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Divine Steward of the Multiverse

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a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by Tearen Wover


It is beyond difficult to summarize Nealaphh.

He is powerful as the greatest of gods, yet walks beneath them.

He has immaculate wisdom of all the spheres of the Multiverse, but does not exploit it.

He is unbound by any law, creed or nation, and yet serves the causes of mortals gladly.

This history of Nealaphh is long, and not always linear. Above all else, he is an utter enigma, taking whatever shape he desires and wielded whatever ability the situation calls for. Essentially, he exists outside of the Multiverse, looking in, and only intervenes when events take place which might threaten the very integrity of the collected realms therein.

Nealaphh is the Supreme Arbiter, the Steward, the Guiding Hand, the Righteous Wrath and the Loving Mercy. The Enigma's single greatest asset is his divine restraint, and willingness to let mortals go about their blessed lives without fear of spontaneous calamity. At the same time, Nealaphh cultivates change and chaos where he sees stagnation and long silence.

He does not require worship, and he does not desire to rule. Nealaphh's one and only mandate is the continued existence and life of the Multiverse. Those who would snuff it out, paralyze it with overwrought empires, or otherwise violate the flow of the Zeitgeist are his enemies, and even then, he is liable to forgive them. He cannot be prayed to, bartered or negotiated with, and his judgements are long-thought and final. He does not manifest himself in the Multiverse for arbitrary reasons; if Nealaphh is present, dire things are afoot.

So begins...

Nealaphh's Story


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'Christopher shook his head and laughed slightly. "Well mate, maybe that's what they are where you come from. Why all this serious talk in a bar though?" 'Chris' said, speaking to both Kisa and Jared


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'Christopher' raised an eyebrow at Kisa and patted her head lightly. "Well, if you kin die through natural causes, ye have nuthin' to fear from me, luv." he said, leaning back on his bar stool. "My sole purpose in this multiverse it to make sure things die when their time comes. That doesn't mean I like killing and destroying. It's a shame most of the time. But it has to be done, yeah?" 'Chris said solemnly. He raised his right hand, from which sprouted a bright blue blade, incorporeal to most, deadly to any form of immortal.

"But, if'n you ever get tired of livin', I can end ya quickly and painlessly." 'Chris' said, shrugging. Death was no big deal to him.


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Nealaphh raised an eyebrow, and dissipated the anomalous weapon. "Will, that's awful shitty of them. But, if I may say something...there are some things that refuse to die on their own. I have to balance the energy of the universe. Every step an immortal takes unravels the fabric of space and time." 'Chris' said, looking wantonly at the woman before him. Resurrection was one of those grey areas of immortality. The bodies themselves weren't immortal, so they weren't problematic in the fashion described earlier, but every time they popped back into existence, it was a bit of a blow to the continuum.


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Nealaphh smiled as well. Human as anyone else. Just forced to be made different. Tragic, yet not so uncommon in this multiverse. Realizing that, being a law of the universe, he didn't have any money, he grabbed the whiskey glass before him and concentrated deeply. Gradually, the glass shifted into metal, then, into gold, forming a rather intricately engraved bracelet for Kisa to wear. Smiling, Nealaphh said "Keep the change" before dissipating into a fine mist and dispersing into the atmosphere of the bar.


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Nealaphh cackled hideously at the foolish immortal struggling with the amorphous black entity. The ancient smelling man was obviously some 'holy crusader' or another. What a joke though. His actions and movements were completely farcical in Nealaphh's opinion. However, The Crawling Entropy would not interfere unless this...absorber needed a little assistance getting this morsel devoured. It would at least be one less immortal in the multiverse. At present, Nealaphh lingered in the bar as a large mass of air, floating above the heads of the patrons. None but the most prescient of beings would be able to discern his lingering menace.


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Nealaphh coalesced into his normal form, the brown, bedraggled figure with a large staff. Pacing calmly over to the large fissure cracked open by John, Nealaphh placed his black gloved hands on the shifted ground, sealing the Earth back up behind the ridiculous crusader. Hopefully, a molten, smothering doom would keep this one down. That was...hopefully. Probably not though.


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Nealaphh cackled loudly at this rash attack. "Oh right...'Holy Warrior' my sides. Just think of the collateral, you silly oaf." the robed figure said gesturing to the lesser, more beautifully normal patrons who had no doubt been scuffed, bruised, and maimed from the powerful retaliation. "So much for divine grace. Pah." the entity said, leering at the ground in wicked amusement. Immortal body. Infantile mind.


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Nealaphh scoffs, and dissolves into a thick smoke. "Oh right. NOW he's conscious of possibly hurting others. Where was that when you were blasting sonic waves through a closed space I wonder? Holy warrior? Such hypocrisy."


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> Nealaphh spat, drifting in and around John, the inky cloud violating John's breathing space. It would take time, but he'd get this one to die. Oh yes...


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Nealaphh would have raised an eyebrow, but he was a very large cloud at the moment. Shifting his form again into a metallic skeleton, Nealphh slashes his way out of the bag and brushes himself off. Calling the Blade of Departure to his hands, an incorporeal blue scythe head protruding from his hand, he calmly walks towards John, growing weary of these paltry shenanigans.


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Nealaphh shrugs at John, his metallic form glinting in the low light. "I am on business as well, currently." the enigmatic entity said, rapidly shifting into a cloud of wasps, surging towards John before reforming in the shape of a gargoyle. The large blue blade made no noise as Nealaphh attempted to drive it into John's flesh. The blade would pass through any armor, being incorporeal as it was. It affected only immortal flesh. And it would. Nealaphh was good at his job.


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Nealaphh wrested his granite arms away from, his ruby red eyes glinting. "This isn't an attack, my zealous friend. It's a redemption." he says, his stony fangs opening wide as the lower half of his body began to turn into a writhing mass of horrid spikes. Surging towards Piri, the shining, horribly shrill bush would attempt to surround and seize, effectively taking a hostage. Coercion was an art lost on the multiverse's power mongers.


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Nealaphh laughed loudly at the accusation. "Petty morals instated by humans. Don't apply your moral system to mine, Bible thumper. That's benign racism." Nealaphh said, the brambly bush withdrawing from the squishy mortal frame he'd selected as a hostage. "Besides, I'd hate to see a man of god sink so low as to place someone else's safety before his own. How...selfish."


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Nealaphh rolled his brambles. Here we go. "This is just for fun, this next bit. God is a being, a benevolent being, who refuses to prove he exists, for he exists through faith, and without faith, he is nothing. But, you're a dead giveaway he exists, what with all the earthquaking and sonic destruction. So, with you on board, His existence is proven, thus denying the need for faith, thus destroying his entire message. Nice job breaking it, Hero." Nealaphh said. He liked that one, even though he hadn't come up with it. Still...ooh, a lawyer.

"Oh yeah, hi" Nealaphh said, shifting into the form of a well dressed black man, "Yeah there is a dispute here. This guy is immortal, thus defying the second law of thermo dynamics, thereby unraveling the fabric of time and space itself. He needs to stop doing that."


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Nealaphh waved his hand to the robed figure behind him. "It's all in the peach pie. It's not about the death. It's about the balance." Turning back to the hilarious hubris filled man before him, Nealaphh offered a rather nasty sneer. "Love? What love? All I've seen you do is beat up some random blob, make an earthquake in bar, thus maiming a few people, and hesistating to save a girl in a hostage situation. And now the Pride is there. Passive pride mind you, but it's pride nonetheless. Go bark up another tree, my fallen Paladin. You'll die someday, along with Him and the rest of the Universe." Nealaphh said, shifting into the form of a flock of doves and soaring at John. Once he got up to velocity, he coalesced into the form of a large, heavy cross, which, if left unblocked, would slam into the silly man with quite some force.


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Nealaphh shifted into the form of a large parrot, wearing a priest's collar. "Save the patronization, Bible school Bill. No one likes to be talked down to. Especially you, apparently. Pride...what a shame for a holy man...Instead of just saying how much we all suck for not believing...why not go ahead and teach? WWJD bro." with that, Nealaphh took his leave of the god-mod joke, and turned to Death, his large beak snapping open and shut.

"Not balance of life. Balance of energy in the universe. You get these folks that live forever, that don't need to eat or breathe to live most the time, which in turn means that energy is being put into the Universe without any energy being taken out. Like a peach pie getting stuffed full of more peaches when its already been baked. It's my job to contain those anomalies and reset the balance. Nothing more." Nealaphh said, cocking his head off to the one side.


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Nealaphh shook his feathered head slightly, a mild squawk escaping. "Of course everything dies. That's entropy, buut...Souls and all that aren't my department, so I wouldn't know. My concern is with the here and now, not the here and hereafter." Nealaphh said, his large body bobbing up and down comically. He didn't bother pointing out that the being's closed system mathematics were a little off, but he had had enough metaphysical arguing for one evening.


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Nealaphh was furious. The air was rank with the undeniable stench of immortality. Some of it synthetic, other bits of it arcane, some of it was of extraplanar origins, but it was there, and it was thick. But the hunting tonight would require patience amidst this impressive collection of beings. Bearing this in mind, Nealaphh took the shape of a handsome black man in a rather flamboyant zoot suit. Walking into the bar with his cane tapping on the ground, he sidled up to the bar, and perused the crowd. It was hilarious the lingo that was flying between patrons, but Nealaphh suppressed his sadistic glee as a mild, deep throated chuckle. Who to hunt?


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Nealaphh grinned with a manic expression on his f


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Nealaphh chuckled lowly to himself, and turned to the rather snobbish looking man, both hands on top of his cane. He raised one finger to his lips, smiling facetiously. "Shh now, my man. No need to be so rude when it is such a be-autiful day. Yessir, such a beautiful day." Nealaphh said, chuckling again. No doubt such talk would infuriate the man before him. Then again, nothing cured a bad mood better than passing it around.