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The Nine Sins

A group of 9 bodies that each named after a circle of hell,.After meeting the Devil Machine Krycis, they have turned into a group of powerful unholy knights that work for Orsa of Terminus "Everything is a endless battle of self righteousness."

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a character in “The Multiverse”, originally authored by RolePlayGateway, as played by Arcayne


The Nine Sins
"The Nine Knights of Atonement"

Sub-Race:Holy Demon
Gender:Male(7) Female(2)
Sexual Orientation:N/A
Birth Place:The Realm of Hell
Date of Birth:January 01
Limbo Path
6,2/156 lbs
Lust Path
6,0/130 lbs
Gluttony Path
6,3/189 lbs
Avarice Path
6,2/173 lbs
Sulliness Path
6,3/167 lbs
Heresy Path
6,1/152 lbs
Violence Path
6,6/234 lbs
Fraud Path
6,4/189 lbs
Betrayal Path
6,2/194 lbs
Physical Condition:The Nine Sins are all in top condition able to move quickly and see clearly, without trouble.
Eye Color: All Nine Sin Bodies have Black Scerla and white pupils
Occupation:Cleanser of Sins
Language:English, Demonic, Holy.
Now Lives: Unknown
Relationship Status:N/A
Lives with:N/A
Friends: Only his comrades
Organizations/Tribes/Clans:Orsa of Terminus
Rank: Lieutenant
Former Affiliations:Hell's Army

1:Limbo Path(red robe)
2:Lust Path(orange robe)
3:Gluttony Path(black robe)
4:Avarice Path(dark green robe)
5:Sullenness Path(dark blue robe)
6:Heresy Path(purple robe)
7:Violence Path(pink robe)
8:Fraud Path(cyan robe)
9:Betrayal Path(grey robe)

Overall Stats:

Magic Resistance

Power=The amount of force a normal hit will do and how strong the character physically is.

Speed=Reaction time and Movement

Combat=How well he can execute combination.

Intellect=How well he is adept to using surroundings and how smart the character is.

Technique=How well he uses techniques

Endurance=The amount of punishment the character can take.

Magic Resistance=The amount of resistance to magic/skills the character can take


Energy=Energy for skills and such

Spiritual=How well the character is in tune with nature and its energy aswell as gods


The Nine Sins are all linked as one person, hardly feeling The emotions and are ruthless in their objective. The true name of all nine bodies is "Sin". Sin is a quiet careful person who gets what needs to be done, no matter what the cost may be. Sin often takes his beliefs and holds them tightly, rejecting others beliefs of the world and diffrent realms. He often states that everything is a shade of gray, there is no good or evil, it is a battle of opinions, a war of beliefs and self righteousness. He clear shows his emotions through all nine bodies of sin, but never showing the emoAtion of happiness, sorrow, or anger. He is all rounded Mellow, normally thinking how he can impact the world in seeing his beliefs of everyones fighting, why the world is in such the state as it currently is. They all may use false emotions if it is required to complete a mission.



Specialized Weapons
Each sin has a specialized weapon with different effects and purposes.

Mind Disruption Rods:All the Nine bodies can conjor these sharp tiped rods of silver that can disrupt the thinking of whoever wis impaled with this causing them to hear omnis chanting that keeps the target distracted.

Skills and Traits:

Limbo Path-Demensional Creation And transportation:

Dimensional Portal Creation:
The limbo path can create a black portal that will lead to a desired location of known existance.
Mirrior Portal:
The Limbo path can create a metalic colored portal that transport any type of matter in the oppisite direction of its destination without effecting the Velocity or current position it is in.
Reverse Portal:
The Limbo Path can create a red portal that moves any object/being right behind the original postion of the object/being.
Mirror Portal Barrier:
The Limbo Path can create a Metalic Portal barrier that covers three hundreed and sixty degrees around the postion of the Limbo path and can increase the radius of the barrier determined by how much power is used.(The radius of the portal is 5 feet)
Projectile Portal:
After meeting Krycis The limbo bath has gained the power to create a portal that shoots many projectiles infront of it, weather it would be magic or knives they would come in a endless stream until closed.
Execution Portal Prison:
After meeting with Krycis the Limbo Path has acquired the ability to create a prison of reverse portals while allowing him, to execute anyone within the prison by using the reverse portals to convert into projectile reverse portals that shower everyone within the barrier with swords knives and magic/ elemental projectiles, allowing it to hit those of physical and ethereal mater. Any type of teleportation spell will be nullified due to the fact the energy used to escape will be sent back to the current position within the portal prison.

Gluttony Path-Energy Absorbtion and Transfer:

Energy Absorbtion Skin:
The Gluttony path has a special type of skin that can breakdown anytype of energy it contacts into pure absorbable energy substance that can replenish the Gluttony path's energy supply and storage.
Huge Energy Pool:
The Gluttony path has abosorbed so much energy that his energy capacity has increased beyond the energy storage of nearly limitless.
Energy Distribution:
The Gluttony path can distribute energy from his energy storage to any of the eight other Sin Bodies and replenish their supply.
Energy Absorbtion Barrier:
The Gluttony path can create a energy absorbing barrier that has the radius of forty feet and the height of twenty-five.Any type of pure energy that comes in contact with the barrier will be absorbed and transfered to the Gluttony Path.
Ominous Energy Draining Aura:
After meeting Krycis the Gluttony path has achieved a passive energy draining aura, that saps the life energies as well as the magic energies, the closer one enemy is to the gluttony path the heavier the aura's effect becomes.
Energy Eating Conductor:
The gluttony path uses his sword to stab or injury his opponents allowing him to steal energy the longer he stays in contact with his enemy.

Lust Path-Illusionary Skills and Negative Status Dispel:

Seal of Illusion:
The Lust path creates a energy symbol on her right palm that marks a enemy target upon contact.(Last for 3 turns and require a 5 turn cooldown)
Illusionary Copy:
The Lust Path can create a illusionary copy of any one of the Sin bodies to confuse and misguide the enemy.
Nightmare Illusion:
The Lust path creates a Illusion of the target in a room with flesh walls and eyes,The target sees him/herself but seems to be on the sidelines and has control of the body feeling out of place at the same time.(Requires Eye Contact and seal of Illusion)
Dark Shadow Illusion:
The lust path creates a Illusion of Darkness that Dulls eye sight temporary and covers everything pitch black.(Requires Seal of Illusion)
Omnis Leech Swarm Illusion:
The Lust path can create a Illusion of herself melting down into a swarm of thirty-five huge pitch black leeches that seem to try and engulf the target in sheer numbers.(requires Seal of Illusion and contact Range)
Curse Illusion:
The Lust Path creates a Illusion of three skelleton statues that are chained to the target's chest,While time passes the target begins to lose thier sense of sight,smell hearing,and touch slowly.(Requires Seal of Illusion and must channel energy for one turn uninterupted.)
Negative Disperseal:
The Lust path creates a ring of black energy around the target of this skill.The ring of black energy comes into contact with the skin removing any negative status condition the target has.(requires two turn cooldown)
False Memory Creation:
After marking a target with Seal of Illusion, The lust path can create false memories of those caught under this illusion technique making them doubt there memories making them confused.
Suffering Illusion:
Those under the effect of the Seal of Illusion will see a illusion of their most beloved friend or relative suffer from torture, while they simply watch, unable to turn away, making even the most hardened warriors suffer from the sight of there most beloved being tormented.

Heresy Path-Summoning and Detection

Hellish Turtle:
The Heresy path can summon a Turtle with a red and orange shell,The Turtle's shell is made out of very thick rock and is very durable.The turtle is used as a transport sometimes,by letting the nine bodies travel in it's stomach,where they are safe from harm intill the turtle dies.(7 turn cooldown)
Hellish Hydra:
The Heresy path can summon a huge Redish Orangish Hydra.The Hydra's skin is very tough and resistant to most elemental attacks.The Hydra can grow its head +1 if they are cut off.For each passing turn the hydra can grow one new head.The Hydra can unleash a fearsome blast but requires channeling(2 turns)(Ammount of Destruction is x ammount of hydra heads.)
Hellish Crow:
The Heresy can summon a Giant Crow with red and orange feathers.The Crow is relativly fast and can manuver past most objects in the sky.
Hellish Rhino:The Heresy path can summon a hevaily armored rhino with redish orange skin and spiked armor.The Rhino has great destructive power capable of crushing 10 feet of Concreate.
Hellish Dragon:
The Heresy path can summon a Giant Red/orange dragon with steel hard skin.The dragon can fly high into the sky and unleash a wave of destructive energy onto a targeted area in a one mile radius.
Hellish Wolves:
The Heresy Path can summon a group of red orange Wolves that move at a fast speed and can regenerate.(3 Turn cooldown)
Hell Leeches:
The Heresy can summon a group of red leeches the size of normal sized dogs that seek to consume enemy energy signatures.(Require 5 turn cooldown)
Scouting Birds:
The Heresy path can create birds with linked vision that can detect energies.
Locust Swarm:
The Heresy path can summon a swarm of locust that bite nearby enemies inflicting pain.
Giant Gate:
The Heresy path can summon a Giant 50 foot high and width gate harder then diamond that lasts about 1 turn.(Requires 3 turns)
Venom Snake Summon:
After meeting Krycis The heresy path can summon a red orange snake that would be indulged many poisonous substances causing those who come in contact with the snake to slowly lose mobility and paralyze. The Venom Snake's bite is a very deadly, able to break down the cells with in the body with the special poison in its fangs make it a force to be reckoned with.
Sword Shield Summon:
By aiming her hand in front of her holding planing her sword to the ground The Heresy path can summon a sphere barrier of swords in rings covering 360 degrees and pointing outwards allowing vision and protection. When confronting any attack or melee combatants the sphere barrier of swords may rotate the rings of swords making a cyclone appearance cutting almost anything that were to come near it.
Sharp Prison Summon:
The Heresy path slams her sword into the ground using energy to summons a giant cell of sharp swords around the enemy and the sins enclosing them inside so they may not escape. The blades will deliver deep gashes for those attempting to escape moving in the opposite direction as those trying to escape.
Energy Detection:
The Heresy path has a special trait in her energy that can detect other energy signatures even if they are not in sight.

Avarice Path-Copying and Soul Control:

Skill Copy:
The Avarice path can copy almost anytype of skill that has recently been used and use it whenever seems like the best time to use it.
Copied Abilities:Shadow Walking,

Movement Reading:
The Avarice path has a special type of abillity that enables him to slow down time to read whatever movements are made while not affecting real time.
Soul Storm:
The Avarice path places his hand on the ground and draws four runes that face all four of the main directions. In time all the souls of fallen warriors will be summoned allowing them to come into reality and come into contact with the living allowing them to cling onto the enemies of The Nine Sins draining their stamina as well as grow weight on the current host.
Soul Wave:
The Avarice path draws a symbol on his hand and channels energy into it, He then aims his hand at a set of area or target and unleashes a wave of souls. The energy of the targets caught in the torrent of incoming souls will attempt to knock out the soul(s) while creating pain in the entire body as each soul passes through The Nine Sins enemies.
Soul Wall Shield:
The Avarice Path draws a symbol on the ground with blood and summons a shield of souls that can prevent almost any attack due to the mass amount of souls being summoned and destroyed.(This skill covers twenty-five feet.)
Soul Armor:
The Avarice Path draws a quick symbol on himself or another sin body. As soon as the symbol is completed, A soul from hell or around the area, will cling onto the target providing a covering of energy over them that will resist a certain amount of force. the soul can only take so many hits until it breaks and removes itself from the target.
Soul Explosion:
The Avarice path uses his energy to manipulate the souls summoned by the nine sins, and causes them to combust sending waves that knockout enemies stamina and magical energies.
Soul Copy:
After meeting Krycis the Avarice path has gained the ability to take in a soul win his body and copy any attacks and movements the soul would know.

Sulliness Path-Offensive and Support Techniques:

4 Element Dragon Crash:
The Sulliness path focuses energy in four directions of his choosing and four dragons made of one of the many elements will appear from behind the Sulliness path and rush toward the directions the Sulliness path focused energy to and crash into the location.
Fire Stream:
The Sullines path tranfers his energy to his hands and blasts a stream of fire in a direction of his choosing.
Water Globe:
The Sulliness path marks the ground with a symbol meaning water and focuses energy into it(1 turn prep).After Focusing enough energy into the symbol a tornado of water is creates around the set location blocking off exits with wall of rapid rotating water.(lasts 2 turns and requires 4 turn cooldown.)
Thunder Storm:
The Sulliness path creates a orb of energy(1 turn prep) and throws it up into the sky.After a certain amount of time (1-5 turns)A Crash of Thunder Hits everything within the radius of 50 feet at location of impact.
Slicing Hurricane Wind:
The Sulliness draws a symbol that means wind at a set location and channels energy into it.After a Certain amount of time(2 turns)of focusing energy a giant twister will be created at the location of the symbol the wind will be so sharp it can cut through rocks and hits everything within the radius of 10 feet slicing it.
Ice Field:
The Sulliness Path Creates a symbol that means Ice on a set location.After a certain amount of time (3 turns)The symbol will send out a wave of energy hitting everything with tempratures below freezing within a 25 foot radius.
Shadow Roots:
The Sulliness Path draws a symbol meaning darkness at a set location.After a certain amount of time(2 turns) a group of eight tendrills made of shadows burst from the symbol and try to tangle around enemy energy signatures.
Hellfire Crash:
The Sulliness creates a ball of energy with the fire element and tosses it up in the air and levitates in the sky.The ball of energy starts to expand and turn orange at a fast rate(1 turn=15 feet increase) after a cetain amount of time (10 turns) the ball of energy will fall from the sky and crash into the earth.
Element Explosion:
The Sulliness path draws all possiable known element symbols in a circle.After a certain ammount of time a explosion of energy combined with all elements hits everything in a 30 foot radius.
Element Imbue:
The Sulliness path can imbue elemental energies into one of the nine bodies.
Element Shield:
The Sulliness path can channel anytype of elemental energy into a wall of protection or armor.
Environmental Catastrophe:
The sulliness path channels all elemental energies he possesses and stores them in his hand, in a super condense ball. WHen the Sulliness path feels it is ready he will toss it in the air, and after about two seconds it will combust unleashing a wave of every element known to the nine sins causing a mixture of wind,fire,earth,water,lightning, etc.(power achieved by krycis)
Elemental Gale Lash:
Using his sword, he is able to channel energy into it to create powerful slicing wave of energy.
Elemental Bolt:
Using energy and a known affinity the Sulliness path can shoot condensed balls of elements at a target or area.
Amplify Attribute:
Using a special supportive energy compound the sulliness path can cast a enchantment upon himself or another to amplify its power,speed,or durability dramatically, for a short time period.

Violence path-Power and Speed:

Enhanced Extreme Stregth:
The Violence Path has enormous stregth capable of crushing two four foot layers of diamond due to the power obtained by krycis..
High Endurance:
The Violence Path has very high endurance of armor and body making able to survive and withstand almost any physical attack thrown at him..
Mach Speed:
The Violence path is very fast in speed being able to break the sound barrier in less then 1.5 seconds , excluding the running start, meaning it would take 3 seconds total.
Titanic Force:
The Violence Path focuses a energy into his fist giving him the abillity to amplify his next strike by x the amount of turns focusing x2.

Fraud Path-Revival/Regeneration and protection

The Fraud path draws a symbol that eqyuals one of the dead paths on the ground.After about 3 turns the symbol will disperse and the path will be reborn where the symbol was.
Self Revival:
If The Fraud path is ever killed he can revive himself by leaving one symbol representing himself in a area.After about 4 turns the symbol will disperse and the fraud path will be reborn.
Energy Resistance Shell:
The Fraud path can create a Shell of energy that protects the target from magic energy related attacks reducing the effect and damage by 80%(Cooldown=x the ammount this skill used on the number of paths)
Physical Resitance Shell:
The Fraud path can create a shell of energy around himself and all of the other nine paths that reduce physical damage by 45%.(Cooldown=x the ammount this skill used on the number of paths)
Regenerative Energy:
The Fraud Path Imbues a target sin body with a healing energy that repairs injuries(require 1-3 turns to heal fully depending on how serious the injury is.)
Force Armor:
The fraud path uses specially compounded energy to create a cloak of energy over one of the sin bodies. Upon attacking a target who has the Force armor on, it will return the same amount of force back upon the force effecting the force shield but will last only for a short amount of time.

Betrayal Path-Neromancery and Enemy Conversion

Sin Spawn:
The Betrayal path creates imbues a corpse with the same energy signature as the nine sins and resurrects the body giving it Linked vision access of current power and mind.
Mind Conversion:
The Betrayal path can convert enemy summons and pets to allies for 1-5 turns by dominating the targets mind despite resistance to mind manipulation. making the target attack the enemy target.(Results determined by roll)
Soul Body Resurrection:
Betrayal path uses a nearby corpse to summon any soul from its slumber to in habit the corpse. The corpse will begin to change its appearance into what the soul of the person being brought back, containing every skill trait and attribute of the soul being brought back into the reality. The soul will be a pawn for the Nine Sins to control, giving it the same eyes as the nine sins as well as mind and vision.
Forsaken Summoning:God Resurrection:
The betrayal path draws a sacred seal, that symbolizes the soul of a god and sacrifices a body inside the seal for the powerful soul to inhabit, changing the features of the body to fit the appearance of the god summoned. The body with the soul of the god will act as a pawn for The Nine Sins working for them, freely without resistance due to them using a sacred seal that restricts the god from killing those who summoned him/her and becoming a minion.This is a Mastery of Necromancy costing lots of energy. The God spirit may stay only for a shot period of time before being recalled back to slumber state.(2-5 turn duration.)
Corpse Summoning:
The betrayal path draws a symbol on the ground that will summon up to three coffins with recently killed bodies of the enemies of The nine sins. This is mainly used to supply the Betrayal path's skills.
Soul Container Body:
After meeting krycis the Betrayal has gained the ability to contain souls within his body, allowing them to leave his body when attacked attempting top manifest within the attackers body.


Complete End:
The Limbo Path creates a ring of Divine energy in the air with 8 red glyphs around it.Energy can be transfered into the circle to to decrease the time required to open the gateway to a realm of extreme decompistion.When the gateway opens a extreme pull of gravity pulls all unreconized energy signatures(The 9 Paths share the same energy signature as the gateway so they are uneffected by the pull.) into the gateway and decomposes them at a extremely fast rate.(Requires 20 turns to complete and the number of turns decrease by one for each path that focuses energy into the circle.)

Realm of Sin:
The Limbo path opens a demensional rift in the air that will begin to turn reality into a nightmare for The Nine Sins opponents. The portal will cause the many plagued souls filled with sin to erupt from the portal and taint the land causing nature to die and rot, as well as absorb much more stamina and energy of those on the tainted land, as well as constantly slowing all foes by 66% total, giving them feelings and emotions on all seven deadly sins. (except the Nine Sins). The land with the tainted souls of sin will attempt to grab and attack foes of the nine sins making it very hard plan properly.(requires two turns to complete)

Beyond The Grave:If all Nine Sins are ever killed they will be brought back to life the next day.(As long as thier is sin in the universe they will be around.)

Mark of Sin:
(Any of the path can do this.)A path of Sin draws a strange symbol on his/her hand and channels it imbuing The Nine Sins's energy in it creating a energy symbol that marks a target for the remainder of the battle. This Mark represents all sins committed in the targets life time and transfers sins of others to the target. If the target dies under the effect of Mark of Sin they will be sent to hell.

Space Time Null:
Due to power gained by Krycis, the aura around the nine sins can cause space and time magic to be negated, due to the enormous amount of magic control items gained through this skill,


The Nine Sins were created by the Ruler of Hell himself,from the soul of one of his most loyal Demon Genrals,his name was "Sin"and the Ruler of Hell had thought of him as a son, he wanted the demon genral to be more powerful then he ever was,even more powerful then his sons.So The ruler created nine bodies for the Demon Genral and begun to transfer nine equivilent pieces of the Demon Genral's soul into nine bodies.Each body represented a one of the circles of the nine circles of hell,and each had its own set of unique skills.At first the ruler wanted to use his demon genral to kill those who had defied him in the past,but suddenly had a even better idea.The ruler had given the demon genral a new mission,to let every existing soul anywhere that hell dose exist and those who do not atone for their sins will be at the mercy of the Ruler of Hell himself.The Nine Sins where then born into the world in a ball of flame where they seek souls to send to hell.Before taking the souls of their prey they give out a speech to spread fear in the lands."We are the Nine Sins of hell,we have come to claim those who have not atoned for thier sins,your time in this realm is up and now you belong to The Ruler of Hell."

So begins...

The Nine Sins's Story


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The Nine Sins Whould begin to think, for a while, seeming to have trouble finding information about TY. The Lust path seemed to rub her armored helmet, and replied "We have never tried to know TY's love life and other, past actions, although we have met him before and he has entrusted us with what you possess if anything were to happen to him. He had told us that you knew that we would take care of such important possessions, rather then risking being taken prisoner. he would be really disappointed if you did not trust us seeing, the item could be endanger as soon as you leave this place, or even right now in this bar." he told hope seeming to place a memory in her head, of Ty telling hope about the two sins in front of her, it was proving rather difficult and dangerous for the sins now seeing more people appearing such as Whisper. The Limbo path watched all three now keeping a eye on all of them.


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The Nine Sins Whould begin to think, for a while, seeming to have trouble finding information about TY. The Lust path seemed to rub her armored helmet, and replied "We have never tried to know TY's love life and other, past actions, although we have met him before and he has entrusted us with what you possess if anything were to happen to him. He had told us that you knew that we would take care of such important possessions, rather then risking being taken prisoner. he would be really disappointed if you did not trust us seeing, the item could be endanger as soon as you leave this place, or even right now in this bar." he told hope seeming to place a memory in her head, of Ty telling hope about the two sins in front of her, it was proving rather difficult and dangerous for the sins now seeing more people appearing such as Whisper. The Limbo path watched all three now keeping a eye on all of them.


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The Nine Sins The limbo path sees the table incoming toward the group and quickly raises a hand toward the table creating a portal in front of it reversing its direction, making the entire group safe, hoping to gain their trust a little bit more.


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The Nine Sins The two bodies seemed to frown, seeing they did not at all co-operate "It seems you give us no choice then, seeing TY wants that item to be safe we must relieve it from you by force then." she said as the Lust path put a cloak of pitch black around Hope seeing she would need to have her vision if she were to get far, and with that, The limbo path created a portal barrier around all of them so they wouldn't escape at all. They would possibly take them to the Maw if they had too, and the teleporting magic would just reverse them back to thier currnet location.


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The Nine Sins Nulls last post.


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The Nine Sins creates a portal back to the maw and walks through it.


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The Nine Sins A explosion of orange mist appeared in the middle of the bar sending many tables and chairs flying away from the center. After the mist of orange had disappeared, there were two people standing in the middle of where the explosion had happened. It was the Violence path and the Fraud Path,seeming to be working together in unity today, seeing the Violence Path would be able to handle anything that would come his way.

They both looked around the bar seeing who was around seeing there were a few information gathers of the sins storing information for the. They began to walk around the bar, seeming to patrol looking for something, passing everyone they would begin to analyze them seeing if they would have any information or possibly a artifact they might need.


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The Nine Sins The violence path and the Fraud Path would sit at a nearby table until they would find any information on a artifact or just Artifact just like a few of the information gathers sins in the bar.


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The Nine Sins A explosion of orange mist filled the center of the bar creating a portal of fine orange mist. Two bodies emerged from this portal of orange mist seeming to take appearances of knights. Their greaves made a heavy thud sound as the portal of orange mist dispersed floating into the air with the restof the orange air. It started to clear up revealing the two who had emerged from the portal of orange mist.

It was the Limbo path and the Heresy path, walking together looking around the entire bar, seeing a few of their information gatherers. Both paths began to walk around the bar as a single unit looking and inspecting everyone they passed looking for a artifact to acquire for their organization the "Orsa of Terminus".

They both hid their dark auras seeming to be normal knights to everyone, even to those who would read minds and feelings as they did before.The information gatherers seemed to store information into a bank of information in the sin's hive mind, about people and things that needed to be known.


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The Nine Sins would begin to straighten out their posture seeming to take in much information gathered around the realm in the past week." The lust path started to whisper to herself saying "Artifact carrier targets have been found, names are Dallas Reiger,Bowpurity, and Aeryn, appearances are now recognized." she said quietly knowing there might be friends of them around the bar. The information gathers of the nine sins were extremely useful in finding and gathering information, on needed intellect for missions. Now knowing who to target for artifacts seeing the most information came from this place, they would decide to visit frequently, knowing this was the hot spot. both the Heresy path and The Limbo path continue to walk around the bar looking for the known targets of their new information.


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The Nine Sins The Limbo Path and th Heresy path sat a nearby table in the shadows seeming to analyze the bar again. They caught a sight of Bowpurity recognizing the face and body shape that the information gatherers of the sins had given them. Both rised up from their seats and began to walk toward Bowpurity seeming shoulder to shoulder and on guard. they arrived in front of him. They questioned him " Bowpurity is your name not?" hiding their aura's and true intentions.


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The Nine Sins "do not attempt to escape, you will only resist the futile." the limbo path stated knowing Bowpurity posture preparing something if he chose to run. "Now i hear you have a mystical item in your possession. You can make this easier on yourself if you hand it over, and things not get rash." the heresy path said holding her sword in a wired position.


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The Nine Sins both paths looked as the target got away, "He will be back... We can possibly hold a friend of his hostage."the Limbo path stated as they turned to Drakus seeming to have heard him, knowing he was a associate. "Now then you will be our bait then." he said out loud knowing of a plan to retrieve the item.


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The Nine Sins "Simple we will capture you and store you away somewhere for the sake of retrieving that item he possesses or someone else that is equally or greater importance to him unless you know the people he cares about" the limbo path said seeming to prepare something. the Heresy path stood on guard as well shifting her sword in a odd position.


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The Nine Sins The two paths of sin looked around the bar analyzing peoples actions and hearing on their conversations along with their information gatherers. Seeing there was no mention of anything that would help them in their mission, The Limbo path created a mist of orange summoning a portal in front of them leading back to the Maw where all the other paths of sin were hidden. Both paths walked through the portal vanishing from sight allowing their information gatherers do there work. There was roughly about six to seven of them within the entire bar seeming to pass off as regular warriors and people.


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The Nine Sins A man would tilt his head slightly toward the conversation of Lazarus and Whisper hearing in on what they were saying, gathering information, while drinking from a beer bottle, storing every word in the Sin's hive mind.


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The Nine Sins The man would continue to drink his beer as if he were a normal person. he continued to try to listen in on more details until they both hopped into the rafters, seeming to disappoint them. seeming to lose track of the information another man moved from his seat right under where the two had jumped into the rafter, attempting to listen in on their conversation again but discreetly, seeming to have moved to the new table for the view and the space seeing the waiter brought him food.


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The Nine Sins The man hearing almost everything they said to each other, seeming to get sufficient info on the two people in the rafters he slowly ate his food until hearing a warcry in the rafters causing him to look up, in bewilderment, seeing what was going on up there.


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The Nine Sins would here fighting going on up in the rafters. The hive mind of sin ordered a man who was dressed all in black like a ninja inside the bar enjoying a pint to lurk in the rafters as to see what was going on. The man in black quickly scaled the walls of the up into the rafters blending in with the darkness becoming unnoticed hopefully. He had a good view of the two despite the darkness he could see them both fighting storing sufficient info on the two.


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The Nine Sins The information gatherers would begin to listen in on Aiyanna-A, hoping they would find new information of Artifact characters, they stand by and listen as everday consumers drinking beer and eating along with gossip.