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Lucius Domitianus

"Mortal, I was born during a time of war and death - you attempting to lecture me about how I use my life is pitiful."

0 · 408 views · located in New Orleans, Louisiana

a character in “The Secret of New Orleans”, as played by JokerofSpades


Don't worry, we don't bite... Much.




Name: My name? If you can pronounce it without messing up, I shall leave you alive.
Lucius Scipio Domitianus was his birth name, but he has had many names throughout the years to hid his identity and change with the times. However, when asking for his real name, Lucius will always refer to his original, birth name. Calling a habit is wrong: it is the pride of the Roman Army that keeps him as such.

However, since many of these do not fly in modern times, Lucius' name has been altered to 'Lucien' and nothing more.

Nickname: Nicknames are for the weak or the 'close'.
He has none, besides 'Master' to those who feel the obligation, or 'Coven Leader'. However, back in the Legion he was known as the Roman Spartan for obvious reasons.

Age: Don't fret, pup, my age has nothing to do with my abilities.
Lucien was frozen at the age of 22, which for the time was quite old. (2463 - yeah, he has been around for a while.)

Race: Well, I do wonder - what race would the pale, ruggedly handsome with fangs be?
Lucius is obviously a vampire - how else would a many of his age be able to speak fluent latin, and recite events not in those silly text books?

Powers: Think of it this way - your superheros in those graphic novels are weak compared to me.
Lucius is an elder vampire - one of the oldest, actually, due to the medieval ages (vampire hunters, purges, holy conquests, that sort of nonsense.) Due to his age, much like wine, Lucius has grown stronger the older he has gotten: meaning all the more standard powers of a vampire are nearly peaked with him (telekinesis, being undead, super speed and strength, boring stuff). However, there are two powers that Lucius has that many vampires seem to be lacking.

His primary 'power' that vampires lack is the minute ability to regrow limbs. Vampires naturally have heightened healing abilities, so Lucius has a 'one up' on that. Odd power, but somewhat relates to the Romans and their Legion: their tenacity to always push forward until victory. With the size of the Roman legion always growing, similar to the Persians, it seemed as if their numbers were endless. The same goes somewhat for Lucius' limb regeneration - hack off his arms, cut off his legs, they will just come back so he can kill you. However, similar to a lizard, this is only for his limbs: Lucius can't (at least, he hasn't tried) grow back his own head or torso.

The next is his ferocity. While this may sound like more of an attribute for a werewolf than a power, there is a reason for this. As a former Equite (cavalryman) of the Roman Legion, Lucien was trained to fight hard and fight well. However, there was something about fighting that he really, really liked - so much so that he took on a tribe of barbarians by himself before he had even turned. There was something about combat with a sword, with a spear, anything that got Lucius' blood boiling. However, at the time he had no idea that his love for combat would get him killed: at least, metaphorically speaking.

Finally is his ability to 'Glamour': a hypnosis like power that assists in his own manipulation. Both he and his brother can use it quite effectively, but to this date Lucius hasn't used it in a few hundred years, and he doubts that Atticus has used it much either. The reasons, however, differ completely: Lucius only uses the glamour for party tricks.

Sexuality: If you are interested, you may want to join the line of other fools that sate my desires.
Bisexual - anyone will do for Lucius, but he does 'prefer' women.

Likes: Interesting term. This question-like statement makes me want to actually care about you and answer honestly.
Manipulation | Blood | Sex | Fighting | Rain | Languages | Intelligence | Control | Horse-back Riding | Being a Vampire | Women | Festivities | His Heritage | Problem Solving | Silence | Wine | Booze | Smoking | Teasing (In any way) | The Coven | Unpredictable people |

Dislikes: Many things, weak one. Many things.
'Classical' Music | Local Booze | Marijuana | Misunderstandings | Dishonesty | Someone Attempting to Manipulate Him | Upstarts | Being Considered 'Old' | Irresponsibility | People that talk too much | Gold Diggers/Haughty Women | Arrogant People | Weakness |

Fears: I have none of course - at least, none that pertain to you gaining an advantage.
Witches - One in particular, actually. Yes, this does sound quite weird coming from an elder vampire, but there is one witch that he does fear. This has caused a slight uneasiness around other witches that he comes across
His Brother Dying/Leaving - What can he say? Lucius may be a violent, manipulative, roudy man, but that doesn't mean he has no feelings for those he cares about.
His Secrets - Odd how a man fears what he has created, but he does. Lucius hates and fears everything that he hides from the world, mostly because they need to be hidden.

Secrets: Secrets are things only one person knows - once another knows, it no longer is granted the term secret. Therefore, piss off.
His Curse - nobody, not even his brother, knows of it. (What it exactly is, however, is TBA)

Before Vampirism/ - Only his brother knows what went on before his vampirism. However, his brother does not know how he was turned.

Illiterate/Dyslexia - Few know this at all, but Lucius is actually quite illiterate - the only language he was ever formally taught to read, write and speak was Latin, so that is what he can understand most fluently. Other than Latin, however, his literacy skills deteriorate rapidly. He isn't entirely sure why it is so - perhaps it is his old brain and ancient upbringing, or that mental disorder known as dyslexia. Regardless, his ability to read and write in english is Lucius' second best, which is quite bad, with German and French bringing up the rear. The worst part? He can speak over 15 languages. The reason for such a secret is pretty obvious - a man of his age and pride would be embarrassed to no end if the masses found out.

Personality: The best part about me? You may think you understand my motives, and I'm just sitting there laughing at your pathetic attempts to understand me.

Lucius/Lucien is a man that many either wish they never met, or wish they met sooner. It is weird how people think like that, but he has dealt with it. Regardless, there are many sides to this coin that can be explored, so the journey might as well start with his most obvious trait.

The man sees almost every form of emotion, thought and action as a means to an end, a manipulation. In his eyes, most people that are below him are merely pawns in the large game of life - a game he has been playing for longer than most. Using other people to further his own goals and ambitions? Easy. Creating emotional problems to get others to leave him alone? Done. The man can - and will - do whatever he really feels like with other people, which has caused him to think of everything as a game, never entirely taking people seriously. It also has made Lucien out to be quite the heartless, self-centred type, since he rarely will think of how his meddling or actions will affect the lives of others. It certainly doesn't help that he likes to be in control - even though there have been many occasions where he will take the backseat of a situation. Lucius' tendencies to control others have spawn naturally from his upbringing as a patrician in Rome - where even though they had a republic, the upper class always looked down and controlled the lower class. It was just part of his nature to be a complete pompous jerk to the low lifes before becoming a vampire.

Along with being a complete jerk with other people's emotions, he makes light of it all by coming off as extremely charming. Sure, he isn't the royal snake charmer himself, but women and men alike have fallen hard for him over the past few millennium simply because of it - instead of coming off as a jerk, he comes off as the mysterious gentleman. This 'charm' comes from his ability to be very witty, but also quite teasing of other people. Since he rarely takes others seriously at all, Lucius will constantly tease others in many different ways. Though he will normally avoid sexual teasing - unless he is interested - nothing is really out of bounds for him. This sometimes becomes borderline bullying, but Lucius will always be able to save face by the end by reigning himself back in: for a guy that doesn't care much for others, he is quite adept at knowing when to stop his tongue. The irony is that he isn't very good at receiving such teasing back unless he personally knows the other party (such as if they were part of his coven, he can accept it).

Yet within all of that manipulation, Lucius really doesn't know what he is doing anymore. After living for so long, it is hard not to wonder what one will be doing for the rest of eternity, as that is as long as he has. What was there to life besides manipulating others, and furthering his own goals. What WERE his goals, anyway? Lately these have been the questions on Lucien's mind, even if he doesn't show it - that is just how guarded this man can be about himself and his own secrets. Let's talk about Lucius and his secrets for a bit while the subject is fresh. Lucius, being highly prideful, hates showing any form of weakness in any way. Being the eldest son of a Roman family weighed on him heavily as a child - the responsibility to uphold the family honor is exactly what he was bred to be in those violent, corrupted times. Due to this, Lucius was honed into keeping all things about the family within, which created a very guarded man.

Make no mistake, however, the man is highly judgmental of others. After surviving plagues, purges, revolutions and hundreds of murders, it is hard for Lucius to not make judgement on others. Along with his ability to hold grudges for hundreds of years, and you have a man who will make a judgement about you, and never let go of it unless you can somehow change his ancient mind: have fun with that. Lucius knows that he should probably become a little more accepting of others, but just like with how he looks down on others due to his heritage, so is the same about his judgments. He will criticize people for anything and everything they do - unless he has some form of emotion for them - though he will more likely keep his judgments to himself, to judge them from a distance. No point in telling trash what it is when he can just accept what it is and move on. In light of his vindictiveness, Lucius has held grudges for hundreds of years - he still wants to find the ancestor of the woman who turned him and kill them (regardless of how much he likes being a vampire).

So to recap: Lucius is a judgemental, aggressive, manipulative, teasing prick who can mask it all with his charm, and the entire thing is a mask for his nothingness. Pretty sweet mask in a mask, no?

Manipulative | Charming | Slightly Controlling | Aggressive | Intelligent | Guarded | Teasing | Witty | Vindictive | Judgmental | Prideful | Sly | 'Emotionless'

Place of Origin: Lucius was born in the glorious city of Rome, back when it was a country unto itself. Now it is a shell of its former self.

History: Hearing my words of the past will not save you, but I shall humour you. One warning - I'm pretty damn old.

To start, Lucius was born to the patrician family Domitianus in 450 BC, during the beginnings of the Roman Republic. Coming from such a prestigious family, at a young age Lucius was beginning his training to become a natural leader and take over as the head son. Three years after his own birth, his younger brother Atticus was born. As his childhood continued, Lucius became all too aware of the constant pressure on his shoulders to succeed. As the head male of the family, all of his relatives looked down on him in expectation of greatness. So, to satisfy their peering and judgemental eyes, he became just like those that watched him: the perfect leader, the ferocious fighter, the amazing linguist. During all of this, he became aware that the pressures must be even worse for his little Atticus, since he was always second - and would always be. So while Atticus tried to grow out of the shadow of his older brother, Lucius was constantly forced to stretch his bigger: after all, if the younger son became the better choice for leadership than the eldest, his family would be cast into shame. Thing was, Lucius never once asked or cared to ask his brother to slow down for the 'sake of the family' - he saw this as a challenge to overcome instead.

So, as you can guess, Lucius instantly was drafted as an Equite of the SPQR. Now, since there were 300 equite, they were divided into 10 sections of thirty called turmae, lead by a man known as the Decurion. Thing was, nobody ever would have thought that only after 2 battles would they appoint young Lucius as a Decurion. There was mass upsets amongst the veterans when such a young pup took charge of a sector, but after a few weeks it became clear that this man was not chosen simply because of his status. Lucius was a force of nature as the leader of his turmae, constantly leading his sector to victories in whatever section of the battle they were in. It was completely baffling watching as thirty men took on 100 soldiers easily, but the equites all counted their success to their leader - somehow, he could instill fear in his enemies, and courage in his allies all by rarely stating any real words. Sure, his home life was full of sex, politics and cold relationships, but that was Rome for a patrician - anything you wanted, whenever you wanted it.

Now the real moment of truth: if his lifestyle was so grand, what the hell happened? Well, Lucius was now 22 - now a verteran Decurian with his own 'wife' and mistresses. During these times, he was told to go on a raid with his men to the Germainic areas, as they were running out of farm land - for a power as great as Rome, farms were highly important. So he set out with only 5 of his own men, as Lucius had gotten a little arrogant in his own abilities as an incredible fighter: after all, if you could take down an entire barbarian camp single handily, why bother with others? Less loot for yourself. Nevertheless, due to the length of the trip, he took some men that he was quite 'fond' of with him. A few days - or weeks, he couldn't really tell after a while - Lucius arrived at the edge farm before heading out into unclaimed territory. Their mission was to destroy camps and set up small landmarkers for the farmers to settle on.

Right away things got bad - within the week, all 5 men died due to fevers and random ambushes. Lucius himself was ambushed last, but not by barbarian soldiers: no, these were people who had wolves pelts covering their eyes, deer antlers as weapons and charms everywhere. These people were of the spellcasting kind, those of nomadic nature that even the barbarians feared. There was 8 in plain sight, with countless others still hidden in the bushes. Lucius only remembers a dart hitting him in the neck, and blacking out. When Lucius awoke, he found a woman on each side of him, nestled right up to him, naked. While Lucius would normally have enjoyed such a morning, it only took a moment for him to realize that all of his limbs were bound. The two laying next to him simply giggled as he attempted to free himself in vain. It was then that two others approached: a man and a woman, who appeared to be the leaders as the two women beside him slipped away quietly. Speaking in broken latin, the lady explained that they were a nomadic people of various species, and that the Romans were slowly approaching on their travelling grounds. While Lucius didn't really catch much of what she said, he did notice that the man's look upon him was haunting, almost hungry. The only part that Lucius can remember with clarity after that is more of the lady's bad Latin, but he will never forget it.

"And now we must send a message to the Romans that we are to be left in peace - what better way than to destroy a protege?" Lucius didn't understand at the time, but he didn't need to - the man pounced upon him, the massive frame of the man crushing Lucius as he felt two knives dig into his neck, and his own blood draining into the man's mouth. Lucius' eyes widened in fear, and the lady simply had one last sentence before he blacked out. "A gift to you, dear Domitianus - we hope vampirism brings joy to the city of Rome." After that, Lucius remembers no incantations on his body, and no moving of his near dead corpse to the outskirts of the forest. When Lucius did come to, he found himself not far from the farm, weak and immensely hungry. He had not clue what came over him, but he slaughtered the farmer's family before draining them and having his way with the daughter. Lucius realized in horror afterwards that what the hag had said was true, and he was a vampire. That thought alone nearly killed him.

When he made it back to Rome, Lucius attempted to drown his problems like any patrician: alcohol and sex. However, the alcohol wouldn't stay down for very long, and the closeness of flesh to his own gave that same feeling as before at the farm. Nothing worked for him, and it certainly didn't help that he was starving himself of blood. One day, his brother showed up, and somehow... he bit him. Atticus probably remembers the events leading up to the bite much more clearly than Lucius does, as everything was all hazy from the lack of blood. Regardless, Atticus was now a vampire, and not too happy about it at first.

Nevertheless, they were vampires in Rome - not an entirely good thing, with it being the largest city in the world at the time. After a while of hiding around Rome, a fight began between them. See, Atticus had voiced the possibility of leaving Rome for better lands - after all, they were immortal now - while Lucius fiercely disagreed, as he felt that Rome was the greatest country to live, and he would never leave. Another fight happened, but this one ended with Atticus leaving. Lucius never counted the years until he came back, but it was long. During that time, Lucius would change his name and face to continue living in Rome: he became a gladiator, a praetor, a legionnaire, all under different names. Heck, he even helped kill Julius Caesar. However, a little after Atticus returned from his voyage - which caused more happiness in Lucius than he knew existed - Lucius finally realized why it would be better to leave. As a vampire, he was having to dodge people and situations all the time - he felt less like a Roman, more like a fugitive.

So after a few days, the brothers headed out for the world, adding an impressive Greek named Leotychides to their roster of people. Faster forward a thousand years, and the trio found themselves in Scandinavia, to which Leotychides convinced them - well, Lucius saw it more as begging in all honesty - to bring along the human woman, who incidentally was turned into a fledgling without their help. However, Lucius decided to enter the city of Paris by himself one day, and that was when he saw her. She was roughly twenty - five, and just the type that Lucius loved: broken, raw and easily manipulated. Let's just say that under the name Lucien, she was the easiest he had ever met, and leave it at that. However, Lucius would be lying to say that he didn't feel an emotional attachment to la petite cherie -she had something about her that attracted Lucius, something he didn't feel the need to understand if he got what he wanted out of her. However, her 'husband' walked in on them, and Lucius' moments of bliss were gone. Not really liking the sight of his plaything being attacked, he drained the man in seconds as Ginny woke up. A dark, conniving thought appeared in his head, and he bit her as well, turning her and bringing her back to the lodging of his brother and Leo.

After that, nothing else has happened besides picking up that girl Aeliana.

Anything else: The few odds and ends of life end up at the bottom - pity, I like them more than the billion people I have seen.

The Coven, to Lucius, is actually a pet project of his. In reality, he never thought that a Greek, a Viking and a few pretty little things would join him and his brother for the companionship. However, each member of the Coven has a purpose to serve, one that Lucius picked directly after interacting with each one of the vampires - after all, useless people aren't worth the blood.

It took some time, but Lucius has a collection of Roman Aquilas as his trophies - he even was able to acquire the XII Legion's Aquila. They are one of his most prized possessions, as they remind him of home.

Funny thing on the topic of Aquila, but Lucius actually owns a pet golden eagle, to which Lucius has named Nex (for those of you illiterate in Latin, this means 'violent death' or 'death by violent means'). Oddly enough, Lucius talks to the bird quite frequently - which may raise concern, except for the fact that Nex can perfectly understand what Lucius is saying. He is pretty sure that Atticus has called him the 'Bird Whisperer' recently, but Lucius is clueless as to why.

For whatever reason, Lucius has slowly become immune to the affects of most forms of mental stimulation - be this alcohol, telepathy, drugs, or mind control: it all has a dulled effect on him. While this could be considered a power, it really isn't: being slightly immune to the powers of others is pretty standard for elder vampires.

Above all else, Lucius never wants to see the Head Witch - if he does, he will attempt to kill her, and that won't bode well for his curse.

So begins...

Lucius Domitianus's Story