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The Unexpected

The Unexpected


The seemingly perfect girl. The seemingly perfect. The one accident. The new school. What next?

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The Classrooms


The Dorms


Emmaline was the perfect daughter and belonged to the perfect family. Having her life already planned out by her eager parents, Emma had little chances to go wrong, but somehow she did. Somehow she managed to ruin her parents dream. Sixteen-year-old Emma just found out that she's pregnant. The father? Yeah, he refused to take responsiblity, breaking things off immediately. To make matters worse, her parents refuse to accept their daughter's pregnancy and refuse to let them embarrass the family. So, what happens? They send Emma away to a home for pregnant teens and teen parents. So what will happen now?

Characters Wanted:
Single Mothers:
- Emmaline Denise Daniels (UCTigerette)
- Heaven Leigh Dahl (Sweet Angel Jocelyn)
- Valentine Blake (XxTwilightXxSam)
- Gillian Ross (littleElise)

Single Fathers:
- Vincent Jean Lyel (Katty_Pandamonium)
- Harlan Isaiah Johnson (UCTigerette)
- Patrick McCormick (Sweet Angel Jocelyn)
- Alec Denan (KCwannabe)

Character Sheet: What goes in what slot!

*Realistic Pic of Your Character and Character's Baby (If they already have one)

Hmm? I wonder!
1-2 Paragraphs on your character's personality


1-2 paragraphs on how you character got here.

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The GM of this roleplay hasn't created any rules! You can do whatever you like!

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 5 authors

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Emma Daniels stood on the sidewalk outside of Bridgeway. Seeing her mother's shape in the back window, Emma tried to keep a smile on her face, but it was hard. Emma couldn't help herself when her mother turned to smile at her and wave good-bye. As childish as it was, Emmaline Daniels held up her middle finger and gave her mother the bird. The woman deserves it. Emmaline thought to herself. Quickly, Emma motioned for the man standing at the school's double doors to come help her with her luggage. She was pregnant for crying out loud and Emma knew that it was against pregnancy laws to lift heavy stuff.

Three minutes later, Emma was standing in the front office finishing her paper work and getting her room number. Room 105. She read on the papers the stout woman handed her. Emma was glad that this school understood that everyone needed their own rooms. As stressful as her life had become, Emmaline decided that dealing with a roomate would be too much. Especially once her little baby would be here. Only six months to go. A long, tiring six months.

Finally having her dorm number and her paper work finished, Emma gave a polite smile to the bellhop and again motioned for him to follow. He followed her up to the thrid floor where Emma swiftly found Room 205. Sliding her key card into the marked slot on the door handle, Emma pushed the door open and gazed inside. It was spacious, she had to give the school that. She quickly asked the man to set her bags on the double bed. He did and closed the door behind him as he left.

Emma looked around the room once more and realized how utterly bored she was. Grabbing her zebra printed purse and room key, she slipped back out and rode the elevator down to the ground floor. Just as Emma remebered that she'd seen online that Bridgeway had a food court, all healthy of course, her stomach let out a snarl. Laughing as she looked down, Emma put her hand on her stomach. "Are you hungry little baby?" She asked before taking off in the direction if the food court and more importantly, Subway.
When Harlan Johnson arrived at Bridgeway a couple hours ago his eleven month old daughter, Mollie had been asleep. Not wanting to wake her, Harlan headed straight to the office to get his information and then straight to their room. Once he had gotten Mollie out of her purple Tinkerbell carseat, Harlan laid her down in her wooden crib. He thought about Bridgeway. It had to be one of the best schools for teenage parents. His room came baby-ready with a crib, a high chair, a bottle warmer, a baby swing, a play pen, and of course all the baby toys a baby could want.

Harlan smiled into the crib as Mollie began moving. He lifted her out of the crib and laid her on the bed. He quickly noted she needed a diaper changed and set out to do just that. Finally, he had Mollie ready. Looking at the clock, Harlan realized that it was probably time to feed Mollie. As Harlan unzipped the diaper bag, with Mollie in his arms, he realized that he had forgotten to pack baby formula. It was true that Mollie had just started eating baby food and small peices of regular food, but still she preferred her formula.

Harlan, with Mollie on his hip, grabbed his room key and headed down the elevator to ground floor. Stepping off, Harlan made his way to the small baby supplies store he had passed on his way in. As he browsed the aisles for Mollie's formula, he realized that he himself was starving. After he found Mollie's formula, Good Start, Harlan found himself a bag of barb-b-que potato chips and checked out. Feeling to energetic, Harlan didn't want to be cooped up in his room, so he headed to the food court. After pulling a high chair up and making Mollie's bottle, Harlan sat down at on of the tables and popped open his bag of chips. He smiled at Mollie as she sucked down the contents of her bottle. Taking the bottle out her mouth, Mollie looked at her daddy and gave him a soft laugh. "Dada." Mollie said looking his way. Harlan's heart swelled as she looked at the small little thing that completely depended on him. He hoped he didn't fail her.

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"mama mama mama!" Valentine heard her young three year old chime and jump up and down as she held his hand. They were walking to their new "home". It was a temporary home for them until she managed to save up enough money to get a place and to support them both. "mama where we going!?"Her son john asked. Valentine sighed and squatted down looking back at the man who help bring in their suitcases.

"Honey i told you. Grandma can't pay for us anymore and she found this place to live with. Mommy get to go to school and you get to play with alot of other babies!"She smiled at her son kissing his cheek gently. "ok!"He chimed and the bell hop got her things out of the cab she took here. She picked him up and carried him inside and to the main office. "Valentine Blake"She told the lady behind the desk. She nodded and handed her papers and a key. She signed all the papers and took the key. "203"She told the bellhop and they both walked up to the third floor. Once there she looked around the room smileing. There was a double bed and then a small kid bed on the other side for her son. "thanks"She smiled as he walked out. She sat him down and looked around

In the room there were plenty of toys for her son to play with and also a vanity which she instatally loved. "mama hungy!" John smiled at her. "ok lets go get some food."the young 16 year old said to her 3 year old son. She picked him up and carried him to the food court. "ok what do you want?"She asked. "mac and cheese"he said happily. She bit her lip. "i don't know if they have that sweetheart"She said stroking his hair. He pouted gently. She looked around and found they had mac and cheese and got him some. She got herself some aswell and put him on the floor. "go get a table"She said holing the tray. He looked around and saw harlan with his daughter and ran over there.

"JOhn!"She said going after him, "i'm sorry sir"She said looking at John."baby!"he smiled looking at Mollie."yes she's a baby"Valentine said sighing. She looked at Harlan. "you mind if i sit here with you two?"She asked him smileing softly

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Heaven Leigh Dahl was pretty sure that she was late getting to the school. Every five minutes she would press the button on her watch that would tell her that only five minutes had passed. She'd gotten sick four times on the ride there, and was sure that as soon as they stopped at the school, she would be sick again. Only two and a half months pregnant, people just assumed that the little blonde had some kind of virus. She didn't care if people knew, but starting a new school, she was glad to not have a huge stomach.

Sure enough, when they got to the school, she launched herself out of the backseat of the town-car that drove her, and immediately puked in the first thing she could find, bushes. Her driver watched her for what seemed like hours, again. And then, when she had straightened up, he took her bags out and handed them to the man waiting to take them.

"Might I suggest some light food to settle your stomach, miss?" He offered with a small smile, and she nodded, her fingers over her mouth.

"Don't worry, I'll handle her." A male voice said from behind her. The blonde turned around to see a dark haired man, carrying a little boy with flame colored hair. Was that red hair? She wondered. "Morning sickness is the pits, huh?" He asked. She offered a shaky smile and watched the four men around her. The man that was taking her bags had signaled another to take the other boy's, and then the two men that were working carried the bags inside, directing them to where they would register.

The two did, and Heaven still did not know the boy's name. She was room 134 and he was room 209, so they weren't really close, but maybe if they were friends they could get to know each other. She didn't feel quite as scared and her stomach even seemed to calm down. After they looked at each room, the boy said.

"I'm Patrick." It was when he said his name that she realized he was Irish. She loved voices and accents, as sound had been her whole world and could quickly guess that he was from Cork.

"I'm Heaven." She told him, smiling at the little boy. "And what's your name, handsome?" She asked him, looking into his sparkling eyes. Green?

"Forgive me. This is my little boy, Dante." He said, bouncing the boy, who smiled at the blonde, slightly. "Ye little flirt." He said to the boy in a stage whisper. "Come on, lets get some food." He suggested, nodding toward where he had read that the food court was.

Heaven followed happily and soon they were around where food could be smelled. Heaven almost moaned in pleasure of the smell, before hurrying off to get herself a sub, then looking for a place to sit...

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Gillian flipped her bright blonde hair back and started yanking it into a messy ponytail, finishing off with a rubber band. She moaned and got to her feet slowly with the help of the toilet bowl in front of her. With a weary tug, she flushed the toilet and went over to the sink and started brushing her teeth vigorously, twice. With a change of clothes, she was out of her room and padded forward down the hall, her 5 month bump bulging out as though to show off, 'I'm here!'.

Her stomach was only starting to get noticeable but it felt like a watermelon already. Gillian never liked to think about it as she always cried and felt emotionally stricken when thinking about a form of life in her. She took her time into the escalator and out, there wasn't any rush so unless someone wanted her quick, they'd had to push her.

She was heading to the library when her stomach growled loudly. With a soft smile, she made a joke in a small whisper so only her baby could hear, "I know. Me too." She turned 90 degrees and started towards the foodcourt. She supposed she loved the court best because it was where she could have comfort. A reminder that just because she left home, she hasn't left the world. The food here made her stay grounded even as odd as it sounds.

She went over to the third stall from the left and got herself a gigantic bowl of salad. Bringing to an empty table nearby, looked over at single mothers and fathers with their children, or bumps, having a good time, unlike hers, a lonely one. Gillian had only enrolled here a month ago and the new 'kid' thing was starting to wear off. She knew her place around, all the teachers, rules but friends was something she had yet to find.

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Heaven saw the blonde take a seat, by herself, and the other blonde decided to introduce herself. She saw the extension of the girl's belly and felt the need to ask a... Stupid question. Just getting her visual cortex in order, the young woman didn't even know what a baby bump looked like, besides the big ones she'd seen in her few minutes of looking around. So, as she walked over, with her eyes trained on the table, she couldn't help herself from looking at the smaller stomach, at least smaller than any of the others she saw that were showing.

"Hi." She said to the girl, pushing her hair over her shoulder. "Is anyone sitting here?" She asked softly, biting her lip. She heard the scraping of a highchair and looked over to see Patrick bringing his son over with them. He seemed to have grown an attachment to her in the last few minutes. How could she really bring up her question without looking like a huge freak in front of people?

Normally Heaven didn't mind looking like a freak, because in the past she didn't have to see the way that others looked at her. However, she could see their looks now, and though she couldn't quite tell what they meant, they didn't seem very good.

Patrick sat down at the table, where the blonde girl, Heaven, was asking another girl if she could sit down. He didn't bother asking. It only made things harder if he asked. This way, they had no option to say no. He had some chicken on a tray for Dante, and he was cutting it up as he looked at the girls.

"Great place we have here." He commented, putting a small pile of the cut up meat on the tray of the high chair. Dante instantly starting eating. "Did you see those rooms? It's better than what I have a home." His accent showed through, as usual, and he smiled charmingly at the girls.

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Harlan looked down at the toddler who had approached his table. "Hey John." He told the little boy after hearing his mother call him by name. Harlan pointed to his daughter sitting in the high chair. "That's Mollie and she's only eleven months old." Harlan told the little boy. Turning his attention to the woman who stood in front of him, Harlan began speaking again. "Sure." Harlan quicky jumped up to Pull out a chair for the girl. Thinking twice, Harlan pulled out a second one for her son.

"I'm Harlan, by the way. How old is John?" Harlan asked as he returned to his seat and his bag of chips. Munching on the chips lightly, Harlan looked at Valentine. Then he thought about Paige. Just by looks, Harlan could tell that Valentine and Paige were total opposites. Smiling to himself and to Mollie, Harlan thought about Mollie's mother. What a woman she was. Harlan remembered her dazziling smile and they way her eyes would light up when she finally got something. They way her eyes lit up the first day she felt Mollie move. That was how Harlan chose to remember her. He always would.

Emma looked around the open food court trying to decide where to sit. Not knowing anyone at this school seemed to be Emma's main problem. Spotting an empty table, Emma made her way there. She quicklly sat down and unwrapped the foot long sub. It seemed she was finished in only minutes. It tasted so good and Emma was tempted to go by another, but she knew she was full, even if he appetite wouldn't fade. Although Emma didn't know anyone, she decided that nothing was going to get her down at the moment.

Standing up, Emma raised he arms high over her head and loud out a small yawn. Picking up her purse, she through the tables of the food court with the destintion of the elevators. Only problem? As Emma was walking she tripped. She fell hard. Thank goodness not on her stomach. Laying on the flat of her back, Emma looked up at the chair she had tripped over. Emma peered into the eyes of a boy with short brown hair and bright green eyes. Quickly standing up, Emma knew she was turning red. It happened atleast once a day. She was just that clumsy. Emma soon realized that the boy wasn't alone at the table. Two blondes and a baby were also at the table. "I-I-I'm so s-s-sorry." Emma said, though she didn't know exactly what she was apologizing for. It wasn't like she had done anything wrong. Noticing her purse was still spewed across the floor, Emmaline quickly bent down to retrieve the contents.

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Patrick jumped almost a half a foot off his chair when a girl, with dirty blonde hair which he found refreshingly natural, tripped over his chair. Since there was no child trailing behind her, he was almost certain that she had yet to have her baby, though she showed not at all.

"No no." He said, standing up and squatting down to help her. "I'm sorry. I guess I wasn't too neat with my chair." He said, scooping up various objects and handing them to her without looking too much, though curiosity did get to him with a few objects. "Are you alright?" He asked her with true concern in his voice.

Heaven was startled by the girl that tripped and put her tray down to help her with her things as well, though she wasn't too fast because the one thing she grabbed for she missed, on the first, second... Fifth tries.

"Are you okay?" She asked, though Patrick had already asked her. She just didn't know what else to say, and concern could be shared.

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Gillian was surprised to hear a voice so sudden and even more surprised when she raised her head to find a girl asking her if anyone else was sitting with her. She could 't help but smile at the thought of someone wanting to be friends with her. She watched as the girl eyed her small bump and nodded. "Uhm. No. It's all free of bums." A sound of chair beeping pulled back caused her to turn to her left to find a boy and t toddler already seated next to them.

She smiled and laughed to herself seeing the two getting comfortable. She looked at thee small boy at the table and could help but to waved and smile at him.

Just then, she heard some things fall onto the ground beside her and noticed a girl picking up her things that had spilled out former bag. Instantly, she knelt down to help the girl out, handing some of her belongings that had fallen under her chair.

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"thank you."She smiled as he pulled out her chair"you didn't have to do that but thanks again."She smiled sitting down putting the food infront of her son. "he's three."She smiled gently and stroked her sons hair as he began to eat the mac and cheese. She smiled. "how old are you?"She asked gently. "you look sixteen seventeen?"She asked smileing. "i'm sixteen"She said and took a bit of mac and cheese and smiled at Mollie. "aww she's adorable."She said smileing. She sighed and looked around at all the teenage mother and fathers. "wow was i the youngest person to have a baby here?"She asked gently and bit her lip gently and looked at her son but smiled. She may have gotten pregnant in the worst way possible but she still loved her baby

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Vincent sighed heavily. His hazel green eyes stared down at a pair of adorable hazel eyes, much like his own. But of course they would be, after all they belonged to his daughter. His daughter. The baby girl, barely a year old smiled in his arms, as he bounced her gently on his knee. He was starting to get the hang of this parenting thing, kind of. It wasn’t like he wanted a kid, not now. He knew as well as anyone, that he wasn’t fit to be a father. He didn’t know a thing about babies, he only knew how to make them smile. Not all the behind the scenes crap. Literally. Regardless, a smile formed on his face, as he leaned forward and tickled Ella, his baby girl, enough to make her giggle happily. He loved the way she laughed. The way she reacted to everything he did. He just wished she hadn’t ended up with a father like him. Vincent never loved Ella’s mother, though he did like her more than most. She was a quiet girl, very sophisticated, attractive, and wild. Her parents weren’t so crazy about him in the first place, and when she got pregnant, man did he feel the heat. They didn’t want their daughter to be pinned with a child at sixteen, so they gave Ella to him. Lousy grandparents.

Vincent snuggled Ella close to him, as he shifted his position. Surely they would arrive at the school soon. Surely. He had enough memories of Michelle as it was. Michelle was the mother of this child, and man did it show. Most of the structure of Ella’s face resembled Michelle’s more than it did Vincent’s, but she had his eyes. And hopefully his wavy hair when she grew up. He felt the vehicle come to a stop, and slowly got out, Ella in his arms, as the door was opened for him. The service around here was great, the workers already had his bags. He was set. He cradled his arms protectively around Ella, his now sleeping child, as they made their way up the path to the main office. Once there, he was assigned a room. He was forced to walk another short distance, to his dorm. Upon opening the door, he found the room to be precisely as the brochures had described. The room had everything he could ever want, which made him feel a bit relieved. He wondered though, if the room contained any fresh fruits. Ella loved fruit, strawberries appealed to her taste buds. She was able to chew quite well, but she inherited her father’s pickiness for food, and preferred her food of a softer kind. Which meant more work for him when preparing meals.

Vincent peered at the sleeping child in his arms, and felt another smile creep across his face. He couldn’t help but love this child. Even if he’d truly just met her. He hardly had any contact with her until Michelle’s parents decided it was his duty to take care of her alone. That was only a few weeks ago. I suppose this means you aren‘t hungry. he purred softly, arousing Ella from her sleep. She had been hungry on the way to the school, and he had given her a snack, she was sure to be hungry now. Her eyes popped open droopily, and her hazel eyes gazed at him in a sleepy manner. That was a no, I’m quite hungry, thank you. Though still tired, she seemed eager to eat. He chuckled at this, and turned right around to head to the legendary food court. Surely they would have something he could feed to Ella. A good fruit salad would do.

Vincent set out to the food court, and soon found a massive area that contained many teenage parents. Some, had children, others showed signs of being pregnant. He felt slightly awkward around so many pregnant women. He wasn’t used to it. He was used to seeing women at their best, and only then. He was used to flaunting them a fake smile, and brining them back to his place. The consequences of these actions had never occurred to him until they happened. He shuffled through the crowd to a food place that had a fruit salad on the menu. He quickly placed his order, fruit salad and a small cup of yogurt, as Ella was being impatient with him. She was shaking her stuffed dog at him, in a commanding manner. Her way of cutely demanding things. Eventually, his order was finished, and so he wandered to an empty table with it. Vincent pulled the yogurt open, and began feeding it to Ella, as not to cause too much of a mess. You take after your father too much. he chuckled, for when the yogurt was gone on the spoon, she demanded more.

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Heaven was too busy. People told her that a lot lately. But there was so much to be seen that she wanted to take it in and couldn't get her feet to stop going. So, after she had successfully handed the girl that tripped what she had been trying to pick up, the blonde stood up. Seeing the man come in with a little girl, she walked over and looked at the food he had, truly a bit scared to actually eat because of being so sick.

"She's a cutie." She told him as she watched him carefully feeding the little girl. "What's her name?" She asked curiously, pushing her blonde hair from her face. She wanted to ask what he was feeding her, but that would be a bit awkward. It always was 'Haven't you seen... Before?' everyone always asked, and she always said 'no'. She'd rather refrain from that for a little while.

Dante was clamoring for some food, so, Patrick stood up and looked at the girl. "Join us?" He asked as he took his seat back up and put more food on his son's tray. The boy was eating quicker than all get out!

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Vincent continued spoon feeding Ella, which she happily enjoyed. After a finishing the small cup, she seemed to be satisfied. Which mean he was stuck with a fruit salad for lunch, which wasn’t that bad, but he preferred his junk food. His hazel gaze snapped from the child now drowsily peering around her, to a woman that was standing next to him. He shifted his position to support Ella’s weight more effectively. This woman that stood before him, he would have flirted with her before now. Hello, beautiful. he said without thinking, a smile sliding across his face. Okay, maybe he still would. He caught himself afterwards, and flashed her an apologetic smile, though most wouldn’t know why he was sorry. He was trying to get better, better at not going with every woman he met Trying not to flirt with just anyone. Ella deserved that much. Fortunatly, she looks a lot like her mother. he said with a nod, as if that explained why Ella was so cute. Her name‘s Ella. Ella Bella Michelle, her mother had a cute sense of humor, you could say. he said with a slight chuckle. Though he and Ella had been booted from Michelle’s life, he still regarded her kindly. She would always be Ella’s mother.

Vincent peered at the woman. Would you like to take a seat? he asked, his voice unsure. He wondered if she needed a break. Then again, he didn’t know why she was here. Whether she was pregnant, had a kid, or what. She didn’t look pregnant, but he didn’t know much about pregnancies. He’d hardly noticed that Michelle was pregnant, she never showed, and when she had the baby, he wasn’t informed. It wasn’t until a few months ago he even knew he had a daughter. He sighed quickly. Then turned his attention back to the scenario at hand. The girl seemed to be eyeing Ella’s yogurt. Yogurt, strawberry. She loves that stuff, as you can see, she‘s full and happy. he said with a grin, glancing down at his now sleeping child. She always liked a nap after eating, it was like a full stomach made her sleepy. He then paused. Oh, sorry. Forgot my manners for a second there, my name‘s Vincent. he said nodding towards her, seeing as he couldn’t shake her hand. Might I ask yours? he said with a brilliant grin.

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Heaven smiled, and laughed softly when he told her the girl's name. She found the girl incredibly cute, by her standards, though she wasn't sure others would think the same. It was the same way with her father, with his dark hair and strangely intriguing eyes. His apologetic look was not caught on by the blonde young woman as she did take a seat. He explained what the girl was eating, and she smiled gratefully at him. Had he known that she didn't know what it was? She couldn't help taking an extra look at it. She'd had yogurt before, but seeing it was different.

"Nice to meet you, Vincent." She said, flashing a brilliant smile of her own. Was that what a devilish smile looked like? "I'm Heaven Leigh Dahl... My parents must have had the same sense of humor as your girlfriend." She told him, blushing softly. She hadn't seen anything around his finger, so her guess was girlfriend. "Get it? Heavenly Doll?" She smiled slightly and looked at the fruit salad. She had been studying fruits in her book that she had in her bag in the room, and it looked different in the salad.

"This will be the strangest question you will ever here." She warned him, trying to get a good look at the different objects in the bowl. "What fruits are those? Which is... which?" She asked, looking up at him nervously with her milky blue eyes.

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Gillian smiled and helped the girl up. Hearing the boy, she nodded and turned back to face the girl. "Yes. Why don't you? Join us. I mean.." She glanced over and saw Heaven walk over to another table and shrugged it off. Gillian wished she had that much energy and strength to go around making friends. She was just so terrified ever since her pregnancy that she felt safe with herself and her baby. She took a seat back down and started picking at the salad bowl in front of her.

After a while, she couldn't help but to look at the little toddler. Glancing back down at her plate, she smiled and spoke up. "I'm Gillian." She blushed as she watched the toddler munch away on his food. She grinned wildly, adoring the small boy, wondering about her own child. Whether she or he would be as active as this one. Then it brought her mind back to her own baby. What was it going to be like? Was it going to look more like her or the father?

She quickly brushed away a stray strand of hair from her face along with the thoughts away. It was going to be another 4 months till the baby would come and up until now, Gillian had yet to decide whether she was thrilled to meet her baby or just plain afraid.

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Emma graciously accepted the help of the others, as well as the girl's hand. She felt like the total klutz that she was. "I'm fine, I think." Emma quickly told the two that asked. "I'm Emma, by the way." She quickly said before taking a seat at their table. One of the girls had already walked off. "How are all of y'all?" Emma noted that her country accented filled the question. Usually she worked so hard to hide it. So hard, but today and after that fall, she didn't really feel like it. "I'm exhausted." She said again. Looking at Dante, Emma realized that he must belong to the boy whos chair she tripped over. "Who is this little cutie?" Emma asked, giving the once over to Patrick and boy, was he cute!


Harlan smiled at Valentine. "It's just the way of a gentleman." Giving Valentine another smile Harlan continued talking. "I'm seventeen, but I'm only a sophomore. People think being a dad doesn't affect you, but I got another year behind due to it. Thing is, I don't regret it. I could never regret my little Mollie." Harlan told the girl. Chuckling just a little, Harlan started talking yet again. "Yeah, it looks like you are, but hey, it's not like you planned it. "Thanks about the compliment. I helped make a cute kid didn't I?"

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((Hey, is this thing still going?))

Patrick smiled at his son, who seemed to be a lady-killer. He patted the boy's tray and responded. "I'm Patrick, not that it matters with him around." He said, patting his son's head softly. "This here is Dante, he's a year old." He introduced the girls to the boy. "And he is an encouragable flirt, much like myself." He winked at the girls and turned to his food. "Calling him a cutie will only inflate his head more than 'tis. However, all boys need it. So keep it up." He joked.

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Vincent eyed Heaven as she lowered herself into the closet seat. For some reason he was on alert mode, watching for any troubles she had. She didn’t necessarily move like she was pregnant, but what did he know? He really couldn’t tell either way. The only thing he could trust at that moment, was his eyes, and his eyes were telling him she was gorgeous. That was the only thing that seemed to matter. He sat for a moment, observing her as she eyed Mollie’s yogurt with curious expression. She peered at the small tub as if she’d never seen it before. That was the impression he got after seeing her many curious glances toward it. He considered this possibility, but it only made other questions arise. His thoughts were broken when she introduced herself. He chuckled softly, and offered her an amused smile. However that smile soon dropped at the corner’s as she mentioned Mollie’s mother, Michelle. Anyone would make that mistake, about her being his current girlfriend. Its cute though, it suits you. he stated sincerely.

Vincent let a soft sigh escape his lips, as he ran a hand through his hair. Michelle…well she‘s not my girlfriend anymore. he spoke slowly. Michelle is Mollie‘s mother, but she isn‘t here. She‘s back in Colorado. he explained, the words difficult to say. She‘s nothing to me, other than the mother of my child. he said flatly. Though that may sound cruel, it was for the best, and it was the truth. She was nothing to him, never really was until Mollie was born. He didn’t expect her to be anything to him, that would be one more burden on her. Simply put, he cared for her, which made it easier for him to forget about her. Caring got you no where, so why not forget it? He paused, and gazed at Heaven. He found her looking at his fruit salad this time. Was she hungry? If you want, you can have some? he offered, a quizzical look upon his face.

Vincent then blinked. She was warning him about some crazy question. I hardly doubt that, love, but go a head and try to wow me. he said with a faint chuckle. When she spoke again, she asked him a very curious question. It was fairly crazy, but somehow, it made sense. It explained why she was eyeing the fruit so curiously. He leaned over the bowl, careful not to arouse Mollie, as he examined the fruit inside. The bowl contained many different cuts of fruit. Well let‘s see, he said, sticking a piece of banana on his fork, he held it up to her, this is banana, do you want to try it? he stated, then asked, while holding the fork out to her. I haven‘t used the fork, you‘re safe, honest. he added. The best way to learn what fruit was what, was to associate taste with appearance. That’s what he thought anyway.

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Heaven smiled, keeping her eyes on the little girl. So, he didn't have a girlfriend? She thought that Vincent was the most attractive guy she'd ever seen. No, that didn't say much, because she hadn't seen many guys, but she couldn't think of more good looking people. She knew that Torin wasn't anywhere near as attractive as Vincent. "She looks a lot like you." She said, of Mollie, because she wasn't sure if she should say anything about his lack of girlfriend. "Thank you." She responded to his compliment about her name, blushing softly.

She was glad that he didn't freak out over her question. She expected him to consider her an insane person. Instead, he was holding out a slice of something that had a strangely soft color and texture. A banana. She blushed again. She'd had fruit... Still she leaned forward, so that she could associate them, and took the fruit from the fork. It was a slightly soft texture, and it tasted sweet. "Mm." She said softly as she chewed it, then swallowed.

"I swear, I'm not crazy." She told him with a small smile. "I..." She blushed. "I grew up blind." She explained. "I just had surgery that gave me sight, so I'm still getting used to what things are what." Should she be telling him this? Well, she didn't mind telling what was wrong with her, because it was something she had overcome. Besides, she might have made another friend, and her question didn't really insure new friends.

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Character Portrait: Valentine Blake
0 sightings Valentine Blake played by XxsamXxtwilight
So what i had a baby when i was thirteen....i still can be normal

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View All » Add Character » 10 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Emmaline "Emma" Denise Daniels
Character Portrait: HeavenLeighDahl
Character Portrait: Alec Denan
Character Portrait: Vincent Jean Lyel
Character Portrait: Gillian Ross
Character Portrait: Harlan Isaiah Johnson
Character Portrait: Patrick McCormick


Character Portrait: Patrick McCormick
Patrick McCormick

Even though I didn't try to get her pregnant, I'm not letting that affect just her life.

Character Portrait: Harlan Isaiah Johnson
Harlan Isaiah Johnson

I didn't plan or expect this, but it's the last peice I have of her. So, this baby is mine. Forever.

Character Portrait: Gillian Ross
Gillian Ross

Well, don't look at me cos I'm not god

Character Portrait: Vincent Jean Lyel
Vincent Jean Lyel

Single Father. It's not like I planned on getting her pregnant. Honest. I own up to it but, how did I get stuck with the kid?

Character Portrait: Alec Denan
Alec Denan

He is a big know it all player. He thinks he is the best and hawt. has brown hair and big blue eyes

Character Portrait: HeavenLeighDahl

Heaven Leigh Dahl.. Get it? Heavenly Doll! Haha! ha... Yeah, my parents were cruel.

Character Portrait: Emmaline "Emma" Denise Daniels
Emmaline "Emma" Denise Daniels

Yeah, I'm pregnant. I dare you to talk about it!


Character Portrait: Vincent Jean Lyel
Vincent Jean Lyel

Single Father. It's not like I planned on getting her pregnant. Honest. I own up to it but, how did I get stuck with the kid?

Character Portrait: Patrick McCormick
Patrick McCormick

Even though I didn't try to get her pregnant, I'm not letting that affect just her life.

Character Portrait: Alec Denan
Alec Denan

He is a big know it all player. He thinks he is the best and hawt. has brown hair and big blue eyes

Character Portrait: Emmaline "Emma" Denise Daniels
Emmaline "Emma" Denise Daniels

Yeah, I'm pregnant. I dare you to talk about it!

Character Portrait: Harlan Isaiah Johnson
Harlan Isaiah Johnson

I didn't plan or expect this, but it's the last peice I have of her. So, this baby is mine. Forever.

Character Portrait: Gillian Ross
Gillian Ross

Well, don't look at me cos I'm not god

Character Portrait: HeavenLeighDahl

Heaven Leigh Dahl.. Get it? Heavenly Doll! Haha! ha... Yeah, my parents were cruel.

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Patrick McCormick
Patrick McCormick

Even though I didn't try to get her pregnant, I'm not letting that affect just her life.

Character Portrait: Gillian Ross
Gillian Ross

Well, don't look at me cos I'm not god

Character Portrait: Harlan Isaiah Johnson
Harlan Isaiah Johnson

I didn't plan or expect this, but it's the last peice I have of her. So, this baby is mine. Forever.

Character Portrait: Alec Denan
Alec Denan

He is a big know it all player. He thinks he is the best and hawt. has brown hair and big blue eyes

Character Portrait: Vincent Jean Lyel
Vincent Jean Lyel

Single Father. It's not like I planned on getting her pregnant. Honest. I own up to it but, how did I get stuck with the kid?

Character Portrait: HeavenLeighDahl

Heaven Leigh Dahl.. Get it? Heavenly Doll! Haha! ha... Yeah, my parents were cruel.

Character Portrait: Emmaline "Emma" Denise Daniels
Emmaline "Emma" Denise Daniels

Yeah, I'm pregnant. I dare you to talk about it!

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Re: The Unexpected (OOC & Sign-Ups)

I am making the first post in a couple minutes.

@ Oh,ThereWillBeBlood-Okay. Thanks for letting me know.

Re: The Unexpected (OOC & Sign-Ups)

Ackk. I might not do this roleplay. Too many already going on :[

Re: [OOC] The Unexpected

Oh,ThereWillBeBlood- Of Course! It's reserved.

Re: [OOC] The Unexpected

Hey, I'm not sure if you got my character sheet, because I don't know this new system yet... But I sent it hopefully for single mother #2?

Re: [OOC] The Unexpected

Oh.Oh.Oh. Can I have one of the teens still together? The girl? I'll make muh charry sheet in like 2 minutes O:

The Unexpected (OOC & Sign-Ups)

This is the auto-generated OOC topic for the roleplay "The Unexpected"

Emmaline was the perfect daughter and belonged to the perfect family. Having her life already planned out by her eager parents, Emma had little chances to go wrong, but somehow she did. Somehow she managed to ruin her parents dream. Sixteen-year-old Emma just found out that she's pregnant. The father? Yeah, he refused to take responsiblity, breaking things off immediately. To make matters worse, her parents refuse to accept their daughter's pregnancy and refuse to let them embarrass the family. So, what happens? They send Emma away to a home for pregnant teens and teen parents. So what will happen now?

Characters Wanted:
Single Mothers:
- Emmaline Denise Daniels (UCTigerette)
- Heaven Leigh Dahl (Sweet Angel Jocelyn)
- Valentine Blake (XxtwilightXxsam)

Single Fathers:

Teen Parents: (Still Together)
- Couple One
* Girl- Reserved for Oh,ThereWillBeBlood
* Boy-

- Couple Two
* Girl-
* Boy-

Married Couple:
- Couple Three:
* Girl-
* Boy-
Make sure to submit your character with the character application and NOT here! Thank you!