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The Multiverse


ImageBlackrock serves as a haven for all manner of societal dredges. Chances were if you arrived on the rocky moon you were either in a lot of trouble or you were looking to start some.

The barren, grey world is dusty and windy, the bitter sands kicking and swirling around those poor souls who call the world home, lashing at their faces. Goggles and windstorms are both commonplace here; all the better to hide the faces and objects of those who frequent the world.

Even the buildings are shady; made of rusted metal and tarp, nailed down from the wind and sand with plastic visors and simple ties, themselves looking more like an odd cross between circus tents and fallout shelters, tinged with red and gold when the sun dared poke its head above the horizon.
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Blackrock serves as a haven for all manner of societal dredges. Chances were if you arrived on this rocky moon you were either in a lot of trouble or looking to start some.


Blackrock is a part of The Kreios System.

3 Places in Blackrock:

65 Characters Here

Mae Dawkins [176] A Quiet Elven Swordsmaster
The Militia [95] A fascist group in the Kreios galaxy, sort of like a cross between dictators and police officials.
Cinder Rose Valentine [85] "I always had this idea that you should never give up a happy middle in hopes of a happy ending. Because they don't exist. Do you know what I mean? There's just so much to loose"
C.O.R.e [77] "Perfection is not attainable, but if we chase perfection we can catch excellence. " -C.O.R.e
Elisha Whitcomb [71] Admiral attatched to the Aschen Second Fleet of Homogeneous Clarity
Jacob Worren [61] Mage, walker of realms, and a reaper.
Torger Bodin [60] Swedish Spec Ops and Radio Operator
Dierk Jung [60] German KSK Assaulter and Medic.
Kelly Ciar [52] American OGA Sniper/Demolitions
Aiden Martin [52] Australian SASR Spec Ops/Light Machine Gunner

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6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kyrian Vox, Keeper of Arkvaes Character Portrait: Mae Dawkins Character Portrait: Lukas Character Portrait: Jason Grace Character Portrait: Zephyrus Character Portrait: Savi Fang
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High Orbit, Kreios System

The Kreios System was one that had yet to be visited by one of the legendary "Data-Worlds", but that would soon come to an end. A large flash of light the size of a small moon burned brightly for a moment near the edge of the system and appearing out of void travel was a spherical star-ship the size of a small moon. Named Data-World Arkvaes, this large ship was told of in universal myth to contain one of the largest digital libraries in existence. It's sole crew member however cared more about his next meal. Kyrian Vox was awoken from his sleep deep inside the interior of the giant ship by a loud alert letting him know they had arrived at the next system. Groaning the dark haired man lifted his head and looked into his empty cup next to him. "Damn, out of coffee again."


Low Altitude, Blackrock

Kyrian was still somewhat groggy from his nap as he searched the surface of the desert planet for a settlement. It was scorching in the daytime and he hated it, but it did still not wake him up. The smaller ship he was now in did not have tinted windows unless he wanted to rewire half the console to fix whatever had short circuited so he just put up with the blaring starlight. As he spotted what looked to be a ramshackle little scavenger town, Kyrian took his cargo ship in for a landing. The grey color of the medium sized ship was the cleanest thing on the planet besides Kyrian himself, and he noticed his black T-shirt and grey cargo pants stood out against the rust and redrock theme the planet and populace had going for it. He kept his sunglasses tight against his face and yawned as he walked, with two large crates hovering behind him in toe."Now, where is the nearest store?"


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kyrian Vox, Keeper of Arkvaes Character Portrait: Mae Dawkins Character Portrait: Lukas Character Portrait: Jason Grace Character Portrait: Zephyrus Character Portrait: Savi Fang
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Lukas woke up very suddenly. He felt the disgusting taste of one of his brews flood his mouth, and a strong rush of energy come with it. He coughed out a bit of the fluid, as he answered Jason's question: "I'm OK now..." Lukas suddenly realized who he was talking to. He saw he had recovered significantly; damn, Jason was good. The first thing that Lukas asked, "Is everyone okay? Wait, where's... where's my staff?" He saw that Mae had the staff, and took it from her grip rather hastily. Lukas dusted himself off before looking around. He was in a cave of sorts. Near the oasis. Oh, right! The oasis; what he had come for. "Is it safe outside? I still need to collect some things."


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kyrian Vox, Keeper of Arkvaes Character Portrait: Mae Dawkins Character Portrait: Lukas Character Portrait: Jason Grace Character Portrait: Zephyrus Character Portrait: Savi Fang
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"It's safe to go out now, Lukas," Jason answered. "I'm going to Taylor's Bar to celebrate Savi's birthday. You wanna come?" And without receiving an answer, Jason and Savi teleported away.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kyrian Vox, Keeper of Arkvaes Character Portrait: Mae Dawkins Character Portrait: Lukas Character Portrait: Zephyrus
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Shrugging, Mae turned around, staring out the entrance of the cave. "Well, lets go get your potion stuff." Said Mae matter-of-factly. She brushed herself off, pushing aside the vines and stepping into the blinding sunlight. She took her dagger and washed it in the pond water, testing its sharpness with her fingers. "A bit dull..." She muttered to herself, pulling out her whetstone. She sat down and began sharpening it, occasionally looking into the distance with slight dismay. She thought about the hallucinations that had occurred from Lukas's potion, reminding her of the real reason she was on Blackrock. Time and time again, she was told that Ariel was dead. Maybe it was true. Something kept compelling her to search for her sister. "I am insane..." She muttered to herself, shaking her head.

A flash lit up in the distance. "What a surprise... [[bAnother flash.[/b]". Whatever it was, she already didn't like it....


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kyrian Vox, Keeper of Arkvaes Character Portrait: Mae Dawkins Character Portrait: Lukas Character Portrait: Zephyrus
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Kyrian Vox

After nearly an hour of shopping Kyrian walked his way back to his ship with a large box full of assorted supplies and his two floating crates full of much more. He loaded the supplies into the ship and stepped off his craft one last time to scan the area with his augmented eyes. The planet had a sort of beauty to it if one looked at it a certain way, but Kyrian was only there to scan the planet for data storage and move on. It was then a small lizard like creature crawled over a rock into Kyrians view, staring at him like he was the most interesting thing on the planet. He probably was but right now he started on his task of examining the creature. Two beams of light shot from his eyes and scanned the creature in an instant, adding it to the storage logs of Data-World Arkvaes via Dark Matter transmission. Getting back on his ship Kyrian decided he might as well start sweeping over the surface of the planet with ship based scans. He put the ship on auto-pilot to crisscross the entire planet as Kyrian himself made a fresh pot of coffee and tried to relax with some classical music.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kyrian Vox, Keeper of Arkvaes Character Portrait: Mae Dawkins Character Portrait: Lukas Character Portrait: Zephyrus
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Zephyrus took his empty bottle and started filling himself up with the oasis water, next to Mae. He could detect the sarcasm. "At this p-p-point, all logic seems futile. How unluck-luck-unlucky for one such as myself." He had better add in a couple laughs to secure humor. "Hah-hah-hah-hah." Expertly done. Once done with the water, Zephyrus moved on to collecting the herbs and minerals that were oh so hyped. He didn't know specifically what Lukas wanted, but his PAS allowed him to decide which items were of interest. He popped them all in his Chest-Chest, along with a refilled flask of water.

In the distance, he saw the spaceship come into view once again. It didn't seem to be leaving, but was hovering and moving in their general direction. Zephyrus didn't think much of it, but desired some reassurance. "Nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh-Neither of you believe that ship could have hostile intents, d-do you?"


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kyrian Vox, Keeper of Arkvaes Character Portrait: Mae Dawkins Character Portrait: Lukas Character Portrait: Zephyrus
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Kyrian Vox

The Planeswalker was feeling pretty good at that moment, he had his coffee in hand and was lounging in the pilot's chair of his ship. His feet were resting against the controls up off the floor, just the way he liked it. He wasn't even paying attention to where his ship was going having full trust in the auto pilot. Adjusting his legs, his foot pushed the steering column only a hair which disabled the auto-pilot and sent the craft forward ever faster. An alarm sounded on the holo-screen covering the front viewport and made him fall out of his seat, spilling hot coffee all over the floor and luckily none on himself.

He cursed and got back in the chair only to see an oasis and a handful of beings he was about to hit and high speed. Putting on the brake he barely stopped in time a few feet from the oasis. Sighing in relief Kyrian flipped on the landing sequence and set the ship down on the sandy ground next to the water and these beings he had never met. He needed some air after that and exited his ship via the ramp and looked over at the almost splattered people. "Hey... uh, anyone injured? Did I hit anything important?" His voice sounded bored and a little interested in the situation but only a little.

Kyrian stepped fully around towards what he now saw was an automaton, a girl, and what seemed to be an exhausted male youth in the cave nearby. Kyrian lifted his sunglasses and rested them up on his head as he pondered what these people were doing."Should I even ask why you are all out here?"


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kyrian Vox, Keeper of Arkvaes Character Portrait: Mae Dawkins Character Portrait: Lukas Character Portrait: Zephyrus
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Lukas was a bit rattled at the ship's appearance. He was simply picking some ores out of the sand when the massive thing almost runs them over. He's the first to respond, and decides to answer the being's answer: "We're fine, thanks for not hitting us. Don't mind us, we're just collecting something for a project of ours."

Lukas then went and continued his former errands, picking up some herbs, a couple shiny rocks here and there, and... what was this? He dug a bit further, and revealed a rather large black sphere. It hummed at a very low frequency, and was polished like a mirror. He knew what this was. It was an alchemy stone, an item praised by alchemists all over the Multiverse, and desperately sought over by his family. He had one, of course, but not nearly as big as this one. A stone this big is capable of doing things he never thought feasible. But now, he could finally step up his game.

Lukas began whooping, yelling, screaming in his joy. Hopefully he wouldn't startle anyone with his antics.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kyrian Vox, Keeper of Arkvaes Character Portrait: Mae Dawkins Character Portrait: Lukas Character Portrait: Jason Grace Character Portrait: Zephyrus
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Jason landed on the moon rather abruptly, his eyes watering. He stormed into the cave, then sat down. He wrapped his legs in his arms, and began to cry into his arms, not showing his face. Zephyrus, Mae and Lukas looked at him with concern (however Zephyrus had a hard time making the expression, as he was a robot). He was shaking badly, and the others noticed something; Savi was not with him.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kyrian Vox, Keeper of Arkvaes Character Portrait: Mae Dawkins Character Portrait: Lukas Character Portrait: Jason Grace Character Portrait: Zephyrus
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Lukas frantically dug out the stone he revealed in the sand. He was giggling with glee, as he looked around his surroundings, the large-ish orb now in his hands. He looked at the massive sand dune in front of him, then at the small cobalt shard he picked up earlier. Perfect.

Lukas took some white powder from his pocket and sprinkled the orb. The once black ball was now glowing a clean white. He inserted the cobalt, which it absorbed nicely, and held it up towards the dune.

Suddenly, the earth began to rumble. The dune trembled as it began to... move towards Lukas? The sand was being pulled in by the orb, every grain absorbed by the conversion abilities of the alchemic generator. In minutes, the dune was gone.

Then, the orb spewed out a stream of shining blue cobalt, as it formed a hilt, a blade, a sword in mid-air. It was covered in powerful glyphs, each shining brightly in the desert sun. A single ocean blue piece of amazing weaponry, it fell and clattered to the ground near Mae once the process was complete.

"Mae, for your company, for your help, and for not minding me dragging you here, I bestow upon you my gratitude."


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kyrian Vox, Keeper of Arkvaes Character Portrait: Mae Dawkins Character Portrait: Lukas Character Portrait: Jason Grace Character Portrait: Zephyrus
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"Savi..." Jason muttered longingly, still crying. There was a picture of Savi in a picture frame on the ground, but the glass of the picture frame was broken. "Drago..." he muttered with anger. He clenched his fists so hard, his knuckles turned white. Jason then began muttering things like "...Stupid possession..." and "...kill him next time I see him..." One phrase stood out from the rest. "...Why do you now hate me?..."


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kyrian Vox, Keeper of Arkvaes Character Portrait: Mae Dawkins Character Portrait: Lukas Character Portrait: Jason Grace Character Portrait: Zephyrus
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Lukas was incredibly proud of what he had just done. He lowered his arms and contemplated the orb, which had turned black again. He didn't believe what he saw; the whole dune gone under his influence. He felt... powerful, something he never allowed himself to feel in his current situation. Lukas changed when he was broke, because he was different when he was wealthy. He felt that feeling seep back into him, as he then contemplated Zephyrus. He was banged up. Why not give him a nice polish?

Lukas reactivated the orb, and inserted a tiny ruby into it. A small price to pay to do was he had planned. From the orb flowed the cleanest steel, and began to coat Zephyrus. Before, we was a scarred, bronze automaton. Now, he looked pristine, shining in the light of day. Lukas dared not interfere with his mechanics of course, but he did do Zephyrus a favor in terms of asthethics.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kyrian Vox, Keeper of Arkvaes Character Portrait: Mae Dawkins Character Portrait: Lukas Character Portrait: Jason Grace Character Portrait: Zephyrus
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Jason looked at the picture frame, and said one, clear sentence. "Savi, why do you now hate me?..." his expression turned from sad to angry, and the picture caught fire. He took off the ring Savi had given him for his birthday that let her know where he was, and threw it at the cave wall, embedding it in the stone. He then deactivated the enchantment of the necklace he had given her, which protected her and had the same function of the ring. "I never want to see her again," he said.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kyrian Vox, Keeper of Arkvaes Character Portrait: Mae Dawkins Character Portrait: Lukas Character Portrait: Jason Grace Character Portrait: Zephyrus
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Kyrian Vox

The tired Planeswalker viewed the multitude of happening with a strange glaze over his emotions. There was a young man who had flashed in without noticing him and was seemingly distraught of his own accord. Kyrian however was more interested in the alchemical orb the other man had in his possession, turning a sand dune into a vibrant sword. This orb was a powerful artifact and should be cataloged in Arkvaes. Kyrian walked up to the young man and stared at the orb as two beams of light scanned the item from his eyes. He instantly got back the scan data on his internal hud. "What a strange artifact you have there, young mage. I hope you know how to use it properly." Kyrian yawned shortly after and looked back at his ship hoping he could make another cup of coffee.

He looked around at the others in the group and wondered what exactly they were doing. "So might I ask, do any of you need assistance? I would hate such an interesting group to end their tale in a place like this." One thing people would soon realize about Kyrian was that he loved classical theater and music. He saw life sometimes as an epic tale or play.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kyrian Vox, Keeper of Arkvaes Character Portrait: Mae Dawkins Character Portrait: Lukas Character Portrait: Jason Grace Character Portrait: Zephyrus
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Lukas put the orb in his backpack, adjusting it carefully along the rest of his potions. He addressed the man again: "We don't need help, thank you for the offer though. And I'm not a mage. Not quite, at least." He took a closer look at the man. He seemed human, in form atleast, but he knew that wasn't correct. He had scanned his stone. Maybe he was a wiseman of sorts, seeker of new intellect? He couldn't tell just by staring, and he really didn't need to know. He went back to picking up a few herbs, occasionally looking at the man and his ship.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kyrian Vox, Keeper of Arkvaes Character Portrait: Mae Dawkins Character Portrait: Lukas Character Portrait: Jason Grace Character Portrait: Zephyrus
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Jason looked up. He hadn't noticed the Planeswalker. "I could use some food. I haven't ate in days." He hadn't realized, but up until then, Jason had been extremely hungry. Jason got up, staggering a little bit because of the burn on his chest. He thought he saw something, but ignored it. Probably just him hallucinating.


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kyrian Vox, Keeper of Arkvaes Character Portrait: Mae Dawkins Character Portrait: Lukas Character Portrait: Jason Grace Character Portrait: Zephyrus Character Portrait: Drago Black
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Drago appeared next to Jason, and Jason kicked him into a wall. "You show your face now, eh? Why didn't you show your face before, huh?" Jason put his hands around Drago's neck, and held him to the wall. "I don't care if you were a friend of mine when I was a child, you separated me and Savi, and now you will pay. No more holding back." He began to create fire in his hand, burning Drago's neck more and more until he fired it, Drago's neck now as black as charcoal. He then threw Drago out the cave, straight into a mountain, the mountain exploding. He looked at the other's faces, and saw their concern. "I'm sorry, I... I was just angry."


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kyrian Vox, Keeper of Arkvaes Character Portrait: Mae Dawkins Character Portrait: Lukas Character Portrait: Jason Grace Character Portrait: Zephyrus Character Portrait: Drago Black
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((OOC: RedStoneMikey, please stop saying stuff like "and saw their concern", that's powergaming. A pretty damn low form of powergaming XD I know, but powergaming nonetheless. We'll decide how our characters feel, k? k.))

Zephyrus admired his new bronze chassis. "Thank you, sir Lukas. I d-d-d-do hope it doesn't-n't wear as quickly as the last-t-t-t one." Though, there was something he enjoyed about the rustic look. It seemed to suit him. Like a birth mark on a human. However despite Lukas's kindness, Zephyrus held a deep interest for Kyrian and felt quite betrayed by Lukas when he said that they didn't need him. Oh, there was no doubt it was true. Jason was tearing up the place again with Drago and probably needed more assistance than anyone. Either or, Zephyrus carried no true interest in him as of yet. When there is a man with a spaceship, there's not much room to think about the guy who keeps bringing Mr Destructo every time he shows up.

So Zephyrus stood, staring at Kyrian. He had a handful of rocks in one hand, and his other hand holding the latch for his Chest-Chest open. Lukas would probably not want to talk to him. But he didn't imply anything about watching him.


Zephyrus whirred his head to Lukas, who was picking up some more minerals.




6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kyrian Vox, Keeper of Arkvaes Character Portrait: Mae Dawkins Character Portrait: Lukas Character Portrait: Jason Grace Character Portrait: Zephyrus Character Portrait: Drago Black
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Lukas finished picking up all of the things he desired; a few samples of pretty much all of the flora in the oasis, and a few dozen metal shards he had dug up. He looked at Zephyrus, and noticed he had taken interest in the man with the ship. In his sleep, he still heard a few things. Something about Zephyrus wanting to go to space? He felt that the robot would be leaving him soon; but he was glad, actually that the robot may have a chance at accomplishing his goals. Just like he had a chance to catapult back into fame on Terra.

"OK, Mae? Zephyrus? I'd just like to thank you both again for your help in this trip." He approached Mae, and handed her a flask, filled with a glittery, clear liquid. "This will take you back to where you were. I hope I didn't interrupt anything important by forcing you here." The flask was labeled, like all of them, but not with its use. It had Lukas's contact. Who knows? She seemed like a great person, maybe she'd meet with Lukas again.

"And, you, Zephyrus. I hope you reach the stars as you've always hoped." He gave him his contact as well, and then declared:

"Well, my work here is done. I hope to meet you all again; you're all good friends in my book." He drew a black flask and poured it over the sand as he spoke. He sprinkled his catalyst over the puddle and opened a portal back to his home. "Sayonara!" He jumped in, and the hole he had opened closed behind him. Finally, he was off of that miserable moon.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kyrian Vox, Keeper of Arkvaes Character Portrait: Mae Dawkins Character Portrait: Jason Grace Character Portrait: Zephyrus Character Portrait: Drago Black
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((OOC: Sorry))

Jason flew over to Drago, picked him up, and threw him straight down. "Never come back!" I yelled at him. Jason looked at his hand, but then realized he no longer wore the ring Savi had given him, and what he had said earlier. He went and got the ring out of the wall, re-activated the enchantment on the necklace, and said, "I will find you, and hope that you will forgive me and that we can start new and fresh." He walked down the mountain, forgetting about feeling hungry.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kyrian Vox, Keeper of Arkvaes Character Portrait: Mae Dawkins Character Portrait: Jason Grace Character Portrait: Zephyrus Character Portrait: Drago Black
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Kyrian Vox

Kyrian was more than surprised about the the abilities of these beings, for they were not only in wide variety but varied in power. It seemed the universe was becoming filled with more and more powerful beings all the time. But Kyrian did not want to get his mind wrapped in the implications of this power shift. It used to be that only Planeswalkers like himself had any magic ability but now that was changing.

The youth who seemed to have a grudge against the new appearance was gone over at a mountain for whatever reason, openly displaying his own power. The alchemist left, which was to no surprise of Kyrians. He thought for a moment and decided it might be fun to watch these people for a while. "Hmm, how strange you lot are. But useful in the right situation. Actually you might be just what I was looking for. I need some new crew members for my ship; the work is too much for me alone to do. Might any of you be interested in the job?"

This was a legendary chance for them, and he hoped they were ready for it. A Data-World is extremely rare to come across and this chance would not come around again for them.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kyrian Vox, Keeper of Arkvaes Character Portrait: Mae Dawkins Character Portrait: Jason Grace Character Portrait: Zephyrus Character Portrait: Drago Black
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Mae turned around in surprise. "I guess if Zephyrus wants to go, I'll go too." She looked at him for a sign of approval. Smiling with her quirky smile at him. "You might just reaach the stars, mate. What do you say?" Turning to the man, she stepped beside him. Looking around the cave, she noticed that Lukas left the sword. She bent down and picked it up.

(OOC: Apologies for the short post, I a little short on time at the moment.)


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kyrian Vox, Keeper of Arkvaes Character Portrait: Mae Dawkins Character Portrait: Jason Grace Character Portrait: Zephyrus Character Portrait: Drago Black
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Jason turned around when he heard that, and headed back up the hill, looking at the man. "I am greatly interested," Jason said. He wanted greatly to travel, as he did not do it much. He knew it was hard, nearly impossible to come across a Data-World. This would be his only chance to travel across all the many worlds in the Multiverse. From listening to Zephyrus before, he knew well that Zephyrus wanted to reach for the stars as well, quite literally. However, something was itching at the back of his mind, like he was forgetting something. He shrugged it off.
"So, when do we get started?"


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kyrian Vox, Keeper of Arkvaes Character Portrait: Mae Dawkins Character Portrait: Jason Grace Character Portrait: Zephyrus Character Portrait: Drago Black
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Kyrian Vox

Now with three new crew members Kyrian didn't need to be so alone on his ship anymore. The trade off was he no longer had much privacy but he could handle that. Kyrian turned and went back towards his cargo ship. "Well come with me and I can take you to Arkvaes, my Data-World." He got onto his ship and waited until everyone was situated in a seat. Since he couldn't finish the world scan of Blackrock Kyrian sent a message to the Data-world to release a satellite and have it finish the scan for him.

The cargo ship took off at high speed as Kyrian piloted it out of the planet's atmosphere into Kreios system. The front viewport popped up a map of the entire system along with statistics on each planet and locations for things. Kyrian stood up as the pilot's controls folded into the floor. He touched the planet farthest from the system's star which seemed to be a moon sized planetoid. It was actually Kyrian's ship orbiting just like the rest of the system.

As they approached Arkvaes the large looming round ship engulfed the front view port with it's many lights and windows across the surface. Kyrian turned on a comm link to the ship's A.I. "Caeus, open up docking port 345. We have some visitors." The voice of an A.I. came up over the comm link with a rather annoyed voice. "Don't tell me, you found yourself a woman. I knew this planet was no good for you." Kyrian covered his face in his hands and sighed in frustration. "Just do it, or I will rewrite your voice mechanics to be a horny Irishmen." The docking port opened immediately and Kyrian guided the ship inside.

As the room closed and pressurized Kyrian opened the ramp and stepped out into the Data-World. The interior dark silver with white halogen lights above the hallways. Kyrian stepped up to what seemed to be a door and pressed on a screen next to it, bringing up a map of the ship's individual levels. They were currently on level 300, and there was over 1000 levels in all.

"First off, let me welcome you to Data-World Arkvaes. Right now we are on the storage levels, which are from level 200 to 400. Living and crew quarters are on level 600 through 610. That is where all the sleeping areas, recreation areas, and the like are located. I suggest you don't stray from those levels until you get a better idea of what this place was built to do." Kyrian opened the door which led to an elevator. He motioned for everyone to get inside it and after they had all entered he himself stepped inside and sent the elevator to level 600. "I will let you all explore around crew quarters for a bit than we have to register all of you for security permissions on the ship, so you can access the computers yourself."


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kyrian Vox, Keeper of Arkvaes Character Portrait: Mae Dawkins Character Portrait: Jason Grace Character Portrait: Zephyrus
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"So you're telling me there are 1000 levels to Arkvaes?" Jason asked. Jason was amazed that any ship could have that many levels. How long had it taken to build? Jason had no time to worry about what he had been forgetting, he wanted to explore. Jason explored the floor, but the room he liked the most was the computer room. The computers were extremely advanced. It would've taken Jason years to even catch up to this kind of technology. After exploring Jason thought for a while, then remembered what he had been forgetting; Savi. She was still somewhere else, on a different planet. He checked the ring, and found her being on Misrana. He wanted to bring her here. "Hey, do you mind if I make a quick stop at Misrana?" Jason asked Kyrian. "Someone's there, and I want to tell her something."