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The Multiverse


ImageBlackrock serves as a haven for all manner of societal dredges. Chances were if you arrived on the rocky moon you were either in a lot of trouble or you were looking to start some.

The barren, grey world is dusty and windy, the bitter sands kicking and swirling around those poor souls who call the world home, lashing at their faces. Goggles and windstorms are both commonplace here; all the better to hide the faces and objects of those who frequent the world.

Even the buildings are shady; made of rusted metal and tarp, nailed down from the wind and sand with plastic visors and simple ties, themselves looking more like an odd cross between circus tents and fallout shelters, tinged with red and gold when the sun dared poke its head above the horizon.
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Blackrock serves as a haven for all manner of societal dredges. Chances were if you arrived on this rocky moon you were either in a lot of trouble or looking to start some.


Blackrock is a part of The Kreios System.

3 Places in Blackrock:

65 Characters Here

Mae Dawkins [176] A Quiet Elven Swordsmaster
The Militia [95] A fascist group in the Kreios galaxy, sort of like a cross between dictators and police officials.
Cinder Rose Valentine [85] "I always had this idea that you should never give up a happy middle in hopes of a happy ending. Because they don't exist. Do you know what I mean? There's just so much to loose"
C.O.R.e [77] "Perfection is not attainable, but if we chase perfection we can catch excellence. " -C.O.R.e
Elisha Whitcomb [71] Admiral attatched to the Aschen Second Fleet of Homogeneous Clarity
Jacob Worren [61] Mage, walker of realms, and a reaper.
Torger Bodin [60] Swedish Spec Ops and Radio Operator
Dierk Jung [60] German KSK Assaulter and Medic.
Kelly Ciar [52] American OGA Sniper/Demolitions
Aiden Martin [52] Australian SASR Spec Ops/Light Machine Gunner

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5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kyrian Vox, Keeper of Arkvaes Character Portrait: Mae Dawkins Character Portrait: Jason Grace Character Portrait: Zephyrus Character Portrait: Drago Black
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((OOC: The first part of this is going to explain what happened with Zephyrus, seeing as how you so rudely put him on your ship without Zeph's permission XD. Oh and Leocedus, I'm sure you've read my character bio like I've read yours and I'm wondering what Kyrian's technopathy and stuff would do to Zephyrus. Of course I can't just have you blatantly control my bot, so I hope there's a workaround for that :P))

Back on the surface, a couple minutes ago.

TZZZT. Zephyrus whirred his head to Mae. This was unexpected. He had assumed Mae would leave along with Lukas, to return to whatever life she lead. To be honest with himself, he still had very little idea of who he had been working with. There just didn't seem to be a single moment of calm to ask. With the minerals now with Lukas, Zephyrus put his contact in his Chest-Chest along with the flask of water he'd... Borrowed. Nevertheless, this advancement in affairs drove Zephyrus ecstatic. If Zephyrus went... Mae would go. Mae would go if Zephyrus went. It was an extraordinarily pleasant thought.

"Madam Mae! Oh, how g-g-g-glorious! How I long for the skin of man to smile in return-urn." TZZZT He turned to Kyrian. "Man of the stars, I would require n-nuh-neh-nothing more in my lifetime. My name is Z-z-z-ZZRRRR...My name is Zephyrus. I would be of utmost assistance! Certainly, my combat applications are minimal. But I do have a Chest-Chest!" Zephyrus demonstrated the absolutely awe-inducing power of the Chest-Chest. He opened and closed it. "A wondrous attribute when one is withou-out a chest in their chest."

As per a conversation's natural course, he expected the man to introduce himself as well. If Kyrian started moving, Zephyrus would follow him.

Back to present.

The man did not introduce himself. In fact he seemed to take little interest in anyone's identification. Had they just been kidnapped? Zephyrus hardly thought about the possibility, being so distracted with getting into space. And now that he was there, where was he, really? Deep in the network of some gigantic space ship. It was interesting, no doubt. But was interesting worth the possible threat? Zephyrus quickly located Mae.

"Madam... Do you have trust in this man? I do buh-believe this is the most strange of affairs we've been in."


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kyrian Vox, Keeper of Arkvaes Character Portrait: Mae Dawkins Character Portrait: Jason Grace Character Portrait: Zephyrus Character Portrait: Drago Black
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(OOC: Sorry about that, I wanted to move things along a little faster. No doubt we can try some character development in the future between Zephyrus and Kyrian, after we discuss it of course.)

Kyrian Vox

They had arrived at level 600 and Kyrian began giving them the tour as he spoke a little about the history of the ship itself. "Let me start by introducing myself. I am Kyrian Vox, Planeswalker and keeper of Arkvaes. This ship was entrusted to me about.... um, well lets just say longer than this solar system has been around. The ship itself acts as a moving record of the Eldrasi Wars, the Phyrexian Wars, and just about anything else you can think of in universal history. We also have a large cryogenic organic storage to keep a living specimen of every new species the ship comes in contact with. These are the crew quarters."As the Kyrian showed them the crew quarters he pointed out what various rooms and their function from sleeping quarters to computer labs, training rooms and kitchens.

It was then the younger male spoke up about wanting to go to a world called Misrana. Kyrian did not know of this world specifically but he knew how to learn about it. "Well, let me check our data logs for Misrana first." Kyrian walked over to the nearest computer and sat down in front of it. He accessed the Radial Wave Log that reads the residual radio waves bouncing around the universe for any information about Misrana.

Kyrian replaces his sunglasses with reading glasses as he read the search results off the screen. "Ok, let me see here. It is in the Onyx Galaxy, and has a history of magical anomaly. That is very dangerous for the ship, since it's power source is Galactic Mana. We wouldn't be able to get very close to the planet, but it would be an interesting visit to collect more data. But we do have a problem, Arkvaes needs more energy to travel that far. It needs to charge for a couple more hours before we can leave." He turns off the computer with a wave of his hand through the holo-screen and stands, cracking his back as he stood.

"Let me get some coffee before we start traveling and in the process you can all become registered crew members." The planeswalker went into the kitchen, leaving the three newcomers to their own devices for a moment. He made some coffee the old fashioned way with a coffee grinder and maker. He hated the instant coffee and still had some that came with the ship from eons ago, though he was sure it was still hadn't gone out of date. Now with the new crew again he pointed to the elevator mid-sip of his drink telling everyone to get back in the elevator.

The piloting and navigation room was on level 0, at the very top of the ship in a room with DarkSteel inlaid Plasglass covering the piloting room with a half sphere of bubbled design. There were several computer stations in the room and one swivel station with the pilot's controls on a stand that turned with the chair. Kyrian sat in the center pilot's chair and put in a couple commands as he set his coffee down on a stationary table next to the pilot station. "Alright, if I can remember which program inputs new crew members we can start this off easy... um, Caeus what file was it in?" He got no answer from the A.I. and grumbled as he searched for the right file.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kyrian Vox, Keeper of Arkvaes Character Portrait: Mae Dawkins Character Portrait: Jason Grace Character Portrait: Zephyrus
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((Guys, Drago isn't with them on the ship, he's still at Blackrock getting his head unstuck from the ground XD))

"I was mainly asking for permission to travel to Misrana, as I have my own forms of getting around," Jason said. He then took something out of the bag that looked like metal hands. Hmmm... "May I try something?" Jason asked. "I think I can do something to help find the file faster."


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kyrian Vox, Keeper of Arkvaes Character Portrait: Mae Dawkins Character Portrait: Jason Grace Character Portrait: Zephyrus
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Kyrian Vox

As Kyrian kept searching for the correct file as he listened to what the boy had to say. If he was going alone than there was no need to worry about the systems dangers, he would simply have to meet up with the Data-World later on. "Alright, let me scan you all into the system first than you can go." Kyrian had finally found the right file and activated it, beams of light coming out of the floor to scan each being individually. All their physical, metaphysical and mental data was stored in the system including their names taken from their own consciousness.

Kyrian took another drink of his coffee and tossed a bracelet at Jason that was silver and readjusted it's own size to fit him. On the bottom of his wrist was a small screen that showed the exact location of the Data-World when magical energy was channeled into it. "We should be in Eden next anyway, which isn't far from Misrana. I have some business there that needs to be taken care of." Kyrian switched the pilot's computer to full view, the screen he had been using changing so that the entire glass semi-sphere that covered the bridge became the screen.

The now room sized screen showed a map of the entire universe and could be touched instead of activated from the console. Kyrian stood and walked up to the Onyx Galaxy which was currently eating the smaller Eden galaxy located at the end of one of Onyx's spiral arms. Kyrian made a line from Misrana to Eden, a short trip all things considered from the edge of Onyx into the middle of Eden. "I have not been to Eden since before it was in contact with Onyx, so this should be interesting. I wonder if they still sell what I need there. Anyway, have a nice trip and I hope you don't get eaten by anything unpleasant."


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kyrian Vox, Keeper of Arkvaes Character Portrait: Mae Dawkins Character Portrait: Jason Grace Character Portrait: Zephyrus
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"I'll be fine. This is how I usually travel through space," Jason said. He went out the huge ship and quickly created a force field-like bubble around him that allowed him to breathe and, with a little trouble, headed for Onyx.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kyrian Vox, Keeper of Arkvaes Character Portrait: Mae Dawkins Character Portrait: Lukas Character Portrait: Jason Grace Character Portrait: Zephyrus
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Lukas fell through his portal and landed in his home. He organized the supplies that he collected, and put them all away. He went back and began taking customers at his little potion shop.

But an hour passed, then two. Lukas had no business, and was bored to death. He thought: "Hmmm. Wonder what Mae and Zephyrus are doing." He looked back at his backpack. "Hmm, maybe I'll return to them."

What Mae didn't know is that when he had handed her the brew that would take her to back to wherever she was when he took her away, Lukas took a single piece of hair from her scalp. With this, he would reverse-engineer his summon potion and teleport himself to her.

He decided to go ahead and do the deed. He took a blank summon potion from his store shelves and took her strand and lightly put it in. He added a drop of liquid Void he had acquired in a poker game with some friends of him, and then reapplied the catalyst that fueled most of his brews. He saw the golden amber turn a dark shade of gray. He took a swig, and felt a massive push as he fell on his face, in the ship where Mae had boarded.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kyrian Vox, Keeper of Arkvaes Character Portrait: Mae Dawkins Character Portrait: Lukas Character Portrait: Zephyrus
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"Lukas?!? Wh-how did you...?" She helped him off the ground, astonished at his sudden arrival. She almost went in for a hug, but instead, she turned it into some sort of awkward handshake. Noticing the half-empty bottle in his hand she smirked. "Should have known...Potion boy." She lightly punched him in the arm, laughing. Walking over to a section of the massive screen, she gazed at the collection of stars it portrayed. She turned around to look at Zephyrus. His dream was finally going to come true...Although she wondered what he would do after that. Shrugging, she pulled a piece of old jerky from her pack and tore a bite from it with her mouth, chewing thoughtfully. It was quite the adventure she had stumbled upon today. Ariel would have loved this... She paused, clenching her fists in resent. Resent for herself. She brushed the thought out of her mind. If she kept dwelling on the past like that, then this was going to be a long ride...


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kyrian Vox, Keeper of Arkvaes Character Portrait: Mae Dawkins Character Portrait: Lukas Character Portrait: Zephyrus
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((OOC: Gonna mention a buncha stuff. Decided that I'm at the end of every post I'm going to record what Zephyrus has in his Chest-Chest, so I don't forget he has some kind of magical artifact of destruction or something from ages ago. I also quite like the way you use bold, Leocedus. Seeing as how Kyrian is a Planeswalker btw, it'd be interesting to know if he ever came into contact with Zephyrus's original dimension and if Zephyrus should have any knowledge on Kyrian because PAS and all that. Jeremiad: When you said Lukas gave Zeph his contact, what is that? A phone, a PDA of sorts? A number on some paper?Finally, I think we're good to start posting in a different location, not too sure if we're in Onyx yet or we're just talking about getting to Onyx so I'll let someone else decide. Now for the actual thing:))


He gazed at the display in front of him. Reach for the stars. That voice continued to echo throughout his non-existent conscience. Like a child trying to grab the moon, Zephyrus reached out and touched one of the stars on display. Sadly, it did not seem to complete his objective. He hoped it would have. Zephyrus thought about asking it. Sir Kyrian, may you throw me at a high velocity into a star? What kind of reaction would that register? He had to try. He would do it.

"Sir Kyrian, may-" But Lukas happened. "L-L-L-Lukas?! Apologies, I mean: Sir L-L-L-Lukas?!" Mae seemed pleasant to see him. He wasn't sure about Kyrian though, it seemed this huge system was just infiltrated. The Data-World did astonish him, though. Particularly the AI. It reminded him of himself. Though it didn't seem to have its own aspirations, unless its aspirations were to serve Kyrian. Then again, a bot programmed to aspire to serve is just a bot that serves. No difference... Does that make Zephyrus a bot programmed to reach the stars? No, that couldn't be right. All the stuff about dreaming, that was real. Though, Zephyrus never slept so it was difficult to verify that either... All very distressing, indeed. Lukas's arrival reminded him of how quickly he asserted his goals for the team. Team? Is that what they were? Apparently so, according to the PAS. It recommended 'Gang' as a more colloquial variant.

"Keh-Kih-Kah-Koh-Kyrian. May you define our objectives as part of your gang?" Perfectly adapted.


Water bottle.
Lukas's contact.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kyrian Vox, Keeper of Arkvaes Character Portrait: Mae Dawkins Character Portrait: Lukas Character Portrait: Zephyrus
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Krian Vox

The Planeswalker watched as Jason left the Data-World, and thought the kid had a lot of potential. It was just as ironic that another young male teleported straight into his bridge. On instinct Kyrian whirled around with a ball of blue luminous mist in his hand that he had been about to throw at Lukas until he realized who this boy was. He exhaled a sigh and let the blue mist fade from his palm."Kid, you should learn not to sneak in here like that. I almost exiled you into the stomach of a very annoyed Void Dragon."

Sitting down in his pilot's seat once again he sees the large screen change as the automoton touched one of the planets in the Onyx system and got the statistical data on it across the screen. He heard the Zephyrus's words and thought about it for a moment. "Well, as a part of the Arkvaes Crew each of you will aid me in collecting data on each system we enter, explore around as we see fit and aid in the maintinance of this ship when required."

Kyrian looked over at the pilot's controls and noticed that the energy pods were now full once more of mana. "Alright, everyone sit down. This is going to be a Dark Matter Web transferance, it will be instantaneous but ah... disorienting." With the press of a button the entire moon sized ship of Arkvaes vanished in a flash of light and set it's course for the Eden Galaxy.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kyrian Vox, Keeper of Arkvaes Character Portrait: Mae Dawkins Character Portrait: Lukas Character Portrait: Zephyrus
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10 BxG rockets flew through the sky, all filled with 5 power troopers and 30 UCN miners each. They have been in space for 3 months, and were approximately over 5 million miles away from there home world....Dread. Most of the miners missed it, even though it was a hell hole. Radiation was everywhere, and mutants wanted to make The United Columbian Nation another ruin in the wasteland. But the UCN would never let that happen. The Power trooper Rangers were telling what the miners, and the power troopers were to do once they landed on Black Rock. It was a long 3 months. Some even went insane on the trip, and were quickly destroyed. Space did wonders to your mind. The Power troops got there T-96g power armor on, while the rangers got there X-08 Tesla power armor on. The T-96g was outdated, but it would protect you from most conventional firearms. And even some heavy weapons. The X-08 Tesla was even better than the T-96g....It had a energy field around it making the user immune to conventional energy weapons, and the thicken plates would make bullets bounce off of the user. A modern marvel of the old world technology. The miners grabbed there shovels and pick axes, getting ready for whatever was out side. The long makeshift looking rockets landed perfectly. That was good. The power troopers took defensive positions around the rockets, looking for signs of threats. The Rangers were guarding the entrances of the rockets, while the miners waited anxiously to get off the plain ship. A Ranger was walking back and forth, pacing. Who knew what kind of locals were here? Radio said this place was just a lifeless lot, that happens to have a atmosphere. The ranger thought. His name was Jacob hothman. And he was the president of the United Columbian Nation of the planet Dread. He held his Flintlock assault rifle tightly, ready for anything. He checked his radio. "Bravo 1 to lions 3, do you copy." a moment later his radio buzzed. "we copy, no signs of life, continued exploration will be done, over and out" That made Jacob cringe a little. Silence wasn't something he's use too.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kyrian Vox, Keeper of Arkvaes Character Portrait: Mae Dawkins Character Portrait: Lukas Character Portrait: Zephyrus
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10 BxG rockets flew through the sky, all filled with 5 power troopers and 30 UCN miners each. They have been in space for 3 months, and were approximately over 5 million miles away from there home world....Dread. Most of the miners missed it, even though it was a hell hole. Radiation was everywhere, and mutants wanted to make The United Columbian Nation another ruin in the wasteland. But the UCN would never let that happen. The Power trooper Rangers were telling what the miners, and the power troopers were to do once they landed on Black Rock. It was a long 3 months. Some even went insane on the trip, and were quickly destroyed. Space did wonders to your mind. The Power troops got there T-96g power armor on, while the rangers got there X-08 Tesla power armor on. The T-96g was outdated, but it would protect you from most conventional firearms. And even some heavy weapons. The X-08 Tesla was even better than the T-96g....It had a energy field around it making the user immune to conventional energy weapons, and the thicken plates would make bullets bounce off of the user. A modern marvel of the old world technology. The miners grabbed there shovels and pick axes, getting ready for whatever was out side. The long makeshift looking rockets landed perfectly. That was good. The power troopers took defensive positions around the rockets, looking for signs of threats. The Rangers were guarding the entrances of the rockets, while the miners waited anxiously to get off the plain ship. A Ranger was walking back and forth, pacing. Who knew what kind of locals were here? Radio said this place was just a lifeless lot, that happens to have a atmosphere. The ranger thought. His name was Jacob hothman. And he was the president of the United Columbian Nation of the planet Dread. He held his Flintlock assault rifle tightly, ready for anything. He checked his radio. "Bravo 1 to lions 3, do you copy." a moment later his radio buzzed. "we copy, no signs of life, continued exploration will be done, over and out" That made Jacob cringe a little. Silence wasn't something he's use too.


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kyrian Vox, Keeper of Arkvaes Character Portrait: Mae Dawkins Character Portrait: Lukas Character Portrait: Zephyrus Character Portrait: Cinder Rose Valentine Character Portrait: Brandon
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"No signs of life?" Cinder asked him. There must be signs of life here, it certainly didn't look dead. Well, at least not yet. She kept a hand on one of her guns, prepared for anything. She had followed Jacob and was watching the miners now as well.


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kyrian Vox, Keeper of Arkvaes Character Portrait: Mae Dawkins Character Portrait: Lukas Character Portrait: Zephyrus Character Portrait: Cinder Rose Valentine Character Portrait: Brandon
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Jacob looked at Cinder. She had been with them for the expedition, and even helped with the removal of the people who had become insane on the trip. But, she was neither a miner, or soldier. "yeah, this place is basically dead. Sure, almost the same atmosphere as dread, but we haven't seen anything to indicate life, well, besides maybe bacteria life. Its like back at Dread, a barren wasteland. You know, you been with us on he trip, yet I only know your name. So, why did you join us on this expedition? I mean, were only here to mine for coal, oil, and uranium. Why didn't you stay at the capital?" Jacob asked. Sure the capital was basically a collection of shacks, rebuilt homes, and a few motels. But it was the biggest city on dread. Over 100,000 people lived there. Maybe she was looking for her fortune? Oil and uranium is worth a lot per ounce. Jacob remembered when he agreed to take the mission, and allowed the general to take his place as president. He wanted to protect the miners. Simple as that. He glared at Cinder. "Or are you looking for a place to stay? There were plenty of homeless shelters back at the capital." he suggested mildly. He kept his eyes out on the horizon, and on the miners, as they were now unloading various tools from the Rockets. 2 power troopers saluted him. He saluted back. Everything was going to plan. Maybe they could colonize black rock, one day.


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kyrian Vox, Keeper of Arkvaes Character Portrait: Mae Dawkins Character Portrait: Lukas Character Portrait: Zephyrus Character Portrait: Cinder Rose Valentine Character Portrait: Brandon
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Cinder became quiet at that, but she looked up at him with a cold gaze. "There are far too many bad memories I have to face in the capital. I thought it'd be nice to get away from them for a few days" she said coldly, voice as hard as stone. She reached with her right hand to rub her left arm, right above her elbow, where a bright white scar was.


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kyrian Vox, Keeper of Arkvaes Character Portrait: Mae Dawkins Character Portrait: Lukas Character Portrait: Zephyrus Character Portrait: Cinder Rose Valentine Character Portrait: Brandon
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Jacob shrugged. Noticing her tension, he moved his elbow around to get used to the heavy power armor. Its been years since he had to wear the armor, maybe politics made him soft. He rose his eyebrow, although she couldn't see it through the power helmet he was wearing. He decided to change the subject. "So, do you think we should do this? Mine out a planet? Sure, it maybe a dead planet, but still. Who knows what creatures live here." Just on queue, a small back bug scurried crossed the sand in front of him. It looked a bit like Radpest, a heavy annoyance back on dread. He turned to Cinder. "Well, we know what kind of creatures live here now." He chuckled. He started pacing around the makeshift camp, watching for anything to happen. He over heard some miners saying that there was no life on this planet, others saying there were probably giant bugs, and some said they thought there were intelligent life forms. Well, certainly was bug life, maybe some plants, but that had to be all.


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kyrian Vox, Keeper of Arkvaes Character Portrait: Mae Dawkins Character Portrait: Lukas Character Portrait: Zephyrus Character Portrait: Cinder Rose Valentine Character Portrait: Brandon
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"I don't think it's worth it. It would be more useful to actually make it a living planet" Cinder decided, following him quietly.


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kyrian Vox, Keeper of Arkvaes Character Portrait: Mae Dawkins Character Portrait: Lukas Character Portrait: Zephyrus Character Portrait: Cinder Rose Valentine Character Portrait: Brandon
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Jacob shrugged. "First we have to make our planet a living planet. And we cant just build a terraforming device. Trust me, if it were possible, we would. We need the resources. Without them, we would become tribals like back on Dread. No knowledge of technology, no knowledge of anything. If we want to be able to trade with other factions of the galaxy, we need resources. Especially gold. Because bottle caps are not worth anything to them. I mean seriously, were out of materials back home. We haven't found a single gold vein in the past 10 years, and the only mineral that is plentiful, is iron, which is too heavy for most machines." Jacob said. He checked his flintlock assault rifle, and watched as the miners were shoveling up the sand to expose the dirt underneath, only to shovel that. It looked to be tedious and hard work. He turned on his radio. "Bring me James Handerson, the top scientist." Jacob said. A moment later the radio crackled. "Coming right your way mister president."


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kyrian Vox, Keeper of Arkvaes Character Portrait: Mae Dawkins Character Portrait: Lukas Character Portrait: Zephyrus Character Portrait: Cinder Rose Valentine Character Portrait: Brandon
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"Hmm. I have a question, President....what are my rankings in our economy? Where do I stand?"


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kyrian Vox, Keeper of Arkvaes Character Portrait: Mae Dawkins Character Portrait: Lukas Character Portrait: Zephyrus Character Portrait: Cinder Rose Valentine Character Portrait: Brandon
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Jacob looked a cinder oddly. What kind of question was that? " Depends on how many caps you make, cinder. You stand as a normal individual. Were all equal, you know. Just some people make more than others. You see, these miners, some of them are rich, and just wanted to go to space, to another planet. Some of these people just wanted some extra money, and visit space. And some, needed the money. Free enterprise is fair. You work, you get money. You don't, well, good luck. But there is government aid to people who need it. Like, if you broke your back, or were seriously injured. But the injury has to be verified by a doctor to apply for government aid. So, depending on your income, that's were you stand. I suggest being smart with your money, so one day you might be rich." He explained. Cinder must be from one of the communist countries on Dread, or maybe one of the Feudal system like governments. The radio crackled. "James will e late, problem with the rocket, nothing major, just circuitry problem." "Damn" Jacob said.


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kyrian Vox, Keeper of Arkvaes Character Portrait: Mae Dawkins Character Portrait: Lukas Character Portrait: Zephyrus Character Portrait: Cinder Rose Valentine Character Portrait: Brandon
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"Problem with the rocket?" Cinder said surprised. She had heard him at first, then got lost, gazing into the sky.


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kyrian Vox, Keeper of Arkvaes Character Portrait: Mae Dawkins Character Portrait: Lukas Character Portrait: Zephyrus Character Portrait: Cinder Rose Valentine Character Portrait: Brandon
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Jacob looked at Cinder "probably something minor." Jacob said. The miners have finally dug the ground enough so they could mine the stone. It was back breaking work, even with the some of the soldiers helping. The day was going by fast, and the camp has grown, with torches to light up the camp area. It was night time. The rockets looked like shadows in the night. Jacob went to his private tent, guarded 24/7 by 4 power troopers. He was feeling a little home sick, and no matter how many times he said to himself, "This is for our home" He couldn't get it out of his mind. The UCN was the most powerful country on dread, but here? Who knows. He was even more suspicious about the atmosphere. It was the perfect atmosphere for life, how could it only have bugs and small plants as it dominate species? He started taking off his power armor, peace by peace. He was wearing a tuxedo under it. He patted down his king size bed, and said to himself "I wish they didn't give me special treatment..."


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kyrian Vox, Keeper of Arkvaes Character Portrait: Mae Dawkins Character Portrait: Lukas Character Portrait: Zephyrus Character Portrait: Cinder Rose Valentine Character Portrait: Brandon
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Cinder sat down outside against a pile of grey rocks. She wiped the soot off her face, only to smear it even more. She sighed, the coldness getting to her and she began to shiver and tremble. She curled up into a ball, trying to preserve body heat. Cinder closed her eyes before frantically blinking them back open. She hated getting flashbacks and blackouts from when she lived at home with her mom, dad, and They were just memories she didn't need. Carissa had sure made that clear.


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kyrian Vox, Keeper of Arkvaes Character Portrait: Mae Dawkins Character Portrait: Lukas Character Portrait: Zephyrus Character Portrait: Cinder Rose Valentine Character Portrait: Brandon
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Jacob sighed at the bed. Why did he have a king sized bed when everyone else have a pile of rocks? He walked outside, giving the guards a salute as he did. After taking a slight stroll around the camp, he then he saw Cinder. She looked uncomfortable as hell, with soot on her face. She was trying to sleep, but it wasn't working. He put his hand out. "your a sight for sore eyes" He said. "Come on, lets get you cleaned up, and maybe a bed too, no need to sleep out side a tent, now is there?"


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kyrian Vox, Keeper of Arkvaes Character Portrait: Mae Dawkins Character Portrait: Lukas Character Portrait: Zephyrus Character Portrait: Cinder Rose Valentine Character Portrait: Brandon
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Jacob sighed at the bed. Why did he have a king sized bed when everyone else have a pile of rocks? He walked outside, giving the guards a salute as he did. After taking a slight stroll around the camp, he then he saw Cinder. She looked uncomfortable as hell, with soot on her face. She was trying to sleep, but it wasn't working. He put his hand out. "your a sight for sore eyes" He said. "Come on, lets get you cleaned up, and maybe a bed too, no need to sleep out side a tent, now is there?"


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kyrian Vox, Keeper of Arkvaes Character Portrait: Mae Dawkins Character Portrait: Lukas Character Portrait: Zephyrus Character Portrait: Cinder Rose Valentine Character Portrait: Brandon
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Jacob sighed at the bed. Why did he have a king sized bed when everyone else have a pile of rocks? He walked outside, giving the guards a salute as he did. After taking a slight stroll around the camp, he then he saw Cinder. She looked uncomfortable as hell, with soot on her face. She was trying to sleep, but it wasn't working. He put his hand out. "your a sight for sore eyes" He said. "Come on, lets get you cleaned up, and maybe a bed too, no need to sleep out side a tent, now is there?"