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The Sleeping Gods

The Sleeping Gods


Four heroes go on a quest to wake the sleeping gods. 1x1 looking for a partner!

2,408 readers have visited The Sleeping Gods since Zitacamron95 created it.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources:



There was a war. A nasty war between the gods. It seemingly came out of nowhere, all of them against each other, fighting, killing, trying hard to be the winner through it all. During this war many important objects were lost and the gods grew tired. Those that fought were the first to fall asleep, but soon all of them fell victim to this sleeping plague. Those that managed to stay awake were unable to wake the others, it was as if they were dying from this war. The gods went silent and the last thing anyone heard from them was a message from Hermes stating that the gods were dead. Every artifact that was owned by the gods were stolen by the creatures that hunted the demi-gods, making them much more powerful. These creatures were what ruled everything now. They hunted as the pleased attacking the demi-gods that stood in their way.

At the camp, they were welcoming a new camper. This poor boy came in during a panic, campers trying to figure out who will be going to try and fix this, or if anything would be done at all. It had been a while since a child was left unclaimed at the camp, but cabin 11 was always welcoming. He made himself at home. Then something happened that nobody thought was possible during this time. He was claimed, claimed by Hades himself. Everyone was stunned, not only was it rare for one of the big three to have a child with a human, it was even rare for Hades and they were supposed to be dead. All the gods were supposed to be sleeping. The boy was moved into the Hades cabin, which brought up a new surprise. The boy was not alone in the Hades cabin as it also held twins. These twins were claimed by Persephone, though. Unfortunately, the goddess of spring didn't have a cabin as it was very unlikely that the goddess would ever cheat on her husband. Still, the two had been claimed by her, so the camp thought it would be necessary to just let them stay in the Hades cabin since there was nowhere else to put them.

The three have a bit of time to introduce themselves to each other and the boy is able to figure out what's going on. The three do not get to stay much longer at camp half-blood as the son of Hades is asked to go and find a way to wake the gods. Since the boy was able to be claimed, there had to be some way to get the gods to wake up again. The twins of Persephone offer to come along and the son of Hades' best friend decides to join them as well. The four now must defeat the kindly ones and get back those artifacts for the gods. Those artifacts are what the gods need to wake up.


For this RP, we will be using the Percy Jackson universe, but it'll be more like it's based off of Percy Jackson and less like it's set in the same universe. Anything dealing with the events of Percy just didn't happen and the demi-gods part that were part of that story are not around and never were. The treaty between the big three gods doesn't exist either. Instead, it's just a rare occurrence for them to have children in the modern age. Also, almost all of the major gods have cabins already. Some don't because either they never have children with humans or they don't have children at all. That should be all the changes to camp half-blood but if there are any other questions, feel free to ask.

I do also want this to be collaborative, so there aren't a whole lot of details on which kindly ones our characters will face, since that will be what we come up with together. I'd like to be able to come up with ideas with my partner, so I don't feel like the only one coming up with things.


  • I want this rp to be an MxM romance and I want to play the twins of Persephone (There can be another romance with the other two characters and that can be FxF or MxF)
  • I can write up from 2 to 5 paragraphs, of course I can manage to do more or less depending on what I'm given, but my preferred minimum is 2 paragraphs.
  • I'm still a college student and will be still taking classes through the summer, so I may get busy from time to time. I should still be available to post at least once a week, but I will probably post way more than just once a week.
  • So I know you've read this please tell me your favorite animal in the OOC thread
  • I'm 22 and female for those that care about the age of the person that rp with.
  • I don't mind OOC talk, and would actually love to encourage it! Even if we're just talking about our characters in the rp and planning for what to do next, either way I'd like to keep some kind of communication up.
  • Please ask me any questions you have!


  • Please be open to have romance in our rp!
  • Be willing to play multiple characters
  • Be able to match my posting length. I set a minimum of 2 paragraphs per present character.
  • So I know you've read this section, tell me your favorite color in the OOC thread
  • Understand that OOC talk is going to be really important for this RP so please be cool with OOC chat and keeping up with it
  • If you have any other questions on what I'm asking for, please ask.

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The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 2 authors


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ivy Young Character Portrait: Alistaire Barnes Character Portrait: Rowan Young
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0.00 INK

FC: Dylan O'brien
Speech Color: #B50000 || Thought Color: #E60000

Rowan was busy with the garden. He always was. He made sure that everything in the garden would grow and blossom, and they had different plants for different seasons. Weeds needed to be plucked and some items required lattices, while others needed to be trimmed. It was an entire process and he loved every moment of it. His sister usually helped him out in the mornings before wandering over to the training grounds and sword fighting for a bit. It was past lunch time though, so he worked alone. Gladly he was almost done for the day and would be able to run around the track a few times before dinner. The twins had a rather predictable schedule, which he loved. It was nice to have something so normal. They had never been so predictable and it was alright with him. He loved knowing exactly where his sister was all the time, and he enjoyed doing the same thing every day. It made him feel more human.

He trimmed up the last of the leaves from the bushes in the back of the Hades cabin and stood to brush himself off. Not that it mattered much, his hands still had dirt and his jeans were just permanently stained with grass. It was more out of habit. He spotted a flower though, out of the corner of his eye that wasn't quite the same as the rest of the other Summer flowers. He leaned down and examined it. "I'm fairly certain I didn't plant anything like you and I definitely would have remembered seeing something like you yesterday," He muttered to the flower. He gently moved the flower to get a better look at its petals finding the middles to be a very vibrant pink while the ends were red. He was curious where such a flower had come from, and what exactly it was. He wasn't sure he had ever run into such a thing before. He did what he always did when he came across a new flower and plucked it out of the ground.

Being done with his work for the day, he went into the cabin and changed into his running gear and brought the flower with him. He hoped to run into one of the campers from the Demeter cabin who might have more of an idea of what the flower might be, but unfortunately, he had not. He just found his sister sitting in the shade of a tree just outside of the arena. Rowan had never seen her do such a thing and walked over to her to see what could possibly be wrong. "What's up, Ivy? I thought you'd still be in the arena, fighting."

FC: Merit Leighton
Speech Color: #B82BC4 || Thought Color: #BF00BF

Ivy wasn't having a particularly good day. She had been smart enough to wear lighter clothes with a lighter color due to the summer heat, but she was still warm and just felt bad. She had managed to cut herself while helping out with the gardening, then went to go train at the arena only to lose every practice battle, and then nearly had a win only to have to stop to eat lunch. She decided that trying to do anything more with a sword would make her angry, so she decided to just sit down in the shade. Something she hadn't done in years, but it had felt like a time to do it. Nothing else was going her way and cooling down seemed like the best thing she could do. She had found that the quiet was actually kind of nice and just thinking about things that were going on around her was a nice change of pace.

Her mind had wandered to the thought of their new cabin mate, who had recently been claimed. It was weird. Rowan and her had been the last to be claimed since the war had started and the gods went into their sleep. Somehow, everyone in camp half-blood had stayed safe, and time was still going on without the gods. Still, then came along Alistaire, who had somehow managed to be claimed by Hades. It was strange and Ivy wasn't a fan of however that came about. That either meant that Hades had awoken, or only awoke long enough to claim the child, or maybe Hades hadn't woken up at all and somehow Alistaire was claimed by a sleeping god. It just didn't sit well with her, but she bottled up those feelings, knowing it was not her place to talk. Besides, the last thing she wanted to do was anger Hades, she knew quite well that he was probably already upset with her for just existing.

Ivy snapped out of her thoughts when she found her brother in front of her questioning what she could possibly be doing outside of the arena. "Oh, I wasn't having any luck with the sword fighting practice, so I gave up," Ivy shrugged in response to her brother's questioning. "What's that flower in your hand?"

Rowan looked at his hand as if he had forgotten even picking the thing up and smiled, "Oh, this little guy just happened to grow out of nowhere in our garden. Do you-" Rowan was about to offer the flower to Ivy when the conversation was cut short by the presence of another camper. One of Ivy's friends from the Demeter cabin.

"Did you guys hear? Your little cabin friend got a quest," The camper sat down beside Ivy, handing her a bottle of water. "I heard that he got it because he managed to wake Hades up to claim him. So, he gets to go out and find out how to wake up the other gods."

"Wow, that must be a lot of pressure on one person," Ivy sighed as she took a sip from the bottle of water and leaned against the tree.

"We...should see if he wants our help," Rowan muttered, "He shouldn't take on that quest alone. He could get really hurt."

Ivy stared at her brother. The two of them had come to the conclusion that they should just always stay in camp half-blood, where things were safe. That way their parents would never find them again and they at least had a chance that the gods would just leave them alone. Hades was an intimidating force and one they were sure did not like them. Especially since they were evidence that his wife, Persephone, had cheated on him. That was something that he had never even heard of. Persephone was supposed to be faithful and was never to cheat on Hades, yet she did and had chosen Rowan and Ivy's father to do that with. The two were sure that he must not care for the two. That's how their human parents thought at the very least. Either way, leaving the camp would be dangerous and something that neither of them would want to do.

"You don't have to offer your help if you don't want to," Rowan spoke after a long silence.

"No! No, of course I'll offer to help out. I wouldn't want you to go on anything dangerous without me," Ivy stood. "I guess we could check to see if he's packing up in the cabin."

So the two went off back to their cabin to see if Alistaire might be inside packing his things for the quest.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ivy Young Character Portrait: Alistaire Barnes Character Portrait: Castor Hayes Character Portrait: Rowan Young
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0.00 INK

Face Claim: Colin Ford
Dialogue Colour: #00118A || Thought Colour: #2B688A

Chiron came to Alistaire while he was out and about, enjoying the fresh air of the camp with his best friend from the Hermes cabin, Castor, who was really his only friend, as the twins in his new cabin didn't seem too keen on having him there from what he could tell. Alistaire was told he was to visit the Oracle, that he was to receive a very important prophecy that would in turn grant him a quest to go on. Alistaire had learned that when quests were undertaken, the one the quest is given to is allowed to take two others with them, as three is considered a very sacred number. After receiving his prophecy, he was unsure of what he was supposed to do next. He was being sent to find some sort of artifact, artifacts? He wasn't entirely sure, as the Oracle told him that it wasn't entirely clear, which didn't give Alistaire any sort of confidence.

Alistaire made his way back to Cabin 13, knowing he'd need to pack his things before leaving. Castor was sitting outside of the cabin, waiting for him when he got there. "Well? What'd the Oracle say, Al?" Castor said quickly, seemingly almost excited over the fact that Alistaire had gotten a quest.

"I have to find some artifacts or something to wake the gods, I guess...but even the Oracle didn't have all of the details, so I'm assuming this is going to involve quite a bit of guesswork as I go..." Alistaire sighed.

"You mean as we go! You don't think I'm gunna letcha go all on your own now, do ya??" Castor said, smiling. Alistaire knew that Castor was mainly trying to cheer him up a bit with his smile and facade of excitement. But Alistaire knew that Castor was a big pacifist, and clumsy as well, so he wasn't sure if he'd be of much help. Alistaire quickly shook the thought from his head, realizing how horrible he felt for thinking that of his friend.

Alistaire offered Castor a small smile before responding. "I just dunno, Cas. This is going to be arduous, and we'd be gone a long time. Are you sure you're willing to come with me?"

Castor gave him a look and crossed his arms. "Well, I ain't lettin' ya go alone. And you're really my only real friend here, Al," Castor said matter-of-factly, uncrossing his arms and putting his hands on his hips. "You ain't leavin' me behind, ya hear?"

Just then, the Persephone twins, Rowan and Ivy, approached the cabin. "Hey, guys. I'm sure you've heard by now that I'm being sent on a quest. So you'll get your cabin back to yourselves." Alistaire gave them a sort of exasperated smile and stuffed his hands in his pockets.
Face Claim: Thomas Brodie-Sangster
Dialogue Colour: #2F753D || Thought Colour: #13D18D

Castor and Alistaire were meandering about Camp Half-Blood, the afternoon being a nice one, even though it was fairly warm outside. That's when Chiron showed up, telling Alistaire that he needed to go and see the Oracle, that he was to be given some sort of quest. It'd been a while since anyone had gotten a quest. Chiron shuffled Alistaire away and Castor was left to himself. He made his way to the Hades cabin to wait for Alistaire to come back. The twins weren't at the cabin at this time of day, like usual, which Castor was glad for as they sort of kept to themselves and he wasn't sure how they felt about him or Alistaire. Castor was pacing back and forth when Alistaire came up to him, looking tired.

They talked back and forth for quite a bit about what was going on, and Castor was more than insistent on going with Alistaire on this quest of his. Alistaire was his best friend, and Castor didn't plan on just letting his friend go on some dangerous quest on his own. It was then that the twins approached the cabin. "Hey, guys. I'm sure you've heard by now that I'm being sent on a quest. So you'll get your cabin back to yourselves," Alistaire said, and Castor could hear the tinges of sadness on the edges of his voice. He knew Alistaire felt bad for being claimed when the gods were supposed to be asleep.

"Yeah, and I'll be goin' with 'im, so you won't have ta worry about me bein' here in your guys's hair either," Castor said with a joking smile, hoping to lighten the air a little.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ivy Young Character Portrait: Alistaire Barnes Character Portrait: Castor Hayes Character Portrait: Rowan Young
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0.00 INK

FC: Dylan O'brien
Speech Color: #B50000 || Thought Color: #E60000

Rowan paused at the doorway, he had been hoping the rumors weren't true. While, it was true that he rarely talked to their new roommate, as he was rather quiet and reserved, he had liked Alistaire. Such a mission would be seen as extremely dangerous and giving it to someone who had come into the situation after the entire war. It was true that Alistaire was a son of Hades which meant that he'd be more powerful when it came to whatever abilities were passed down to him from Hades himself, but that didn't mean anything when it came to the monsters out there in the world. He didn't want to hear about someone he knew being killed on a quest, he just couldn't handle such a thing.

Of course, he was more stunned when the other boy spoke up and said he was coming with. To his knowledge, he hadn't seen Castor at any of the practices for any sort of weapon training, so he assumed that either he wasn't too good at fighting or didn't know how to at all. That wouldn't be of much help when it came to venturing outside of the camp. There would be many monsters waiting to hurt the son of Hades. Not only is he the son of a major god, which would attract more than a few kindly ones his way, but he'd also now have to defend himself and a friend. That just wasn't going to end well.

These surprises had left Rowan silent. he wasn't quite sure what to say to Alistaire, everything that was happening just didn't seem like it should be. He didn't want to be rude and point out the big mistakes he was already making or tell him that he couldn't bring his friend. Plus, there was the whole rule of three thing that meant he would either have to go without Ivy or Ivy would have to go without him. Otherwise, things could just get even more dangerous or cause more difficulties rather than help them out. He wasn't quite sure if Alistaire might have already had thoughts on another person, but even then that worried Rowan. If this guy had already picked a friend that didn't have much skill in fighting, or at the very least didn't go to practice for anything in fighting, that could possibly mean that he had picked another not so good companion.

By the time Rowan finally tried to speak up, his sister had gotten a little irritated waiting for the boy to say something, so she just decided she'd take over. Which was kind of a relief for the twin, as he had run out of ways in his head to say what he wanted to say and the words that wanted to come out would have probably sounded rude. He really wanted to point out how dangerous a quest could be and how picking companions shouldn't be taken so lightly, but that made it sound like he was judging the two harshly for their decisions. Which, maybe he actually was, maybe he just missed all the times Castor actually did try to fight, but it still just gave him a bad feeling in his stomach.

FC: Merit Leighton
Speech Color: #B82BC4 || Thought Color: #BF00BF

"Actually, we came here to offer our help," Ivy muttered as she started pulling her long dark hair into a pony tail. She walked over to her bunk which had been neatly made in the morning, but there were piles of books on the floor next to hers. Some were books about flowers and identifying them and treating them for diseases. Some where simply on gardening, best practices and when to plant specific plants. Other books were on Greek mythology, and still there were more that were just thick text books that seemed out of place for Ivy. Actually, most books seemed out of place for Ivy, she was rarely caught reading any of the books that were strewn about.

"It was Rowan's idea," Ivy sighed as she pulled out a backpack from under her bed that looked old and worn.

"I...thought we could be useful, since Ivy's really good with a sword and I've got pretty good accuracy with a bow," Rowan spoke up, "Of course it's up to you, with the whole rule of three thing, it might just be a bad idea for us to tag along."

Ivy rolled her eyes when her brother's explanation became an attempt at giving Alistaire an excuse not to bring them. But, she didn't say anything, she just grabbed one of the Greek Mythology books from the ground and shoved it into her backpack. It seemed like she already had quite a bit of stuff in the bag. The thing had come from when she had ran away from home and had her possessions in it when they had ended up in the Hermes cabin. While they stayed in that cabin, she had the backpack on every day and wouldn't let it go even for a second. Probably due to the first time she actually left her things behind in the cabin and came back to a lot of her things missing from her bag. She eventually got her things back, but never trusted that cabin again.

She hadn't really used it much since those days, but for some reason always updated the supplies that were in there. As she grew older, the clothes were switched as she outgrew them and medical supplies were switched out for fresh stuff. "We also happen to know a few things about herbal remedies. Nothing too crazy, just how to identify and use Aloe for burns, and flowers that can be used for healing salves."


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ivy Young Character Portrait: Alistaire Barnes Character Portrait: Castor Hayes Character Portrait: Rowan Young
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0.00 INK

Face Claim: Colin Ford
Dialogue Colour: #00118A || Thought Colour: #2B688A

"Actually, we came here to offer our help." Ivy pulled her hair into a ponytail as she spoke, though she didn't seem very keen on the idea of them helping Alistaire. That's when she made it known that it had been Rowan's idea. Well that makes a little more sense... Alistaire thought to himself, knowing Rowan was definitely the more likely of the two to have offered up their help willingly. Rowan piped up, making note of their skills, but then quickly also mentioning about the "rule of three" thing that most quests adhered to. "To be honest, I wasn't exactly planning on anyone coming with me. I hadn't really thought about it. Castor offered his help, just as much as you two have done, so I wasn't expecting to have to choose..." Alistaire said solemnly, looking down at this shoes. He knew that the twins would be super useful on the quest, but he didn't want to just leave Castor behind, and he was sure that he'd be useful in some way...though he wasn't exactly sure how.

Alistaire sighed, knowing he'd have to make some sort of choice soon. Just then, Chiron approached the cabin, greeting the four of them as he came up. "Alistaire. Have you chosen anyone to go with you on your quest?" Chiron asked, looking around at them all before fixing his eyes back on Alistaire.

"Uh... Not quite... Castor offered his help and so have Ivy and Rowan... So I'm not sure what I should do. I don't want to disregard the rule of three thing, but I don't want to leave Castor behind either..." Alistaire sighed, looking back down at his shoes, rubbing the toes in the dirt beneath them.

Chiron's face was one of someone who was thinking quite hard about how to mend the situation and help Alistaire, but then he said something that Alistaire wasn't expecting, and neither were the other three. "Well... Technically, as twins, Rowan and Ivy could indeed count as one you shouldn't need to make a choice at all." The way Chiron said it made Alistaire feel as though he should've just known that in the first place, but instead he was just surprised.
Face Claim: Thomas Brodie-Sangster
Dialogue Colour: #2F753D || Thought Colour: #13D18D

Castor felt out of place, especially with Ivy and Rowan both mentioning the different things they would be useful for on the quest, which made him feel even more useless than usual. Castor wanted to speak up about it, but Chiron approached the group. Here it is... He'll probably tell me I can't go, as I'd probably just end up gettin' in the way more than anythin' else... Then Castor couldn't believe his ears. "One entity?" I mean, I guess it does make some sorta sense, if ya think about it... Castor felt almost cheered up, as now Alistaire would have an easier time, not having to worry about who to take with him. They could all go, though he figured the twins probably still wouldn't be happy over Castor's tagging along.

Castor was well aware that the twins thought he was pretty much completely useless, which in all fairness he probably was, but it didn't make him feel any less bad about it as right as they were. Castor was sure he'd find a way to be useful on the quest, even if he was just a makeshift "packmule" and ended up carrying everyone's extra things or something.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ivy Young Character Portrait: Alistaire Barnes Character Portrait: Castor Hayes Character Portrait: Rowan Young
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0.00 INK

FC: Dylan O'brien
Speech Color: #B50000 || Thought Color: #E60000

"Well, it's just an offer. If you would rather go on your quest alone, you don't have to accept our help," Rowan shrugged. He wasn't quite sure what to tell Alistaire at this point, he would have been fine not telling him at all about helping him after finding out that Castor was already joining him. Ivy was a lot more blunt as that was her usual nature, so of course when he hadn't spoken fast enough she just spoke for him. All he could do was mend the situation best he could by giving Alistaire a way out if he decided he'd rather go alone.

Then Chiron came in and both twins froze. They didn't expect the camp councilor to visit their cabin and had managed to stun both of them. Of course, his words of advice to Alistaire calling the both of them one entity felt much more like an insult. They knew better than to say anything out loud, but Rowan definitely showed signs of discomfort and Ivy didn't look too amused. It was still Alistaire's choice on whether or not he wanted to bring them and they didn't really plan on going anywhere outside the camp without the other twin, so they were sort of a package deal. So, it was better not to speak out against it, especially if it meant that Alistaire would be getting much more protection on this quest.

Rowan didn't want to be in the way of this decision or look like he was part of a conversation that really wasn't his business, he moved further inside the cabin and sat on Ivy's bunk as Ivy continued packing her things. His attention finally going back to the weird mysterious flower in his hand. He examined it closely and tried his best not to get in the way. He started looking a lot more closely at the flower and tried to figure out what exactly it could possibly be. It didn't look like any of the flowers they had grown before in their garden and he was sure that he'd never come across one of these flowers in his books. It was strange and he was really drawn to figuring out what this flower could possibly be.

FC: Merit Leighton
Speech Color: #B82BC4 || Thought Color: #BF00BF

Ivy put all that she thought she'd need into her bag as Chiron spoke to Alistaire. She'd rather be completely packed up and ready for the quest soon. They'd have their last meal and then be on their way to where ever this quest would lead them. Hopefully not to the underworld. She would rather not find out how Hades and Persephone felt about her existence. She knew they'd eventually have to go to the underworld to wake the god and goddess of the underworld up, but hopefully that would be towards the end of their long quest and not right at the beginning.

When Rowan sat down on her bunk, she looked at him and gave a small smile. She knew her brother was just trying to be a good person and help someone in need. She knew well that he'd go without her if she'd let him. But, she wouldn't. He was her only family and she'd sacrifice everything to make sure that he was alright. She looked down at the flower in his hands that he was thoughtfully staring at. There was something about that flower that seemed just slightly off. Something that made her feel drawn to it, as if it were meaningful in some way. Though, the only one that she'd imagine planting such a thing in their garden was asleep for an unknown amount of time. There was no way it was as special as she thought it was.

"Hey, do you want me to press that flower? I'll keep it in one of my books through our journey, that way we'll have it with us the whole time," Ivy offered, her voice low so that the others weren't interrupted by her own conversation. Her voice was always so much softer when she spoke to her brother, it was so evident that she cared about him. Rowan looked almost startled by her speaking, but nodded and handed over the flower. With that Ivy pulled out one of her books from her backpack and pressed the flower between the pages. She then shoved the book back in and put the backpack on.

"Well, guys, get packed already so that we can head out soon," Ivy muttered, her voice going back to its normal attitude of not caring about anyone or anything. "I'm picking up a sword and some other supplies, you two might want think about doing the same." Ivy looked at Castor and Alistaire as she passed them on her way out of the cabin.

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View All » Add Character » 4 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Alistaire Barnes
Character Portrait: Castor Hayes
Character Portrait: Ivy Young
Character Portrait: Rowan Young


Character Portrait: Rowan Young
Rowan Young

"I think it's really neat to be the son of Persephone, but I don't think the gods like it very much."

Character Portrait: Ivy Young
Ivy Young

"Persephone claimed me as her daughter, but I'm positive that she didn't want to."

Character Portrait: Castor Hayes
Castor Hayes

"It's not every day that your best friend gets claimed by Hades."

Character Portrait: Alistaire Barnes
Alistaire Barnes

"A son...of Hades... At least I was claimed, I guess..."


Character Portrait: Alistaire Barnes
Alistaire Barnes

"A son...of Hades... At least I was claimed, I guess..."

Character Portrait: Ivy Young
Ivy Young

"Persephone claimed me as her daughter, but I'm positive that she didn't want to."

Character Portrait: Castor Hayes
Castor Hayes

"It's not every day that your best friend gets claimed by Hades."

Character Portrait: Rowan Young
Rowan Young

"I think it's really neat to be the son of Persephone, but I don't think the gods like it very much."

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Castor Hayes
Castor Hayes

"It's not every day that your best friend gets claimed by Hades."

Character Portrait: Ivy Young
Ivy Young

"Persephone claimed me as her daughter, but I'm positive that she didn't want to."

Character Portrait: Rowan Young
Rowan Young

"I think it's really neat to be the son of Persephone, but I don't think the gods like it very much."

Character Portrait: Alistaire Barnes
Alistaire Barnes

"A son...of Hades... At least I was claimed, I guess..."

Fullscreen Chat » Create Topic » The Sleeping Gods: Out of Character


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Most recent OOC posts in The Sleeping Gods

Re: The Sleeping Gods

Sorry it's been a while since I've posted. I've been so busy with work and family and everything, but I should hopefully get a post up in the next couple of days

Re: The Sleeping Gods

No worries ! I've been super busy with work, so I totally get it. I just leave RPG open 24/7 so I don't forget about it, but I'm hardly actually online XD

Re: The Sleeping Gods

Yeah, sounds good.

Just to let you know, it might be a while before I respond, I have finals this week and am going to focus on school for a little bit. I'm hoping to finish everything as early as possible, but it might take a while.

Re: The Sleeping Gods

No worries ! And also, Castor and the others obviously won't know who's son he is really, even as he starts manifesting his other powers.

Re: The Sleeping Gods

That's okay! It took me forever to respond anyway.

Re: The Sleeping Gods

I'm writing my post right now ! I would've had it done yesterday but I fell asleep and then had to work all day Also, I figure eventually Castor will start showing signs that he's a son of Hephaestus, which will in turn be how he becomes useful on the quest.

Re: The Sleeping Gods

I thought it could be an interesting idea of his haha XD it just kind of came to mind

Re: The Sleeping Gods

Lol, I do know about the rule of three, but yeah I think that Chiron will shrug it off since it's something that's just not advised to go with more than 3 people, but people have quested with more than 3 before. It just usually mean bad things happen, like the team splitting up or someone getting injured or dead. But, I do love the idea that Chiron thinks the twins count as a single entity.

Re: The Sleeping Gods

No problem ! By the way, normally for a quest, only 3 people go, but I figure that Chiron will be like "Well, the twins could technically be considered sort of a single entity" or something and it'll kinda cancel itself out.. XD

Re: The Sleeping Gods

Sorry about the wait! I ended up being gone a lot longer than I planned to be, but I finally got a first post up!

Re: The Sleeping Gods

Sounds good ! Man, I miss my D&D group XD

Re: The Sleeping Gods

They look great! I finally finished up my characters' histories so they are ready to go as well. I'll try to get us started when I can. I have a family thing tomorrow and then it's D&D night with a couple of friends, so it might not happen tomorrow, but I'll do my best.

Re: The Sleeping Gods

My two are ready to go !

Re: The Sleeping Gods

I finally got my two up, they're just missing the History portion, but I will hopefully finish those tonight. If you have any questions about the character creation, feel free to ask!

Re: The Sleeping Gods

I did reeeeally basic CS's just to get myself kind of started with the names & faces so I can reflect on how I want to make the characters. Hopefully I'll be able to fully flesh them out tomorrow.

Re: The Sleeping Gods

Don't worry about it ! I'll wait until you have at least one sheet up so I sort of know what you're looking for in a CS for this. :3

I'm super excited about this ! :D

Re: The Sleeping Gods

Hey! I would definitely love to do this with you! I'll try to get my character sheets up sometime today. This week has been kind of all over the place for me, so I'm trying to catch up the best I can.

Re: The Sleeping Gods

Hi ! I'm actually very interested in this ! I'm also a 22 y/o female, which I though was pretty funny.

I love cows & I love green ! *heart eyes*

I love RPs that involve romance into the general basis of things & the Percy Jackson series is one of my absolute favourites !!

**EDIT: Also, I know I look brand new, but I've actually been on this site for years. I just lost the login info for my old account when I got a new computer. *cries*

Re: The Sleeping Gods

There are two sections. An about me section and a partner preferences section. You're talking about the partner preferences section The one above that is the about me section, which I have so that people that are interested can make sure that I'm the right partner for them as well. And in that section there is another thing that states "So I know you've read this please tell me your favorite animal in the OOC thread", so yes I have gone over my own about me section at the bottom of this RP.

I wasn't trying to be rude or offend you and I'm sorry if it came off that way. I just wanted to make sure you knew what I was looking for since you forgot one part. There have been people in the past that have skipped over details like that and wait for the last second to ask any questions.

Re: The Sleeping Gods

So I know you've read this section, tell me your favorite color in the OOC thread

I answered, my favourite colour. I have clearly read the about this, which is why I applied. I am well known as the resident gay, seriously it's not something mind blowing here that I was interested in mxm.

But hey I'm only going over this because it seems like you forgot to go over your own about me section in the bottom of this very RP.