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Zachary Ackerson

"I'm the most sane insane person you're going to meet,"

0 · 706 views · located in GlenDock Paintings

a character in “Trinkets for Dr. Owl”, originally authored by FamishedPants, as played by RolePlayGateway



Zachary is a 23 year old man who gives off a kind and friendly vibe wherever he goes. He has brown hair that in the back, reaches his neck, while the hair in the front is cut to keep out of his eyes. His eyes are brown, oddly complementing his hair in this way. Standing at 5'11 and weighing in at around 175 lbs, this kind young man is also in pretty good shape and has an athletic build on him. His weight in mostly evenly distributed and his muscles aren't too defined, with the exception being his abdoman and down, which is because he uses his legs more than anything.

He is usually seen wearing a smile, and his character only helps reinforce the warmness of the smile. Normally, he is seen wearing a school uniform. However, if he's not wearing that, then he tends to wear long sleeved shirts with jeans in a mixture of colors or whatnot. Zachary is known to be EXTREMELY handsome, and when in school, he'll occasionally get asked out by complete strangers because of this. These woman are of course, rejected as he has developed trust issues do to both of pairs of his parents casting him out and betraying him in their own way.

While he does appear against violence and anything that goes with it, he did take classes on Tae Kwon Do. This was more because his parents insisted heavily, which he now figured was because they were just going to send him off. Thus, he developed a liking to sparring with others who could present him a challenge. That being said, he is fully against meaningless conflict and isn't the one who starts fights, though his inability to deal with bullying or negativity towards woman have gotten him into a couple, though he wouldn't admit this as he does get embarassed by this.


Now, as handsome and kind as he looks.... his 'other' sides have you raising your guard with just his looks. Zachary suffers from D.I.D, and when he switches personalities... his face will show less pleasant emotions.

If he's in his 'asshole' state, his smile appears crooked and corrupt, he himself gives off a malicious air, and his voice deepens just slightly for whatever reason, but this isn't noticeable until you've been around him for a while. His eyes also seem to show hidden, threatening and condescending intent behind them, and these will be what gives him away if not his tone and choice of words.

When he is 'insane', his head is sometimes seen leaning to one side and his eyes dart around the area, as if looking in one place for too long will burn them. His smirk then turns into a disturbing, irratic smile that usually creeps anyone out, and his eyes are usually wide open. This 'change' is instantly noticeable by anyone who looks or hears him.


Zachary, when not 'changed', is what he looks like: A kind, handsome young man. He tends to not harbor any hatred towards anyone or anything, and is a fun person to be around. While his looks suggest him to be a playboy, and the constant girls asking him out would bolster this look, he tends to be extremely shy in towards that exact subject. He actually has never dated, and has a stance against dating just because of looks. Most people would agree that he likes to joke a bit more than the average person, and he would too. But, he can switch tones in an instant and get completely serious if the situation warrants it.

Now Zachary when 'changed' is... complicated. As his odd smirk suggests, there is something wrong with him. If you wanted to get technical, there are actually three Zacharies in one body. He will either change into a cold, ruthless and asshole person who does his best to make an enemy out of anyone and everyone. Or, he'll turn outright insane.

When he's insane, his eyes shoot about in many different directions, he mumbles to himself constantly, and he apparently has the urge to kill everyone, though he has yet to do so. His speech and tone are tremendously different from his real self or even his other personality. It's preferable not to speak to him when he's like this, as he usually spouts complete nonsense and laughs crazily. "NEEYAHAHAHAH!"

In his 'Asshole' personality, he is just that: An Asshole. Well, he's also a bit on the bad side and won't hesitate to cause someone trouble nor pain. Regretfully, his Tae Kwon Do training has been used in a negative way in a few occasions. However, he doesn't completely go against character, and still manages to only engage those with who he can evoke a threatening response from (He won't fight people who won't fight back or can't fight back)

+Tae Kwon Do
+Fighting for fun (Sparring)
+Rock, Metal and Country music.

=Serious Arguing
=Rap and hip hop music.
=Causing unintended harm.

-Disrespect towards females and children
-Talking about his childhood or the incident
-Justin Bieber
-Lady Gaga
-Serious fighting

Fears (in order of seriousness):
XDeath of a friend or loved one
XHurting someone seriously on accident
XNightmares about his parents and the incident

Almost Easy by Avenged Sevenfold

Although Zach will befriend people quiet easily, he had developed trust issues and cannot bring himself to date in order to protect himself. He is also depressed, due to the stress and betrayal of trust that occurred, but he keeps a happy face nonetheless so that he doesn't bother others with it.


Zach has with him most of the time, medication. His diagnosis of DID was shown to be so severe that the meds actually don't do much, but any help was good enough to him. He needs to take it at least thrice a day, and if he feels like he's about to have an episode. However, since the episodes tend to happen instantly, he doesn't usually have time to take it.

He also always carries around his MP3, which is filled to the brim with metal, rock and country music. Most of the time he is by himself on a walk or something, he can be seen singing to whatever song is playing.

His Cell Phone is on his person at all times as well, as it should be. He sees no use in the thing if it isn't around to be used, so anyone calling him should usually get him on the other end.


Even though his parents showed complete disgust at him and his siblings, Zach actually grew up loving them tremendously. He was born a year before Lorelei, making him the second youngest out of the group. When he was nine, and his mother killed his father, he snapped mentally. For whatever reason, probably due to his inability comprehend that his parents could hate him or themselves for that matter. Thus, the kid was doomed to grow up sharing a body. His mental illness didn't show up until he was fifteen, actually, and by that point he had gotten in with a family and seperated from the rest of his siblings.

When he started showing signs of his alternate personalities, his new parents were surprised, to say the least. This kind, young boy was now acting completely his opposite. Originally, they thought he was just going through a phase, but after seeing the switches happen almost instantly, they went to get help. They found his disorder, and after a while, they themselves had developed a hatred towards the boy, that surfaced when they gave him the boot the day after his eighteenth birthday. Sadly, this also came to a shock to him, and he then developed his third, insane personality.

Since he was old enough to take care of himself, he managed to get an apartment and a job, the boss of said job being a friend of his, so when he 'changed', the man understood. Zach isn't the brightest person in the world, and nobody would call him a genius, but to say he's stupid or an idiot would be a complete underestimation of his abilities. His real strength is in his physical abilites, which are bolstered by constant working out and training.

If you don't like this... tell me what's wrong and I'll edit it. BUT DO NOT REJECT! HOLY BALLS THIS TOOK FOREVER!

So begins...

Zachary Ackerson's Story

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Character Portrait: Dr. Owl Character Portrait: Zachary Ackerson
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Honestly, Zach wasn't sure what he meant by missions that consisted of ideas that were difficult to grasp. Ironically, the idea of a hard idea was kinda hard to grasp in itself, really. However, he found himself more focused on what Dr.Owl said next.

" you know about other dimensions?"

He paused his thoughts. "What?..... I've heard some theories, yeah..." he spoke curiously. "I'm not sure what this has to do with anything....." he sighed in confusion.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dr. Owl Character Portrait: Zachary Ackerson
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Wednesday 6:33 PM

"It concerns the fact that I am not from here, but from GlenDock. A dimension aside from the one you live on. Since yesterday, all who have helped me have traveled there twice and know that I speak the truth. You must accept this. Now."

Owl gestured to the paintings around him.

"These transport you to GlenDock and the group has been retrieving Trinkets for me and it's imperative that I receive them all soon. Will you help? I have already divulged much information to you and despite your condition I'm sure you would be an asset. You have a good head, even if it is split three ways."

Narrowing his eyes, Owl adjusted his glasses.

"You have a strange facial structure."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dr. Owl Character Portrait: Zachary Ackerson
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As if all this passed through him, he nodded."Sure, I'll help," he spoke, he didn't show any signs of sarcasm nor confusion anymore. He glanced over the doctor, looking completely fine and smiled. "I don't necessarily believe you, for obvious reasons, but... Lorelei's helping you... so I guess I must. That being said... You have my permission to knock my other selves out if they emerge," he explained.

"...and what is weird about my facial structure?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dr. Owl Character Portrait: Zachary Ackerson
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0.00 INK

Wednesday 6:34 PM

Owl waved a hand and focused on a painting instead of answering, a scene of a snow covered forest greeting him. Yes, the journey would be longer for the group this time. And probably the most dangerous. He needed everyone there. But only Zachary was.

"Zachary," he addressed him, eyes still on the painting. "I must know...What is the number?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dr. Owl Character Portrait: Zachary Ackerson
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Oddly, he had some clue as to what the doctor was asking, but just to make sure, he spoke up.

"Number? Of what?" he asked, his eyes scanning the various paintings in the room as he did. He gritted his teeth, knowing what the question would be....

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dr. Owl Character Portrait: Zachary Ackerson
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Wednesday 6:35 PM

Owl turned to look at him, sliding his glasses off of his nose and sighing. He wiped off the lenses on his Halloween costume lab coat and then placed his glasses back on his face, hands behind his back. He stared at Zachary, eyelids drooping a little as if disinterested with the boy.

" the number?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dr. Owl Character Portrait: Zachary Ackerson
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"Eh? 24?" he answered at random.

He wasn't sure at all what he was asking, until he clarified, and the one question he suspected the doctor would be asking was knowledge he already knew, so that wasn't making much sense, now that he thought about it.

((I couldn't dare possibly read all the way up... XD Ok, I'll just steal the answer and hope it doesn't make him mad))

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dr. Owl Character Portrait: Zachary Ackerson
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(Lol its not really about which number you choose...he's crazy, its crazy logic...that makes sense...)

Wednesday 6:36 PM

Owl squinted, but nodded. "All right," he allowed, focusing back on the paintings. "You'll need to work on that, but you're fine for now."

He clapped his hands and then spun around, a thought striking him. Nineteen...yes that was it...the equation. In his mind, the numbers zoomed back and forth so much, solving themselves...

Pressing two fingers to his temple, Owl winced. His brain needed to calm down. His headache was worsening.

"We need the others," he finally said. "Prepping one person won't do at all."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dr. Owl Character Portrait: Zachary Ackerson
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(Ah, I guess the other Zach would fit right in... sort of,0

"I can't help but to feel like my other self would have answered more towards your preference..." he sighed. Shaking his head of the thought, he picked up Dr.Owl rubbing his head, something he often did when he had headaches. Well, he was sure mostly everyone did that... in any case, he figured the doc had a headache of the sort.

"We need the others. Prepping one person won't do at all,"

"I'm assuming you want us to gather?..." he said. "I think you should get someone else... I mean, I'm a stranger to everyone, really, so I doubt they'd listen to me,"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dr. Owl Character Portrait: Zachary Ackerson
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0.00 INK

Wednesday 6:37 PM

"Lorelei is with Ryan. They should be back soon. Or they better."

Owl turned to the stairs, as if expecting them all to return right then on cue. But of course that was asking too much from them.

"You yourself to food...I suppose."

He gestured to the stairs as if that was all the direction needed to the kitchen.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ryan Huntington Character Portrait: Lorelei (Rory) Gwen Character Portrait: Zachary Ackerson
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0.00 INK

Ryan was not really in the mood to get up. It seemed the world just didnt want to give him any quiet time. He sighed softly and took Rorys hand. He pulled himsef off of the steps and stretched his arms a bit. "You're driving" he stated and started walking for the car. He the realized that was a bit rude... His manners were starting to give way. He had too much on his mind to think abotu being curteous. but all the same, Rory was oneof the only people here he thougt he could trust. Hedidnt want her to hate him "I dont know where I'm going" he clarified.

The two got in Rorys car and left the driveway. Ryan was contemplating mny things in the passenger seat, but one subject came up that he had forgotten. "Rory, what happened with that kid that crased his bike earlier?" he hadnt been inside the house, so he wasnt sure what was going on with him.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zachary Ackerson Character Portrait: Hayley Johnson
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0.00 INK

Hayley listened quietly from outside the attic as Owl talked to the new guy. The same shit he had said to them; you know ‘what’s the number’ shit. She was surprised when the guy answered 24 for though, is almost sounded like he had some logical way of working that out, it didn’t make sense. Of course she had forgotten that he gave the same answer Ryan had earlier.

She hid behind the door as Owl left the guy alone in the attic. Breathing deeply she ignored the memory of him crazy screaming at her and willed her feet to move into the room. I he was going to be part of the troop now she was going to at least try to be friendly with him. He didn’t seem like that crazy person right now. “Umm, hi,” Hayley said awkwardly not sure if he had seen her enter the room or not. “So I guess your going to be part of the painting hopping crew?” Hayley said trying to make the conversation she felt was smothered in darkness lighter. Though failing as nervous, awkward laugh came out rather than the carefree on she was intending. Awkwardly shuffling her feet, she decided to there was nothing that could make the conversation more awkward. Touch wood of course. This was actually the worst idea she had ever made, she thought to herself.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zachary Ackerson Character Portrait: Hayley Johnson
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Zach turned to face the girl who appeared as if from nowhere. He smiled warmly and spoke in a similar tone. "Oh yeah... I guess. I er... not completely sure what he was talking about, but I guess I'll find out, won't I?" he asked as his eyes finally noticed her nervousness. "Oh err....." he sighed, realizing why she might be. "Did I..." he paused and corrected himself, frowning. "Did he, and by he I mean my other self hurt you...?" he asked sincerely.

"I'm terribly sorry if I did..."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zachary Ackerson Character Portrait: Hayley Johnson
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"I'm terribly sorry if I did..."

Hayley mind went blank and after a few minutes she managed to get out one small sentence. “You don’t remember?” She looked at him quizzically, almost embarrassed. The one thing that she couldn’t get out of her mind, he didn’t even remember. She was about to pretend nothing was wrong, her mind making up millions of excuses to throw him off. Then her mind finally clicked though, “Other self...?” Hayley tried a few times to from a sentence but had no idea how to start it; she was completely lost in this conversation. After she had opened and closed her mouth a few times, doing her great impression of a fish she stopped. Closing her eyes and taking a deep breathe she took a moment before looking at him again. “What on earth are you talking about?” she said in the most serious voice she could manage despite how completely ridiculous this situation was getting.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zachary Ackerson Character Portrait: Hayley Johnson
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"Other self... What on Eart are you talking about?"

Zach formed a troubled look on his face. He wasn't normally known to tell people his illness, much less multiple people in one day. He disliked even thinking about it, but it couldn't be helped. I mean, if they were going to be doing work together, he'd have to make sure everyone knew what was happening in case of another episode. "Oh er...." he inhaled deeply and exhaled just the same. "I have D.I.D, more commonly known as Split-Personality Disorder," he informed. "Due to trauma that I share with Lo'relei, I developed another me and then later on I was cursed with.... what you saw there," he explained regretfully.

"I'm not really 'there' when my other selves take face, so I do not remember anything," he said. "Again... I'm terribly sorry if I did anything to hurt you,"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zachary Ackerson Character Portrait: Hayley Johnson
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"I have D.I.D, more commonly known as Split-Personality Disorder,"

"Oh," Hayley, feeling appropriately guilty for making the guy share something he didn't want to. It did leave her wondering exactly what was going on between him and Lorelei but she had had already pushed this guy to reveal enough. Then it occurred to her that this guy wouldn't have any idea who she was. "This is awkward then since you don't remember me, I'm Hayley." She said with a smile and a small wave, laughing slightly.

"Also don't worry about it, you didn't do anything at all" she lied. Hayley was never adverse to lying, hey, most the time it worked out just fine. Likewise, in this situation she didn't want this guy to feel bad about something he didn't even do. She looked up at him and flashed him a small smile hoping he didn't see through her lie.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zachary Ackerson Character Portrait: Hayley Johnson
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"Then I'm glad," he smiled his signature warm smile, oblivious to the lie. How he could go from an insane wreck that scared whoever glanced at his crooked, cold smile to the way he is now: a perfect, warm smile that probably bolstered everyone else's disposition positively was probably surprising. Nonetheless, he could and did.

He kept his eyes on her while also keeping a smile too. "Allow me to properly introduce myself then," he said. "I am Zachary Ackerson, Lo'relei's older brother," he said. "And..." he began. "...I'm still not completely sure what I'm doing to help, but I'll make sure to try hard,"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zachary Ackerson Character Portrait: Hayley Johnson
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The guy smiled a warm smile towards her and it felt wrong. Hayley didn’t like the idea that the same person who was had such twisted smile before was now smiling so warmly. She tried to bury that thought though, telling herself over and over they the two weren’t the same person. Hayley couldn’t help it though, she was never a very strong willed person or a trusting one. "I am Zachary Ackerson, Lo'relei's older brother,” he said.

“Brother?” Hayley asked surprized, she was thinking something completely different. Though at least now she was glad she hadn’t said anything to Rory earlier. “Oh right, and nice to met you I guess,” Hayley tacked on the end in a rushed and bored manner.

"...I'm still not completely sure what I'm doing to help, but I'll make sure to try hard," Hayley had to bit her cheek to stop from laughing. Trying hard? Is that what they were supposed to be doing.

“Don’t even worry about it Zach, no one really knows what we’re doing. Honestly I don’t even think The Doc knows, all we pretty much do is run around like headless chickens,” Hayley replied already deciding that calling him Zachary would be too much of a pain. “Also don’t worry about trying hard all the time, you’ll know when to give it your all.” Like when monster are chasing you down for dinner, Hayley said to herself, finishing what she was going to say mentally. She didn’t want to scare this guy off too soon.

“Hey, besides your already doing better than me.” Hayley said before explaining what she meant. “You got that number question right, now tell me, how did you do that?” At this point she was grinning like a cheshire cat, The Doc’s questions had been irritating her to no end.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zachary Ackerson Character Portrait: Hayley Johnson
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Zachary turned over everything she told him in his head. Just like most people probably, he didn't like being left in the dark about things. However, she just informed him that they were all unsure of what they were even doing, so he must assume that he'd not be as big a liability as he originally thought. That made him feel that much better about being here.

“You got that number question right, now tell me, how did you do that?”

He gave a light, sheepish laugh before he answered her. "Well, I must admit... I can 'speak' to my other selves," he said. "It may sound weird and stuff, but I hear myself tell me things, which I've learned to ignore for the most part, as you may be able to tell. I'm not mumbling to myself or anything, so there's your proof," he sighed. "But I digress..... When Dr.Owl asked me that, the crazy half of myself mumbled something incoherant before saying that number and I didn't really have any answer of my own, so I took that one," he gave a mildly strained smile. "Guess they think alike?" he threw it out there.

"So in other words, my crazy half kinda came up with the answer," he clarified. In an effort to change the subject for whoever's sake, he spoke again. "So what's this about another dimension? I know you said you guys are in the dark, but you must know a bit more, right?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zachary Ackerson Character Portrait: Hayley Johnson
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He looked uncomfortable talking about his other self and while Hayley felt bad she couldn't help but burst out laughing. "Umm, I'm not surprised that this crazy guy thinks like the Doc." She said through her laughter. Of course The Doc was crazy, it made sense that he had the same thinking as a actual nutter.

After she controlled her laughter he continued. "So what's this about another dimension? I know you said you guys are in the dark, but you must know a bit more, right?" She half smiled at him for a moment thinking about it. Sure she could tell him more, but she didn't exactly know a whole story, only parts. Likewise they had gone in knowing nothing he should have the same privilege. Sighing heavily though she realized she couldn't just not tell him.

"Okay well, sorry if this doesn't exactly make sense seeming as no one ever tells you anything you just kind of pick shit up as you go along. Basically The Doc is from the alternate dimension called Glendock, though he was banished from there, I think. Glendock is a bad situation I guess. There's this bad guy...Don't really remember his name, anyway The Doc had some invention that was going to save Glendock. Then something happened, I think and now were like collecting these trinkets so he can fix this invention." Hayley said trying to recall everything she knew.

"That's where these paintings come into it, umm, they are kind of like portals. We go into them and then we like come out in Glendock, but here's where it gets weird. We come out at like different time periods. Yeah that's about it. Oh, and the trinkets are always up high or something like that, I think the others know more though. I'm not the best listener, or the best when it comes to memory." Hayley continued, finally glad her speil thing was over. That was hard, and it made her realize how little she actually knew. "Any Questions?"
