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Everest J.

[quote]Yeah, I need blood to survive being a vampire and all. That doesn't make me a monster.[/quote]

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a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by Nimh


Everest has straight white hair that reaches her waist. Her eyes are a light grey color until she catches the scent of blood. When she smells blood, be it human or beast, her eyes shift to a light red color. She is five feet tall and six inches with a shapely form. Most of the time she wears a simple dress that is normally either black or a dark purple color. Clasped to her left wrist is a metal bracelet in which she cannot remove. Around her neck is a thin silver colored strand of metal which carries a small gilded cross on it. She wears the cross because most people believe that vampires can't go near one and wearing one would make people less suspicious.

This picture is close to what I'm talking about. Not my pic. Please direct all credit towards the creator(s).

    • Can punch through a tree with remarkable ease. (Uber strength)
    • Pretty much immune to most diseases and poisons. (Immunity to most diseases and poisons)
    • She can regenerate very quickly depending on how much energy she has. If she has little energy the effect takes longer and when she has a lot of energy her regenerative abilities act quickly. It also depends on whether or not the wound is just flesh or if it involves bone.
    • Super speed. When running she's like a blur.
    • No Aging. Will always be stuck at age 19.
    • Conversion of energy I believe it's called. Gained this power from Quark. (see personality for link)
    • Possibly more stuff, can't think of it right now.

    • Sunlight = Pile of Ashes not Bling Bling sparkly shit.
    • Lack of Blood = Weak, tired, gaunt-ish, eventually death
    • Water (unless certain herbs or large amounts of chlorine (like at a local pool) are added) when touching skin = Severe fatigue and pain. Kind of looks like she's being shocked.
    • Possibly more stuff, can't think of it right now.

    • Silver...hah! Yeah right, like silver is going to do anything. Go embed yourself in a werewolf or something.
    • The Cross, she wears one, it's written in the description I do believe. Stupid stereotypes.
    • Garlic: Mmmmm....Tasty.

    Random Facts:
    • Can't get pregnant. Thinks she can though.
    • Sexual Preference: Bisexual
    • Likes Cats.
    • She can seem somewhat...crazy at times.
    • Messing with her routine will throw her completely out of whack for about a week. Then she'll probably get another routine.
    • Prone to pick up random hobbies like Ping-Pong. Now it's a viola.
    • Can be secretive at times.
    • Her skin is cold but she doesn't notice.
    • Has never killed anybody.


Her personality has changed quite a bit since she met Quark (they're engaged by the way). She finds herself to be nicer then normal, and she hasn't smoked in a while.

Go...away...sheesh... reading someones character profile like this. You stalkers.
Kidding...kidding...don't take that seriously.


Clothes: Dresses, Blouses, Skirts, Shoes, etc...,etc...
A cell phone. Rarely used.


She is 134 years old.

Birth Certificate.

Born in London, England January 23, 1876

Name: Everest Jarem
Sex: Female
Hair Color: Brunette
Eye Color: Light Grey


Excerpts from "Diary of a Vampire Doctor"

January 23, 1876 12:32 p.m.

Today was a somewhat eventful day. I helped my neighbors wife give birth to a beautiful baby girl. She had the most peculiar colored eyes. A light grey. I have never seen anything like it. Well, enough about the eyes. It was more the way she looked at me. She looked at me as if she knew what I was. And she wouldn't stop, even when the mother turned her away. She always found a way to look back at me. It gave me the strangest feeling. What's worse is that I felt drawn to her. Is it wrong to be drawn to a newborn as I was to her I kept asking myself. Was it wrong? I just couldn't decide...

August 19, 1884 5:39 p.m.

It's been eight years since I last spoke to Everest. Oh, it has occurred to me that I never mentioned her name in my last entry about her. Perhaps I need to rekindle my memory. Anyway, back to the matter at hand. Her mother fell sick yesterday and I was called to tend to her. She had nothing but the common cold but I checked her over and over for any other sicknesses. She'll be fine. Again though, Everest watched me as if she knew what I was. I can't escape the feeling of those light eyes on me. Other than the strange feeling, I watched her play outside. She didn't seem as if she was the healthiest girl that I'd seen. Her movements seemed sluggish and slower than the other children. Any normal person wouldn't have seen the way she moved. To them it would seem she was moving normally. But to me, as a vampire, I noticed...

March 2, 1892 9:59 a.m.

It seems as if I only see her up close every eight years or so. Actually, I know it to be true that that is the way it is. Maybe it's that strange look she gives me that keeps me away. This time was different though. She has grown into a beautiful young woman and I am somewhat attracted to her. Of course, she is only sixteen and it would be wrong for me to advance upon her. Something is different about her though. The tips of her hair have became white. It's hardly noticed it but my eyesight is better than most anyones. I noticed it quite easily. I think she's coming down with something. I'll have to check up on her later.

January 23, 1895 11:37 p.m.

She's sick. I don't know what it was but I helped her the best way I could. For this entry I'm going to narrate myself.

I heard the knock on my door from my study. It held many books of various sizes and most were incredibly valuable. I licked my fingers and put out the single candle that lit my work. Darkness cascaded around me as I stood and approached the door. The familiar squeak met my ears as I pulled open the oak door. My boots clicked as the staircase groaned when I began my descent down them. When I left the stairs and opened the front door I was greeted by the pale faced woman who was Everest's mother. She was wearing a simple grey dress and a small pouch at her side. I was somewhat surprised that she would visit me at such a late hour. Than I saw that she was crying. "What's wrong," I asked her. She fell into my arms and cried all the more. "It's Everest," she said, "she's sick." I became worried at the thought of her being sick. "Take me to her," I told her. She turned around and began walking down the street at a hurried pace. I grabbed my coat and followed after her.

The room Everest was in was dimly lit and the curtains were drawn around her bed. The mother pulled them aside and I saw a skeleton of Everest. It was her but she seemed bony and her hair was completely white. I had noticed it changing white over the years but it had never gone farther than her shoulders. Now all of her hair was white. She looked at me with sunken eyes that held so much want to live. "Please leave the room," I told the mother. She didn't argue and bowed when she left. Now that she was gone I did several tests on Everest. I'd never seen anything like it before and I didn't know any cures for the disease she had. I told her, "You're going to die." She nodded weakly. "I know," she whispered because that's as high as her voice would go. "But there is one way you can live," he said hoping to give her some hope. "I know," she whispered again. "You could bite me," she stated calmly. I was surprised she knew what I was. "Yes," I said. "Would you like to give up the sun for a chance to live?" She nodded weakly. I bent down and sunk my fangs into her delicate neck. She winced at the pain. "Give it about a week," I whispered. She nodded. I left the room.

January 30, 1895 5:26 a.m.

She has become a vampire and is now completely healthy and lively. From what I can tell she is stronger than me. It also seems that I have taken the disease she had upon myself though I don't know how. It has surpassed my vampire resistance to disease. I'm going to die before the sun goes down today. I know it to be true. Right now I'm putting this diary into a puzzle box which I'll give to Everest in my will. Everything else of mine will also go to her.


Name: Everest Jarem
Sex: Female
Hair Color: White
Eye Color: Light Grey

Excerpts from "Diary of a Vampire Girl"

January 6, 1896 4:49 a.m.

It's been almost a year since I've become a vampire and inherited all of the vampire doctors possessions. I've read his diary several times and decided to start my own. I give thanks to him for giving me my life back though at the cost of his own. I haven't told my parents that I've became a night walker and don't plan to unless one of them is dying. It's a hard secret to keep because they constantly ask why I refuse to go out in daylight but I've adapted. Perhaps I will learn to trust them and than share my secret.

October 2, 1900 12:12 p.m.

Recently I have picked up the habit of smoking. The reason I do so is because it nulls my need for human blood for a time. I don't like to drink others blood.

December 25, 1912 5:52 a.m.

It's a sad day for me. Not only was I not able to tell my parents what I am while they were on there death bed, I wasn't able to see them one last time at their own funerals. I received a message that told me a bridge collapsed while they were crossing it. They fell to their deaths in the murky waters below and their bodies weren't found. *tear stain* Why is life so cruel?

August ?, 1939 12:01 a.m.

Things here in London have become a little hectic due to the new world war beginning. I have decided to spend a little of my money to transport me to the land of dreams. It is known as America. Right now I'm writing this entry on a rocking boat and a in a dark cabin so it is a little bit difficult. I won't write again till we make it there.

September 3, 1939 6:00 a.m.

This place is horrible. Upon arriving I was knocked down by a group of running men. When I got up I found that my bags were gone which could only mean they were stolen. I didn't know where to look for the thieves. Damnit, I'm to mad to write right now. End entry.

January 23, 2010 12:19 p.m.

Happy 134th Birthday...I guess.

I really need to finish this...

So begins...

Everest J.'s Story


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#, as written by Nimh
Everest J. focused her mind and pressed the energy back with little difficulty. She had been practicing while he had been gone, practicing a lot. "More then likely yes, but your DNA structure, being different then humans, could possibly mutate the vampire cells into something different. You could be stronger or weaker and with a whole different variety of strengths and weaknesses depending on the way it reacts."


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Character Portrait: Everest J.
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#, as written by Nimh
Everest J. smiled and stared at him. "You've had a hard week. Sleep while you can." She moved closer to him.


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Character Portrait: Everest J.
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#, as written by Nimh
Everest J. looked down at the rat then over to where it was gesturing towards. Her smile turned into a relatively blank expression. "Hmm..." she would say before sliding out of the booth and beginning to walk towards Arawan. She stopped by the booth and stared at the old vampire before asking, "Why were you watching me?"


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Character Portrait: Everest J.
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#, as written by Nimh
Everest J. knew what the old vampire was talking about once he said kindred. It seemed he knew that she was a vampire yet she had had no clue that he was until then. She guessed she needed to work on her senses so she'd be able to tell in the future. She leaned forward and set her palms on the table so that she wouldn't have to stand with just the support of her legs. "Why?" she asked him referring to why he was interested in the vampires that were around wing city. "And what's with the rat?" she added after a few seconds.


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Character Portrait: Everest J.
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#, as written by Nimh
Everest J. laughed a little on the bear comment. "True, oh so true. Yes, we do have something in common though I don't have the time to discuss it right now. I'm sorry but I must be heading home lest dawn catch me amidst this godforsaken bar." She moved back away from the booth table. "If I see you again hopefully we'll be able to talk more." She turned around and rushed out of the bar without giving him the time for a goodbye or an exchange of names.


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Character Portrait: Everest J.
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Nimh
Everest J. pushed open the door to the bar. She wore something pretty casual today, a blue tee-shirt and a pair of blue jeans. Extending from one of her blue jean pockets and up to her right ear was an earphone. The other earphone hung loosely from the side. Though she had the earphones, nothing could be heard for they were not connected to anything. Just there for show really. She took a quick look around not really caring what she saw before she moved over to the counter and sat on a stool.


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Character Portrait: Everest J.
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#, as written by Nimh
Everest J. turned her head towards Jack slightly which signified that he had raised her attention from whatever it was she was doing which was thinking. A frown formed in place of her normal emotionless expression as she looked at him from the corner of her eyes. She said nothing to the corpse like creature for she had nothing to say that wouldn't sound insulting and possibly cause the thing to strike out her. For now, she would just watch him, see what he would do.


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Character Portrait: Everest J.
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#, as written by Nimh
Everest J. entered the bar, took several steps forward so that she'd be away from the door, and then just contented herself with just standing there. She was completely out of ideas for things to do which was why she did this.


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Character Portrait: Everest J.
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#, as written by Nimh
Everest J. finally decided to stop just standing there and made her way over to a booth. She slid into the seat and set her elbows onto the table. She clasped her hands together and rested her chin on top of them. The she began to slowly look around.


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Character Portrait: Everest J.
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#, as written by Nimh
Everest J. turned her attention towards Click seeing as he had just sat next to her. Looking at his creations she was reminded of what someone she knew had done when she had first met him. That man and the one that had sat beside her had both made lights. A slight chuckled escaped her lips before she spoke to the man. "You know it's considered polite to ask a person for permission before you sit beside them." She didn't know whether or not he had purposely sat beside her.


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Character Portrait: Everest J.
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#, as written by Nimh
Everest J. felt the corners of her mouth curl up to form a small smile. This mans seemed kind of...different would be the word with his spinning eyes and the things he seemingly controlled. What was with the figurine though? Was he trying to impress her? Or could it have just been something the man considered normal? Truthfully she didn't know. She lifted her chin off of her hands so she could look at the figurine at a better angle. It was quite detailed, beautiful if she did say so herself. "No no, you can stay," she assured him while reaching out to hover a hand above the object. "It's very beautiful, lifelike even...may I touch it?"


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Character Portrait: Everest J.
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#, as written by Nimh
Everest J. touched the figuring gently finding herself to be somewhat cautious about breaking it. She didn't want to break such beautiful artwork not because it was modeled after herself but because of the detail and the reason it was made. She smiled blushing a little from his compliment and looked at him instead of the figuring. "I'd like to," she said to him referring to the part about her keeping it. "You're very nice," she added just a few seconds after her other words.


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Character Portrait: Everest J.
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#, as written by Nimh
Everest J. continued to smile at him though now her mouth was partly open showing off her fangs. "I try not to judge people or things before I get to know them." She pulled the figurine closer to herself and gently stroked the hair of...herself she guessed. "I'm Everest," she replied to him. "Pleasure to meet you too Click."


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Character Portrait: Everest J.
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#, as written by Nimh
Everest J. "When you are as old as I am you either learn to be patient and relaxed or you end up being hunted by religious groups, vampire hunters, and any other sort of thing that dislikes vampires as much as they." She stopped stroking the figurines hair and instead ran that hand through her own hair. "And you're completely fine with what you're doing as long as you don't suddenly strike out at me with intent to kill."


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Character Portrait: Everest J.
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#, as written by Nimh
Everest J. reddened just a little at his words. Compliments or what she thought were compliments like that were rarely said to her. "Your words are kind but I'm afraid that the only thing I know what to compliment you with is your smile. It's very nice," she told him before clasping her hands together and setting them in her lap.. She didn't know him very well and she didn't find physical appearances to be the best thing. It was the personality that counter. "Of course, you are very nice to. Nicer then most."


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Character Portrait: Everest J.
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#, as written by Nimh
Everest J. lifted her head up slightly and watched the glittering nano-bots moving around with an open mouth smile. It was a splendid sight. "You apologize to much," she whispered her gaze still following a few of the lights. "It's wonderful, simply wonderful," she said with a slight giggle before moving her attention back to Click. She tilted her head as she saw the reddening of his face though it was small. She didn't know machines could blush. It almost surprised her...almost.


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Character Portrait: Everest J.
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#, as written by Nimh
Everest J. "London, England though I have lived in the United States for most of my life." She leaned back against the wall finding it somehow more comfortable the the cushioned back rest of the booth seat. "Why do you ask?" It was a strange change in topic but it did stop her from staring at his blush.


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Character Portrait: Everest J.
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#, as written by Nimh
Everest J. couldn't help but blush again no matter how small of a blush it was. "That must be hard, not knowing anything about your past. I'm not sure if I could live not knowing what has happened to me over the years." She laughed slightly as she thought about her birth place. "The people in London have exceptional accents too."


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Character Portrait: Everest J.
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#, as written by Nimh
Everest J. scratched the side of her head just above her right ear. "Well, it's been a long time and I'm not sure I could actually give a suitable example." She moved the hand to her chin and then smirked to herself. "Guess this will work...Ello Govena." For some reason it didn't sound right to her. Maybe it was her lack of actually being there or the fact that she hadn't been there in almost a hundred years.


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Character Portrait: Everest J.
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#, as written by Nimh
Everest J. lifted an eyebrow. "You didn't sound mean," she assured him. "In fact, I'm kind of glad you chuckled. Made me feel better about not being able to give a suitable example." She gave a small laugh at herself.