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Naomi and Abel

[quote]Children of darkness, children of tears, we've come out of nightmares, we are your worst fears.. We're not here for glory, we're not here for fame. To hear you scream, that is the game...[/quote]

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a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by Knosis


They are the identical twin children from Kenna and Cenoic.

Naomi: Quiet, but firm in her decisions. She is definitely the leader of the two siblings. She looks more like a porcelain doll with her pale skin, spiraled curled blond hair and always dressed in Gothic style dresses no matter where she is. Naomi looks fragile almost, her thin frame of a 5 year old, but don't let it fool you. She is more powerful than her brother, as well as her own mother at this point. She has mismatched eyes, the only difference she has from her brother Abel. Her left eye is the same amber color of her mother's, her right eye is blood red. Nothing natural seems to please this child, always expressionless or bored; however, that can all change when her and her brother are playing their 'games'.

Abel: More talkative than his sibling, more proper in the sense of the word as well. Surprisingly good English despite only being 5 years old. He looks like he is in charge but will definitely stand to the side if and when his sister decides to undermine him. Looks like a picture perfect child with similar pale skin and blond but straight, unlike his sister's. Abel is quick to act, his temper over rides most of his thoughts but can be reigned in by his sister. The only thing that really sets the children apart are their eyes. Abel's left eye is blood red, matching Naomi's right eye, though his left eye is ice blue.

They are rarely apart, for there is rumors their powers are greatest when they are together.. But that's not always comforting when they are apart from each other as well. Like most children, they love to play games, however they have their... own ways of playing the normal childrens games. These demon children tire easily and get frustrated if they do not win or have things their way... Just ask the last babysitter what had happened, that is if you can find her.


Naomi is rather quiet, secluded but more of a leader in many ways. Her actions are usually cold and cruel, however if she decides to pay you much attention at all. Naomi usually will boss her brother around, especially if he isn't doing what she wants him to do.

Abel is more talk than bite. He's almost like the henchmen for his sister, and his temper is -always- frayed.

They both have a sense that they are better than you. They hate humans, they dislike other demons that pretend to be stronger than what they are and most of all, they -hate- to lose.


They don't need tools or equipment. Just a single look from them, and you'll never mess with them again..


They were born from Kenna one night to many people's surprise. They had expected just Abel, the baby boy only to find that there was a baby girl as well. They were precious to Kenna and Cenoic, and well protected by the best of magics. That, however, was short lived. The prophecy predicted the twins to be the most evil and vile things to ever walk the face of the planet, as well as the beginning of the end of the world. Desperate to prove it all wrong, Kenna tried to protect the children from any and all who tried to get their hands on them to either kill them, or even worse, use them to their full potential. However...

One night, when Kenna was away, the children were kidnapped by the Fallen. Taken back to hell, the children were forced to grow at faster rates so they could understand the creature that would be using them as puppets. They were taught how to be cruel, how to be cold and that they were nothing but something to be used against those that hated them.

And now, they travel around the world, doing their 'Father's' deeds, until their full potential can be brought to the surface..

So begins...

Naomi and Abel's Story


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#, as written by Knosis
Naomi and Abel Abel would shrug slightly, his eyes fluttering slightly. "I-I guess.." He would whisper, almost sounding exhausted. He would slowly try to stand back up again only to fall, grabbing his head. "I don't ever want to go back into her mind.." He whispers.


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#, as written by Knosis
Naomi and Abel shakes his head slightly, swaying as his father helped him stand up. "I-I'll try.." He mumbles. "The maze.. Its.. in one of the very bottom rings of Hell.. I remember where it is, but I don't remember how we got out of it.." He whispers.


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#, as written by Knosis
Naomi and Abel would poof together.

The setting changes from Gambit's Bar to The Monastery


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#, as written by Knosis
Naomi and Abel By this time, the children had already been traveling for a while, up the small mountain in a slow pace. Naomi had sort of woken up by this point, but she seemed.. off. "Father.. Where is this place..." Abel would complain softly to himself, his eyes on his sister as she mumbled inaudibly to herself.


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#, as written by Knosis
Naomi and Abel would finally find the stair case and slowly and unsteadily made their exhausted trip up them. The gruesome images did not seem to bother the twins as they make their way up slowly. "Hopefully this is the place..." Abel whispered to his sister, who only shrugged. Her tiny frame seemed to be frail, and only seemed to get weaker with every step. Abel would then sigh and crouch down. "Up you go, get on my back I'll carry you the rest of the way Naomi.." Naomi would blink softly but not argue as she climbs on her brother's small back. Abel stumbles slightly, but slowly starts his ascent again. Finally he would gain to the top of the stair case, small beads of sweat upon his pale forehead but otherwise wouldn't seem the least bit tired. He looked upon the garden, unsure if he should venture further in..


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#, as written by Knosis
Naomi and Abel Abel would finally sigh and decide to follow up the path, finally coming across the house and the man sitting in front of it. His mismatched eyes would slowly shift over to him, the ice blue and blood red resemblance to his father. "Excuse me.. I think you are the man I was sent to find.. But I am not sure.." He would speak loud enough to try to let the man hear. The porcelain girl on his back would be breathing heavily, painfully as something was still not right with her.


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Character Portrait: Naomi and Abel
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#, as written by Knosis
Naomi and Abel Abel blinks, his face turning long as if he was wondering if this man was in fact insane or just extremely strange. The stare would not scare him off, nor would the drawn out words, though he wanted to knock the man in the back the head. "Er.. Hi. My sister needs help. Please, I must know if you are the man I am suppose to find."


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#, as written by Knosis
Naomi and Abel 's eyes half cover themselves with the eyelids. He stepped forward only to take a whiff of the air and step back once more. The man was playing them, and so he would play right back. Slowly he would let his sister slide off his back and curl up softly on the ground. "I'm afraid, sir, I do not wish for your poisoned tea, nor would I care for any.. goodies.. You may have.. I was sent here by my father, Cenoic.. He said to travel up the small mountain and find the man who lives on it, and you are the only one in miles. But I'm afraid my father may have been sorely mistaken.." His icy blue eye would flicker slightly in the light eerily.


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#, as written by Knosis
Naomi and Abel Abel would smirk at the man's last comment. "After trying to scare use away, then trying to poison us, I'm not sure if I want to sit anywhere you tell us to sit." Naomi would groan and grab her head, curling up in a tighter ball. Abel would look down towards his sister and wince sympathetically.


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#, as written by Knosis
Naomi and Abel Abel grits his teeth. He did not trust this man. Why on earth did his father send him to this place, to this man, who obviously did not give a rats ass about them? He was insane, definitely. But slowly he would help his sister up, his eyes never leaving the man as he slowly made his way over to where the man had suggested for them to sit. He felt he was going to regret it, but he blamed his father for all of this. Naomi's already pale skin grew more translucent as she was moved over to where they were told to sit, obviously in a world of pain and chaos. Mumbling to herself, she would be digging her fingernails into her skin, drawing blood on her thin arms. She seemed unaware of what was going on around her.


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#, as written by Knosis
Naomi and Abel Abel would let out a snarl as he was dropped from the surface he had been on, hearing the man yell bye as both him and his sister plunged into the maze below. Falling and tumbling, Abel would immediately stand up, his eyes slitted furiously. "Naomi needs your help, you crazy old bat! She is in no condition for this!" He would yell up to the surface. Naomi would groan loudly as she had landed, trembling harshly. "A-abel..." She would whisper softly. Slowly Abel would turn to look at his sister then back towards the ceiling. "Please, let me train while you help her. She will catch up, but she can't do this right now.." Abel hated to seem like he was pleading, but had no choice.


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#, as written by Knosis
Naomi and Abel sighs as he sees the rather limp looking rope fall down for them. Did he think the boy was an idiot? But he had no choice in the matter. "You are either extremely strange.. Or unexpectedly cruel.." Abel would mumble, probably loud enough for the man to hear. Reaching down, he would help Naomi climb onto his back once more before walking to the robe, grabbing hold of it and giving it one good tug to see what would happen.


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#, as written by Knosis
Naomi and Abel would blink again as they were sent flying all of a sudden out of the maze, once again tumbling on the ground. Abel would land accidentally on Naomi, hissing slightly as he rolled off her. "Please help her now.." Naomi would curl up in the tight ball once again, her eyes tightly shut as she murmurs to herself quietly.


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#, as written by Knosis
Naomi and Abel Abel would sigh and shake his head. "What do you require of me?" He would mumble, watching the man roll his sister around, grinding his teeth angrily. "I do not even know your name yet." How could have father sent them to this place? Hell would only know.


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Character Portrait: Naomi and Abel
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#, as written by Knosis
 TPM The door would slowly open by itself, slowly swinging in to allow the obviously known guest into its presence.


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Character Portrait: Naomi and Abel
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#, as written by Knosis
Naomi and Abel Abel would blink and gawk at the mop, bucket and sponge for a moment or two. Slowly his face would turn into a scowl, but he would not say a word, for the man -said- he would help Naomi. In a quick jab, he picked up the bucket and started heading for the stream for the water.


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Character Portrait: Naomi and Abel
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#, as written by Knosis
Naomi and Abel TPM: The sound would echo against the empty walls, dust and decay upon the ground and the objects all around. The long hall would seem extremely dark, and extremely unnerving to those less bold than the others. A scream could be heard in the darkness..


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Character Portrait: Naomi and Abel
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#, as written by Knosis
Naomi and Abel Abel would return several minutes later with a full bucket of water before turning back to the house and eying it for a moment. He would then heave a small sigh and set about the task he had been given.


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#, as written by Knosis
Naomi and Abel TPM: A man would appear out of no where in a set of black armor, his eyes the color of coal and a black blade in his hand. He opened his mouth and began to speak in a foreign tongue, holding his sword ready.


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Character Portrait: Naomi and Abel
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#, as written by Knosis
Naomi and Abel Abel blinks and turns towards the man. "You don't know what the hell you are doing..." He would let out a slight chuckle, one you would give when you are about to break something. "You are insane, aren't you?" He would ask.