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The Remembered



a part of The Remembered, by Fortune Walking.

The Sanctuary

RolePlayGateway holds sovereignty over Salave, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

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The one place the Kassik can live without trouble, but trouble has found them
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The Sanctuary


Salave is a part of The Remembered.


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Salave, the one place that the Kassik need not worry about the troubles of the world. The one place where they may live in peace, but hat peace has been shattered by the corrupt king, by that stupid king. There would be no peace until he was gone, and that's what he was there for.
Hanouss couldn't bear to look at the maps of the organized forces. He couldn't stand to think of how it would turn out, countless deaths, countless lives stolen from their owners. So, he just looked at the sea. It beckoned him always, a wrenching in his gut that he couldn't ignore. Oh, what it would be like to sail off into those frequent squalls that he so often watched. But, now was not the time.
HKe moved across the room, ignoring everyone there ,to stare out across the island. Little more than shacks dotted the land, driftwood shanties that barely stood against the ocean wind. That was the legacy of the Kassik, one that he shared in the fullest. He would get the revenge, but he needed to wait. "Those who rush, miss." his father would always say that when he was teaching him how to shoot a bow.
"Be patient, that won't kill you." That was his mother speaking when she taught him how to weed a garden and he accidentally tore up her precious herbs. The memory always brought a smile to his face, even now under these grim circumstances. He forced himself away from the past and turned at last to the maps. They were crumpled and water stained, but they were still readable, and they were read. He didn't know what to say, they were against overwhelming numbers, and the only way to end this war was to overthrow the moronic king, the king who sat hundreds of miles away. He would gey what he deserved, nothing would stop Hanouss from seeing to that. He waited for the meeting to commence as he continued studying the maps.


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The sun begins to rise in the sky as I work with the men on the dock, carrying lumber for fresh ships to and fro for the carpenters. My work mates and I have been laboring all through the night by torch light as our foreman stops in to tell us to extinguish our torches. Marching along the docks I and those I work with extinguish the torches and move back to continue working."

As the town clock tower rings out 7 times in the morning air, I finally stop my night long work. Me and my workmates drop our last beam down at the carpenters huts and stop with our foreman, each stopping and being handed their 10 copper. Measly pay for the time given, but easily the best to be found for an uneducated goat herder.

Taking my pay I leave the docks and stroll to the market. The long nights work had left me tired and famished, and I desired fresh vegetables or well salted meat before I return to sleep at the dock workers flat. As I walk through the sad market I find a few stalls selling limp carrots and a one selling dried fish. Deciding to take my luck I spend my copper to take a side of tuna and a few of the weak carrots to be made into stew and making my way back to the docks. As I enter the workers cabin I sit down on my sour bed and White Eye comes to sit by me. Even though I know the owl is stuffed on the rats that rule the docks I take a piece of the tuna and share it, taking the rest and eating in silence. The other men from my work group sit about or sleep in their beds, as tired as I feel right now at the least.

Finishing my meal, and thanking the gods for my luck in life, I too decide to rest, throwing back my thin blanket and laying on my bed. Even as my sore muscles nag me with their discontent I slip into a weak sleep, my mind at ease. White Eye rests above me in the rafters, sitting comfortably on his straw bedding and drifting off with me. We both really are better as creatures of the night.


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As the day grows long I slowly come to. The long shadows of the fading day face me down from the open doorway of the dockworkers barrack. As I continue to wake up I stretch out on my bed, my arms stretching outward and off my bed my tunic slightly clinging to my clothes. While I rub my eyes clear and look to the door, I notice the foreman is standing in the doorway. As I look up to the man and I cast my gaze around the rest of the bunks I give a low response to urge the other sleeping men to wake. "Ah shit... Another round of firings today?" I say questioningly in such a way as to rouse the others.

A few turn and wake slightly, a few adding mutterances of their own. Meanwhile the foreman begins to walk down between the bunks, stopping every so far to give a slip of brown parchment to a different man before coming to stop at my bunk.

"Today is the day Chazarak" he says, no remorse in the brow clad mans voice. "Your work date is up, and I have your replacement."

As I sit up and crack my back I give him a solid look but ask no questions. Reaching under my bed I take firm hold of my travel sack and pull it up, the pans clanging as the bag moves.

"Alright then, Ill be out of here in just a minute." I say to the man as he continues down the row.

I roll up my blanket and stuff it in my bag between my pots and stand to leave, giving a short whistle to White Eye. Waking quickly the scruffy little owl rustles awake with a delicate 'hoo'. With a quick flutter of wings he is down and at my shoulder and I stand to leave.

I stroll, my head held high down the docks with my bag in hand as I watch the morning ships roll in. Moving back into town I see several ships port but pay them no mind, more busy trying to find a tavern to dump my savings in than a ship to ride.

Stopping at a local favorite, I enter the heavy doors of the Flayed Salmon and sit down at a corner table after ordering a pint of ale.

White eye squints in the dark, smokey room. The lack of light the result of not having lit lamps as the night is still early more than anything. A few pretty looking barmaids go their way bringing drinks and a pretty ginger maid brings me my pint. With a nod and a few copper pieces I send her on her way with no trouble. Tonight wasnt a night I couldn't afford a woman, even if it would be worth the coins.

I sit in my place taking a few idle sips of my drink and waiting for the evening recruiters to reach the bar. I need a new job and the bar was always the first place people went to recruit for easy work.

No one was more desperate for work than a drunkard.


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#, as written by jkin
Rei woke with a start, hearing all kinds of yelling coming from the deck. Her pulse was racing as she clutched the long, slender knife next to her. She jumped out of bed, not even feeling the cold air on her exposed skin. She pushed her ear to the door and listened to the commotion outside. Her entire body relaxed when she realized the yelling was just the sailors preparing to go into port. Rei sat back down on the bed and tied her small knife sheath onto her upper thigh. It occurred to her that keeping her knife on her thigh was not the best idea. It wasn't particularly accessible and in order to draw it, she would probably have to expose most of her legs to her enemy. Not ideal at all. But she also couldn't wear it in plain sight. Rei studied her wrists, thinking she may be able to hide it there, under her long sleeves. She untied the sheath from her thigh and re-fastened it to her wrist. It was bulky but it might look okay under her gown. She pulled on her light blue gown on over her shift and helped the long sleeve over her knife. It actually hid the knife well. The dress clung to her torso, doing nothing to hide her slender waist or her shapely breasts. The skirt wasn't large or puffy as fashion dictated, but hung simply, the hem touching the ground. Rei then pulled on her warm stockings and slipped on her boots, lastly pulling her thick, black cloak around her shoulders. Her wavy hair hung in a tangle down her back. She quickly ran her fingers through it and weaved it into a long braid. She then wrapped her red scarf around her neck and let it fall within her cloak, then pulled the hood over her head. She wrapped the scarf around her mouth and headed into the cold wind.

Rei walked onto the main deck, the sailors paying her little heed as they prepared to anchor and lower the boats. She approached the side of the ship, looking out at Salave at last. Watching a coast as it slips by the ship is like thinking about an enigma. There it is before you--smiling, frowning, inviting, grand, mean, insipid or savage, and always mute with an air of whispering--Come find out. This one was almost featureless, as if still in the making, with an aspect of monotonous grimness. The edge of a colossal jungle so dark green as to be almost black, fringed with white surf, ran straight, like a ruled line, far far away along a blue sea whose glitter was blurred by a creeping mist. The Captain called her over and she climbed into the little boat, feeling apprehensive but also a little excited. Once they reached the dock, Rei stepped onto the wood with the other sailors and studied the island. The dwellings were humble, some looked as though they wouldn't make it through the day. She was surprised that creatures with such power would live in such surroundings. Her father had been given ample possessions in return for his services. But these Kassik were oppressed, feared, and now were being hunted. There were a few locals milling about the area, mostly fishermen preparing to start their day. Rei approached a friendly looking man, tugging down the scarf that hid her mouth, and offered him a smile.
"Can you take me to your general?" She asked, not really sure what she was looking for. The man gave her a skeptical look, then seemed to seize her up. He hesitated a moment, then nodded, and walked away, obviously expecting her to follow. He approached a larger dwelling and turned to her, holding up a hand for her to halt, and then walked through the door. He emerged a few seconds later and returned to her.
"They're preparing for a meeting. Someone will fetch you when they're ready." He told her, and retreated back towards the dock. Rei felt her throat go dry as she shivered, fear clouding her senses as she sat down and hoped she would be inspired to speak the words that would gain their trust.


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Chazarak finished of his pint as the day ended. No recruiters ever did come, the bar being just a hazy and solemn place all night. Figuring it would just be better to leave, he grabbed his bag and left, White Eye rustling awake as he moves to leave and coming with.
As he left the dreary bar and entered the night the cold breath of the sea wind brushed him from the doorway. The winds were blowing toward the inland, and from what he could see they had blown a few new boats into port. Walking down from the land to the docks he traveled along the docks. One of the ships had just come into port it seemed, one named "The Arctic Wind".
"Pretty fitting," He said as the crew disembarked. A pretty lass left the boat and went her way down and away but he kept his eyes on the ships crew. 'Perhaps they would be good for finding work?' He thought to himself as he waited outside the boat for a chance to speak to the busy captain.