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Shauna King

0 · 168 views · located in Provincetown, Massachusetts

a character in “The One That Got Away”, originally authored by akjadestar, as played by RolePlayGateway


Shauna King

Age: 26
Gender: Female
Hair: Her hair is a rich, shiny, chestnut brown sort of color which tends to turn a couple shades lighter with the right amount of sun. Naturally her hair falls in loose waves and reaches down to the middle of her back. She has taken great care of her hair and hasn't damaged it with all sorts of styling tools, she has always left it natural and it's paid off, she has a great, enviable head of hair.
Eyes: She has pretty, almond shaped eyes which are the same brown color as her hair, maybe a little darker. Her eyes are rimmed with perfectly thick and dark lashes, thanks to this she has never even needed a bit of mascara.
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 110

Physical Description-
[i]There's no denying that Shauna is a woman with quite the stunning a

☑ Dancing
☑ Partying
☑ Beaches
☑ Adventure/adrenaline

☒ Reading books
☒ Junk food
☒ Feeling insecure
☒ Being told what to do

Funny, bold, outspoken, clever, charming - it's no wonder Shauna made fast friends with many people when she moved from Australia as a kid. Shauna has always been such a natural at making new friends and is so comfortable and at ease with strangers, so many people can't understand how on earth she does it. She is very quick witted and really knows how to keep a conversation going. She is never afraid to say something if she has a feeling she needs to say it. She doesn't have much of a brain to mouth filter, therefore she is really quite the loose cannon, always blurting out some of the first things that pop into her head. Because of this, she isn't the most trustworthy of people, though she wishes she could be, and she's been trying to work on it. Other than that, she is such a kind, gentle girl without a mean bone in her body. She is very understanding of other people and though she often seems to talk to no end, she is very caring when she knows that someone will need it. She is always willing to be a shoulder to cry on and if she knows that a friend needs her support, she will do whatever she can to make sure she is there ASAP. A lot of the times she is very sarcastic and mouthy but is truly sincere when needed be.

Her fathers name is Jeremy King, and even though Shauna hasn't seen him in a year and only keeps contact with him over short, daily phone calls, he's still the closest family she's got. Certainly much closer than she is with her mother, Katherine King, who walked out and left Shauna and her father 12 years ago. It's been that long since she's seen her mother, or made any sort of contact with her. She actually hasn't even tried and has no desire to... She still harbors some sort of resentment towards her mother for everything she put her and her father through. Her father is in rehab to solve his over-drinking issues. He always drank a bit too much, but that problem reached its peak after Shauna's mother left. Shauna finally convinced her dad to go to attend rehab after he nearly was killed by driving under influence. He is in rehab right now, and Shauna talks to him on the phone as often as she can to see how he's doing. She won't however, be able to see him until he's finished his recovery which could be a long process, and she misses him so much it's killing her.

Growing up, Shauna never had any problem making friends, it was something that came just as naturally to her as breathing. In fact, it was kind of like a natural instinct for her, as her parents were never around to keep her company, so she was left to her own devices if she didn't want to spend all her time completely alone. She got used to being the first to approach someone and learned the best ways to strike up a good conversation that would leave them wanting more. These were skills she picked up at a very young age, so by the time she reached junior high, she was drowning in friends and people who wanted to hang out with her. She didn't even know how many of them she could really trust and depend on, but all she cared about was the fact that she wasn't completely lonely and isolated. Just as things seemed like they were possibly too good to be true, it was all sent catapulting as her parents revealed to her that they were moving way across the world to a town in Massachusetts, USA. Such a big move was hard for her, but she wasn't exactly devastated about leaving anyone behind because there weren't many people she had gotten to know too well. And, in the new town, she just picked herself right up again and did what she did best, unleashing the charm on people. Not that she really did need to, however, because many people were willing enough to talk to her just due to the fact that she was Australian and 'had a cool accent', something Shauna didn't understand, personally. But, she really couldn't complain, she was accepted and that was by far enough for a girl who didn't even feel like her parents wanted anything to do with her. Things were going great, as far as she was concerned, but before she could get too confident that her life could stay this simple for some time, everything got sent falling topsy-turvy during a fall day at the start of her freshman year. Shauna had come home to see her father sitting hunched over on the couch, which was a sign that something had to be wrong, because he was ALWAYS guaranteed to be at work at that time. And, what her father told her was far worse than she would have thought. That day, her mother just packed up her bags and walked out, apparently making it quite clear that she wouldn't be coming back. Shauna constantly blamed herself for it, maybe it was something she had done, maybe it was something she could've done but didn't... Either way, she couldn't stop thinking about the fact that her mother didn't seem to think that it was worth it to just stay. And the thought that she had possibly went off to start a new, more ideal family just made Shauna sick to the stomach.
All her classmates and friends knew about the incident, but no one ever seemed to understand that it had affected her this deeply. Still, things continued to go downhill, except now it was more to due with her father. He had always had some minor problems with over drinking, but nothing to be too concerned about... however, things began to get worse and worse over the months. It started off gradually enough that Shauna could just pretend like it wasn't happening, but when her father's behavior began to change, his temper got shorter, and he often forgot to show up at work and pay the bills, she began to worry. But whenever she tried to be helpful and supportive to him, his short fuse just blew up. Shauna still vividly remembers that day during her sophomore year when her father hit her for the first time, something she had expected and feared for quite a while, but that hadn't taken away from her shock. It felt like her world and everything she knew had just been shattered when his fist made contact with her cheek. She tried not to be afraid of him after that, she tried to not let that change the fact that her father needed her help, he needed her care, and she would have to make sure he had it.
Meanwhile, Shauna was beginning to despise every moment of her high school life, and was beginning to question why she even bothered with hanging out with the people that she did. She came to notice how they spent a lot of valuable time putting other people down, as if they seemed to get entertainment and delight from it, something she simply couldn't comprehend. Who were they to judge people who they had never taken the time to get to know? Then again, Shauna knew that she definitely hadn't taken the initiative to get to know a lot of people outside of her circle, and one day she figured maybe it was time for that to change, after all, she certainly could use some space from all the people she was usually seen with. As she had been pondering the idea one day during lunch, she heard a couple people whispering among themselves about an individual named Jack Kollias. She didn't know who Jack was, but after hearing all these unfair judgments that everyone made about him, she had it in her mind to talk to him one day, and maybe get to know him after that. However, even for someone as friendly and outspoken as Shauna, approaching Jack was a lot harder than she had guessed it would be. She felt that she should go about it carefully, she didn't want to seem too pretentious or nosy because then he could possibly think she was just trying to get into his business for the sake of being able to gossip about him later. She wasn't sure what he'd think of her just strolling up to him out of nowhere and, well... conversing with him. Her uncertainty held her back for a while, and she'd put this task off everyday, and then when she walked home from school, she'd feel guilty about it and assure herself that the next chance she got, she'd take.
However, before she herself had the chance to go up to Jack, the unforeseeable happened, when he instead was the one who came to her. But Shauna put her shock aside and had a nice conversation with him, mostly consisting of boring small talk, but she figured it was a start. And turned out, she was right, because it wasn't the last time they spoke. The next time they did, Shauna was the first one to approach him, and this time, they managed to get past the awkward small talk, and it was smooth sailing from there. Regretfully, Shauna could never bring herself to reveal her friendship with Jack to anyone else. She hoped Jack would understand that it wasn't because she was embarrassed to be seen around him, as those weren't her reasons at all, she wasn't that malicious. In all honesty, she wondered what some of her other friends would think about Jack, and if maybe that would put an even bigger target on him for cruel insults and comments. Of course, Shauna never told Jack about this, so all she could do was hope that he was alright with where they were at right now. They remained close, but secret friends til the end of the school, even moved on to college together. By then, Shauna could say without a shadow of doubt that Jack was her best friend. But she did, secretly, wonder what it would be like if they ever became more than that. But she wasn't sure if Jack felt the same way, so she never brought it up and did her best to push those thoughts aside, that is, until Jack took her by surprise yet again. She was literally swept off her feet when he just plain and simple confessed his love for her, followed by her doing the same. And thus began their relationship, that you would think Shauna would be more open about by now, but quite conveniently, she had another slight obstacle, that being Daryl Jacobson. He was persistent, prideful, and hot-headed. The first time he ever met Shauna, he had it in mind that she would be his, and he never gave up, never knew how to take no for an answer. When Shauna could no longer deny the fact that he was pursuing her, she tried to let him down as lightly as possible, and he didn't take it well at all. After she saw how mad he got and how violent he could be, she became afraid to object to him, and allowed him to push her around and take advantage of her. For obvious reasons, she knew that Jack couldn't find out about whatever you could call what was going on between her and Daryl, but she also knew that Daryl couldn't find out about her relationship with Jack. If he did, he would very likely lose his temper and do something awful to Jack as revenge, obviously something that Shauna would do everything in her power to stop from happening, even if it meant denying their relationship to anyone and everyone who asked. As long as it kept the both of them safe and kept Daryl from getting out of control, and after all, it appeared to Shauna that Jack didn't care too much. But, turns out that was a misconception, because before too long, Jack confronted her about the secrecy of their relationship. Shauna couldn't blame him for wondering, and she felt tremendous loads of guilt as she realized that perhaps all this time... Jack thought she was humiliated by him. She wanted to tell him that he had gotten it all wrong, that she loved him and looked forward to the day when they could love each other without worrying about what other people say or do. But for now, letting everyone know just didn't seem like an option, so before Shauna even knew what she was doing, she told Jack that perhaps if they couldn't keep their relationship on the low, that they probably should break up. Jack must have had enough of being in a relationship that he had to keep to himself, because surprisingly, he agreed to the break up, and just like that, they went their separate ways, though leaving him left Shauna with an aching pain that was even worse than the one that took place after her mother left. It was so hard on her she could hardly function properly and there were days when she didn't even want to leave the house. She basically stopped eating altogether, starving herself as a strange way of getting back at herself for the lousy choice she had made.
She had planned to finish college, but she was really in no state to do so. She did her best in her studies but she was beginning to lose her grip and start to fall greatly behind. However, when her father was nearly killed while driving under intoxication, she figured she had no choice but to pull out of college so she could take her father back to Australia. There, she reunited him with some relatives and without the stress of school, she was able to help take care of him. She stayed in Australia for a few years, also getting to travel quite often with her uncle who worked as a pilot. But not long ago, Shauna realized she was 26 years old, living with her aunt, uncle and father, and she didn't have a real job or a place to call her own. She decided that ought to change, so she began the journey back to the USA, but not before taking her father to a recovery house so she knew he'd be taken proper care of.
Back in Provincetown, Massachusetts, Shauna really wasn't in hopes to reunite with old friends, or really anyone for that matter. She wasn't even so sure if she wanted to cross paths with Jack again. She wouldn't blame him for being livid at her, she could imagine that from his point of view, the way she acted and treated him was completely cold hearted. But she deep down hopes for the chance to come across him so she could possibly explain herself and see if they could ever put their pieces back together and go back to the way things were, except with nothing to get in their way, this time it could be even better.

Anything else?[/b]
[i]Anything you want to add, theme song or whatever you think will help us know your character better.

So begins...

Shauna King's Story