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Simone Guavella

A down on his luck artist with an abundance of talent.

0 · 939 views · located in The Riverbank

a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by Eastep


A lithe latino man, with an athletic build and dark hair. Usually spotted wearing loosely fitting clothes in an array of earthy colors.

So begins...

Simone Guavella's Story


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#, as written by Eastep
Simone Guavella moseyed his way into the bar, sketchbook in hand. He played at his hair for a moment as he observed the three or so bar patrons, a record low for the bar. Usually, there were bar fights every few minutes, but it didn't look to be the case this time around. Moving to take a seat, Simone gave a glance to Alice Dupont, doing a double take as he noticed the translucent skin. He rose an eyebrow, having not seen such a thing as of yet.
"Nothing like the Multiverse, is there?" He muttered as he ordered his drink, wondering how poisonous the lady must be.


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#, as written by Eastep
Simone Guavella started at the sudden presence of the thing in the diving suit. The warbling vaguely reminded him of a whale, and in a moment, the helmet speaker crackled out it's greeting. "How do you do?" Simone offered with a grin, his alcohol promptly arriving, in the hands of the see-through woman.
Her question caused him to turn to her and smile. He liked the observant people.
"Yes ma'am, I'm an artist through and through. Maybe you, or you..." He turned to the metal man as well "Would like a picture done?"


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Character Portrait: Simone Guavella
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#, as written by Eastep
Simone Guavella noted that his life seemed to be going well. There were plenty of subjects that were willing to pose for him. He gave a smile to Kappa and nursed his drink, watching Alice seemingly float from patron to patron, at ease in the chaos it seemed. The Orc seemed to disturb Simone though, he didn't much care for the large barbarian types. He wasn't capable of holding his own against one, and that made them somewhat difficult to be around. He smiled nonetheless and enjoyed his drink.
"Where are you from then?" He asked Kappa, leaning back against the bar.


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#, as written by Eastep
Simone Guavella smiled wide and gave a half laugh at Kappa. "Tell me whatever you'd like." For a moment, he was distracted by the loud crunch of a fresh pickle being chomped into, and gave a smile to Joesph. Simone took up his sketchpad, drawing a pencil from behind his ear and under his hair, touching the tip to the paper. The bloody drill on Kappa was interesting, so he sketched it while he listened.
Simone glanced back as he felt eyes on him, scanning past Kyofu to land on Alice, who watched him and the metal man.


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#, as written by Eastep
Simone Guavella was amused at the banter between Kable and the Orc, and found himself grinning despite his efforts to not draw any attention. Doubtless, if the Orc noticed, he would be none too happy at his uncontrollable grinning. He tried to bury it in the dregs of his mug, but merely spat the beer out as he laughed. An Orc doing dishes?! Probably with a hairnet on no least! Absolutely comical, fatally so.
"Alice, could... could I get a napkin?" He said, still giggling like a child.


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#, as written by Eastep
Simone Guavella dabbed at the beer on his clothes, bunching up the napkin and tossing it to the side. Luckily for him, the Orc had not made any attempts on his life, and for that, he was grateful. Wiping a smile off his face, Simone finished with his laughing fit, again placing his sketch pad in his lap. All of a sudden, he was inclined to draw the orc, in hairnet and rubber gloves, standing before a sink with a confused expression.


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#, as written by Eastep
Simone Guavella had finished his outline of the picture, but stopped to reposition himself further away from the brewing fight there. Some might have said that was cowardly thing to do, but when bullets start flying, they don't make any distinction between the brave and the meek. From his new position, Simone watched, sketching lightly at his pad. If there was to be a fight, it surely would be fun to watch, forom behind some bulletproof glass or something.

The setting changes from Gambit's Bar to The Ruins


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Character Portrait: Simone Guavella
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#, as written by Eastep
Simone Guavella sat on a crumbled pillar, a sketchpad on his lap and the gloomy wind in his hair. The pages of his sketchpad rippled with the wind as his pencil scratched out the lines of a jumble of odd looking symbols the monks had left here so long ago. He heard noise rumbling off in the distance, as if someone were digging or something, but he ignored it. All sorts of things were out here, but he knew the layout of the ruins well enough to escape them. He'd come here once or twice to draw its forlorn landscape. But that noise he'd heard earlier, it spiked somewhat, and attracted his interest.
Slipping down from the pillar's remains, Simone made his way towards the archeologists and their dig site.


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#, as written by Eastep
Simone Guavella heard a crash from across a few piles of ruble. Crouching down low, Simone crept forward, his curiosity winning out over his instinct to flee. Peeking over the edge, he looked down at the backs of armored men and what appeared to be a small brawl. From this angle, Salazar would be able to see his head poking up to gaze down at the situation.


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Character Portrait: Simone Guavella
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#, as written by Eastep
Simone Guavella gave the idol a glance as it flew through the air, wondering to himself what it could be. The soldiers took it and headed out of the ruins, leaving behind the man who'd wrecked the burly man the scientist looking people dragged away.
Simone squeaked when he realized the man knew he was here, and slipped down the rubble pile he looked over, tumbling down into the ruins with Salazar. Raising his hands above him in surrender, Simone flashed an awkward grin.


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Character Portrait: Simone Guavella
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#, as written by Eastep
Simone Guavella was somewhat comforted by the notion that he wouldn't be leaving here with lead in his chest. He leaned up from the ground slowly, not wanted to tempt the scary guy in the coat.
"I didn't see anything except some golden thing getting tossed around, and I promise I won't tell the Aschen or UCON about you knocking out the big guy!" Simone retrieved his sketchpad from the ground, eying Salazar's spooky eyes.


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Character Portrait: Simone Guavella
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#, as written by Eastep
Simone Guavella smiled gratefully at Salazar, getting to his feet now and dusting himself off. Nothing like not being dead!
"Uh, is it too much to ask what did happen here, and who you are?" Simone didn't want to take it too far with the whole not being shot thing, but he didn't look like an Aschen...


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#, as written by Eastep
Simone Guavella was a little unnerved by the thought of this man's daily job involving bring big guys down to the ground.
"Salazar huh? What's the R stand for?" Simone asked, gesturing at the letter on his chest. All of these new political entities really hurt his head sometimes.

The setting changes from The Ruins to The Riverbank


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Character Portrait: Simone Guavella
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#, as written by Eastep
Simone Guavella relaxed under the shade of a low hanging tree, whistling a cheery tune as he enjoyed the heat of a beautiful Wing City day. The young man played about with a cattail reed while he pondered what to sketch in the notebook laying open in his lap. Brushing hair from his face again, the man would retreive a pencil from behind his ear, nibbling on the eraser. No matter how many multiverse technologies came out, a sharpened piece of graphite in a sheath of wood would always work for him.
"Maybe I'll draw a tree?" He asked, not seeming very interested in drawing such a thing. Still starved for ideas, he fished in the picnic basket at his side, producing a slab of bacon which he promptly took a bite from. Food for the mind?


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Character Portrait: Simone Guavella
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#, as written by Eastep
Simone Guavella winced as a smell wafted through the once nice smelling air. Simone would swivel to look at the source of the smell, and blinked at the short little creature he saw. "Hello..." He said, setting aside the chunk of bacon he had. Then a splash from the reeds attracted his attention, and he thought he glimpsed a tail and scales shimmering as it submerged.


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Character Portrait: Simone Guavella
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#, as written by Eastep
Simone Guavella reclined back into his tree, looking up into the shading branches above. The day was rather nice, and he'd brought his picnic basket again, expecting to not be interrupted as he had earlier in the morning. Flipping open the basket he'd brought along with him, Simone rustled through it's innards to produce a few pieces of crunchy, well cooked bacon. He gave a bright smile, seemingly pleased with the status of his meal.
"Now if only there was something to sketch..."


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Character Portrait: Simone Guavella
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#, as written by Eastep
Simone Guavella heard a ripple in the water as he had earlier today. Looking down from the branches, Simone blinked at the reeds, not certain of what he was looking at now. Watching the creature as she watched him, and the piece of meat between them. "Hello?" He asked after a few moments of motionless silence. Perhaps it would say something back, and not try to kill him.


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Character Portrait: Simone Guavella
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#, as written by Eastep
Simone Guavella sat up slowly as the creature mulled over something. She swam in circles, and the movements seemed to entice him. This was a very beautiful creature, and he longed to get closer to it. He scooted himself forward just a bit, not getting off the ground for fear of scaring it. The bacon slab was long forgotten at his side now, and his fingers itched to reach for his pencil to sketch the creature, but he didn't dare scare it now.


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Character Portrait: Simone Guavella
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#, as written by Eastep
Simone Guavella watched the thing splash about in the water, feeling more and more entranced by it's presence. She made what he could only describe as a call to him, and her eyes quested into his. The earth seemed to fall away beneath him, and his mind flooded with images. Bacon, the sketchpad he'd kept for so long, waves, schools of fish in such quatities as to amaze him. Whatever was happening sure was beyond him, perhaps out of this universe! Simone would move closer to the water, moving slowly so as to keep her from being scared.
"What are you?" He asked more himself than he did of her.


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Character Portrait: Simone Guavella
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#, as written by Eastep
Simone Guavella halted a few feet away, unsure of whether to follow his instinct and reach out to offer her his hand. The thoughts that raged in his head were starting to disturb him. Blood in the water, rusty hooks ripping flesh and removing intestines. He wavered a little ways from her, before dropping his hand to his side to just look at her. He was trying to memorize everything about her, but was finding it hard to do as the images swirled larger in his mind. It was starting to hurt now, and he stumbled away, a hand to his head as he still tried to look at her.
Simone was trying so hard to remain this close, but he took another step back, feeling better with every step.