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Paul Marras

Wolf Warrior

0 · 545 views · located in Blackwood Forest, Alaska.

a character in “The Wolves Of Alaska”, as played by Karazura


Age: 18
Gender: Male
Height: 6'4"
Weight: 203 lbs.
Appearance: Caucasian, Medium length Wavy Dark Red Hair, Brown eyes, Scars run across his left forearm. His muscle is relatively lean, but still noticeable. His wolf form stands about the same height and weighs around three hundred pounds. Tribal tattoo on his right shoulder.
Image Taken last time his family saw him. His face is more rugged.


On average, Paul is level headed and cautious. Certain triggers, however cause him to lose control, to fall into a state in which he had nearly killed three people, but got off due to it being in self-defense of himself or his now ex-gf. The triggers can be scents that remind him of danger, seeing his friends in danger, being in danger himself.


Paul Marras was born nearly 19 years ago, unaware of the dangers of the world, both from man and from "myth". He was scratched by a large wolf when he was young, only three years old. It is not known whether or not this scratch was the cause of his eventual transformation into a werewolf and this is due to the fact his first transformation was not until he was 13. He sneaked out as he experienced the event for the first time. He didn't know what the trigger was that caused his transformation, but he knew this, he felt more alive after the event compared to before.

So begins...

Paul Marras's Story

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Paul was running again, and it would appear his scent has drawn the attention of a fourth vampire. 'How will I get rid off all four?' He thought as he tried to escape the town. "Ever been to Blackwood Forest?" He was asked when he first entered town. He had replied no as he had recently moved to Alaska. "There are all kinds of places there you should visit, just be careful of the wolves." He was warned. He sprinted past a group of people who he recognized from earlier, some new friends, already. "Paul, Where are you going?" one of them called as he sprinted past. He saw the four men following Paul and stood in front of them, he was trying to distract them to help him. 'Just get to Blackwood, you can transform there and fight if you have to.' Paul said in his head. In a matter of minutes he hit the edge of town, and was heading towards Blackwood. He could still smell the vampires, they were still after him, still following him. He looked toward the sky as he ran toward Blackwood, and about halfway to Blackwood, a raindrop hit his head.

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Character Portrait: Paul Marras
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Paul groaned as he noticed the scent of another wolf, a werewolf like him. It was a female scent, but this was probably her territory and he had not on, but two problems to deal with. He remembered that he had his backpack with him with spare clothes, it didn't matter if he lost this pair, not too much. He kept running as the town eventually passed from view. Mid-stride, Paul slid the backpack off his shoulders letting it slide along the ground some distance as he swung around the trunk of a narrow tree to face the vampires chasing him. Instead of running away from, he started back toward them. In one moment Paul was human, in the next, an explosive transformation left a wolf in his place. He Growled low and long as he sprinted toward the vampires that were about to enter Blackwood. He was thoroughly soaked already, but it mattered so little to him right now. The only spot that bothered him right now was a patch of fur that was less dense than the rest of his body, where his scars were, but he knew that unless he lived he would not have to worry about that. And he was determined to live.

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Character Portrait: Paul Marras
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Paul watched as the blood seeped into the ground, and then his fur stood up on end as he remembered the female wolf that was now standing behind him. He turned to face her and watched as the blood was rinsed from her fur by the rain. As he watched her, he took note of his surroundings and planned his escape if needed. She watched him, examining him and likely assessing whether or not he was a threat. He took a deep breath, caling down as she watched him. He slowly walked toward the backpack he had thrown was resting in the mud and slowly lifted it out of the mud. Who was she? Why did she help him?

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Character Portrait: Paul Marras
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Paul heard her bark at him as he walked away to grab his back pack. After having the strap in his mouth, he turned back towards where she had been. He followed her scent as he had lost visual sight of her, hoping he could find her before the scent disappeared. Paul caught up to the unknown female werewolf quickly, what was this place, what was it about Blackwood that made it draw the supernatural there. He was curious and he hoped that she could and swear some questions he had. He felt his stomach growling at him in hunger. If worse came to worse Paul knew how to hunt in his wolf form, though he enjoyed the taste less in his wolf form. Who was she? He carried his bag behind a tree, and against his better judgement, shifted back to his human form. He checked his mud soaked bag and to his own pleasure only the outside of the bag was muddy, everything else was simply wet. Two intact shirts, shorts and one pair of sandals and one sweatshirt. Everything else was granola bars and bottled water. To a passerby he'd look like a hiker. Throwing on a pair of shorts and a shirt, he called from behind the tree, "I didn't know anyone was here. I had to run and this place gave me a better chance to survive than exposing my secret in the town. I'm Paul, Paul Marras."

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Character Portrait: Paul Marras
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"I didn't realize you had shifted back." Paul replied. He walked out from behind the tree and toward the house. She was standing there with her waist length blonde hair. Knowing that he was safe for now, he began walking toward the house cautiously. His wiped the hair from in front of his eyes and was looking at Selene. "Sure is raining," Paul said, shaking lightly. He noted the slight Russian accent the woman had,and was somewhat surprised. "How long have you lived in Alaska?" Paul asked as he walked toward the house, his hands at his sides and in view.

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Character Portrait: Paul Marras
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Paul was surprised, he had dropped in on her territory, and with four vampires in tow, and she was inviting him into her house. "Thanks, Ms. Von Drakken." Paul said, walking inside. He sniffed around and realized he was soaking wet still. "Uh, do you have a towel? Don't want to drip all over the floor." Paul responded, as he closed the door. He resisted every urge to simply shake off all of the moisture. When she asked if he would like a sandwich, he nodded, "Yes, please. I would rather dry off first so I'm not getting everything wet." He sniffed and could feel his mouth watering. "Is that roast beef? I haven't had roast beef in a while, almost a year now." He was resisting the urge to drip the water everywhere despite there being some water already being inside from Selene shifting and water dripping from her fur.

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Character Portrait: Paul Marras
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Paul accepted the towel and the sandwich graciously, and wrapped himself around the waist with the towel after drying his legs and arms as much as possible. "Thank you, Ms... er, Selene. What brings me to Alaska? I don't know really. I kind of followed the instincts of the wolf. I had already graduated, and I had nothing really keeping me tied to my home." Paul said, walking toward a wooden chair, and sitting down. He takes a bite out of the sandwich. He actually liked this place, the wolf felt comfortable here, which helped Paul feel comfortable. "So, do you live out here alone? How many werewolves have passed through this area? You are actually the only other werewolf I have met, so I have many questions." Paul said, shivering slightly as the cold of the rain began penetrating his skin.

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Character Portrait: Paul Marras
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"I think that this is nice, the forest. I would assume relatively few police are seen in forest. They probably head back to town as fast as possible if they see you as a wolf." Paul responded. Selene pointed at the fire place, and told him to throw a log in, and offered to put his clothes in the dryer. Paul got up and opened his backpack and pulled out his wet clothes, what few were left. "Just point me toward the dryer, I can put them in and start it. Would you mind putting the log in?" He asked. "None of your family comes to visit? No friends in the area?" He asked when she said that she rarely has visitors. So few werewolves passed through the area since she could remember, and for all he knew he could be the first in a while.

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Character Portrait: Paul Marras
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Paul stood there, surprised at the hard ships she had. She lost her family, he left his behind. He walks down past the kitchen and puts his clothes in the dryer, and turning it on. Paul walks back toward Selene and hugs her. "I'm so sorry to hear that. That you lost your family." Releasing her, he sits by the fire and closes his eyes. "I still have family, but we aren't in contact often, once or twice a month. They kinda let me leave easily when they found out why I was disappearing late at night every third or fourth day for five years. They were sad that I was leaving, I remember, but they also seemed relieved." Paul answered. "My younger brother seemed especially tense around me. As if I were an omen, a warning as to what his future might hold. I wonder if he is a wolf too, I couldn't sense it when I left if he was. My friends abandoned me when they found out and I was just tired of it. They are still alive, but things are tense."

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Character Portrait: Paul Marras
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Paul was surprised, "My parents accepted me well enough, but my brother was scared, and my parents were tense. But one of the last things they said to me before I left was that I don't have to leave. I told them that I wanted to leave, that I was leaving because I wanted to. Truth be told, I wanted to ease my brother's pain and let my parents calm him down. That wasn't going to happen so long as I was there." Paul sighed. He saw that Selene was smiling at him and saw her seem almost happy. "I have been on my own for the most part until I came across you. Sure I was in contact and saw people, but I never felt anything for them, nothing to keep me there. I kept moving because I found no one that I liked since my ex. She flipped when she found out what I was. She couldn't accept it. I hadn't found anyone that I liked since her, at least not until now." Paul laid next to her and soaked in the warmth. "This place, I feel very much at home here." Paul said, smiling.

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Character Portrait: Paul Marras
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Paul was growing tired from the events of the day, however the quiet hissing of an arrow in flight draws his attention. What was that? "Selene. Did you hear that? It sounded like an arrow in flight." 'Or was I just imagining things? Oh, please don't be imagining things, not now.' Paul asks in his head. He staggers to his feet and walks toward a window. He could smell nothing, however the rain would be weighing down any scent there would be to detect. "I thought I heard something, but I may just be tired."

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Character Portrait: Paul Marras
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"Every instinct is telling me to check, Selene. I keep having this feeling that there is someone out there. I'm sorry, but I've got to check. If its nothing, you'll know." Paul walked out the door and tossed his clothes back inside, and began running, shifting to wolf form mid-stride. He cast his glance out into the forest as he trotted through searching for the source of the sound, scratching trees occasionally so he could find his way back. His ears heard soft breathing, that of someone trying to avoid detection. The sound of a waterfall echoed in the background and then the roar of vampires in a fury as one of them dropped dead from the arrow. Following the sound of the man breathing, he tried to track the man, coming across traces of the man's scent. He gave a quick howl like that of a wolf telling another wolf to come. The vampires might find them, but Selene, himself and this new wolf should be able to take them.

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Character Portrait: Selene Von Drakken Character Portrait: Paul Marras
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Selene watched him run out and stood still for a second. She watched him run deeper into the forest, trying to listen in on where he was headed. Once she heard the howl, she quickly untied her robe, already nude, and shifted to her wolf form in the cabin. She ruffled out her white fur, and howled in return, sprinting out of the cabin, and sniffing Paul's scent, tracking him and running along the trail. The wet ground slid under her as she ran, covering her paws in mud, moss, and grass. She howled once more and listened, hearing the same waterfall that Paul had just heard, and slowing her run into a trot, she came up to Paul's flank, nudging him with her nose.

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Character Portrait: Selene Von Drakken Character Portrait: Paul Marras
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Paul felt Selene nudge him, and glanced back at her. He knew she was concerned about him and he appreciated that. Paul nodded and trotted forward sniffing as the scent of the one who fired the arrow came into range. He began tracking it back to a tree. He growled quietly at the figure that was inside the tree, and carefully grabbed the man's clothing with his teeth and pulled slightly, hoping to get the man to move. He let go and nodded back the way he came. Paul trotted back to Selene and nods back toward the house, glancing back towards the archer. He rubbed his head against hers and starts back towards the house.

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Character Portrait: Selene Von Drakken Character Portrait: Paul Marras
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When Selene raced ahead into the house, Paul picked up the pace and trotted in after her. He shifted back to his human form and picked his clothes off the floor, putting them on. "I'm sorry, Selene. I had to make sure it was at least someone who couldn't hurt us out there and not a vampire coven. A year on the move can leave one always watching his or her back and obviously that has happened to me. What do you think we should do about him?" Paul asked turning to face Selene, who he assumed might still be in her wolf form. He stops and walks towards the fireplace which is still warm. "Should we form a pack? Defend against vampires that may try to take our land? That man is also a werewolf, and he might be helpful if we form a pack. I wish I knew why vampires seem so interested in these woods, it might make the decision easier." He asked Selene as he stood at the fireplace.

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Character Portrait: Selene Von Drakken Character Portrait: Paul Marras
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Selene shifted in her bedroom, and grabbed a royal blue oversized t-shirt that barely fit her, hung loosely, and stopped at her mid thigh. She stepped out of the bedroom, and walked towards him. "Don't apologize. I can't blame you for instinct. As for him, I'm not sure what to do. I'd prefer to find out more about him, if he decides to speak. After all, all we know is that he is a werewolf aswell." She braided her waist-length hair as she spoke, loose strands falling out and sticking to her cheeks from the rain and its humidity. "For a pack, we need an Alpha first. Either you two will fight for it, or you just decide. As for the vampires, we must defend our land. I will NOT be overrun by leeches." She shuddered slightly, and pulled her shirt up slightly, her slightly tanned skin having a dewy glow to it in the light, and she scratched her upper thigh.

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Character Portrait: Selene Von Drakken Character Portrait: Paul Marras
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"That is one thing that I think any werewolf would agree on. Keep the leeches off of our land. I want to be here, so no matter what, I am going to stay." Paul said, turning to face Selene. "This feels so much like the home I wanted, I couldn't imagine living anywhere else. However I can't decide for you about what to do with the other werewolf, this is still your land, you, technically, are still the Alpha." Paul added. He walked to the door which was propped open slightly and closed it. "I think that we should get some sleep, its getting late." He said, yawning slightly. His ears always shifted to a half-wolf form when he slept as a safety measure, and as he sat down on the couch, they gained a slight point. "Go on Selene, you should get some sleep."

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Character Portrait: Selene Von Drakken Character Portrait: Paul Marras
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"I'm glad you feel at home. But, I don't know how to decide who should be Alpha male. I cannot be Alpha forever, you know. Anyway, Are you sure? I was probably going to just sleep outside like I normally do. Just for safety measures.", Selene shrugged, covering her mouth as she yawned softly. She leaned against the doorway to her bedroom, watching as Paul got himself situated on her couch. "Do you want a blanket?", she bit her lip softly. She didn't really have visitors often, so this was new. She ran a hand through her hair and kept her eyes on him, then looked towards the window.

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Character Portrait: Selene Von Drakken Character Portrait: Paul Marras
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"Its been a while since I slept inside. I mean I only got to town today, and now I'm here." Paul sighed. "My ears are sharp, and I've gotten into the habit of shifting them to my wolf-form to keep ahead of danger. They've worked so far." He added, tapping his ears. "However, I won't sleep inside if you aren't. I mean, you have been kind to me, and you have been doing this for so long. It just feels wrong." Paul said, standing up. "I would assume that who ever would become Alpha would be whoever you choose." Paul said, swallowing nervously. "Don't try to talk me out of sleeping outside with you. It won't work."

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Character Portrait: Selene Von Drakken Character Portrait: Paul Marras
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Selene sighed softly. "I don't want to make you go outside in the rain, so I'll sleep inside. I'd feel bad if I made you freeze outside with me." She turned around and walked to a closet, that held sheets, blankets, and towels, and grabbed a large quilt. She turned back around, looking down at the ground slightly, and walked towards the couch, accidentally walking into him. "Oh, sorry Paul." She walked around him and placed the blanket down over the couch, and listened to him. "If anyone would be Alpha it would be you. I thought you knew that." She tucked her blonde hair behind her ear, and looked stood up straight, looking at him.