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Just using this space for character sheets...

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a character in “The Mirroreds”, as played by Miss Echo



"A willful soul is the fruit of life."

Image Image
Human Two



Indie, The Great and Marvelous Indigo, the Pelacour Witch, Twin Devil


”I don’t have forever, you know. Actually, I do. Little joke there.”

【Theatrical】 ✧ 【Stubborn】 ✧ 【Vindictive】 ✧ 【Shrewd】

At first glance, Indigo seems like a perfect plaything for the head of the house- bold, airheaded, and a tad...grating at times. Her ego seems to be nearly as large as the mansion itself, with her constantly thinking up new, rather lengthy nicknames for herself, or showing off by doing the most mundane things decently. She acts overly-familiar with most of her fellow pets- to the point of clinging to the ones that quite clearly hate her, and happily chattering in their ears until they manage to pry her off and book it.

The Second Human appears to stuck in a near-constant state of unadulterated glee. One could easily believe that she’s grown acceptant of the situation, or has just lived with Sabine long enough to have lost a few cards of the deck. This is only reinforced by the fact that Indigo has become somewhat unfazed by things such as mortal injury over the years- to the point where, in the case of a torn limb or split belly, she will often make jokes and laugh while keeping herself from falling apart completely. In the face of Sabine’s rage, she will even spur the demon on somewhat, grinning and lazing about during his fits.
Indigo gets torn apart a lot.

There is a sort of feral nature that continues to cling to Indigo, as well. In spite of the lavish surroundings and pampering that the copperhead has come upon, she remains much like an unwilling beast dragged from its lair. One would be hard pressed to find her sitting still, or without some snide, half-hidden comment on her tongue. She hardly bothers herself with subtle barbs and insults, and doesn’t seem bothered by them as well. Hers is a more blunt approach, with fairly obvious mockeries and sarcasm being her weapons of choice. Indigo has a habit of stealing bits and baubles from several other pets, or playing petty pranks when she has the time to do so.

With all things said, in spite of her general ditzy and eccentric behavior, Indie is, at the end of the day, a woman reaching the five hundred year mark of her life, and shows signs of stronger intelligence than she lets on. When left to her own devices, Indigo will often hole herself up in the library with various scientific and political novels of the era, a pocketbook at hand as she meticulously takes notes on the progress that each year brings. She slips away from the manor and into the town in times where Sabine’s focus is turned away, and, quite notably, focuses more of her irksome habits on the pets wrapped securely around the demon’s finger than others. Of course, if this is brought to attention, Indigo will immediately brush the accusation off, telling the person they’re imagining things before returning to her usual spiels.

In addition to this, while Indigo is sickeningly amiable and talkative for the most part, there are times where her friendliness becomes more...genuine. Around some of the less attached pets, she can become fairly tolerable- speaking less erratically, and more like a regular- if not somewhat lighthearted and sarcastic- person instead of Sabine 2.0.. She’ll offer to teach some of the younger residents skills that they would have otherwise had to turn to their captor for, provide advice and support, and spend time with them if allowed. It’s not uncommon for her to invite a few other pets to go drinking with her, or even on a walk around the grounds. It’s during these times that Indigo is more open to real conversation, instead of bouncing around the topic to amuse herself.

At the root of it, the woman despises her situation. She resents Sabine, and dislikes the pets at his side under the belief that they’ve let themselves forget that there’s more in the world than being a demon’s toy. Indigo is sick of being kept under Sabine’s thumb, and desires nothing more than freedom or death itself- but, at the same time, is well aware of the factors keeping her trapped there with him. It’s a combination of optimism and pure determination that’s driving her to seek a way out, and the years of watching Sabine’s decline into madness that keeps her on the plan.

However, there is a problem- while Indigo is attempting to exploit Sabine’s absent minded nature and favoritism, hoping to make the demon forget her, her pride provides a considerable hurdle towards her goal. By keeping her nose clean, playing along with Sabine when necessary, and generally keeping to the walls, Indigo is convinced that she would be able to place herself into the very back of the other’s mind- but, at the same time, the Second wants to keep her identity instead of becoming yet another faceless belonging, and finds it difficult to swallow her dignity at times. For every time she allows herself to be cradled and fed by Sabine, Indigo escapes the manor to enjoy the company of the townspeople. For every time she slips from the notice of her sire, she manages to swiftly gather the attention of her fellow pets. It’s an uneven, lopsided balance Indigo is attempting to find, and a balance that often causes her to provide rather mixed signals.


"Of course I'm great. I'm me. What else do you expect?"


In spite of the fact that, by the time of her preservation, Indigo had already crossed the bridge into proper womanhood, she lacks several of the traits that one would expect a lady of her age to exhibit. Standing at about 5’4”, Indie has little in the ways of curves- possessing more of a slim, petite figure than the classic hourglass. Her features are sweet, earnest, skin paled through a combination of genetics and life with little exposure to sunlight. While such traits in themselves would typically hint at a more delicate nature, they are- for the most part- easily overlooked in the face of her others. Indigo is the proud owner of fluffy, deep red locks, hacked into a sloppy bob that barely reaches her chin. Her eyes are a rusty color, and often dance with a fierce, chaotic light- the eyes of a wild animal. On top of all that, the Second has a tendency to wear a grin that can be described as β€œcrooked”- or, less gently, β€œshit eating”. Altogether, Indigo often appears as if she knows something that others do not, or is up to something that will most likely result in someone having a very, very bad day. There are occasions when she will take on a more serious, matured look- although such occasions are very, very few in number.

While she does have a smaller form than others, Indigo isn’t completely scrawny or frail. There is a decent amount of muscle throughout her body, albeit mostly centered around her legs and arms- built up through a life of preparing batter, tussling with boys in her younger years, and general necessity for survival. Her hands lack the callous that would naturally come with most of her activities through Sabine’s blood, although Indie isn’t entirely too pleased about this. Most of her scars have also faded through the odd healing power of the demon, although her mouth tends to be reddened by frequent rubbing.


Oddly enough, while the woman herself almost never acts with proper femininity, her wardrobe is stocked well with the gowns fit for this period. Granted, many of them are fairly casual in nature- consisting of flowing, comfortable fabrics instead of anything particularly luxurious- but are still well-tailored and made with rich materials. Indigo cycles between several different color schemes over sticking to one in particular, and will change β€œthemes” to her whims. Given the fact that Indigo rarely goes to Sabine for favors, it’s fairly obvious that she β€œborrows” from her other pets and β€œforgets” to return them, although, when confronted, she will deny that they ever belonged to someone else...albeit with very transparent lies. Indigo doesn’t wear much jewelry, and doesn’t bother herself with learning how to apply makeup, which implies that she wears most of her clothes for comfort’s sake than not.

There is a constant among her fashions, however- her trilby. Instead of wearing whatever bonnet or hair decoration that might look best matching with her outfits, she will always wear the same battered old trilby, cocked at a near-impossible angle on her head. When questioned on how she manages to keep it from falling off, Indigo will cheekily reply that it’s magic before wandering off to somewhere else in the manor, hat still perched perfectly where it is. Indigo has a habit of sticking a colored feather in it as decoration, but there’s always, without fail, a copper penny gleaming from the ribbon.

On the occasion that goes out to town, Indigo will opt out of the common fineries for the era- instead choosing to bind her chest and dress in the sloppy wear of a lowly peasant boy. The hat stays, of course.


"If you don't got something to live for, then you ain't anything special."


【Her Hat】 β–¬β–¬β–¬ Indigo’s trademark trilby is, by far, her most prized belonging. Having saved up to purchase it herself, and without the assistance or interference of Sabine, she treasures it as if it were gold.

【Children】 β–¬β–¬β–¬ In some distant time, Indigo had desired a little family of her own. The maternal instinct has never really faded, and when confronted with a young child, she will often stop to play and interact with them.

【Autumn】 β–¬β–¬β–¬ Indigo has always loved the fall, and the vibrancy that comes with it. Her attachment is, admittedly, partly based around sentimental reasons- although that does not change her love of the season in the slightest.

【Drinks】 β–¬β–¬β–¬ Not limited to just fine wines and liquors, Indigo boldly declares herself a connoisseur of general drink rather than cuisine. Coffees, teas, juices- if it exists in liquid form, Indigo has most likely sought to try a glass of it.


【Penny Sucking】 β–¬β–¬β–¬ An odd habit, Ms. Pelacour has a tendency to keep a copper penny at hand to- put simply- suck on. It’s rare to see her without a coin set comfortably between her lips, and even rarer to find her without one at all- Indigo keeps the penny in her hat exclusively for this purpose.

【Jogging】 β–¬β–¬β–¬ Indigo is a restless soul by nature- something only made worse by being cooped up in the area for too long. As such, she will often be found dashing about the manor grounds like the devil himself is at her heels- or obsessively pacing the halls when the actual demon is wandering her route.

【Baking】 β–¬β–¬β–¬ A skill that Indigo learned in her youth, she has never truly lost the knack or enjoyment of baking. She greatly enjoys making pastries to either sell or eat herself, and will often be found pounding away at a mound of dough when upset or angry.

【Reading/Writing】 β–¬β–¬β–¬ While she had never had much interest in literature before she was β€œturned”, Indigo picked up the skill and hobby in honor of her late father. She has a preference for newspapers and scientific journals relating to the current era, but it’s not unheard of for her to look into historical documents or the occasional fiction here and there. She’s also seen frequently scribbling in a pocketbook or on a scrap of paper, although Indie keeps these well hidden once finished.


【Sabine】 β–¬β–¬β–¬ Somewhat to be expected, but Indigo still very much sees the demon as the root of her current problems. She resents him for stealing her life away from her, and hiding her from reality for so long.

【Reliance】 β–¬β–¬β–¬ While the period Indie was born in held a strong view of women being a purely dependent and humble gender, the lack of funds, male children, and a motherly figure in the Pelacour family often meant that the firstborn rolled up her sleeves to work alongside her father in both domestic and business affairs. This independence only grew during the later years of being a pet, when there were only three roaming Sabine’s household- and only one began to develop a distaste for the demon. Indigo prefers to handle problems herself, and will only (begrudgingly) allow someone else to help if absolutely necessary.

【Mushrooms】 β–¬β–¬β–¬ They taste...odd. And they grow from dead things. That is enough of a reason to find them disgusting- or so goes Indigo’s logic.


【Submission】 β–¬β–¬β–¬ While she does her best to deny it, Indigo is completely and utterly terrified that, one day, she will end up resigning herself to her fate- becoming little more than Sabine’s lapdog for the rest of eternity.

【Forgetting】 β–¬β–¬β–¬ Having been with Sabine for long enough to see his steady mental decline, Indigo has also been witness to the demon’s slow loss of memory. She’s paranoid that, one day, her own recollection of the past will fade as well, and she will no longer be able to remember the family that she had loved so dearly. Indie has kept many diaries over the years, with each one carefully hidden away no matter how many times they move.

【Muteness】 β–¬β–¬β–¬ A combination of primal fear, the belief that her voice is one of her most powerful tools, and the familiarity that comes with her own words, Indigo is terrified of the idea of being rendered mute in one way or another. Upon being taken in as a pet, Indigo has had several nightmares of her lips being sewn together.


β€œReal nice place we’re in. Real nice. Sort of makes you forget it’s still a cage, huh?”

The Before

The Pelacours were never a notable family of any kind. They did not have the earnings necessary to gain the attention of more respectable folk, but they had enough not to warrant any sympathy. They were gentle, god-fearing folk who kept their noses clean, and stuck to the walls. The only things that were particularly interesting about them was their bakery, and, less prominently, an inherent fascination with the pursuit of knowledge. Apart from a few struggles here and there, the family lived a peaceful existence, and they would have never wished it any other way. However, things began to change when the heir of the business married the daughter of a military lineage, and brought children into the world.

They were twins, glued at the hip since birth. Indigo was the eldest by a few minutes- something she would lord over her brother throughout their lives- and, while fraternal, the two were practically one and the same. Same copper hair, same lanky build, and, while different colors, same untamed light in their eyes. Combined with their deep-running streaks of mischief, the two were, understandably, a bit of a handful for their parents. The neighbors were even less forgiving, suspecting that the Prince of Darkness himself had laid with Mrs. Pelacour and left her fat with child. β€œTwin Devils”, they were called, and, to Indigo, with all of her unfeminine behavior, was dubbed a witch. The siblings hardly minded this, however, their natures only being fed by each other’s company.

They were just about to hit the big 13, the unlucky number of ye old wives’ tales, when the family’s number rose by one- only to fall back not too long after. A baby, a little girl, had been born, but at the cost of their mother’s life. While understandably torn by the loss, both siblings and their father did not resent little Caroline. The pain eventually faded with time, but the twins were soon struck harder with reality than they had before. With added responsibility. Without their mother’s guidance and help, they found themselves working continuously around home, at the bakery, and spending less time raising hell around the neighborhood. The twins’ thoughts turned from fantasies of becoming actors or explorers or rulers, became grounded, and, while still close, began to go their separate ways in life.

For the most part, Indigo found herself seated with increasingly domestic tasks. Take care of the little one, clean up the messes around the house, tend the garden. Help with the baking, when needed. Although she continued to hold that same spark from her childhood, Indigo had begun to outgrow her old ways. Her personality wasn’t the only thing that changed, either- androgynous features melting away into something more pleasant. Fair. She wore dresses instead of borrowing from her brother’s closet, and grew her hair out from its previous boyish cut. These changes led to the occasional suitor dropping by- one in particular being Lucas, a young man who the twins would tussle with over territory as children.

Amused by this, Indigo agreed to let Lucas court her, and soon found herself falling for her old rival. The feeling was mutual, and, as young, lovesick couples are prone to do, the pair began to plan out their future together. Marriage, children, growing old together. Lucas would inherit his father’s land when he died, and they could move in together into the old house...they could easily sustain themselves on selling crops and raising livestock....they’d have a little boy and a girl, or maybe more...Much to their delight, both families were supportive of their union, and a date was set. Even Percival, who had been in schooling (it had taken some time, but the twins’ father had managed to scrape up enough money to pay to educate his son) came back home, so as to not miss the wedding.

The Twin Devils had finally been tamed, but Indigo was happy.

At least, for a while.

A month before the wedding, a visitor came to town. Thin and long-fingered, it swept through the streets, knocking on the doors of the rich and poor alike. It embraced all with peeling arms, and, greedy, took many in the night. It was sickness, and, in spite of all the prayers that it would pass them by, greeted a member of the Pelacour family.


It didn’t take long. Priests were gathered, doctors brought in to perform their strange and rudimentary acts, but there was nothing that could be done. After weeks of fighting against the illness, the middle child, the boy who once dreamed of fame and fortune with his sister, passed away.

While all of the family grieved, Indigo was hit especially hard. While they were not as similar as they were in their youth, the two had still been as thick as thieves. They wrote to one another regularly, and Indigo had even asked Percival to be the godfather of her first child. The two shared a bond. After the funeral, the remaining twin- sick of the redundant, near-identical words of sympathy from strangers- escaped into town to drown her sorrows. It was when Indigo was stumbling through town, drunk on ale and grief, that Sabine found her. With the demon’s gentle words and listening ear, as well as her own hazy judgement, Indigo babbled out everything. Her rage at how unfair the world had been. Her fear of the illness that was still prowling through town. Her sorrows, her lamentations..;everything. From there, the dam had been broken- Indie rambled on and on about all her problems and insecurities and worries to this kind stranger, words slurring into a scrambled mess with each passing minute.

In later years, Indigo would put a good part of the blame on Sabine for her new state, as well as herself. If she had just stayed at the church, or drank a little less, or even kept her damn mouth shut, then maybe Sabine would have never found her. Never became interested, or felt that he was β€œsaving” her. No matter her regrets, however, it happened nonetheless. She was led away by the demon with the offer of β€œspeaking more over drinks”- an offer which Indigo was happy to accept. She was far too intoxicated to notice Sabine slitting his thumb and slipping his cursed blood into her cup, and, by the time its effects had begun to kick in, she had long been unconscious.

The After

When Indigo first awoke and realized who, exactly, had found her, she did not immediately react with hostility or hate. In fact, she was afraid. Her religious upbringing had beat into her the concept of hell and the devil, and Indigo jumped to the conclusion that she must have died. Must have staggered off a cliff and snapped her neck, then wound up in hell. In a panic, she tried repeatedly to remember what sin she had committed before her β€œdeath” that had landed her in the demon’s’ clutches. She prayed to her god for an answer, for forgiveness, to save her immortal soul- but no reply came.

It was during this period of fear and self-loathing that she was at the meekest she would ever be around Sabine and her fellow pet, the First. While she would attempt to escape, off herself, and, when those options failed, hide in the nooks and crannies of the house, she put up little rebellion otherwise. The redhead would dutifully attend meals and feedings, let Sabine pamper her, and remained still during cuddles and fussing- aside from a bit of flinching, that is. After a few years, Indigo even asked her company to teach her how to read and write, and, from then on, would sit about quietly with her nose in a book.

Many years passed like this before Indigo truly snapped out of it- so many, in fact, that Sabine had already found the Third. On the celebration of her 80th birthday, after the festivity and the presents had been taken care of, she passed by a mirror and caught sight of her reflection. Instead of a withered old woman staring back at her, it was still...her. As young and fresh-faced as she had been that fateful day, when she was just a bride-to-be facing another tragedy. It was then that the reality of the situation truly hit her. Indigo should have been dead, or at the very least dying. Her father, Caroline- even Lucas, her sweetheart. They were all probably dead by now, too. With a sort of dreamlike calmness, Indigo found herself realizing that her father had lost two children in one day, and then began to wonder how long it took for all of them to stop looking for her. To get over it. To forget.

Indigo realized that this was still reality, and that no god would save her. She was on her own, and the demon filth was the one responsible for it. With a steadily rising anger, she discovered a knife, and, recalling Sabine’s attachment to hair, hacked her own into the same short length she had had as a child. Later, when discovered, she would merely state that she had been wanting a new look, but that was a blatant lie. It was her first act of rebellion.

She began to revert to her old ways. She began to speak more and more, with increasing boldness. Indigo continued to rebel against Sabine, and began to steal from both the demon and pets alike. She lied openly behind grins and sarcasm, and retaliated whenever possible. Petty gestures and pranks became her bread and butter, and, steadily, Indigo began to fight tooth and nail for some degree of independence. Several such measures (which Indigo is quite proud of) include forcing the household to move by stoking suspicion in townsfolk, selling breads and pastries to pay for herself, and several other things. Interestingly enough, Indigo also delved even deeper into her readings, and would occasionally hole herself into the library for days at a time.

Some time after Four and Five were brought into the household, Indigo’s methods changed yet again. While she didn’t lose her rebellious streak, she appeared to settle somewhat. Indigo still carries many of her less favorable traits, but she has gone back to allowing Sabine to do some things without fighting. Some things, but not all. She even picked up writing, although besides a few pages of meaningless gibber-jabber and horribly written stories about the Queen of England, she hasn’t shared much. However, Indigo’s main goal hasn’t changed. It goes under many names, many phrases, but it is always her primary objective.




≑Don't fill this out until I tell you to.≑

【 β™₯ 】x β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ
γ€β˜Ί 】xβ–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ
【 ◑】 β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ
γ€β˜’γ€‘ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ
γ€β˜ γ€‘ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ

"IC thoughts about this particular character. You can write as much or as little in this section as you want, and you can either put a quote from this above in the short quote box, or write something new. Make sure the short quote is only one line long though, or it will break the code! Also, try not to write too far below the picture to the left, if you can't help it, but it isn't as imperative as the others. If you want to do song lyrics or something, feel free to link to the song in the short quote section!"

OOC explanation, and how the character acts around this character. If the character is your character, just pretend like the above is them reflecting on themselves, and talk about how they think of themselves down here.


≑Short quote≑

【 β™₯ 】x β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ
γ€β˜Ί 】xβ–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ
【 ◑】 β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ
γ€β˜’γ€‘ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ
γ€β˜ γ€‘ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ

"IC thoughts about this particular character. You can write as much or as little in this section as you want, and you can either put a quote from this above in the short quote box, or write something new. Make sure the short quote is only one line long though, or it will break the code! Also, try not to write too far below the picture to the left, if you can't help it, but it isn't as imperative as the others. If you want to do song lyrics or something, feel free to link to the song in the short quote section!"

OOC explanation, and how the character acts around this character. If the character is your character, just pretend like the above is them reflecting on themselves, and talk about how they think of themselves down here.


≑Short quote≑

【 β™₯ 】x β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ
γ€β˜Ί 】xβ–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ
【 ◑】 β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ
γ€β˜’γ€‘ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ
γ€β˜ γ€‘ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ

"IC thoughts about this particular character. You can write as much or as little in this section as you want, and you can either put a quote from this above in the short quote box, or write something new. Make sure the short quote is only one line long though, or it will break the code! Also, try not to write too far below the picture to the left, if you can't help it, but it isn't as imperative as the others. If you want to do song lyrics or something, feel free to link to the song in the short quote section!"

OOC explanation, and how the character acts around this character. If the character is your character, just pretend like the above is them reflecting on themselves, and talk about how they think of themselves down here.


≑Short quote≑

【 β™₯ 】x β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ
γ€β˜Ί 】xβ–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ
【 ◑】 β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ
γ€β˜’γ€‘ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ
γ€β˜ γ€‘ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ

"IC thoughts about this particular character. You can write as much or as little in this section as you want, and you can either put a quote from this above in the short quote box, or write something new. Make sure the short quote is only one line long though, or it will break the code! Also, try not to write too far below the picture to the left, if you can't help it, but it isn't as imperative as the others. If you want to do song lyrics or something, feel free to link to the song in the short quote section!"

OOC explanation, and how the character acts around this character. If the character is your character, just pretend like the above is them reflecting on themselves, and talk about how they think of themselves down here.


≑Short quote≑

【 β™₯ 】x β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ
γ€β˜Ί 】xβ–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ
【 ◑】 β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ
γ€β˜’γ€‘ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ
γ€β˜ γ€‘ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ

"IC thoughts about this particular character. You can write as much or as little in this section as you want, and you can either put a quote from this above in the short quote box, or write something new. Make sure the short quote is only one line long though, or it will break the code! Also, try not to write too far below the picture to the left, if you can't help it, but it isn't as imperative as the others. If you want to do song lyrics or something, feel free to link to the song in the short quote section!"

OOC explanation, and how the character acts around this character. If the character is your character, just pretend like the above is them reflecting on themselves, and talk about how they think of themselves down here.


≑Short quote≑

【 β™₯ 】x β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ
γ€β˜Ί 】xβ–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ
【 ◑】 β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ
γ€β˜’γ€‘ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ
γ€β˜ γ€‘ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ

"IC thoughts about this particular character. You can write as much or as little in this section as you want, and you can either put a quote from this above in the short quote box, or write something new. Make sure the short quote is only one line long though, or it will break the code! Also, try not to write too far below the picture to the left, if you can't help it, but it isn't as imperative as the others. If you want to do song lyrics or something, feel free to link to the song in the short quote section!"

OOC explanation, and how the character acts around this character. If the character is your character, just pretend like the above is them reflecting on themselves, and talk about how they think of themselves down here.


≑Short quote≑

【 β™₯ 】x β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ
γ€β˜Ί 】xβ–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ
【 ◑】 β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ
γ€β˜’γ€‘ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ
γ€β˜ γ€‘ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ

"IC thoughts about this particular character. You can write as much or as little in this section as you want, and you can either put a quote from this above in the short quote box, or write something new. Make sure the short quote is only one line long though, or it will break the code! Also, try not to write too far below the picture to the left, if you can't help it, but it isn't as imperative as the others. If you want to do song lyrics or something, feel free to link to the song in the short quote section!"

OOC explanation, and how the character acts around this character. If the character is your character, just pretend like the above is them reflecting on themselves, and talk about how they think of themselves down here.


≑Short quote≑

【 β™₯ 】x β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ
γ€β˜Ί 】xβ–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ
【 ◑】 β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ
γ€β˜’γ€‘ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ
γ€β˜ γ€‘ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ

"IC thoughts about this particular character. You can write as much or as little in this section as you want, and you can either put a quote from this above in the short quote box, or write something new. Make sure the short quote is only one line long though, or it will break the code! Also, try not to write too far below the picture to the left, if you can't help it, but it isn't as imperative as the others. If you want to do song lyrics or something, feel free to link to the song in the short quote section!"

OOC explanation, and how the character acts around this character. If the character is your character, just pretend like the above is them reflecting on themselves, and talk about how they think of themselves down here.


≑Short quote≑

【 β™₯ 】x β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ
γ€β˜Ί 】xβ–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ
【 ◑】 β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ
γ€β˜’γ€‘ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ
γ€β˜ γ€‘ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ β–Œ

"IC thoughts about this particular character. You can write as much or as little in this section as you want, and you can either put a quote from this above in the short quote box, or write something new. Make sure the short quote is only one line long though, or it will break the code! Also, try not to write too far below the picture to the left, if you can't help it, but it isn't as imperative as the others. If you want to do song lyrics or something, feel free to link to the song in the short quote section!"

OOC explanation, and how the character acts around this character. If the character is your character, just pretend like the above is them reflecting on themselves, and talk about how they think of themselves down here.

So begins...

Blank's Story