she landed on the ground, her mind was already formulating the story she would tell them. There was no way she could tell them the truth. At least, not all of it.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rin Veling Character Portrait: Krystal Opeya Character Portrait: An'xilii Gaiaraen
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0.00 INK

"Um... Sure I guess, thank you for offering." Rin said a bit awkwardly. Krystal split the small bag of bread and cranberries and gave the majority to Rin, knowing that she wouldn't eat as much as the High Elf. Her stomach argued with this decision, yelling at her that she needed to eat much more after that long walk, but Krystal pushed these thoughts aside as she ate her share in silence. An'xilii was still talking to her "pets" and didn't really seem hungry at all. She then stood, seeming a bit irritated about something, and went away from the campsite. Krystal looked in the direction in which An'xilii had left and saw the faint Dark aura surrounding An'xilii from behind a few trees. She watched as the aura began to rise up into the air and guessed that An'xilii was climbing a tree to look around. Krystal looked back down at her food, which she had already mostly eaten. She still felt hungry, but she could at least suppress the feeling with an illusion spell.

Krystal looked back up at the Dark aura to where An'xilii was, which was now holding still and probably near the top of a tree, then looked to Rin. The growing silence between them was beginning to press on Krystal, and she was sure now that Rin had seen her use her Dark magic back at the village. Krystal gave a sigh, knowing she would have to tell Rin about this sometime but not so soon. "Hey... I'm sure you already know but... I've been trying to hide the fact that I can use Dark magic, and I probably should've told you earlier..." Krystal was lost now. She'd never actually told anyone about this before, so how could she explain it? She looked down and to the side, unsure of what to say next. And how would Rin respond to this? "It's just hard to talk to others about it... A lot of people would hate me just for being who I am." Krystal explained, trying not to meet Rin's gaze. "I can only pray that you'll forgive me for not telling you sooner..." She said, falling into silence.

There was a distant laughing within her head, and Krystal scratched the back of her head and imagined grinding her Dark self into the ground with giant knifes, effectively silencing the mocking shadow within. She always had new ways of striking her down, and it always brought comfort to Krystal knowing that her Dark side had been slain for the ten thousandth time. However, the same comfort didn't sooth her this time. The feeling that she was being judged by someone as close to the Gods as Rin was crushing. Did An'xilii feel the same way as Krystal did now? An'xilii was probably over that feeling now after traveling for so many years. Krystal would just have to bear with herself and accept it, like An'xilii had.

The setting changes from Borderline Elven Forests to Sanctum


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arko Sharpe
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0.00 INK

#, as written by RCJJ23
Two months have since pass after Arko had arrived at Sanctum. During that time he had learned how to fight with dual daggers, earned the respect of the entire village after beating the bully, Karnage and his gang in a duel, one on five. He has even earned the respect and acceptance of Taravain, he has learned more about his family heritage of great warriors in Elven standards. He still remains focused on the training and is happily getting along with Taravain which he now refers to as 'Tara'. His now intermediate knowledge of Elvish now allows him to speak fluently among his half brethren. He is part of the local Elven Guard as a volunteer and regularly practices with the bow and arrow when he is sent on hunting expeditions along with other Guards.

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Settings are the backdrop for the characters in your universe, giving meaning and context to their existence. By creating a number of well-written locations, you can organize your universe into areas and regions.


While not required, locations can be organized onto a map. More information soon!


Tallenhill by RolePlayGateway

A small town to the southwest of Wednessilia, which sits by a river and a woodcutting mill upholding the town's economy.


Irha by RolePlayGateway

A small town borderlining the Elven Forests to the west, and also happens to be at the exact center of the continent. [DESTROYED, NOW RUINS]


Sanctum by RolePlayGateway

An old Elven village where Arko's mother was born and raised until she was kidnapped.

Borderline Elven Forests

Borderline Elven Forests by RolePlayGateway

Directly west of Irha and just a one to two hour march away, this area is home to many Elves and Elven Hybrids which serve as hunting grounds for both Elves and Humans around. Once per every ten hour walk, you'll find an Elven village.


Bondsview by RolePlayGateway

A kingdom to the west of Wednessilia with milder climate from the chilling winds of Wednessilia.


Wednessilia by RolePlayGateway

A kingdom with almost impenetrable walls looms to the northeast corner of Halcya just before the snowy tundra.


Resmeryd by RolePlayGateway

A rather busy and constantly active port town between the Elven Forests and the vast desert to the south.


Halcya by ElvenEllis


East Coast

East Coast by RolePlayGateway

The East Coast of Halcya was shared by Humans, Niethe, and Dwarves before the Human-Dwarven War. The Dwarven race along with it's fortresses were left devastated.

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View All » Add Character » 13 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Krystal Opeya
Character Portrait: Melaushav Uthros
Character Portrait: Rin Veling
Character Portrait: Ashe Kokkino Hoo
Character Portrait: Naramonde Uthros
Character Portrait: Araliwin Clarak


Character Portrait: Araliwin Clarak
Araliwin Clarak

"I may not be the strongest, but that won't stop me from protecting what's most important."

Character Portrait: Naramonde Uthros
Naramonde Uthros

Golden prince of Wednessilia

Character Portrait: Ashe Kokkino Hoo
Ashe Kokkino Hoo

The Ashes from a distant land in a place foreign to her.

Character Portrait: Rin Veling
Rin Veling

Everyone has their own secret

Character Portrait: Melaushav Uthros
Melaushav Uthros

White knight who tries to help others with his sword.

Character Portrait: Krystal Opeya
Krystal Opeya

The shut-in daughter of the best Liberated family in the town of Irha.


Character Portrait: Ashe Kokkino Hoo
Ashe Kokkino Hoo

The Ashes from a distant land in a place foreign to her.

Character Portrait: Melaushav Uthros
Melaushav Uthros

White knight who tries to help others with his sword.

Character Portrait: Rin Veling
Rin Veling

Everyone has their own secret

Character Portrait: Krystal Opeya
Krystal Opeya

The shut-in daughter of the best Liberated family in the town of Irha.

Character Portrait: Naramonde Uthros
Naramonde Uthros

Golden prince of Wednessilia

Character Portrait: Araliwin Clarak
Araliwin Clarak

"I may not be the strongest, but that won't stop me from protecting what's most important."

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Naramonde Uthros
Naramonde Uthros

Golden prince of Wednessilia

Character Portrait: Ashe Kokkino Hoo
Ashe Kokkino Hoo

The Ashes from a distant land in a place foreign to her.

Character Portrait: Krystal Opeya
Krystal Opeya

The shut-in daughter of the best Liberated family in the town of Irha.

Character Portrait: Araliwin Clarak
Araliwin Clarak

"I may not be the strongest, but that won't stop me from protecting what's most important."

Character Portrait: Rin Veling
Rin Veling

Everyone has their own secret

Character Portrait: Melaushav Uthros
Melaushav Uthros

White knight who tries to help others with his sword.

View All » Places


Tallenhill by RolePlayGateway

A small town to the southwest of Wednessilia, which sits by a river and a woodcutting mill upholding the town's economy.


Irha by RolePlayGateway

A small town borderlining the Elven Forests to the west, and also happens to be at the exact center of the continent. [DESTROYED, NOW RUINS]


Sanctum by RolePlayGateway

An old Elven village where Arko's mother was born and raised until she was kidnapped.

Borderline Elven Forests

Borderline Elven Forests by RolePlayGateway

Directly west of Irha and just a one to two hour march away, this area is home to many Elves and Elven Hybrids which serve as hunting grounds for both Elves and Humans around. Once per every ten hour walk, you'll find an Elven village.


Bondsview by RolePlayGateway

A kingdom to the west of Wednessilia with milder climate from the chilling winds of Wednessilia.


Wednessilia by RolePlayGateway

A kingdom with almost impenetrable walls looms to the northeast corner of Halcya just before the snowy tundra.


Resmeryd by RolePlayGateway

A rather busy and constantly active port town between the Elven Forests and the vast desert to the south.


Halcya by ElvenEllis


East Coast

East Coast by RolePlayGateway

The East Coast of Halcya was shared by Humans, Niethe, and Dwarves before the Human-Dwarven War. The Dwarven race along with it's fortresses were left devastated.


Halcya Sanctum Owner: RolePlayGateway

An old Elven village where Arko's mother was born and raised until she was kidnapped.

Borderline Elven Forests

Halcya Borderline Elven Forests Owner: RolePlayGateway

Directly west of Irha and just a one to two hour march away, this area is home to many Elves and Elven Hybrids which serve as hunting grounds for both Elves and Humans around. Once per every ten hour walk, you'll find an Elven village.


Halcya Wednessilia Owner: RolePlayGateway

A kingdom with almost impenetrable walls looms to the northeast corner of Halcya just before the snowy tundra.


Halcya Irha Owner: RolePlayGateway

A small town borderlining the Elven Forests to the west, and also happens to be at the exact center of the continent. [DESTROYED, NOW RUINS]


Halcya Bondsview Owner: RolePlayGateway

A kingdom to the west of Wednessilia with milder climate from the chilling winds of Wednessilia.


Halcya Resmeryd Owner: RolePlayGateway

A rather busy and constantly active port town between the Elven Forests and the vast desert to the south.

East Coast

Halcya East Coast Owner: RolePlayGateway

The East Coast of Halcya was shared by Humans, Niethe, and Dwarves before the Human-Dwarven War. The Dwarven race along with it's fortresses were left devastated.


Halcya Tallenhill Owner: RolePlayGateway

A small town to the southwest of Wednessilia, which sits by a river and a woodcutting mill upholding the town's economy.

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