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Jules Restlin

The Dark Light of Eras

0 · 2,271 views · located in The Ruins

a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by Tearen Wover



Despite being a lich, Jules appears to be a (mostly) fair looking young man of soft, refined features. He has flowing raven hair that is dressed in brass and gold tassels that drops down to his chest. He wears an incredibly long, hoodless cape of red and black silk, which wraps around his jagged white-and-gold plate armor like a shadowy cloud. One of his most notable features is the third eye on his face, located just below his right eye, which never closes. All of his eyes shine with the dull, red light of Eras.


Despite being relatively young, Jules has a long history in the Multiverse. A native of Terra, he learned several basic principals of necromancy at the relatively young age of 25, and rapidly became fascinated by becoming a lich. When he attempted it on himself, the process was faulty and resulted in him becoming a nearly mindless undead lunatic. After being killed for the first time, he spent some time climbing the demonic ranks of Hell before being resurrected by his own power. Now the Demon Lord of Heresy, he went about wreaking havoc in the mortal world before being slain once again by a cleric. With no way to escape the power of Hell, Jules gave up his demonic powers and pledged service to the eldritch god Nyarlathotep. That didn't turn out well either, so Jules went into hiding to the far reaches of the Multiverse and discovered the deeply magical planet of Gaia. Now, wiser and stronger, he has once again attempted lichdom, and succeeded. Jules Restlin now spends his quiet days in the dark depths of Gaia, researching her dead gods and forgotten past, looking for a way for him to surpass all mortal limits...

Age: 33
Race: Human Lich
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 93 lbs.
- Undead
- Radiates Negative Energy at Will
- Incorporeal Flight at Will
- Undead
- Endless Endurance
- Undying
- No Metabolism
- Frail
- Slow

Wealth: Affluent
-Great Swaths of the Gaian Underdark
-Renovated Ilithid Fortress "Urz'gechal"
Notable Equipment:
- Demonbone Armor
- Brooch of Tenebreth
- Sphere of Despair
Primary Skills:
- Vancian Wizardry: Necromancer
- Diplomacy
- Leadership

So begins...

Jules Restlin's Story


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Jules Restlin took his drink gratefully from the tender, taking a deep gulp as he stood up and spun around, arms spread wide. He had a warm, inviting grin on his face as he did this, wavy hair flowing gracefully around his face. He stopped his spinning and shouted, "Who wants to dance with me? It's such a beautiful evening!" he asked, taking another generous swig of his drink.


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"No one? No one wants to dance with me? Well I want to dance with me, and I know just the song!" he said, hitting the play button on his portable music system. Loud, garish [url=]music[/url] as he began to gyrate and dance in manners more than uncomfortable for some of the more austere tenants of the bar. He made sure to give a thumbs up back to Rock as he danced around, cyan colored drink sloshing about in one taloned hand. His dark blue jacket seemed to glint under the bars dim lights, being made of a fine velvet.


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Jules Restlin bent over in a sick, bind bending pose, holding up his fingers for the acrobatic teen. "I'll give you a nine boyo!" he yelled before contorting himself out of the wicked position and standing up straight, making sure his drink never spilled. Jules looked around and saw the none-too-subtle form of Ryoku wander in. He took one look at her chest and yelled, "Hooonk!" making a silly face before continuing his manic dance, whirling a bit too fast to see Ai at the moment.


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Jules Restlin halted his outlandish dancing as a spaceship pulled up, rather screeched and clattered its way up, to the doors of Gambits. Hands held motionless in the air, Jules raised his taloned hands and grinned widely at the man's entrance. There were few that could out do him. Well, few that he cared to recognize, his massive ego not exactly owing to conceding grandeur to others. Finished dancing, the strange human settled down and finished his cyan colored drink, now looking around the bar for excitement. He noted the small wolf girl who had fallen asleep. Hmmmm...


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Jules Restlin stopped. The little wolf girl had woken up...oh well. He looked around and suddenly heard a voice. He knew that voice from somewhere, but he couldn't quite place it. He walked back from the bar a little bit, head tilted back and lips pursed in a look of intermixed confusion and interest. His eyes literally lit up when he saw Ai, though he wasn't sure. He tried to remember where he'd seen her from. Party the other night...nah...Lich convent...nah...oh wait.

He began to beam as the small wolf girl began to bounce towards her holding her ears. Of course! Only one person he knew would be oh so nice like that. He spread his arms wide and began to stride towards her, grinning like a championship winner. "Girlfriend!" he screeched.


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Jules Restlin grinned wildly at Kayla, balling his hand into a fist and shaking it up and down like a nod, moving the thumb to make it look like it was talking. "Yes sir! Little miss! Me and Crush are best friends forever!" he said in a silly, high pitched voice. He turned his gaze to Ai, his dark olive eyes smug. "So good to see you here! I missed you so!" he said, reaching out to beep her on the nose with a black talon. He did, but received a small jolt, jerking it back swiftly but cooly. "Oh ho hohooo...kinky." he said, wagging a finger. He raised an eyebrow as Elith addressed him, turning his head slowly. "Can I help you?" he retorted in the exact same tone. Really, how rude.

Jules whipped a chair out from the bar and sat on it backwards, arms folded on the back, leaning forward. "I take it there will be no kissy face tonight then?" Jules asked, a slightly darker grin manifesting on his fae.


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Jules Restlin ran a clawed hand around Ai's body, watching her shiver as he did so. Some kind of force field? It wasn't very good, whatever it was. Unbeknownst to Ai that the only thing actually demonic about Jules were his grafted hands and his outlook on life. Though it's not exactly like he knew what the barrier specifically repelled either. So, like any humans, they both had jumped to conclusions. "I can't say that field would be good for any kind of human contact, especially if you forget to lower it. I mean, we wouldn't want to give grand mammy a heart attack would we?" Jules asked, his malignant personality seething. He glanced down at Kayla, tempted to cast any manner of torturous spell on her, but refrained for the moment. For now, Jules continued to probe at her defenses, trying to figure out where the field was being emitted from.


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Jules Restlin looked up at Elith with glowing, hateful eyes, an impatient scowl on his face. Oh, how tempting it was to drain the life from the over sized lummox that very instant. Instead, Jules cast an Asphyxiate spell on the man, which would last for two rounds, hopefully keeping him distracted. Afterall, Elith had touched Jules first. To Jules, that meant Elith had provoked the attack, never mind any stupid form 'asking nicely'. Bullshit.

Jules then spied something glinting on Ai's wrist. It was a bracelet, but more than that, it had a complex system of grooves and illuminated symbols on it, looking extremely futuristic indeed. Jules' eyes flicked from the field emitter back to Ai's face, then back again. "Really?" he asked in a half disappointed tone. He had hoped to crack and arcane mystery, not just destroy some stupid toy. Jules reached out for Ai's wrist, intent on fighting through simple pain to destroy the insipid shield.


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Jules Restlin gripped Ai's arms as she threw them over his shoulders, which had really no demonic properties to them at all, really. He reached behind her back, talons digging into her flesh, black smoke wisping as he shuddered in pain. "Aaahhahhahah", he cackled madly. He'd been through Hell once. An electric shock wasn't going to hold a candle to that. "Kissy face" he crooned evily, his eyes lighting up as he hugged Ai close to him, again planting his lips harshly on hers. He could hear her yelp impotently as he began to drink deeply from her seemingly endless reservoir of magic energy, the flood of power dulling the potency of the shocking sensation. It was really quite an interesting mix. Black arcs of lightning began to spark from his body as he continued to draw from her, chuckling deeply.


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Jules Restlin roared in pain at another mental attack from Ai, his feral side even taking a rather heavy blow. He'd really have to find a counter for that one of these days. He recoiled from her in a spasm of pain, slashing at her mid riff wildly with a retreating claw. He crouched down on the ground, eyes crossing and uncrossing as he tried to force his mind back into semblance. Just like the last time though, Jules' inherently magical nature leached into all parts of his being, and Ai might feel some of his soul's darkness try and creep into her even as she shrieked into his mind. Whisps and sparks of negative energy burst from Jules' pain wracked body as he groaned in agony, both taloned hands clutching his head.


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Oh, whoops, and when Kayla and Elith had attacked him, their attacks probably manifested on Ai's body instead, as Jules was using her body's life for fuel and repairs.


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Jules Restlin growled in a bestial manner as he sat up shakily. One hand still on his head. A look of pure rage filled his glowing eyes. Lingering black smoke from Ai's wounds drifted around, refusing to dissipate. Inhaling deeply, Jules drew it into himself, his shaking becoming less and less virulent. Finally, he managed to shudder his way to his feat, negative energy crackling around his body as his eyes glowed brightly. With a sudden burst, he cast another Asphyxiate spell, but this time at Kayla, wanting to see the insipid thing writhe. He spoke shakily, using the energy he had drawn from Ai to help him move. " will not resist me forever wretched plaything. Now watch in dread as your...agh...your cuddly doll of a girl is cast into torment for your actions!" Jules roared. The spell would last for five rounds or until Kayla was rendered unconscious, unless she could somehow resist it. Jules tried to sit still, knowing the battle wouldn't go anywhere, and tried to keep his gaze focused on Kayla.


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Jules Restlin cackled with infernal glee. His eyes glowing all the while. He took deep, pausing breaths, gathering his concentration for his next trick. For him, it wasn't about the harvest of energy, or the powers untold. It was the spectacle. Oh yes, he was evil. So diabolically evil.


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Jules Restlin was indeed sent sprawling, though, admittedly closer to Ai and Kayla. More complex spells might indeed require a vested concentration, but the Asphyxiate spell was a one and done deal. Still, Jules was rather miffed, as he lurched to his feet with a growl. His eyes flashed brightly as he looked to Ai, offering the shielding bracelet. Jules smirked as he was in control of the situation again. He cast a casual, thoughtful look on his face, tapping his lips with a taloned finger. "Hmmmmm..." he said, looking down at the small girl flinching and grasping at her throat. He kept his eyes on her for what good people would consider far too long before waving his hand casually, releasing the girl from the spell while snatching band from Ai with a sharp claw.

"Anything..." Jules said, slipping the band over his own arm, pushing it up under his sleeve. He raised his eyes to meet hers, an evil grin on his face. With a sharp talon, he traces another line down her face, parallel to the scar already there, black smoke billowing from the mark, Jules pumping in the negative energy more than usual. "Anythinggg...hmmmmm..." Jules said again. With a flash of his eyes, he crossed his arms, his form beginning to dissipate into a thick black smoke. He drifted towards Ai in this incorporeal form, whispering as the mist drifted past her and out an open window. "Anything...I'll put some thought to that..." he said again, his ghostly voice echoing with a dark chuckle following.


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Jules Restlin burst into the bar with a brusque kick, his foot lingering in the air arrogantly as he stood there, hand in his pockets. After a small chuckle, he swaggered towards the bar with a long, loping gait, dancing back and forth as he did so. He carried with him a small speaker that was blaring [url=]music[/url]. He blew a few kisses to any woman daring enough to look at him, his wavy hair bobbing too and fro. He stretched his arms wide as he slid up to the bar, smiling a big goofy grin. His black claws glinted in the dim light.

"Bartender!" he shouted, "Something strong!"


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Ai might find a pair of chilly clawed hands over her eyes as a soft chuckling filled her ears. The young man was devilishly handsome and yet horribly uncanny at the same time, having the sharp, wild looks of a predator. "Guess who?" he hummed, grinning manically.


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Jules Restlin chuckled again, his olive colored irises flashing. His wavy hair might tickle her face as he whispered in her ear, his dangerous hands resting on her shoulders. " 'Scool. I forgot yours as well...but I know what I want from that promise you made..." he whispered.


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Jules Restlin chuckled lowly, the rage and frustration flowing from her almost palpable on the dank air of the bar. "Your name is thrall, weakling, food, whatever. We still have a deal to discuss..." he hissed, withdrawing from her with moment's hesitation. He sat on the stool next to her, leaning in close and speaking softly in her ear. "I've been watching you, closely, for awhile. I know how you operate and the self appointed place you take in peoples lives..." he continued, squinting slightly. He could see her jaw clenched tight and grinned, placing a single, black talon on her cheek, but scarring or marking her like he normally would.

"I want find me a girlfriend." he said curtly, sitting back and grinning.


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Jules Restlin pouted momentarily and drove a hand at her throat, and would grip it tightly if it connected, choking her in mid swallow. His voice took on a rather insane, guttural tone. "Don't trivialize it. You don't get it, do you? I'm not the loving kind. Ever. Which makes your job nearly impossible, and my pleasure of pissing you off indefinite. So yes, find me a girlfriend. I'll even promise to leave you alone forever if you ever get around to that." he growled. A dark miasma began to creep up around his body, inching hungrily towards Ai


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Jules Restlin laughed openly and raucously. "Ahahahahaaa! Oh yeah, tell me about it. I devoured five within the past month! No, the trick here, Betty, is to find someone I like as well." he said, ordering a drink in preparation for the coming show.