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Gil Isom

"Sitrep, solider?"

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a character in “The Multiverse”, originally authored by Blazezon, as played by RolePlayGateway


Gil Isom A.K.A "The Gorgon"


Race: Scatteran
Age: Forty.
Height: 5'8".
Weight: 190lbs.
Hair Color: Black.
Eye Color: Green.
Skill Set: Advanced weapons training(Heavy weaponry specialty) and years of experience, learned tactician, practiced hostage negotiator, familiar with demolitions, capable interrogator, intimate knowledge of advanced military operations, intimate knowledge of Van Leugen, and it's gangs, counter-terror training, Invictus training, well schooled in sabotage, logistics, and how to kill anyone dumb enough to get the in way. As well as all the perks and knowledge that comes with being a Scatteran.

Gil was, and still is a survivor first and foremost. A potent member of the Scatteran race, he's a born and bred Dog of War. He'd seen and endured some of the worst shares of various conflicts and realized The Coalition just wasn't worth it. They sure didn't pay enough, so when things went bad he jumped ship, and fell in with The Invictus, much like Church. It was a good fit for awhile, but it didn't work out in the end.

Gil always had a mind for a little too much profit, and a little too much collateral.

Ariadne probably would've been happy to try and sway him into staying, but he just wasn't interested. He split for the outer-worlds, the rougher places of the galaxy. Places like Hera Prime, and places that made Hera Prime look like a sunny meadow. He endured, he marched on, he shot on. He fell in with a band of Mercenaries that called themselves The All-Consuming Snakes, it was based off some old myth or some shit.

Gil didn't care, he thought it was stupid, and cheesy, but the pay was good.

Only problem is Gil had no where to go, no position to rise too. The old man in charged was an iron-fisted bastard who only promoted the people who kissed his ass enough, or were related to him, this left Gil as a nobody. Despite his superior skills. He made do for awhile, though, took his time. Slowly gathered and convinced some of the equally unhappy members of the company to come around to seeing him as a leader. A better leader. All in all it turned into a coup, and a failed one at that.

Scatteran arrogance had lulled Gil into a false sense of security, and he underestimated the old geezer.

No, the old man didn't shoot faster, or hit harder, he just knew how to play the game better. Some of the "trustworthy friends" of Gil's weren't either. The night before the coup the loyalists broke in and straight up murdered everyone in their sleep, except Gil. They beat him senseless, stripped him of everything but his ratty clothes, and dumped him on the first backwater they ran into. After a solid month of nearly starving him, and routine beatings while in the brig.

Needless to say, he was pissed. Especially when he realized the "backwater" they had picked was none other than Terra. Stupid bastards.

They did however make sure to strand him in the biggest cesspit they could find on the planet. VL. Weakened and blinded by rage he survived like a rat in the deepest well of the Nillies. He was pretty much at rock bottom when he ran afoul of a local street gang playing at being crime bosses. The two thugs who cornered him demanding money, and to know where his allegiance was got a very quick, very harsh beat-down.

In fact, Gil was so impressed by their utter incompetence that he forced both of the young men to lead him back to their "base", a decent apartment, by Nillies' standards anyway.

Again he was impressed when he managed to subdue to doormen, despite being poorly healed, hungry, unarmed, and more than a bit tired. He decided to see how far he could push it, and fought his way to the very top of their food chain. The boss, surprisingly enough, was just as impressed with Gil's capabilities, as Gil was with his lackeys' uselessness. They struck a pretty quick deal once the haggard man stopped beating the ever-living shit out of everyone.

A hell of a lot of cash for his joining the gang, and his training of the other members.

It actually worked out, too well for old Bloody Nines, the gang's head. Gil quickly turned the wannabe bangers into an actual fighting force, he also set about bringing in other ex-military types. Scatteran, Gardenite, Ex-Invictus, you name it, he found them and pitched the "gang" to them. At first Nines was pretty thrilled at the thought of more warrior's blood in his organization. He was even more thrilled at the fact The South Nillies Gorgons were actually pushing back the upstart Triads, instead of getting turned to paste like usual. But he was smart too, just not as smart as the old merc. Nines say the writing on the wall eventually, but it was too late.

Most of the crew was now either people feverishly loyal to Gil, or ex-military types Gil had brought in. The coup was inevitable, bloody, and swift.

VL was beyond tense at first as Gil took over the Gorgons. The Triads knew it was over, and the Bratva, and Mafia families were getting nervous. The too ended swiftly. Gil had been giving a lot of thought on how to run things, on the dynamics of gang life, and VL. It just didn't add up, not in a way that netted enough green for himself, and everybody else that is. Why fight other gangs, and the police, and The Invictus, and whoever else showed up, all while paying through the nose for black-market weaponry? Why do that shit when you could do all of it, minus the cops, minus The Invictus, minus the markup on arms, all while charging three times as much?

It was simply, there was no goddamn reason to.

At the end of his first week in charge The South Nillies Gorgons were no more, and Gorgon's Watch Protection Services was born. That was ten years ago, and The Gorgon has been riding a wave of calculated violence, fame, and mad money ever since.

So begins...

Gil Isom's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cole Maibara Character Portrait: Gil Isom Character Portrait: Adjudicator
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0.00 INK

The phone line went to voice mail.

But only for a moment.

Before a pre-recorded message began explaining the absence of the receiver, a strange distortion seemed to cut through as an intense voice suddenly echoed to life.

"Who doth seek the Mayor, for whom I have thoroughly appointed," the voice spoke through the phone, though an alert individual might have been able to here the prattle of 'leave a message after the tone' also coming from the device, albeit much more distantly.

For the Adjudicator, this was an inconvenience. A glorious being, descended from high lands to act as their namesake, a glorious angel to overseer matters fairly and to steer the will and intent of the people to its rightful place. Most recently, they had been tasked by powers beyond comprehension to establish a mayor of a city, a task that many could consider quite lowly for the sheer ability of the being, but they questioned not what their duty was, as it was their duty.

"Hold forth," the voice suddenly interjected with a certain fraying to its tone, "Prithee tell, what fault of judgement has transpired? Is not the- oh buggery."

The line went dead for several moments. In fact, it went silent long enough for some to ring a (metaphorical) phone elsewhere, before it suddenly sprang to life with voice once more.

"Spake of this passing no further. I have contacted the Mayor of Wing City, and spread word that you and others may partake in conversation with he; Cole Arkenach."

And with that, the phone tuned back to normal, as if someone else had just picked up the phone. Specifically, Cole Arkenach, the apparently just-appointed Mayor of Wing City.

The setting changes from Wing City Gardens (North) to Van Leugen


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Catherine Dumitrescu Character Portrait: Ayla Kayama Character Portrait: Gil Isom
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0.00 INK

"I don't.." All the speed in the world couldn't help Ayla right now, her mind felt completely frozen.

She knew how to respond to almost any tactical situation there was, but never once in the last twenty years had anyone asked her what she wanted. Especially in reguards to herself. The question left her at a complete loss, and for the first time in their brief conversation she was speechless. She just stared at Catherine now, almost pleadingly, as if begging to be handed an answer.

"I don't know," her hand withdrew from her hair at a blur, falling to her lap. For a brief moment she considered taking off. Bolting for the door, accelerate her time-line, she could be be in Wing City in minutes.

"I don't care, I guess." She sighed, picking at the brim of her blouse. It didn't matter if she made it off planet, Gil would find her eventually. She knew that.

Ayla hung her head, a bitter tear prodding at her eye. "I just don't want to kill anymore."

The setting changes from Van Leugen to Wing City Gardens (North)

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cole Maibara Character Portrait: Gil Isom Character Portrait: Adjudicator
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0.00 INK

Cole picked up the phone, the sounds of a starship's engine roaring in his background and if the receiving phone contained a holo-projector, his form would be visible on the other side. His expression was a tad confused as well as concerned, he was on a mission yet...there were people wishing to contact him? This was new, but not necessarily unheard of, and so he tilted his head to the person on the other end.

"Hello, this is Cole Arkenach here. Who is this?"

The setting changes from Wing City Gardens (North) to Van Leugen


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Catherine Dumitrescu Character Portrait: Ayla Kayama Character Portrait: Gil Isom
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0.00 INK

"What do you want me to do?" Catherine asked Ayla patiently. "I might be able to fix some things to start with, but .. the rest we'll need to work on a bit slower." All at once wouldn't be beneficial for either one of them, small doses seemed best. Isom could just shove it up his rear if he didn't like it. Besides which, Catherine thought he was a bit retentive oaf anyway.

If she were to understand what Ayla was telling her, then the woman had no outlets other than what Gil provided. It certainly explained her lack of manners and impatience with anything that didn't involve being a pink blur.

The setting changes from Van Leugen to Origin


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rei Harkov Character Portrait: Gil Isom
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0.00 INK

"Okay, Sthenos.." Gil's voice frayed further as he instructed the A.I to end the call. A recording, a grave voice, then a stranger? It was a little too suspicious for the paranoid Scatteran.

Reached forward he grabbed the bottle of Ravenscar '375, and refilled his glass. At this rate he was going to be out of overpriced liqour long before he ran out of names to call this afternoon.

"Who's next on the list, Sth?" He groaned, bringing the glace to his lips.

"The next entry is split, sir. You have two objectives listed" the green .wav states rather flat as the stern A.I spoke. "Call Calaxon Yvea, and Call Captain Harkov."

Two separate pictures were drug up on the holo-screen, displayed under them was all known data Gorgon Intel had scraped up about either subject. There was drastically less on the latter. Gil frowned, knowing exactly why his schedule was split.

Sthenos knew it too, and poked at her boss. "It seems your political ambitions have come to a crossroads."

"I know," Gil spoke as he took another sip, exhausted beyond manners. "I honestly can't tell you which."

"If your recent hiring tactics are maintained, you'll choose Harkov." Offered the construct.

Gil's left eyebrow shot up, and he almost choked. "Excuse me?"

"Well," the files were replaced with the Gorgon I.D' s of both Catherine, and Ayla. "It seems attractiveness has become a qualification of late."

Gil blinked, dumbfounded. "Again..Excuse me?"

"Right, a 'Psychic', and a 'deity'." Artificial or not, sarcasm was evident in Sthenos' robotic tone. "This is a military base, not a Comic-Con."

Gil ran a scarred hand through his thick black hair, half in disbelief. "I should replace all three of you, really."

"So which one do I call?"

There was a long, awkward pause as Gil sloshed his whiskey around, staring into it thoughtfully.


The call would reach the Ghost Dance in a few minutes. Patching through took more than a little magic, and lot of time, but Gil felt it was worth it. Luckily there was a satellite not too terribly far off from the pirate's vessel. Hijacking that took awhile as well, but it helped. While this would cause the hailing signal to originate from "ORIGIN PRIME SHOPPING NETWORK #199" in gaudy, flashing letters, it would also allow the possibilty of nearly normal conversation.

If the Captain ignored, or missed the hail that was it, and if she chose to decline there was nothing the man could do. It left him with only his least favorite thing to do, sit back, and wait.

The setting changes from Origin to Van Leugen


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Catherine Dumitrescu Character Portrait: Ayla Kayama Character Portrait: Gil Isom
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0.00 INK

Ayla didn't know what to do, or expect anymore. Gil had laid it out simply - Catherine was supposed flip a switch, make her stronger, and leave. The woman in front of her however told a different story, and it left the fractured woman between a rock, and a hard place.

"I don't know," sniffed Ayla, keeping it together somewhat. "I don't even know what you can do." She admitted a little sheepishly..

Putting on a decent poker face she looked up. A quick, blurry shake had her bangs out from her face, and slowing down she offered Catherine a faint smile.

"I don't suppose you can wave a wand, and make all the voices go away could you?" She forced a nervous chuckle right before realising just what that might imply.

"Sorry, I'm not calling you witch, I just," Ayla cut herself off with a groan, her lack of interpersonal skills taking a toll on her own sensibilities.

"I'm horrible at this, maybe you should be in my head."

The setting changes from Van Leugen to Origin


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rei Harkov Character Portrait: Gil Isom
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0.00 INK

The audio managed to patch through before the visual did for the call. "Punch it through Specter..." Came from a voice that sounded more tired than annoyed. Ansible messaging this far out were a bit unexpected, but calls to Ghost Dance in particular were even more so. 'I wasn't even aware that that as a thing here...' Rei thought boredly. She had managed to get back into orbit after the storm had passed, but her shuttle was a little worse for wear. 'Probably spam...' She thought again as she waited for the link to the connection to stabilize.

Once the video link became stable, the video unscrambled itself and a pale, exhausted face swam into view on Gil's end. "Look.. I'm not sure what you're selling.." She started to say, hoping that there wasn't going to be too much lag between here and wherever there was for her caller.

The setting changes from Origin to Van Leugen


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Catherine Dumitrescu Character Portrait: Ayla Kayama Character Portrait: Gil Isom
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0.00 INK

"I can do quite a few things, and yes altering an individual's mind is one of them." She explained setting her tea aside. "However, most of the rest could be considered classified... depending on who you speak with." The Council being one of them, and the most likely to want to enforce their own edicts while they neglected to follow them themselves.

"I can't promise anything here Ayla, but I'll at least try to let you be able to sleep at night." Catherine said. That would be a good enough start, wouldn't it? If Ayla could actually sleep without strange dreams or thoughts plaguing her, would that help? Catherine wasn't certain, but she knew it was a start.

Fixing things for others wasn't exactly what her skills had been honed to do, naturally they were more offensive than anything. Convincing someone not to notice her, or wiping the memory of her or other officer's existence from their minds had been easy enough in time. She'd also learned over time to slip past barriers, and dig through a person's deepest thoughts and desires, without their noticing it. Telepathy for Catherine was in many ways as easy as walking, once she had learned.

"If you're consenting to this, and I believe you are.. I'll see what I can do for you today at least."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Catherine Dumitrescu Character Portrait: Ayla Kayama Character Portrait: Gil Isom Character Portrait: Eric Talmoren
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0.00 INK

Atop the dark, moonless roofs of the city of liars their was a single flash of steely light. It moved quickly across the rooftops, with speed that was at once darting and graceful, like a sparrow or similar bird. Seldom would those upon the streets see more than the flash of light reflecting off of steel, and most would dismiss it as a trick of the mind, or perhaps as a plane.

But it was neither of these, it was some thing far more.

The visage of a steel clad hunter was the reward of those observant enough to watch the mans approach, and man it was, for the longer one watched, the more obvious it became that only a human would reside behind such a mask.

Eric Talmoren had been advised by his mentor that, on this night, a meeting of great import was taking place. Of course, Eric was not yet supposed to be out upon the rooftops, his mentor had in fact advised AGAINST going out to see this meeting, but Eric would not be swayed. In the depths of his heart he feared that whatever was taking place, or about to take place, would bring the city that much further into darkness.

In his mind Eric made his vow. "On this night, on this night the descent stops! Tonight, Van Leugen takes it's first steps back into the light of justice!"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Catherine Dumitrescu Character Portrait: Ayla Kayama Character Portrait: Gil Isom
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0.00 INK

Alarm bells rang in Ayla's head at a dizzying speed, even for her. She had assumed from the way Catherine spoke about her, about looking in to things, that the psychic was pretty well informed. That strange, unfounded sense of Catherine's all-knowingness began to wane a bit as she closed off. All over one little word.

"You don't know, do you?" Whispered a suddenly pale Ayla, withdrawing into her chair.

Unpleasant memories lurched forward, out of the dusty, fearfully abandoned corners of her mind. Time spent strapped in to the Aurora Chair, shotgunned with the face of a beautiful, but cruel blonde came first. She fought against it so long, and so hard. It hadn't been designed with her species in mind, and not even Gil's magic could wash away all the scars it left.

Lochlyn's black silhouette replaced her every thought. He had been worse, the imprisonment, and sadistic servitude was par for the course, but the brainwashing? He rewrote, erased, and added memories as it suited him, and on more than one occasion he piloted Ayla's old body around, her consciousness still intact. Still aware.

The thought of someone "altering" her mind again was numbing, at best, but she hadn't slept in over a week. The only thing keeping her alive was her divine spark, and she was burning through it fast. Stress, strain, extreme exhaustion, and a shattered mind pulled it in to many directions. Gil's plan made bitter sense now.

"He played us both." She sighed, a shaky hand reaching out for her cup again.

She didn't even notice, but she was quickly approaching a destabilization. Her power was fleeing her, and even her heart rate was down to a normal, resting human's.

She just stared somewhat vacantly at Catherine, suddenly exhausted. "Can you fight?" she asked, as if it made all the sense in the world. "Like, mentally."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Catherine Dumitrescu Character Portrait: Ayla Kayama Character Portrait: Gil Isom
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0.00 INK

"Yes, it's one of the first things they teach a telepath." Catherine answered, slightly taken aback. She wasn't going to sit there bragging about what she could or couldn't do; that wasn't the point. Later she most certainly would have a long, drawn out, and very uncomfortable talk with Isom. Not so much uncomfortable for Catherine, but definitely would cause Isom to rethink his deal with her.

"Calm down and lay on the sofa. I'll take care of the rest." She said instructing the other, and gesturing towards a small loveseat that matched the two chairs. "Try not to fight me too please, it won't go well for either one of us if you do." Catherine said as she placed a chair at the end of where Ayla would lay her head.

"As for Isom, yes I know he played us, and there will be consequences."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Catherine Dumitrescu Character Portrait: Ayla Kayama Character Portrait: Gil Isom
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0.00 INK

Sluggishly a drained Ayla complied, pushing up from the chair with great effort. She looked to Catherine, still unsure.

"I hope you know what you're doing," her voice had dropped a few pitches, and her age crept in. "I don't mean for me though. I don't wanna fight you."

The dynamic of her species was on display with each wobbly step. Even creatures like her had, a check, and balence system. It came in the form of how they worked in being completely fueled by belief. Usually they subverted this with a vast clergy of faithful worshippers, giving them near-boundless potential, and trademark survival. Ayla only had herself right now, her very existance bound to her own warped self imagine.

If she truly lost faith, if the memories, and voices ever got to loud, she'd simply cease.

Once there Ayla eased herself on to the couch, still nervous. "Hey, do me a favor?" she asked, looking up at the psychic with a weak smile.

"Don't accidentally turn me into a vegetable, or drive me around like an Exo, okay? It really sucked last time."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Catherine Dumitrescu Character Portrait: Ayla Kayama Character Portrait: Gil Isom
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0.00 INK

"I wouldn't recommend fighting me, Ayla." Catherine said shaking her head. "Besides which, I'm not sure I want to be redecorating yet." She added dryly. Though, she imagined Gil's reaction would be amusing if the place was suddenly trashed. But, then again she suspected that he only had the barest of ideas of what was going on and just winged it half of the time. The impression she had gotten from reading his mind was that he was a nervous man, who wanted anything and everything to be exactly right. He didn't know how to operate outside of a structured environment, especially one that wasn't the military.

Smiling slightly at Ayla's requested favor, she just shook her head again. "Not my style." She said bluntly before seating herself behind Ayla's head.

Reaching down, she placed cool, nearly cold fingertips at the woman's temples, jaw, and base of the skull. "Relax, and breathe." Catherine instructed as she ventured forward into Ayla's mind.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Catherine Dumitrescu Character Portrait: Ayla Kayama Character Portrait: Gil Isom
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0.00 INK

"It's not me you have to worry about."

A desert awaited Catherine on the other side. Painfully dry, and vast enough to stretch on beyond sight, this was the core of Ayla.

The Jishar-El.

Above a sun like any other sat, it's blistering rays beating down against the iridescent, white dunes without mercy. There was no vegetation, no wildlife, and worst of all no air. Just a never ending sea of white sand, in all directions. The desert held it's breath, waiting, if not daring something to disturb it.

"Careful now."

A disembodied voice broke the silence, a mere whisper on a non-existent breeze. It was faint, like it was far away or muffled.

"With each step you take, you shall find that which you seek.."

Not to far in the distance the sand started to roil. It bubbled, and hissed like water for a moment, the nearby ground giving a soft shudder.

"But delve just a breath too deep,"

A sleek, featureless black door began to slowly rise from the boiling sand. Once fully unearthed it simply sat there. Harmless.

"And it's you I just may keep."

The whole desert began to shudder, a large number of doors errupting all around. Gil's ritual had compartmenalized Ayla's mind in an almost literal fashion. Each door an opening to another fascet of her. It was all that held too many things from crashing in at once, and crushing the woman.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Catherine Dumitrescu Character Portrait: Ayla Kayama Character Portrait: Gil Isom
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0.00 INK

Catherine squinted against the brightness of the desert before her, this wasn't what she had been expecting at all. She had expected darkness, not a bright never ended desert full of hot white light. This wasn't a human's mind at all, and if it was then there had been a significant amount of remodeling.

Thinking carefully, she took a step forwards, sand crunching softly beneath her before the desert beneath began to move. The avatar she sent into Ayla's mind was barefooted, clothed in a diaphonus white gown with long trailing sleeves and a red sash tied about her waist. Her hair was left loose, falling to the end of her back. The garb was the same as that that the fae wore for their mid summer night's rituals; for the fae this was a time of cleansing, healing, and closeness with the magic of the world.

"I am nothing, and I am no one." Catherine said looking at the black door that had bubbled up out of the sand and now sat in front of her.

Crouching down as the desert floor began to shudder again, she observed the doors begin their ascent from the sand. Part of her suspicions were confirmed, someone had tried and somewhat succeeded at splitting off aspects of Ayla. But to Catherine the method was inferior and incompetent, it was very likely what had resulted in the other's most recent break with everything. "You may not keep me." She said as she straightened back up, carefully and slowly.

Approaching one of the doors that risen from the depths of the sand, she breathed the words of a spell, "Gaia Eka bidja onor vardi.." before reaching for the door and placing a palm on it. Catherine could sense the turmoil beneath the surface, but here was not where what Ayla's missing sleep lay.

One by one she went to each of the doors, carefully, seeking the missing aspect of sleep. Eventually she found it, hiding within one of the doors. Coaxing it out carefully, she uttered another string of strange foreign words, "Vard älfinn slytha.". This set up a carefully placed set of instructions for her sleep to be guarded in one way or another; very little would disturb it, allowing Ayla to fall onto a dark and dreamless state.

The setting changes from Van Leugen to Origin


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rei Harkov Character Portrait: Gil Isom
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0.00 INK

It took about half a minute for the call to synch, leaving only a slight delay. The haggard Isom smiled a little when the low quality transmission finally filtered through his audio.

"No Ms.Harkov," he chortled, raising his overpriced glass at her. "I'm calling for much the opposite reason."

Gil slouched back in his chair, the small, utilitarian office mostly in the camera's frame. The man weighed his options. Did he play it smart? Offer a generous price first? How much did she need to know at this junction? The truth was that he was far too exhausted to care.

"You probably haven't heard of me, but I've heard a thing or two about you." He started, a holo-graphic keyboard flickering to life on his lap.

He tapped about a bit, maintaining eye contact with the camera. "I'll be brief, I have what may very well equate to a suicide mission that needs doing, and someone to do it."

The typing stopped abruptly, his index hovering above the "Enter" key. "If you're interested in hearing me out, I'm prepared to transfer a half million credits to a secure account. For your time."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rei Harkov Character Portrait: Gil Isom
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0.00 INK

Rei frowned as the man in front of her laughed, confusion evident on her face as she moved her hand over to enter the keystroke to end the transmission. "For a prank call this is quite an expensive one." She said, meanwhile thinking, "And quite a weird one too."

For a moment, her hand hovered over the key as Isom continued talking. "You know.. I'd like to know who it is I'm talking to before I agree to a suicide run." Rei said tiredly. She had not slept well at all in the last few days, something about having been on Origin had triggered some very strange dreams, bordering on nightmares. Drinking them into oblivion had been tempting, but alcohol could be prohibitively expensive. Right now her mind was elsewhere as she thought how best to get some sleep short of knocking herself out with a wrench from the cargo bay.

Then suddenly the man was talking about transferring money to accounts. "Wait.. wait wait... Half a mil? You're insane." Rei exclaimed, green eyes wide with surprise.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rei Harkov Character Portrait: Gil Isom
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0.00 INK

That little greedy glimmer in the Pirate's eyes was exactly what he hoped for. Gil took another sip of whiskey, now on his third glass. He needed it not just to supress the anxiety, and the ticks, but to be this loose with his wallet too. Half a million for a conversation was enough to make the penny-pinching physically ill.

He breathed out a small sigh of relief, his heart rate coming down from the spikes Harkov sent inching towards her keyboard. "Yes, half a million," he stated flatly. "And that's soley to listen to my offer, there will also be a down payment should you except."

He felt it best to get such things out of the way.

"As for who I am.." Gil trailed, a fierce battle raging inside his mind.

If he lied, then he could deny everything if it failed, or the Aschen ever collected on the captain's bounty. It was an appealing choice for a myriad of reasons, not least of all was his secretive nature. Being caught in a lie on the other hand would leave him just as vulnerable. The mission required sensitive information, and a jilted pirate could conceivably have loose lips.

Or worse.

"Gil Isom. I was a marine in the Occupation," he paused to chuckle. "UCON side, before you hang up."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rei Harkov Character Portrait: Gil Isom
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Rei scowled as she lit a cigarette, the on board filtration systems and scrubbers seemed to handle the habit just fine, and continued to listen to Gil as she placed it in her mouth. It wasn't so much greed that motivated her, as he was willing to throw that much down the black hole that was hiring a pirate to do their dirty work. "I'm listening then..." She said leaning back against the workbench behind her.

The bench had been strewn with various electronic parts, combined with a few scribbles in some sort of white waxy pen or pencil. It seemed to be notes and comments about something in a very weird language, neither Taiyou nor Common. It was a hurried, half lettered almost Arabic thing with the circumflex, diaeresis, acute, and grave on all the wrong points of the letters.

"So what's a Ucan't grunt doing with money?" Rei asked bluntly. She couldn't say she was a fan of either side, they seemed to bring out the worst in one another.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rei Harkov Character Portrait: Gil Isom
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A gentle tap of the key, and just like that Gil's wallet got a little lighter, and his ambition a lot heavier. Having found the bottom of his glass he dismissed the holo-keys with a wave, and reached for the bottle. He was just about to scoop it up when the pirate fired her question, and froze him.

He took a careful second to think, lowering his arm. It was a good question to be completely fair, and one that sprang up on Terra quite often. The answer predictably shifted with the telling, most often in the form of a wise-crack, or vaugery the media could be paid to ignore. Again he was faced with the implications of dishonesty, and quite frankly he didn't care for it. Not that it mattered.

"Changing the world, Ms.Harkov." was his grim reply as he refilled his glass. "One careful investment at a time.." His eyebrow arched, Sthenos had displayed "LIAR" on his monitor in response.

"Well, one risky investment at a time these days," confessesd a sighing Gil, more to himself. He straightened out a little, and downed the whole glass before returning his attention to the camera.

"For brevity's sake, let me put this as simply as I can. I need you to smuggle something valuable into Aschen space."