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Raul Mauden

A twenty year old slacker.... how charming....

0 · 202 views · located in Dusma Forest

a character in “The Mountains in the Mist”, as played by Jersh




In a simple word, Raul is a slacker. Although he has an affinity for wind magic, he has done little with his life. He is laid back and typically accepting of most things unless they tread across his moral code. He is quiet around new people, but warms up quickly to most friendly folk.


(Ummm no real equipment so here is where i am going to put the post you wanted filled out)

Character Name - Raul Mauden
Age - 20 years
Appearance - See picture
Likes - Literature , friendly sparring, finding new uses for his power.....oh....and Long Hair.
Dislikes - Conflict, short tempered people, salads.
Personality - See Personality section
History - See History
Your character's outlook on the war - Until recently he has been not been in direct contact with war. Even though the humans ruined his farmland, he still thinks an all-out war is bad news.
Your character's feelings about being on Dusma - He was accidentally sealed in with the others, he is worried because the rest of his family was a full days travel behind him as he was scouting ahead. For now he is seeking a way to get back out, or at least find a way to make sure his family is alright.


When people were being kind to Raul, they would say he was a useful young man helping his family on the farm. Other days they would say he was a slacker who never appreciated the finer arts of magic and was full of wasted potential. This was the type of opinion that Raul had been living with since he was a young teenager. Not many people think that Air Witches could possibly make good farmers compared to those who used earth magic.... but there was a way that using the wind to cultivate the soil just right that made the Mauden family farm have some of the biggest harvests in the small village of Anthul.

As an energetic boy, Raul got labeled as a trouble maker because he veered from the traditional teachings of Wind Witches. Rather than summoning gales normally used to push enemies back and fight at range, Raul decided to develop his own style of close ranged combat. Warping the wind around him to absorb a blow, temporarily increase his agility and even add a little power to his attacks. His learning-by-doing methods stopped when the villagers caught him sparring with the other boys of the village, even though it was just in good fun and no one was seriously hurt. From there, all his combat studies were self-practice and theory crafting.

All was well in his village, the war going on beyond the village seemed like someone else's problem. They supplied food and other materials to the army for the fight against the humans, so they were never really pressured for anything like troops to help in the war.... that was until the humans came. Thankfully, Raul's father still had some contacts in the military. So when a scout ran into their village and warned us of the humans approaching, he somehow already seemed to expect this.

"The humans were sure to come for our village one day" Raul heard his father say to him as they packed some bags with the supplies they would need. "They see this village as a means to cripple us and cut off supply lines". Raul recalled the many books he had read on tactics, but never imagined such things would be put to use against his own home. Slipping a heavy backpack onto his shoulders and with his family right behind him, Raul stepped out of the old family house for what he knew would likely be the last time.

Thankfully all of the villagers escaped the town, this was emphasized when Raul turned to look back and saw a red-orange haze over the tops of the trees from the direction of the village. The humans had burnt it to the ground.... and Raul could not quite fathom why the humans had chosen such a reckless course. With a shrug Raul turned his attention back to the path ahead and noticed subtle signs of earlier passage. Though he could not tell just what had bent the grass a limbs in such a way.

"Father.... i should scout ahead of the main group and see if the way is clear" Raul said calmly. He had always been made fun of for reading books, but now they were coming in handy.

"Very well son, you take the front. We will have some of the other boys keep eyes behind us and to the sides" His father replied and went off to find some volunteers.

"You two be good to father and help the villagers alright?" Raul said as he got to one knee to hug his sisters goodbye.

"Yes brother" The elder, Aleena replied as she wrapped his little arms around his neck. "Be careful dilly dallying". Raul managed to crack a smile, his sister knew about his free-spirited nature all too well. With a nod, Raul took off down the path and glanced up at the trees. Little squirrels jumped from branch to branch to follow him, their eyes bright with curiosity. With another grin, Raul gathered the forces of wind to him. The air because to shimmer around his legs and suddenly Raul leaped up to the nearest branch and began his not-so-graceful imitation of his little rodent friends. He had limited movement, for thought Raul was not exactly a heavy man, many of the trees in this section of the forest were young and had few sturdy branches.

It was only an hour into his journey that Raul began panting for breath. It had been a long time since he had used his power to extensively. He went over the amount of time he traveled and realized he was many a days travel if not more away from the group. Just when Raul was gathering his energy to start back he felt a sudden surge of magic in the air. When the hum of power died down, Raul approached the direction he had come from and put out a hand. It stopped in mid air as if it had hit a solid brick wall.

"A Barrier..." Raul mumbled, recalling the magic lessons his father had taught him. "Someone has put up a barrier...". This was where Raul's troubles were just beginning.... he was trapped.... and now he had to find out why.

So begins...

Raul Mauden's Story