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"You look, and you see pain and death. But open your eyes a little wider. Is the world not beautiful?"

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a character in “The Requiem Rebellion”, originally authored by Dynamite, as played by RolePlayGateway




Moonlight; Noble Warrior; of the Goddess’s Domain | (Loosely) The Noble Warrior of Moonlit Auallonia
It is… quite a name, is it not? But, it is tradition, I’m afraid.


Sia – Soon We’ll Be Found
Bastille – Of the Night
Josh Groban – You Are Loved
Josh Groban - Brave


Ah, of course. It does make sense to start with the basics, I suppose.

[ Shiki | His Grace/Eminence/Highness ]

[ 120 ]

[ Male ]

[ Auallune ]

[ The Prince ]

Face Claim:
[ Sephiroth | FF7 ]


This? It is a mark of my blessing, and my burden to carry.

Hair Color
[ Moonsilver ]

Eye Color
[ Blue-Green ]

Skin Tone
[ Porcelain | White Marble ]

[ 6’1” ]

[ 170 ]

Physical Description
[ Shashikiran looks like someone cut a piece out of the night sky and brought it to the surface of the earth. His coloration is almost universally pale. Long silvery hair cascades almost to his knees, lit almost as if from within with a glimmering radiance that calls to mind celestial bodies, but most of all the Moon herself. Even his lashes and brows carry the hue. His eyes are a deep blue-green, evocative of the tides the moon controls, and with those of his position, it is always thus. He seems to attract the light to him wherever he goes, catching this or that stray beam of it and reflecting it off in all directions. The paleness of his complexion does much the same, and he can seem somewhat luminous. His traveling clothes are actually darker to try and mitigate this somewhat.

Genetics rather than fate have given him a fine-boned facial structure, and a tall, lean frame. He has a certain impression of liquidity to him, and moves very fluidly, almost as though he were floating over the ground rather than walking on it. There’s something magical, almost divine about the aura he exudes, and it tends to bring those within it into a greater state of calm and reflectiveness. He has been sought out for this quality before, as it has been confessed to him that he brings some measure of peace and quietude to the chaos of life.

The official garments of his office are all white and silver, designed to emphasize his radiance, but for the purpose of traveling, he wears darker colors and practical fabrics, and tails his hair or hides it under a hood to make his presence less obvious. He does not, after all, desire to bring any more danger than he absolutely must upon those who have taken up his cause. ]


Ah, you seek to take my measure? Well, I have no objections, I suppose. Only… I do not know the full extent of it.

Potential Interest
None at the current moment: Well, an engagement is perhaps a good reason to consider oneself off-limits. He does what he does for the good of his people, even if he finds no satisfaction in it, personally. The princess Mirelle is a lovely person, he is aware, but they barely know one another. All the same, he is a man who honors his promises, and as long as his fate is bound to hers, he will not allow himself to love another.


    Weaponcraft || Chief among the warrior-priests of the moon, it would be a great transgression to his sacred duty indeed if he did not learn the ways of fist and blade. In order to transcend violence, one must first understand its forms and motivations.
    Negotiation || Adept in the manners and social graces of most countries, as well as their languages, it is also the case that Shiki is possessed of a gentle charisma that draws others to him effortlessly, making him a skilled hand in negotiating.
    Craft || He has had the luxury of picking up a number of noble skills, including calligraphy, paper-folding, sailing, and smithing. It was all part of what was considered a full set of skills for someone of his station. He is incidentally very good at equipment maintenance, even the complicated things.

    Blessed One || Shashikiran is believed by his people to be blessed by he goddess Ayla herself, as well as to belong to a direct line of descent from her. Whatever the truth of the matter, he does seem to possess quite a bit of divinity, and this manifests in varied fashions. Sometimes, it is under his control, and other times, his power works without his consent. It is simply part of who he is, and he doesn’t mind it so much.
    Elemental Magic || He can to some extent wield and manipulate all of the elements, however, his affinities are much greater towards water and light.
    Telepathy || Shiki can read the thoughts of others without their notice, or implant thoughts and suggestions, or simply conduct wordless communications with others. It is a subtle ability, but no less dangerous for that.


My people’s history is long, and much of it is secret. But I will tell you all that I may. It is better to understand one another, is it not?

  • Not all Auallonae are Auallune. The first is simply a designation for a nationality, and applies to anyone of any species who takes up residence in the land of the moon, as it is often called colloquially. The second is a distinct species, often referred to as the Goddess-Touched, or simply the Touched. The chief among these is called the Blessed, and it is he or she that rules the country.
  • The Blessed is recognized by an extraordinary set of physical traits, most easily the hair color and the eyes, but also the luminosity of their being and the aura they have. They are typically the strongest of their generation in terms of spellcasting, and An Auallune generation is usually measured in centuries, if not millennia. Auallune are actually immortal, but they can be killed or die from poison or sickness, and when one Blessed is born, the previous traditionally abdicates.
  • The culture of Auallonia is predominately clerical—it is ruled by the priesthood, with the Blessed at its head. The Blessed must always be an Auallune, but other members of clergy may be of any species whatsoever, for all are loved by the Goddess. The government is actually quite free of corruption, and interferes only minimally in the lives of the citizenry. Their mission is one of charity and goodwill, so even the poorest in the country are very well taken care of. By contrast, the rulers live a monklike lifestyle, in great stone monasteries famous for their flourishing gardens and simple amenities.
  • Shashikiran is the thirteenth Blessed, which, considering the length of recorded history, should give one an idea of how long a reign typically lasts. He is fine with being referred to as a “Prince,” even if the connotations are somewhat inaccurate. As a matter of fact, he prefers being called Shiki to anything else.


    Singing || It is taught that music is beloved of the goddess, and furthermore, song is an excellent conduit for divine casting. Shashikiran’s voice is exactly what you would expect of someone supposed to be halfway to divine himself.
    Origami || A simple art that requires only simple materials, it was taught to him by the monks and nuns that raised him. He enjoys the sheer variety of things that can be built out of something so humble—he thinks there is a lesson in there, for those willing to look.

    Nighttime || The moon herself is the first love of any of her children, for she is their sacred mother, and watches over them all, in times of prosperity and strife alike. It is only natural that her most devoted child would enjoy the times most when she is allowed to bathe the world in her radiance.
    Rain || There is something soothing about rain—the sound, the smell, even the feel of it. It’s a bit beneath his dignity to get wet, according to his retainers, but Shiki enjoys standing out in the rain even so, much to their chagrin.
    Sweet Foods || An ascetic upbringing does not afford one much in the way of luxuries per se, and Shiki was never exposed to sweet foods growing up. He had his first cookie on a diplomatic trip to another country a few years ago, and he’s loved them ever since.

    Deference || He is not especially fond of being accorded too much deference or authority. Whatever else he might be, he is also simply a man, and in this no different from anyone else. What about him should elevate him so high that others cast their eyes away? Naught that he can find.
    Politicking || Though polite and intelligent, Shiki finds politics and economic disputes terribly boring. He often folds his paper summary reports into flowers during particularly long gatherings of this sort. It’s hard not to forgive him for it, especially since he seems to be able to keep perfect track of the conversation anyway.
    Violence || Granted, he sees the necessity, and is rather skilled in its deployment himself, but he would much rather solve a problem with words. Or cookies—he doesn’t understand how people in countries with cookies could ever be upset about anything.

    Auallune || He’s just… different from a human being. Auallune have greater strength, durability, and magical sensitivity than humans do, and as the Blessed, his are a cut above even his own people.
    Wisdom || He may be a bit naïve, possibly even childlike, but he is surprisingly perceptive, and can often see to the heart of a problem when others just scratch the surface. He is uncannily accurate in his assessments of people, most of the time, and makes a good judge of character.
    Combat Mastery || He can fight empty handed, with blades, or with magic. It is incredibly difficult to render Shashikiran defenseless.

    Innocence || And how. Shiki was raised in a cloistered monastery, and it shows. He’s very bad with understanding how the world works outside of his own country, even if he can mimic the mannerisms. He sometimes accidentally says things that he should not, and things like innuendo and irony are totally lost on him.
    Directions || He knows north from south, but that is literally it. He couldn’t navigate his way through a big city if his life depended on it. He’s happy enough just to follow other people around, and trusting enough to assume that they won’t lead him astray.
    Poison || As a monk, he has kept his body very clean and free of artificial things and pollutants. As such, he is particularly vulnerable to disease and poison, having very few natural immunities to such things. Infections are also a worry, if she should be unable to cleanse his wounds.


Observation is often the best teacher in such matters as the character of another.

Pure | Devoted | Serene | Curious

There is something about Shiki that is unmistakably different than other people. His sequestered upbringing has left him without much of what one would usually describe as common sense. Instead, what he has is a seemingly bottomless wellspring of compassion and genuine regard for other people. The problems that others encounter, no matter how small, are the sorts of things he desires to help with. He is an excellent listener, and can be surprisingly wise and helpful when the situation calls for it. He is also incredibly genuine, to the point where it is hard to doubt that he cares as much as he seems to. Why someone with a position like his would be so concerned over the trivial difficulties of others is hard to say, but it is nevertheless in his nature.

He has a deep devotion to the mother moon, and this is reflected mostly in action rather than word. He strives to represent her virtues of elegance, grace, mercy, and generosity as well as he can, and when he cannot, to at the very least stay away from their opposites. As a corollary, his loyalty to his nation and his people is great—there is little to nothing he would not sacrifice for their sake. Shiki is never one to think of himself first, and indeed, seems often to forget that he has needs at all.

There is a sense of deep inner peace about him, and it tends to extend outwards and make those in his company feel calmer as well. He has spent a lifetime in meditation and reflection, and finds himself deeply connected to the world around him as a result. He almost physically feels the pain of others as his own pain, their sorrow as his sorrow. He likes to think of himself as a mirror of the hearts of his people more than a person himself. Very little seems capable of unsettling this tranquility, and he does not take harsh words to heart. His forgiveness is as immediate as the sin itself, and perhaps unfortunately, he would not hold it against someone if they were to hurt him again and again. It seems impossible for bitterness to find a hold in his heart, or anger, for that matter.

There is something almost childlike about him, in that Shashikiran is very curious about the world around him, though in strange ways, ignorant of it. It is as though he has never seen evil—or at least that he has never seen evil as evil, perhaps just a transitory stop on the way to good. He may often ask questions about things he does not understand, for he feels it is imperative that he learn the things he does not know.


I’m a simple person, I think. But others say they do not understand me. I wish it were as easy as speaking, to confer understanding.


The Thirteenth Blessed Auallune was born some hundred years ago. As was tradition, this marked the swan song of his predecessor’s time as ruler, a burden which most of them are glad to give up, at the end of it. From very early in his life, then, Shashikiran was groomed for the position. Raised in the monastic order of his people, he was imbued with the values of the warrior-priests of the Moon. His life was a surprisingly Spartan one—the Auallune do not take excess for themselves; anything extra is given to the nation’s poor. The monasteries are grand, but this is because they were built and maintained with skill, magic, and care, not because they were expensive.

His tutelage consisted of history, theology, combat, literature, and magic. Like all Blessed, he was a natural at just about anything he put his hand to, from the simple to the astoundingly complex. He retained a very innocent worldview, however, as generally the priesthood see it best to preserve the virtues of their future rulers by exposing them not to vice and excess. He grew into a youth of consummate kindness and grace, a true leader of his people, and by the population, he was beloved, considerably more than most of those who came before him, because he never attempted to use his position to impose his will. He may be the Blessed, but the gift he was given is not for him. It is for his people. It seemed only right to him that he should walk among them, speak to them, and come to understand how best to use the gifts he had been given.

But though all was prosperous and fair inside the bounds of his own country, Auallonia is not the world, and tensions were on the rise with the Lartigi. When they invaded elsewhere, Shiki was advised to form an alliance with the other remaining countries that recognized the majesty of the goddess, and a marriage was arranged for him by his predecessor before he ascended. His ascent has actually been delayed until he should return safe to his home. He is invaluable to his country, and as a result, they cannot let him make the journey alone, but he must also remain clandestine if possible. To this end, they have hired a mercenary of sterling reputation to guide him as he goes. His people pray for his return.

Shashikran prays only for peace.


It is often said that we do not know the value of what we have until it is gone. I value now the halcyon days of peace more even than I did then.

So begins...

Shashikiran's Story


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Character Portrait: Shashikiran Character Portrait: Fiammetta Thorne
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The morning had displayed the typical mildness of temperate Aullonian springtime, bringing many of the monks out of their cloister and into the gardens. The future Blessed was no exception, though he had special cause to be here, today. It was the last time he would be able to enjoy the peace of mind the place brought him for some time, and he desired to savor it. At this time of year, the skilled gardeners had coaxed the garden into full bloom, a veritable explosion of soft colors and a bouquet of fragrance. At no point was it overwhelming, however, and that was truly the skill behind it.

It was an even more glorious place at night; many of the native species of his country did not show their faces to the sun, but only to Mother Moon, and were currently closed up tightly. The stream that wound its way through the garden burbled presently somewhere to his left, but for once, Shiki was finding it difficult to meditate. His connection to the lives around him had not waned, but it was being overwhelmed by the other thoughts swimming around in his mind. He had not undergone this much difficulty to still them since he was but a child, and he raised the heel of his hand to his brow, applying gentle pressure to first one eye and then the other, sighting lightly, like a whisper of wind.

It would seem, he thought with some small degree of wry amusement, that even men centuries old could be children with regards to some things. He had told himself repeatedly that this was what was best for his nation, but… he was finding it difficult to quell his internal resistance to the idea of being married, not for the love his predecessor and her husband shared, but for political and military convenience. His lips compressed faintly, the pale color fading into white, and he draped his hand again over his knee. He should not be thinking of such things, not because they were unworthy to think about—everyone had a right to seek companionship of that truest kind—but because dwelling overlong on what could not be changed helped nobody. He had made this choice, when the options were placed before him, and he would carry it through to the end, with as much grace as possible.

His motion was fluid as the stream when he stood, the split tail of his black coat stirring behind him, though even swathed in dark cloth boots, his feet made no sound against the grass, nor the carved pathway of stone slabs he found thereafter. A faint breeze stirred the length of his hair, casting a few long, moonsilver strands in front of his eyes and he brushed them aside, grateful for the reminder. With a deft, practiced motion, he tied the lot of them up in a high warrior’s tail, which trailed even so to the backs of his knees, a pennant that rippled slightly with his motion. The hood, he would leave for now.

His predecessor had asked him to attend her at the Hall in five minutes, and this he would do. He was apparently to meet his protector there, though he knew not whom they had hired for the task. He supposed that precious few would be willing to take such a risk as his escort would require, and monks were too obvious a retinue, recognizable as his countrymen even from great distance. Even he would be going disguised, in a sense—the white of his office had been replaced with ordinary travel garments in black, plain so as to draw as little attention as possible. He would be masquerading as a mercenary, himself, though he knew very little about how to be one. Perhaps the presence of weaponry and the absence of finery would speak enough that he did not have to. Not that he was accustomed to much finery anyway; a monk was at his best when humble.

The door into the hall was opened for him, and he entered just in time to hear the Blessed speaking once more. “Then you shall have what you ask for, Miss Thorne, and a bit more besides.” His predecessor’s smile was caught between amused and indulgent—apparently, whatever the woman had said previously, she approved of it. Shiki flowed a little further down the long hallway, and she caught sight of him easily. “And here he is now. Shashikiran—it is good to see you. Please introduce yourself to Miss Thorne, your escort.”

His first thought was that she was rather smaller than he had expected, and her demeanor less… boisterous? Mercenaries were few and far between in his country, so he’d tried not to have any expectations at all, but there it was. He didn’t let it bother him—she was welcome to be however she liked, as far as he was concerned. She was, after all, doing him a great service, paid or no. There was a sort of reedlike thinness to her, one that he suspected gave the lie to a considerable fortitude. One did not get by in a profession like hers without being good at it—bad mercenaries tended to perish, he understood. Her hair reminded him a bit of sunlight, something he found just the slightest bit ironic, but her eyes were very much the color of the season.

He bowed at the waist, smiling gently. “It is truly my pleasure, Miss Thorne,” he said, the genuineness in his tones warm and obvious. “My name is Shashikiran Aethelbaeorn Auallonia, but I would consider it a personal favor if you simply referred to me as Shiki.” He rose from the bow, tilting his head faintly to the side in a birdlike motion, innocent curiosity evident in the expectant look in his eyes. It was hard to imagine, perhaps, that this was the future leader of an entire nation.