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Marisa Kaven & Alice

0 · 209 views · located in Earth and The Sacred Realm

a character in “The Sacred Realm”, as played by TornZero



Age: 20

Gender: Female

Race: Felinus

Occupation: Bodyguard and companion to Marisa Kaven

Appearance: 5' 5"; 109 lbs. The main giveaway that Alice is felinus is her paws, which she can't exactly disguise. (Thankfully, most people don't look down.) She's much better with her ears, which are able to lie flat against her head and hide themselves amongst the white hair that sits down evenly to her chin height; a pair of pins keep it out of her face. Her hair color reflects itself in the long, fuzzy tail that she normally wraps around her torso or leg outside of the home, but her skin has a bit more color. Lastly, Alice typically wears whatever's available that isn't also a dress. (She needs full use of her movement, y'know.) It rounds out much of the time to pants and a sweater, which she hides a pair of knives in!

Personality: Treated by her owners like their own child, Alice has no resentment towards humanity as a whole, but firmly believes vampires are the ones to hate β€” treating humans like a meal. Werewolves come in second, and she never wants to take the risk of finding one in their transformed state. She doesn't beat around the bush, and makes sure her duties come before she decides to goof off (and she still doesn't goof off much). Alice has also learned a lot, having been at her owner's side (almost literally) through the latter's entire life. Though, while she has plenty to say about the things she's seen and heard, the only person she'll actively talk to these days is her charge; even then Alice won't speak much. Regardless, she's more than willing to give her life to protect Marisa and her family, and hopes that their treatment of her will be reflected in other humans.

Marisa Kaven

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Occupation: None; Chosen

Appearance: Marisa stands at 5' 2" and weighs only about 100 lbs. She has wide green eyes, a peachy-white color to her skin, and golden-blonde hair that lies all the way down to her waist. While it's cut straight across it always looks a bit fringed and messy at the ends. Her bangs are usually braided to the sides of her face, resting at her chest. Since her wardrobe is full of various dresses (none of them particularly formal), it's difficult to pin down which one Marisa wear each day. However, her weekends are more predictable. Her favorite outfit for going out (which she has three different sets of) is a pair of shorts or jeans, thigh-high stockings, black slip-on shoes, a buttoned shirt and a cardigan that loosely covers her dainty hands. Marisa also tends to wear a large cabbie hat on these days, which she pushes a lot of her hair under so it doesn't get in the wind or something.

Personality: First, Marisa has never really let go of the kid in her. Even as she reaches adulthood and becomes a smart young woman ready for the world, she loves to play games, laze about, and sometimes just stare blankly into space for extended periods of time. Despite all the joy and carefree-itude, Marisa also has a sense of maturity and prefers that things not be solved by jabbing a silver knife into someone's stomach and twisting it (although she's never ruled it out as a last resort, where vampires were concerned). She doesn't like to be argued with, either (also known as "a little bratty"). Overall, she's grown to hate vampires, and even some humans due to how they treat other and the other races; but she's not seen all that much of the world from a mostly-sheltered youth. She can't properly form an opinion of anything past the vampires, felinus and werewolves β€” werewolves she's only seen in stories, oral accounts, and the horrid effects one left on a victim while transformed. Marisa may get into fights with her bodyguard over even trivial matters, but she really does love her, and wouldn't have wanted anyone else protecting her.


After years of failing to have a child, the well-off Kevin and Belle Kaven (both forty now) had otherwise settled on getting a pet, adopting the newborn felinus Alice into their family. She spent three years being pampered and taken care of, and life was good. Life remained good after the Kavens did manage conceiving, after which they gave birth to a girl: Marisa. The happy couple recognized the talents of the felids, and had basically declared Alice to grow up as their child's protector against vampires (which Kevin had personally dealt with before) and best friend. They were raised alongside each other. While one was schooled during the day until she was twelve, then-fifteen Alice was trained rigorously by Kevin to become the daughter's impenetrable defense, and she did well.

Eight vampires had gone for the Kavens' daughter (twelve after the family in general) in the past six years, and five had tried to get Alice to abandon the humans. "Don't you know what humans are all doing to you people?" they asked; she knew. "They'll do the same to you," they said, but she wasn't worried. It just wasn't in them to betray someone. (Hell, Kevin was one of the only men she trusted.) The Kavens made healthy donations with portions of their wealth, and Belle is a teacher in an orphanage they funded. Even the few felids they "owned" were more like live-in employees or relatives than slaves. They weren't punished, they were given their own quarters, and they weren't made to do much more than manage or guard their home.

After ten years of work, Alice stayed by her charge's side while the latter continued learning. Quite a few times, though, Kevin decided to run drills and test Alice's capabilities as a bodyguard, which involved fake kidnappings, fake vampire attacks, etc. Needless to say, the drills ended after she killed a real vampire.

So begins...

Marisa Kaven & Alice's Story

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A young man ran out of the building β€” a school β€” passing by the vigilant Alice. He was hiding his face, but the well-dressed girl following him out and stopping outside her classroom's door was brushing bits of blood off of her hand. While she should probably have looked like an angry gorilla in a sundress, Marisa Kaven even had a touch of class when she was punching her classmates in the face.

"Dumb boys," she grumbled. Alice held back a chuckle, and simply suggested they go out for lunch.

Human society was, for better or worse, industrialized by comparison to the elves' and other races. It wasn't like they had much else going for them; they didn't have magic or nature on their side, nor the brute strength and near-remorseless insanity of a transformed werewolf. They did, however, breed like crazy, and have crafting skills and the skills needed to farm. They built their civilization around these things. Silver weapons helped to ward off the vampires and werewolves, but most especially the former. (Silver affecting werewolves like it did vampires was mostly a myth, but an arrow's an arrow all the same!) Crossbows developed as a very powerful advancement to elven weaponry, and had a longer range, though most elves seem to refuse to take them. Something about nature, or something. Chemicals weren't out of the question for humans either, used as medicine and weapon alike. The proper plants and herbs needed were sometimes difficult to come by for the humans, but it was common knowledge that elves had access to practically all of them. Trade and sly tongues became a strength, as merchants bartered and sold their wares (even to other races) to acquire more materials, which in turn became more clothing, weapons and medicines.

The cities weren't always all that big, but they were definitely respectable in size. Some regions operated mostly as trade centers rather than a fully-populated city, too. The Kavens reside near a well-traveled crossroad between some of these cities, and while they live a bit luxuriously in Raye Manor (the house had originally been built by Belle Kaven's grandfather and father, funded by the mass production of optimized weapon designs), they aren't exactly under the army's watch, and end up being prime targets for vampires and the like. Because of this, they had employed some felinus as guards and staff some time before Marisa's fifth birthday, providing them living arrangements in a nearby lodging facility, and even a payroll and medicinal benefits for their work in protecting the home. Some would relate it to slavery and try to slander the Kavens with such nonsense, but their staff work entirely by choice. Kevin and Belle just call it good business sense.

"Why do you keep listening to them? It all ends up more or less the same."

"They always have something different to say," her principal answered before she took a bite out of her sandwich. "Ewan was straight about what he wanted this time, but it was so gross. I keep feeling like I let him off too easy."

"Should I punish him for scarring you so?"

"I don't think he'll want to even look at me for the next week. By then his bloody mouth should be healed up, too."

"Can you say the same for his teeth?"

"Nope!" she laughed. Marisa finished another bite and gave Alice a big, goofy smile with tiny crumbs on the sides of her pink lips, which were swiftly taken care of. That childish grin always made Alice smile a little, whether she wanted to or not.

Afterwards, they returned to the school building for the second half of their day with gossip abound. (Oddly, it was mainly from a group of guys roughly Marisa's age in the hallway, though a few girls couldn't help but laugh in their wake.)

"Ohare got rejected again, did he?"

"That's the third time for him. Actually got hurt this time, too. Marisa must have been practicing, or holdin' back until now."

"What's the record?"

"Ewan's holding it now, and even he's not stupid enough to go for four."

About nineteen boys have tried to court poor Marisa in the past seven months (some twice or even more, as you can see), but it's been plaguing her for nearly two full years now. She never accepts, obviously, and whenever they tried to be persistent... well, let's just say Alice... deterred, them and many other students who'd dare to take the challenge. Just one of her duties as personal security. (Kevin Kaven would be a thousand nightmares come to life at once compared to the bodyguard, though.) It's become sort of a legend amongst the district's teenagers, and even those from other regions, really; any guy who could get the Kaven girl around his arm would reach unprecedented levels of fame, riches, or something along those lines. The predictions and interpretations of this little urban legend were so varied in the outcome or how to make it happen, but they all amounted to a similar greatness. Just... differently.

"Too bad he can't say he got in a fight with Micah. That guy wouldn't hesitate to punch a dead fish if he thought it looked at him the wrong way." The boys all proceeded to move the topic toward a fellow student. A troubled child, he was, but a child he looked not. Six feet high and hulking in his build, Micah was like a moving wall with spring-loaded bricks for arms. The young man recently stated that he hoped to use his aggression in "the most effective and kick-ass way possible": joining the army and using the virtue of brute physical strength to keep human cities safe. Maybe he'd become an escort for merchants after his service was completed.

All in all, another day came to an uneventful close, and it was time to return home.

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"So, how was class today?" Marisa's mother asked her. They were having an early supper today, since Belle had to help take care of some evening work at a nearby orphanage, Matthews' Home for the Parentless β€” an endearing nickname, don't you think? They said Matthews was blessed by gods, since he managed to build it by himself in about three months. A lot of people (roughly 99.98%, give or take), though, believed "they" were crazy. Gods didn't really exist!

"I punched a guy."

"Sounds like a good day to me," Kevin chuckled. His enjoyment of his wife's casserole was interrupted by a knock at the manor door. He answered it, but the guest took a minute to catch her breath before she started talking.

"Is the missus here? It's just a mess with all the stuff on the floor and I couldn't get the kids to calm down and pick up their?" Belle did the interrupting this time, and she already had her coat on.

"Did you at least leave Rufus to keep guard?" Rufus was a dog taken care of at the orphanage; a watch dog with a silver-studded collar, but he'd probably lick someone to death before he bit them.


"Let's go, then." With that, the ladies left to attend to their business, and Kevin changed the subject to keep things lively while the rest of the family went back to dinner.

"Harvest Day is coming up soon. Did you think of anyone in particular this time around?" Every year, the second of the humans' biannual crops is healthy and huge through most settlements, so pretty much everything is sold in bulk, and everyone has extra money burning a hole in their pockets. As an (extremely) old tradition of thanking those non-existent gods for more than enough food to last through the winter months, humanity used their excess profit in the form of giving gifts and wishing each other an even greater next year about two months after the actual day of harvesting.


"That's right; you never do."

"I do!"

"Name one," he cockily told her. After a short pause to think, Marisa eventually came up with one.


"The bodyguard doesn't count, squirt; she's family. Good try, though."