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Skyler Lucian Vicero

Brother you angered your prince...

0 · 593 views · located in New York

a character in “The Organization”, as played by blacksky


Name: Skyler Lucian Vicero
Nickname: Lightning Prince
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Race/ Ethnicity: African-American

Powers/Ablilties: Lightning Breaking – He calls down the power of lightning through their will power shaping it into a form of elemental energy. Any lightning based attacks they can absorb and repel if it is not stronger than their body along with having a constant electrical charge flowing allowing them to fire bolts of lightning and so forth. Being able to gather pure electrical energy from power lines and nearly anything that can provide electrical energy, Skyler is able to turn this energy into fuel for his attacks as well as storing the energy for later use. Skyler can also use four of the six styles of Lightning breaking Blue, Red, White, Black, Chaotic, and Shadow *. Out of these styles Skyler can only use Blue, Red, White, and Black while only mastering Blue, Red and White.

(* Blue Lightning Breaker- Skyler calls upon the weakest form of lightning breaking, using this style for its non lethal attacks and lesser healing capabilities.
Red Lightning Breaker- Skyler calls upon the more destructive and powerful form of lightning breaking, trading the lesser healing and non lethal attacks, for much stronger attacks and self defensive healing.

White Lightning Breaker- Skyler calls upon the upgraded version of blue lightning breaking. He gains a much stronger healing capability, while obtaining a small amount of destructive power from red lightning breaking Skyler enters a balanced state. Given the power to call upon the wrath of the lightning god to strike down his foes, amping up is power and gaining wings created out of pure energy Skyler is given the use of abilities he cannot normally use.

Black Lightning Breaker- Skyler pushes his anger and hate into pure offensive power gaining attacks that are much much more powerful than before, trading the defensive healing for a thick coat of black lightning armor.

Chaotic Lighting Breaker- Skyler enters a berserker like trance killing and destroying anything in his way without reason, unable to tell apart friend from foe. This is his most powerful from of breaking and cannot be triggered by will only under certain circumstances can Skyler use this power)

Ice Breaking – Calling forth the power to create thick coats of ice out of the moisture that is apparent in the air. Skyler can form weapon’s defensive walls and other things by using his power to control ice, not as developed as the Lightning Breaking skill this ability is usually used as a back up when Skyler needs to recharge his power.

Eye Color: Sky blue
Hair Color: Brown
Height: 5’11
Weight: 183 lbs
Species: Demi-God
Appearance: Standing at about 5'11 with tree bark brown hair down to his shoulders. Growing slight facial hairs around his chin, appearing like small whiskers. Skyler has light brown tannish skin, with a pretty tough body build since he focuses on his physical power to synergize with his fighting style utilizing his breaking powers to its fullest. From all his physical training his hands and feet became much more rough and stronger, giving him the look of a athletic climber. Skyler, dressing in his father’s old combat gear, a black silk tunic covered by dark leather body armor covering his chest, shoulders and stomach, along with Leather armor covering his legs.

Personality: Skyler is extremely gentleman like when approached by strangers or women, while with friends or enemies he is more sarcastic and funny. Even making fun of his opposition while in combat, even after the death of his father he held on to his fun loving and forgiving nature while staying serious. He is a relaxed and careful person as well making sure not to offend people he has just met, attempting to keep on good terms with anyone who seems descent in life and nature.

Family: Wolfe Vicero- Alive (Brother)
Lucian Vicero Dead- (Great grandfather: Lightning God)
Annie Vicero Alive (Mother)
Barron Vicero Dead (Father)

Brief Bio: Growing up under pressure, forced to fight against his eldest brother Wolfe in order to train him. Skyler grew tired of being used as a puppet for his father’s games, he thought it would be better to challenge his father himself to prove that he was stronger. Being bested by his father quickly, a dark energy build up inside of Skyler, calling out as he charged the chaotic lighting formed around him striking his father twice killing him upon the second blow. Shaken by his actions Skyler ran away from his home living alone until his eldest brother brought him to the organization to be used.

So begins...

Skyler Lucian Vicero's Story


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Character Portrait: Skyler Lucian Vicero
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Skyler escaped out of the building as it came down upon itself, who ever freed him he knew he owed a debt to. After he dealt with brother dearest first, allowing his thoughts to flow away Skyler took off down the street carelessly hoping onto a power line charging up some elcetrical energy as he propelled himself across town upon them. Jumping down as he received a large enough charge built up telling people who gathered around him to relax and it was just some shots for a upcoming movie, making his way towards a bakery. The sound of screeching tires put Skylers hairs on edge, turning to see five vans speeding towards him each sliding to a stop fifteenth feet away from him. Sighing and gazing to the men with a smile as they pourded out of the vans, at least 35 stood weapons ready and pointed at him, But among these faces one familiar face stood out. "Brother..." Skyler muttered his voice trailing off as he was filled with anger, Wolfe spoke softly "Now now brother just come quietly I don't want this to get messy."

Closing his fists in anger, eyes lighting up with the fury building up inside of him "YOU TRAITOR" Skyler yelled, "Deal with my brother... Don't fail now." Wolfe said turning his back a bolt of lightning striking him from the sky, and within a instant he was gone. Charging forward Skyler yelled "Wrath of the Lightning God", his body activated the white lightning breaking ability as soon as the command was given. Bolts of white lightning struck his body fully charging him and dawning him, with the armor of the lightning god, his wings sprouted and his face was covered in the anger that his brother provoked. Jumping above the men throwing six explosive lightning spears into the vans they stood next to making them explode, as Skyler dropped down to the ground finishing off the few that remained with simple lightning bolts. The anger and hate faded as soon as he killed the last man, shaking his head thinking to himself stop running from me brother... looking down the street watching as more vans made there way to his location Skyler charged up two more lightning spears launching them down the street before taking off down the nearest alleyway.

Jumping two fences, while he ran making it down and back into the open streets of New York. Skyler continued to run for a while waiting in a alley to catch his breath slapping his palms upon a power generator absorbing most of its energy to recharge himself. Skyler thought about his next move while he walked down and back onto a street ditching most of his body armor to seem normal.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Samuel Lark Character Portrait: Svetlana "Lana" Azarov Character Portrait: Skyler Lucian Vicero
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Glaring down the street watching a group of two flock around one man, Skylers brow rased haha you he thought as he watched them follow the liberator from earlier today. Hell if he didn't let Skyler out who knows if that dark power would have taken control of him, watching closely as she followed him into an apartment building. Skyler casually jogged across the street entering the same building following the girl from a distance, approching her as she knocked on the door, "Hellllooo" Skyler softly spoke walking towards her placing his hand on the wall leaning against it while he looked to her. " You wanna speak to the one who set you free right?" He asked as he looked at her. Yawning Skyler relaxed as he waited for the door to open, this place seemed safe enough if this guy was calling together meetings and such, But what is he trying to start.... A war on the organization? Skyler just wanted to finish of the last chain of his past, to gain the birthright that was passed to him by his father. Waiting with the girl he causally smiled.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dorian Marco Character Portrait: Samuel Lark Character Portrait: Svetlana "Lana" Azarov Character Portrait: Skyler Lucian Vicero
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Samuel who'd been hiding, quickly dashed to the door, and appeared by everyone else. "Well I don't know who these guys are, but I'm Samuel" he said as he looked at the other two, giving them a smug glance. "Do me a favor and see if you can bypass the lock on this phone, your lightning and what not, so I can be on my way" Samuel said as he thrust the phone at Dorian. He looked around to see if he had been followed, he knew the phone could be located and it'd be only a matter of time before The Organization would track it back here, also being that many of their agents had been killed today, they would be sending top-level guys. Samuel didn't want to be around everyone when they came knocking, more people equaled more distractions when he was fighting.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dorian Marco Character Portrait: Samuel Lark Character Portrait: Svetlana "Lana" Azarov Character Portrait: Skyler Lucian Vicero
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"Skyler Lucian Vicero, "The Lightning Prince" I would like to speak to you about our next move, you freed us for a reason" He introduced himself yawning, as he felt the pressence of another man speed up in frount of himself and the girl. Who ever it was he presented himself as if he didn't care about anyone else, and when he looked smugly at Skyler and the girl it reminded him of the looks his brother gave him. Clenching his fists as Samuel rudely introduced himself, walking into the apartment sitting down on the sofa. Watching the seen play out between Samuel and Dorian laughing but catching interest in Dorian's power "Oh Mister Dorian, I can help you free the two that were kidnapped. It's the least I could do for you helping me escape my brother."

The setting changes from New York to Dorian's Sublevel Appointment

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dorian Marco Character Portrait: Samuel Lark Character Portrait: Svetlana "Lana" Azarov Character Portrait: Skyler Lucian Vicero
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#, as written by A u t o
At the sound of someone speaking to her, Lana jumped, quickly turning her head. She gave the best smile she could muster at the time to the male standing there, who seemed to be at least a foot taller than her. She relaxed a bit after he asked his question, nodding a bit. As she was about to speak to him, the door opened, and she turned forward again to see the same face she recognized from the streets earlier. The presence of another person who seemed to come out of nowhere startled Lana yet again. She quickly slipped inside Dorian's apartment as he and the newer boy who introduced himself as Samuel had their little exchange. "Uh... My name's Lana Azarov." She said, giving a slight smile and nod to each of the boys. "Er, Svetlana, but I prefer Lana." Lana toook a few more steps inside, mostly to be out of the way, but opted to not sit down.

The setting changes from Dorian's Sublevel Appointment to New York


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dorian Marco Character Portrait: Samuel Lark Character Portrait: Baylee Holmes Character Portrait: Svetlana "Lana" Azarov Character Portrait: Skyler Lucian Vicero Character Portrait: Paxton Grey
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Baylee went with the two boys to the address that was on the paper and seeing this guy past by with a blink of an eye to a group of people, but then seeing the guy they met earlier she walked over to the group her hands in her pockets then heard them say their names, at least she wasnt the only girl anymore she thought to herself. but just as she was thinking the boy..Samuel thrusted a phone into Dorian's hand and she watched Dorian break it with his ability and she grinned, thats quite a power she thought, she followed the Skyler boy into the apartment and sat on the floor crossing her legs and she finally spoke up "Im Baylee but most call me Bay.." she then heard that there was two others that were kidnapped and she gripped her hands "I say we go after these blokes that call themselves the Organization...did they really think they could keep a group like us locked up, they just be stupid whackers. We need to get those two that kidnapped" she started getting on one of her tangents, a thing she did when she got angry or frustrated.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dorian Marco Character Portrait: Samuel Lark Character Portrait: Baylee Holmes Character Portrait: Svetlana "Lana" Azarov Character Portrait: Skyler Lucian Vicero Character Portrait: Paxton Grey
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#, as written by A u t o
Lana stood quietly and listened to the others. She fumbled with the hem of her skirt again, a sort of nervous habit that she'd developed since she'd been in New York. Her main goal had originally been to just get home, but that kept seeming less and less likely to happen. I guess if it's the only thing for me to do... Lana raised her hand up a bit. "I'll help however I can."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dorian Marco Character Portrait: Samuel Lark Character Portrait: Baylee Holmes Character Portrait: Svetlana "Lana" Azarov Character Portrait: Skyler Lucian Vicero
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Samuel had been looking at the destroyed phone for quite sometime, convincing himself not to start a fight with these people that he would more than likely lose. He calmly looked back at Dorian. "I have the ability to travel around the world in a minute, you could have simply bypassed the system and let me leave. When they tracked it I would have been miles away from here. Now you destroyed my quickest source of info on the corporation. Names, locations, orders, were all on that phone and it." Samuel said all of this giving Dorian a stoic stare, in a surprisingly calm tone.

Samuel felt himself heat up just a bit. "Perhaps I shouldn't have been so rude, but i have no time for pleasantries now a days with a secret cult hunting us down and all" Samuel said sarcastically, giving Dorian a glare and ignoring everyone else.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dorian Marco Character Portrait: Samuel Lark Character Portrait: Skyler Lucian Vicero
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Samuel followed Dorian into the room away from everyone else. He automatically knew he was going to either address him socking him in the face or his connection to Malice. Samuel already knew he wasn't going to apologize for the punch, he felt it was deserved.

"Who was she?"
Samuel took a deep sigh. He still hadn't completely trusted Dorian yet, knowing that he was the son the enemy. He decided it would be best to skip the details about Malice just in case."Well as you already know, she's a vampire obviously. However that person we saw out there was not Malice exactly, she never acted like that. Sure Malice had an aggressive side in the past, but she was never like this. The Malice I knew was innocent and kind, she didn't even feed on human blood like most vampires." Samuel said as he skimmed the truth on the last part, she had fed on human blood before, but that was extremely rare. "That person that spoke when Malice flipped out was Vendetta, she's the other person inside of her, kind of like a conscious, but an actual person." Samuel said remembering all the cruel things Vendetta put him and Malice through. "The Organization has done something to her and I'm going to have to fix it." Samuel said holding on to the locket around his necklace.

(didn't mean to tag skyler)


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dorian Marco Character Portrait: Samuel Lark Character Portrait: Katey Arnold Character Portrait: Baylee Holmes Character Portrait: Svetlana "Lana" Azarov Character Portrait: Skyler Lucian Vicero
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Kathy cracked a small smile and then put on a seriouse look on her face.She stood up and folded her arms ."I'm in.Who else is?"she knew that was a stupid question but still asked it.She looked at Samuel and Dorian and smiled.She walked over to where they were and stood next to them."Totaly in."

The setting changes from New York to Dorian's Sublevel Appointment

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dorian Marco Character Portrait: Samuel Lark Character Portrait: Katey Arnold Character Portrait: Baylee Holmes Character Portrait: Svetlana "Lana" Azarov Character Portrait: Skyler Lucian Vicero
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Reentering Dorian's apartment Skyler watched the rest of the group huddled around eating pizza, smiling at the large gathering he thought it would be a nice time to introduce himself to the rest of the group. Clearing his lungs and kinda stopping on the floor to grab the attention of everyone in the room, "Well hello everyone..." Skyler spoke with a smile bowing before the ladies in the room. "My name is Skyler Lucian Vicero, also known as the lightning prince" He finished off his sentience surging a small electrical current through out his body and making a lightning spear. Looking to Dorian then walking towards him trying to relax, "Sorry for earlier, I was dealing with a large issue...I can still be of use just give me the word" With that statement Skyler Plopped down onto the sofa gazing around the room everything felt so peaceful and it seemed that the others were getting along pretty well. Kinda like a loose nit family, laughing to himself he wondered what would happen next and how would he deal with his brother in the future.

The setting changes from Dorian's Sublevel Appointment to New York


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dorian Marco Character Portrait: Samuel Lark Character Portrait: Katey Arnold Character Portrait: Baylee Holmes Character Portrait: Svetlana "Lana" Azarov Character Portrait: Skyler Lucian Vicero
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Samuel looked over at Dorian after he called him an ugly female. "Don't hate me because I'm beautiful" Samuel jokingly said to him and he swung his hair. Samuel then looked at Dorian seriously. "Neon..paint, that's final" Samuel said with a stern look on his face, he was joking of course.

He watched as Skyler walked in, he didn't know how to feel about this guy, as he was bold enough to call himself the lightening prince. "C'mon Dory boy do you really need to ask, he just said he'd like to help." Samuel said while offering Skyler a slice. Another thing bothered him, Skyler just casually walked into the apartment. He made it seem so easy too, easy enough for The Organization to do the same. "Hey Dorian, I'm going to keep a lookout outside the apartment, just in case." Samuel said as he put down the pizza and walked outside.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dorian Marco Character Portrait: Samuel Lark Character Portrait: Katey Arnold Character Portrait: Baylee Holmes Character Portrait: Svetlana "Lana" Azarov Character Portrait: Skyler Lucian Vicero
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"War, war is painful it kills I know everyone in this room wants to fight in this war but are they prepared to?" Skyler asked, he was trying to be honest He doubted that some of the people that sat in the room would be ready for the horrors that come with fighting a war. Although he didn't know the abilities of the group as a whole, Skyler thought that maybe with some practice they could put it together effectively. Waving off Samuel's offer with a smile trying not to offend him by declining a slice of pizza, the playful banter that was in the room livened the place up. Making it seem more new comer friendly for not dropping common conversation over the interference of another.

Shrugging as he sat on the sofa thinking of what they could possibly do to win a war against the organization, first he would have to inform them about his brother, then training would have to come into play stemming off of the ideal that he found most of the people in the room to be weak. Still not knowing where to start he just tried to meld into the environment, smiling at his newly found comrades to try to ease them into his arrival.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dorian Marco Character Portrait: Samuel Lark Character Portrait: Katey Arnold Character Portrait: Baylee Holmes Character Portrait: Svetlana "Lana" Azarov Character Portrait: Skyler Lucian Vicero
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Baylee watched as the new guy came in calling himself Skyler but also the lighting prince, she looked at Skyler "nice to meet you Skyler im Baylee, and this guy next to me is Paxton" she pointed to him then she laughed at Samuel when he said "Don't hate me because I'm beautiful" "Samuella but sorry to say you don't make a pretty girl, I have to agree with Dorian on this one". She finished her piece of pizza then looked to Dorian "I also agree with Dorian no neon paint, that would be to bright".
She then started to think of how Samuel said "Do your worst", she frowned, Samuel is really gonna be in for it she thought. She then looked at Paxton wondering what was going through his mind, she reached over like it was natural and put her hand over his.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dorian Marco Character Portrait: Samuel Lark Character Portrait: Katey Arnold Character Portrait: Baylee Holmes Character Portrait: Svetlana "Lana" Azarov Character Portrait: Skyler Lucian Vicero
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Samuel felt Skyler killed the mood he had set in the room with the question of would anybody would be ready for war. He even rejected the pizza he offered, even though that didn't matter Samuel could see this guy was all business. "Look Skyler, it doesn't matter if we're ready to fight or not because these people are going to come after us no matter what we do. I don't know about you guys, but I'm not gonna let them ruin our lives without a fight. Besides can you really call it a war with a guy like me on the team, I actually feel bad for The Organization, they have no idea what they're about to go against" Samuel said with a smirk, but he did know that The Organization probably knew they were coming. He was just trying to keep morale up, which was endangered by the buzzkill prince, which is what Samuel named him in his head.

After being Baylee said he wouldn't be a pretty girl he put his hand in the shape of a paw and hissed at her jokingly. When he did this he saw her put her hand over Paxton's. "Young love" Samuel thought to himself as he reminisced about his awkward meetings with Malice back when they were at the academy.

Then he headed out the door like he original intended


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dorian Marco Character Portrait: Samuel Lark Character Portrait: Katey Arnold Character Portrait: Baylee Holmes Character Portrait: Svetlana "Lana" Azarov Character Portrait: Skyler Lucian Vicero
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Smiling at the girl that introduced herself as Baylee she also introduced, what looked like her love interest Paxton. They looked like they fitted together well, as if they were ment for each other. For a split second Skyler was jealous, he never had any real connections with girls and when they did come about they would just withered. No matter how nicely approached denial just came along with the title, waving to both of them Skyler spoke "Nice to met you, and your powers are?" But before he was able to turn to Dorian to speak once more, Samuel quickly cut him off ranting " Look Skyler, it doesn't matter if we're ready to fight or not because these people are going to come after us no matter what we do. I don't know about you guys, but I'm not gonna let them ruin our lives without a fight. Besides can you really call it a war with a guy like me on the team, I actually feel bad for The Organization, they have no idea what they're about to go against" Samuel smirked arrogantly and continued on his way out of the door. Even after he was finished talking Skyler knew that Samuel spoke on loose words, nothing but a boost in the moral of the group. But what annoyed Skyler the most was, his sure belief that they would be able to win as if the organization isn't going to be hitting with larger and stronger weapons.

Turning his head to Dorian as he spoke about the room arrangements, Skyler had no problems but he knew sleeping wouldn't be an option more like meditating would restore the lost energies from the day. "I'll be awake with you Dorian, I have problems sleeping. Ill keep lookout while everyone rests its a little cramped in this place."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dorian Marco Character Portrait: Samuel Lark Character Portrait: Katey Arnold Character Portrait: Baylee Holmes Character Portrait: Svetlana "Lana" Azarov Character Portrait: Skyler Lucian Vicero
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Baylee answered Skyler "i make peoples fears come true in front of them and can cause them nightmares with the fears" she then suddenly got very tired yawned, she was partly listening to the conversation at hand but she was just exhausted, the day wore her out more then she thought it did. She saw Dorian was talking but she wasnt really listening, then she watched Samuel head out of the apartment and before she knew it she was already asleep in the chair she was sitting on, her hand still on Paxton's, and her head leaned back against the chair. She actually looked peaceful for once.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dorian Marco Character Portrait: Svetlana "Lana" Azarov Character Portrait: Skyler Lucian Vicero
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#, as written by A u t o
Lana uttered a quiet thank you as Samuel passed her a piece of the pizza, and she could've passed out from how happy she was to finally eat again. Pizza wasn't exactly on her usual menu, but at this point she would've settled for just about anything. Leaning back in her chair, she crossed one leg over the other, making herself more comfortable. As the boy she remembered meeting earlier outside of the apartment reentered, she gave him a slight smile to be nice. 
When the topic of war was brought up again, she did her best to just tune it out. Lana had decided to stay in the mindset that they'd be ready when they needed to be, no matter how long it took them. Finishing the last bite of her pizza, she stood, patting her skirt down. "In that case, I think I'll be heading to bed. It's been a long day. Good night." She turned, waving over her shoulder, but stopped and looked back before she left the room. "Oh, and, uh, Dorian– it's kind of you to let us all stay here. Thank you."
STurning back again, she went into one of the rooms she assumed to be one of the bedrooms and pulled the door to, not bothering to turn the light on. Instead she just let her eyes adjust to the dim light. It was rather small, not nearly as large as her room, but it would do. With a sigh, Lana went over to the bed and sat down, looking over to the window on the far side of the room. Honestly, she wasn't all that tired– she just needed a break. It wasn't often that she was around so many people, and it was a little overwhelming. 


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Samuel Lark Character Portrait: Katey Arnold Character Portrait: Skyler Lucian Vicero
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(It posted twice)


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Character Portrait: Samuel Lark Character Portrait: Katey Arnold Character Portrait: Skyler Lucian Vicero
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Soon nearly everyone dosed off or left the room, Lana the girl from earlier departed without giving Skyler much of a look but the smile was enough for him. Standing up after Dorian fell asleep, heading out to were he felt the increase in heat energy. There stood Samuel and Katey, from his perspective the sight looked very awkward attempting to not intrude Skyler clearly spoke as he walked forward "Hey you guys don't sleep either." Skyler was calm and well spoken, addressing both of them glaring at the girl "Skyler Lucian Vicero, The Lightning prince. I do not belief I introduced myself , and for you Samuel its about the third time you've heard my name." Laughing he snapped and within a few seconds a chair was created from pure crystal ice, sitting down he looked to the other two smiling.
