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Aria Melody Ashcombe

0 · 72 views · located in The Infinite Void

a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by Kataluna_Destiny


Aria does not always exist in a specific form. Music exists in everything in any world. The pulse of blood coursing though veins, the wind blowing in the trees and anything else with a rhythm is music. Since Aria is music, she can become anything with a beat. However, her favorite form is a human due to the freedom they have in movement and language skills. When in this form she has striking dark hair that makes its way down to her breasts. Upon her heart shaped face she almost always has a smile. Pink lips curled upward accentuate her high cheek bones. Her eyes are oval in shape with dark chocolate brown irises that match her long curly hair. Aria has a nose of the perfect shape for her face. She rises five foot five inches in height with the right size of curves for her breasts and butt. Skinny but fit with shapely legs, the clothing upon her entity can vary simply due to the mood she currently holds.


: If you ask anyone about Aria’s personality they will often times tell she has multiple personalities but that is only because of the various repertoires of music known to man. Each moment in time has its associations with a specific type of music. When times are calm and peace reigns throughout the lands, her personality is calming, welcoming, warming and inviting to those around her. However, times can change on a dime and so can Aria’s mood. When tension is supreme, her mood is much like an angry rap song, confusing and constantly throwing punch after punch. Because of this, her accused “multiple personalities” can come about at the most random of times. Although others feel that this is a bad attribute about her, she sees it as completely natural for human’s have the ability to change their personality just as fast.


Morals: Morals, unlike Aria’s personality, never vary and seem to be the one constant in her life. She always believes in doing the right thing although it might not always be in the best interest of other people or herself. Because of this, Aria is often times faced with difficult decisions that sometimes sever relationships with even the closest of friends. Deep in her heart, she knows that it is what has to happen for the right thing to occur.
Talents: Music. Music is simply her talent. She has the ability to take any instrument into her hands and play it with perfection and ease; even if it is the first time she touched it. Unlike other humans, Aria instantly knows the keys to each of the different clefs although she might not have performed it before. This comes because she has been around since the beginning of music itself.
Hobbies: As an entity composed entirely of music, Aria enjoys spending her time around musical instruments and playing each one of them with the upmost perfection. When not around instruments, Aria enjoys spending time outside listening to the music that naturally occurs in the lands around her. She hears it in everything from the wind, to the birds and even the beating of the hearts in any creature in the area she wanders around in. Besides the obvious being around music, Aria also enjoys learning about the latest information and technologies around her. Since she has been around quite some time, learning of the past is her own so it is unnecessary for her to do so. Everything is always changing around her and she constantly is interested with the latest information.


Loves: Music. Aria is absolutely in love with everything having to do with music whether it be her being bathed by its typically soothing sounds or her creating it. Every aspect is enjoyable to her.
Hates: Since she has been alive since the inception of music, Aria cannot stand whenever anyone speaks to her about history. Being around for various major events such as the fall of the Holy Roman Empire, the American and French Revolutions, World Wars I and II to the current international affairs, it is understandable why Aria feels this way about history.
Goals : Because she is simplistic yet complicated in nature, Aria’s goals vary from the most easily achieved to those that will take a great amount of time such as love. As any young girl grew up learning about how there was someone out there that would be able to captivate her heart in ways no one else could. Perhaps you could call finding someone to share the rest of your life with a goal. No matter what the outside world believes about love or even whether it is considered a goal or not, to Aria it is.
Fears: Her major fear is not finding anyone to call her own as someone to love. Because of her affiliation with music, she believes some one might believe that is her true love. If others do think that to be true, the Aria knows she will never find love and might as well be dead.

So begins...

Aria Melody Ashcombe's Story