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Fenris Cyrolix

"Who? Me?! A werewolf?" he lets out a laugh. "No madame, I am much more than that."

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a character in “The Multiverse”, originally authored by Guest, as played by Nevermore90


Name: Fenris Cyrolix (Fen-ress) (Ki-row-lix)
Age: 421
Age Appearance: 19-23
Gender: MALE
Birth Date: 10/31/-419
Se'xu'al Preference: Women... lots of women.
Race: Initially a human, Fenris rose to be an Aspect of the Dread Wolf, thus his "race" was changed... somewhat.
Planet/Region: Terra. The forests of Syx.

Appearance: ]Image (can sprout "certain features" from each form, such as growing wolf ears and a tail to look like a kitsune while "human")
-Eye Color: Soft, round, green eyes in human form. Otherwise black and white (refer to wolf picture)
-Hair Color/Fur color: Dark, dark brown or black/black with a series of red hairs that almost look like a tattoo.
-Hair Style: Short and regal, Fenris makes sure he always looks "presentable." (Not for the "ladies" so much as his parents)
-Height: Six two as a human, or seven foot as wolf
-Weight: one forty-five as a human: He is skinny and lean, with an athletic and boyish build. As a wolf, he "packs on" weight and muscle, although his form stays almost the same (except, of course, the fur, muzzle, different eyes, tail, and ears), becoming a slightly heavier one sixty-five
-Other Features: Red fur marks that look like a tattoo
-Clothes: (IGNORE THE PICTURE OF THE HUMAN!!!!!!) Dressed in a long, custom-fit, black jacket, Fenris could likely be described as "well dressed." The white "plating" design that runs along the jacket are concentrations of Orinculum thread ((glitter dust)). There are lighter amounts running along the jacket, but he didn't want a white jacket, thus he went with it being arranged like that. (His jacket is treated like being made of mithril cloth: armored) He has black pants (though not as tight as in the picture) that are much less protective held up by a sizable belt. He usually has a white, button-up shirt (that disappears when he goes wolf-formImage
-Shoes: Manly, black boots. Highly polished and good for stomping the occasional peasant's throat in.
-Gloves: Black, cut-off gloves with studs in the knuckles, good for punching.
-Other: Fenris wears a silver necklace to prove that he isn't a werewolf. It's nothing fancy or flashy, not show offish or bratty. Just a simple, loose-rung, silver necklace.

Strengths: Ever heard the phrase, "Stronger, faster, higher" ? Well here it is: A man that is "stronger, faster," and "reaches higher" then most human men. This is all virtue to being an Aspect of the Dread Wolf, a mischievous deity known primarily by elves. (No, not the Dread Wolf from DA: II, I mean the legitimate, Dread Wolf) Good grasp of the Arcane arts (Arcane meaning no divine abilities: Dread Wolf thinks letting him shape-shift is good enough)

Weaknesses: A lot of people would think he was a stereotype prince: Cocky, jerkish, rude, self-absorbed, mean. Others would think he was a stereotype on the other end of the spectrum: Nice, kind-hearted, loving, zealous, loyal, loving, handsome... Fenris is somewhere in the middle. He CAN be nice, but he can be evil. Sometimes he feeds into bloodlust, others he is a level-headed. The Dread Wolf is his patron and has a level of control over his actions...

Born on All Hallow's Eve

They say that Mr. Unlucky, the King of Halloween, favors those born on his day of mischief. His gift to these rascals is a greater understanding of the arcane world. Fenris has an innate "sense" about matters of the arcane or supernatural. He can sense magic if it happens nearby, and has a minor resistance to it.

Child of the Dread Wolf

The "Dread Wolf" was occasionally mentioned and paid homage by his family, but only Fenris was "smiled" upon. (Of course, this smile was was a rather mischievous one) Ever hear the old wives' tail about the black cat that sneaks into a child's bedroom while they sleep and steal their breath away? Well a dark wolf did something a little more...
The Dread Wolf had plans for Fenris to "join him," but they struck a bargain. His life-literally-was stolen by the aforementioned wolf, but in return, was replaced by another. No one in the Cyrolix family had ever manifested arcane arts, so it was a great shock to his parents and eldest brother when he suddenly struck down a rude, personal tutor. His fist had turned to black smoke and reached deep into the women's chest until it gripped her heart, then, with out thinking, he crushed it in his small, child hand. His first kill, ever, was when he was seven.
Fenris has manifested several unique abilities by virtue of his patron deity. Though many consider the Dread Wolf to be a bad guy, the being gives Fenris the free will to be a "good guy." (or a neutral guy, for that matter)

Overall Stats

Destructive Capability:
Building (for now)

Current Status



Social Standing: Prince of Syx and Heir to a large fortune, including a castle, slaves/servants, money, and power.

Occupation: Traveler, magician, and sword for hire.

Hobbies: Fighting, practicing magic, hitting on girls, sharpening his sword, hunting, and showing off.

Likes: Truth, Hidden Causes, Being involved, Work That is Meaningful, Being Persuasive, weapons, women, intelligent people, nibbling or soft biting (What can he say? He's seen lots of people with weirder...turn-ons. Whether he's the one biting or not doesn't usually matter)

Dislikes: Imbeciles, Being Given Only Surface data, being taken advantage of,Demeaning Jobs, Shallow Relationships, Pansies, people who are rude to him unjustly.

Generous and warmhearted
Creative and enthusiastic
Broad-minded and expansive
Faithful and loving

On the dark side...

Pompous and patronizing
Bossy and interfering
Dogmatic and intolerant


Determined and forceful
Emotional and intuitive
Powerful and passionate
Exciting and magnetic

On the dark side...

Jealous and resentful
Compulsive and obsessive
Secretive and obstinate

Scorpios are the most intense, profound, powerful characters in the zodiac. Even when they appear self-controlled and calm there is a seething intensity of emotional energy under the placid exterior. They are like the volcano not far under the surface of a calm sea, it may burst into eruption at any moment. But those of us who are particularly perceptive will be aware of the harnessed aggression, the immense forcefulness, magnetic intensity, and often strangely hypnotic personality under the tranquil, but watchful composure of Scorpio. In conventional social gatherings they are pleasant to be with, thoughtful in conversation, dignified, and reserved, yet affable and courteous; they sometimes possess penetrating eyes which make their shyer companions feel naked and defenseless before them.

In their everyday behavior they give the appearance of being withdrawn from the center of activity, yet those who know them will recognize the watchfulness that is part of their character. They need great self-discipline, because they are able to recognize the qualities in themselves that make them different from other humans, and to know their utterly conventional natures can be used for great good, or great evil. Their tenacity and willpower are immense, their depth of character and passionate conviction overwhelming, yet they are deeply sensitive and easily moved by their emotions. Their sensitivity, together with a propensity for extreme likes and dislikes make them easily hurt, quick to detect insult or injury to themselves (often when none is intended) and easily aroused to ferocious anger. This may express itself in such destructive speech or action that they make lifelong enemies by their outspokenness, for they find it difficult not to be overly critical of anything or anyone to whom they take a dislike.

They can harness their abundant energy constructively, tempering their self-confidence with shrewdness and their ambition with magnanimity toward others provided they like them. They relate to fellow workers only as leaders and can be blunt to those they dislike to the point of cruelty. In fact they are not above expressing vindictiveness in deliberate cruelty. They are too demanding, too unforgiving of faults in others, perhaps because they are not aware of the shortcomings within themselves, and extravagantly express their self-disgust in unreasonable resentment against their fellows. They do, however, make excellent friends, provided that their companions do nothing to impugn the honor of which Scorpios are very jealous. Part of the negative side of the Scorpio nature is a tendency to discard friends once they cease to be useful, but the decent native is aware of, and fights this tendency.

They are fortunate in that their strong reasoning powers are tempered with imagination and intuition, and these gifts, together with critical perception and analytical capacity, can enable the Scorpions to penetrate to profundities beyond the average. They have a better chance of becoming geniuses than the natives of any other sign. But charismatic "twice-born" characters such as they can sink into the extremes of depravity if they take the wrong path, and the intensity of their nature exaggerates their harmful tendencies into vices far greater than the normal.

Rebelliousness against all conventions, political extremism to the point where hatred of the Establishment makes them utterly unscrupulous terrorists. Brooding resentment, aggressive and sadistic brutality, total arrogance, morbid jealousy, extreme volatility of temperament, these are some of their vices. At the other extreme is the procrastinator, the man or woman who is capable of so much that they do nothing and become indolent and self-indulgent, requiring extravagant praise and flattery from those whom they make their cronies.

Being so gifted, they can find fulfillment in many employments. Their inner intensity can result in the ice-cold self-control and detachment of the surgeon, the concentration of the research scientist, and the heroism of the soldier. Any profession in which analysis, investigation, research, dealing with practicalities, and the solving of mysteries are relevant, can appeal to them. So police and detective work, espionage and counterespionage, the law, physics or psychology may attract them, and they can become masters of the written and spoken word. They may be most persuasive orators and find fulfillment as diplomats or preachers and, if they make the Church their profession, their inner intensity can express itself in the spiritual fervor of the mystic or the thaumaturgy.

Scorpio is the symbol of sex and Scorpios are passionate lovers, the most sensually energetic of all the signs. For them, union with the beloved is a sacrament, an "outward and visible sign of an inward and spiritual grace.". Their overriding urge in loving is to use their power to penetrate beyond themselves and to lose themselves sexually in their partners in an almost mystical ecstasy, thus discovering the meaning of that union which is greater than individuality, and is a marriage of the spirit as well as of flesh. They are thus capable of the greatest heights of passionate transport, but debauchery and perversion are always dangers, and Scorpios can become sadistic monsters of sensuality and eroticism. Their feelings are so intense that even when their love is of the highest, and most idealistic kind, they are nevertheless frequently protagonists in tragic, even violent romances, "star-crossed lovers".

Prince and Heir of Nyx
The Advocate/The minion/Mischief/Mastiff

Alignment Neutral

Fears: The Dread Wolf, Lolth, Set, Anubis, Honoron

Crippling Fear ( Single Biggest Fear): The Dread Wolf

Least Outspoken About: Any godly flaws

Most Outspoken About: The Dread Wolf

Favorite Word(s): Amphigory am'fi-ge-ree, n (French amphigouri, of unknown origin)
A nonsense verse. Specifically, a poem designed to look and sound good, but which has no meaning upon closer reading. The term 'amphigory' could be applied to large segments of modern poetry, except that its authors probably actually believe that what they are writing is something other than a meaningless trifle.
Barathrum ba-rath'rum, n (Latin, from Greek barathron)
An abyss; an insatiable person. The second meaning, probably more popular than the first, derives from the metaphor of a bottomless pit, which characterizes the stomach of some people, such as my brother.
Carfax kar'faks, n (Latin quadrifurcus, four-forked)
A place where four roads meet; an intersection of main roads at the center of a town. Despite its appearance, it has nothing to do with cars or faxes, but is an anglicisation of the older Latin term. Now largely forgotten except in a few place names in the UK, but there's no other word to represent the main intersection in a town.
Delenda de-len'da, n pl (Latin, neuter plural of gerundive of delere, to delete)
Things to be deleted or destroyed. The term is best known from the Latin phrase "Delenda est Carthago", or "Carthage must be destroyed", spoken by Cato the Elder in 157 B.C. after perceiving that Carthage might pose a threat to the Roman Republic. In this age of censors and shredders, delenda is rare, but most definitely not at risk of being deleted from dictionaries. "You are nothing but Delenda."
Crapulence crap-you-lance(or "lince") Excessive indulgence, or the sickness resulting from same.
"A snorting, joyful laugh or chuckle.
Chortle is a portmanteau word (also known as a blend) that combines the words "chuckle" and "snort." It was coined by Lewis Carroll in the nonsense poem Jabberwocky, which appeared in the book Through the Looking-Glass (1872):
"And, hast though slain the Jabberwock?
Come to my arms, my beamish boy!
Oh frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!"
He chortled in his joy. "
Jabberwocky-no explanation needed.
Demonomania The delusion of being possessed by an evil spirit.
Lubber Line

Mannerisms: Fenris is constantly brushing hairs off of his jacket

Psychological Condition: "I'm no more crazy then you are."

Aptitudes: Experienced sword fighter, writer, performer, and magician.

Superstitions: Fenris believes EVERYTHING (almost) about the Dread Wolf

Morals: "I didn't trip you, the Dread Wolf was playing a trick."

Fenris is a trickster and shyster as much as he is a coulling man. He is cocky, witty, and is most commonly described as being a smart-ass. The worse a situation is, the more likely he is to make a joke. This sense of joking is known as "Gallows Humor," and serves him well. Never much one for crying or showing that he is scared, always rely on him to crack some half-assed joke. Typically, he refrains from racism and simply judges another's intelligence, or points out the obvious. Many examples could be given from his time around Wing City.



Image Yes, the handle and hand guard are made with gold, along with the wolf on the hilt (ignore the dam eagle, if you'd be so kind). The wolf, a representation of the Dread Wolf, has ruby eyes and silver in-lay. It has an effect similar to the shadow-fist described above: The sword came become a "shadow," although the gold outline of the handle is still visible. It ignores mundane armor and inorganic substances (such as metal, but scales or naturally tough skin apply defense normally).
Yes, it has some magical effects based on the weapon itself, not just from what he does:
Maiming: Unseen except for on close inspection, there are tiny, twisted pins and pricks along the blade of this black and gold sword. The weapon (blessed by TDW) seems to always go for annoying spots, not killing spots (or potential). Going for ligaments, legs, between bones, at the lungs, and any other place in which if the enemy were to survive would be maimed or at least be horridly damaged, the weapon is rather annoying. When a command word is uttered, the long sword can become a bastard or great sword.
Intelligent: Yes, this weapon, literally, has a mind of its own. And an Ego. "Ego" = its boastful nature that makes it sometimes disobey Fenris. All "Intelligent" magical items hate and try to destroy each other, and never do two stay in the company of one owner. This weapon (as by DnD rules) is a +8, +3 on its own with a +5 from enhancements. Thus giving an "Ego" bonus to the sword of +8 total. It has a "purpose" to "cause mischief and kill stuff." The weapon is "true neutral," just like Fenris. Statistically speaking, it provides a "+2 bonus from luck" to everything. Roleplayingly speaking, he gets lucky a lot. This provides another 4 points... It can create a shadow a few times a day, giving a +2, and can tell him about historical times, an additional +1. This all equalling: 15!!!
This all means that his sword tells him what to do a lot...

Weapon Augment Crystals
Tordek found a glowing green gem in the dragon's hoard. When he touched the gem to his axe's haft, it attached to the weapon's base. Tordek's axe now glowed with the same green energy, acid dripping along its length. When he removed the adn and affixed it to his dagger, the axe lost this ability, but the dagger dripped with the same substance. An Augment Crystal is a small gem, crystal, or similar object that provides a magical affect (noun affect, not verb effect) when affixed to a weapon, shield, or suit of armor or any magic item that provides a defensive capability) Each item can hold a single crystal, but an attached crystal can be swapped for another at any time. It requires the simply action of touched the weapon to the crystal. The more powerful the crystal, the better quality weapon it needs to be affixed to.
Ash Threat Alternating fire opals and jacinths comprise this glittering chain of gemstones. Leaving behind burns and ashes with each strike, any weapon (his sword, for now) effected by these cause searing burns after a successful attack.

Witch Light Reservoir: This coin-sized crystal sphere is inscribed with arcane sigils representing earth, air, wind, fire, magic, death, and beauty. It rattles like soft thunder The power in this crystal is odd as it is double-fold (unlike most others) it is attached to his jacket, rather then a weapon, but it allows his weapon to catch flame, cackle with electricity, or attack the very life force of an opponent while providing resistance to cold, electricity, fire, and disease.

Medal of Gallantry: This silver brooch is shaped like the sun. A golden cabochon adorns the center. A reward from the Elves for saving a village, this medal makes him feel lucky and dignified, but it has no magical effect (that he knows of) other then looking flashy.

Image Sepulcher (se-pull-cher) is his trusty throwing dagger that always returns to him. It is made of quick-silver. It's only magical effects are throwing and returning, although it usually has the extra damage granted by virtue of the Witch Light Reservoir.

Glock 23
The Glock Safe Action Pistol, colloquially known as the Glock is a series of semi-automatic pistols designed and produced by Glock Ges.m.b.H., located in Deutsch-Wagram, Austria. The company's founder, engineer Gaston Glock, had no experience with firearm design or manufacture at the time their first pistol, the Glock 17, was being prototyped. Glock did, however, have extensive experience in advanced synthetic polymers, knowledge of which was instrumental in the company's design of the first successful line of pistols with a polymer frame. Glock also introduced ferritic nitrocarburizing into the firearms industry as an anti-corrosion surface treatment for metal gun parts.
Despite initial resistance from the market to accept a "plastic gun" due to durability and reliability concerns, Glock pistols have become the company's most profitable line of products, commanding 65% of the market share of handguns for United States law enforcement agencies as well as supplying numerous national armed forces and security agencies worldwide.
In 1980, the Austrian military announced that it would seek tenders for a new, modern duty pistol to replace their World War II-era Walther P38 handguns. The Austrian Ministry of Defense formulated a list of 17 criteria for the new generation service pistol:
The design has to be self-loading.
The pistol must fire the NATO-standard 9×19mm Parabellum round.
The magazines would not require any means of assistance for loading.
The magazines must have a minimum capacity of 8 rounds.
All actions necessary to prepare the pistol for firing and any actions required after firing must be done single-handed, either right- or left-handed.
The pistol must be absolutely secure against accidental discharge from shock, stroke and drops from a height of 2 meters onto a steel plate.
Disassembly of the main parts for maintenance and reassembling must be possible without the use of any tools.
Maintenance and cleaning of the pistol must be accomplished without the use of tools.
The pistol's construction may not exceed 58 individual parts (equivalent of a P38).
Gauges, measuring and precise testing devices must not be necessary for the long-term maintenance of the pistol.
The manufacturer is required to provide the Ministry of Defense with a complete set of engineering drawings and exploded views. These must be supplied with all the relevant details for the production of the pistol.
All components must be fully interchangeable between pistols.
No more than 20 malfunctions are permitted during the first 10,000 rounds fired, not even minor jams that can be cleared without the use of any tools.
After firing 15,000 rounds of standard ammunition, the pistol will be inspected for wear. The pistol will then be used to fire an over-pressure test cartridge generating 5,000 bar (72,518 psi) (the normal maximum operating pressure Pmax for the 9 mm NATO is rated at 2,520 bar (36,550 psi)). The critical components must continue to function properly and be up to specifications, otherwise the pistol will be disqualified.
When handled properly, under no circumstances may the user be endangered by case ejection.
The muzzle energy must be at least 441.5 J when firing a 9mm S-round/P-08 Hirtenberger AG.
Pistols scoring less than 70% of the total available points will not be considered for military use.
Glock became aware of the Austrian Army's planned procurement and in 1982 assembled a team of Europe's leading handgun experts from military, police and civilian sport shooting circles to define the most desirable characteristics in a combat pistol.[8] Within three months, Glock developed a working prototype. The new weapon made extensive use of synthetic materials and modern manufacturing technologies in its design, making it a very cost-effective candidate. Several samples of the 9x19mm Glock 17 (so named because it was the 17th patent of the company) were submitted for assessment trials in early 1982, and after passing all of the exhaustive endurance and abuse tests, Glock emerged as the winner with the Model 17.
The handgun was adopted into service with the Austrian military and police forces in 1982 as the P80 (Pistol 80), with an initial order for 25,000 guns. The Glock 17 outperformed 8 different pistols from five other established manufacturers (Heckler & Koch offered their P7M8, P7M13 and P9S, SIG-Sauer of Switzerland bid with their P220 and P226 models, Beretta of Italy submitted their model 92SB-F, FN Herstal proposed an updated variant of the Browning Hi-Power and the home-grown Steyr entered the competition with the GB).
The results of the Austrian trials sparked a wave of interest in Western Europe and overseas, particularly in the United States, where a similar effort to select a service-wide replacement for the M1911 had been ongoing since the late 1970s (known as the Joint Service Small Arms Program). In late 1983, the United States Department of Defense inquired about the Glock pistol and received four samples of the Glock 17 for unofficial evaluation. Glock was then invited to participate in the XM9 Personal Defense Pistol Trials, but declined because the DOD specifications would require extensive retooling of production equipment and providing 35 test samples in an unrealistic time frame.
Shortly thereafter, the Glock 17 was accepted into service with the Norwegian, and Swedish Armed Forces, surpassing all prior NATO durability standards. As a result, the Glock 17 became a standard NATO-classified sidearm and was granted a NATO Stock Number (1005-25-133-6775).
By 1992, some 350,000 pistols had been sold in more than 45 countries, including 250,000 in the United States alone.
The Glock was modified several times throughout its production history. In 1991, an integrated recoil spring assembly replaced the original two-piece recoil spring and tube design. The magazine was also slightly modified, changing the floor plate and fitting the follower spring with a resistance insert at its base.
The slide features a spring-loaded claw extractor and the stamped sheet metal ejector is pinned to the subframe. Post 2002 pistols have a reshaped extractor that also serves as a loaded chamber indicator. When a cartridge is present in the chamber, a tactile metal edge protrudes slightly out immediately behind the ejection port on the right side of the slide.
The striker firing mechanism has a spring-loaded firing pin that is cocked in two stages, powered by the firing pin spring. When the pistol is charged, the firing pin is in the half-cock position. As the trigger is pulled, the striker is then fully cocked. At the end of its travel, the trigger bar is tilted downward by the disconnector, releasing the striker to fire the cartridge. The disconnector also resets the trigger bar so that the striker will be captured in half-cock at the end of the firing cycle. This is known as a pre-set trigger mechanism, referred to as the "Safe Action" trigger by the manufacturer. The disconnector also ensures the pistol can only fire semi-automatically.
The factory-standard two-stage trigger has a trigger travel of 12.5 mm (0.5 in) and is rated at 25 N (5.6 lbf), but by using a modified connector it can be increased to 35 N (7.9 lbf) or lowered to 20 N (4.5 lbf). In response to a request made by American law enforcement agencies for a two-stage trigger with increased trigger pull, Glock introduced the NY1 (New York) trigger module, which features a flat spring in a plastic housing that replaces the trigger bar's standard coil spring. This trigger modification is available in two versions: NY1 and NY2 that are rated at 25 N (5.6 lbf) to 40 N (9.0 lbf) and 32 N (7.2 lbf) to 50 N (11.2 lbf) respectively, which require approximately 20 N (4.5 lbf) to 30 N (6.7 lbf) of force to disengage the safeties and another 10 N (2.2 lbf) to 20 N (4.5 lbf) in the second stage to fire a shot.
The Glock's frame, magazine body and several other components are made from a high-strength nylon-based polymer invented by Gaston Glock and called Polymer 2. This plastic was specially formulated to provide increased durability and is more resilient than carbon steel and most steel alloys. Polymer 2 is resistant to shock, caustic liquids and temperature extremes where traditional steel/alloy frames would warp and become brittle. The injection molded frame contains 4 hardened steel guide rails for the slide: two at the rear of the frame, and the remaining pair above and in front of the trigger guard. The trigger guard itself is squared off at the front and checkered. The grip has a non-slip, stippled surface on the sides and both the front and rear straps. The frame houses the locking block, which is an investment casting that engages a 45° camming surface on the barrel's lower camming lug. It is retained in the frame by a steel axis pin that also holds the trigger and slide catch. The trigger housing is held to the frame by means of a plastic pin. A spring-loaded sheet metal pressing serves as the slide catch, which is secured from unintentional manipulation by a raised guard molded into the frame.
The Glock pistol has a relatively low slide profile, which holds the barrel axis close to the shooter's hand and makes the pistol more comfortable to shoot by reducing muzzle rise and allows for faster aim recovery in rapid shooting sequence. The rectangular slide is milled from a single block of ordnance-grade steel using CNC machinery. The barrel and slide are treated with a proprietary nitriding process called Tenifer. The slide and barrel undergo two hardening processes prior to the Tenifer treatment, applied in a 500°C nitrate bath. The Tenifer finish is between 0.4 mm (0.016 in) and 0.5 mm (0.020 in) in thickness, and is characterized by extreme resistance to wear and corrosion; it penetrates the metal, and treated parts have similar properties even below the surface to a certain depth. The Tenifer process produces a matte gray-colored, non-glare surface with a 64 Rockwell C hardness rating (by comparison, an industrial diamond has a rating of 70 HRC) and a 99% resistance to salt water corrosion (which meets or exceeds stainless steel specifications), making the Glock particularly suitable for individuals carrying the pistol concealed as the highly chloride-resistant finish allows the pistol to better endure the effects of perspiration. Glock pistols with their Tenifer treatment are also more corrosion-resistant than analogous guns on the market with any other type of finish, including Teflon, bluing, hard chrome plating, phosphates and other alloys. After applying the Tenifer process, a black Parkerized decorative surface finish is applied. The underlaying Tenifer treatment will remain protecting these parts even if the decorative surface finish were to wear off.
A current production Glock 17 consists of 34 parts. For maintenance, the pistol disassembles into five main groups: the barrel, slide, frame, magazine, and recoil-spring assembly.
The firearm is designed for the NATO-standard 9x19mm Parabellum pistol cartridge, but can also use high-power (increased pressure) +P and +P+ ammunition with either full-metal-jacket or jacketed hollow-point projectiles.
To sum it up: The GLOCK line is a very impressive one. He has two Glock 23's. But once again, you could "Google" or "wiki" this information. It is summed up to say that his .45ACP-firing pistols are very, very nice. Safe to use and accurate, with an ammo capacity of ten(10) rounds each.

Fenris has his jacket for protection and, when he doesn't care to use a sword, his gloves have studs in the knuckles for extra-hard punches. He also has a lot of magical spells at his disposal, most of which being deadly or revolving around mischievous gains (illusionary spells) (ignore the cliche names)
Forest Reaver: Invisible, destructive energy springs silently froth from Fenris, instantly destroying all natural plant life in the area and leaving a path of ash in its wake.
Shadow Fist: A black film with a smoke-like texture envelops Fenris's hand as it darts forward, an attempt to plunge into your chest and destroy some organ, ignoring walls, armor, clothing, and skin.
Ghoul Light: A sickly green flame springs forth from the object that Fenris touches.
Dark Strike: From an extended index finger shoots a black shadow of negative energy.
Ghost Sound: Any noise he wishes-that are audible-emanate from wherever he chooses.

Most Prized Possession (Material Value): Fenris's sword

Most Prized Possession (Emotional Value): Fenris's Jacket (wolf picture)


:Head: Nothing
:Neck: Silver necklace with his Medal of Gallantry on the end
:Chest:/Back White, button-up shirt and his black, glitter-dust jacket.
:Shoulders: Nothing
:Biceps: Nothing
:Elbows Padding in the elbows of his jacket
:Forearms: Nothing
:Hands: Cut-off, studded gloves
:Wrists: Nothing
:Waist: Large belt
:Thighs: Nothing
:Knees: Nothing
:Calves/Shins: Nothing
:Ankles: Nothing
:Feet: Black boots (disappear when he goes wolf)
:Weapon(s): Long sword, silver daggers, and his dual Glock 23 pistols

Image New garment. Regal Red or Midnight Black (with the same silver design as his jacket). Reserved for where during ceremonies. He keeps it simply to "look good" during his crowning as king of Syx, when that time comes.

Armor: Fenris has a suit of armor that is as ceremonial as it is functional. With a well protected head and torso, he always feels confident walking into a fight with this armor. The only problem he ever faces is style over protection... should he wear his amazing jacket, or life-saving armor?Image Image
The arms aren't nearly as well protected as his torso or head, but they are. His legs are safe, and it has a built-in "cup," so don't even think about trying to get in a cheap shot.
It is very painful to try "going wolf" in this... Fenris has tried and failed more then once. Fortunately, the fingers have claws that run along their lengths unless retracted, meaning that he doesn't have to rely on his own. Still, he can't bite..
*Crystal: Restful: The silver clasp of the armor is decorated with sparkling crystals shaped like stars. Fenris is able to sleep in this armor...
Enhancement(s): Beastskin. OH WAIT! HE CAN GO WOLF AND THIS ARMOR STAYS ON HIM! Minus the boots, arms and helmet...

Special weapon(s):
No, it is NOT a light saber. Yes, it cuts through steel, yes it is a weapon made of highly concentrated light to burn though objects, and yes it is awesome, but it is not a light saber. Image It's just a magical sword of Brilliant Energy.
A Brilliant Energy weapon has its significant portion-such as its blade, axe head, or arrowhead-transformed into light, although this does not modify the item's weight. It always gives off light like a torch (20-food radius). A Brilliant Energy weapon ignores nonliving matter. Armor bonuses to defense (included enchantments anchored) do not count against it because the weapon passes through it. (A high dexterity, deflection bonus, dodging, natural armor, and other such defenses apply normally) A Brilliant Energy weapon functions like normal against undead, constructs, and objects (albeit with better penetration). This property can be magically applied to melee weapons, thrown weapons, and ammunition. Bows and guns cannot bestow this effect on the rounds they fire.
Go ahead and laugh. Yes, the two "blades" are purple. Just see who's laughing when you're cut in half. At the center, the hilt can "snap" and cause the weapon to become two separate weapons.
Image Basically modeled after Bloodrayne's dual blades, Fenris puts his "Kota swords" to great use. Basically the blade's back runs along the forearm, allowing to block and disallows the ability to be disarmed. You can put your full power into the swing, but don't expect its weight to add to your momentum (they are practically weightless, on aside from the weapon being fought in this style).


"Outcast" Prince of Syx, Fenris travels Terra until the day that his parents die and he can take over the throne. His eldest brother died, making him the heir, although he suspects his two younger brothers might be plotting to kill him, though, so the throne can be theirs. So far as he knows, his brothers are both, average, young(er), a and inexperienced. He hasn't seen them in years, though, so do not hold him to that point.

Who are his brothers, anyway?
As both are "undefined" characters, they have yet to be thought-out or mentally created. If anyone wishes to make a character as either of his brothers, try using the character-sheet/skeleton that I did. ((You have to get my approval, of course, to play as one of his brothers)) Race has to be human, although you can be a werewolf, vampire, mage, et cetera ((but get my approval)). (Also, if you have some explanation like "Fenris's dad had an elven mistress" and convince me, the brother (((which would be a secret third that Fenris undoubtably already knows about))) would be a secret, half-elf, third)) Remember, the brothers are loyalty and should act as such (albeit occasionally immature or rude). If they are plotting to kill him (which they are), they won't publicly walk up and stab him, they'd try to be elaborate or trap him in a blind alley, at least!
Anyway: shoot me a PM or a /msg (while I'm IC) if you want to have either brother (or...extra brothers?) and I'll get back to you on whether I "like your style" or not.

Where is Syx?
Syx is as much a "political region" as it is a geographical one. (No, not "Styx." That's a river) A large expanse of forest, mountain, and lush, green, rolling hills. Syx looks like a paradise, just north of the lands that the Elvic tribes that Sylver and Leila (two other characters in The Multiverse) came from have conquered. His family, the Cyrolix's, were considered good allies to the elves. They traded, protected them, got their support. Any elf within Syx lands wouldn't dare second-guess himself when it came to supporting the Cyrolix family against its rivals. Many of Fenris's former guards were elves.

Marital Status: Unmarried/Never Married

Relationship Status: ---

Relationship History Fenris has met and courted many women, and has been set up for several "arranged marriages." Of course he had some excuse or ploy to get out of each one.

Blood Type O+ (helps with the biting fetish)

Birthplace: Cyrolix Castle, Nyx.

Religion(s)Beliefs Fenris's one and only true patron is the mischievous (vile?) deity known as the Dread Wolf.

Rank Prince?

Education: Despite killing one of his tutors due to sheer frustration (and the hand of the Wolf), Fenris is well educated, like any royal brat.

Language(s): English was the language of the land, learning Elvish, Latin, and Egyptian helped to cypher the Wolf and deal with the elves he saw on an almost daily basis.

Current Residence Somewhere in Wing City?

Former Residence Cyrolix Castle, an apartment in Beak City.

Lives with: Himself

Family/Relatives: Mother and father are alive and well (for now), he has his two, publicly-accepted brothers but no sister.

Friends/Comrades: Fenris has made too many friends to list since coming to the bar. (An assassin, a now-pregnant werewolf, his childhood cetera)

Enemies Too many to count

Rivals Besides his brothers, no one important to him.

Accomplices "I work alone."

Political Status Prince and Heir of Syx

Organizations/Tribes/Clans: Fenris is very much considered the Heir to the Cyriolix family despite his rebellious nature. The elves to the south and in the Egyptian deserts, once convinced who he is, usually accept him into their ranks.

Former Affiliations: "If I told you, you'd make too many friends."

Feats/Achievements List
Defended Desert Elves from an evil necromancer, slew two dragons, and has saved an elven community from the creatures of the Underdark. He was promptly awarded his amulet, the Amulet of Gallantry.

Current History
Fenris fell in love with his childhood friend, Leila Abril, but found out he had knocked up a werewolf the next day. Now, he struggles to balance attention to the werewolf, Otsana, their yet-to-be-born child, and his girlfriend, Leila...

Past History
Besides being a hero and outcast, nothing interesting.

Family History
Brothers want the throne, he knows nothing of his parents.



So begins...

Fenris Cyrolix's Story

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Fenris Cyrolix shrugged. "I don't mind."

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#, as written by Guest
Fenris Cyrolix shirt disappeared to reveal a fur-covered torso. He smiled. "I'm like the black and red version of you." He joked.

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#, as written by Guest
Fenris Cyrolix was not gay and understood that she had a boyfriend. "I'm sorry, are we making you uncomfortable?"

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#, as written by Guest
Fenris Cyrolix smiled sheepishly. "And I'm just showing off."

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#, as written by Guest
Fenris Cyrolix sighed and watched her leave, then checked the time. "It's about time I leave, too."

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#, as written by Guest
Fenris Cyrolix nodded and stood up. "It was nice to see you to, sir...? I never caught your name. I am Fenris Cyrolix."

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#, as written by Guest
Fenris Cyrolix thought about the names. "Claw certainly is more... manly, 'eh?" He sighed and pushed the door open. "G'day sir." Then left.

The setting changes from Gambit's Hotel, 3rd Floor to Gambit's Bar


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Character Portrait: Fenris Cyrolix
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#, as written by Guest
Fenris Cyrolix pushed the door open with a paw. In his Aspected form, it looked like an anthropomorphic wolf with black fur (red fur designs looked almost like tattoos)walked into the bar, but this was only the assumed facade of a less-then-average man. Shirtless-he never understood why his shirt disappeared when he "went wolf"-he made his way to the bar counter. His feet-for he had no boots on (they, too, seemed to always disappear)-dragged slightly, causing a soft scrape from his claws with each step. With a brief look at the bar and all its occupants, he adjusted his jacket and sat on a stool, ordering a drink. It was finally getting close to sun-down, thus it was time to indulge in his vices...


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Character Portrait: Fenris Cyrolix
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Fenris Cyrolix looked at Wheelie. A clawed finger reached out and


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Character Portrait: Fenris Cyrolix
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#, as written by Guest
Fenris Cyrolix watched the creature. "Hey show off, I can do that too." He tried to hunch his shoulders back and pull down his head like a turtle, then made an action like he hurt himself trying. "OKay...maybe I can't... you're still a show off..."


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Character Portrait: Fenris Cyrolix
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#, as written by Guest
Fenris Cyrolix smiled a mischievous smile. "No, I do not wish to fight you, simply.. learn about you. Your composition is... interesting. You are a robot, yes? I simply want to clarify because so many... beings here have skin made of metal." He wouldn't make that mistake again...


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Character Portrait: Fenris Cyrolix
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#, as written by Guest
Fenris Cyrolix put an elbow on the counter and rested the side of his head against his fist. His smile stayed. This robot was... cute. Not "cute" as in he'd figure out how to... but "cute" as how a girl might describe a dog or baby. "Cybertronian? Y'mean like... from that T.v. show?" He'd once met a robot-name's Novice or something like that-that could become a fighter jet. He absolutely hated transformers. It was funny to listen to him rant, occasionally. "Transformers? More then meets the eye? The one where the original show was epic, but now they have that little girl and blonde actress that both suck?"


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Character Portrait: Fenris Cyrolix
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#, as written by Guest
Fenris Cyrolix 's mouth pulled back in a wider smile, showing all of his teeth. "I can show you. All of the rooms upstairs have one."


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#, as written by Guest
Fenris Cyrolix put some money on the table to pay for the robot. Yay for being nice and rich. A potent combination for friend-making. "Alright."


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#, as written by Guest
Fenris Cyrolix sighed. "Uh, bye."


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Fenris Cyrolix decided to get up and leave, as everyone else was already throughly infurled in a conversation.


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Character Portrait: Fenris Cyrolix
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#, as written by Guest
Fenris Cyrolix waved at Nina when she entered. He smiled and invited her over, intending to apologize for going shirtless earlier in light of her being in a relationship. He didn't think it was that big a deal, just didn't want to get shown-up by that wolf man.


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Character Portrait: Fenris Cyrolix
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#, as written by Guest
Fenris Cyrolix realized, though, as of some part of The Wolf's magic, he was once a again "shirtless." He had the upper torso, legs, head... he was in his anthropomorphic wolf state, which caused his shirt-although his jacket stayed-and boots to disappear. He sighed. This apology wouldn't seem very heart-felt.


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Character Portrait: Fenris Cyrolix
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#, as written by Guest
Fenris Cyrolix smiled a toothy, wolfy smile. "It is quite alright, dear. I apologize for for your associate and I going shirtless upstairs. I did not mean anything by it. I believe I already told you I didn't want to get 'shown up' by him, taunting his torso around as he did."


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Character Portrait: Fenris Cyrolix
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#, as written by Guest
Fenris Cyrolix leaned forward on the booth and propped his arms at the elbows. He held his hands up and entertwined his fingers so that he may rest his chin on it. "Thank you for the drink, madame, I will take in in due time. Anyway: Telling a Wolf man to deny instinct is like telling an army of little obese children not to eat a cupcake."