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The Salvation has risen!



a part of The Salvation has risen!, by NightBlaze.


NightBlaze holds sovereignty over Olaalaash, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

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Olaalaash is a part of The Salvation has risen!.

7 Characters Here

Kyra Sala [26] I am as tall as you ever will be!
Elsa Fox [16] The wicked are always suprised to find that the good can be clever, too.
Alastair Crowley [16] "Everyone sins once in a while. I'm just here to help out."
Karau Nyx [13] "Hooray! I found a new - I'll rip you to pieces!"
Kasumi [6] Being good does not mean being weak
Yisol [5] Disciplined, well-planned destruction is a thing of beauty
Caire [0] "This is my forest! Get out!"

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Kyra couldn't think straight. She had a constant bad headache. She couldn't believe that the Demons had taken over. She clenched a fist and let out a slight scream of frustration. She didn't know what to do now! She didn't know where the other Salvations were and it was bothering her. She felt alone, almost like she had to fight this evil all on her own. That was an absurd thought! she told her self. She shouldn't think like that. She wasn't alone, she just doesn't know where to find the others. They will show up eventually. They have to.

She sighed and looked up at the sun. She was in a park area, of course it was ripped apart by the fight she just had with a demon, but it was still lovely. She wiped sweat off of her brow. This demon was small and hardly a fight, but she was sweating only because of the temperature that the sun was giving off. She could swear that it was so hot that she would burn up!


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Elsa walked through the forest. The sun was uncomfortably hot and as a result she had sunburn all down her arms. Still, she thought. It's better than the thunderstorms there were before. She took a gulp of water and immediately regreted it. Who knew how long she had to last on that one bottle of water? One thing she did know was that she was lost. She remembered the start of her journey, and she remembered now, but it seemed as though a chunk of her memory was missing.

She treaded carefully through the fallen leaves, not wanting to make a sound. She placed her water bottle back in her backpack and instead took out her dagger. Just incase. She heard a scuffling in a nearby tree and immediatly the dagger had left her hand and flew towards the tree. A squirrel fell from the tree, dagger still in its dead body, and hit the ground with a sickening thud. "Sorry squirrel," Elsa whispered, but she kept the squirrel. She would eat it for meat if she had to.

After a few hundred more metres, Elsa noticed signs of blood. She immediatly held her weapon up, prepared for a fight. She walked a couple of metres forward, and stepped out to a park area. She blinked as the sun hit her eyes, but could clearly see a Salvation in the middle of the park. She looked around the destroyed park, and realized that this girl must have just been in a fight with a demon, though the girl didn't seem badly hurt at all. Elsa smiled. Finally, she thought. Another Salvation. Elsa smiled and stepped forward so the girl could see her clearly. She knew if she were the girl, she wouldn't appreciate being snuck up on. "I'm Elsa. Elsa Fox," Elsa told the girl. "You?"


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Kyra heard rustling behind her. She didn't jump, for she didn't feel fear. She felt like this person was safe. She turned around to meet another woman.

I'm Elsa. Elsa Fox. You? Another Salvation. Good.

Kyra stuck out her hand, "Sala. Kyra Sala." She smiled. She was glad that she met another salvation, but she still wasn't glad that it was scorching hot and demons still roamed the world. She sighed, "Tough times is it not?" She looked around, looking for anything that could give them any shade at all. She noticed a half torn down building. Shade. That's all that she cared about now.

"C'mon. Shade's over here."


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Elsa shook Kyra's outstretched hand. "Tough times is it not?" Kyra sighed. Elsa nodded. "The toughest." Kyra led her to a half torn down building. "C'mon. Shade's over here." The word echoed around her brain. Shade. Shade. Shade. Elsa just about managed to stop herself from running towards the building. Elsa almost sighed with relief as they entered the broken-down house. She sat on the ground and ruffled through her supplies. She took out her bottle of water. She figured she might as well drink it now. She could worry about the consequences later. She took a small sip of the precious liquid, then held it out to Kyra. "Water?" she asked.


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Character Portrait: Kyra Sala Character Portrait: Karau Nyx Character Portrait: Elsa Fox
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Karau was staring at the two. When Elsa asked Kyra if she wanted water, Karau poked her head down, and grinned wickedly. She seemed like a Salvation - Only a slightly psycopathic one. Whatever the girls though apart from demon - They were wrong. "Is it so hot you need to share water? Tut. Tut." Karau said, playfully. When she next spoke, her voice was more psycopathic - More demon like. "I'm afraid you'll have to dehydrate!" She screamed, whisking the bottle of water out of her hand and she let it disintegrate with the sheer heat of her body.

She dropped down infront of them, and unsheathed her sword - a Ring of Hellfire surrounding her. "Well then, Girls.." She murmured, pointing the blade at them. "Care to dance with me?"

(( How is Karau's intro? She likes to stalk and attack - So uh.. Yeah. ))


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((Really good :P))

Elsa immediatly stood up, dagger in hand. She should have been more careful. She hadn't even looked around the area before she sat down. She took two steps backward, slowly. She had never encountered a demon that looked so much like a Salvation. With her free hand, she wiped a sweat of her brow, and prayed for a breeze soon. The heat truly was unbearable. Concentrate, she snapped at herself. Or you'll be a demons dinner. She held her dagger high and prepared to fight.


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Character Portrait: Kyra Sala Character Portrait: Alastair Crowley Character Portrait: Karau Nyx Character Portrait: Elsa Fox
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Alastair was watching, obscured by darkness and trees. "Ooh, a fight. Interesting. Well, it would be stupid for me to barge right in like that." He muttered to himself. Suddenly, he conjured a wolf, a tiger, a lion, and a cheetah, who were all black colored, with glowing red eyes. Salvation he had killed. "Go, my pets. I'll follow soon. Just make my presence known." He whispered to them. The shadowy beasts ran out of the forest, and surrounded Kyra and Elsa, growling.


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Kyra had smiled and was about to take that life giving water when a demon had attacked. The water was snatched and was soon disinergrated right before them. "Damn!" She took out a long whip and glared at the Demon. "You want a fight? Then come and get it!" She shouted and cracked the whip around the demon's legs and leg swept her. She grinned. She loved fighting. The sun was still beating down upon them like they were ants, but she didn't let it get to her. More demonic looking animals appeared. Sadness suddenly clouded her mind, as she recognized that they came from Salvations. She didn't let it get to her though. She needed to be ready for anything.


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Character Portrait: Kyra Sala Character Portrait: Alastair Crowley Character Portrait: Karau Nyx Character Portrait: Elsa Fox
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Alastair stared blankly. "Are you serious? She's not scared? She's unaffected? Bullshit!" he shouted. "You know, I was honestly hoping to stay hidden. But screw that idea." He chuckled as he emerged from the shadows, the skull on his eyepatch glistened. "Ah, Lady Karau. Nice to see you. How's your father doing? Does he know you took it upon yourself to cause trouble like this?" He laughed. Even though him and Karau were around the same age, he still loved to tease her, being six months older than her.
"And on a hot day like this. You people really need better timing."


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A low growl resonated in Kyra's throat. They were suddenly deciding that now was a good time to show up? On a hot ass day like this? They were really starting to piss her off. She maintained a straight face. She was burning up inside, and was thirsty as hell, but they don't need to know that. She didn't want to give them at all a chance to outwit her. She didn't want to let them have her wolf side. She could feel the urge to want to shift come upon her, but was afraid that her black pelt would not do so great on a blistering day like this, in the heat of battle.

So she didn't let it take over. She kept utmost control and watched as the demons came closer, talking casually. How dare they do that! It bothered her to think that they had no mercy or sympathy when they killed the Salvations before her. It almost sickened her. She needed a drink right about now, but the only water she had, was not dust. Which pissed her off even more!


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Character Portrait: Kyra Sala Character Portrait: Alastair Crowley Character Portrait: Karau Nyx Character Portrait: Elsa Fox
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"Wow, you haven't even attacked anyone yet. God, if the rest of the Salvation is like you, the kingdom will be conquered easily! God damn!" He laughed. "Now, I'm wondering. If I invade, what will I do with all the inhabitants? Should I forcibly corrupt their souls, transforming them into demons? Or should I kill them all and make them my eternal slaves? Decisions, decisions." he chuckled as he paced back and forth. "Like my beast friends here. Or this one". Suddenly, another dark Salvation appeared.

"Or this one". Another one appeared.

"Oooh, I don't even remember this guy". Another one.

Suddenly, they all started popping up, and as Alastair snapped his fingers, they lunged at Kyra.


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Kyra gasped as more had suddenly started to appear. She closed her eyes. She awaited until they were almost on top of her. She too her whip and jumped up. The whip twirling around her, getting as many of the salvation demon as it could reach. She landed and then took out a small sword. She charged at the demon that was summoning the creatures. She wasn't about to let this one go. He had pissed her off way to much.


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Character Portrait: Kyra Sala Character Portrait: Alastair Crowley
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"Damn." Alastair chuckled. "I'm impressed. But, I wanna see if you can handle THIS!" he shouted, as black energy with a red outline appeared in his hand. A shape of a ghost-like face drifted across it, screaming. The energy then transformed into an energy katana, as Alastair used it to guard himself. "Hey, you look familiar. You wouldn't happen to have a brother, would you?" he asked. He knocked her back, and then sheathed the blade. "Ah, wait, you're Yisol's sister? I can see the family resemblance." He chuckled, turning his head.


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After seeing something that damn well scared the shit out of her, she got knocked back. "Ah, wait, you're Yisol's sister? I can see the family resemblance." She narrowed her eyes and propped herself up on her elbows.

"You're damn right I am! I am going to kill him if that's the last thing I do!" She wiped her mouth that had a line of blood coming from it. She glared at him and hoped that it sent shivers down his spine. She wanted very much to be left alone to kill her brother. But she knew that, that would never happen.

OOC: thanks for reminding me! I need to find someone to play Yisol!


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Character Portrait: Kyra Sala Character Portrait: Alastair Crowley
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Alastair cackled. "See now, times like this make me glad my family is small."

"Now, he must of had a lot of negative emotions in him to transform into a demon. He's an alright dude in my book, though. And I like your spirit. Quite frankly, a fight to the death between you two would be the most entertaining I ever freakin' saw." he laughed. "If I was allowed back down in the demon realm, that is. But I digress. It's not like I'm banned. I just get a bunch of dirty looks from the other demons. Look me up in the history books. Alastair Crowley." He said.

OOC: No problem. ^_^


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Character Portrait: Kyra Sala Character Portrait: Alastair Crowley Character Portrait: Karau Nyx Character Portrait: Elsa Fox
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Karau smiled when Alastair showed up. "About time, Lord Alastair. Hey - Father knows i'm here. Don't tease me about that you ass! He sent me here!" She growled, still smiling. She turned her attention to the whip, and kicked herself out of it. Karau stood up and a more demonic like appearance started to come over her. Flame-like patterns started to cover her, and her eye whites turned Black, and the Blue became Red.

"Haha! This is Yisol's sister? He never spoke fondly of her, but man - She's so TINY!" She cackled. "Now then, back to business i suppose." And with that, Karau was behind Elsa. "Child, if you move - I will not hesitate to decapitate you." She grunted, her blade rising to the girls throat. "Be a good little girl, stay here and when they're finished - I'll show you pain." Karau said in a sing song voice.


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Elsa's head was spinning. It looked like they had come across two very powerful deons, and she wasn't sure if, alone, she would have been able to beat one of the, let alone two. But it seemed that Kyra was an amazing fighter, so she wasn't too worried. Then the demon that had just entered said something about Kyra being related to a demon. Wow. She hadn't even known that was possible.

"Child, if you move - I will not hesitate to decapitate you." Elsa was suddenly very aware of the sharp blade near her neck. The female demon continued, " Be a good little girl, stay here and when they're finished - I'll show you pain." Elsa stood on the girls - no, demons - foot, before stabbing her dagger into the demons arm. She quickly jumped away, out of reach of the demon. She suddenly wished that she had more weapons than just a dagger.


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Karau cried out, and growled at Elsa. "How DARE you.." She growled. "No matter.. I'll just kill you now." The dagger had become soaked in Demon Blood, and was starting to Burn.

She slammed her sword into the ground, and Tendrils were pushed out of the ground, all moving in Elsa's direction. "Time to die." Karau said casually, pulling the sword out and charging at Elsa like an enraged Bull. Her blade - being dragged across the floor - was ripping a hole for Demons to exit and enter. "This place you call home... Is now ours. Welcome to Hell! Enjoy your stay!" She screamed, aiming the blade at Elsa and then lunging at her.


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Character Portrait: Kyra Sala Character Portrait: Alastair Crowley Character Portrait: Karau Nyx Character Portrait: Elsa Fox
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Alastair chuckled at Karau's greeting. "Aw. You still consider me to be of a high rank even though I resigned. How sweet. Thank you." he told her. "Ah, yes. Back to business."

He cast an illusion over Elsa. She suddenly found herself in a dark, silent, swamp. Then, out of nowhere, groups of snakes appeared from out of the darkness and wrapped themselves around her.

"Don't even try to snap her out of it. Her senses are under my control now. She doesn't know the difference between fantasy and reality now." Alastair laughed.


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Kyra was taken aback at how the demons spoke. They had manners. She smirked, "At least you have the decency to fight a good fight. My brother probably wouldn't talk fondly of me. I'm sure he hates me, as I do him."

The sun was getting hotter it felt like. The female demon was transforming into something more deadly it seemed and suddenly Elsa was under and illusion. Great. She cracked her whip over the female's head and then pulled it back to hit the male one. She turned to face between them, so she could get them in her view. She was trying to get their attention away from Elsa. I hope I know what I'm doing.


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Character Portrait: Kyra Sala Character Portrait: Alastair Crowley
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Alastair drew back in pain as the whip hit him. "Ouch... That hurt. Though, if you're planning to kill us with that little thing, good luck." He muttered with a chuckle. He began chuckling more, as energy from the portal that Karau had opened up flowed into him. It formed a small, dark colored sphere of energy in his palm, which was wailing, and had ghostly faces swirling around in it. "Let's see if you're as strong as your dear brother." he said sly, as he charged towards Kyra, seconds away from jabbing her.


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Kyra gasped as she could feel the heat off of the sphere of power that eminated from this demon's hand. She closed her eyes and in her sleeve held a small pocket knife. She knew that it wouldn't hurt him that bad, probably not at all, but the immense pain of him stabbing her was making her think of the dumbest things. She drove the knife into his arm, and then fell to the ground in immense pain. She cringed and coughed, but made herself get up. She stood, slouched, but she stood.


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Alastair yelled as the knife stabbed his arm. After the sphere of energy had impacted upon Kyra, he held his arm, as blood seeped through his fingers. "Damn... Well, at least I got to do what I wanted to do to you." He chuckled. Again, he used energy from the portal to help himself. This time, he regenerated the part of his body that was wounded. "Tell me. Do you know what one of my powers is? The power to inject demonic energy into a soul. And do you know what happens when there is too much demonic energy for that soul to handle?" he laughed. "Although, that depends on the individual, but, I just feel like testing your spiritual endurance."


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She could feel heat rise inside of her. This isn't good! She glared at him. She knew that as they spoke demonic energy was filling her very core, but she couldn't let that change her. She was not about to let herself become a vile creature like her brother. If he was here, he would be dead, she was sure of it! They had the same fighting style, well, the last time that she checked they did. She winced as another jab of pain overwhelmed her. I'm stronger than this! Behind her back she had the end of the whip in her right hand. Her left held her dagger. She tied the Dagger on the end of the Whip. She had no idea if this would work or not but it was at least something she could try!

With a burst of energy she flicked her wrist. The whip uncurled and the dagger, still attached to the end, went with it and was heading quickly towards the Alastair's face.


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Karau laughed at Elsa, who was probably in pain. She turned to smile at Alastair when she saw the whip with the dagger. "No!" She cried, and dived at Alastair, shoving him out of the way. As she jumped, these words came from her mouth - Spoken so quickly in the Tounge of Demons. "You can't leave me now, Alastair! You were my Mentor - You can't die!"