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The Salvation has risen!



a part of The Salvation has risen!, by NightBlaze.


NightBlaze holds sovereignty over Olaalaash, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

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Olaalaash is a part of The Salvation has risen!.

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Kyra Sala [26] I am as tall as you ever will be!
Elsa Fox [16] The wicked are always suprised to find that the good can be clever, too.
Alastair Crowley [16] "Everyone sins once in a while. I'm just here to help out."
Karau Nyx [13] "Hooray! I found a new - I'll rip you to pieces!"
Kasumi [6] Being good does not mean being weak
Yisol [5] Disciplined, well-planned destruction is a thing of beauty
Caire [0] "This is my forest! Get out!"

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Karau turned before she left, and threw them a few bottles of crystal clear water. "We need you alive, so drink up, Girls!" She shouted, stomping off. She wished she could've killed them.


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Kyra grabbed the water that was thrown at her. She should be more cautious then just drinking it right away, but she didn't care at the moment. She drank it and poured some over her head to cool her off. She was very sore, and wasn't worried about death at this moment. "and you better tell me the deal with your brother" Elsa had said. Kyra looked at her and smiled, then sat down in the shade again.

"My brother used to be one of the higher ranking Salvations. Like my mother and father. Until one day, he decided that evil was a more fun choice I guess. He started to take control of the Salvations and treat them like they were his slaves. Soon, he learned demonic power, and then bam. Yisol the Demon Salvation."

She sighed and handed Elsa over the other bottle of water, "Here. It's safe. They have to keep us alive anyway, so they wouldn't poison the water." She leaned back and closed her eyes.

((I have decided to play Yisol I guess :/))


He couldn't think straight today. He had a feeling in his gut that something was happening, but he didn't know where. Being down in the demon realm wasn't going to make him feel any better as well. He sighed. Sitting down he looked at his scarred hands. He had become a strong demon, but he wasn't king yet, which bothered him. He wanted all power, and he would try as hard as he can to achieve that. He was pissed that his sister, Kyra, was not dead yet. He needed her power. He was going to get no matter what.


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Elsa caught the bottle of water. "Oh. I'm sorry," she said awkwardly. She had never been very good at comforting people. She unscrewed the bottle cap and cautiously put the bottle to her lips. The water was so good. She almost gulped down the whole bottle before remembering to save it. She vaguely wondered where Jack was right now. She put the remaining water into her bag and lay down on the grass. God, it was hot.


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"Right. Till we meet again." He chuckled, bowing to the girls with his fedora in his hand, then putting it back on. He followed Karau, then they teleported afterwards.

They reappeared in the demon realm, where Alastair slouched on a rock and sighed.

"Well, Karau, that was fun, wasn't it? They sort of annoyed me, but they were still amusing." He chuckled. "Do you think they'll ever be a threat to us?"


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Kyra smiled at Elsa, "Nah, don't be sorry, it's his own damn fault. I am just trying to get kill him so he can't do any serious harm to anyone." She sighed, she really didn't know why her brother turned out the way he did. They were taught so well to be Salvataions, and now look where they are! Her hunting her own brother down. Her other brothers were off in the higher war, doing something about this chaos. While she was stuck here, fighting off lame demons and trying to find water and shade.

She didn't like this at all.


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"Yes.. I do." Karau muttered, her usual expression changed to one of a Demonic Scryer - Blank faced. "She is Yisol's brother.. Yisol is destined to fight her. I must sadly say, that yes, i think they will be a threat. Yisol will be our Death Bringer, and if he is unable to.." She continued, looking at Alastair when her eyes flashed Yellow.

"..I will take over as Death Bringer.. I will crush Olaalaash."


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Something wasn't right. There was a shift in the air. He could feel it. He stood from his chair and looked out of the window. He was standing in a large black castle in the heart of Olaalaash. He lived there with the Dark King ( who was rarely ever seen ). He was told to watch over the lands, and to kill anything that disturbed the balance of darkness. And he felt the balance. Yisol was the Death Bringer, and he was determined to kill Kyra, and any other Salvations that he could get his hands on. He wasn't about to let his duty go.

He looked out the window, and suddenly, shifted into a black eagle. He was a demon, but he was still a Salvation at blood, and could still shift into his animal form, only the color changed thanks to the evilness that consumed him. He loved the feeling of the darkness that flew between his wings. He was very proud of himself for getting to where he was today, and he wasn't about to let his sister ruin everything.


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Elsa stood up and went to sit down beside Kyra. She clutched at her hand-made spear, looking around the park. You never knew when some-one was going to attack. She heard her stomach grumble and dug into her backpack, taking out a loaf of bread and ripping a piece off. She handed another piece to Kyra, and put the loaf back in. She put down her spear and lay down. She knew she shouldn't relax, but she hadn't slept in days -- She couldn't help it, she was exhausted. "Wake me if any demons come," she muttered, before dozing off into a light sleep.


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Kyra nodded at Elsa's request. She didn't mind staying up all night. While Elsa slept, Kyra felt the temperature start to drop. When it would become midnight, the temperature would go below freezing. She didn't mind that. She was used to actually.

In the morning, they would have to think of a plan. The Demons were starting to get more reckless, and she didn't know what Yisol was planning.


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Yisol flew off to survey the area around the castle. He knew better than to spend too much time in flight, he was a sitting target for his sister should see detect him. He would kill her if he had to, but his preference was to turn her, make her like him; more decisive, more independent, more evil. He couldn't understand why she was so reluctant to make the obvious decision, to join him and the demons. The Salvation was on it's last legs, she had to see that. "Why drag out the inevitable?" he wondered from his position high above the lands.

There was nothing of any interest below, it was like they had been warned he was coming. It was not unusual for there to be little traffic on the roads after dark. A wagon or cart is an inviting target for a highway man, but there are few torches lit, the houses far below seem empty, devoid of life. "They've either covered their windows and doorways well or my sister has moved them to a safer location." It is after the harvest, so there really is no reason for them to stay. Besides, the farm houses are far apart and he could easily pick them off one-by-one and have fun doing it.

"This is a waste of my time." he finally thinks, returning to the castle and entering through one of the fourth floor windows. He returns to his form and the servants waiting for him bow. "A fruitful evening I trust Lord Yisol?" one of the men greets.
Yisol walks past him, then stops and turns, "I don't know. What is your definition of a fruitful evening?" he asks staring hard at the servant.
"I...I... I don't..." the man stammers, not expecting Yisol to ask that kind of question. Usually Yisol makes some comment, maybe some quick small talk and then he's off. Not, tonight though. Tonight, Yisol is waiting for an answer. "Well.. I... you..."

"Did you find your sister? Or you remaining brothers?" a woman's voice calls from behind, "That would be fruitful, would it not Lord Yisol." Yisol whirls around to greet the voice, a pleasant smile on his face as he does.
"Ah, my dear Daiyu. Good evening." he says kindly to a woman, probably about 20, with soft, clean almond-colored ski, small slanted brown eyes, long onyx black hair that hangs freely down her back. She is not tall, maybe 5'0" tall, and if she is 100 pounds it would be a surprise. But it's not easy to tell, through her white and blue robes that she wears, loosely hanging over the woman like a funeral vestment chosen by the undertaker without having seen the body.
"My Lord Yisol." she says gliding along the floor on the toes of her black shoes. She tosses her arms around the much taller man. He reciprocates her advance by lifting her off the ground so that their lips may meet.
"My dear Daiyu. How are you this evening? I did not expect you to return for two more days."
"I missed you, of course. I needed to..." she stops short, looking over his shoulder as he holds her like a child off the ground.
Yisol realizes what the problem is, "Out. All of you go." the servants dutifully clear the room. "Is that better?" he says, gently lowering her down.
"Yes, my Lord Yisol."
"I trust you didn't find my sister either. It is a pity. I had hoped your longtime friendship with her would have made her less cautious, more foolish. She must have figured out that you had joined me. Unfortunate, but not surprising. She is a brilliant girl. I just wish she was smart enough to join me." he stops at the doorway, "Speaking of joining me... Dinner Daiyu?"
The girl doesn't answer, she just races to Yisol, takes his arm and they walk off toward the dining hall. She is hungry and he eats quite well.


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Kyra's vision starts to blur as her vision fades in and out. She was getting very tired, but there was no demons around. What was her brother planning? Why was he taking so long to fight her? Was he a coward? She smirked. He probably was. Once again, her vision started to blur, and this time she faded into sleep.

She dreamt of her family before Yisol turned evil. Her father had warned them of the evils of this world, and the enemies that they might have to face, but she never thought that her brother would her number one enemy. She had to stop him before he did anymore evil things.

She suddenly awoke with a start. It was much colder now. Her stomach growled and she looked around. Elsa was still sleeping.


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Kasumi lay on the ground watching the stars, they weren't as much fun as watching the clouds; the clouds made interesting shapes and she saw lots of different things in their shapes. But, the stars were also fun to look at. "There's a spoon." she whispered moving her finger along the shapes in the sky. "That could be a bow." she thought.
She saw something moving above. It looked like a bird, way up high. She watched, interested in the thing. It was special because it seemed like the most important thing up there, like it was special. With all the stars, the moon, the lights and other things the bird commanded everyone look at it. The shape went back and forth for a while, she thought it had seen her, was stalking her like a vulture seeing its meal in the desert. She felt relieved when it went away.
The whole thing was fun, even the bird, but the ground was wet making her back damp. She got up, collected her things and walked. She yawned many times. It was late, she was tired and there were no lights anywhere. She wanted some place to sleep, but didn't want to wake up the people inside. At one farm she saw a big barn in the dark. "Perfect." she whispered. She snuck across a field, up to the barn. There weren't any sounds. She slid through a hole in the barn. 'Nothing!' The barn was empty. "Strange!" she said aloud. "Hello?" she whispered as loudly as she dared. "Hello?" Nothing. The place was empty.
Kaumi climbed up the ladder to the loft and set her bags down. There weren't any spiders, "One good thing about the cold." she thought. Kasumi was afraid of spiders and had the place been full of them, she'd have slept outside. She moved the hay around until she had a soft bed, put her bag under her head, "Maybe tomorrow I'll find some of the Salvation." she went to sleep.


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"Come," Daiyu says taking Yisol's hand and pulling him toward the sleeping area. "You look tired. You need to sleep."
"No." he says pulling away. "I'm not tired. I need sometime to think." Daiyu releases his hand and walks away. "Wait, Daiyu. Walk with me. It helps me to think when you're around." Daiyu is the love of Yisol's life and can be a distraction. But, she is also a calming influence. When she's around, he feels less hurried, less uncertain, more in control. This most likely comes from her belief in him. She'd have never joined the dark side had he not been their leader, their champion. Her faith is what keeps him going when times are difficult, had she not agreed to join, her might have returned to his father's side and the demon's would likely have been vanquished by now.
Daiyu happily prances back to Yisol on the balls of her feet. She links his arm and walks with him, leaning in tight, her head pressed against his shoulder, she loves him very much and would do whatever it takes to help him. They enter the study, the bright light of a fire in the fireplace lights much of the room with an eerie glow. He takes his seat in a lone chair in front of the fire, the evening sky intruding upon his resting place through a window on his left. Daiyu sits on his lap, his arms wrap around her stomach, he closes his eyes and thinks. Daiyu leans onto his shoulder and gently begins to fall asleep.
Were one to walk in on them, they might assume they were some statue. Or, if they knew the two were living, they might assume they had died together, maybe in some suicide pact


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Kyra looked towards the sleeping girl next to her. She couldn't wait around all day. She had to get up and continue her search for her brother. And that is what she was going to do. Careful not to wake the girl, she got up. Streatching, she got herself ready to begin traveling again. Kyra had been sitting too long, her joints were very sore. That's not good. How what she supposed to fight, if she was too sore even walk.

Cringing, she forced herself to keep walking. Soon, after a few steps, her stride was long and quick again. She was now running, running through the woods. Her eyes soon were the color or a dark gold. As she ran, her body was turning. Soon, she was a huge black wolf running through the woods.

The scent of demons were everywhere, but she had one goal in mind. Food.


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Kasumi had trouble sleeping. She tossed and turned all night. The hay in the loft was uncomfortable, bumpy. Finally, Kasumi had to see what the problem was. When she moved the hay around she jumped back, she had been sleeping on some bones. Not a full skeleton, just some broken and shattered remains of at least two people (two skulls).
Kasumi wiped at her body, making sure she didn't have any bone dust on her. She needed a bath and quickly. Looking at the remains, they were probably fairly old and obviously died in battle. But, they could have died from disease and the could have been up here rotting. The hay might have disease in it.
Kasumi quickly lowered to the ground and dashed out the barn door. By now, the moon was setting and the sun slowly peeking out behind the mountains. In another hour, it would be morning. Kasumi ran until she heard a river. She got to the river, looked around, it was clear. She quickly took off her clothes and holding her tunic jumped in the water trying to wash anything from the barn that may have gotten on her. She moved her tunic through the water to clean it.

When she was fairly sure she and the tunic were all clean, she climbed out of the water. She shivered. It was breezy and early. She grabbed some twigs, branches and leaves, then built a small fire to dry her tunic and get warm and dry. She sat naked by the fire, alert for anyone or anything that might come around, eating a little of the food from her bag. She was sure that this was a really bad omen.


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Kyra could sense something. Her nose had picked up a faint smell of food, and of another creature. She was sure it was another human. If she was lucky, it could be a Salvation member. She quickly turned and ran off into the direction of the smell. Getting closer, she slowed. The smell was getting stronger and it definitely was a human, and it was food.

She crouched and slowly changed back into a human, her clothes still intact. Looking around, she crept into some bushes. There was a woman, sitting naked by a fire...eating. Food. This woman had food. She smiled a little and then slowly, and ever so cautiously, crept out of hiding.



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Jumping to her feet and turning quickly, Kasumi wass startled that someone has gotten the jump on her. "Who's that?!" she called out, stumbling backward and falling on her back, nearly landing on the fire. She fumbled round for her stick, but can't find it. She grabbed a rock and sat up trying to see who was there. When she saw who it was, another girl, she lowered the rock.
"Oh, thank the gods!" she said relieved. "I was afraid you were... You know. Me having no clothes. Guys travel at night. I'm alone" she stammered. She watched her for any threatening motions, but sensed nothing foreboding or evil in the other female. Kasumi slid to her feet. "I'm just... It's my only clothes." she said pointing to her tunic drying by the fire.
Kasumi eyed the woman. She was a tad shorter than she, but she was older, probably a few years. She was kind of stuck about what to say or do. The woman had the advantage, but she sensed something in the woman, something familiar, something friendly. She got hold of herself and decided to take a chance "My name is Kasumi." she said bowing. "I'm 15. And I'm kind of wandering around looking for someone or something. I don't know which. Are you hungry? I have more in my bag, enough for four or five people to have dinner and breakfast. If you want to share, I'd love to have the company. Especially since..." she looked at her naked body again, then at the damp tunic, "Since I'll probably be like this for a few more hours. You know, that is if you're not embarrassed?"


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Kyra smiled at the woman. She was scared at first, but this woman seemed friendly enough. She wasn't about to let her guard down just yet, oh no. "I understand. And It's okay.I understand that those are your only clothes. These are mine as well." She studied the woman, but not to long. She was taller than herself, but she didn't seem threatening.

"My name is Kyra. I am searching for my brother, and more Salvation members. And yes, I am very hungry. If you don't mind I would love to eat. And...don't worry. I'm not embarassed. You got to do what you go to do to surive around here. Even if that means being butt naked in the forest for a couple of hours. You're lucky that I am not a guy though. Can you fight?"

It was an abrut question, but it was crucial one. If Kasumi didn't know how to fight, that means that it's up to Kyra to keep her safe.


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"I can fight." she asked uncertain what the woman meant. "I don't fight great." She admitted a bit uncertain about how to answer.
She wondered if she hadn't said something stupid by admitting she didn't fight great. If the woman was dangerous, saying she can't fight great might be a stupid admission. But, she can't take it back and since she's naked, she'd hardly be a threat to Kyra, Kasumi decided to go with it, act normal and just be cautious.

Kasumi rummaged through her bag and pulled out a small pouch. She fumbled with the string tied around it, then offered the woman some of the meat that was inside. "I also have a few apples I took from a tree yesterday." she said handing her an apple from the bag. "There are four left and I think they'll be okay for another couple of days."

Kasumi sat next to the woman, sitting as close as she dared, keeping enough space in case Kyra attacked. "You said you were looking for your brother..." Kasumi stopped as the rest of the woman's words struck her. "You're looking for OTHER Salvation members? I'm one." Kasumi said proudly. "It's why I'm out here. I'm trying to find others to help them."


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Yisol wakes with a start. Something is wrong, very wrong. But what? What is it?

"Are you all right?" Daiyu asks. She was awaken abruptly by his startled unease. She can see that Yisol is sweating and his body shakes like it's cold. She runs her hand along his arm, but his skin feels fine.

"It's nothing. Nothing at all." Yisol lies. He slides back down, resting his head in the pillows. He remains motionless, eyes staring at the ceiling. Something has just happened out there, it involves his sister but he can't figure out what happened. The only thing he is certain of is she's gotten a little stronger.

Daiyu rests her head on his chest trying to comfort Yisol's troubles.
"Not now!" he snaps. "I'm not in the mood any more." He looks out the window at the light from the sun just peeking in through the window; it's almost dawn. "Besides, I need to get up. It's morning. I got things to do."
Yisol gets up and moves toward the bathroom. A hot bath is being drawn by servants, it's not yet ready. The servants look nervously at their agitated lord.
"It's fine. Keep working. I rose early today. Just get finished and get out." Yisol barks at the servants. He waits in the doorway for them to finish, worriedly wondering what good fortune now smiles upon Kyra and how he's going to stop her.


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Kyra smiles at the woman's answer, it's obvious that the woman felt that she shouldn't have said that she doesn't fight great. Kyra hoped that her next words would comfort the girl more, "It's fine. At least you can hold your own if there happens to be an attack." She smiled.

She was grateful for the food that offered to her. She needed the energy. The apple and the meat was a wonderful meal, "Thank you so much. This really helps." She said through a mouthful of food. She nodded at the next question. She was looking for her brother and more Salvation.

"You're a Salvation member? That's great! We could work together to stop Yisol!" She was suddenly very happy that she had gotten someone else. She didn't know where Elsa ended up, but she couldn't dwell on it. She had to keep going with whatever help she was going to get. Kasumi seemed great!


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"Yes!" Kasumi squeals excitedly. This is perfect for her. She finalkly has someone to travel with who she can trust. When they finish eating Kasumi's tunic is dry enough for her to put on. "There. Much better. Now I don't have to worry about boy lookers."
She kills the fire and stretches, looking up at the sun rising in the sky. "We got to do something. Any ideas?"
Kasumi looks out over the land and the lake. It's beautiful, pristine and seems so perfect. She wishes she lived here, had a small cottage, where she could havea bed, a kitchen, the things real people had.
Her smile darkens when she thinks of what horrible things the evil people would do to this land and other places.


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Kyra looked at the woman as she put clothes back on, "I don't think there will be any boy lookers...there's no body around these parts. My brother made sure of that..." She mumbled that part. She looked at the scene in front of her. It was very pretty. She hasn't seen that kind of scene in a very long time.

Her mind flashed back to when her mother used to take her and Yisol to the beach. It was a wonderful day. But that was a distant past. Nothing like that was ever going happen, unless she could get rid to Yisol.

She didn't want to kill him...that was the last thing on her mind. She wanted to talk him out of his evil doings, get him away from what he is doing. He was a demon, and she wanted to be his save him. She shrugged, "I don't know what we should do. Sleep maybe? Get some rest?" She didn't know if that was such a good idea...but she was tired all of a sudden.


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Elsa Fox

Elsa was awoken by the sound of running footsteps.
Even in her sleepy-just-woken-up state, her first instinct was to grab the makeshift spear beside her and leap to her feet, making sure no one was attacking. As soon as she fully adjusted to the light, she could clearly tell that the footsteps had been running away from her, not to her.

Her next instinct was to check her bag. Everything was there, except for the dagger she had lost in dream world. Her stomach growled and she nibbled at the bread, desperately trying to trick her stomach into thinking she had eaten. She then grabbed one of the bottles of water that the demon had thrown at her and Kyra and took a massive gulp- Kyra!

She screwed the lid back on and looked around. There was clearly no sign of the girl. The footsteps, Elsa though. Of course. She must have gotten tired of waiting for the girl. The sky indicated that it was definitely a different time of day than when she had drifted into sleep. She should have woken me up, she grumbled. It was then she spotted the dagger lying on the other side of the clearing. She picked it up and stuffed it in her backpack, along with the bread, spear, bandages, clothes, strong and water bottles before placing it on her back and shifting. She could find the girl easier in eagle form.

She spread out her wings and soared into the air, trying to get high enough to see around the area. Another reason she loved being an eagle - their eyesight was absolutely amazing. She soon noticed the girl talking to someone else - hopefully a friend, not foe - and swooped down behind a tree before shifting. Knowing that the girls would be cautious, she quickly called out, "It's me, Elsa," before taking out her spear and walking around the corner.

"Ohhhh... okay," she said, noticing that the woman was naked. "Sorry, I just wasn't, uh, expecting.." she trailed off, blushing. "So, I'm Elsa," she said awkwardly, glancing at Kyra to make sure everything was alright. She didn't seem to be expecting a fight.


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Kyra heard a familiar voice suddenly and she smiled, "Elsa! You're alive!" She stood up. Looking back at Kasumi she motioned to Elsa, "This is Elsa. She's another Salvation member, and I guess it would be safe to say, a friend." Turning back to Elsa she added, "This is Kasumi. She too, is a Salvation member, I just met her. She's friendly." She smiled. With having met the two Salvation members, her hope sparked. There was more people to fight Yisol.

She sat back down and motioned for Elsa to do the same. It was good to have a small army starting to grow. If only they could find more people.

((Welcome back Fiery-Temper!))