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Joanna "Jojo" Pasang

"I'm starving! Let's get some food!"

0 · 430 views · located in The Great Nation

a character in “The Way of Water”, as played by misssweetness821


:: Puppet Master ::
Your Role-player Name :: Chloe DeLuca
Your View On Role-playing :: Well, I would have to say that I love it! I hop on everyday, and get to experience a whole new world of people and interactions, not just through the role playing itself, but the friends that I make. There are a couple of people on here, though I have never really met them, I would consider my friends because we RP together a lot. It's fun, and challenging.
Your Idea of Character Development :: My characters start ot with a string historical background, and a basis personality. I like to evolve as the RP continues, but I do start out with a basic set of skills.
Your Estimate on Time Commitment :: I am on pretty much everyday, during my free time I sit in front of my PC waiting for exciting things to happen.

"Airbending is all about spiral movements. When you meet resistance, you must be able to switch direction at a moment's notice."
β€”Master Tenzin

:: Puppet Basics ::

Joanna Pasang
Nick Name :: Jojo
Age :: 19
Face Claim :: Jessica Stroup
Nation ::Air Nomads
Bender :: Yes

:: Puppet Appearance ::

ImageHeight :: 5'0
Weight ::110
Eyes :: Gold
Hair :: Brown
Physical Description :: Jojo is a petit girl, with short pixie brown hair. She of course has Air bender tattoos running down her arms and legs, and across her back and chest. An arrow is hidden under her bangs as well, but can be seen on the back of her neck.
She can be seen wearing a yellow, button up blouse with a frilly neckline. She sports a gray vest, and tight gray skinny pants. On her feet she wears yellow ballet flats, and for accessories, a yellow checkered scarf. Her clothing is made from a material designed by the Air Nomads to be lightweight, flexible and breathable.
If you would like a visual here are examples of the pieces. 1, 2, 3, 4
However when she has a planned battle, which she knows about in advanced she wars traditional monk fighting attire. The Airbenders stray from heavy armor, relying on their agility and bending to evade strikes. The colors are traditional yellow and orange, with white leggings and armored boots. On her shoulder and forearms she has matching bracers. Her belt is engraved with the Air Nomads Seal. 1
She is best identified by her golden eyes and her Master Tattoos. Another factor can be her yellow checkered scarf, which she wraps around her head to hide her tattoos and eyes when she needs to. To hide her arms she will wear a black cloak-and-dagger cloak with shiny gold buttons running in two rows down the front. She loved the thick cuffs and it fit well on her lean petite body. To hide her hands she wear vintage, lace finger-less gloves with a yellow ribbon on each. Those who know her, know to look for these things in a crowd, her fireflies in the night., or her Catowl carrying messages.1,2.

:: Puppet Personality ::

Quirks :: Jojo is a free-spirit, and sometimes can be a little air-headed. She doesn't like thinking about things to much, unless they are very important, preferring to let things take their course. This can sometimes upset others, and make her seem lazy and irresponsible, when truly she just doesn't want to waste her time on things she can not change.
Another quirk of hers, and most Air Nomads is her strict vegetarianism. She loves traveling the world and tasting all the things the different continents had to offer.
Personality :: Jojo lives externally, using her five senses to assess things in literal and logical fashion. When she does internalize problems, she uses her feelings toward the situation and her own personal standards to shape her responses.
Jojo lives in the world of people possibilities and loves new people and new experiences. She lives in the here-and-now and relishes in the excitement and drama in her life. She is definitely a spontaneous, optimistic individual. Though she tends to be over-indulgent, and to place more importance on immediate sensation and gratification than on their duties and obligations. Often times she doesn't assess the long term consequences of her actions.
She is very practical, although she hates structure and routine. She likes to "go with the flow", trusting in her ability to improvise in any situation presented. She is a hands on learner.
She is known to quickly make strong bonds with people and animals.

    ☺ Warm Summer Air
    ☺ The Feeling of the Wind in Her Hair
    ☺ Animals
    ☺ New Places and New Experiences
    ☺ Moon Peaches
    ☹ Threatening People
    ☹ Overcooked Food
    ☹ Reading or Concentrating on One Thing for Too Long
    ☹ Thinking Too Long about The Past, or Too Hard about The Future
    ☹ Pork, Chicken, Beef, Duck, Turkey, Fish, Seafood of any Kind or Cabbage.

    ❀ Flying
    ❀ Bending
    ❀ Trying New Foods/Eating
  • Platypus bears
  • Food Poisoning
  • The Death of Loved Ones
  • Being Alone

    Fun Facts:
    1)Jojo loves to eat, but is a terrible cook.
    2)She has a lantern full of fireflies, which she can use when she airbends.
    3)She prefers to sleep outside to indoors, generally preferring the outdoors to being stuck inside anyhow.
    4)While she was in the Fire Nation, she bought a Catowl to carry her messages to and from the Council, and updates on her progress in creating her technique.


:: Puppet History ::

Family :: Jojo's mother and father live on Air Temple Island. Her mother's name is Delphina and her father's name is Joerge. They go by the names Nina and Jo. They were not born with the ability to bend. As time passed, more and more children were born like this, causing the air bending bloodline to dwindle. Very few were aver born with the ability to bend, and Jojo was one of them.
Her father was born in the eastern Air Temple, her Mother in the West. They met while her father was delivering a message to the Council in her mother's Temple. Her grandfather on her mother's side was an Elder on the Council, A Bending Master. Her grandparents on her father's side are both dead, and Jojo has never met them. Her parents are waiting for her back on the island, having given her permission to travel the world on her 15th birthday, the day she became a Master.
History :: Since Jojo was a child she has been gifted, a prodigy in air bending. She began training at the age of 10.
It took her only two days to master the gates, which teaches instinct to avoid and evade conflict, as well as to follow the path with least resistance. She easily weaved through the gates, never touching them and mastering her ability to move quickly and flow like the wind.
Her next task in training was meditation, one aspect that was very difficult for her, but after a week she was able to clear her mind completely and maintain the flow of her chakra's. She finally understood she needed to allow her spirit to wander freely, like the air around her.
Her final task ,though it may seem humorous, was to beat Master Tenzin at a game of air ball, which took her weeks to accomplish.
At the age of 15 she earned her air bending tattoos, recognizing her as a master. To do this she had to master the 36 tiers of air bending including mastering gliding, and fighting with both staffs and fans. Though now she travels the world tasting all of the foods in the world, she is truly attempting the last great feat of a master. She is trying to create her own technique for air bending, allowing her to teach on the Island as one of the Final Four Airbenders. She has been traveling for 2 years now.
Her biggest achievement in life came to her shortly after she left. Jojo came across the new avatar while traveling through a water tribe village. He demonstrated his ability with ease, his natural talent was awe-inspiring. She approached the boy and his family, and broke the news to them that their son was in fact the shining light the whole world would look to one day. She became his master, and strives to pass on all the knowledge the Master Tenzin had passed to her. The boy was very very young, and had quite a bit of learning left before he would be able to take on anything.
Her companion, is actually 56 small little fireflies, which she uses as a light source. One day, when she was playing with her little bugs, she bent the air under them and could send them anywhere she wanted to. For example, she sent a group of them down a long dark corridor and lit her way. The come in handy when searching for things as well, and have a naturally ability to find fruit trees. She also has with her a Cat Owl, which she bought while traveling through the Fire Nation.
She now sits on the Council as one of the youngest Masters, though she chooses to travel the world as opposed to live on the Island. She does, however still receive messages from the Council, and often times they include a summons.

:: Final ::

"Jojo's Travels~Fire Nation"

The veins on Jojo’s neck were pulsating beneath the scarf wrapped around her head. Shoving her hands in her pockets she tried desperately to ignore all the sounds and colors of the city. It was bustling, even at night…something she wasn’t used to quiet yet. Her shoes tapped lightly on the ground beneath her as she made her way through the crowd, though her own sounds were lost in the voice of the city.
Her golden eyes flicked from face to face, always cautious as to who was around her, some of the fire nation citizens still had issues with air benders. Lifting her hands to her face she pulled the scarf wrapped around her head forward to shadow her eyes, the little bows on her hands dangling delicately. She was the size of a little girl, her black coat hanging like a dress on her, but she had the power of a warrior. Hanging from her hip was a lantern covered in fabric, a slight glow coming through the linen. Her staff and glider hung across her back, and two holders holding her fans were strapped to the back of her thighs. Walking with her head low she dodged the citizens, careful not to reveal her identity, though most of them weren’t paying much attention to her.
Today Jojo was looking for a companion. Not one who walks and talks as she does, no, Jojo was seeking a flying companion, one to carry messages for her. Glancing up, she assessed the marketplace around her. The shops all had doors leading into them, and their merchandize was located indoors.
β€œAre the Air nomads the only ones with true customs anymore?
She thought a moment, then sighed deeply, exhaling a plume of air with a little more force than she wanted. With the monks she learned not to harbor rage and aim it at others. Though it was the fire nations fault her people were gone today, it was not these people before her. If she kept letting her fear and emotions get the better of her, she would be caught quickly.
Glancing around her heart sank, ”I’ll never find my way around this marketplace…
Just then however, a scent drifted to her. Pasta…her favorite! The smell came from a corner cafΓ©, the Jasmine Dragon. Wandering in, she took in the quaint little cafΓ©. The seating was warm, and soft. The dΓ©cor, was of course red and orange plastered with the symbol of the fire nation everywhere, though the atmosphere seemed kinder.
Taking her seat she lifted the menu, ”These people sure do eat a lot of meat here…” she said as she scanned the menu, passing over the Komodo sausage and the Roast duck, she settled on a bowl of noodles with ocean kumquat and seaweed, and of course a cup of jasmine tea. A young man brought it to her, bowing as her served her.
It looked delicious, and hot steam furled up from the bowl as she moved her chopsticks around the soup. It exploded with salty ness and intense heat, a flavor combination Jojo enjoyed. The seaweed was fine, and divine as it danced around the chunks of the ocean vegetable. The city before her moved quickly, but she was held in the moment. Food was her passion, and this was one of the best little cafes she had ever been too. Sipping her tea as she pushed her empty bowl away, she looked around at the other shops.
The young man returned to her table, and silently reached for her bowl. As he turned away, Jojo reached out and grabbed his arm, stopping him.
”You don’t know where I can find the Black Market do you?” she asked teasingly,”Actually I am looking for a flying companion. You see, I have some messages to send, and no way to send them.”
The boy turned to her, and glared for a moment. She assumed he was deciding whether to trust her or not, so she tossed two gold coins on the table, and made them spin and dance with the air.
”Help me and I’ll make it worth your while, she grinned, being careful never to lift her gaze to his. Seeing th gold, he turned and bowed to her, pointing down the road. He told her of a small store, wedged between two larger ones, which had blocked out its windows. Only those that knew about its existence knew it was open. People tended not to wander into the ominous shack. She thanked the boy with two more gold coins and hopped off the stool, pushing through the crowd until she found the building.
Faint animals calls could be heard as she pushed open the door, tapping the lantern on her hip. The fireflies began to glow. The door slid shut behind her as she began walked deeper down the dark path. As she reached the end of the long tunnel, a light could be seen through a ornate cloth hanging in a doorway. Gripping her staff, she parted the fabric.
She was greeted by a room full of animals, and more than just herself wandering around.
Releasing her weapon she approached some of the cages, seeing animals from all over the world in one place. It seemed a little shady, but the animals weren’t crying and they all had food and water in their cages. Shrugging she places her hand on a cage housing a Cat Owl. A cat owl is a bird that has the head of a cat, along with the wings and body of an owl. It’s paw-like talons are covered in fur. Its torso is a soft gray, with creamy white wings, feet, tail, and paws. It was the creatures green eyes that drew Jojo near however.
Opening the cage she offered her arm to the bird, which climbed up onto her shoulder and purred as it rubbed Jojo’s face. Laughing she tossed the coins to the vender and pet the beast.
”Your name shall be Echo.
Smiling she walked out of the shop and onto the street again, quickly passing through the crowd. The Owl is what she came for, and now she was ready to leave. Quickly she flipped her staff over her body and flicked it open. As her scarf fell, some of the citizens noticed her tattoos, but she was high in the air before they could do anything.
Laughing she darting around the sky, leaving a trail of light behind her as the fireflies burned in the lantern. Her new companion flew with her, as they danced and twirled in the sky.


Codes ::β€œThe Water bender Korra”

Hyperlinks for my personal use during the RP.

So begins...

Joanna "Jojo" Pasang's Story

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Gazing up at the morning sun Jojo was happily devouring a bowl of seaweed noodles as the warm fire melted the snow around it's base. Leaning back she peeked into Sal's tent and giggled at the image displayed. With a flick of her finger she blew his warm covering off, allowing his warm body to roll onto the icy ground.
"Sally, your drooling. Get up, lazy bones it's time for practice!"
Placing her bowl down in front of her she raised her arm, allowing Echo, her CatOwl to swoop down and grip the leather bracer below. He crawled up onto her shoulder and wrapped his long black tail around her neck as he rubbed his face against hers, purring.
Standing with her back facing his tent, holding her staff out with her left arm as Echo perched on her right. As Sal stepped out of his tent, shivering slightly still from the frigid awakening, he spotted her empty bowl next to the fire and grumbled, "How come you get to eat?"
Giggling she replied,"You know the rules Sally, breakfast before sunrise!"
"Stop calling me Sally, Joanna!"
As Echo's head whipped all the way around Sal was swept off his feet by a gust of wind. The bird glared.
"When you can beat me Sally, I'll cave." Then she burst into giggled and whipped around, extending her hand out to Sal, helping him off the ground. With a grin on her face she said in an interestingly threatening tone,"Don't call me Joanna, okay!"
She stepped forward, creating an air scooter, she perched atop it and began speaking,"Today you will learn the art of "circle walking." You see us Airbenders never seek a fight, and never seek to strike an opponent directly. We practice whats known as "mind heart boxing". These martial arts feature swift, evasive maneuvers that evoke the intangibility and explosive power of wind; drawing energy from the center of the abdomen."
As she spoke she took a defensive stance, and delicately moved her feet circling Sal.
These maneuvers employ the entire body with smooth coiling and uncoiling movements, utilizing dynamic footwork, open-hand techniques, punches, and throws. A common tactic is to maneuver behind an opponent and mirror their movements, preventing them from turning to face you."
Agily she stepped around him as he spun to catch up with her, always a step ahead as he twisted and turned. Stepping in front of him, she smiled and asked,"Think your ready to practice?"
With a grin Sal replied, "Yeah!"
"Good," she said as she sauntered over to the fire, tossing a dead mousemole at Sal,"Echo, breakfast!"
Laughing she sat and watched him dip and swoop out of the way, swatting at the bird.
He will be a great Avatar indeed she thought as she spooned another serving of noodles into her bowl.
""And Say your Mantra!
Sal began chanting Master Tenzin's phrase,"Airbending is all about spiral movements. When you meet resistance, you must be able to switch direction at a moment's notice."

Jojo gleamed as some attendings draped the golden robe over her shoulders, and adorned her with an amulet bearing the air nomad seal. Underneath the robe she wore a knee length yellow Lolita gown, with black lace trimmings and a tight yellow corset. Lace sandals adorned her feet, revealing her air bending tattoos rolling down her legs. Walking into the Meeting Hall she took her place
with the other air benders, all perched on whirling clouds of wind. The others eagerly questioned her about the Avatar's progress, but she just smiled and replied,"He will surely show you all of his improvements today. I fear he will soon trump me!" Chuckling she turned her attention to the main doors as Sal entered. The other members soon grew serious, and returned to their stoic demeanor, eyeing the boy. Jojo simply smiled at waved to him, gesturing that she was hungry, and that afterwords they should get something to eat with her hands.
His nerves were hidden to the others as he entered, but clear to her. With all the support and humor she could muster she smiled at him, and stuck her tongue out. The elder next other grunted, and she giggled as she apologized.
Big meetings weren't her thing, the only things on her mind right now was a nice cup of cactus juice and Leechi nut stir-fry. Her confidence in the new Avatar was overwhelming, and though it was difficult to get used to him at first, he had truly grown on her over the last four years. Soon he would be meeting his new Masters, but she would follow him, for he still had a lot to learn.

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Is this going to post what we say?

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Character Portrait: Joanna "Jojo" Pasang
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As the ceremony began Jojo rested her head on her chin, and watched as the Avatar spoke. Being the youngest on the council by at least a decade many in a couple of cases, she never enjoyed these long occasions. Her robe draped off her crossed legs, flitting in the spinning air below her. Her mind began to drift off...focusing mainly on who was going to be joining their little group.
As Sal said her name she gaze a quick wave, broken free from her day dream. The other Elders on the panel shot her quick glances. Tossing her hand behind her head she whispered with a grin on her face, "I'm sorry, Paying attention now..."

Her gaze lingered on Master Tenzin's, as he visibly chuckled at her, shaking his head at her behavior. At this point she knew it was best to watch the ceremony.
Sal formally introduced the members of the various nations, welcoming and thanking them. Jojo merely soaked information in, though she was still bored she payed close attention to the names and faces of those who introduced themselves. Two of these people will be his Masters in fire and earth...
Once again her thoughts were broken by Sal, this time however he had sent her a message. With the flick of her finger the paper rotated around her body and into her hand. Unfolding it, she hid the paper in her lap, and chuckled.
"Nice to see I'm not the only bored one here. She tucked the paper into the lining of her robe, and returned her attention to the eager crowd.

As the others finished speaking and the ceremony ended Jojo sighed. "I'm happy that's over," she said as she stretched her arms and legs. The Elders on the Panel approached her, and ushered her with them. Unfortunantly, she had neglected to return to the The Great Nation's Council and had many documents to sign and approve. She glanced over at Sal with puppy dog eyes and stuck her bottom lip out as the council dragged her away. Master Tenzin was the first to speak to her, as he handed her stacks of papers for her to look at. They walked swiftly down a hall to an office overlooking the garden. Jojo took her place at the desk, flicking the engraved nameplate "Joanna Pasang" onto the ground.

As she signed countless documents, and scanned various political documents she though, I wonder if Sally is getting along with his new Masters by now...

After an hour of writing her hand was cramping up, looking out the window she decided she was finished for the day. Dropping the pen on the desk she shrugged out of the formal attire and slipped back into her street clothes. As she slipped on her gloves she stepped out of the West Wing of the building and out where the ceremony was held. As she looked around she watched for Sal, hoping eh was with his new Masters training somewhere. Her footsteps were light as she made her way out of the building to search for Sal in the garden, her stomach rumbling as she searched.

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Character Portrait: Joanna "Jojo" Pasang Character Portrait: Andrea Mae Depres
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Echo danced on the ground before Jojo as small pieces of bread fell around him. Jojo took a bite herself, continuing to crumble pieces onto the dirt for the bird. Leaning against an outer wall, she began looking around, Sal must be off with the Masters. Her gaze dropped to the ground again as she began to worry...would Sal have any time for her anymore? His air bending was complete, but she hoped she could still aid him in his journey. Her reverie was broken as she caught sight of the birds flying up and out of the trees. The ground beneath her began to rumble, startling Echo who clambered up onto her shoulder. Pushing herself off the wall she peered into the forest, it was thick and dark. There was no doubt however, the rumbling sound was coming from the forest. Another boom came from the darkness, followed by another rumble.
"I wonder what that was?
Jojo turned quickly toward the sound, crossing through the green lawn. She hesitated as she approached the forest, looking back to where she was supposed to be meeting Sal for food. Another sound, this time a snapping branch, caught her attention. Bracing herself with the closet tree, she stepped into the foliage.
Stroking Echo she reached behind her and retrieved her staff, "Come on Echo, let's see whats going on..."

The forest was rich with thick green life, and creatures could be heard dashing away or crying from the treetops. The sun broke through the canopy in broken streaks, illuminating dots of the forest floor. After walking a few minutes the forest became eerily silent, no birds chirped, nothing was dashing underfoot. Only the sound of Jojo's faint footsteps barely broke the silence. There was no path, only breaks in the trees allowing her to move through the forest easily. Walking through the silent forest she searched, almost giving up on... until she spotted on a ridge, next to an earth column.
Where do I know you from...? Where...? I remember! She was with Master Xion...

As she approached the woman she pulled the scarf down from her face, though her head was still covered. Echo sat on her shoulder, his fluffy black tail wrapped her neck. Using her staff to lift herself up onto the ridge she rested her hand on the rock column. The instant she touched it, she sensed Master Xion. linking her fingers she began to chant a monk prayer. As she ended she turned her head to the woman, she was simply standing there. From what she could see, she was wearing no shoes. Could this be the source of the sounds? What would be going on in the peaceful woods? Gripping her staff, she hesitantly shifted her body into the light to greet the woman.
"Hello...are you Ok?" Lowering her hood she said,"I'm Jojo, you were here to see the Avatar right?"

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"Hello, are you okay?" Jojo repeated. Echo pranced on her shoulder and chirped, she hushed the bird with her hand. A slight change in wind brought Sal's scent to her from behind, as he walked up he looked to him. As his next words passed through his lips, she gave him a look nodding toward the stone obelisk.
"Hey, are you alright? Where's Master Xion, I was supposed to meet him here about 10 minutes ago." As sadness took over the woman before them, Jojo sheathed her staff in the sling on her back and walked forward and wrapped her arm around her until she had composed herself. As she rubbed the woman's shoulders she gathered her strenght to speak it seemed, as he replied to Sal,"Master Xion...He's passed away."

"You mean he's dead? How can this be? He looked like he could live another 10 years." Sal responded.

"I-it all happened so fast. I still can't quite comprehend what happened." With a final brush of comfort Jojo stepped away to better see the woman.

"I asked if he wanted to take a walk in the woods and then he was saying something about how I had a strong connection with Earth and that his time was up and before I knew it he... he was gone." Her voice wavered at the last part.

"Great, just freaking great. Who in the fiery hell is going to teach me Earth Bending now? Nothing is ever simple is it? Some old dude couldn't stay alive for a while to teach me, no he had to up and die so my life would be harder," Sal vented, β€œLook, I'm sorry. I'm just venting don't take it personally, alright?"

"That may be so," She started, her voice hardening, "But I must say that that has to be the most selfish thing I have heard in a very long time."

Jojo flicked her wrist, sending a burst of air up from the ground in front of him, tossing dirt up into his face as she gave him a disapproving look. She once again turned and smiled sheepishly, "I'm terribly sorry about him...He hasn't quite mastered thinking before speaking..." She could tell however, that Sal's insensitive personality as ticking way at her.

"Before Master Xion passed he performed some sort of ritual that transferred his knowledge to me. I now know everything that he did. That means I am to become your Earth Master." She looked him in the eye to make sure he fully understood what she was saying.

"So you're telling me that Master Xion did some freaking voodoo magic and you know everything that he knew. Correct me if I messed anything up," Sal paused for a moment for her to interrupt him. "Now, with this knowledge you plan on teaching me Earth."

"So far so good," She slipped in before he continued and she repeated, "Again, correct."

"Man, with a pair of crazy fire bending sisters, an air bender who's always hungry, and an earth bender with questionable sanity. I'd say my days are numbered." he sighed.

As Sal spoke she held back a laugh, realizing that the eathbender wasn't quite as amused as they were. Sal was right about one thing, this was sure to be quite the journey. She was sure that this Master especially would reach him, and maybe be able to each him the restraint that she couldn't. At times she felt a little heartbroken as she thought about him moving on to other Masters. Training the Avatar was her greatest achievement by far.

"Andy? Not what I would have picked, but if it's your name it's your name. You know my full name, not my nickname, It's Sal. There is only one person in this entire would that can call me something different and you are not them." He said.

"My full name's Andrea, so what would you have picked me as then?" It didn't take her long to figure out the nickname that he didn't want her calling him. "What Sally? I think you rather suit that name." She said smirking at him. With that Jojo couldn't hold back as a series of giggling burst from her. "I told you it was cute!" she said as she nudged him. The other's were still very serious however, so she awkwardly silenced herself once again, mumbling to Echo, "Well I thought it was funny..."

"I think he deserves a few kind words. Do you care to say anything?" Andy asked. The solemn tone made the air heavy, as the reality that there was a dead man a few feet away from her settled in. Lowering her head, she placed her hands on the stone and listened as Sal made his remarks.

"Students, Teachers, Brothers, and Sisters, a great man has died today. His memory will live on in those who knew him best and the ground in which he was buried will be thankful for the sustance that he brings to the earth." He stood there silently praying for the old man's new life will be as fulfilling as his last.

Looking to Andy she gave a small smile and began chanting a ancient Air Nomad writ of peace. A she finished she removed her hands and gave a small bow,"His soul has been blessed by the winds, and this place is now sacred and pure."

Glancing up she noticed the sun was dropping in the sky, and her stomach rumbled loudly once more. Her mind drifted to a bar and grill not to far away, "Gustos", and the amazing rice pilaf they served. Turning to Andy, Lein and Kyoko she smiled, and offered,"Would you like to join us for something to eat? There is still a lot to talk about and I know someplace a little better lit than here."

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The alarm echoed through the forest, scaring the birds from the tree's. Jojo's hear began to race, her thoughts scattered for a moment,The Elders... Looking back to Sal she calmed herself, They're probably after him...

"I don't think your going to be getting that dinner anytime soon Jojo." Kyo said, straining to hear anything else that may be going on. "Lien, we need to go, assess the situation, make sure you don't get captured in the process if there are hostile forces about. Grab what you can from your room if you need anything at all. I will do the same. Jojo, Andy, you are welcome to do the same although if you are not in need of anything I would not suggest making the trip. Someone has infiltrated the palace. I will go and see if I can asses the situation, I have had training in information gathering. If you want me to go and gather any of your things now would be the time to say so, you too Sal, although I would suggest staying here and hidden until Lien and I return."
"I guess your gonna have to wait tummykins," she said, rubbing her stomach in a circular motion.

"If anyone wants to accompany one of us back to the palace to retrieve your things we would be able to accompany you, but we must move quickly and silently."
"Quick and silent are my forte my friend," her tone was a little cocky, though she had every right to be. In a fair race, no one could out sprint a airbending master of her caliber, except maybe Sal one say. Turning to Sal she asked,"Are you coming with me?"

I don't need anything. I'll be sitting right here. With the ground as company. I do have one favor to ask. Please release my hand. My other one is asleep and it hurts to try and shift my weight. You can keep my feet bound, I just need my hand."
Echo dropped the piece of fabric into Jojo's hand, she tapped him on the nose,"No! Don't eat the Avatar." Reaching out her arm the bird hopped down next to Sal, curling it's tail around it legs. It hopped on the dirt, waiting to be picked up.
"Take Echo just in case, he can find me anywhere. If things are too bad, get as far away as possible."

With that she turned to the sisters and slipped into the woods after them. Dodging the trees was simple for her, and her feet barely touched the ground. It was as if she was a leave, drifting in the wind. It was simple for her to twist and turn as she moved quickly, changing direction anytime she met resistance. If they couldn't see her, they wouldn't even know she was there. The trees were thick, with cracking bark. The leaves a deep green, such a beautiful path.Leading to what? she wondered. Delicately she pulled her staff off her back, gripping it tightly as they broke through the trees.

With the flick of her wrist the staff opened into her glider,"I'll meet you in my office, Something very important is hidden there, that we need I need to get." In an instant she was off, soaring towards her room. The window was open, though there was some men snooping though her things. As she landed in the room she whipped her staff out in front of her, sneering,"Don't you know it's not nice to snoop through woman's things?" One of them lunged at her, holding some kind of device. Quickly she stepped out, twisting around him as he ran at her. With a simple shove of her fingertips the man's momentum carried him right out the open window. Turning on her toes she brought her staff around in an arch, catching the rug with the wind and spiraling it around the intruder.
"Sorry, no time!" she said as she shoved a dirty sock into his mouth. The man leaned in the corner, wrapped in the large rug. Her things were still mostly packed from the travel so she grabbed her back and tossed it into her back. After retrieving her lantern from the desk she clipped it to her belt.
"Good thing I kept all the money!" she said as she lifted a floor board, grabbing three decent sized bags tied with string. Jiggling it in the guard's face she added,"You were never good at hide and seek were you?" Quickly she turned down the hall, and flipped down the stairs.

As she reached the ground a man shot out from the darkness, grabbing her around the waist and hands. Another threw a gag around her mouth, kicking her in the back of the knees, forcing her to the ground. As she hit the floor her knees rang out in pain, and her arms were twisted behind her.He gripped her hair as he lifted her gaze to his, "Golden Eyes huh, you must be the youngest Master on the court. A pretty one too, the boss will like you." As he dragged her by her wrist she lurched forward, fighting to get away from him. Try as she might however, she couldn't bend. Her thoughts raced to the scrolls hidden in her desk, the puzzle pieces that made up the desktop, and the hidden compartment in the side of the frame. They were sacred, a collection of bending scrolls from the four nations. No matter how she tried however, they dragged her into the council room with the others, tossing her in front of their leader. As she gazed around she noticed he had all of the benders, even the Elders cowering in terror and helplessness. Her teeth bore into the cloth in her mouth as she gritted her jaw, glaring up at him with her golden gaze. Desperately she writhed her hands behind her,attempting to break her wrists free. One thing was racing through her head,Why can't I bend...

In the forest Echo starts cawing and prancing on Sal's shoulder, looking back frantically toward where his master unknowingly lays captured.

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Character Portrait: Joanna "Jojo" Pasang
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The man who had captured her paced the room, carrying a strange blue orb. Jojo was kneeling on the ground, bound and gagged. Behind her back she writhed at her bindings, though two guards held her down to the ground by her shoulders. Their leader went on and on about the location of the Avatar, where he was, who he was, what he could do. When he finally knelt in front of her, he pulled the gag out of her mouth, demanding the answers.
"Don't touch me you dog!" she snapped, attempting to take his finger off. A sharp tug on her shoulder brought her back as the leader once again gripped her by the hair and forced her head back.
"You will answer my questions bender."
"Or what? You'll beat me as I'm bound and tied. I can't bend, why don't you untie me. Don't think you can take little ol' me?" She attempted to egg him on, anything to be free.
"Ha! These people are harmless old men," he said waving toward th elders, "So they are free to cower in comfort. You however, have something dangerous in your eye. I don't like it, so you will remain my pretty little captive. Who knows, I might let you live to be my bride."
"No chance in flames that's going to happen," she laughed, spitting at his feet. He brought a heavy hand across her cheek in retaliation, knocking her to the ground. The guard harshly picked her back up and planted her. Their leader once again began to pace. She was soon losing hope, but felt a tug on her wrists. THe guards who held her had let go, their attention drawn by Kyoko. Lien was quickly untying her hands, "We have to go now, while Kyo has them distracted. You lead the way and I will follow. Didn't you say there was something in your office you needed?"
Before she answered she quickyl turned to the leader, "This is for the touching me, dog!"
With a movement more like break dancing than fighting, she twisted up onto her feet. With the momentum from her twisting motion she brought her foot up and kicked the leader in the chin, tossing his head back. She stood frozen for a moment, torn as to what to do. She wanted desperately to save the elders. Her answer came from Master Tenzin, just a few feet away from her, "Jojo! You must go! The Avatar's safety is our prioity!"
Her eyes welled up for a moment as she realized this may very well be the last time she ever see's them, "Ok, I promise I'll keep him safe."
Turning back to Lein she said, "Alright let's go!" as she snatched up her things.
Quickly she flipped open her lantern, 53 shining fireflies swarmed out, circling the remaining guards faces. As they swatted at the bugs the girls made their escape.
Her feet pounded against the old floor as she turned down an old hall. A single guard stood watch, she assumed because they could go no further. Only an airbender could open that door.
I hope this works... Planting her front foot, she swished her arms out from behind her, and up in front of her. A large gust of wind filled the hall, slamming the guard against the door. It must have been the orb hindering my bending... As the wind passed through the lock a tune echoed down the hall, and the door slid open. Foot steps could be heard as the men composed themselves, but before they could even turn down the hall she slid the door shut behind her. With a heavy sigh she said, "Welcome to my office. We will be safe here, I can't gaurentee anything once we get outside but there is a passage under my desk that will take us out to the courtyard." As she spoke she had made her way to her desk, and brushed everything off it in one swift motion. The top was made of three pieces, like a puzzle. Placing her palms down on the table top she began sliding the pieces until the girls heard a click. She passed the the side of her desk and opened a door that was now unlocked, reaching in she lifted a lever and twisted. The desk slid away from her as a staircase was revealed, leading under the building.
"Grab as many scrolls as you can along the way," she said, tossing an empty bag to Lien, "You'll see the exit, just keep moving."
The door to Jojo's office was blasted open just as she slid the desk back from beneath, the men stood dumbfounded at the empty office.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Joanna "Jojo" Pasang
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The tunnel was long and cool, lined with ancient tomes of bending. Priceless artifacts collected and stored in this secret place. Jojo had been entrusted as the scrolls guardian, and had the pleasure of reading as many as she liked. They were diagrams and scripts on various history and bending. All four air, fire, water, and earth scrolls could be found in the collection. Jojo reached onto the shelves, pulling scrolls down in bundles and slipping them into bags slung around her arms. Luckily she had her favorites set aside for this moment. Her personal collection filled two bags, and contained scrolls of all the elements, and ancient legends of the world. Lien too was snagging them from the shelves as she ran down he tunnel. Soon they reached the exit, hidden from some guards searching the grounds. Assuming it was for them Jojo wrinkled her brow, counting the men in their path.

"Alright Jojo, on the count of three I am going to run out, take out as many of the guards as I can and head down that path. Opposite a fountain there will be a large tree with a hollow, that's where we want to be." She waited for Jojo to acknowledge and then said "Alright, one, two..... three!" and pushed the door open running full speed.
Though she carried the bags with her Jojo was still nimble and agile as she juked the first guard, swirling an air current under his body and quickly tossing him onto the second guard chasing her. In no time she was running down the winding path, toward a large tree. It looked like Kyo was already there waiting, and been through one hell of a fight.
"What did you do to get all torn up?" Lien asked her sister.
"Lets just say were going to have to replace that grand window in the great hall." She gave Jojo a smile and said "I really wish I had the ability to bend air, it might have saved my fall, if only a little."
"I'm sorry we weren't here sooner, but Sal will be able to fix you up. He has a good hand for healing." Out from the tree-top Echo swooped down, landing on Jojo's shoulder. It's long black tail wrapped around her neck as the creature rubbed and purred against Jojos cheek.
"Hey buddy, I knew you would find me." Stooping down she gathered her bags and rubbed her nose with the owl's beak cooing, "Will you please take us back to Sal and Andy, quick as you can but make sure we can keep up, Okay?" With a chirp Echo took off, flying just ahead of the group.
"After you Jojo...I hope Echo knows how to get back."
"He knows the way, this isn't the first time he has had to find Sal."
Soon enough he broke through the tree-line, swooping up to land on Sal's shoulder, who stood on one of the boats from earlier. Andy had gotten it running, and soon she climbed aboard. Echo chirped and danced on Sal's shoulder as Jojo dropped the bags on the floor, "Yes, yes you did a good job."
"Seriously people, we gotta go, we can chat more once we know we are out of harms way!"
Turning to Sal she gestured toward the injured Kyo, "She took a pretty bad fall, I brought your water flask with me. Time to earn your keep," she chuckled handing him a bag containing his things. The shore looked clear and it seemed they made a clean escape. Her stomach growled furiously as she looked around at the toehrs.
"I guess we won't be going to lunch then huh?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Joanna "Jojo" Pasang
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Sal quickly went to work on his healing, so Jojo made her way into the cabin to drop her things. Her heart ached for the Masters she left behind, and her mind wandered to what horrible things those monsters could be doing to them. With every menacing thought, a small part of her died, and she wondered if history was going to repeat itself once more. The thought of never seeing the others again saddened her deeply, and the fear of their deaths creeped into her thoughts at every moment. IT seemed she had stood in thought for longer than she anticipated, and when she returned the others were discussing where they would be heading next.

"Not to be a spoil sport, but where the hell are we going next? I vote The Water Tribes." Sal suggested to the group, hastily in Jojo's opinion. The consequences would be dire if they were found in his home Nation.

"Your joking right?" Lien said, standing up and walking over to him. "How dense are you? That would be the first place they expect us to go and your "safety" needs to be our one priority." She gave him a little jab in the arm and then walked and sat back by her sister.

"I have to agree with Lien on this Sal, we have no idea what we are dealing with right now, so we must constantly be one step ahead of them. We must put thought into our actions, our priority now is to ensure our escape. Shelter, rest, and food should be our priority right now. Since we had to skip lunch..." she chuckled.

Kyo was the next to speak, a just course of action. The earth nation would be the easiest place to blend, though Jojo felt for Andi in such a case. Ina single day, her world had been flipped upside down. She could only hope the earth bender was a strong as she seemed. Soon the group reconvened and it seemed to be decided. Jojo's stomach was growling, and the others seemed to notice. For now the only relief she had was granola and nuts, generously offered by the others. She took a handful and stood facing the water against the side of the boat. the water was calm, but the winds carried with them storm in the distance. It seemed fitting to Jojo, the winds were angered at their disciples capture, possible in mourning.
Jojo had pledged her alleigence to Sal's cause, but it came with heartache it seemed. As the waters cradled the ship she couldn't help but wonder if she would lose him to.
For now she stood in thought, watching the approaching storm. If it should cross their paths, she was ready to part the clouds with the blessing of the winds, it was the least she could do to assist.