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he is an immortal person who carries ten kunai can heal others and shoot wires out of his fingertips

0 · 274 views · located in Zanzarian Port: Lower Levels

a character in “The Multiverse”, originally authored by snapfish, as played by RolePlayGateway

So begins...

Scourge's Story

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Character Portrait: Scourge
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Scourge lay in a pool of blood. He slowly turned his head to the left and saw corpses. "augh my head" he said as he slowly rose to his feet. As he started walking down a path he found, he bowed over and fell to the ground. "GAUGH!!!" he screamed as he clenched his stomach and threw up blood. He slowly went into unconsciousness.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Boris Gradelvox Character Portrait: Scourge
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Scourge felt himself moving, what was going on! He looked behind him and saw someone carrying him over their shoulder."who, who are you." He whispered weakly." "My name is Boris Gradelvox" he replies in a russian accent. "people call me Voin though so you can call me Voin". "I don't have a name but my codename is Scourge" scourge said after coughing up blood. Scourge heard a hissing noise as he saw the blood he coughed up become mist. "weird name, but i guess it will work" Voin said "what are you anyway." "I am a bloodlust, you probably haven't heard of them." scourge replied."where we going?" "to a hospital, hopefully" Voin said. "No. You need to take me to a place that fixes seals right now" scourge said after coughing up more blood. "look" he said as he pointed at his wrist, Voin saw a pentagram that was shattered on Scourge's wrist.

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Character Portrait: Boris Gradelvox Character Portrait: Scourge
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#, as written by broheim
"A what?" "A place where they can fix seals." "and i should recognize these places because..." "They have runes by the doors, forcing other seals around it to shine brightly the closer they get." "oh, that's easy."
Boris continues walking hastily and paying close attention to the pentagram on Scourge's wrist, as they pass trough each alley the seal starts to shine. "so it's north." Boris jogs towards the north, however the seal grows dims, maybe it's more towards the east?

Scourge coughs up more blood, Boris is getting increasingly concerned and speeds up his jogging, the heavy sound he makes when not-quite-running are loud, like a mass of steel pounding the ground.
"Come on tovarich, don't die on me." Boris starts running towards the east, the pentagram glows bright again, and grows brighter with every heavy step he makes, as it continues to grow, Boris sees a small shack at the end of an alley, as Scourge said, there are runes on the entrance, and Boris inmediately storms towards it like a raging bull, plowing trough everything on his way.
"OI OI, OPEN THE DOOR, I NEED HELP" said Boris from a distance while slowing down his pace as to not crash trough the door.
"yeah, whaddaya need?" "This boy, he has a pentagram on his wrist, i need you to... fix it, i don't know, it's broken it seems, can you do that for me?"
"yah, got some coin?"
"Yeah, fix him up, i'll give you the money later."
"No money, no service."
"Did you just."
Boris muscles swell, the sound of the armor stretching and the plates locking in place startle the "doctor" and Boris voice becomes slightly deeper.
"Did you just fucking said you weren't going to help the kid?" said Boris while leaning over the man and placing his hand besides him, to prevent him from escaping.

"N-no sir! I said i'll do it for free!"
"Good, it's what i tought."
Boris puts down Scourge to a table next to a strange device.
"Start your work."

Boris sits down on the other end of the room and oversees the man fixing the seal.

"T-thanks, Voin." said Scourge.

The markings on Boris visor start to turn back to blue, the plates unlock and they start to overlap as Boris muscle swelling slowly subsides.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Boris Gradelvox Character Portrait: Scourge
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#, as written by broheim
After hours of watching the boy getting "fixed" the old man finally steps away from the table, letting Scourge stand up on his own, Boris, who was attempting to meditate all the time, came to his senses and stood up.
"You alright, tovarich?"
"Y-yeah, i believe i am, i'll make it trough this one." said Scourge while flexing his arms and stretching "say, what made you come to rescue me?" asks Scourge while scratching his head.
"At first, it was simple curiosity, then... well, i was kind of relieved i found someone alive that didn't tried to stab me."
"Why would you get stabbed? you seem to be pretty invincible."
"Hehe, thanks, but i'm far from it, i work for some... guys, as their bodyguard, they're sought after many, i can't tell much, but as of right now, i'm a free man, until i get the call."
"Oh... right-o, won't ask, alright, let's go Voin." Scourge hopped down the table, almost falling flat on the floor.
"hey hey" Boris picks up Scourge "You alright, rebenok?"
"Yeah, just a bit weak, let's go."
"Thank you for your help, i apologize for the mess i caused." said Boris as he bows to the old man.
Scourge and Boris leave the small house and continue on their way, where, he doesn't knows, but it seems the kid might need some assistance, as he is in need of company.

"Say, kid, what were you doing in that alley with corpses, were you responsible for that, or were you thrown into a corpse-alley?"

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Character Portrait: Scourge
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"the bodies where because of me I would rather not talk about it, I need to find a place that will get me a permenet seal so we need to split up." Scourge left boris and continued alone, as he continued he saw a person going the oppisote direction, the person had grey hair and was wearing a black coat. "you need to get out of here" he said as the newly-fixed seal was cracking. His skin startyed to peel off and was being replaced by veins. Blood went everywere. "you need to run now!!!" Scourge said.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Connor Gateworthy Character Portrait: Nigel Ronan(Ronan) Character Portrait: Scourge
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Connor finished eating like a starved animal. Gently grabbing one of the provided cloths to wipe his face from the blood. "Ahhh, da' was nice. Danks, Lion-man." He spoke to Nigel as he quickly jumped off the chair. "Well, 'ime is o' t' essence, we shoul' head off t' t' por' t' mee' t' ol' par'ner!"

And so, Connor left the building, walking out into the streets only to see a strange being standing in his pathway. Was that good luck? No, he has to be a black cat. Or is that bad luck?
"you need to get out of here" he said as the newly-fixed seal was cracking. His skin startyed to peel off and was being replaced by veins. Blood went everywere. "you need to run now!!!

"Lol, wha'?" Connor asked, giggling to himself at the very disgusting sight. Although, the blood being scattered across the area seemed pretty cool. "I Dink yer dyin' ma'e." He was calm, but fully aware that the Eye of Payemyndii had activated itself. The right pupil changed from being a black ring to a black X across his iris. It had sensed danger, and, being dead, Connor couldn't stop it from activating or deactivating.
The energy he saw with the eye was weird, strange, attractive... But there was no other use, yet.

Finally, Connor reacted by placing his arms behind his back, grabbing his machine pistols from their holsters located on the back of his belt. He kept his arms behind his back, under the black long coat, ready to quickly draw his weaponry and fire with the act of surprise on his side.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Connor Gateworthy Character Portrait: Nigel Ronan(Ronan) Character Portrait: Scourge
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"Heheh, no problem." Nigel replied. He had just finished eating as well and soon stood up to follow Connor out of the place, slapping down enough credits to cover the meal and a tip. He'd caught up just as Connor stopped in front of the stranger who seemed to be causing a ruckus. Nigel had only managed a glance at the strange happenings before a low threatening growl rose up from his chest almost without his being aware. The claws on all four of his paws unsheathed and the hair on the back of his neck prickled and would very well have stood on end if it weren't a thick red mane.

"What the hell is that?" He asked to anyone in particular, is left hand going behind him to grip the brass pole strapped to his bag. The stench of blood and fresh corpses assaulted his keen animal senses. He attempted with great difficulty to prepare himself for whatever came next.

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Character Portrait: Scourge
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"Run!!! i cant control it much longer!" scourge screamed in pain as the transformation of his arm became complete. The eye on the side of the tentacle had the lokk of a lust for blood in it. Scourge slashed his tentacle arm toward the person with the coat's head at the fastest speed he could right after transformation. he knew that even if he didn't decapitate his enemy, his enemy would lose large amounts of blood.

(ooc : i was thinking that this could become a combat portion with the two of you versues me, you dont have to kill my character you just have to sedate him.)

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Connor Gateworthy Character Portrait: Nigel Ronan(Ronan) Character Portrait: Scourge
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Staring at the highly attractive scene of disgusting brutality, Connor gave of a little giggle at the tentacle arm thing, completely ignoring the man's words.

But then suddenly, the tentacle swung towards him, he had no time to draw his guns and no time to dodge. Even his eye of payemyndii couldn't keep up with it. Well, more like it knew that the attack would do no damage.
The tentacle smacked against Connor's head with a big slap, ripping his head off and throwing it against the alleyway walls. The body simply stood, no blood left the head or the neck, there was simply no blood to flow.
"Agh, dammi' ya lil' shi'. Da's painful." The head shouted as it wobbled back and forth, trying to get a view on the situation.

Once Connor's head had gained view of the situation, the body, which was standing in the same bent back and bent legs position, the hands still behind it's back, begun to move. Quickly drawing the machine pistols and pointing them at the tentacle thing. Using his immaculate accuracy, which was dramatically decreased due to the point of view. The guns fired, aiming at the eye thing on the tentacle along with important tendons located under the skin.

"Oi, lion, can ye 'elp ou'?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Connor Gateworthy Character Portrait: Nigel Ronan(Ronan) Character Portrait: Scourge
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"A-ah...No Problem." Nigel was yet again shocked by the strange things that his new undead acquaintance could do. The fact that he could control his body from across the room certainly gave him reason to hesitate. Nigel drew his brass pole which ticked like the heart of a steel clock as it first formed first into a decorative and diamond sharp spear then sprouted into an ornate glaive. He rushed the man with the tentacle arm pinning the tentacle to the ground using the blunt end of the staff and his entire weight. He gripped the staff and used his momentum to deliver one solid kick to the chest of the man. Which if remained unblock would certainly knock the wind out of him and send him sprawling however far the tentacle would allow. It was the best attack he could think of at the time short of tearing out his throat with his teeth or cutting off the tentacle itself and using it to string him up. There wasn't any real need to kill him was there?

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Connor Gateworthy Character Portrait: Nigel Ronan(Ronan) Character Portrait: Scourge
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To say scourge was suprised that no blood came out of the decapitated head was an understatment. As he was saying "what the he-" He wasnt able to say the rest because he got pinned by a spear and shot in the eye. "gah, you dont have any blood. I wonder if this lion does." as he said this he split the tentacle into 5 smaller tentacles, he slashed at the lion man with the tentacles that werent still pinned by the spear. " you guys seem to be powerful, killing you will be fun" As scourge was saying this he was shot again in his other eye "gah, this is stupid, can you even die!?" As he said this he felt his powwers starting to fade. 'Dang it i still havent fully recovered' He thought as he fell into unconsciness.

OOC : i was thinkin that you guys would bring me your boss. Sayin that i was a good fighter or somethin

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Connor Gateworthy Character Portrait: Nigel Ronan(Ronan) Character Portrait: Scourge
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"HA! DA'S WHA' YE GE'!" The head shouted as it rolled around on the floor, trying to get close to the body.
Connor's body waited until the creature fell to the ground before it placed the machine pistols back in their holsters. It then turned around and picked up the head, placing it back on the neck. The wounds quickly resealed, allowing the head to move around with some clicks of the neck before everything was in place.

"Well. What do we do wi' dis guy?" Connor spoke out, expecting the lion to reply. "Oh yeah, we go'a ge' t' da por'. Need t' mee' Lord Payemyndii."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Connor Gateworthy Character Portrait: Nigel Ronan(Ronan) Character Portrait: Scourge
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Dealing with those other tentacles was easy as Nigel simply spun around once bringing the blade end of the glaive up swiftly to cut the end off the tentacle. He would have continued to cut the entire thing into neat segments had he not surrendered then but the two shots to the eyes seem to have done it.

"What the hell ARE you?" Nigel asked, bewildered by the whole thing.

He then grimaced and grabbed his shoulder as a gash there let itself be known by a deep throb and burning pain. "Dammit." he murmured under his breath as he put a hand over the bleeding cut. It was about three inches long and went well into the muscle tissue.

Nigel's muzzle twitched, causing his whiskers to flutter. He stood over the unconscious form and looked back at Connor. "I don't know....what is he? And what's with....that thing?" He nudged the tentacle with his lower paw, feeling it squish some under the pad of his foot. "Whatever he is...he doesn't seem to have any sort of control over himself."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Connor Gateworthy Character Portrait: Nigel Ronan(Ronan) Character Portrait: Scourge
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"gahh" he screamed as the tentacles were slashed off, blood spurted everwhere. He was just to exhausted to stay in this stage and because of this the tentacles retracted into his arm and his origianal arm grew back. His eye returned to its original color. As he was falling he heard someone say "what the hell are you?" as he was trying to reply darkness faded over him and he slipped into unconsisness.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Connor Gateworthy Character Portrait: Nigel Ronan(Ronan) Character Portrait: Scourge
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"Wha' a dick! Dis guy jus' a'ack us 'n den pass ou'!" Connor grumbled, walking up to the unconscious body. There is more important things than just worrying over some octopus man. They had to get to the signal at the main port, finally meeting his living weapon of a partner.

"C'mon, fuck dis guy. We go' more impor'an' dings t' do. Like ge'in' over t' da por'." Connor spoke out as he stepped over the tentacle man, ignoring everything. He went on to head off to the higher levels of the port.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Connor Gateworthy Character Portrait: Nigel Ronan(Ronan) Character Portrait: Boris Gradelvox Character Portrait: Scourge
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#, as written by broheim
"Well, suit yourself, tovarich." Boris kept walking until the lights faded from him and faded within the shadows, as he faded his step slowly came to a halt and turned around.
"Povysheniya optiki"
Boris visor enhanced and zoomed onto Scourge who was walking towards a small bar, as he reached the entrance he was greeted by the bouncer, scourge was making gestures, as if to intimidate the bouncer.
"Ne delayte etogo, tovarich."
Scourge's arm turns into a tentacle and lashes at the bouncer, knocking him out.
Soon, a lion-like being and an undead come out, scourge attempts to warn them about him, but they pay no attention to it and the undead gets his head ripped off by a lash from the tentacle.
"Well, i guess the tovarich had enough chances on his own"
The body of the undead just stands still as the head rolls, the lion is shocked by what just happened, the undead however releases a volley of bullets as soon as the head gains vision of him, the lights blind Boris for a good time while the fight happens, when he regains his vision, he sees scourge laying on the ground and the undead and Lion-being walking away from him.
"oh hell no."

Boris deactivates his vision and cloaking and fixes his vision on the men walking away and starts running towards them trampling and crushing everything on his way.
As his rage increases his steps become heavier, making the ground tremble under him and sounding like a sledge-hammer pounding the ground.

The men turn around upon hearing Boris thundering steps, and both of them are taken and subdued by his tentacles, lifting them from the ground and inmobilizing their limbs.
"You, undead, why did you killed the boy?" Said Boris as one of the tentacles twisted his arm to rip it off.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Connor Gateworthy Character Portrait: Nigel Ronan(Ronan) Character Portrait: Boris Gradelvox Character Portrait: Scourge
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It wasn't long after the two had begun to walk away from the octopus man until some more events took fold. The ground trembled under their feet as massive thumbs were made onto the ground, as if someone was smashing sledge hammers against the floor.
As a usual reflex, the eye of payemyndii activated and automatically caused Connor to turn around, danger had been sensed and the body had to react.

However, before Connor's eye had a chance to evaluate the situation -which usually took a couple seconds-, his body was grabbed ahold by tentacles. Octopus man is awake already? His body was raised from the floor as the strange being ripped Connor's arm off and threw it to the floor.
"You, undead, why did you killed the boy?" The being spoke,
"AGH! Dammi'!" Connor shouted, he may be dead, but he could still feel the pain.
"Wha' ye on abou'? Da' guy a'acked me!" Connor spoke out, staring at the man creature and allowing his right eye to evaluate it.
Armour plates... Weakness is the fact that they have to be separated slightly to allow movement, usually at areas of movement like shoulders and elbows. But how could he stop that? His arm was quite far away so it would take some time before it crawls back. Actually, that could work.

While Connor waited for a response, his arm slowly crawled towards the two, aiming to get behind Connor.

"Y'know, i's qui'e uncomfor'able like dis."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Connor Gateworthy Character Portrait: Nigel Ronan(Ronan) Character Portrait: Boris Gradelvox Character Portrait: Scourge
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#, as written by broheim
Yelled Boris while slamming Connor against the ground repeteadly with such force that it makes the ground tremble beneath their feet.

Yelled Boris while pulling the lion and the undead closer to his face, doing so, he noticed the undead's hand skittering towards him.
Boris grasps the skittering hand with a tentacle as he raises his foot and throws it under it and stomps on it, inmobilizing it.


Boris shadow is starting to project infront of him.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Connor Gateworthy Character Portrait: Nigel Ronan(Ronan) Character Portrait: Boris Gradelvox Character Portrait: Scourge
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Nigel let out an exclamation and a grow rumbled deep in his chest, he writhed and struggled as Connor spoke to the tentacled man. His muzzle bunched up in a snarl, long yellowed fangs bared.

"Go on and call me a kitten again, damn you! Like he said the kid attacked us and as long as you hold us like this NO ONE is getting help!" Nigel bellowed just as loud as Boris did, his voice laced with a deafening roar. It took everything in Nigel's power not to struggle and bite and claw and devour the flesh of this man with every ounce of strength in his body.