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The world after

The world after


A group of people have survived so far in an outbreak of Zombies but will they survive the governmental experimenting on them

1,422 readers have visited The world after since Eleera Cain created it.




Life is pretty simple for most people, rhythmic. Some went to school, some went to work and other stayed home. But on this day (Tuesday 19th June 2012) everything was about to change and only a small sector of the Military knew it. For years the scientists have been trying to make an injection to turn all the soldier in the american army in to invincible humans.

A group of 20 soldiers put there names forward to be the first to try it. They were all immunised at around the same time give or take a few seconds. They guessed it would take a few hours to take affect so they let the soldiers get on with their daily lives. 20 hours later all the soldiers were dead. The scientist figured that there was something wrong with the vaccine and they decided to bring the bodies in for testing. The problem with the dead was that they did not stay dead. They bite and in turn this created more that's if they were able to get away and those one created more and so on and so forth.


After the government realized that it was a pandemic it was already to late. So they released the details of what happens if you do get bit.

Hour 1: Pain and discolouration (brown-purple) of the infected area. Immediate clotting of the wound.
Hour 5: Fever, chills, slight dementia, vomiting, acute joint pain.
Hour 8: Numbing of extremities and infected area, increase fever, increased dementia and loss of muscular coordination.
Hour 11: Paralysis in the lower body, overall numbness, slowed heart rate.
Hour 16: Coma.
Hour 20: Heart stoppage. Zero brain activity.
Hour 23: Reanimation.


It is now three years since that day and a group of people have survived in this nightmare of a world, they are all helping each other to stay alive, but little do they know that they are some of the few who are actually Immune to the Virus and the government is wanting to know how. So they kidnap the group and take them to an underground facility and test on them, as they believe that the immunity is in their blood.


Female 1- Misery (Adams) Demetrius played by Eleera cain
Female 2- Sarah Darkholme played by ViviOrunitiaFF9
Female 3- Maka Zeriou played by Kikodakitty
Female 4- Kitana Strong played by KKpigs

Male 1-Dante Adams By NotyetdeaD
Male 2-Vesh Scheirer played by Vesh
Male 3-Jonathon Darkholme played by ViviOrunitiaFF9
Male 4- Oan Mkoll played by Commisar Gaunt

Code: Select all


Age:(15- 25)


Appearence:(Anime or Real)

Appearence: (If it Differs from the picture)
Eye Color:
Hair Color:

Personality:(1 paragraph or more)

History:(1 paragraph or more)

Weapons: Primary: (Ranged)
              Secondary:(Ranged or Melee)
              Back up:(Melee)

Outfit: ( what he/she wears)

Sexual orientation:(Straight, Bisexual, Lesbian or Gay)

Relationships- (what you think of the people around you)

Family:( if you had any family and name them)

Fears:(What are you scared of. three at most)

other: ( Anything i have missed)


One rule, one simple rule obey myself and my co GM- NotyetdeaD

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The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 6 authors

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Misery was on her Harley driving to San Francisco, because this was just one of the places where she had not traveled to to find some sort if safe haven, as it was not just her anymore there was her younger brother Dante and a girl that Dante refused to leave without, theses two were now her responsibility and she was not willing to let them out of her sight for one second. She was also going there to find another non- dead living person in this god forsaken world. Misery looked over to Dante and shouted over the engines

"We will be there in about ten minutes."

Misery looked back in front of her and saw the city come in to veiw she reved her engine. Misery pulled out one of her pistols with her left and she saw he wedding ring glint in the sun. Her estimate if ten minutes was just off as they were now there. As Misery looked from side to side to make sure that at this current moment the street were a little safe. She liked round and saw a man in an army out fit, he looked like he was walking wonky. She geared the Harley so it would go a little faster and she was now in front of the man, she turned the harley to block his path. Dante came up behind her with Maka on the bike behind him she said

"Dante, Maka stay on that bike you both might need to get away quickly."

" But Misery...."

She cut him off

" No buts just do it"

Misery put her foot on the ground, as she was wearing her 'killing' outfit which concours of tight fitting black leather, which Misery felt that it helped her to get away fast. She shouted at the man

"Have you been bit"

As she was already up tight, three years killing endless hordes of zombies would do that to a person, got of her bike, raised her gun to man and shouted again

"Have you been bit? "

She was now looking straight at him with her pale blue eyes in to his brown eyes. He looked like he was just out of a war or at least a scuffle of some kind. She was now waiting for him to answer, if he could. By second that went passed Mosery grow more and more agitated for Dante, Maka and herselves safety as they were out in the open and walker could see then or even smell them.

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Oan awakens in the driver seat of the destroyed truck, as he remembers the bandit attack and the crash. "Shit, everyone's dead. I gotta get outta here." He curses, looking at his comrades being eaten outside. Cutting himself free with a knife, he kills the zombies eating his friends, closes their eyes, and take their dogtags.

"I've gotta get back to the campus." Oan says, grabbing his weapons and heading down an alley.

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(Just a note - when I put things in these '(example)' it means Maka is thinking this or exaggerating this. When I use these "(example)" then she or someone else is saying something. Thanks~ Kiko x)

Maka sat quiet on the back of Dante's motorbike. 'I can't believe Dante dragged me on here.' she thought to herself. They were going to San Francisco, to see if zombies had outbroken there yet. Maka was a little upset at this, as she had finally found someone that liked her the way she was and she had to leave her. Maka was also slightly angry as Misery had taken up a 'parent' role, but not the kind of 'parent' Maka wanted. 'Too overprotective. I can fight my own battles.'
"We will be there in about ten minutes."

The city came into sight after a while. For some reason Misery was pulling out a pistol. 'Why is she.....oh yeah.' They were arriving early it seemed. The street seemed safe, and Misery was very, very, observant. 'No rock left upturned, they say.' They then spotted a man in a army-outfit.
"Misery? That guy looks suspicious. And ridiculious. Oh dear, I'm a poet and I didn't know it. Oh there I am again...."
The man was walking wonky. Misery drifted on the Harley and stopped it in front of the man.
"Dante, Maka, stay on that bike - you both might need to get away quickly."

Dante and Maka said in unison, "But, Misery....."

No buts, just do it!

As Misery walked off to confront the man, Maka spoke to Dante -
"Hey, Dante, pull a couple pistols. We're not leaving if Misery gets hurt. Right? Right?"

Maka pulled out some knives, and prepared them.
"Hey, Misery? We're ready to back you up." She fingered her scythe, strapped on to her back.
"We are Not leaving."

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"Eh?" Oan says, turning at the sound of a voice. Raising an eyebrow at the chick coming towards him in black leather, he answers her question "No, I'm clean. I am stranded here though, think you can give me a ride back to the UCSF campus? I need to get back to my men." He rubs the back of his neck, before quickly pulling out a pistol and firing one handed two rounds towards the two by the motorcycle. The rounds pass between the two, and nail a zombie behind them in the head and chest, dropping it. "Your welcome." Oan says, reholstering the gun.

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#, as written by kkpigs
Don't die, honey. Zat will be failure, remember? Remember vat your mother said, don't die honey...SHOOT IT! Focus, and SHOOT!

Kitana ignored her thoughts and shot the zombie, and the next one, and the next one until she could see people. "Over here! I'm over here!" Kitana yelled, still shooting. "Die you zombie bastards," she mutters to the zombies.

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Misery brought back her gun, but kept a gun out. He then lifted one and shot two bullets.
As he did misery turned to see a walkers just behind her brother and Maka but the shot hit it and it was downed.
She turned back to the man and said

" My thanks"

Her hair whipped round her face and Shoulders.
Misery saw three more walkers coming up behind the man.
She moved so that the man was behind her and she lifted her gun again.
She shot a few bullet, one hit one of the walkers in the head.
Another hit in the chest of a walker making it stumble back and one hit its head.
The third walker took one bullet and then it was down.

Misery ran back to her Harley, got on it and started the engine.
She looked back at the man and said

" If you want a ride then come, get on the back"

As she revved the engine to tell him if he did not get on now he never would, she heard shout

"Over here! I'm over here!"

She looked back the man and said

" Come on we need to go before all the gunfire and revving attracts more walkers."

She looked at him with a hurried look in her eyes.

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#, as written by kkpigs
Kitana heard the motorcycle and prayed someone would come and save her.

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"I'm not arguing that." Oan says, getting on the back of the girl's Harley. Grabbing his M16A4, he begins putting rounds downrange by the other girl, dropping 2 walkers behind her.

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#, as written by kkpigs
Kitana here's gunfire and the motorcycle but she can't tell what direction it's coming from. She quickly reloads and continues shooting.

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After he got on the bike she sped away, with Dante in tow, only to see another person fighting off More walkers.
She looked for a route to the girl.
Misery found one and she went down it.
She looked at the girl and the said to the man

" Hold the bars"

As she said this she took the other pistol out form its holster at the base of her back and stared shooting the walkers and shouted at the girl

" Run come, get my hand"

Misery reached out her hand, hoping the girl would catch it and they would be off.

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Oan grips the bars of the motorcycle as the girl fires her pistol. Damn, this girl is cute and deadly... he thinks to himself as he keeps the motorcycle going strong. "Here, use this." He says, giving her his M16.

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The man gives her his M16, she takes it and put her Pistols back in their holsters.
She fires a few shots at the walkers and as she did she clears a path for the girl.
Misery shouted again

" Run come, get my hand"

Misery was Leaning over the man, her chest was starting to hurt because of the amount of force she was using.
Misery need more leverage.
She wanted to sit on the bars but she had another to think about.
She moved over mans arm until her ribs were resting on his arm and she shouted at the girl as she fired more shot

" Come on, move there is a clear path to us, now move you ass and get over here."

Misery was agitated, this little rescue mission was going to end up killing them all.
As she shot she saw the glint of her ring.
She Looked round to see where Dante was and then to the man she sighed.
Misery was still waiting for the girl to move butt and get over to the bike, and Misery was so determined to survive that she was going to leave the girl if she did not move soon.

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#, as written by kkpigs
Kitana quickly got up to the bike and got on, not hesitating to shook as soon as she was safely on. "Zese goddamn American zombies are vorse zan ze German ones!"

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"I would see why!" Oan says, using the M203 undermounted GL to blow a small mob to smithereens. Firing with everything hes got, he begins clearing them a path, putting the gun under Misery's arm and firing from behind her.

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The girl finally got on to the bike and she mutters 'finally'.
Misery sits back on the seat of the Harley, when Oan put a gun under her arm.
She said
" Everyone on, good now we can get going"

She revved the engine.
As Oan shot a path for them she moved the bike down the main street and she then turned in to an alley way and the Bike moved up the alley.
They came to a house with a wall round it and walkers bodies litters at the entrance.
She rode up to it and in the gate.
She told Dante, Maka and the girl they just picked up to stay on the bike and she said to Oan

"Hey you, Can you come with me and see if this place is 'safe'?"

She looked at him and Readied one of her Pistols.

" If you are coming, there is one thing I need to Know.
What is your name?"

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"My name's Oan ma'am, Oan Mkoll." He introduces himself as he rummages through his backpack, attaching a Masterkey undermounted shotgun where the M203 was. "Commander of the UCSF Army." He adds as he heads up to the door. Attempting to open it and discovering it was locked, he uses the Masterkey to blow the handle off, than proceeds to kick the door in SWAT-style.

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After Oan got to the door, she was there to flank him.
She then heard the cocking of a gun.
As she shouted to Oan

"Get Down"

She jumped on him as well too get him down.

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#, as written by kkpigs
Kitana watched them curiously. "Vat do ya'll vant me to do?" she shouted after them.

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Sarah wiped the sweat from her hands and griped the rifle.
If I don't time this right then I could get us both killed... Her finger was slowly closing down on the trigger. She was ready to fire when something caught her attention. She flicked her hair out of her eyes and listened as the quiet sound of a locked door being pushed reached her ears. She ran to the hall and watched the lock get blown off by a gun. She dropped her rifle, pulled out her revolvers and cocked them but fired just too late as the door was blasted open. Two people hit the ground just outside. Sarah cursed silently before readying her guns and moving forwards, the sound of her purple knee high boots clicking on the floor following.
"God damn it! I nearly shot you! Do you have a death wish or something?! Does it look like I am in the mood for someone breaking into my house and scaring the living shot out of me?!" She could hear her Tennessee accent coming through strong but didn't care. Her guns were still raised when the sound of boots hitting the wooden floors reached her.


"Sarah? You ok? I heard gun shots..." Jonathan saw the other people and held up his rather unique hand guns. He took them off safety and aimed that at the newcomers.
"Well, what do we have here? A couple of good for nothing survivors who can't even handle little old Sarah?" His Tennessee accent was also coming through strong. He holstered one gun and held the other police style.
" exactly can we help you peo-" He caught sight of a walker and fired his gun. the one shot hit the zombie straight through the eye, 'killing' it instantly.
"Get inside! Now!" He fired at another that had appeared.
"Quickly before they get in!"

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#, as written by kkpigs
Kitana couldn't wait for the two of them any longer and the walkers were everywhere. She went where they went, eyeballing Sarah and Jonathan when she saw them. "Sorry to scare anyone," she said, her German accent thick. "Got any Ak ammo?" she asked calmly.

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Misery got up and shouted at Dante and Maka

"Come get to the house"

She saw that walkers were all but crawling up their ass.
Misery pulled out her short swords and said to Oan

"Cover me"

She ran off to the bike helping both Dante and Maka off the bikes.
She bounced and kicked walkers.
She jumped and stabbed walkers in the head and then volted off.
Some went down without her doing anything and guess either Oan or one of the others were shooting.
Once Dante and Maka were 'safe' she left the walkers and ran back to the house.

When she was in there she turned to Jonathon and Sarah

"Are you two crazy, that god damn bullet you shot missed my head by inces.
What did you think i was a walker, oh well bad news I'm living"

Misery pulled out her pistol and kept it by her side, this was a sign of distrust on her part.
She turned to the window and she saw that there was about 6 walkers out there.
She needed too get own back to his base.

"I do not trust either of you but I must leave the others here"

She said this to Sarah and Jonathon.

"Come on Oan, lets get you home, anything happens to him..."

She pionted to Dante and continued

"I'm coming for your lives"

She was talking to anyone.

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"No way, I'm not leaving without everyone." Oan says "The campus is a safehouse, we can all stay there. We got surplus food, clean water, electricity..." Oan says, proving his point. "Either we get everyone, or nobody's leaving."

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"Oan the more people there is the more of a target were for walkers and bandits the , they are not very different in my opinion.
I really don't want my brother getting killed either by a bullet or ripped apart"

She walked to the door and then turned back.
She was wanting to stick to her guns but she guessed Oan would to.

" Fine we will all go but for the bikes to move quickly only two in each.
I spotted a car when we came here."

She was now looking at the group and said

" We need a plan.
Guessing Jonathon and Sarah will want to stay together, We could cover them and anyone else who is getting in to the car and then run to the bikes and get the hell out of here.
Then get to the campus.
But Oan my question to you, What are you going to do if something has happened to your troops?"

Misery Bent over and pulled out her bike goggles, her dog tags fell out of the open part of her outfit.
She straightened and looked at him and put her goggles round her neck and put her hair up in a bun.
She was waiting for his answer.

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Sarah lowered one gun.
"Aw, shame. I was hoping for a good hunt, never mind." She turned on her heel and walked into a bigger room. She walked to a window, used the rest of her bullets on the walkers and then grabbed her rifle.
"Jonathan! Get through here! Your services are required!"


Jonathan nodded once and walked backwards, still holding up his gun to the new people.
"What is it? What's wrong?"
"Walkers!" He ran to the other window, grabbed his sniper rifle and got to work killing the Zombies.

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Oan stands there for a moment, dumbfounded by just how hot this girl was. Snapping out of it when she asked the question, he answers "Umm, well there is Plan B. We made a plan for any scenario that could possibly occur to the Campus, so I think we'll be safe." He says, than realizing the entire amount of zombies outside. "I got this." He says, returning the M203 to it's spot. Opening up the door, he launches the 40mm Grenade straight into a zombie, exploding it and 4 of it's friends into chunks of rotten meat. "Come get some you ugly mother-fuckers!" He growls as he unloads rounds into their brains, dropping as many as he could with his 30-round clip. "Here, catch." He says to the German Girl, tossing her two full clips of AK ammo he grabbed from one of his dead comrades. "It's a dead man's ammo, so put it to good use." He says, before reloading and firing off more rounds from the doorway.

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View All » Add Character » 8 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Vesh Scheirer
Character Portrait: Misery (Adams) Demetrius
Character Portrait: Maka Zeriou
Character Portrait: Kitana Strong


Character Portrait: Maka Zeriou
Maka Zeriou

"What are these things? What....are...they....?"

Character Portrait: Misery (Adams) Demetrius
Misery (Adams) Demetrius

Try it touch him and there will be nothing left so don't do it.


Character Portrait: Maka Zeriou
Maka Zeriou

"What are these things? What....are...they....?"

Character Portrait: Misery (Adams) Demetrius
Misery (Adams) Demetrius

Try it touch him and there will be nothing left so don't do it.

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Misery (Adams) Demetrius
Misery (Adams) Demetrius

Try it touch him and there will be nothing left so don't do it.

Character Portrait: Maka Zeriou
Maka Zeriou

"What are these things? What....are...they....?"

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Submitted~~ YAYZ!

Kiko xxx

Re: [OOC] The world after

Hey Guys, your GM talking.

I am going to start this when I get at least 4 to 5 characters.

And guys do not be up tight, this is suppost to be fun.

Have fun killing the Zombies

your loving Psychotic GM

Eleera Cain.

[OOC] The world after

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