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Thrones and Fire

Thrones and Fire


In a world dominated by kingdoms; politics is as bloody a game as war. In this world, Kings fight not only other kings but darker foes such as the spirits of the unknown.

1,075 readers have visited Thrones and Fire since Solaron created it.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources:

underworld is based off of this:


In this world, there is nothing but war; war of swords and steel, and wars of political might and deception. Great kings rise to the top, creating great empires, shining like a star in the darkness of the world, but like all things in the world, it soon collapses, the Great king soon forgotten and overshadowed by someone even greater; such is the fate of all worldly things. To be remembered is the greatest victory in this world full of deception, tyranny, and decadence. Demons feast well on the low emotions of men; only the most iron-willed can resist their temptations. Those great men who can spit in the eyes of the Demon lords of the underworld, those men are remembered; if not by their peers, by the Demons who know forever that his soul will forever remain free of their grasp long after his death; those souls who are less strong are simply a feast and quickly forgotten. Even greater are the mightiest magic users who can bind Demons to the greatest weapons of war, turning the Underworld against itself; however, countless arrogant sorcerers have tried the same, but always end up becoming a thrall of the blade instead of the blade become their thrall.
Kings and Queens rule this land, and more often than not Nobility rule lands were the Monarch cannot directly rule; there is a special place in a Demon's appetite for these arrogant rulers of men. The common folk lay oppressed by the boot heel of these rulers; the sheer pointless tyranny caused sometimes disgusts even the most otherwise evil of Demons; it is, on occasion, a Demon will lend itself to these common folk; a mutually beneficial action results; the Commoners rise against their masters, overthrow them, and take the handle of their own destiny, while the Demons get a succulent feast of blue-blooded souls. This is a cause of great strife; rebellions are common place, yet the rulers do not think that if they remove their tyranny then perhaps they will end; it is this that causes a vicious cycle. It is a great, or kind, leader who can end this rebellions peacefully, and turn to other Kingdoms to conquer; these men are not in history books, they write the history books. To unite this chaotic land, it would require the greatest leader of all time; countless have tried, none have succeeded. Dozens of kingdoms lay scattered about, all war-like, all blood-thirsty.
Now that the politics is understood, it is time to turn to the Underworld; the Demons who manipulate the mortal world. The area where they resides is called the Underworld; it is a spiritual dimension, only accessible through spells. The entire plane and the demons within are shaped by the thoughts of humanity and all sentient species; if the good outweighs the bad, it becomes a paradise; if the the bad outweighs the good, it becomes hellish. In these trying times, evil is far more numerous than good, and the Underworld and its inhabitants reflect that; however, in the cesspit of evil there still remains some good spirits, but they are far weaker than their evil counterparts and both are vastly and massively outnumbered by their morally gray counterparts. The demons can take whatever form they choose, and the more powerful the Demon, the more it can affect mortals; Demons are divided by mortal scholars into Lesser, Normal, and Greater; Demons are born into a lesser status and gain in power as they feast on souls. Lesser Demons are numerous but weak; their mental power is on par with a normal person's; for every person, there are ten lesser demons. Normal demons have more power and are less numerous. Greater Demons have might unparalleled; they have no trouble enthralling even incredibly strong-willed humans; Greater Demons are often worshiped as Gods by mortals, and it is frankly not far off; in the Physical world Greater Demons can annihilate entire armies in the blink in of an eye... or turn the entire army into their mindless servants.
Demons all have some latent mind-control abilities over mortals; stronger demons have it over their fellows. Every subset of Demons approach control differently, as we will see. Demons feast on mortal souls, and become stronger as they do so; when the soul is consumed, the soul becomes absorbed by the Demon, living locked out from the world inside it, until eventually the mortal's mind is erased, and they become a thrall of the Demon, as their very essence is absorbed. Demons gain souls through several ways; their worshipers offer them freely through sacrifice, those mortals who attempt to control them may instead lose their souls; or, a Demon's thrall may instead slay many as offerings to their patron demon. Mortals often attempt to resisit a Demon's control; some succeed, and the Demon is forced to grant them what they wish; most, however, lose; their eyes roll back into their head as the enter a worshipful trance, chanting the Demon's name while bowing before them. When a Demon mentally takes control of a person, besting them in the game of willpower, the Demon may simply eat the person's soul, leaving them a mindless husk and servant of the Demon, a thrall, or the Demon may decide this individual will make a better offering of souls should they be allowed to live as their still free-thinking servant, binding their souls together. Most demons shy away from the binding of souls, however; when the souls are binded, the bind cannot be broken, and while the Demon can influence their mortal servant, their servant can influence and change them as well.

Let us look at the types of demons, and their respective ideas of effecting mortals.
Demons of War, Honor, Mercy, Pride, and Weaponry: These Demons are violent creatures; they have the most sway over the warriors of man kind. They take pride in combat. These demons are the most likely to soul-bind, not wanting to destroy a warrior's spirit, their greatest asset. When in the mortal world, they often take the form of warriors or beasts, or sometimes as weaponry, influencing greatly those who wield them. When attempting to control a mortal, they take a blunt approach; a clash of willpower, pure and simple; if they win, they eagerly take their new servants; if they lose, they graciously grant what the mortal wishes.
Demons of Love, Lust, and Greed: Seducitve and deceptive demons, these demons try to worm their way into the hearts of mortal; they take a form most attractive to their target, and using seductive rhetoric, calmly talk their way into control over the mortal; their twisted words and deception makes it hard to defeat these demons in will power, for even if you think they lost, they have won; use a sword instead
These are just two prime examples; there are countless demons of many types.

With the diversion to the underworld completed, let us now conclude our overview. The world is dominated by aristocrats and kings; slavery is common place. Tyranny is everywhere. Men die without ever knowing what they could accomplish; will you accomplish something? Will you make it onto the stage of history, forever remembered by Demon and Mortal? These are questions you must answer.

Character Application
I do not have a need for a formal application; I want detail of who this person is, their species, what makes them special, magical abilities (if any) and what equipment they have. About five paragraphs or more per character is suitable. Demon/Mortal pairs are accepted as any other individual character.

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Browse All » 4 Settings to roleplay in

The Overworld

The Overworld by RolePlayGateway

The mortal plane, where all sentient species live

The Underworld

The Underworld by RolePlayGateway

The hellish landscape where Demons reside

The City of Aston

The City of Aston by RolePlayGateway

A city-state independent of any rule by nations; it is here that many mercenary groups reside, looking for new lords to serve under.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 2 authors


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#, as written by MLE93
It was not often that Niko was distracted at the flame. But here he was pounding away at the glowing red metal, his mind wandering where it hasn't been in a sum of years. The memory of his maker's voice still had the ability to make his knees buckle and his forehead sheen. "The curse of men has started to make our kind weak, young demon. But your kind were built more lucid than the strongest of them. You can make them crumble like dust for what you have to offer, although they possess an ancient secret that can always find a way to soften your monster heart. Make me proud demon, never allow that to happen or slum in the filth of them."
"I've become too soft" thought Niko, ashamed. It's been months since he had caused his own share of chaos in the Overworld, he's been too busy perfecting the designs and stature of his weapons. Without another thought, he grabbed one of his glimmering swords and transported above.
Only one face was taking his vision; he sneered and moved through the cold like a shadow.

The setting changes from The Underworld to The City of Aston

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Akira Solom
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Solaron
Akira Solom rested within a tavern, the Sword and Shield, reading a tome he had gotten from a scholar as...payment for services rendered. It was a text on the workings of the mind of sociology; certainly a new science, only beginning to be removed from the mysticism and philosophy of the Ancients. Solom absorbed the knowledge without any trouble; to be a literate warrior was a rarity, but to be able to understand such complicated theories was amazing; still, Solom has had alot of time to think such things over. His purpose was killing, for his patron, for the right cause; he had no real friends, no one he could call a brother in arms, for they would surely push him away as soon as they learned about his condition. All he could do in the time between battles is learn; he always was sure to know everything he could. His sole possessions were his sword, his armor, and a library hidden in some woods to hold the books he gathered; he fought for his meals, and his shelter was in the wilderness; to live among men was a danger, for he knew he could not keep Her hungry for long. These brief stays in civilization were only for the time after battles, where he could again see another human face he was not in the process of killing. He felt sad at his isolation. Solom felt a slight tingle at the back of his skull; She was speaking. He kept looking at the book as his consciousness of the outside world began to fade; he subconsciously gripped his sword as Her words, like gospel to him, began to pour into his head.
"My dear Solom, why do you gloom? You are an ancient, still living; why do you think you would be given the luxury of camaraderie? We need no one but each other; a sword and her warrior. There is no room for anything else. "
Solom paused for a moment, looking down at his sword; he responded in his thoughts.
I deeply apologize, Grace; it is just its difficult to accept this. But I understand.
The last words rebounded in his head without any tone to them; like a puppets unnatural movements, those words were not his own thoughts, but he now fully believed them to be and adjusted his mindset accordingly.
The demon felt a tinge of the human emotion happiness; as she felt it, so did Solom. Though she made him accept her words, she did like how attached Solom was getting to her of his own will; 'Grace'... what an ironic name. She felt around his mind; he loved her, and this pleased her greatly. Solom's mind fell completely silent for several minutes, Solom gazing in a trance like state as Grace thought of her next words.
"You gave me a feast today, so I suppose you should be allowed to look upon the people you fight for, I suppose."
Solom cracked a beaming smile; and the memory of the combat was good as well; several guardsman harassing people within the city and at one point stooping to murder, slain by the Mighty Solom. Or, at least, that's the way the scholar worded it when he rewarded him with the tome; it was a good day, to say the least; the guardsman were all decent fighters in their own right, and Grace loved nothing more than the soul of a strong warrior. And increasingly, Solom was starting to love giving them to her, not out of killing for ideals but to simply hear the pleased tone of his patron. Still, his idealism was still strong.
Grace went back to silent thought as Solom went to read his tome; she felt trapped in the blade. In the underworld, she could take any form she wished; in there, she was free. But now all she could do physically is sit at the side of her servant; the only release was taking her servant's body, twisting it to a more suitable form, then taking control of it; she felt so trapped this day, that she decided she would do that.
"Dear Solom, when we leave this city and go into the woods, I will take your body for a walk; understand?"
Solom understood Grace's problem and simply gave a short Yes. in his head as response. Solom turned to his tome, and Grace decided to be bold.
"I love you, dear."
Solom forgot to only think the words and spoke softly outloud
"I love you too."
He blinked hard as he realized Grace wasn't waiting until he left the city to take control; he began to jog as he felt his mind being forced, his body twisting and turning as he barely managed to make it into the woods; he wanted to scream, but it was suppressed as he felt himself lose power as Grace took control.
As Grace blinked hard in her body; her body now, not his, she felt a bit guilty for taking such control within the city; she could of just exposed her poor fri- servant; she quickly corrected herself. And guilt? I've should of found someone a bit crazier to bind with... She sighed; it was too late for her, to become the embodiment of war and rage she once was; Solom and her were permanently binded, and she already had his sense of ethics and morals; she didn't like it. She actually did feel affection for her servant, and she didn't like that one bit. She twisted his body into her physical form; even the clothing changed. Soon, Solom was gone, replaced by Grace's physical form; she felt free, again, as she felt the dirt under her bare feet; she could feel things again. She could do things again. Grace simply ran through the woods, enjoying every sensation for nearly an hour before she decided to give Solom back control, taking cover under some nice temporary shelter; within minutes Solom had returned to his body, his form restored, the Tome which had vanished before in his hands; he felt drained mentally by the experience, and passed out as he retook control.

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The Overworld

The Overworld by RolePlayGateway

The mortal plane, where all sentient species live

The Underworld

The Underworld by RolePlayGateway

The hellish landscape where Demons reside

The City of Aston

The City of Aston by RolePlayGateway

A city-state independent of any rule by nations; it is here that many mercenary groups reside, looking for new lords to serve under.

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View All » Add Character » 2 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Akira Solom
Character Portrait: Niko Halmar


Character Portrait: Niko Halmar
Niko Halmar

"With the edge of my steel, any fool can be King."

Character Portrait: Akira Solom
Akira Solom

"I fight for what's right... and my patron."


Character Portrait: Niko Halmar
Niko Halmar

"With the edge of my steel, any fool can be King."

Character Portrait: Akira Solom
Akira Solom

"I fight for what's right... and my patron."

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Niko Halmar
Niko Halmar

"With the edge of my steel, any fool can be King."

Character Portrait: Akira Solom
Akira Solom

"I fight for what's right... and my patron."

View All » Places

The Overworld

The Overworld by RolePlayGateway

The mortal plane, where all sentient species live

The Underworld

The Underworld by RolePlayGateway

The hellish landscape where Demons reside

The City of Aston

The City of Aston by RolePlayGateway

A city-state independent of any rule by nations; it is here that many mercenary groups reside, looking for new lords to serve under.

The City of Aston

The Overworld The City of Aston Owner: RolePlayGateway

A city-state independent of any rule by nations; it is here that many mercenary groups reside, looking for new lords to serve under.

The Underworld

The hellish landscape where Demons reside

The Overworld

The mortal plane, where all sentient species live

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do you still want to carry on?

Re: [OOC] Thrones and Fire

I'm looking forward to this one! :)

Re: [OOC] Thrones and Fire

I'd be interested if more people got involved. I'll be watching this, and if some more show interest, expect a character from me.

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