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Molly Bronson

MCU Junior Officer

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a character in “The Unseen World: MCU Archives”, as played by DemiKara



MCU and Council


Basic Information
Disclaimer: portions of this bio and it's formatting were borrowed from Ylanne

Name: Molly Bronson
Titles: Apprentice
Aliases: Host, Molls
Race: Human
Date of Birth (DOB): May 11, 1972
Place of Birth: Tomville, Virginia
Age: 43, appears 21
Height: 6’3”
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Hazel
Physical description:Tall and lithe, Molly is built of solid muscle, that is often hid underneath her work clothes, leading to a slim and harmless appearance.
Distinguishing marks: Molly has a bundle of scar tissue on her lower back, just to the left of her spine, and has innumerable thin scars all over her body. Her forearms are heavily scarred as well, though it’s often hidden with a glamour or makeup.
Citizenship: US
Ethnic origin:The equivalent of Scots-Irish
Religion: None, though she is known to periodically go to church if she suspects free food.
Sexual Orientation: Lesbian
Languages Known: English, Fae Runic, Nordic Runic, Planeswalker Runic

Employment Background

Occupation: MCU Sergeant
Former Occupations: MCU Contractor, Demon Hunter, Student
Occupation and employer: MCU Sergeant, MCU

Health Background

Physical Condition: Very healthy, Molly makes working out a daily priority in her life.
Disabilities: None
Drug and Alcohol Usage History, Illegal or Otherwise: None
History of Health Problems: None
History of Mental Health Problems: Molly’s long term possession has resulted in severe Stockholm Syndrome.


Father: Thomas Bronson, deceased
Mother Claire Matthews Bronson, deceased
Siblings Lauren Hews, John Bronson
Spouse N/A
Children N/A

(friends, lovers, contacts)
Friends: Catherine Dumitrescu, Alexander Summers
Lovers: assorted fae
Mentor: Vex M, and his wife Roz

Contact Information

Current Permanent Address: Oak Lawn Neighborhood

Educational Background

Institutions Attended: Wing City University
Degrees Earned: Bachelor of Science, Xenobiology

Criminal History

Arrests: 22, all assault charges
Criminal Complaints:
Indictments: 0
Detainers: N/A
Traffic Offenses: Gets a speeding ticket about 1/5 of the time she drives.

Skills, Talents, and Equipment

Equipment: Hand wrap, Glock 41
Personal Items:
Job-related skills:
Minor healing abilities. She can’t fix a broken bone, but she’s effective at triage and minor wounds.
Ritual magic - Complex rune circles, largely geared toward defense.
Planeswalking – kept a secret
Magic Channeling. – The ability to channel magic into different body parts
Krav Maga


Ambitions: To live a relatively quiet life full of fist fights in the ring, and an awful lot of books, and, perhaps, a wife.
Fears: Being completely alone, being stuck away from her preferred plane
Attitude toward life and death: Molly believes in an afterlife, but enjoys embracing her lilfe.

History & Background
Molly grew up in a family of demon hunters in a part of the world where demons were not uncommon problems to be dealt with. As a result, she knew of the unseen at a very young age, though she was considered mundane, and didn’t know of the family business until her teen years. It was long before that though, that she first crossed a demon.

At age 7, Molly and her friend Kaitlynn discovered that they had special abilities that they had never heard of before. Both religious girls, they decided these abilities must be a divine gift. Rather, it was the last gift of a mutual friend who had died due to a violent ritual just before this. Their holy gift though, was magic rather than any holy powers, and they soon found that with the magic in them, they became the targets of the demons that plagued the area. By the end of their seventh year, Molly was possessed by the spirit of a demon too weak to do more than rest in her new host. The possession, revenge against the acts of the Bronson family, had cost the demon too much energy. It wasn’t until age 13 that the demon Karato had enough spare energy to fully possess molly. By then, her own abilities were strong enough, that with the help of Kaitlynn and the backing of her family, Molly was able to throw off the possession and strike a deal with the demon inside her. An exorcism would kill them both, in the only form of exorcisms the Bronsons knew. But a deal would allow them to share the body.

Trained by her inner demon to fight with her fists and the magic that she had in her, Molly continued on with her life, growing up to become a demon hunter, with a degree in xenobiology paid for in demon bounties. Shortly after graduating, she was chosen by a planeswalker to be his apprentice and disappeared into the fae realms to learn his craft - whether she wanted to or not – and in that time, Karato and she separated bodies, both choosing to inhabit golems so they could be their own person. On returning abruptly, her apprenticeship interrupted due to her mentor’s trouble with the law, Karato joined MCU, and Molly agreed to work as a contractor. Karato’s nature overtook her though, and she was soon arrested, and the golem form destroyed in jail. Molly accepted the spirit back in her willingly this time, but the act exhausted the demon and she began to rest in a deathlike state.

Her mentor had left her with more than a half finished education though. Molly had a stalker in the form of his brother, the officer who had been sent to arrest her mentor. Molly tried multiple times to escape from this stalker, but he proved many times more powerful than her. Soon, the officer was kidnapped and a ritual was performed, exorcising and killing Karato. Molly now lies alone in her head and is just a little broken by the silence, her mental shields trashed by the ritual, and her instincts thrown out of whack as she contends with all that Karato had hid from her.

So begins...

Molly Bronson's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Catherine Dumitrescu Character Portrait: Molly Bronson Character Portrait: Faust Ian Nequam
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Molly knelt next to the body and reached out with her senses. After a moment she sighed. "It's just going to come up as me." She said and stood, looking down at herself. Damn. This complicated things. "Just not, you know, me, me. The dental records may not match, for example. Maybe she broke different bones, or has different scars. She's definitely not as athletic, if nothing else, but she is me."

Malik was much better at planeswalking than she was. Years of experience, she supposed. The officer shook her head. "I'm getting a dog. I'm getting wards. I had put that off for a bit, but pretty clearly shouldn't have." She didn't know if they'd do a damn thing, but it'd make her feel better. Hell, the dog probably wouldn't do a thing but get in the way, but it'd still make her feel better. "Though I'm going to have to sleep in a hotel until my apartment has been cleared." She wrinkled her nose. "Think my landlord would let me move? I mean, there's a dead body in my apartment. They can't expect a tenant to continue to live here after that, can they?"

Not that the body bothered her all that much. She was shaken, but she'd recover.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Catherine Dumitrescu Character Portrait: Molly Bronson Character Portrait: Faust Ian Nequam
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#, as written by Maestro
If only they knew. Faust had to admit, he didn't know much about ancient magics, interdimensional travel, or half of the other things the Warden had said. He was used to a crime being one human killing another. This may have been out of his league, but he had his reasons for transferring to the MCU. "Whatever you say, boss." He had no other choice but to submit. In truth, getting on his new bosses bad side probably wasn't a good idea. His methods may have been strange, but he was given freedoms in Britain he most likely wouldn't receive here. Faust always considered that if you want something done, do it yourself. He didn't believe in noticing something and just leaving it be for the professionals.

“I’m going to work on a profile for this Malik character. Although you both are evidently familiar with this guy, maybe I can figure out something we’ve overlooked.” Nearing the door, he took one last gander at the crime scene. “Miss Bronson. Warden. Call me if my services are needed.” He had laid on the sarcasm with that last line.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Catherine Dumitrescu Character Portrait: Molly Bronson Character Portrait: Faust Ian Nequam
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She didn't enjoy being goaded by Faust, and could see that they would probably be butting heads again. 'Bloody moron... thinks he's some sort of genius.' Catherine thought to herself as she scowled at the man as he mouthed off for the second and third time since their meeting. "We'll be in touch Faust. Until then, stick to what you're assigned." She said coldly as she followed him to the door, feeling as if she needed to ensure he left. There was something about him that left her unsettled and on edge, but that could be a result of coming off this last case however.

Turning towards Molly, Catherine just shook her head. "A dog? That's not going to do anything Molly." She wondered if the woman even had the time to care for one, muchless what Malik would do to something that only got in the way.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Catherine Dumitrescu Character Portrait: Molly Bronson Character Portrait: Faust Ian Nequam
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Molly nodded to Faust as he left. "He's a weird one." She murmured and then sighed. "And I know it won't." She said and shook her head. "What's a dog going to do against someone who wants Karato back? Nothing." She closed her eyes. The woman sighed and glanced to her room. "I should get some clothes." She shook her head. "But I suppose given he was in my bed, my bedroom is probably considered part of the crime scene."

Oh gods, that was hard. She considered things. "I may just buy new clothes." That meant skirts, as all of her pants were tailor made for her height, as were pretty much all her clothes. She'd have to go shopping in the men's sections for tops and the like. Great. No flattering fits until she could meet up with her tailor. The woman was rambling. She shut her mouth and closed her eyes. "Coffee? There's sugar and creamer, and it's not like I'm getting sleep tonight anyway." Maybe she'd just head into the office until the shops opened up.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Catherine Dumitrescu Character Portrait: Molly Bronson Character Portrait: Faust Ian Nequam
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"Your telling me." Catherine muttered looking back at the door. "Well if it becomes too much more of a problem, I suppose you could go back to the Seelie Court." They would more than willingly close ranks around Molly if they needed to, especially if Catherine told Tatiana what was going on. Listening to Molly, Catherine begrudgingly left the front door open as she went to help herself to a mug of coffee.

Pouring sugar and creamer into the mug, she topped it off with coffee as she considered their current predicament. It could be worse, she could still be in the institution. "Calm down Molly, your mind is moving too quick." Catherine said as she came back into the living room with the coffee. "New clothes might make you feel better, but I don't exactly think that's the solution."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Catherine Dumitrescu Character Portrait: Molly Bronson Character Portrait: Faust Ian Nequam
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Molly smiled. "I do still have all the clothes." She said, entertaining the idea briefly. "And they like me well enough there." It had grown on her, the court. It was just weird being the only human there at all, even if she did fit in well there, height-wise at least. , The officer closed her eyes and focused, meditating and carefully bringing up her shields. They did help her remain calm as it was. "And you're right, it's not. I just don't know how to handle it all." The ME would be here soon enough, to get the body. Soon, being relative, of course. After all it may be a busy night for them.

She took a seat in one of the two armchairs. The body was closer to the couch. "He trashed my place, broke in and stared at me in my sleep. He's going to do it again, and I can't think of a ward that will stop that from happening. I wish I could just punch his lights out, but in comparison to him, I'm a freaking toddler."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Catherine Dumitrescu Character Portrait: Molly Bronson Character Portrait: Faust Ian Nequam
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"Look, the option is on the table if you have to disappear." Catherine said taking a seat in the other chair. This was a macabre scene, two women with coffee, in the middle of the night with a dead body in one's living room, while they talked as if nothing were wrong. "Handling a situation like this isn't something you should know instinctively how to do Molly." She pointed out as she took a sip of her coffee, realizing after that she'd accidentally put too much sugar in it.

"I think what we need to realize is there are now people who know how to get around the basic wards, and would dearly love to make our lives miserable." Catherine didn't have a good answer for Molly's lack of physical strength though. "You're just going to have to outsmart him, if you can't physically harm him."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Catherine Dumitrescu Character Portrait: Molly Bronson
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Some how Molly thought that was easier said than done. "I can try." she said dryly. And an attempt would be made. How the fuck was she supposed to outsmart someone Karato's age. "Hell, maybe I can wake the slumbering ass and get her input on things." She hadn't told Catherine that Karato had survived in some form, hadn't even hinted at it, but given Malik's presence, that cat was more than out of the bag. The officer considered things carefully and sipped the coffee she had made herself.

"Sorry about the staff meeting by the way. Habit. Trying to break out of it though." She had only intended to make a pot of coffee. She had ended up serving it without quite meaning too. If nothing else, the Seelie court had certainly forcefully refined her manners. She turned her attention back to her body on the floor. The flowers, she decided, were what creeped her out the absolute most. She hadn't really considered Karato separate from her in ages, yet here was proof that her inhabitant had a life long before her. Proof in the form of carnations, a dead body, and an asshole of a demon back to stalking her. If nothing else, Molly wouldn't have to worry about any other threats. Last time he had been out, he had made certain nothing could hurt her. Now she realized why of course. She was currently Karato's vessel.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Catherine Dumitrescu Character Portrait: Molly Bronson
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"Maybe, just make sure to do it when I'm not around." Catherine pointed out, having no particular desire to deal with Karato in any way shape or form. But if the demon could offer insight that was practical and useful, she was all for Molly trying to use it. "But next time, you might want to let people know what's going on." She added before taking another sip of her coffee; it was still to sweet, but she guessed she'd have to live with it.

"I suspect it's harder for you than for me to break 15 odd years of ingrained habits." Catherine remarked blithely. She figured that sooner or later Molly would figure out how to adapt; the girl was resilient, she knew that much.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Catherine Dumitrescu Character Portrait: Molly Bronson
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"She doesn't like you all that much." The other took everything too damned calmly. It was maddening at times, but almost expected. "So it wouldn't make sense to do it with you near. I'll grab Bennet for it. She's never met him." She should be neutral at best with the other. He was a warden, if a fairly new one. At least, she assumed he was new. The officer sighed and wrinkled her nose.

"You aren't picking on me about being 'just a babe' again are you? Because if I want that, I'll just planeswalk my ass back to the court and let them fawn and coo and declare me ever so young and just a child." At least she did get candy out of it. That had always been a plus. The fact that she could navigate as to which food would keep her there and which wouldn't helped at well. Molly glanced to the dead body.

Some part of her knew her reaction wasn't a good one, a sane one. She should be panicking, freaking out. She should be in tears or something like that. That was her dead on the floor, heart ripped out. She was the one with a bloody puzzle piece and a bouquet of carnations in her chest. But it wasn't her at the same time. It was another her, less athletic, less of a fighter, less well trained. Maybe her panic was just waiting until the body was gone or something.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Catherine Dumitrescu Character Portrait: Molly Bronson
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"I don't expect anyone to like me Molly, not you, and most certainly not Karato." She said pointedly. Never once had she tried to win over either Molly or Karato, instead trying to keep a decent relationship with them as their boss and not a friend. However, it seemed that over the years things had slid without either one really realizing it.

Catherine's jaw tightened with the jab from Molly, it felt as if the other were putting words in her mouth that had never come out in the first place. She could never remember calling Molly a 'babe' or making remarks about how young she was compared to a good chunk of the unseen world. Setting down her coffee, on a nearby end table, she was quiet for a moment before responding. "If you want to return to the fae, be my guest." She couldn't think of any witty jabs or snarky replies, it just wasn't there.

"I'm sure that Tatiana would love to see you again." Catherine had almost used a different word but caught herself before she could utter it.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Catherine Dumitrescu Character Portrait: Molly Bronson
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Molly had stepped in it. "Tough. You're stuck with me here, and I do like you well enough. I wouldn't tease you if I didn't." She wrinkled her nose. "I'm just feeling young and outclassed is all. I couldn't even touch him." She ignored it as tears beaded at the corners of her eyes. "I tried too. The bastard even let me put damn cuffs on him, just to show how little of a chance I stood, no doubt." What good was she as an officer if she couldn't take out one man.

She took a deep breath. "Where the fuck is the ME? I want the body out of my place." She finished her coffee and stood with a surge. "Want a snack? I probably have cereal bars or something. Maybe peanut butter and celery?" That she knew she had. She loved that as a snack. The woman swallowed and moved to the kitchen. Making it would give her something to focus on other than the fact that she was dead in the middle of the floor.

It wasn't her. She was still here, living, standing. She was alive. The body wasn't her.

But it was.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Catherine Dumitrescu Character Portrait: Molly Bronson
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Looking at her watch, Catherine sighed seeing that this situation wasn't going anywhere and quick. "I'm fine, get yourself something to eat if you like Molly." She answered, thinking it might be time to call the ME and see what the hell was going on. It wasn't like them to be over an hour late, Dallas was big, but not that big.

Just as she was about to pull out her phone to call, the ME made their appearance. "About damn time. Do you know how morbid it is to be sitting here with a dead body like this?" Catherine stated as the paramedics and the ME came into the apartment.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Catherine Dumitrescu Character Portrait: Molly Bronson
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They were here. "I'm going to pack an overnight." she said, now that they were here now. "I can't stay here." she murmured and disappeared into her room. She couldn't watch them work over her body, even if if wasn't her body. Molly made it as far as her bed and then closed her eyes and let the tears fall. He was back. He as back, and it wasn't safe, and he wanted Karato. Karato was too tired to deal with this. She was exhausted and recovering, and not even speaking to her, not even grunts.

And now Malik was back. She forced herself to stand, grabbed her gym bag, and put clothes in her bags haphazardly. She likely wouldn't look well put together for the next several days, but did it matter? Not right now. Right now the world was falling about her ears and the sky had come crashing down and the terror of fifteen years ago was back again. She was stronger now. Her time in the court hadn't only been about socializing and helping out Catherine. She could handle this.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Catherine Dumitrescu Character Portrait: Molly Bronson
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The ME and Warden continued to argue about what was considered an acceptable time frame to respond to a call while Molly packed. "Over an hour.. nearly two whole fucking hours! Traffic is bad, but it's not that bad." She said to the ME acerbically. The ME simply offered a shrug as they filled out the paperwork for the lab and disposal of the body. "I'm here aren't I?" They said plainly as the team made quick work of the scene in front of them. "Sign here please Warden." They said handing over the clipboard for Catherine to sign. Giving the ME a dirty look, she signed the form and shoved the clipboard back at them.

After the clean up team was gone, Catherine was getting ready to leave, and went to find Molly. "You going to okay?" It was a stupid question, obviously the other wasn't okay. Not after what had happened that evening.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Catherine Dumitrescu Character Portrait: Molly Bronson
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Molly took a deep breath and considered things carefully. "I will be." She whispered and then double checked she had everything. Shirts, pants, underclothes. Socks. Her wallet was in her front pocket. Her keys should be on the counter where she left them, and her phone charger and phone were in her bag. "I will be." She hoped. She hoped, she hoped, she hoped she would be okay. Molly slammed her shields up hard, so she was a properly blank wall in her mind. The other did not need to know how badly she was panicking.

She could hold it together long enough to get to a hotel room at least. She'd have to put up some wards first, but then she could panic. Or maybe she could just head into the office. There were showers there, if never used ones. She could go there, shower off and get started with the next day's work early. Or late. She didn't know at this point. Work sounded good. It would take her mind off Malik.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Catherine Dumitrescu Character Portrait: Molly Bronson
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Catherine eyed the woman for a minute with veiled suspicion, she didn't seem fine. "This probably seems strange coming from me of all people, but why don't you stay at my place for awhile? I've got a guestroom, and it's largely safe." She had seen to it that heavier, and more substantial wards were placed on the property after the thrall broken in in the middle of the night.

"If only because you don't need any additional stress after this." She pointed out, trying to justify the idea. Catherine knew it wasn't always a good idea to be alone after a traumatic event, the mind tended to play tricks on a person in the hours afterwards.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Catherine Dumitrescu Character Portrait: Molly Bronson
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Molly subtly pinched herself. Catherine was right though. It would make sense. The woman took a breath and nodded in acceptance. "Alright. Let me grab the amulet that lets my shield stay up in my sleep." She headed to her jewelry box and grabbed it, slipping it over her head. Fifteen years, and she still couldn't manage to shield through her sleep some nights. She wasn't letting Catherine deal with that either. "Thanks." she said quietly.

She was glad that the other had offered. Catherine would likely have a much more secure place, one that even Malik would struggle to break into. She clinched her hand about the amulet and took a deep breath. "It should all be processed soon enough. Once that's over, I'll get some crime scene cleaners in and move back. I'm not letting that creep kick me out of my home." She'd likely try and find a hotel to stay at soon enough.

The woman sighed and shook her head. There was a lot to do. "This is stupid. Why can't criminals leave officers alone. MCU Dallas has had too much shit from these assholes lately."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Catherine Dumitrescu Character Portrait: Molly Bronson
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Catherine didn't say anything about Molly's quiet thank you for her offer. "No, you shouldn't let him run you out of your own home." She said in agreement. Tonight was going to be another one of those nights where she sat up, trying to decompress from the chaos of the day. Getting pulled out on a call just as she was getting ready to settle in for the evening was not exactly pleasant, especially when you were greeted with a dead body that was for all intents and purposes a doppleganger for one of your coworkers.

"Well everything is as wrapped up here as it's going to get till we can get someone to clean the place." That might take awhile, especially with really only one or two companies in the area.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Catherine Dumitrescu Character Portrait: Molly Bronson
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Molly nodded and sighed, grabbing her bag. "Let's go. I'll lock up on the way out." She stretched and sighed. She'd get what sleep she could then hit the gym for a few hours. That always helped. The woman could pretend she was punching the shit out of Malik, rather than the bag itself. That was always soothing. Molly nodded to Catherine, headed to the other room and grabbed her keys. She'd be bunking with her boss tonight, and wasn't that basically the weirdest thing she could think of doing.

At least there was a bed and not a couch involved. It'd be too short, but all beds were too short, so hey, that was zero surprise.