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The War of the Bloodlines

Ordoghaz Manor; Szentendre, Hungary


a part of The War of the Bloodlines, by crybloodredtears.


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Ordoghaz Manor; Szentendre, Hungary is a part of The War of the Bloodlines.

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William Bathory [0] King of the Vampires
Ibram Gaunt [0] Lycian Prince
Alexandrea Bathory [0] The Vampire Princess who wishes for the war to end and peace to come between the Lycan and Vampire races.

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"Idiotic, my dear man?" Ibram asks, eyebrow raised "This is life, and maybe you ought to think about just how stupid this war was while you live in a nice townhouse in the Madrid with your daughter, under the eye of Countess Carmen." He snaps his fingers, and the Assassins take William and Arlena into the limo, where one of the Assassins has killed the driver and will take them away. Just before the limo door is closed, Ibram decides to prove it's over to the King. He pulls Alexandrea close to him, and kisses her in front of her father and her sister. "It's over, it's finally over." He sighs as he hugs her, than pulls away. "Our lives and people can be at peace." He smiles at her, than the twing of a crossbow echoes, and the Lycan's smile turns into a gasp of pain and astonishment, a crossbow bolt with a silver tip pierced through his body, entering from his back and the tip showing through his clothing in his chest. He looks down at the blood and the bolt, and looks back up at his fiancee in shock before collapsing. Ezio rushes towards Ibram, and checks his vitals. "It's not fatal, he should be fine." the Assassin says before a groan from behind him nabs his attention. One of the Vampire Guards holds the crossbow shakily, the bolt from the Assassins in his arm. "My Lord, I shall serve your wish unto death." He says behind gritting teeth to William before reloading, this time with a wooden bolt, and aiming at Alexandrea. He fires off the bolt, before succumbing to his wounds and Ezio's pistol.

OOC: He's only wounded, he won't die. So don't commit suicide or anything, and please don't make it so the shot kills her.

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Carmen walked down the halls of the Gaunt's manor, a smile permanently planted on her face. She couldn't get over the fact that Ibram, heart breaker of the lycan world, proposed. She thought back to it all and re-evaluating Alexandrea, she seemed like a wonderful girl, sweet, gentle, and not to mention astronomically beautiful. She had to admit, Ibram sure knew how to pick them. She laughed silently to herself remembering that most people use that as a negative thing.

"Countess," she heard a deep voice call behind her. She wiped the smile off her face and turned around, seeing it was Kharne she bowed quickly. "What are you doing out this late? I thought you'd be asleep?"

"Oh, just restless from the traveling. I wanted to stretch my legs," Carmen said completely calm.

"Walk with me, we need to talk," Kharne said, he placed his hand lightly on the small of her back directing her towards his office. Carmen followed silently, not wanting to be rude. His office was small, a mahogany desk was in the middle taking up most of the space, a single wooden chair on the side they were on and a large swivel warm brown leather on the other side. Kharne walked to the leather chair letting Carmen slip gently down into the wooden one.

“So what’s the discussion going to be about this time, my lord?” Carmen asked.

“Why you came,” Kharne answered.

“My men and I are backing out of the war. No more fighting or pain, we just want to live peacefully,” Carmen said. She stood up just as gracefully as when she sat, “That’s all”. Kharne’s face grew stern and he stood up carefully and slowly.

“If you’re not going to help then you can’t stay here,” he said his voice trembling slightly with his temper.

“I was also hoping to persuade you to back out of this war as well,” Carmen said, she eyed him cautiously.

“You will never persuade me of such treason,” he spat, Carmen wiped the spit off with a finger.

“I will one day,” Carmen said, she stepped out of the office going to the front door along the way her servant ran up to her and bowed.

“Embale mis cosas, nos marchamos,” Carmen said, her temper simmering as she ordered her servant to pack her things. The servant bowed again and left, Carmen walked out the door and into the streets above, going nowhere in particular just walking. Soon she found herself outside of the vampire’s manor. She walked up to a part of fence by the front gate; she sighed and leaned against it ever so casually. She knew they weren’t there, she could tell because birds and other night creatures could be heard running around, unlike if the vampires were home when it was dead silent.

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"GO GO GO!" The Russian Lycan Kureshnekov yells as the Rebels charge, and quickly overtake the outer defenses. "Get the Countess out of here!" he yells as two soldiers take the Countess behind their lines, as they breach the mansion. They quickly make their way to Kharne's office, where they breach the room. "What's going on here!" He snarls as the soldiers rush in. "Sorry sir, but this is a Revolution." A soldier says before nailing the King in the head with the butt of his rifle. "Secure the rest of the Castle! Go go go!" They yell as they take Kharne's unconscious form out behind the main lines. "Countess, Ibram is on the phone. He wants to know whether that manor for the former King you promised is ready yet." The general says as Carmen is brought before them. "Do not worry, the Prince, or should I say the new King, has already told us you are with us."

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As Carmen came back into the room that she had recently stormed out of she saw that now Kharne wasn't behind the desk, but the general. He explained that he knew she wasn't a threat to the cause and asked her about the manor they would be putting the former king in, is ready.

Carmen just nodded in response, realizing that everything had gotten tense, like a storm cloud blowing in quickly.

"Did everything go as planned?" she asked, her voice giving away the fact that she was concerned about Ibram and Alexandrea's safety, though she could care less who knew that she had emotions, after all she was for the most part a human anyways so she should have emotions. The general smiled lightly and nodded, the tight squeeze that was building in her chest released and she found breathing had become easier. "Good," was all she said, she then left and headed towards the library where she would wait for Ibram and Alexandrea, just to see for herself that everything was all right. Because even though the general said everything went well, Carmen still had her doubts.

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"Madam, madam!" A soldier rushes up "Quickly, come with me! Ibram has been wounded by a silver bolt! Come quickly!" he yells before running off towards the vehicle depot, where soldiers rush around, trying to start up their vehicles and get to the new King's aid.

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Carmen's heart nearly stopped at hearing Ibram was shot. She ran as fast as she could to the vehicle depot, where a large group of soldiers were surrounding a car. She was a lighting fast blur as she rushed to Ibram's side. When she got there she saw that he had indeed been shot and in the chest, and his blood had gotten all over soaking his entire person. She looked around frantically to see if she could find Alexandrea, knowing that she would have the correct information and that she was probably just as scared, if not more so, about this whole situation and would need a friendly and comforting face.

She quickly found Alexandrea sitting next to Ibram, clinging to him tightly and looking absolutely terrified. She walked over to her, placing both her hands on her shoulders, letting Alexandrea know that she was there for her and Ibram.

She bent down and whispered in her ear, "He's going to be okay. I know Ibram and he's a fighter, he'll be fine". Her words she hoped were comforting Alexandrea better than they were comforting herself.

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Alexandrea had rather enjoyed the kiss that had shown her father, and even her sister, that his reign had definitely come to an end. Ibram's sudden gasp of pain and the sight of the silver-tipped bolt causing her eyes to widen in shock as she had tried to hold him up. Unfortunately, the smell and sight of the blood caused her pale blue irises to change to a blood red, matching her dress, as her fangs elongated. She bit them into her bottom lip as she forced herself to release him before she accidentally hurt him worse.

At the sound of a groan Alexandrea's worried eyes turned from her fiance, who was now laying on the ground, to the Vampire Guard who now held a crossbow with a wooden bolt aimed right at her. She almost smiled at the irony and just as it was fired she moved at the last possible instant to dodge it and made sure to stay at his side.

The Vampire Princess, who had now returned to normal, sat beside her fiance and held his hand tightly as her eyes flicked from each person who came nearby. Whenever her gaze came upon Ibram she tried to muster all the love in her eyes as well as hide her fear for him, regardless of being told he would be alright.

When Carmen came, Alexandrea almost breathed a sigh of relief at the sound of the woman's voice. Strangely, as she had only said a very little to her, it had comforted the younger female tremendously and she looked to her with a small and somewhat forced smile on her lips. Though her words came out quiet and careful. Pleading.

" Don't leave."

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"Argh..." Ibram groans as he tries to get up, but manages just to fall back onto his back. "Damn it..." he looks at his fiancee and his aunt. His hand shakily moves, and grasps the bolt. He grits his teeth before he rips the arrow out, gasping in pain.

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Alexandrea's strained smile disappeared as she stared at the sight of Ibram pulling the arrow from his body. She quickly moved forward to prop him up a little bit as she shook her head at him.

" Don't. You'll only hurt yourself more."

Her eyes showed exactly how concerned she was and possibly even a trace of fear, as she felt her heart begin to race all over again.

" Trust you to get injured just after getting engaged," She sighed as she shook her head, her small smile returning as she tried to joke. She knew for a fact that it had failed but, hey, she had tried.

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"It's okay babe, I'm a fighter by nature and blood." he says, a smile brightening his face as she jokes. "I love you." he says, arching his neck up to kiss her, wrapping his arms around her waist. "You worrying will only make me worry, so please don't."

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Carmen grimaced slightly more as Ibram ripped the arrow out. She wanted to help, but knew that it would be better if she didn't get in between the newly engaged. She got up quickly and walked over to nurses who were getting things together...still. Her face was stern and her eyes narrowed as she saw this.

"You should be helping Ibram, not just standing here," she hissed, crossing her arms. The nurses looked up to find a very angry lycan, who had a great deal of power herself. Seeing this they looked scared and could barely move. Carmen, exasperated at seeing them too scared to move while Ibram was badly wounded, shoved them out of the way grabbing some pain medicine, hot water, and herbal tea. When she got back to Ibram she ripped off one of her sleeves, quickly soaking it in the pain medication. She bent down and put it over top of Ibram's wound.

Carmen looked up at Alexandrea, quickly saying, "Hold this to his wound with pressure, till he says he can't feel anything, then rinse it in the water and hold it again to the wound. This will help it heal. The tea she be poured on after about a half hour. ,Tengo que ir tienen cuidado del negocio, antes de que algún otro idiota haga asuntos peores" she said not realizing she had changed to Spanish. She got up and walked over to where the general was, with the vampire king and his other daughter.

"¿Cuál es su plan para estos dos? ¿Planee lanzarlos en el río?" she sarcastically asked the general, annoyance in her voice. She knew what was going to happen to them, she was just so pissed off at everyone to care. The general looked at her confused, she sighed frustrated at nobody doing anything, while their future kind and her nephew was in complete pain. "Learn spanish," was all she said. The general seeing she was in no mood for, to her, others' stupidity did the best he could to interpret what she said.

"They will be heading to your manor in Madrid, Señora," the general said cautiously, using a little of the Spanish he knew. Carmen, ignoring the general and his weak answer walked over to the vampire King.

"Usted se quedará con. Y usted seguirá mi regla sin duda. ¿Es entendido esto?" she asked him, rage flaming in her coffee brown eyes.

"Tengo que ir tienen cuidado del negocio, antes de que algún otro idiota haga asuntos peores" : I have to go take care of business, before some other idiot makes matters worse.

"¿Cuál es su plan para estos dos? ¿Planee lanzarlos en el río?" : What is your plan for these two? Plan on throwing them in the river?

"Usted se quedará con. Y usted seguirá mi regla sin duda. ¿Es entendido esto?" : You will be staying with. And you will be following my rule without question. Is that understood?

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Alexandrea took a deep breath as she kept her expression completely calm, nodding slightly at Ibram in response. She kept silent as she released herself from Ibram's hold before she began to assist Carmen. She accepted the ripped piece of clothing and did exactly as she had been instructed, holding it tightly to his wound. The princess grimaced at the smell of the blood, realizing she was no doubt covered in it as well that she was probably causing Ibram some minor discomfort. More likely lots of actual pain than anything that barely felt sore.

" How are you feeling?" She asked quietly as the hand that was not pressing the cloth to his blood covered torso moved to gently hold Ibram's cheek in her palm. Concern filled her usually calm and icy eyes, making her appear mismatched as the look in her eyes did not in fact match her actual expression. She ignored that Carmen had just walked over to where her father and sister were currently being carefully watched.

William smiled at the woman that now stood before him, barely glancing at his eldest daughter as he did so. His 6 foot 6 inches towwering over her as his silver eyes stared at her in his usual analytical manner. Arlena kept her facial expression blank for fear of saying or doing anything that would anger her father further. After all, she had understood what Carmen had said, both vampires had, and knew he wouldn't be anymore pleased by the orders than she was. The woman was a filthy dog anyways. Who was she, a regular consort, to order blood royalty about?!

The man kept his expression seeming peaceful, kind, but there was underlying tension and anger also barely managed to be hidden below his slight amusement. Unknowingly, he voice his daughters opinions.

" You are ordering me around?" He asked lazily as his silver gaze moved over the guards surrounding him and his daughter. This was Arlena's chance to speak now, she knew it and she took it.

" Why should my father and I obey you? You won't kill us." She spoke carefully but with her own authority as her gaze moved to find her sister, Alexandrea bent over her fiance. Her cerulean gaze becoming pointed as she knew the other woman had realized where her stare had gone, " She won't let you and if you really did kill us. You risk losing her trust and starting a whole new war."

// Sorry for any spelling errors, I can edit them later today but it's very early in the morning and I'm apparently very tired. Sorry again.

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Carmen looked sharply at the girl who had spoken.

Changing back to English she replied, with her eyes narrowing, "I may not be able to kill, yes, but trust me there are far worse things that could happen to someone who isn't careful. And not obeying my rule would be a foolish thing indeed". She looked at the general and nodded a farewell before walking over to her servant who had all her things packed and stacked around her.

"Usted está listo a ir mi señora," the servant said shyly, noticing the stern look on her Countess's face. At seeing her servant so small looking, Carmen's face and overall attitude calmed, like the eye of a storm.

"Podemos ser detenidos un poco más largos. Quiero quedarme hasta que yo sepa para cierto Ibram es bien," Carmen answered, looking back over her shoulder at Ibram's crippled form being covered by Alexadrea's care. Noticing that her Countess had grown solemn, she brushed her arm lightly. Carmen gave a small smile to her servant before pulling her into a hug. "Yo sería perdido sin usted, Abella. Quiero que usted sepa esto," Carmen said, closing her eyes, letting the warmth of her servant's body flow into her.


"Usted está listo a ir mi señora" :You are ready to go my lady

"Podemos ser detenidos un poco más largos. Quiero quedarme hasta que yo sepa para cierto Ibram es bien" : We may be detained a little longer. I want to stay until I know for certain Ibram is okay.

"Yo sería perdido sin usted, Abella. Quiero que usted sepa esto" : I would be lost without you, Abella. I want you to know that.

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Arlena raised her eyebrow at the woman, masking any emotion with ease as her cerulean gaze shifted to her father. He had sat down, deciding he wouldn't fight back, for now at least. He looked around coolly and pointedly ignored his eldest daughters attempts to catch his attention, he knew she wanted to be comforted and play up the fact that she had just been threatened.

William was not in the mood to comfort, or even play at it, he only wanted to kill the Lycans.. And punish his youngest for pulling this stunt of hers. That's exactly what he thought of it too. A stunt. A childish attempt to get attention.

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Carmen and Abella sat down on her luggage, as they watched from a distance at Alexandrea taking care of Ibram. Carmen took hold of Abella's hands in her own, wanting to be comforted. No one spoke a word for several minutes, all that made sound was a slight breeze flying its way through this tense scene.

Every now and then Carmen's eyes would wander over to where the vampire king sat. He looked bored and emotionless, though she knew one thing for sure about him, he wasn't emotionless, no one could be, but she didn't know which emotion he was feeling. His eldest daughter stood beside his side trying to catch his attention and most likely be comforted herself, but she had no such luck. At one point the King's eyes met up with her's, Carmen kept her gaze, not embarrassed or frightened that he had caught her looking. Her eyes, that were normally a sunny dark brown full of energy and joy, were now dull with sadness. She slowly looked back to Ibram, she could tell from here that his chest was rising and falling at a normal rate, a good sign, he was healing.

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Alexandra tried her hardest to remain as calm as she could while she knew she was hurting Ibram. She felt extremely guilty considering how things had gone. It was her fault, wasn't it? She was quite certain it was althoguh everything was more of a blur now and she could barely distinguish between whose fault it truly was. She glanced up to look at her older sister, Arlena, for a quick moment before flickering her gaze back to her fiance. Arlena seemed somewhat pleased by how things had gone, Alexandrea noted with a sick feeling inside her. The only thing that made Alexandrea feel slightly better was that Arlena's cerulean orbs had held the deep feeling of fear within them.

The new Queen of the Vampires, as she would be known as soon, disliked how the look in her sisters eyes had made her feel even somewhat better. She knew it was only anger and fear that brought the dark portion of the emotion satisfaction from inside her heart, especially regarding Arlena's fear.

Arlena had felt her sisters gaze on her and had raised her head to glare at her, unknowingly giving away her fears as she did so. She moved closer to her father and sat in the chair that had been brought beside him, lowering her head into her hands as she did so. She felt utterly and completely defeated.. For now.

William sighed as he stared, unflinchingly, back into the deep saddened depths of Carmen's eyes. Inside his heart, if he had had one and if it was beating, he might have felt guilty or perhaps even ashamed of everything he had done. But he didn't and so; he didn't. He still thought it was all he could have done, especially at the time when the war had begun and such. He didn't even mind that he had raised both his children in an environment that was definitely not well suited for children to be raised, especially not Vampire children regardless of their durability.

His daughters were not as strong as they thought, one was breaking down right beside him while the other worried for her beloved's sake as the Lycan suffered his way as his body healed. Sooner or later, Alexandrea would break again and William would be there to watch his daughter fall and take up his throne again. Nothing would get in his way, he would make sure of it.