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Terran Marine Command

The backbone of the TNG Military, serving to protect Terra and her sovereignty.

0 · 4,180 views · located in Fort Veritas

a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by Nemo



"By mortal men are battles fought
With mortal blood is freedom bought
On Terra's mantle they are seated
Honored, hallowed, undefeated"




>/access tafmilitaryschematics


>/insertclearance W36478 TLGEQ91684 REDWINEWITHFISH

[[<Retrieving SCHEMATICSFILE MMS-12-981>]]



With the threat of intergalactic war looming, the Terran Armed Forces began to seriously examine the combat efficiency of its warriors in earnest. No longer restricted by limited resources and poor technology as they were when operating in the Resistance, they launched an expansive military project designed to revolutionize Terra's defensive capabilities, focusing on the quality of individual assets, rather than quantity. The 'Terran Guardian' was the first of many to stem from this new military agenda.
The guardian is Terra's primary marine unit, designed and trained for quick-contact combat and immediate tactical deployment. Heavily armed, highly skilled and strategically versatile, the Guardian is a fearsome warrior to contend with.

Guardians are one of the only marine units that do not utilize power armor, preferring instead a more agile bodysuit innovation that offers excellent protection without sacrificing mobility and stealth. The T51 Seraph Battlesuit, originally modeled after the TAF 'Venator Heavy Armor' predecessor, is one of the most advanced mobile armor prototypes of its kind. Layered with tempered titanium-protosteel variations and laced with an isoelectric nanostructured boron nitride compound, the Seraph is well-defended against most projectile weapons and fragmentation damage. Lacking any power source to generate shields, the Seraph is instead interwoven in a webwork of B-class cuendillar directional vessels, allowing for the dispersion of hostile energy concentrations across the whole of the suit. Built-in electromek capacitor studs continually "sap" at energy concentrations coursing through the cuendillar network, literally sucking the heat out of a plasma bolt or the voltage out of an electric shock, safely storing the joule convergence for later discharge. A nanofoam submold lining the interior of the armor provides the Seraph with an enormous absorption factor. Guardians can take falls nearly two thousand feet in the air and land harmlessly on solid ground. The armor is vacuum-sealed, filtered against toxins and is equipped with a limited supply of oxygen.

A guardian's primary weapon is the VX9 "Sixer" Gauss Rifle, the revised prototype to the previous TAF favorite 'CMC Marauder Rifle'. As a Gauss-based weapon, the Sixer uses a series of powerful electromagnets to accelerate small, solid and conductive projectiles to speeds close to a significant fraction of the speed of light - .06 percent. The Sixer fires conductive pikes of superheated, energized metal at exactly 179,875.475 meters per second. After 500 meters, the projectile disintegrates under the electromagnetic pressure and continued heat application.

In addition to the Sixer, guardians are equipped with a myriad of other weapons. While loadouts vary between specialized troopers, a standard guardian will Imageusually come equipped with a backup Gauss or plasma pistol, fragmentation, PSI and/or thermite grenades. While the charged-end of their Sixer usually suffices as an adequate melee-weapon, guardians are also equipped with a neosteel slideblade, a durable armor-rendering blade that can fully retract from its hilt to a height of 3.5'. Many guardians will also equip themselves with a "raptor pack" jump attachment prior to battle; a compact flight accessory that fits to a guardian's back and allows for limited flight capabilities. All guardians possess on-screen scouters, thermal sights and commlinks in their helmets. Their trademark "wingspans", the feather-like strips of metal extending from either side of their visors, are in fact sensor relays that enhance the analysis efficiency of their scouters.

All guardians are elite soldiers, handpicked from the ranks of aspiring Terran warriors. Many of them are former special-ops, hailing from their own respective countries and nations: Navy SEALS, Spetsnaz and Shayetet. Some were born and raised under the TAF's banner, earning their stripes on the field during live battles against Terra's many foes. Although the guardian is the most "basic" marine class, they are no grunts. Becoming a guardian takes a minimum of a full year of intense, backbreaking training. There is nundero soldier archetype below guardian; if an applicant cannot complete the training, he is not fit for combat under the TAF. Because of this absurdly strict and selective recruitment system, the count of TAF fighters is alarmingly low, with most marine-hopefuls being rejected after the initial application assessment alone. As it stands now, there are only [CLASSIFIED] guardian units available for deployment, divided into a total of [CLASSIFIED] platoons.


>/acess tafmilitaryschematics



The Terran Oracles (also called psykers, mages, and 'combat clairvoyants') are the arcane/psionic warriors of the TNG. Wielding an incredible array of magic-based battle spells and immensely powerful telepathic attacks, oracles are deadly foes on the battlefield. Even one oracle can change the tide of a skirmish in a matter of minutes.

ImageLike their guardian counterparts, oracles are garbed in a protective suit of body armor, 'the MM23 Witcher Skin' Although less agile than the Seraph Battlesuit, it does provide more protection, as well as a built-in projection system that enhances the wearer's supernatural ability. The core mesh is an isoelectric boron nitrideImage compound padded with supershock nanomesh fiber for an extra absorbency factor, providing significant protection against projectile/slug-based damage. Ceramite-based armaplas plating is locked over the armor's shoulders, torso, back and legs, offering protection against heat and flak. This same material composes the Witcher Skin's helmet, a complex piece of equipment that both protects the oracle and magnifies his arcane and psionic potential. Through the use of a conductive submyelin electrocapillary network, the Witcher Skin feeds energy to the user from an aether generator located at the armor's lower back. Oracles can use this power surplus to magnify their combat spells to magnanimous extremes, their energy-output multiplying considerably (if briefly) up to 50 times their original power level. The goggles, perhaps the most noticeable feature about the armor, links directly the oracle's mind, enhancing their 'psionic eyes', allowing them to detect stealthed units, see through illusions and recognize incoming attacks from miles away. A cross-oscillation manascrambler synthesizes a unique, fluctuating frequency for wave-based arcane attacks and supplies each spell with a protective cluster of anti-agonist subparticle depressants. This combination makes an oracle's attacks extremely difficult to repress with anti-magic technology or shielding. The Witcher Skin comes complete with a full OmniShield, providing oracles substantial defense against attacks of all type, be they projectile, energy or psionic.

Oracle recruits always have some degree of pre-existing psionic potential. Many of them hail from the revered halls of the Academia Celestia and Everia, the famed battlemage schools. To become an oracle requires years of rigorous training in both physical combat and mental warfare. Oracles must be trained to use their Witcher Skins with masterful proficiency, knowing precisely when to spike their power and when to hide it. They must be trained in all manner of magics, from elemental to alchemy to healing, and must learn how to defend entire battalions of soldiers from supernatural attacks. The application rate for oracles is lower than that of guardians and its dropout is higher. For this reason, oracles are extremely valued on the battlefield and revered for their ummatched tactical efficiency.


So begins...

Terran Marine Command's Story


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Character Portrait: Terran Marine Command Character Portrait: Alucard Character Portrait: The National Police Agency Character Portrait: SOLCOM Character Portrait: Kristen Leon Character Portrait: Elisha Whitcomb
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#, as written by Saarai
Arya turned her attention to the mysterious figure approaching her, she was paying attention when she was fighting off something or someone trying to murder her. Most of what she heard seemed to be the usual.

"Alucard? Really? Dracula when backwards. What kind of bullshit is that for the so-called ultimate fanger?" The southern woman asked, seemingly unimpressed by the name. "Fuckers like that tend to succumb to their own arrogance and end up getting probed by the rest of us like an alien abduction."

"Except not as sexy." Sugar Bear called out as he avoided barely being shot by one of the undead holding a musket. "And our apparent allies are trying to murder eachother." He added, prompting Arya to glance up at the Aschen and Varden who engaged each other.

"Oh, for the love of-..." Arya paused to let out a sigh, "Sorry, gonna have to cut this chat short, amigo." The Invictus Elite told the stranger who had approached her earlier. "Veritas, are you getting this? It ain't my department, but I'm pretty that's something that hinders what the fuck we're doing here." Arya said loudly.

"Stryfe should know within the next five minutes, will be accompanied by a recording." Arya was told, though only she and her team would be hearing the voice. It wasn't coming from a radio, but a powerful psychic somewhere on the planet.

Arya still had to get used to that fact and the new meaning it gave to radio silence.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Terran Marine Command Character Portrait: Alucard Character Portrait: The National Police Agency Character Portrait: SOLCOM Character Portrait: Kristen Leon Character Portrait: Elisha Whitcomb
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#, as written by Varden
A man in dark tattered shadows materialized behind and to the right of Paragon. Upon the man's hip was a sword but he did not reach to draw it. At the man's feet the tide of chaos and evil parted away but raised to touch the cloak he wore. Above the sounds of battle and the horrific noise of other terrible creatures the keening of the terror imprisoned around the newcomer only added to the cacophony of malevolence.

He did not immediately seem to recognize where he was and looked to the sky were the Huntress sailed. Indeed the missiles launched by the ancient vessel impacted a plane of rippling white to no or little avail. Space and time bubbled, stretched, and distorted as he peered upward and the Huntress would indeed be contained by a strange shimmering barrier unless hasty action was taken. Despite all this excitement the newcomer's face remained unchanged and even though his expression remained indifferent it could not be seen in the first place for he wore a hood and cowl to conceal all but his eyes.

Those steel colored orbs turned down to look over Pargon's right shoulder and to the creature the guardian faced. Through movement of his arm, the touch of evil, or a shift in the winds the light clink of chains sounded even above the evil chorus as the links in his left hand shifted slightly. In total he held a fine chain seven hundred and seventy-seven links long. Among the looped chain were three spikes and five shackles with two of the five being slightly larger than the smallest two and one of the rings being still larger than those. Some present in the city below may have recognized the chain by its metal if not by its make for it had been forged from one broken link of the bindings used once to imprison a great enemy a very long time ago. The metal was no less strong or holy than it had been upon its creation despite the eternity it had spent in the pit and in the bitter waters of the Cocytus.

Spirits whispered to the wind in hushed tones that would be missed by most among the unholy chorus. "And I saw an angel come down from heaven, having the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand.", they whispered. Among the rising evil the newcomer seemed to be a bastion that neither approached nor retreated, neither presented an outright threat or a target. He remained where he was, exactly as he was, waiting.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Terran Marine Command Character Portrait: Alucard Character Portrait: The National Police Agency Character Portrait: SOLCOM Character Portrait: Kristen Leon Character Portrait: Elisha Whitcomb
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"Let us see if you can tame the Bird of Hermes!" Vladimar sneered. The number of impaled victims that surrounded them continued to grow as they spoke.

He took a step forward with his large metal boot and vanished with a blur of ebony and crimson. A whirlwind screamed passed Paragon. Vladimar materialized behind the being with his dark runeblade in full swing at an upward angle. The vampire king stood with his feet just passed his shoulder width and his forward toe pointing towards Paragon. Meanwhile, a dark runic pentagram was slowly carved into the stone roof. Demonic chaotic energy rippled from the rune as it took form.


A blinding flash of light interrupted the writhing darknes that choked the city. The fog and undead were cast aside from the explosion of divine energy. From the light emerged a winged being that resonated with holy light. He was clad in divinely crafted steel armor and a dark hood that was pulled over his face. Long feathered wings spread out from him as he hovered over the landscape.

The Archangel Mikha'el flashed his sword. It burned through a dozen undead like parchment in the furnace as it radiated with a golden light. He had heard the cries of Man, and had descended from On High to lend his blade to their defense. Mikha'el lifted his hand towards the Svalinn and fortified their psionic shield with a powerful light ward. Undead that clashed with the ward were instantly incinerated.

"Strengthen thyself and rest." the Archangel called out over the chaos, "but do not tarry, for my ward will not last long against this unholy legion."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Terran Marine Command Character Portrait: Alucard Character Portrait: The National Police Agency Character Portrait: SOLCOM Character Portrait: Kristen Leon Character Portrait: Elisha Whitcomb
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#, as written by Gasmask


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Terran Marine Command Character Portrait: Alucard Character Portrait: The National Police Agency Character Portrait: SOLCOM Character Portrait: Kristen Leon Character Portrait: Elisha Whitcomb
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#, as written by Gasmask
A figure fumbled his way though the fighting, muttering to himself, looking to the skies with his crimson mask. Some of the undead had gotten in his way, the preacher's mouth formed a thin line and swung his electrified mace though the stinking creatures, booting others that had dodged him, treating them like a game of brutal hacky-sack.

One of the zombies grappled with him as he ran up a fire escape, it wrestled for his throat, settling for his a chunk of his lip and a spray of viscous red blood splattered the railing, Vicar screamed with fury and seized the thing by the ears and swung its head against the railing, slamming it repeatedly until the very foundations of the fire escape started to rattle dangerously.

The blood didn't stop the trail of words. "And come the fall of blessed sun." Vicar stormed up the fire escape, seeing his savior fighting with the vampire, he'd never have that kind of power, he was but a man. Vicar brought up his wrist to wipe the blood and spit off his torn face.

"They raved across the night." Vicar brought up his pace, skidding across the roof, ignoring the stinging pain in his face and pushing a battery into his mace and then took a blind leap of faith. "To torment, murder, steal, corrupt." The priest went flying down the gap, bringing his hand up to catch the edge of the roof haul himself up.

The preacher spat onto stony roof, seeing this attempt on his saviors life and charged forward with the zeal of a man with nothing left to lose, bringing his electrified mace in a crackling arc to smash the vampire lord's face in, confident in the Paragon's ability to avoid harm.

Vicar had no words, but to scream his rage. The violent priest wasn't going to survive this night anyway, that bite would ruin him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Terran Marine Command Character Portrait: Alucard Character Portrait: The National Police Agency Character Portrait: SOLCOM Character Portrait: Kristen Leon Character Portrait: Elisha Whitcomb
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#, as written by Gasmask
A figure fumbled his way though the fighting, muttering to himself, looking to the skies with his crimson mask. Some of the undead had gotten in his way, the preacher's mouth formed a thin line and swung his electrified mace though the stinking creatures, booting others that had dodged him, treating them like a game of brutal hacky-sack.

One of the zombies grappled with him as he ran up a fire escape, it wrestled for his throat, settling for his a chunk of his lip and a spray of viscous red blood splattered the railing, Vicar screamed with fury and seized the thing by the ears and swung its head against the railing, slamming it repeatedly until the very foundations of the fire escape started to rattle dangerously.

The blood didn't stop the trail of words. "And come the fall of blessed sun." Vicar stormed up the fire escape, seeing his savior fighting with the vampire, he'd never have that kind of power, he was but a man. Vicar brought up his wrist to wipe the blood and spit off his torn face.

"They raved across the night." Vicar brought up his pace, skidding across the roof, ignoring the stinging pain in his face and pushing a battery into his mace and then took a blind leap of faith. "To torment, murder, steal, corrupt." The priest went flying down the gap, bringing his hand up to catch the edge of the roof haul himself up.

The preacher spat onto stony roof, seeing this attempt on his saviors life and charged forward with the zeal of a man with nothing left to lose, bringing his electrified mace in a crackling arc to smash the vampire lord's face in, confident in the Paragon's ability to avoid harm.

Vicar had no words, but to scream his rage. The violent priest wasn't going to survive this night anyway, that bite would ruin him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Terran Marine Command Character Portrait: Alucard Character Portrait: The National Police Agency Character Portrait: SOLCOM Character Portrait: Kristen Leon Character Portrait: Elisha Whitcomb
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Nemo
Just when it seemed Vladimar would decapitate Paragon before the fighting had even begun, the cloaked warrior swung his sword over his head, parrying the attack before it could reach his neck. Glaring white met black sanguine as the two blades collided.

Side-stepping gracefully, Paragon threw the Blood King's sword off his own with a light thrust at the hilt, weaving beneath the blade's edge and delivering a series of quick but accurate slices at the vampire's frame, mostly concentrated around his arms and legs. Curiously, Paragon seemed to be avoiding Vladimar's more vital areas. He seemed more intent on crippling the vampire than he did kill him.

His movements were fluid and wispy, like the shadow of an insect flitting nimbly from point to point. He never stood still enough to match Vladimar muscle-for-muscle, but seemed content to adopt a 'parry and evade' tactic. That said, he was quick. Very quick. As agile and dexterous as any skilled swordsman could be. His feet made strange patterns across the forming pentagram, moving between the triangular shapes with terrifying grace. The toes of his boots scraped between the folds of the red star...


Back on the ground, the NPA (and hopefully, the other allies) were taking advantage of the mysterious angel's brief stem of the tide. Enforcers scrambled to get the remaining civilians to safety, finish off the stragglers that still remained and re-fortify their position.

"Drop team, put the packages on target!" a sergeant roared, "energize those mids!"

A small squad of Paladin Fighters roared over the city, a dozen circular pods ejecting from their undersides and smashing into the asphalt below. They made a circular perimeter around the hell portal and lay still and quiet for a few moments... before flaring up in a wave of vibrant green. All at once, a plasma shield flared up around the conflict center, re-enforcing the Svalinn with another layer of protection. When Mikha'el's holy barrier fell, the plasma shield would incinerate whatever the Svalinn couldn't keep back.

"All allies, stay away from the green," the sergeant spoke into the comm, "we've got hot plasma contact. Quarantine is in effect."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Terran Marine Command Character Portrait: Alucard Character Portrait: The National Police Agency Character Portrait: Kristen Leon Character Portrait: The Invictus Character Portrait: Arya Sloane
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Vladimar's blade lashed at Paragon like a viper filled with uncanny agility and rage. He glanced to the side as Vicar's mace collided with his cheek. Bone splintered and blood poured from his mutilated eye. The vampire king retained his footing and assaulted Paragon with countless slashes and thrusts. Paragon's blows met their mark unanimously if not scathed the unholy knight's armor. Blood dripped from numerous gashes across Vladimar's body as the abominable legion flowed from the hellish darkness beneath his tattered cloak.

"Heh heh hah..." Vladimar snickered as he slid to the opposite side of the roof. He supported his massive frame with the girth of his blade. The vampire king looked up at the three figures before him. An eerie crimson glow resonated from his smashed hollow eye socket. "Heh heh hah... hehehehehah... HAHAHAHAHAHAH! Yes... Now things are getting a bit more fun."

Vladimar straightened himself to his full height, towering over the average man. Bones reshaped and snapped into place as senew and muscle tissue regenerated. New flesh filled in the deep wounds left by Paragon's blade. Skin stretched and smoothed over the healed wounds like a fresh coat of paint.

"You're fast... I'll give you that." he said as he glanced down to the battle field. "It appears the dogs have gotten some help... No matter. They have seen but a fraction of the armies at my command!"

"Ego vocare te..." his voice thundered across the winds. "... legiones inferni! Audient vocern Vladimar!"

His cloak snapped into the air as if cast by a violent gale. The tides of darkness that flowed from it intensified tenfold like a broken flood gate. As the Boiling Phlegethon channeled through the vampire king, so did the countless souls that were bound to his will. They spilled out by the thousands, flooding the streets, sidewalks, and lower floors of the buildings beneath them. The terror and chaos that drenched the city seemed to only fuel the unholy tide.

"Principatus noche bestia!" he cried as he stretched out his gauntlet towards the regrouping army. A low rumble resonated from below the streets. The manholes flipped. Rats swarmed from the nether regions of the city and casted confusions between the feet of the soldiers. Seconds passed before the air and ground filled with all manner of vile creatures - cockroaches, flies, bats, crickets, spiders, and scorpions.

Vladimar finally returned his attention to Paragon and his cultist. "Now..." the vampire king smirked as he gripped his runeblade in both hands. "Let us see how fast you are..."

He charged with a strike of crimson lightning as he brought his blade down with a wicked slash. Vladimar vanished again, reappearing on the opposite side of the roof, before charging again. This motion continued. Faster and faster. Charge. Slash. Evade. Charge. His speed quickened. Was he in two places at once, or was that a trick of the eye?

As his brutal assault intensified, the hellish rune glowed with a dark red glimmer. It was nearly complete. The rune drank the blood offering greedily, but its hunger could not be sated. In order for the ritual to complete, it required the blood of something more... immortal.


When Mikha'el's barrier shattered, the Archangel ripped through the air. He scooped up a fleeing family just before the plasma fell. His wings folded tightly to protect them from the liquid fire.

"Magen!" his voice rung with divine authority as he stretched out a hand towards a soldier pinned beneath a toppled car. A radiance surrounded the man, shielding him from all harm.

Mikha'el rose to his feet when the ordeal passed. The rescued family thanked him before resuming their flight. He scanned the battlefield with his eagle-like vision. Though the familiars were destroyed from the plasma, the chaotic energy remained. Then, as the renewed and greater wave flowed from the skyscraper, he took to the sky. The Archangel's wings unfolded like a battle standard as the grip around his sword tightened.

"Stand fast, Sons of Adam and Daughters of Eve!" his voice boomed. "Stand fast and show no fear to this devil! Your fear will only weaken thyself and strengthen thy foe. Though we walk through the Valley of the Shadow of Death, we will fear no evil! Be as unto David slaying his tens of thousands in the name of righteousness! Feel neither fear nor weariness! For I, Mikha'el the Guardian, leader of the Archangels, bestow my blessing upon thee!"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Terran Marine Command Character Portrait: Alucard Character Portrait: The National Police Agency Character Portrait: Kristen Leon Character Portrait: The Invictus Character Portrait: Arya Sloane
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#, as written by Nemo
Paragon retreated, his weapon a blurring frenzy as he desperately attempted to parry Vladimar's superhuman flurry of strikes. For a few brief moments, his form held, white sword meeting black blade blow for blow. The moon warrior leaped gracefully across the rooftop, matching Vladimar's brutish speed with dexterous agility.

Of course, he couldn't last. The Blood King, empowered by the chaotic energies reaped from the souls of countless innocents, was far too quick. The first slash landed across his back, slicing through his cloak and a layer of the thick fiber-armor beneath. Paragon fought on, unphased, delivering two quick counter-attacks at Vladimar's shoulder and waist. He was following through for a back-handed swing across the vampire's torso when he felt a hot burning over his calves. By the gods, HOW had he attacked there? He'd been right in his line of sight the whole time. It was almost as if he were fighting two or three opponents at once.

Back stepping, Paragon traced a pattern with his foot and the end of the pentagram, stepping forward to once again face his opponent. He didn't even parry a single strike. Two slashes across his pectorals. One over his hamstring. A burning swathe of hellfire crawled over his shoulder and into his back, welting the skin beneath. He staggered briefly beneath the pain before rising to his feet... only to have the armor on his torso ripped open by a mighty downward slice.

Paragon stumbled backwards, growling as he hit the floor. His bare chest, bruised and wilted, was exposed to Vladimar's view. He lay on the ground, struggling to rise, breathing heavily. His body was conveniently positioned in the direct center of the pentagram.


The Enforcers, meanwhile, were fighting harder than ever. Spurred on by Mikha'el's example and beset on all sides with a host of allies, they struggle to contain the new wave of madness unleashed by the Blood King. The plasma shield did its work, incinerating the grunts before they even reached the streets and damaging the stronger champions as they pooled out, hot plasma scathing their bodies with every step. Flaring white barrages of purging ether met the offenders at every turn, bringing them down in scores. The newly-killed bodies of the dead filled the streets.

Evil had upped the ante, but so had the defenders.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Terran Marine Command Character Portrait: Alucard Character Portrait: The National Police Agency Character Portrait: Kristen Leon Character Portrait: The Invictus Character Portrait: Arya Sloane
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Nemo


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Character Portrait: Terran Marine Command Character Portrait: Alucard Character Portrait: The National Police Agency Character Portrait: Kristen Leon Character Portrait: The Invictus Character Portrait: Arya Sloane
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Zephaniel looked with happiness as he managed to secure the building below him. Though he nearly fell off the rooftop when sensed a familiar aura. He turned to see the Leader of the Archangels. He who is like God, Saint Mikha'el. He never suspected he would appear. Though he was not upset that he did. Surely Mikha'el will turn the battle into God's favor. He has always done so in times of great duress. He unleashed a powerful ward to keep the chaos at bay. Zephaniel had great confidence in him, though he worried he may spot him. It is not his job to assist in major battles like these. His duty is to strike down those who hide in shadows. To silently fight for God in the Dark.

He worried Mikha'el may be upset with him being out in the open like this. Technically he isn't to make himself known. It is crucial to have secrecy and the element of surprise in his work. Which is why he was allowed to roam the mortal plane at any time. In fact they highly recommend he spends little time in Heaven. Still, he could not ignore what is occurring here. Besides any demons that may have been here must have left. Or at the very least well hidden. With the amount of evil energy the Blood King is emitting, he would have no luck sensing a demon in all this mess.

It was then the ward broke and the situation grew worse. A new wave of evil has risen, and more spawns from the Boiling River. To call upon such wicked power, is to be like a Demon Lord. He then harkened the Archangel's call. Just like in the days of yore, Mikha'el's speeches always rallied the troops of both Heaven and Man alike. He was glad they were empowered and hopefully they will charge with invigorated strength. That they may smite this evil that has flooded on the mortal plane. He had not payed much attention, but upon the rooftop of where this started, he could see a few individuals upon there. For the most part they seemed to fight The Blood King head on. But appear to be losing. He worried for them, but the warriors seem very skilled. Though it seems The Blood King is greater. He saw the other forces containing and saving more lives. He considered entering the fray, but direct assaults are not his specialty. Though the circumstances as they are, may make it difficult to approach covertly. Perhaps Mikha'el will try his hand? For now Zephaniel lept off the rooftops and entered the streets once again.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Terran Marine Command Character Portrait: Alucard Character Portrait: The National Police Agency Character Portrait: Kristen Leon Character Portrait: The Invictus Character Portrait: Arya Sloane
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#, as written by Gasmask
Vicar wasn't as speedy as the two freakishly powerful gods, his arms struggling to scamper across the roofs, lashing out with his legs until he caught up with them. The priest looked upon his savior with despair upon his permanent scowl. If the Paragon died, so would he, a man with nothing to lose.

The missionary frowned underneath his helmet, checking his chest for the only counter to the absurd amount of power this creature had, a pair of frag grenades strapped to his vest. "Though you, I found purpose." Vicar screamed, spittle and blood splattering the concrete roof, waving his mace into the air and charged forward.

Vicar dropped his mace, throwing it to the ground with a loud clatter, finger glancing across the pin of one of the grenades, careful not to pull the pin as he swung himself forward to grab Alucard by the chin with one hand and deposit the now live grenade into his mouth.

There was no phrase to scream, no religion to preach, no psalm that fit this matyrdom.



Characters Present

Character Portrait: Terran Marine Command Character Portrait: Alucard Character Portrait: The National Police Agency Character Portrait: Kristen Leon Character Portrait: The Invictus Character Portrait: Arya Sloane
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#, as written by Varden
The stranger standing upon the roof top and watching the fight ensue between Vladimar, Paragon, and Vicar had not budged until this moment. He had not spoke or acted in any hostile way to anyone upon the roof or on the ground. The only warning of his impending action was the cracking of the reinforced cement slab upon which they stood. His rear right foot pivoted and his weight shifted.

The sound of the chain held in his right hand, crystal wind chimes, beauty amid the slaughter. His steely eyes traced Paragon's form and each point of the pentagram before returning to the servant of the moon, Vladimar, and then Vicar as the mortal man attempted to grapple with the Blood King and shove a grenade down his throat.


Five interceptor drones were the first of the Varden units to arrive. Heavy rail-gun fire started to turn the mass of flesh, chaos and blood into exploded refuse and craters as each drone fired on its initial pass and spun away. The air vibrated as windows burst and teeth chattered in skulls, both living and dead with the power of each automatic burst. It sounded more like terrible chainsaws and less like weapons' fire.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Terran Marine Command Character Portrait: Alucard Character Portrait: The National Police Agency Character Portrait: Kristen Leon Character Portrait: The Invictus Character Portrait: Arya Sloane
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Vladimar laughed cruelly as Paragon collapsed in the center of the pentagram. He slammed his boot onto his chest while he stretched out his hand. The vampire king attempted to catch Vicar by the throat as he lunged. He would then slam the human onto the broken body of Paragon before attempting to thrust his blade through both of their bellies. His runeblade, Sangentis the Blood Drinker, pierced flesh, soul, and the focal point of the rune. Vladimar twisted the sword like a great key in the enchanted stone. A cage of chaotic lightning surrounded the Blood King as the pentagram resonated with a hellish glow. It burned like a crimson spotlight stretching into the sky, heralding an ill omen. Each of the impaled human sacrifices screamed and writhed in agony as the energies multiplied. The blood drained from their bodies and filled the crevices of the massive rune.

"Your blood shall open the gate..." he said. "and your life essence will be clay to be molded like steel in the furnace of Hell!"


Meanwhile, Mikha'el flew at the helm of the Terran guard. His sword shined like the sun as it cleaved through the summoned spirits and demons by the hundreds with the full wrath of Heaven. Darkness fled from the tongues of golden flame that ignited across the ground in his presence. He lashed out with divine fury as he defended the humans.

"Arise, shine," he cried above the battle field, "for your light has come, and the glory of Adonai has risen upon you! For behold, darkness shall cover the earth, and thick darkness the peoples; but Adonai will arise and His glory will be seen! Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened and do not be dismayed, for Adonai Elohim is with you wherever you go!"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Terran Marine Command Character Portrait: Alucard Character Portrait: The National Police Agency Character Portrait: Kristen Leon Character Portrait: The Invictus Character Portrait: Arya Sloane
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Nemo
Paragon groaned as he felt Vicar's body slam into his own. He smelled the musky scent of sweat mingled with flesh. Human flesh. A mortal man...

He saw the glaring red of the blade flash above them both; felt the hellish pulse of chaos resonate inside the unholy sword. In a few moments, it would impale them both, sending a shockwave of nefarious energy through both of their bodies. He might survive it. Perhaps. He had the tools, the medicine...

...but the man? No. Not a chance. He had no armor like his. No shields. No defensive mechanisms. Sangentis would tear through him with viscous glee and strip his very soul from his flesh... he would die in agony.. he would die undefended...

"NO!" he roared, mustering his strength and pouring the whole of his being into one last blurring movement. With incredible speed, Paragon would attempt to throw Vicar off of his body just as the blade was coming down. The sword would meet only one of its intended victims, slicing through Paragon's side and sticking him to the ground. Blood poured from the wound in rivers. Red blood. Warm blood.

And as Paragon lay beneath Vladimar's sword, bleeding, beaten and broken, he looked up at the vampire king from beneath the hem of his mask with mysterious intent. He might have been smiling.

" you're mine..." he hushed, his fists clenching. Suddenly, the pentagram surrounding them began to glow; a soft lunar white above the glaring red of Vladimar's previous spell. Markings began to take shape around the triangles; strange shapes and symbols took form. The wilted rose. The evening star. The crescent moon.

Perhaps most interesting was the shape of the pentragram as a whole. Paragon had re-traced the entire spell circle in his fight with Vladimar, but he'd added another triangle to the end of the star. A hexegram. A summoning tool. A world-bridge. Paragon hadn't manipulated or stopped Vladimar's spell, but had simply built his own atop it, using the chaotic energies resonating from the roof as a foundation. Now the symbol glared with furious power, feeding off of Vladimar's darkness, empowering itself with the very sustenance of his own evil authority...

And then all at once, it activated. The spell finalized, the glowing energy spiraling around the four figures and trying to send them all away... attempting to whisk them to...

...someplace else...

The setting changes from Wing City to Terra


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Stryfe Character Portrait: Terran Marine Command Character Portrait: Casey Delancy Character Portrait: The National Police Agency Character Portrait: UCON Character Portrait: Phinx Munroe
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Saarai
The large unmarked ships facing off with their Terrans and their allies began to open fire. The Invictus, the Terrans and the NPA moved to avoid the attacks, firing their own weapons at the ships in hopes that they would destroy their attackers.

Alas, many ships were destroyed by the sudden barrage from the superior ships. These new alien vessels. Several larger Invictus ships moved up, the ships being used to protect their allies while they scrambled to figure out what exactly was going. how they could fight back.

"Can we get the militia up here?" Lieutenant Murs asked, "What about the superhero lady from the Invictus?" He asked his crew, "We'll get in touch with the Invictus on the ground and see what can be done." A crew member told Murs, "We need as many of our troops we can muster up for this fight." Murs added.

Ships continued to be destroyed in the fighting, whoever these people were they came with enough firepower to start the big bang all over again if they really wanted to.

More and more ships began to join the fray against the unknown beings attacking Terra, from the ground one would likely see the bright flashes as ships, missiles and torpedoes exploded.

The attacking ships began to move towards Terra yet again, still firing at the planet's defenders while being fired on themselves. It was clear that it was going to take a lot to bring these ships down.

Several of the larger Invictus ships fired concentrated beams of energy which glowed a bright blue at Terra's attackers. The beams meant to bypass any shields they had and do a lot of damage to the alien vessels. Anyone on the ground could see the beams cutting through the empty space above the planet.

The attacking ships continued on their path, either unaffected by the attacks or completely ignoring them. It could have been that was a kamikaze style attack. A suicide mission meant to kill as many people as possible if it could be done.

The attacking ships fired off what appeared to be large orbs at the planet. They were big enough to hold at least ten people in each. There seemed to be hundreds being fired, more than a thousand.

"Shoot those down!" Murs ordered, several ships turning their weapons on the orbs falling from the sky. But, it was clear that they couldn't destroy all of them. For every one blown up, there were five entering the atmosphere at high speeds and they'd hit the planet soon.

Murs expected the worst, explosions, devastation. But, it never came. The attacking ships continued on towards Terra, seemingly intent to crash land on the planet.

On the surface of Terra, Stryfe stood on the roof of The Palace with Anodyne, Natasha and Sonia. "Aschen?" Stryfe asked, looking around for an answer. "I doubt it. Our people are saying there aren't any markings. Why would the Aschen suddenly want to be secretive?" Natasha asked, shrugging a shoulder.

"Mobilize everyone. NPA, TIB, even the Taiyou. I have doubts that these new... invaders? Terrorists? Are friendly." Stryfe said, "Is it all the murder they just did that gave it away?" Sonia asked, one of the large orbs slamming down on the roof near the group.


The setting changes from Terra to Wing City


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Terran Marine Command Character Portrait: The National Police Agency Character Portrait: WCPD Agents Character Portrait: The Invictus Character Portrait: Arya Sloane Character Portrait: The Jupiter Corporation
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Saarai
Arya, along with several other members of the Invictus, NPA, Terran military, and the WCPD, were busy picking up the pieces after the fighting that had gone on. "This is bullshit if you ask." Arya said to the others as they carted away the formerly reanimated corpses on the ground.

"I'm inclined to agree." Sugar Bear added, he suddenly lifted a hand to his ear. Looking upwards at the bright flashes in the sky just above the planet. "An attack?" He asked, "Related to this?" An NPA Enforcer asked.

"I doubt it..." Arya answered, looking up at what appeared to be a space battle. "There's something falling..." Sugar Bear told the others, squinting his eyes. "Debris?" Arya asked him, "With the kind of firepower from up above? Probably not." Sugar Bear answered.

"We should move..." Sugar suggested, moments later several large spheres began to slam down into the city. Destroying vehicles, damaging buildings, the streets, and anyone unfortunate enough to be caught in the path. More than a hundred seemed to be hitting Wing City and the surrounding area, making one wonder just how many exactly were on their way down to the planet.

Arya and the others began to scramble not to be crushed by the spheres. Not many people liked being crushed.

The large orbs opened up, revealing several man and women in blue jumpsuits and heavy black armor in each. Immediately they opened fire on those in the city, focusing on law enforcement and military face before taking shots at civilians.

The attacking soldiers were armed with various weapons, but mostly seemed to rely on plasma based energy weapons and assault rifles. Several chucking grenades in random directions to add to the chaos.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Terran Marine Command Character Portrait: The National Police Agency Character Portrait: Aiedail Character Portrait: WCPD Agents Character Portrait: The Invictus Character Portrait: Arya Sloane
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Script
"Aiedail, I've detected incoming objects of considerable size falling from the battle on a collision course for Wing City."

It wasn't the first time that Aiedail had heard the VI on board her orbiting ship say those words. A number of months ago, when the Aschen and the Taiyou had warred above the planet, cataclysmic levels of debris had fallen to the planet's surface, much of which had been on a collision course for Wing City.

Several dozen miles above the city, the android hovered in the same place she had hovered then. The VI had begun calculating the trajectories of the orbs as soon as they had entered the atmosphere. Many of them were set to impact in heavily populated areas, but Aiedail couldn't reach the ones beyond Wing City.

"My sensors have detected that there are living organisms within the objects. There is a high probability of them being armed and hostile. Standing orders from the Terran Navy regarding the objects are to intercept and destroy them where possible."

'Patch trajectory calculations into my missile systems, Luna!' Aiedail commanded the virtual intelligence. It was a novel concept, a VI serving an AI, but Luna had come with the ship that she had taken with her from her place of origin, and was useful to monitor Terra's situation from orbit.

"Trajectories calculated. Regretfully your armaments are not sufficient to intercept all of the orbs. I am programming the trajectories of those that will land closest to the city centre. Sixty three percent of the orbs will continue to impact the city."

As Aiedail hovered, her body morphed, an array of missile pods forming in place of her regular shape as the nano-fibres that made up her body rearranged themselves. Then she fired. A swarm of powerful missiles shot from her position and sailed into the sky towards the descending orbs, and then another salvo, and another. The explosives locked onto a pod each, and by the time the first of them began to hit the ground, over fifty of them had been struck, potentially destroying them.

That would at the very least, ease the load on the law enforcement and military below.

Aiedail reformed herself, then, and swooped downwards to join the battle in person.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Terran Marine Command Character Portrait: The National Police Agency Character Portrait: Aiedail Character Portrait: WCPD Agents Character Portrait: The Invictus Character Portrait: Arya Sloane
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Zarhara
Soon the android above was joined by another presence, three fighters streaked through the sky as they launched stinger missile strikes on the the falling pods as well before opeing up with chain guns though most of that fire missed. They took out about another 10 before the zoomed off back toward the Joe's base to rearm and refuel.

But as the fighters left it became apparent that another military force was arriving as A massive Airship manuvered toward the palace. It was powered by anti-gravity thrusters running almost silently and had uncloaked moments before entering the limits of the city. On the bridge of the Centro stood General Dave Allen in full combat dress.

"Alright we have our orders from the invictus lets start deploying around the palace. I want helicopters up on the pads in Five minutes and I want the light vehicles to be airlifted down in 10. Prepare aft and stern bay doors open for parajumpers. We need boots on the ground to support do not have them jump until I give the order. We need to stay in the air for 30 Minutes, We will be attempting to go on silent running, in the event that we are damaged the autopilot will engage an escape course to bring this away from the population to crash in the lake or the ocean depending on power. Lets make this quick we have air support 5 Minutes out get the top side systems online. If the fleet above fails that invasion fleet is going to be coming down our throats!" Allen shouted.

Then he opened up a comm to the defenders. " This is General Allen of the JOES. I am deploying my assets now, I have 30 Light and 15 medium vehicles and a company ready to parajump in. I have a battalion and tanks in reserve digging in at our base in the Collenham Mountains I am opening our doors to civilians in that area especially those from Ridgecest, and wounded in that region can be evaced to our base if need be. We will try and supply further air support for the city for as long as we can." Allen said before he gave the green light to his troops he knew pods were already on the ground and still falling, he also knew that this new expensive ship was probably going to be turned to dust. Captain Murik the ship is yours I'm going down to join the fight stay as long as you can but don't risk having this thing crash onto the city. Though he knew at this altitude there was probably enough room to manuver by that was the Captain's job not his.

Allen strapped on a parachute something he hadn't done in well over a year before he took the jump. His team was the last one out and below he could see the rest of the company landing in the streets and on rooftops around the palace they numbered around 220. He knew it wasn't much but he hoped it would help the city.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Terran Marine Command Character Portrait: The National Police Agency Character Portrait: Aiedail Character Portrait: WCPD Agents Character Portrait: The Invictus Character Portrait: Arya Sloane
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Saarai
"Looks like we've got some backup." Banner said, he and the other combatants on the ground retreating towards an apartment building as they laid down fire on their attackers. "Who are these guys?" Sugar Bear asked, "They're dressed like some of them walking dead that popped up not long ago." Arya answered.

The orbs that fell from the sky weren't as much of a problem as they were before thanks to Aiedal's assistance and that of the air support. But, what those on the ground couldn't do was see through walls, predict what their enemies would be carrying in each fight, where they would be, their tactics, their morality or lack thereof.

They needed a plan.

"We need a plan." An NPA Enforcer said as the group ducked into the apartment building. "More backup should be on the way. But, it's no use to us if we're all dead." He continued, "Master Chief's got a point." Sugar Bear said, "We'll run out of ammo eventually, or they'll notice the large amount of gunshots coming from this place and Zerg us." Sugar noted.

"Alright... you NPA guys are bigger, more armored. You all hold down the fort. Cover as many exits as you can with the marines here." Arya ordered, "We shouldn't be taking orders from you. You aren't Terran, you aren't a Marine and you're Invictus." A Terran soldier informed Arya.

"And... I fought a killed a giant monster with just my team of ten. I'm also a former Army Ranger. Whether or not you think following orders from is a good idea. I've saved just many, if not more, asses on this planet for free in the last month than most people would if it was their job." Arya told the marine, "Now watch the exits so we can save more asses." The woman ordered sternly.

"The rest of us will search the building and make sure civilians are okay and accounted for." Arya added, gesturing the Invictus and WCPD forces to follow as she turned and went into the rest of the apartment.

"Split into teams of four or three, check each room thoroughly and count how many people are in each. Priority for evac in size, age, condition, and gender. Children, teenagers, the sick, elderly, pregnant or wounded go out first. Women, able bodied men, and anyone volunteering to kick some ass will go last." Sugar Bear said, almost immediately everyone branched off from each other to do their job.

Outside of the apartment building more Terran forces began to swarm in, but the lack of knowledge concerning their enemies meant they were mostly going in blind. "We need psionics, telepaths, and some eyes in the air as quickly as possible." A soldier in a humvee said.

An orb rolled down the street in front of the vehicle slowly, but it was already opened up. "It's empty, it could have rolled from anywhere. But, proceed with caution." The soldier told the driver of the humvee. The vehicle began to move slowly as the orb rolled out of the way.

As soon as they were passing the rolling orb several bullets were fired into the vehicle. A group of opposing soldiers had been lying in wait, using the orb as cover and camouflage.

What they didn't account for was the fact that it only blocked one side of them, several WCPD officers unloading a barrage of bullets that left most of the attackers dead or wounded.