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Amaco (Mac) Mizaki

"Pain is my addiction. Whether I'm inflicting it, or the one receiving."

0 · 347 views · located in Class 2

a character in “Trinity: The New Earth”, as played by SuperNinjaRoo


Full Name: Amaco Mizaki
Nicknames: Mac
Age: 21
Birthdate: January 2nd
Home Earth, but immediately moved to Trinity
Class Keeper
Sexuality: Pansexual

Likes: Power, Control, Eternity, Tattoos, Drugs
Dislikes: The Winter, Being Lost, Judgmental People, Death, Boring People

Personality: Mac loves to be right, even when she knows she is wrong. She is very argumentative, and usually doesn't know where to draw the line. She is very rash, and tends to make decisions on a whim. She has a very addictive personality, and can become transfixed with something in an instant. Along with that, she can get distracted easily. One moment she will be completely absorbed in something, and the next she is obsessed with something else. Part of this is because she has slight brain issues because of drug abuse in the past and present. Amaco likes to get what she wants, and usually does. She is very attractive, and uses her charm to wheedle her way into anything and everything. She loves to flirt, and is very provocative at times. She never relies on a man, or woman to do anything for her; she is extremely independent. She's rebellious too, even form a young age. That's one of the reasons she became a keeper. Now though, her rebellious attitude is beginning to get her in trouble with the keepers themselves, but she tries to keep them at bay through her charm.

History: When her family arrived on Trinity, they were ecstatic. She had just been born and her mother was beyond happy that her daughter would be able to grow up here. Growing up, Amaco was a very independent girl. Even at the young age of five, she would always wander off. She always managed to get into trouble no matter what her parents did to stop her. It only got worse when she turned 13. She found someone who would give her a tattoo, even without her parents though. It would cost her 500 dollars, which she didn’t have, so she tried to make a deal with him. He gave her one offer, which she took. The tattoo she got was an orchid on her left forearm. The deal was that she let him give her another tattoo. He gave her the infinity symbol over her heart. When her parents so these, they were very disappointed, but also concerned with the infinity symbol. After a few years, Amaco became obsessed with the idea of living forever. She ran away at 16 and never saw her parents again. She started to go by Mac and met a few people who held the same beliefs as her about living forever. She also got into drugs when she left, and ran out of money fast. At first she did things like just taking prescription drugs, and pain killers. But that advanced to ecstasy, and LSD, and eventually to Cocaine and meth. Her favorite is ecstasy, but she can’t go without meth. She likes to think she isn’t addicted, but she is.

Anything else?: Her favorite drug is ecstasy, but she can’t go without meth. She likes to think she isn’t addicted, but she is. She is addicted to tattoos. She doesn’t want to be completely covered in them, but she loves the feeling of getting a new one, so she just gets complicated ones that take a few months to do. She has the orchid on her arm, and the infinity sign on her heart. She also has a dragon on the right side of her back. It’s higher up, like on her shoulder blade. It’s tail wraps around onto her rib cage, and its right claw is on top of her shoulder. Its left claw is on the left nape of her neck, while the head is on the back of her neck. It looks like it’s climbing. She has her name in Japanese symbols the palm part of her left thumb. The finishing of the dragon is her latest tattoo, she is going to get another one soon. She is also extremely sadistic, hence her addiction to tattoos. More so, it's an addiction to pain. Secretly, she cuts her hips, just to feel the pain.

So begins...

Amaco (Mac) Mizaki's Story

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Character Portrait: Amaco (Mac) Mizaki Character Portrait: Alexander Lancaster
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Mac woke up coughing and sputtering. Rain was pouring down on her face and she could hardly breath. She fell off the bench she was on and into a puddle. Not that it mattered, she was already soaked to the bone. She had gone out for a night and must have fallen asleep on a bench. Sounds about right She rubbed her head and sat in the freezing rain for just two seconds longer. She stood up and looked around. She couldn't see a thing. "Damnit," she said and blindly ran through the street. She made it to the side walk just in time for a car and a motorcycle to go flying by. "Slow down, asshole!" She yelled out, even though she knew they couldn't hear her. She finally was able to make out a sign that sounded familiar. She ran over to it and checked the back parking lot. Her bike was there. She smiled. She threw her leg across the seat and started up the engine. She hugged it tight and took off, sending gravel raining down on the roof of the bar.

After a cold, wet ride she finally made it to the Keepers domain. She parked her motorcycle and ran into her apartment. It was a bit of a mess; clothes everywhere. She didn't mind though. She peeled off her tank top and bra. It was a struggle to get the tight jeans off, especially being soaked, but she managed too. She turned on the shower, only to receive the same cold water that was pouring outside. She was used to cold showers though. She scrubbed her hair and body and once she decided she was clean, she hopped out and dried off. She pulled on some clean, dry skinny jeans and a bra then went to make some breakfast. She checked her fridge, but the only thing in there was protein shakes and a few apples. She grabbed one of each and scarfed it down quickly. Mac went to finish getting dressed, pulling on a black tank top and a burgundy hoodie. She still felt pretty tired, so she went back to the kitchen. She made a cup of coffee, or rather sugar with a hint of coffee to be exact. She also slipped a half a pill of ecstasy in there to kick start her brain. She poured it in a thermos and looked around to see if there was anything she was forgetting. She grabbed a leather jacket and pulled that on over her hoodie, then put on some knee high boots. She hoped it might help keep her dry a bit.

When she walked out of her apartment, a few people were staring at her. She gave them a weird look back then shook her head. They were always judging her. She took a sip of her coffee, then walked out of the apartment building door. She stood under the overhang for a minute. It took her a bit to convince herself to leave her dry shelter, but she managed to. She darted for her bike and started it up. Mac peeled out of the parking lot and sped to the Keepers head quarters. It was only about a half mile away, so it didn't take her long. She sprinted inside and took off her wet jacket and slung it over a chair. She sat down, just in time for the return of Alexander. He came in drinking his regular cup of coffee. Black with no sugar. The exact opposite of hers. She smiled at him and took a sip of her own concoction. "Goodmorning, Alexander," She cooed at him.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Amaco (Mac) Mizaki Character Portrait: Alexander Lancaster
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"Yes, yes hello Mac lovely morning and all that." Alexander said whilst signing a tsunami wave of papers coming at him from all angles. "There are a million and one things I need done. I can handle a million, but you have got to do one for me. I just got a report that one of our warehouses was broken into. They stole some food, but they missed the real good stuff we had hidden away in there. Anyway I need the gang who did it to pay, It was those damn Crimsons and I want their leader dead... and if he or she has any family kill them to. I don't know who the leader is, but one of the gang was captured by the police. Find her do what ever it takes to get the leader's name." Alexander explained. Without waiting for a response he continued on singing papers.

After 15 minutes the wave finally stopped. He decided to go down to research & development. He walked to the elevator and the door shut with a loud metallic clang. "God I hate this elevator." Alexander said. Research and development was far under ground so it was a five minute trip. When he got down to the floor the door opened and a laser bolt arched towards him. He moved his head to the side in just the nick of time and then continued walking. He yelled out to the the research guys, "Why do you guys continue to try and use lasers, I couldn't have dodged a bullet." They all yelled, "Sorry, sir." Alexander took a seat at a nearby desk and started to look through the unfunded research projects to try and find something interesting. "Hum... weaponized pumpkins..." Alexander clicked the button to allow funding for the project.

The setting changes from The Keepers Headquarters to Trinity


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Juliette de Chateau Character Portrait: Johan Ferin Character Portrait: Amaco (Mac) Mizaki Character Portrait: Alexander Lancaster
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Mac rolled her eyes at the nonchalant hello. She wanted him to pay attention to her, but apparently that wasn't going to happen. She stood and listened to him with an annoyed look on her face. She could have been flipping him off for all he knew. He was no fun while he had to do a million things. Mac sighed and glanced outside. The rain had let up a lot. When he got to the part about killing someone, she got a rush inside of her. She loved playing assassin. She wasn't so sure about the family part. She couldn't kill a kid. She would let them be. She was hoping he might be able to tell her exactly where to find the leader, but sadly she was being sent on a wild goose chase, off to find some Class Three girl involved with the gang and just happened to be in Class Two with the police. Lovely.

"Alright, Ally," She said and finished up her coffee. Her jacket was still soaked, so she left it where it was. She was going to be coming back to the head quarters anyway. "See you later," She called and headed out the door. She pulled up her hood and got on her bike. The mist was still nipping at her face a bit, but it was better than the buckets that were drowning her before. She started the bike and rode away. She happened to see someone on a bike, just like hers, but the wheels were turned so that they were horizontal rather than vertical. It was a hover bike and those things were awesome. She made a mental note to as Ally to get her one. She sped off to Class Two, on her regular bike.

When she got there, a few people were crowding around a fountain, while a woman was frantically talking away about some girl on a hover board. Mac was about to keep walking until the police were mentioned. She walked over to the people and pushed her way through the crowd. "A girl on a hover board, running from the police?" Mac smiled inwardly, but on the outside she forced her face into a worried look, even a few tears welled up there. "Where is she?" Amaco cried, grabbing onto the woman's arm. "She's my best friend!"

"You're best friend is a criminal?" The woman asked, looking at her skeptically.

Damnit, didn't think this through well enough. The girl thought. "No!" She cried out, forcing more tears to come to her eyes. "She told me that she was going to come to Class Two today to buy a new blanket for her baby boy, and I told her not to go, but she didn't listen. I had heard about a gang planning some big thing and was worried she might get caught in the cross fire! And of course she did, but now she is in trouble!" Mac was speaking extremely fast, and she would be surprised if the woman understood her in the first place. She bit her lip and waited for her response. She received a pat on the shoulder, and the woman who had been relaying the story gave her a sad look.

"Class Three, and she has a baby. That poor girl. She looked so young too!" The woman said, addressing the fake story more than she did Mac.

"She was raped. I told her I would help her take care of him. Where is she?" Mac asked again. She was done embellishing for now, she needed to find this girl.

"She's getting treated by Johan," She pointed to a street. "I'm sure you're familiar with him, he does make it to Class Three, right?" The woman said. "Go down that road and turn left at your first chance. Go all the way to the dead end, and turn right. The police station is in the first door on your right. You should see the sign."

"Yes of course," Mac said and thanked her before running off to the street she pointed to. After running down the roads, following the woman's helpful instructions, she found the station. She wasn't really sure how to go about doing this. Faking an injury might work. Or accidental drug OD.

Mac reached into her bra and pulled out a small syringe. She flicked it a few times before putting the tip into the crook of her elbow, ever so carefully. She held her upper arm and slowly reach her mouth towards the need. She clamped onto it, so when she bit down the meth would go into her blood stream. She dug the needle in a bit further then bit down. She waited a bit longer then climbed up to the window again. It looked like Johan was finishing up. She could feel the meth taking control of her body. Grinning, she stumbled to the door of the police station and pushed her way inside.

"I think I took too much." She said and held up the syringe. Of course, after a few years on and off of meth, she was well accustomed to this small amount. Had this been her first time, well this would be a very different story. She blinked a few times and made her eyes go wide, looking completely out of it. She inwardly applauded herself on her acting, at least she thought it was good. She glanced over to where a sign above a door said infirmary. "I need to see a doctor." She said. She risked getting in trouble with the police, but Ally could fix that.

The setting changes from Trinity to Class 2


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adrian Smith Character Portrait: Juliette de Chateau Character Portrait: Johan Ferin Character Portrait: Amaco (Mac) Mizaki
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As Johan exited the infirmary he was instantly told about the girl who had apparently OD'ed. He walks calmly toward the lobby where the girl was. It was his experience that when a doctor seemed panicked everyone panicked and mass panic was never a good thing. Without even approaching the girl holding the needle he looks to a near by officer and says "Get this girl a suite, she will need to sleep it off." Despite Mac's acting job he could easily tell she was not over dosed. He had seen many over dose patients before, forming coherent sentences was rare. The words he used may have seemed odd but they where common code for a cell where someone potentially dangerous could sleep off whatever they where on. Crack addicts and meth head tended to have a violent side. On top of his experience he could plainly see the multiple marks on the girls arm known as track marks. Judging from the amount of scarring she was a lifetime user. That one tiny little hole where the blood was still lightly coming out would likely only be enough to get her high, not risk her life. By his estimation it would have taken multiple syringes full to actually risk anything.

He had seen this multiple times before, a drug addict 'seeks medical aid' in an attempt to get medical grade pain killers. The signs where clear to anyone with enough experience. Having helped people in the second and third for so long he had learned to see the signs. He couldn't dose her with anything because that was what she was looking for, a fix. The con had only ever worked on him once, after that he noticed it right away. As a group of officers went to pick the girl up off the ground and escort her to a jail cell for a night or two, Johan moved over to Adrian. He waves a greeting "You look.... clean." he said as a half joke to the man, meaning both physically and chemically. His eyes wandering up and down the man to further enhance his words. Johan had always been careful with his words around Adrian, tip toeing around subjects expertly so as to not give away Adrian's habits. "I hope you guys aren't too hard on that girl I just patched up." His genuine concern for her coming out. Adrian would know Johan is a bit of a softy whenever anyone was in danger of being hurt and the police force wasn't known for being nice to criminals from the third.

As he waited for a response his left hand went up to his right bracer, he seemed to grab hold of it and massage the arm a bit. Most would think he was scratching an itch brought on from wearing the bulky leather arm guards. No one but those in his family truly knew why he wore the eye sores. Though his sister did a fantastic job of making them look stylish, he refused to take them off. Most thought they had some sentimental value, a few rumored that he was constantly on mind increasing drugs and the bracers where giving it to him constantly throughout the day. Many rumors flowed about the odd accessory, but none had any real substance. Not even Adrian's detective skills could deduce their purpose, causing most people to just chalk it up to a rich man's eccentricity.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adrian Smith Character Portrait: Juliette de Chateau Character Portrait: Johan Ferin Character Portrait: Amaco (Mac) Mizaki
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As the doctor looked at her, Mac sadly realized that he was too experienced to believe she was OD. She bit the inside of her cheek and glanced at the room he just came from. She could just barely hear the buzzing of electricity. Oh, great, they're torturing her. Beat me to it. Alexander is going to be pissed if I don't get to her gang. She thought, hopelessly. All of a sudden, she felt two cops start pulling her into a place where she could sleep off the drugs. "Shit," she said aloud. They led her to a room, but Mac was scanning the police at her sides. She saw they both had keys, tasters, and guns. She took the keys off one of them and slipped the cool metal into her pants. Just as they were pushing her inside, she was able to grab the taser off the other. They locked the door and she looked around. Nothing in there but a bed. She looked at the door and shook her head. There was a lock on the inside. This must have been one of those rooms the cops had to lock themselves in when they were interrogating or something. It wasn't a regular cell. She pulled out the keys and tried the few that were on there. Once she found the right one, she creaked the door open, very slowly. She looked down the hallway and didn't see anyone so she made a break for it, and began running.

She found an emergency exit and slammed the door open. Instantly, sirens and lights went off in the building. She would have been afraid, but the meth was counter-acting that. Her boots slammed through the alley way and somehow she got herself lost. "I don't know how many cops they have, but I bet a lot of them are going to be looking for me," she whispered, all the while her grin still plastered in her sweaty face. She glanced down at her hand to see that she still had the taser. "This should help, but I lost that girl. Oh my God," Amaco said. She shivered and began walking through the back alley ways. They weren't as filthy as the ones in Class 3, where she spent a lot of her time when she wasn't at the head quarters. There were cheap drugs there, and she knew someone who would give her the easy stuff for free. Stuff like oxycodine, and other strong pain killers. She pushed the thoughts from her brain and kept walking, looking for an outlet to the normal street. She peeled off her hood and threw it on the ground. She decided that if she had any hopes of hiding from the cops, she would need to look a little bit different. SHe pulled her hair back in a messy bun and looked down at her pants. There was no changing those, or her boots. She shrugged and broke out into a jog, finally seeing some nicer paved roads in the distance. Suddenly, she heard sirens and a cop car passed by. From the sound of it, it seemed like they had stopped. she hoped at the entrance to another alley. As she neared the corner, she saw that she had hoped correctly. There was a store right in front of her and she ran across the open road and pushed the door open. She picked out a shirt and a long flowy skirt and brought it to the counter.

"Is this all?" the man at the counter asked her, with a rude glance.

"Yeah, how much?" She asked him, searching in her pockets, hoping she had left some money in her pants. When her fingers found the paper, she smiled.

"4o." He said.

"Damn, how much for just the skirt?" Mac said when she realized she didn't have enough.

"20, don't you know how to read?" He asked.

As she handed him the money, she rolled her eyes. "No, I'm from Class 3. I barely know how to count." She lied to him and pulled on the skirt, over her jeans. Because it was loose, it looked fine. She was a bit annoyed, but she would just have to deal with it. She stalked out the door and began to wander around the streets, looking for her bike. There was no way she could stay here any longer. She would have to wait it out a bit, maybe go to Class 3 and search for the Crimsons herself, without the help of this girl, who she didn't even know what she looked like.

((Didn't mean to tag Adrian.))


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adrian Smith Character Portrait: Juliette de Chateau Character Portrait: Johan Ferin Character Portrait: Amaco (Mac) Mizaki
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Mac was keeping her head down, and her face casually turned away from the street. She was conjuring up a new plan, and hoping that she wouldn't fail this time. Just as the thoughts were grazing her mind, she saw the doctor in the police station, and I man she recognized but couldn't quite place him. He looked a bit professional, but she decided to shrug it off. The girl with them was quite beautiful, and that made a smile come to Mac's lips. Maybe she could stop to get something to eat. Of course, she had just spent all of her money. Maybe she could just rest a bit.

She walked into the Broken Tooth and sat at a booth a ways away from the doctor, familiar man, and the pretty girl. She mad sure they wouldn't see her face as she walked by and she slipped into a booth. If she leaned out she could see them, and they might see her, if they ere looking. When a waitress came, she simply ordered a water, much to the waitresses' dismay.

"You have to buy something, we'll still charge you for sitting here," she said to Mac.

"Listen, I'm going to get something. I just need a little time. And plus I'm waiting for someone," the girl replied and gave the waitress a sweet smile. The waitress nodded and bustled away, tending to her other tables. As Mac was Idly staring at the menu, she heard someone singing. It was in another language, and she hadn't the slightest clue what it was. The only other language she knew was Japanese, and she hadn't spoken that since she left her parents house. She scowled at the thought of them, then thought of her two little brothers she never met. Maybe she'd drop by their house on her visit in Class 2, see how the folks were doing. She slightly laughed at the idea, then turned attention back to the singing. She peeked around the corner of the booth and saw that it was the girl who was singing. It was pretty, but it also seemed a bit sad to Mac. The girl's food came, and she was shocked out of singing. Mac turned around again and attempted to think of ideas on how to find this girl. Hmm, isn't it strange there was a girl speaking another language with the doctor and a man who looked so familiar? She thought and started drinking her water. She decided she would have to consider that this might be the girl she was looking for.

The waitress came back and interrupted her thoughts. "Are you ready yet, hun?" She asked and pulled out a tablet she would put her order on.

"I'm from Class 3, and I don't know what any of this is," She said and pointed to the menu. Of course, she was lying. She eve been here once or twice. She said it loud enough that the girl might hear, and if there was a reaction, Mac would think that talking to tis girl would be a pretty good start.

"Then why are you here?" the waitress asked again.

"I told you, I'm waiting." Mac concluded. She didn't dare look over her shoulder, for fear the doctor would recognize her. Of course he would.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adrian Smith Character Portrait: Juliette de Chateau Character Portrait: Johan Ferin Character Portrait: Amaco (Mac) Mizaki Character Portrait: Morgan Demara Rizzo Character Portrait: Colby Breckenridge
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Johan was fascinated by the girls singing, so much so that he seemed to have forgotten the rest of the room existed. For that few brief seconds that she was singing he realized multiple things about her. One she had to have some sort of musical training which was to put it lightly, rare in the 3rd class. Two he suddenly liked that song a lot more. Then finally he was extremely happy to have given the device to such a talented girl. He was now one hundred percent sure she would make good use of it. It wasn't until the waitress stopped by to drop by their order that he snapped out of his train of thought. As she set the massive messy looking burger in front of him the people who where staring before where now dumbfounded. He was after all wearing all white cloths that where made out of fabric the class two's likely only saw in the finest dress' in the finest stores. He even heard a light gasp from a woman in the corner when he picked up the burger haphazardly and took a big uncivilized bite out of the slab of meat covered in bun with bacon, melted cheese and barbecue sauce. After a moment of chewing he lets out a delighted mmmm sound before turning to Adrian "I swear class two makes the best burgers! In first all you can get is these high priced lamb things with no sauce and this flavorless 'healthy' cheese that taste like caulk if they are even slightly over cooked. I swear if these people would just take the extra money they spend on stupid things like that and do something like say buy cans of food for the people in third?! It could change so much. Whoever thought up cheap ground meat, barbecue sauce, bacon and cheese was a culinary genius." He brandished the perfect burger as if to make his point. If it weren't for his statement, his cloths and prior knowledge. One would think he was just another second class citizen enjoying a burger... well I believe 'Noming' might be a better descriptor for what the man was doing as it seemed he preferred the hamburger to breathing for a few moments.

A few moments later he poked his head up looking about for a waiter, finally catching a male waiter's eye he raises a hand to call him over. The massive burger was amazing but the chocolate shake the girl got looked fantastic and both would simply be orgasmic. While he waited for the male to weave through the tables to him he looks at Juliette "You eat like my sister." He chuckles lightly poking fun at the girl while the mental image of his sister eating slowly at the table flooded his head. His brother on the other hand was of a similar mind as Johan, food was meant to be eaten. Not cut into tiny squares, measured, looked at then chewed. They both knew the etiquette and its purpose and followed it when at an expensive important function. Out here however where people didn't need to judge food to eat it, his gloves where off and it was time to eat. Interestingly enough some barbecue sauce did spurt out of the hamburger onto his pants much to the dismay of a certain woman in the corner who damn near feinted, but it seems in the process of making it water proof his sister somehow had made it sauce proof as well. The blob seemed to simply skate along his pants until it hit the floor "Well that was cool..." He says as he watched the blob move, he had originally been afraid his sister would kill him. His mind simply came up with one comment Super pants TOOO THE RESCUE!

The setting changes from Class 2 to Trinity


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adrian Smith Character Portrait: Juliette de Chateau Character Portrait: Johan Ferin Character Portrait: Amaco (Mac) Mizaki Character Portrait: Morgan Demara Rizzo Character Portrait: Colby Breckenridge
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#, as written by Layla
"Lovely singing, by the way," the detective said.

Juliette grunted in reply, returning to her pessimistic self now that she was no longer singing. She chewed for a while before looking up at Johan. It was strange how sloppy the Class One doctor was. You'd think they used a million different spoons for each ingredient when they had such an abundance of resources and technology. But this man before her would make even her father cringe, which was saying something. It made her instantly like him a lot more. She stared down at his pants, fascinated by the drop of sauce that slid straight off the material. How she loved his clothes. She'd do anything, anything for his clothes.

"We've never hurt anyone who didn't deserve hurting," she said to Adrian, referring to what he'd said earlier about the gangs in Class Three. "Class Two didn't need all that food. They have more than enough," she said gruffly, before putting down her fork when guilt knotted her stomach. "Little Timmy's never seen pasta before," she mumbled to herself, staring at her plate of spaghetti as if she wasn't sure whether to hate it or love it. She would bring Timmy here for his 11th birthday one day. Somehow. Eleven. God, she hated that number. She hoped life for Timmy when he was eleven would be good. It would be. She'd make sure of it.

"Sink," she said as a way of explanation before she slipped from the booth, walking past the auburn-haired waiter who was heading in the direction of their booth. "Sink?" she asked him. After receiving her answer, she walked towards the sink and gasped in surprise. It was white, pristine and the water was lukewarm. When she'd asked for a 'sink,' she'd expected a leaky, rusted and flimsy piece of metal that half hung off of the wall. This was... A real sink.

Washing her hands, she marvelled at the lovely scent of the pink soap and the wondrous flow of water. Out of habit, she washed her hands hastily, not wishing to waste any of the precious water. Juliette jumped as a piece of tissue dropped down from a box on the wall with a mechanic bzzzz. She took the tissue and wiped her hands, feeling how soft the piece of material was. It made her feel terrible for throwing it away.

"Hey, pretty thing. Mind if I take a seat?" Juliette overheard on her way back to their booth. She stilled, staring as a large man loomed over a fragile beauty with purple-red hair. "You want a drink? A lovely girl like you shouldn't be eating all alone," the man said, bending closer towards the girl and brushing his hands against her body. Juliette stared, her entire body tensed like a coiled spring. "Did anyone tell you how hot you look, baby?"

That did it.

Juliette's father always, always called her baby. It was a horrible pet name for a child he sold and abused. She hated it with a passion, she hated men with a passion, she hated sex with a passion, she hated them all and she sure as hell hated the monster before her now.

"Get. Away. From. Her," Juliette said slowly, in a humming voice more ferocious than if she'd shouted them into his ear.

"If it isn't the little Class Three fountain girl from before," the man said after he'd turned from the red haired girl. He grinned, appraising Juliette's body. She hated his eyes, hated the way they crawled over her. "If you give me some, I'll give you two dollars. You're not bad for a dirty whore," he said with a smirk, reaching towards Juliette to wrap his thick arm around her small waist. Juliette's green eyes sparked with fury as she turned her body to the side, grabbed the man's wrist and lifted it while whacking his elbow downwards. She swept her legs over the man's and he flipped easily backwards, crashing into the redhead's table and breaking it to pieces. She grabbed the man's hand, bending his wrist inwards into a wrist lock. Curling her slim leg around his, she swivelled around to flip him onto his stomach. Untangling her leg, she forced her knee into his spine and twisted his arm behind him.

"If you give me two million, I might consider not dismembering you," she whispered near his ear.

"Miss, I'm afraid you-" a man who looked to be the manager began. Juliette shot him a glare and nudged her head towards Johan.

"I'm with him," she said.

"Oh, uh..."

Juliette dropped the whimpering man's hand, stepping off of him and turning to the red haired girl. "Are you okay?" she asked, the concern apparent in her green eyes. Juliette patted the girl consolingly before hugging her gently, as if she were a porcelain doll. "You must've been terrified." Juliette saw no distinction between rape and sex, they were both terrible, and flirting might as well have been verbal abuse. "You can sit with us," she said, pulling away from the woman and taking her hands in hers. "Those two are asexual," she said, gesturing towards Johan and Adrian.

Tugging the red haired girl away from the destroyed mess of what was once a table, she shuffled along the bench and patted the space next to her. "What's your name, Red?" she asked. "I'm Juliette but you can call me anything you want. Would you like some..." Juliette trailed off, holding up the glass of frothy liquid, unable to remember the name. "Ah... Shaking milk?" The poor red haired girl had gone through a traumatic event and Juliette hoped she'd not be emotionally scarred by it. The terrible man she'd roughened up a little had renewed her dislike for men. It was uncalled for, as she'd been made to sleep with women as well. But men, men were just...

"The ass," she said, gesturing towards Adrian. "The something's-clearly-wrong-with-him," she said, waving at Johan. "It's okay. You can call them whatever you want. They can't hear and be male at the same time."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adrian Smith Character Portrait: Juliette de Chateau Character Portrait: Johan Ferin Character Portrait: Amaco (Mac) Mizaki Character Portrait: Morgan Demara Rizzo
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0.00 INK

Mac watched as the man hit on the red headed girl, also very pretty. The girl who Mac had come into this bar in the first place for stood up and kicked the shit out of him, after quite the disturbing comment from him. So she was the girl she was looking for. Mac decided now was as good a time as ever and stood up, just as Juliette, as she had called herself, pulled the redheaded girl into the booth. She walked over to the table and smiled at the girls, ignore the men completely. "Hi," she said simply, and gave a small bow. Despite being away from her family for a long time, bowing to strangers on a first meet was burned into her brain, and she couldn't help herself. "Your singing was beautiful. I couldn't understand a word of it, let alone being to guess what language it was, but nevertheless, it made me want to sing along as well," Mac smiled at her, taking in her long hair and model-like physique, which was hidden under a mans shirt. She bit her lip and her smile turned into something a bit more sensual. She leaned on the table and ran her fingers along Juliette's arm. "I think a beautiful girl like you shouldn't be stuck here with the likes of them," She cooed at her, jerking her head slightly in Johan and Adrian's direction. "I sort of overheard you're from Class 3. I am just heading back that way, I umm, seem to be out of the good stuff," She stole a look at Johan and smirked. She wasn't afraid of what they might do, because she had the training of a Keeper, and still had the taser on her. Plus, Alexander wouldn't let anyone have the satisfaction of punishing her except for him. The first thing she did was wrong was fail to get Juliette, and she knew that she would be in trouble. She swallowed the thought and turned her dark eyes back to the girls exotic green ones. "So what do you say, gorgeous?" Mac asked her, blinked a few times before standing up straight and adjusting her shirt slightly. She flipped the key to her motorcycle between her fingers idly while she awaited an answer. One hand was behind her back, more than ready to grab the taser if Johan or Adrian tried to take her back to the station, she wouldn't be having that.

The setting changes from Trinity to Class 2


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adrian Smith Character Portrait: Juliette de Chateau Character Portrait: Johan Ferin Character Portrait: Amaco (Mac) Mizaki Character Portrait: Alexander Lancaster Character Portrait: Morgan Demara Rizzo
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Banshee
Colby was on his way to check their supplies of condiments when one of the members of the large group hailed him for attention. It was little surprise that Holly wasn’t around. Now that the food had been delivered, she likely wouldn’t show her face until it was time to give the check. Colby put on a sideways grin and headed toward the large group of people. At least he wouldn’t have to take all their orders. “Hi.” He spoke slowly, doing his best to minimize the stuttering. “Wuh-w-w-what can I d-dd-do ffor you?” Yeah, didn’t work.

It wasn’t a big request at least, just another chocolate shake. He tapped it out on the tablet and nodded his head. “Sure. I’ll b-b-bu-br-bring it out in a j-j-ji-juh-jiffy.” Colby resisted the urge to rub at his left ear each time he stuttered, a habit he was attempting to break. He managed to hold off until he was walking away from the table to help fix the shake. The grill needed Dave’s attention, so items like shakes and drinks all the wait staff tended to get themselves.

“Sink?” The woman who broke out into song caught him before he got too far. It took a moment to register what she asked, and then he was gesturing toward a hall off to the right of the entrance. The restroom sign hung just above the corridor, that was the only place for a customer to wash up. The sink in the back was restricted to the employees.

In just a couple of minutes, Colby was on his way back with the chocolate shake, covered with a generous portion of whipped cream and a cherry on top. Holly skimped on her shakes, took too much work, but Colby liked to make sure people had their money’s worth. “Here you g-g-guh-go.” He set it down along with a fresh napkin, straw, and a long handled spoon. “Enj-jjoy.” Again with the smile, but it faded quickly when there was a commotion in his table area.

He couldn’t contain the groan when the table broke under the weight of the man thrown on top of it. The sound was a mixture of horror, shock and resignation because he’d be the one that would have to clean that up. The sound of something breaking already had Jerry, the manager of the diner, streaming out of the back, sputtering at the sight that greeted him. Colby was moving to get the necessary items he’d need to clean it up, as Jerry moved to the man the young woman indicated she was with. The manager was already tapping away on a small tablet as he directed his words toward Johan. “I will need to know who I can contact to bill for the damages caused here.” Class one or not, this was damage to the physical property of his diner and he was well within his rights to demand they pay for the cost of repairs.

Colby meanwhile was lugging out a bucket, broom and mop to the table. He’d have to actually cart some of the broken bits of the table away after he cleaned up the mess caused by broken plates, spilled food and drink, and shattered glass. He needed to stop thinking that his day couldn’t get any worse. Because every time he did that, it got worse. After snapping a few pictures with the tablet to record the damage, he focused on sweeping up the glass and plates first into a dust pan. It was barely a minute later when another customer came in and sat in his station. Blue eyes locked gazes with the man as he gave his order.

Colby set the broom and dustpan out of the way with a nod as he straightened up. “Sure. I’ll bbb-be rright b-buh-b-back.” He washed his hands, then Colby went about fixing a cup of coffee. Luckily, it was a fresh pot, so it was hot and not stale. It was carried over on a saucer and set down before the man with a sideways smile. “Let m-m-me know if you nuh-n-n-nu-want anything else.” Now, back to clean up duty. Oh joy.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adrian Smith Character Portrait: Juliette de Chateau Character Portrait: Johan Ferin Character Portrait: Amaco (Mac) Mizaki Character Portrait: Alexander Lancaster Character Portrait: Morgan Demara Rizzo
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0.00 INK

Johan smiles calmly as the new girl joins them and it doesn't go away when Mac makes a spectacle of herself. "Well if it isn't the run away addict! Still fleeing from the police are we?" He exclaims conversationally like there wasn't anything strange about it at all. The manager who had been making his way over to talk to him about damages, stopped and pulled a phone off his hip before dialing. As he watches her expression a smirk appears on his face, "With all due respect dear you really should go somewhere and sleep off whatever it is you are on." His voice held the usual kindness it always did, as if he actually cared for the girls health rather than the odd situation they where in. His left hand was buried in his pocket while his right was resting an elbow on the table. Despite honestly caring about the woman he had learned to distrust aggressive personalities mixed with drug users.

When Juliette had thrown the man into the table originally, Johan had turned to face that direction. Anyone with enough observation skills would have noticed his hand go into his pocket then, it hadn't come out since. To the casual observer that didn't know him they would think he was reaching for a weapon. However knowing him personally you would know he never carried any form of lethal weapon despite his brothers offers to get him any manner of gun or blade. It wouldn't take long for Mac to notice the little red light blinking in his pocket. Being a seasoned criminal would bring two things to mind 1.) it could be a bomb, 2.) it was some form of panic button. In truth it was the latter, multiple police cars had already been dispatched to the building and would be there in a manner of minutes. The device simply transmitted his coordinates and an emergency call for backup. He had found it useful when treating the less fortunate and more prone to violence and crime. While Johan did have a large amount of martial arts and combat training, he was unfortunately not allowed to use it to its full potential due to the Hippocratic oath. So when things got out of hand when he first started his little healing campaign his mother forced him to carry it with him at all times.

In general when Johan was in trouble it was more than one person involved, so the police tended to send multiple cars. Usually 2 or 3, the result would be 4 to 6 officers armed for riot control. The armaments where because one time when he gave the last of his free medicine to a poor woman it cause a bit of a scene with others that couldn't get the same medicine, the following riot had to be quelled by a greater military force unfortunately. So the police came armed for war just in case it happened again. His earlier exclamation had been to get the manager to call the police with the hope that he would get a message to the police before he pushed the button so they could send less serious measures but from the look of the manager he was on hold waiting for a free line. Unbeknownst to the people in the diner, the earlier down poor had created some flooding in a few of the lower parts of class two which meant the 911 line would be used to its fullest for a while. So unfortunately overkill would be sent to apprehend the drug addicted woman.

Like nothing was happening he turned to the new girl and smiled lightly at her "My name is Johan, Miss Morgan, its nice to meet you. Please feel free to order anything you'd like." He seemed perfectly comfortable providing for the friend Juliette had just made. It was unclear as to his reason for this, it could be that he wanted Juliette to feel comfortable, or he could honestly just be that nice. With his constant attitude toward conflict and random giving to everyone it would be hard to believe he had an alternate motive. Maybe he did honestly just like to make people happy. Though he didn't offer the same to Mac, this was more likely due to their earlier encounter coloring his perspective of the woman. If she was willing to walk into a police station to get drugs he didn't really feel like adding her to the fun atmosphere he had at the restaurant, not to mention she would be removed soon enough anyway..

(Note: Sorry not sure how to put this in elegantly but if Alex's people are listening in to police radios they would know the riot geared people are coming.)

The setting changes from Class 2 to Trinity


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adrian Smith Character Portrait: Juliette de Chateau Character Portrait: Johan Ferin Character Portrait: Amaco (Mac) Mizaki Character Portrait: Morgan Demara Rizzo Character Portrait: Colby Breckenridge
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Layla
"Hi," spoke a sultry, raspy voice. Juliette looked up and away from Morgan to find herself looking at the most beautiful Asian woman she'd ever met. The woman bowed and Juliette felt as if she needed to stand and curtsy, but resisted the urge.

"Your singing was beautiful. I couldn't understand a word of it, let alone being to guess what language it was, but nevertheless, it made me want to sing along as well," the woman continued. Juliette merely stared at the smiling beauty, before glancing behind her to make sure she really was who this woman was talking to. She was. What did this person want? Was she a policewoman in disguise? Come to arrest her once again?

The French girl jumped when the woman reached out slim fingers to trail over Juliette's skin. Get off, off, off me, Juliette panicked after wincing at the touch. "I think a beautiful girl like you shouldn't be stuck here with the likes of them," she continued, nodding towards Johan and Adrian. "I sort of overheard you're from Class 3. I am just heading back that way, I umm, seem to be out of the good stuff."

"Well if it isn't the run away addict! Still fleeing from the police are we?" Johan asked, amusement lining his dreadfully handsome face. It was cruel for life to give him not only wealth, but beauty. It made Juliette sick. Still, what he'd said about the Asian woman and what she herself had said had her interested. Juliette raised a brow, the panic slowly seeping down her spine, through her toes and into the tiled floors. Good stuff... She must have meant drugs. Biting the inside of her cheek, Juliette stayed silent, keeping her expression as neutral as possible.

"So what do you say, gorgeous?" the Asian woman asked, causing Juliette to nearly flinch. Gorgeous? She was accustomed to la belle but 'gorgeous'?

"Yes, of course I'd ride off into the sunset on a white horse with a stranger I've known for 30 seconds," Juliette said sarcastically. "It's not like that's idiotic or anything. Hey, maybe if you bribe me with lollipops, I'll concede. Although, I do appreciate your lack of respect for those two." Juliette grinned then turned to Morgan. "Would you like to join us on our little Girl's Day Out? Drugs, drinks, sex and dirt. Wooo!" Juliette cheered with false enthusiasm. Although, the first two did sound rather appealing.

"Who are you and what do you really want with me?' Juliette asked the stranger, leaning back against the bench and crossing her legs as one would expect a rich corporate woman to do. "If it's sex, I go by the hour. Women get a discount, though," Juliette said with a smirk and a wink. She lifted her emerald gaze up to meet the woman's and- Juliette froze. There was something so awfully familiar about those eyes. This stranger was interested in her, in more ways than one. Juliette cringed, tugging the sleeves of Johan's shirt down to hide more of herself. Maybe if she buried herself deeply enough to the shirt, she'd simply disappear. Maybe if she shrunk into oblivion, they'd leave her alone. "Morgan and I are busy shaking milk," Juliette mumbled, shuffling closer to Morgan - the heavenly, heterosexual woman - bless her. Juliette looped an arm around Morgan's just as she heard the pinpricks of sirens.

Her gaze shot up as she tensed, her body coiling into a bullet ready to be fired. Then, snarling, she shoved the table aside as she stomped towards Johan and the blinking red light in his pocket.

Although she was standing up and Johan was sitting, she still was not that much taller than him and he was bigger than her. He could shove her away, if he so chose. Still, Juliette, in her rage, grabbed the handles of his chair and glared straight through his eyes, through his optic nerve and into his soul. "Why did you call them?" she demanded before abruptly letting go of Johan's chair. She paced along the width of the booth, biting on her thumb as she shot glances out the window at the sound of the approaching police. Grunting, she grabbed all the knifes from the table and spun them expertly in her fingers, getting a feel for their weight and shape. They were disappointingly blunt but sharp enough to kill if she shoved them into someone's heart with all her might. Not that she would, of course. Usually. Sometimes. Only when they deserved it.

Juliette glared at Johan, considering whether to kill him. Then, an idea sprouted in her mind. She turned around, searched for the stuttering waiter. Yes, he'd be easy, but not as valuable. Did he know the police wanted her, though? Surely not. Hopefully? "Sir?" she called out to him. "Could you come here for a moment please?" When he came, she would wrap her arm around his neck in a choke hold and snap it if he fought. No, she wouldn't. She couldn't. Not when he'd done nothing but serve them amazing food. No, she had a better idea.

Leaning into Johan, she pressed the edge of a knife to his throat. Ah, curses. Juliette was turning into a soft démon lover. She couldn't harm Johan, either. Not after how suspiciously kind Johan had been and after he'd practically saved her life. She knew it was all a trap to get her where she was now - unable to kill the démon but still, her logic did not seem to be winning as it normally did. Johan didn't have to know that, though. She'd drop him off at the outskirts of Class Three and he'd be fine. Ish. She only hoped he'd take her threat to heart and not know how to fight at all. Maybe she'd be lucky and he'd be the Class One type who sat on their million dollar sofas all day. No, he didn't look the type - but a girl could hope.

Juliette tucked a strand of Johan's hair behind his ear and whispered, "Ever seen a bank robbery?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adrian Smith Character Portrait: Juliette de Chateau Character Portrait: Johan Ferin Character Portrait: Amaco (Mac) Mizaki Character Portrait: Morgan Demara Rizzo Character Portrait: Colby Breckenridge
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0.00 INK

Well, dinner had escalated kind of quickly. Juliette was quickly making him regret getting her out of that police station.

”I hate to be clichĂ©, but no good deed seems to go unpunished,” he thought to himself, but mostly ignored it. Adrian had no intention of being a knight in shining armor for this girl. Getting her out of the hands of Class 2 police was enough for him, so if she went and got herself back into their grasp he could drive back to Class 3 without any remorse on the subject.

It was sort of annoying, to be honest. Juliette wasn’t acting grateful at all. It’s like, ‘Hey, I called in a big favor to get your ass out of the electric chair; so if you didn’t go around telling people I was asexual that’d be pretty nice of you. Bitch.’ Now she was causing trouble and flipping dudes into tables and bringing strange women back to the table. Oh look, meth bitch from earlier had popped back into their lives, which was far too coincidental to be coincidence.

The ‘asexual’ comment made Adrian grumpy mostly because it forced him to remember that he was currently on a bit of a dry spell. Considering he made it his job to stop the sex trade, he couldn’t pay for a hooker without risking losing all moral authority he felt he had, which would devastate him, and the number of clean women in the slums seems to get smaller every year. For a while Adrian had a little thing with a woman who worked as a waitress, but that fell through about four months ago when they realized the only reason they were together was because they both happened to be just a bit better than the usual Class 3 person. Adrian greatly considered looking her back up once he made it home, though. He was beginning to miss even the basic form of female companionship.

Now the cops were on their way because Johan flipped his panic button, which Adrian wasn’t a big fan of. Not that it was that big of a deal, but the detective had become increasingly curious of who this meth girl was, and three cars of cops in riot gear would probably prove to kill any chance of learning anything from her. Juliette wasn’t a big fan of the idea though. It seemed as if her addiction was beating the battle with reason, at the moment.

Putting a table knife up against Johan’s throat was comical though. For one, Adrian knew well enough that Johan had the training and the will to live necessary to beat this girl down like nobody’s business, though he most likely wasn’t feeling threatened enough to even bother. However, Adrian had a sense of loyalty to Johan. Not so much as a leader, but as a power far above anything Adrian could ever hope to be. When Juliette placed a knife up against Johan’s throat, he couldn’t help but think ”That’s my doctor.” Although Adrian didn’t consider Johan to be a leader, if Johan wanted the position he probably could take it quite easily. The guy was charismatic, passionate, skilled, and Class 1 rich. He was already looked at almost as a god when he ventured into Class 3. It was an awakening moment for Adrian to realize that he would follow Johan into war, should the doctor ask.

“Have you ever seen a bank robbery?” Juliette asked Johan.
But it was Adrian who responded, nonchalantly. “No, but I’ve stopped a few. Ever looked down the barrel of a loaded gun?” The gun had come out almost as soon as Juliette had threatened Johan. It was cocked, and Adrian’s finger was resting on the trigger. Even if the chances of Juliette killing or even hurting Johan were slim, Adrian didn’t want to take that chance by remaining passive. Johan was simply too important. Far more important than a gang member who thinks she’s a good person because her gang occasionally feeds a few people. All Johan had to do was nod his head at Adrian and Juliette’s brains would be scattered across the room.

The bar at this point was dead silent, with all eyes on the scene developing and a few people, probably those carrying some type of drug or illegal weapon, leaving out the back at the sound of sirens. The stuttering waiter seemed to also be watching the show, as well as a number of other waiters and waitresses. It’s a good thing Juliette wasn’t armed with a gun, considering the number of hostages she currently had in the room. To Adrian, this was little more than an inconvenience, or at least that’s how he acted. “Now if you’d let the good doctor go, we can go take care of satisfying your addiction. I promised you a fix, didn’t I? For some I can’t seem to comprehend, I’m getting the feeling that you don’t trust me.” Adrian smiled down the barrel of his gun at Juliette.

The setting changes from Trinity to Class 2


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adrian Smith Character Portrait: Juliette de Chateau Character Portrait: Johan Ferin Character Portrait: Amaco (Mac) Mizaki Character Portrait: Alexander Lancaster Character Portrait: Morgan Demara Rizzo
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0.00 INK

Johan simply stared right back into Juliette's beautiful green eyes and gave the same calm smile he always did. Not even a knife at his throat seemed to phase this man, which begged the question. Was he really as soft as everyone thought all the Class 1's where? In fact he didn't give any response to the knife until Adrian pulled his gun. His eyes slide gently over to Adrian to get his attention before shaking his head ever so slightly "Adrian put that away would you. You are scaring folks." He smirked lightly before returning his eyes to Juliette's, allowing her to search his eyes and his face for any sign of deceit. "Dear if I wanted you arrested I would have walked in with the police on my heels and had more waiting at the back entrance. The police are looking for that woman." His eyes flick to the now fleeing Mac. "My intention is to tell them where she is. Now if you would please do yourself a favor and..." Just then the door burst open and six riot police poured through it. With one hand he gently and kindly touched the hand that held the blade to his throat and calmly pressed it away, a gentle nod telling her that it is alright. At the same time he says "My you are a good actor!" His eyes looking directly at Juliette as if she had been trying to distract the run away this whole time. His voice was loud enough for everyone to hear and he sounded quiet convincing. Add onto that her singing skill and obvious beauty and people wouldn't have a hard time believing she was an actor.

With a smooth motion he stood and turned to face the entering police who where moving to him to figure out what the situation was. "Perfect timing we where running out of ways to distract her. The drug addict that escaped the station earlier attacked a man and fled out the back." He pointed toward the kitchen where there was no doubt a back entrance. Though he was lying expertly Juliette's paranoid eyes would notice a slight hesitation as he said it, as well as his eyes drop ever so slightly. He had masked the barely visible tell by turning to point. This meant that before when he was trying to calm her he was telling the truth. He watched as the police split into two groups, one going out the back and the other back out the front to attempt to cut the run away off. With the police off to do their job he knew he had a few things to take care of thanks to le belle's exploits. He turns and approaches the manager to hand him a business card. He then returns to the people he came in with. Looking at Adrian and Juliette saying "I am not completely familiar with these situations, but I believe this is the part where we... how do you say it 'make ourselves scared'?" He smirked lightly as if he though he was using the phrase properly despite his one word slip up. "My car is out front, there is plenty of room and it is much less conspicuous than your usual modes of travel." He looked at both of them when he stated it. Referring both to the hover bike Adrian favored and the board the girl had been shot down while riding.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adrian Smith Character Portrait: Juliette de Chateau Character Portrait: Johan Ferin Character Portrait: Amaco (Mac) Mizaki Character Portrait: Morgan Demara Rizzo Character Portrait: Colby Breckenridge
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Mishie
Morgan was confused, so much was going on. First, who were these people? They didn't seem related in any manner. She liked weird things, she could be the definition of weird to some, but they took that position from her easily. This girl, Juliette, had gone from being nice, sort of, to holding a knife to the guy they called Johan, and now the one called Adrian had pointed a gun at Juliette. So they weren't friends with each other? And now the police were coming?

She looked at Mac now, understanding the cops were after this woman. But if Morgan was found here, her parents would definitely freak out on her for going somewhere and getting into this mess. She let out a surprise yelp when six riot police came in, and she stood up almost immediately, and stared in shock as Johan called out "My you are a good actor!" at Juliette, and the weapons that were showing not too long ago were now concealed from view. Playing it off is smart.. she thought numbly.

She stared even longer at Johan in awe as he spoke to the police and watched the police split off, and she put both her hands on her head, turning in a full circle to see what was going on around her, inside and outside the diner. Stopping to gather her thoughts, she closed her eyes. What the hell... she thought slowly, before reaching a hand down into her pocket, putting some money from the food she had earlier onto the spot where the sat since Juliette had forced the table away when she lunged at Johan.

"This... this is great guys." she spat out, a tone of slight annoyance, but obvious confusion etched over it. "Just how in the world do you plan on walking out of here when there are police left and right, without being questioned?" she directed the comment at Johan, raising an eyebrow. "I'd like to know what your big idea is on that, because I rather not be caught in here myself."