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Slavko Kotovskiy

You goings to be finishing of that?

0 · 490 views · located in The Infinite Void

a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by CrashQueen



Gambit's loyal, vulture-headed janitor.
He doesn't get paid enough for this shit.

Quasi-harpy. His arms can transform into wings, but it rarely matters since he lives in the supply closet, practically.

So begins...

Slavko Kotovskiy's Story


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Slavko returned with a few tablets that he dropped into the glass of water. They fixed and gave up a refreshingly lemony flavor before he pushed the glass back at her. “No, no, drink it. It will help, I promise this.”
He watched her with his bird of prey-like precision, eying her down until she drank.
“Bug? That is being a strange name for a pretty girl.”
At least, he thought she was pretty, behind all the sickness and junkie superficiality. He wasn’t coming onto her, he just knew even the most slovenly of women liked to be called pretty, and coaxing a smile out of them made his day a lot better. He liked the womens in general, regardless of what they looked like. How unfair it would be to discriminate when he looked as he did.


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“Me? I am from a place far from here. Moved when I was a teenagers.” He nodded and watched her face. She was right in assuming if she puked he’d just clean it up again. It was something to do, as awful as it was.
“Where are you coming from, Bug? And don’t be worrying about the junkie. There are worse coming to Gambits every day.”
Judging by her looks, she must have had some sort of story to tell.


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If birds could blush, Slavko would have upon his accent being called adorable. The closest he could get to was puffing the few feathers that poked out from the top of his coveralls. “Thank you. Now all I am needing is to be speaking the English better and I’m being a stud, yeah?”
The vultureman laughed well into Bug asking her question.
“Boytoy? Ehnnn...he is not being too tall or too skinny. Face like a baby...lots of hair. Curly hair. Blushes a lot. Glassboy must be liking to embarrass him. He must being one of those sadists....”


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“Don’t be pickings on the girl because of her grammars, you filthy leech vampires.” Slavko grumbled to Uther as he made his way into the bar with mop and bucket. A simple entrance for a simple janitor.


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The man surveyed the caustic damage done to the bar from the acid-spewing overpowered nuisance of a monster with a slight grumble before putting on gloves and chucking still smoking pieces of the decor and floor into a rubber bag designed for such things. Had he a nose, he would have wrinkled it in disgust, he almost preferred the splattered entrails over this slop. At least it simply smelled like burned wood and not something more foul. Considering the dhampir that stalked this place was the only thing he’d seen that attacked by vomiting its own corrosive insides at folks, the blame fell to it.
“Bloody vampire-hunters, I am appreciating of your services but being tired of cleaning up your leftovers....”

When Uther finally addressed him he puffed his feathers and chuckled. “Oh so finally baby has a comebacks!”


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Slavko’s mouth turned up in as much of a grin his beak would allow as he shrugged, still dealing with the acidwashed corner of the bar. “You gets used to it after a few years. I have being working here for maybe twenty....It used to be a lot” He finally settled on a word that described the downhill slide.
“Good to see you are feeling betters though! Very good!”


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Slavko rolled his avian eyes at the unnecessary damage to the door before responding to Bug.
“I have been around, cleanings like always. I don’t having much of a social life.”
At the ‘God’s entrance he offered a hand to Bug and nodded to the utility closet. “Probably not a good idea to stick arounds. I’m sure I will be having a giant mess to be cleaning in a few hours, but until then. Come with me!”

It’s not like she had much of a choice as the vultureman literally carried her off like a newborn baby, them both disappearing into his utility closet, the door locking behind them. Some say there’s a secret passage in the floor. Others say it’s a portal to another dimension. Most say he just has a TV and a few chairs in there to wait out the ‘storm’, so to speak.


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As much a part of the scenery as the woeful decoration, Slavko worked diligently at scrubbing up bloodstains left over from last night’s activities. He was on his hands and knees, wings folded tightly to his back to keep from taking up too much room, scrubbing with a brush until his knuckles turned white.
“Never seen the black bloods before...” he mused, mostly to himself, as he worked.


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Slavko Kotovskiy , Gambits’ lone, loyal janitor, sat at a booth in the back of the bar, cart ready. The book of blood-removal spells open to ‘catastrophe-level, Advanced Techniques’. He waited on one of the combatants to die some kind of vulture.
But his eyes weren’t focused on the fight, because frankly, he didn’t give half a shit. His job was to deal with the aftermath.
Nah, he was flipping through today’s newspaper and smoking a cigar.


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Slavko whistled somehow through his beak as he pushed his cart towards the blood and slime and failure, whipping out a rag and a spray bottle and getting to work on cleaning up what the bar itself didn’t want to drink. And since it was being a picky little fuck, that was pretty much all of it.
“Not being thirsty today, lovely?” Slavko grumbled to the floor. “Or are you just mad at Slavko?”
Sure he talked to the bar like it was a living creature, but he was probably not the most insane employee the place had. Not by a long shot.

He hummed and went to work, getting on his human hands and knees and scrubbing like a good filth wench.


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Slavko Kotovskiy entered the bar via the supply closet door, pushing along a mop and a yellow rolling bucket, whistling through his beak. He seemed to be rather cheerful today, no doubt in part to whatever substance he’d abused (and lets not kid ourselves, you’d take drugs too if you were stuck with such a thankless job) as he made his way towards a rather unsightly bloodstain on the floor that seemed to have soaked into the concrete just a bit, a perfect impression of an ex-patron silhouetted against the wall behind as well.

The janitor dumped some cleaning agent into the sloshing water and dipped the mop in, working the agent into suds and wringing the excess water out before he went to work. Looked like it would be a busy day for ol’ Slavko.


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Slavko was more a fixture in Gambits than an actual being, attacking and neutralizing any mess as soon as he caught wind of it. Without him, everybody in Gambits would be wading waist deep in body parts and fluids, and that made a difficult time of socializing. He didn’t hate his job, it paid handsomely considering how time-consuming it was.

It left him without a social life, of course. But then again, not very many people were clamoring to hang out with a vulture-man. Bit by bit the bloodstain started to lift, and Slavko’s neck-feathers ruffled to reflect his pleasure with the ease of clean-up.


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Slavko blinked as he realized he’s been addressed. “Oh! I am sorry! I was being in my own little world..” He paused to lean on the mop. Not surprisingly, Slavko spoke with not the best English and a very Ukranian accent. “You don’t have to worry about the’s my job. You just be enjoying yourself.”
The corners of his beak turned up in a bit of a smile before he returned to the task at hand.


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Slavko’s feathers ruffled again upon being called a gentleman. He really was a gentleman at heart, betraying his somewhat disturbing appearance and his unsavory occupation...and the fact he ate carrion, but he at least had the common courtesy to pop a few mints and brush his tongue afterwards. He barely smelled like the dead at all!

He knew why people in the bar were so aggressive to one another, but he kept it to himself like the most precious of secrets, and only once letting it slip to that cute, glass-skinned bartender after having a little too much vodka. He himself was immune to it.
And then the kids started showing up.

“Oi oi oi! No children are being allowed in here!” Slavko snapped at the baby vampire. “Go back to your mommy!”


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It was times like these that Slavko actually wished that bothersome dhampir would show up. Actually, he was surprised that bothersome dhampir HADN’T shown up yet, considering its favorite prey happened to be running about completely helpless. Maybe the monster was still asleep...

He shrugged and continued to mop, the water in the bucket beginning to turn pink. How much blood could one measly human body contain? With a grumble, he pushed the bucket back to the open utility closet to dump it in the industrial sink at the back and get some new water, lest he just be slopping diluted blood around.


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Slavko perked upon hearing that the servebots were malfunctioning. Big fuckin’ surprise there. It made sense to switch to an automated system considering how many living bartenders Gambits had gone through over the years (and he’d cleaned them up afterwards too)...but machines were unreliable at best. More often than not one of the robots stalled.
Of course, that wasn’t his problem. But since he was the only living employee of Gambits present, he took a minute to lope behind the bar and nod at Nina.
“What are you having? I can fix one drink, the rest I can be giving in drink-tickets for next time. Stupid machines, they are always breaking.”

And then they whizzed back to life, as if to taunt Slavko. The vulture man slumped out from behind the counter again before slamming a taloned foot into one of the barbot’s knocking it over. “Piece of shit.”
The barbot merely whirred and buzzed, sparking a little more than usual as it lay on the floor.


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Slavko politely turned down the offer. “While there are being messes to clean up, I am not allowed to talk with the patrons...And I cannot being drinking on the job...” he protested, eying the blood he had yet to wipe off the walls. Well...

“Okay, you are the winner.” he conceded. “After I am finished with that bloods over there, then I will sit down with you.” Honestly, he wouldn’t be a man if he didn’t accept the company of a lady, whether she had a bear trap for a mouth or not. He hastily pushed away and returned to mopping and spraying.


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Slowly but surely, the blood disappeared and the smell of lemons purveyed the air as the janitor’s task neared completion. Of course it might have been just as easy to hire somebody familiar with cleaning magic to get the job done, but Slavko had proved his mettle many many years ago when Harriet had the gall to bring in a mage to try to replace the vulture. Simply put, when it came to keeping the bar from being a total biohazardous dump, good ol’ elbow grease won over silly incantations. Wiping his brow with the rag hooked though his beltloop, Slavko stood up and surveyed his work.
Spic and span.

Now, onto his promise.

The cleaning supplies were placed back into the utility closet and locked in before the sort-of harpy wandered towards Nina and took a seat. His size made more apparent once he did so, considering the bloke neared 6’5 already. He made note of the empty glass and almost wondered WHY the woman wasn’t passed out drunk before remembering that demons had some fucked up metabolism for alcohol.
“Thank you for the drink,” He replied at last, pouring himself a glass. “You are very kind, Miss.”


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Slavko couldn’t blush, but he could puff his visible feathers with a sense of pride. “Thank you, I am being preening them daily.” He lifted the glass to his beak and carefully sipped with a lifetime of practice under his belt, even if he had to come at it from the side, given the downward hook of his beak. When he shook her hand, his grip was firm and his palms rough from years of the menial labor.

“Pleased to be meeting you, Nina. I am Slavko Kotovskiy, I have being living here for...many MANY years.”
Don’t get too excited, Slavko. She’s drunk.


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“Maybe you should be lying down...” Slavko suggested to the drunken demon before turning and blinking an avian eye at Motoko. Two women were talking to him? What was he doing right? His morning routine hadn’t been any different than it usually was...
He glanced at his reflection in the shiny metal cooler behind the bar. Nope. Still vulture-headed.
What WAS it?

Figuring he shouldn’t knock a good thing, he poured a second glass of wine and imbibed slowly.